Document 60435

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Rev. Robert Fox
Rev. Mr. Edward
Rev. Arnel
Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Savio
Retired priest in
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 17, 2014
1401 CY Avenue, Casper, WY 82604
Church Office
Religious Education
Music Ministry, Caring Ministry
Marriage Preparation Classes
St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School 234-2873
Daily Mass: 9:00 AM Monday—Friday
Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 8:30 AM Mon.—Fri.
Saturday Mass of Anticipation: 5:30 PM Saturday
Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, & 11:30 AM
Reconciliation: 3:30-5:00 PM Saturday or by appointment
First Saturday of each Month: 9:00 AM Mass
Holy Days: Masses at 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM unless indicated
Mass Intentions
Scripture Readings
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun. 8-17: Is 56:1,6-7 Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8 Rom 11:13-15,29-32 Mt 15:21-28
Sat. 8-16
Sun. 8-17
Mon. 8-18: Ez 24:15-24 (Ps) Dt 32:18-21 Mt 19:16-22
Tues. 8-19: Ez 28:1-10 (Ps) Dt 32:26-28,30,35c-36b Mt 19:23-30
Wed. 8-20: Ez 34:1-11 Ps 23:1-6 Mt 20:1-16
Thurs. 8-21: Ez 36:23-28 Ps 51:12-15,18-19 Mt 22:1-14
Fri. 8-22: Ez 37:1-14 Ps 107:2-9 Mt 22:34-40
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun. 8-24: Is 22:19-23 Ps 138:1-3,6-8 Rom 11:33-36 Mt 16:13-20
5:30 PM—Paul Pedry
8:30 AM—The Poor
10:00 AM—The Parish
11:30 AM—+Fabiola Maiorana
Mon. 8-18
Tues. 8-19
Wed. 8-20
Thurs. 8-21
Fri. 8-22
9:00 AM—Jim Klebba
9:00 AM—Karles Klebba
9:00 AM—+Eileen Byron
9:00 AM—+Greg Wilkinson
9:00 AM—Bob & Leann Brechtel
Sat. 8-23
Sun. 8-24
5:30 PM—+Judy Gallagher
8:30 AM—The Parish
10:00 AM—+Eileen Byron
11:30 AM—The Poor
As a Catholic Christian Community we bring forth these guidelines regarding the Sacrament of infant Baptism. Since this is a sacrament
of initiation (introduction) to the Catholic Community the following must take place:
*The parents must be registered at Our Lady of Fatima, and be consistently seen attending Mass in this church.
*If this is the first child, parent (s) must attend a Baptismal Preparation class.
*Godparents must be Baptized, Confirmed, and practicing Catholics. One Godparent can be of a Protestant denomination. If for good reason Godparents are from out of town, or another Catholic church in town, a letter from their pastor is required to state they are practicing members in
good standing.
*A visitation with the priest or deacon is necessary before scheduling a date for the Baptism of the child.
*Those not registered in our parish must have written permission from their pastor to have their child Baptized in our church.
August 22-24, 2014
Location: Table in the Wilderness Ministries
(near Centennial, WY)
Speaker, Deacon Vernon Dobelmann
We are also honored to be joined by Bishop Paul
Etienne, who will be celebrating Mass with us on
Friday night! The cost for the retreat is $165. For
more information and to register, visit the website or
call Tom McCarthy at
Marriage Preparation Ministry
Enrichment and Training Session
Twentieth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 17, 2014
September 7-9 at Parkway Plaza
Featured speaker: Donna Cori Gibson
Registration forms are at the entrances of the
church and in the church office.
More volunteers are needed for the Funeral Dinner
Ministry…..setting up,
baking, serving, and cleaning up. Call Kay Jones at
234-6234, or Ferne
Freiberg at 234-8116 for
more information, or to help
out in this ministry.
Fall is just around the corner! The first meeting for
Our Lady of Fatima CCW Board Members will be
Thursday, September 4, after the 9:00 AM Mass at
Linda Hoffman’s house. Her address is 4735 E.
Magnolia. Call her at 265-4775 if you have any
Presenter: Bill Donaghy from the Theology of the
Body Institute
Dates: September 12 & 13
Location: St. Anthony’s O’Reilly Hall
Cost: Free
Did you know that all couples who are to be married
in the Catholic Church go through discernment sessions, which teach our core beliefs on the beauty
and sanctity of a Catholic marriage? As a committed
married couple, have you considered what gifts you
could bring to this ministry as prayer support, furnishing a lunch during the couples’ day-long sessions, or becoming a presenting couple for one of
the sessions? Please contact Damon and Sarah
Green, 267-6142 or 258-6955, to get more information or to register for the event.
Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i)
helps couples through difficult times in their
marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to
help get your marriage back on track. It will give
you the opportunity to rediscover each other and
examine your lives together in a new and positive
way. This program has helped many couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including
disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential
information, or to register for the September program, which begins with a weekend on September
19-21, 2014, call (303)317-5111 or email:
Or visit the website
Please call the parish office, 265-5586, to remove names
from our prayer list of individuals who are now well.
It is time to register for the 2014-2015 Religious
Thank you to those who keep us updated on their loved
Education school year. Look for the bright blue
ones’ progress.
forms at any church entrance. Our religious educa-
LET US PRAY for………
Ava Davis, Ben Doyle, Louise Burgess,
Dale Lewallen, Lloyd Stevens, Kim Martin, John Van Heule, Skeeter Kelly,
Leann Brechtel, Bill Douglass, Bill Brauer, Andrew Muli, Elma Pottoroff, Jim
Klebba, Ann Lund, Con Murphy, Sally Neubauer, Agnes Hand, Sue Stewart, Jerry Hand, Shirley Hansen,
Isabelle Besserud, Pat Norcross, Bob Springer, Deanna
Schaff, Eileen Mosher, Robert Hool, Sarah Dahill, Patty Jo Glynn
Please call Evie Hankins at 235-2171, Mary Garcia at
234-0494, or Margie Valdez, 265-4253
Latest winner in the Knights of Columbus Council
9917 4th Annual Gun-A-Week Raffle is: #4976
Keith Thomassen of Kaysville UT.
