State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RICK SNYDER MAURA D. CORRIGAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR September 10, 2013 Michelle Howard-Brahaney Monroe County Intermediate School District 1101 S. Raisinville Rd. Monroe, MI 48161 RE: Application #: DC580343452 Head Start- Jefferson Early Childhood Center 1960 Hurd Rd. Elementary Monroe, MI 48162 Dear Mrs. Howard-Brahaney: Attached is the Original Licensing Study Report for the above referenced facility. The study has determined substantial compliance with applicable licensing statutes and rules. Therefore, a provisional license with a maximum capacity of 40 is issued. Please review the attached documentation for accuracy and feel free to contact me with any questions. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact the local office at (313) 456-0380. Per MCL 722.113g, this report must be filed in your Licensing Notebook. Sincerely, Jacquelin Windham, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing Cadillac Pl. Ste 11-350 3026 W. Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 938-6526 enclosure P.O. BOX 30650 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8150 • (517) 335-6124 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING LICENSING STUDY REPORT I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: DC580343452 Licensee Name: Monroe County Intermediate School District Licensee Address: 1101 S. Raisinville Rd Monroe, MI 48161 Licensee Telephone #: (734) 242-5799 Licensee/Designee: Michelle Howard-Brahaney, Designee Name of Facility: Head Start- Jefferson Early Childhood Center Facility Address: 1960 Hurd Rd. Elementary Monroe, MI 48162 Facility Telephone #: (419) 250-9560 Application Date: 06/30/2013 Capacity: 40 Program Type: CHILD CARE CENTER 1 II. III. METHODOLOGY 06/30/2013 On-Line Enrollment 08/14/2013 Comment 08/14/2013 Inspection Completed On-site 08/23/2013 Inspection Completed-Env. Health : A 08/28/2013 Contact - Telephone call made 09/04/2013 Inspection Completed- Fire Safety: A 09/10/2013 Inspection Completed- BCAL Full Compliance DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS A. Description of Facility Jefferson Early Childhood Center Head Start is a free-standing building located in the city of Monroe near the intersection of Hurd Road. Approved space (room numbers, sizes, capacity and ages of children for which each room/well-defined space is approved, etc.): Rooms 21, 22 and the Gym have been approved for child care. All rooms have been inspected and approved by the Department of Environmental Health and the Bureau of Fire Services. The Gym measures 70’ x 40’ which is 2,800 square feet. This number is not included in the total capacity. Each classroom independently measures 30’ x 25’ which is approximately 750 square feet and can accommodate 21children each based on the 35 square feet per child rule. The facility will use each room for 20 preschool children between 3 and 4 years of age. Equipment: Jefferson Early Childhood Center Head Start has sufficient amounts of developmentally appropriate equipment to accommodate the requested capacity of 40. Number of sinks and toilets: The facility has five sinks and five toilets for children’s use. This supports the center’s capacity. Outdoor play area - location, fenced or not, water hazards: The outdoor play area is fenced and adjacent to the building. It has no water hazards. Documentation if a lead assessment was required and the results: 2 A lead risk assessment was completed on August 6, 2013 and August 19, 2013 by Nova Environmental. There are no lead risk issues. Documentation of playground safety: In June 2013, a playground inspection was completed by SET SEG (9222-0914). All equipment meets the guidelines of the 1997 edition of the Handbook for Public Playground Safety. Program Description Ages of children served: The Jefferson Early Childhood Center Head Start will service children from 3 to 5 years of age. Proposed days and hours of operation: Child care services are offered from 08:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Full or part time (AM or PM sessions or both): AM and PM sessions are offered. Other program components - transportation, swimming, food service: The facility will provide transportation, all meals and snacks. There is an approved health inspection on file. There is no swimming component. Name of program director and under what rule the program director is qualified. Document how the center meets the administrative requirement if a variance was granted. The approved program director is Kristin Shappee. Mrs. Shappee was approved by the department in July 2009 under R 400.5103(3)(c). She has an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. All required clearances, CPR, First Aid and Blood-borne pathogens training is current and on file with the department. Explanation of variance(s), if any: On September 4, 2013, a variance was granted for R. 400.5103(4) Program director qualifications and responsibilities. Mrs. Shappee does not meet the rule requirements of 3 ceu’s or 2 semester hours in child care administration. Mrs. Nicole VanDaele meets the rule requirements and therefore will be responsible for administrative duties. The variance is only in effect while Mrs. VanDaele is employed with Monroe County Intermediate School District. 3 B. Rule/Statutory Violations There are no rule or statutory violations. IV. RECOMMENDATION I recommend issuance of a provisional approval to this child care facility. September 10, 2013 ________________________________________ Jacquelin Windham Date Licensing Consultant Approved By: September 10, 2013 ________________________________________ Rose A. Rafferty-Aguirre Date Area Manager 4
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