THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 69 Valley St., Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Website: ♦ PASTORAL STAFF CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Rev. John J. Korbelak, Pastor Rev. Jerzy Pikulinski (George) Deacon Albert Ganter, RCIA Deacon Jack Gray, Baptism & Human Concerns Catherine A. Wollyung, Faith Formation Sr. Mary McFarland, O.P., Homebound & Seniors Roberto Sabastiani, Director of Music Ministry Margaret Manley, Confirmation Program Assisting Clergy Rev. Thomas J. Norton, Weekend Assistant Rev. Msgr. Philip D. Morris, Pastor Emeritus The Lord’s Day RECTORY/ADMINISTRATION: 201-664-3131 Jennifer Cannon, Business Administrator/Stewardship Naomi Kavanah, Parish Secretary Glen Ford, Superintendent of Building Maintenance Art Dalle Molle, Theresa Henry, Trustees Brenda Laux, Pastoral Council Chair James Farrell, Finance Council Chairman Mark Henni, Ed Addvensky, Stewardship Council Chairmen Edna Lord, “The Spirit” Newsletter Editor PARISH CENTER: One Valley Street 201-666-2707 Offices of Faith Formation Ministries Catherine Wollyung, Director Kathleen Breitenbach, Registrar Debra DiPiazza, Program Asst. Thomas Merton Spiritual Direction Center Mary Musella, Catherine Wollyung, Sr. Gail DeMaria ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY: 460 Hillsdale Ave. 201-664-6364 Elizabeth Viola, M.A.., Principal Connie Nunez, Secretary Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM Weekday Masses Monday and Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM BAPTISMS: Baptism of Infants is normally celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM eleven months of the year. For arrangements and information about Baptismal Preparation of Infants, please contact Deacon Jack Gray 201-664-3131 ext. 128; for older children and adults, please contact Cathy Wollyung at 201-666-2707 ext.217. RECONCILIATION: This sacrament of Christ’s forgiveness is celebrated Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM, and at Interparochial Communal Services during Advent and Lent. MATRIMONY: Couples are urged to begin preparation for marriage immediately after the engagement, but not less than one year previous to the wedding date. Phone the Parish Office at 664-3131 to begin preparation. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: In case of severe illness contact the Parish Office for a priest to visit for the Sacrament of Anointing. Contact Sr. Mary McFarland at 666-2707 ext. 215 to arrange home visitation and communion for those who cannot attend Sunday liturgy. Those anticipating hospitalization for surgery, contact one of the priests for Sacrament of Anointing. Otherwise, contact the Pastoral Care Office at any of our area hospitals for anointing and communion. PARISH REGISTRATION: We invite all new parishioners to register at the Parish Office and to introduce themselves to our parish priests after Mass or at the Parish Office. A Welcome Ministry contact will follow. First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 From the Pastor’s REGULAR Desk SCHEDULE of MASSES on Sunday “ Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.” 8am, 10am and 12pm Saturday, November 29 As the season of Advent begins, we receive a warning from the scriptures that we should be awake and alert! “Alertness” in our society has suffered with the electronic with which we live. No one can deny that our i-phones are a convenience and our giant TV screens a pleasure, but it also seems to be true that they show up a flaw in our constitutions. How many people have you seen crossing the street so involved in their texting or conversations that they don’t look both ways before they enter the traffic? How many times have you spoken to a member of your family who is watching television or texting only to find that they haven’t heard a word you have said? Is this being alert? If we can’t be alert, even to each other, then how much more caution need we be to attend to being alert to God who doesn’t stand before our face! The danger of our world is that we can be so wrapped up in it that we forget that it is THRUOUGH our world that God speaks. We can see the material world, but not beyond it. We understand the text, but not the sub-text, where the real message lies. This isn’t anything new in human history. People have always been distracted by the material world, but it is the work of religion to draw people beyond the surface of things. It is the work of religion to make people more aware, so that they can live their lives at a deeper level. The first job it to catch people’s attention. Faithful members of a family need to sound the alert to the not so faithful to get them to church to hear what God has to say about their lives! 