If you are interested in a part time cleaning position, call Fr. Fox at 265-5586.
La voz de Cristo
Grupo Carismatico te invita a compartir
la palabra de Dios.
Iglesia Nuestra Senora de Fatima
Fatima Hall
Mondays 7:00-8:00 PM
Para mas informacion llamar a
Jorge y Leticia Trevizo, 307-277-7739,
Carlos Gonzalez, 903-279-6599
Tema: Catolico Regresa a Casa
Septiembre 19-21
Iglesia Catolica de San Mateo
Gillette, WY
Para registrarse llamar al teléfono 307-682-3319
ext. 102 por favor deja to nombre y numero de
Our Lady of Fatima Music Ministry
Choir practice is Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in
the church. Call or email Mary at 2655586,
for questions.
tion program begins for ages Kindergarten through
adult on Wednesday, September 10th with Mass at
5:30 PM followed by dinner at 6:00, and classes
from 6:30-7:30 PM. Youth Group, for grades 9-12,
will meet at the same time. Child care is available
for those under age 5.
Return your forms to either the Religious Education
office or the main church office. Call Carol at 4732076 for more information.
You may also register your children online by going
to or by going to Our
Lady of Fatima website
and clicking on the link for Religious Education Registration.
(Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults)
Perhaps you are married to a
Catholic or have a spouse who is
not Catholic. The R.C.I.A. is a
process to explore the Catholic
Faith, have any and all questions
answered, and finally, make a
free decision whether or not to
become Catholic. RCIA class will
begin at Our Lady of Fatima on
Thursday, September 18. The
classes are held in Deacon Ed’s
office in the Religious Education
Building on Thursday evenings
from 7 to 8:30 PM. RCIA is now
the normal course of instruction
for those who wish to know more about the
faith or to return to the practice of the faith if
one is not Confirmed and has been away from
the faith for a long time. Registration can be
done by calling the parish office at 265-5586,
or Deacon Ed at 267-7217.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Holiday Inn, Cody WY
St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School
1145 W. 20th St. Casper, WY
Save the date for the
The 2014 Joy Breakfast honoree
is Margo Bean. The Joy Breakfast will be held on Thursday,
September 18, beginning at 7:00
AM in the school Commons. Remember that spots fill
up fast, so please call the school today, 307-234-2873,
and reserve your place at the breakfast.
———————————St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School was established
in 1927 to provide students with a Christ-centered outlook on life. We serve students in grades Pre-school
through 8th with a strong emphasis on high academics,
spiritual growth, and service to others. Our new building has many components in place to assure the safety
of our students, and our teachers are amazing! We are
accepting applications for the 2014-15 school year. We
offer a generous tuition assistance program. Call our
office, 307-234-2873, for more information.
“Make the Spirit a Habit”
— A women’s weekend of life changing joy! —
Friday, September 19 from 7:00-9:00 PM
Saturday, September 20 from 8:30 AM-8:30 PM
St. Patrick’s Gym. Meals will be provided.
Contact Patty Spaulding to RSVP or for questions.
“O woman, great is
your faith! Let it be
done for you as you
wish.” We only need to call on Jesus to help us
have the best Sacrament of Marriage or Holy Orders. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend which will be at the Ranch at UCross on
November 7-9, 2014. Contact Tom and Mary
Frances at 307-577-7456 or Check out their website
The Religious Goods Store is closed for the summer. Call Bernie at 265-4436 for questions.
Living and Giving in Christ:
Unity through Diocesan Ministries
As of August 11, 2014, 37 % of the registered families
at Our Lady of Fatima Parish have given to Living and
Giving in Christ: Unity through Diocesan Ministries.
If you have not donated, envelopes are available at the
entrances of the church. In order that your contribution is applied toward our parish’s goal, please note
“Our Lady of Fatima Parish” on your envelope.
The Secular Order Discalced Carmelites are men
and women in the Catholic Church who are called to
a deeper spiritual life. Under the protection of Our
Lady of Mount Carmel we make a commitment to
seek God for the church and for the world through
prayer, to find him and share him with others. Secular Order Discalced Carmelites are married or single, from all walks of life, and every type of work.
A new aspirant’s class begins this September. This
is an introduction time to the Carmelite Seculars.
For further information on this exciting vocation
contact Betsy Vigneri, OCDS at 265-1441 or 2628598.
Beginning Experience of Wyoming is a weekend program that offers healing and renewal to divorced, widowed and separated men and women. It is a non-profit,
faith-based comprehensive program offered to all persons, regardless of religious preference. A Beginning
Experience weekend offers support and direction to
help resolve grief or anger that can follow the end of a
marriage by divorce, separation or death. There will be
a Beginning Experience weekend in Douglas, WY, on
September 12-14. Cost of the weekend is $150, which
includes sleeping arrangements, meals, and materials.
Scholarships are available. Registration deadline is
September 10. Ask these team members for more information: Curtis at 307-463-2677, Diane at 307-2624142, Pauletta at 307-237-5472, Rick at 307-265-3201.
Hour needing covered for Eucharistic Adoration at
St. Patrick’s Church: Fridays from 3:00 AM to 4:00
AM. Call Johnnie Dean at 265-6999 for questions.