State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RICK SNYDER MAURA D. CORRIGAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR February 22, 2013 Deborah Dixon St Thecla Church 20762 S Nunneley Rd Clinton Twp, MI 48038 RE: License #: DC500081819 St Thecla Preschool and Extend Day School Prog 20762 S Nunneley Rd Clinton Twp, MI 48038 Dear Ms. Dixon: Your Child Care Center license is renewed. It is valid only at your present address and is nontransferable. If you move, please notify us at least 30 days in advance. You will be receiving the license in the mail. Please review it for accuracy. Attached is the Licensing Study Report for the above referenced facility. The study has determined substantial compliance with applicable licensing statutes and rules. You have submitted an acceptable written corrective action plan covering the violations cited in the report. Therefore, your license is renewed. The school-age portion of your program continues to be exempt from licensing inspections pursuant to MCL 722.111(2). The Annual Documentation of Compliance form you submitted confirmed your ongoing compliance with the requirements of the Child Care Organizations Act (1973 PA 116), the child care center rules and the terms of your license for the school-age portion of your program. Please be reminded that you are required to submit the Annual Documentation of Compliance form for the school-age portion of your program every year to demonstrate continued adherence to the requirements of 1973 PA 116, the child care center rules and the terms of your license. A reminder letter will be sent to you. P.O. BOX 30650 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8150 • (517) 335-6124 Please feel free to contact me with any questions. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact the local office at (586) 228-2093. Per MCL 722.113g, this report and any related corrective action plans must be filed in your Licensing Notebook. Sincerely, Juanita G. Velasquez, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing 39531 Garfield Clinton Township, MI 48038 (586) 256-2044 Enclosure 1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RENEWAL INSPECTION REPORT I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: DC500081819 Licensee Name: St Thecla Church Licensee Address: 20762 S Nunneley Rd Clinton Twp, MI 48038 Licensee Telephone #: (586)791-3930 Administrator/Licensee Designee: Deborah Dixon, Designee Name of Facility: St Thecla Preschool and Extend Day School Prog Facility Address: 20762 S Nunneley Rd Clinton Twp, MI 48038 Facility Telephone #: (586) 791-3930 Original Issuance Date: 08/26/1998 Capacity: 70 Age Range: Ages 2 years 6 months Thru 14 years Program Components: PRESCHOOL SCHOOL AGE-EXEMPT 1 II. METHODS OF INSPECTION Date of On-Site Inspection(s): 02/21/2013 Date of Environmental/Health Inspection: N/A Date of Fire Safety Inspection: School exempt building No. of Records Reviewed 48 15 4 4 0 0 39 4 0 39 No. of children enrolled in care No. of staff employed No. of volunteers No. of children present at time of inspection No. of staff present at time of inspection No. of volunteers present at time of inspection No. of children interviewed/observed Persons Interviewed: Licensee/Licensee Designee Program Director Care giving staff Approved Child Use Space: Preschool rooms 1 and 2, gym, activity center Approved Program Director: Sherine Katba (preschool), Donna Dixon (school age child care) Approved Variances - Yes. If yes, Explain School age progarm exempt from inspection. DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS This renewal inspection involved a review of all applicable child care center administrative rules and statutes. Verification of compliance included direct observations of the physical environment and the program, discussions with staff, and a review of the center’s records, including staff records and children’s records. Staff records include background checks, medical clearance information, and training information. Children’s records include child information cards, physical examination dates, and immunizations. During the inspection, the center was found to be in compliance with all applicable rules and statutes except for the following violations: R 400.5113b Medication; administrative procedures. (4) Prescription medication shall have the pharmacy label indicating the physician’s name, child’s name, instructions, and 2 name and strength of the medication and shall be given according to those instructions. A child’s epi-pen did not have the pharmacy label with the required information. R 400.5850 Electrical service. (5) All electrical outlets in child use areas for children who are not yet school-age shall be made inaccessible to children. The electrical outlets in the gym were not covered and were easily accessible to preschool children. R 400.5902c Food preparation. (2) Guidelines for hand washing shall be posted in food preparation areas and toilet rooms. Guidelines for hand washing were not posted in the toilet rooms used by children in care. R 400.5925 Toilets; handwashing sinks. (4) Handwashing sinks shall have warm running water and be accessible to children. Both of the following apply: (a) Water temperature shall not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot water faucets were turned off in the preschool classrooms and in a bathroom sink. The water temperatures at bathroom sinks used by children in care were at 130 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. A corrective action plan was requested and approved on 02/21/2013. It is expected that the corrective action plan be implemented within the specified time frames as outlined in the approved plan. A follow-up evaluation may be made to verify compliance. Should the corrections not be implemented in the specified time, it may be necessary to reevaluate the status of your license. 3 III. RECOMMENDATION I recommend issuance of a regular license to this child care center. 02/22/13 ________________________________________ Juanita G. Velasquez Date Licensing Consultant 4
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