5pm People of the Parish Sunday, November 30 8am Daniel J. Kelly req. Maureen & Mike Donahue 10am People of the Parish 12pm Stella & Vincent Ciuppa req. Matthew & Alyson Ciuppa Monday, December 1 8am Kathleen Carty 8am Raymond Franks req. Gerard Carty Tuesday, December 2 12pm Mary Surette req. Philip W. Krey req. The Cole Family Wednesday, December 3 8am Linda Turpan req. The Delehanty Family 12pm The McDonnell Family req. Peter & Eileen Wynne Thursday, 8am Anna Ganter December 4 req. Deacon Al & Kerry Ganter 12pm Joseph & Margaret Heiser Sr req. Joseph & Sandra Heiser Jr. Friday, December 5 8am Carol & Helen Post req. Jane Green 12pm Lucille Schneider req. Rose O’Shea 8am John L. Higgins Jr req. Kenneth & Ronda Ralph 5pm Lucille Schneider req. Saturday, December 6 The Addvensky Family Sunday, December 7 8am SPECIAL REMEMBRANCES Anna & Francis Madl req. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Delasey 10am Florence & John Lawlor req. The Lawlor Family 12pm Gennaro Russano The Bread & Wine is being donated req. Irene Russano Those who have pre-arranged an intention for a Mass are invited to present the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration. in Memory of John Gleeson at the request of The DePinto Family On the Lord’s Day and Holy Days please inform the usher. 1 Please Remember in Your Prayers STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The Work of Christ at St. John’s is supported by Parishioners who have Embraced the Biblical Ideals of Stewardship Tithing In love and kindness, please pray for: LAST WEEKEND’S DECEASED: Mildred Salisbury STEWARDSHIP COLLECTION SICK: Robert Ettore, John Kuttiyara, Bill Ellis, Mel Conover, Andrew Goodell, Eileen Smyth, Liam Fanning, Eileen Sparano, Carmen Lopez, Donna & Phil Gianfredi, Paul Kearns, Joan Scherrer, Zachary Latteri, Lisa Branch, Josephine Dombrowski, Bruno DeMayo, Peter Grower, Sal Castoria, Jack O’Shea, Jack O’Hara, Danielle Newkirk, Luca Di Lorenzo, George Foley, Christopher Marra, Lubomyr Dumanovsky, Ruta Fiorino, Dominic Guadagno, Louise Arigot, Lynne Bennette, Helen Tursky, Millie Giordano, Stephanie Roche, Anne O’Brien, Jay Sasfai, Alice & Peter Freidrich, John Drozdik Jr., Keith Durie, Ed Vanderhoff, Misty Carrico, Kathleen Sova, John Folker, Sharon Friedrich, Mary Bryne, Carol Weaver, Bill Richardot, Felix Brady, Joe O’Keefe, Samantha Salterelli, Eladio Lopez, Shannon Callagy, Barbara & Marge Sikora, Cole Haynes, Erickson Mino, Mary Musella, Albert Vaccari, Rex & Xander O’Reilly , Alfred Murphy, Regina Winsick, Anthony D’Amico, Richard McAllister, Pat La France, Beth Wajps, Due to the Thanksgiving Day Holiday our weekly collection will be posted in next weeks bulletin. Sunday and Holy Day collections for the current fiscal year have decreased compared to the same period last year. Through November 9 these collections were $235,031 compared to $242,682 last year. That’s a drop of $7,651. We invite parishioners to please increase their weekly collections. Without achieving an increase in annual revenue, the Parish will continue to operate at a deficit. Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of gross income to God. We ask half of this, or 5% for your Parish church. The other 5% goes to your favorite charities. Violet Bauer, Joseph Locashio, Tom McHugh, Marianne Stubbs, Anne Dalle Molle, Zachary Ziegelhofer, The service provided to our parish by Faith Direct ensures that all the participants weekly and holiday contributions are made regardless of the weather or vacations. For more information, please see below, or contact Jennifer in the Rectory Office. Catherine Green, Michael Cordasco Archdiocese of Newark FAITH DIRECT Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal Parishioners may contribute to weekly parish stewardship collections through credit card or automatic payment from their checking account. Faith Direct accepts Discover, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 7:30pm St. John the Apostle Church, We invite you to consider using this convenient service. You can 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden, NJ. sign up on-line at (please use church code A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will NJ48) or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for your continued provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for stewardship support of our parish. annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 908 486-6363 EVENING PRAYER THE FEAST OF In preparation for Christmas, we will be having Exposition and Evening Prayer with Benediction every Tuesday evening of Advent from 7-8pm. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IS MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 IT IS A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION The dates are December 2nd, 9th, & 16th. MASSES ARE 8:00 AM, 12:00 NOON & 8:00 PM Come spend some quality time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament The Parish Offices will be closed. All are welcome 2 Liturgy Corner ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY NEWS MINISTERS ASSIGNED FOR December 6 & 7 Saturday 5:00 PM Lectors: K. Kralik / F. Sembiante Eucharistic Ministers: H. LoGalbo / D. Santo / P. Jackson / M. Elbert / M. Swords / K. Mueller / J. Henni / D. Molta / M. Micera Altar Servers: M. Henni / J. Henni / A. Cahill Sunday 8:00 AM Lectors: M. O’Connor / P. Gilchrist Eucharistic Ministers: P. Krey / J. Mayo / J. Weisman / M. Rocco / K. Gibney / G. Weigel / B. Graham / T. Henry Altar Server: K. Schwarz / M. Schwarz / A. McKenna Sunday 10:00 AM Our Student Council hosted a Halloween costume dance on November 7th for Grades 7-8. They also hosted a movie night for grades K-3 on November 21. Lectors: J. Benante / D. Wertalik Eucharistic Ministers: T. Henry / K. Personette / R. Personette / D. Holmgren / M. Cartwright / M. DeAngelo / G. Beatty / R. Saoud / S. Huvane Altar Servers: B. Huvane / R. Green / T. Huvane with our Pre-K Sunday 12:00 PM Lectors: S. Frawley / O. Carbonara Eucharistic Ministers: R. O’Shea / L. Rack / J. Conway / G. Carty / B. Filon / S. DiGregorio / J. Connellan Altar Servers: J. Sabino / M. Killian / G. Beckmeyer MY SINCERE THANKS! A beautiful day was had by all who attended our Annual Mass of Anointing on October 25. After Mass our guest enjoyed a hot lunch with friends in our Parish Center. All this was made possible by our adult volunteers and to Sr. Ellen and the students from the Academy who help prepare for or participated in the Day’s Celebration. We are blessed to be part of such a wonderful parish community! Special thanks to Flynn’ Deli, located at 274 Third Ave. Westwood, NJ 07675 who prepared our hot luncheon. Thank you and God Bless Sister Mary SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. HUMAN CONCERNS The St. John’s Human Concerns Committee is diligently working to assist families who have come on bad times and are in need. Christmas is an especially difficult time for these families. Human concerns will be setting up the Christmas Giving Tree on November 22 at all entrances of the church. There will be suggested items for giving on the trees. Please return your gifts to the Parish Center by December 14. We are most hopeful that our parishioners will once again, be generous and participate in this ministry. We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. 3 HELPING HAND FOOD PANTRY Monday, December 1, 2014 5:30-7:00pm SORT/RESTOCK DECEMBER 2014 Susan Gleeson, Patricia Oliver, Arlene Speranza SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 9:00-11:00 AM Cozy Corner Knitting Group: meets every Wed. from 9:30am to 11:00am in the Parish Center, Seton Room. PANTRY STAFFING Sigrid Frawley, Tom Cleary, Sarah Huvane ITEMS NEEDED All Canned Vegetables, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Juices. Staples/Boxed Foods: coffee, tea, potatoes, milk, vegetable oil, rice, sugar, flour, cocoa, pancake mix, cake & muffin mixes, brownie mix, pudding & Jello mixes, stove top stuffing, chicken broth, gravy peanut butter, hot & cold cereals. Condiments: Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, jam, jelly, maple syrup, black olives, mushrooms. School snacks: cookies, crackers. Personal: hand soap; shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels. Supermarket gift cards also welcome! Helping Hand Food Pantry, Career Resource Ministry: will meet the 2nd Wed. of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Ministry to Homebound & Sick; will meet on Mon. Dec 1 at 9:30am in the Parish Center. Social Justice Ministry– will meet on Wed. Dec. 17th at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Our Lady’s Prayer Group– will meet on Wed. Dec. 3 & 17 at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Caregivers Support Group– will meet on Sun. Dec. 7th at 1:30pm in the Parish Center. Respect Life Ministry– will meet on Thurs. Dec. 4th at 9:00am in the Parish Center P.O. Box 354, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 COZY CORNER SOCIAL JUSTICE CORNER Come join us with your knitting/crocheting any Wednesday morning POPE FRANCIS’ TOP 10 SECRETS OF SUCCESS in the parish center in the Seton Room from 9:30-11:00am. Bring FOR LIVING A HOLY LIFE your own project or start a prayer shawl or baby afghan. Are you interested in learning? We will teach you ! Follow God with your whole heart without compromise, without hypocrisy, Get your sense of security from God’s love, not things; Always serve other; Learn to suffer with those who suffer, rejoice with those who rejoice; Bear suffering and adversity without hatred; Respond to evil with goodness and mercy; Reconcile people, build peace; Have a joyous, humble heart; don’t judge; Pray; Follow the path of the Beatitudes; Mt. 5:3-12. For more information contact Mary Ellen Breen 201 666-3832 ROSARY SOCIETY No General Meeting this month The saints are on the sidelines telling us “Be Not Afraid” A Special Reminder Our Christmas Gathering is planned for Tuesday, Dec. 9th At 7:00pm in the Parish Center. It is necessary that RSVP’s are received by Nov. 29th so that we may finalize plans for dinner. The cost is still $10.00 per person and Registration is now open for the St. John’s Basketball Clinic, grades Kindergarten thru 2nd. Registration MUST be done on- guest are always welcome. line; payment can be mailed. Deadline to sign up is November We look forward to seeing all of you. Com and share your 30th. The cost is $80. All details are on-line: Christmas spirit with us. To RSVP please call Bern @ 201 666-9622 or Marie @ (Sports Association link). 201 666-1626 4 Meditation for the First Sunday of Advent “For you O Lord, my soul in stillness waits, truly my hope is in You” The season of Advent begins our new liturgical year, and focuses on the two “comings” of Christ: his birth (incarnation) and his return (Second Coming, the Last Day). It is a season of waiting for the presence of the Lord, a season of watchfulness and alertness, watching for God’s presence in our everyday lives. Advent is a time of prayerful preparation: prayers of humble devotion and commitment, prayers of deliverance, and prayers from those walking in darkness who are awaiting and anticipating a great light (Isaiah 9). So as we journey into Advent we are anticipating with gladness and joy the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a messiah to save his people. As we sit and wait in the stillness of the church today, let us hope in the Lord and pray “Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel.” A NEW MINISTRY FOR MASSES—GREETERS Are you a friendly person who is interested in enhancing our Church Community and encouraging it to grow? Then please join our NEW Greeters Ministry! We are seeking volunteers with warm, friendly personalities to serve at weekend masses. The purpose of Greeters Ministry is to welcome, receive, meet, recognize, speak to, and smile upon parishioners as they enter St. John’s for weekend Masses. 1.Welcome and greeting all parishioners and visitors in a friendly manner as they enter the church before Mass. 2. Answer any questions. 3. Walking people to seats, bathrooms, destinations, etc. if they are unfamiliar with the layout of the church. 4. Wishing all parishioners and visitors a great week and to come again as they leave Mass. We will need at least 6 volunteers to serve in this Ministry per mass each weekend, so a minimum of 24 individuals are needed. Volunteers would need to arrive at least 15 minutes before mass begins. Women’s Cornerstone One Day Retreat Children, Teens, adults and seniors are welcome and encouraged to serve as Greeters! Training will be provided. If you are interested in giving your time to this Ministry, call Cathy Wollyung at 201 666-2707 ext. 217 or Save the date and join the Women’s Cornerstone One Day Retreat on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015. Take a day off from your busy schedule to refresh, recharge and renew your faith as EVENING OF GATHERING women of the parish come together to grow in knowledge and love of God. Watch the bulletin for further information or contact: Women of the parish come join the Martha & Mary Ministry for a “Cup of Christmas” on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd at 7:30pm Janis Mayo at or Lucrezia Rack at GOD’S TOTS - 3 & 4 YEAR OLD SUNDAY PROGRAM in the parish center. It is an opportunity for community gathering and time to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Attendance will be credited toward an Adult Faith Formation. For more information contact Kathy Breitenbach at or Mary Ellen Breen at God’s Tots is a new early childhood program of Bible stories, music, crafts and prayer that will take place on Sundays during the 10:00 am Mass. God’s Tots will be in Children’s Sunday Liturgies the Parish Center Library Call Cathy Wollyung at 201 666-2707 or The dates are: Dec. 21 at 10:00am, Jan 24 at the 5pm, Feb. 8 at 10:00am. On Palm Sunday we want the children to participate in the opening procession. 5 St. John the Baptist Church Hillsdale, NJ 201-664-3131 Naomi Kavanah 6
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