“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) We Are A Stewardship Parish, The Hands and Feet of Christ “One Lord, One Eucharist, One Parish” Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21st, 2014 9950 NW 29th Street Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Parish Office: (954) 752-3950 Fax (954) 752-3986 Website: www.standrewparish.org E-mail: parish@sacccs.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/StAndrewCC Twitter: http://twitter.com/standrewCC Office Hours: Monday 2pm -5pm; Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5pm; Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm About Us Clergy Schedule Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar - Pastor Rev. Flavio Montes - Parochial Vicar Rev. Jorge Perales - Parochial Vicar Rev. Normando Feliz - (Retired) Rev. Mr. Denis Mieyal - Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Julio De Jesus - Transitional Deacon Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening Mass: (English) 5:30 p.m. & (Spanish) 7:00 p.m. Pastoral Staff Mrs. Lydia Bernard-Vargas Director of Preschool 954-905-6374 Mrs. Beatriz Castro Coordinator of Religious Education 954-905-6322 Mrs. Mosi Del Aguila Stewardship Coordinator 954-905-6314 Sunday Masses: (English) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 (Children’s Mass), 11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish) Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m. Monday - Friday (Spanish) 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. Confession Saturday (English & Spanish) 4:30pm - 5:30pm Sunday (Before Mass) 9am, 11am & 1pm Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00pm Adoration Chapel Weekday by appointment only (please call the office) Adoration Perpetual Adoration in Adoration Chapel Miss Mary Forney Youth 4 Christ Minister & Director of Faith Formation 954-588-8667 Mrs. Kristen Hughes School Principal 954-753-1280 Faith Direct www.faithdirect.net Code: FL619 Mrs. Maria Elena Kaplove Bookkeeper 954-905-6321 Mrs. Suzanne League Receptionist 954-752-3950 Mrs. Shelly Nicoll Administrative Assistant 954-905-6317 Mrs. Mary Lou Taff Music Director 954-905-6335 Outreach Department Volunteers 954-905-6316 May You have the gift of Faith, the blessing of Hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always. Merry Christmas !!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS MONDAY, December 22nd, 2014 SCHOOL CLOSED ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP (7:00PM - MPR)) YOUTH GROUP MUSIC REHEARSAL (7:30PM - CHURCH) MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, December 21st, 2014 7:00AM Msgr. Souckar 8:00AM Fr. Montes 9:30AM Msgr. Souckar 11:30AM Fr. Perales 1:30PM Fr. Montes Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Brandon Anthony Scibilia by His Mother Jennifer Lynne Lockrey by Jim & Mary Dorris Patricia Mieyal by Irene Kovalcin En Acción de Gracias por el Cumpleaños de Evan A. Corrales (Living) por Su familia Juanita Crespo by Henry & Alejandra Crespo TUESDAY, December 23rd, 2014 CHRISTMAS EVE SCHOOL CLOSED NO MINISTRY MEETING ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) GRUPO SEMILLA MEETING (7:00PM - MPR) Monday, December 22nd, 2014 WEDNESDAY, December 24th, 2014 CHRISTMAS EVE ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 THURSDAY, December 25th, 2014 CHRISTMAS DAY SCHOOL AND OFFICE CLOSED NO MINISTRY MEETING Tuesday, December 24th, 2014 FRIDAY, December 26th, 2014 SCHOOL AND OFFICE CLOSED NO MINISTRY MEETING ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) SATURDAY, December 27th, 2014 ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) REZO DE LA CORONILLA (8:15PM - CHURCH/CHAPEL) SUNDAY, December 28th, 2014 REZO DEL ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL (2:45PM - CHURCH/CHAPEL) YOUTH 4 CHRIST - HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (6:45PM) Saint Andrew Early Childhood Enrichment Center Mrs. Lydia Bernard-Vargas, Director Christmas Show – The children practiced very hard for their performances and loved putting on the show for all of you. We hope you enjoyed the performance. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you: On behalf of the Director, Faculty and Staff of our Preschool, we would like to thank you for all of the gifts and warm wishes we have received from all of our families. We are truly blessed to have you with us. May God Bless you and keep you safe as you travel to family and friends over the holidays and bring you all back safe, sound and rested for the New Year. Christmas Break – School reopens on Monday, January 5th, 2014. The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you; you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2: 10-14 5:30PM Fr. Perales 7:00AM Fr. Montes 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar 7:00PM Fr. Perales Enrique Lynch by His Daughter Paulette Montes by Guy & Jeanine Montes En Acción de Gracias por el Aniversario de Matrimonio de Sandra y Glen Fong (Living) por Su Familia 7:00AM Fr. Perales 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar 7:00PM Fr. Perales Samuel DeMarco by His Wife Genevieve Urbanski by The Kloszewski Family Familia de Iván y Lía Aristizabal por La Familia Aristizabal 7:00AM Fr. Montes 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar 4:00PM Fr. Perales 6:00PM Msgr. Souckar 8:00PM Fr. Montes Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parroquianos de la Iglesia de Saint Andrew Wednesday, December 25th, 2014 12:00AM Msgr. Souckar & All Priest 7:30AM Fr. Perales 9:30AM Fr. Feliz 11:30AM Msgr. Souckar 1:30PM Fr. Montes Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Parroquianos de la Iglesia de Saint Andrew Friday, December 26th, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Montes 9:00AM Fr. Perales 7:00PM Fr. Montes Norma Collins by Bruno & Doris Campos Humberto Gutierrez (Living) by Maria Penagos Humberto Gutierrez (Living) por La Familia Gutierrez Saturday, December 27th, 2014 9:00AM Fr. Perales 5:30PM Fr. Montes 7:00PM Msgr. Souckar Community Mass Laura Begert by The Wanliss Family Anabel García Colón por Juan, Jackie y La Familia López Sunday, December 28th, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Montes 8:00AM Msgr. Souckar 9:30AM Fr. Perales 11:30AM Fr. Feliz 1:30PM Msgr. Souckar 5:30PM Fr. Montes Najlie Albert Souckar by Tom & Mary Shaughnessy Jennifer Lynne Lockrey by Men’s Club Patricia Mieyal by Jim & Mary Dorris Patricia Mieyal by Irene B. Kovalcin Guillermina Robles de Ortíz por La Familia Rodriguez Parishioners of Saint Andrew Church Listening to Mary’s Silence Dear Parishioners of Saint Andrew: As Advent draws to a close and we prepare to celebrate the nativity of the Lord at Christmas, the Church sets before us in the Gospel on the fourth Sunday of Advent the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blessed Mother is always a model of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Little is said of the Blessed Mother in Scripture but generations have sung her praises because she “trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled” (Luke 1:45). The silence of Mary is perhaps her greatest lesson for us as fellow disciples of her son Jesus. The Servant of God and founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day once wrote the following when reflecting on the season of Advent: “Advent is a time of waiting, of expectation, of silence. Waiting for the Lord to be born. A pregnant woman is so happy, so content. She lives in such a garment of silence and it is as though she were listening to hear the stir of life within her. One always hears the stirring compared to the rustling of a bird in the hand. But the intentness with which one awaits such stirrings is like nothing so much as a blanket of silence. Be still. Did I hear something? Be still, and see that I am God. In silence we hear so much that is beautiful. The other day I saw a young mother who said, ‘The happiest hour of the day is that early morning hour when I lie and listen to the baby practicing sounds and words. She has such a gentle little voice’” The Blessed Mother listened attentively in silence to this “gentle little voice”; it was the voice of Almighty God. How hard it can be for us to quiet ourselves and, following Mary’s example, listen to the gentle little voice of the Almighty. So often, our failure to listen in silence and expectation leads us away from the ways of God and into sin. Continuing her reflection on Advent, Dorothy Day offered the following examination of conscience in her own life: “Lack of charity, criticism of superiors, of neighbors, or friends and enemies. Idle talk, impatience, lack of self-control and mortification towards self, and of love towards others. Pride and presumption. (It is good to have visitors – one’s faults stand out in the company of others.) Self-will, desire not to be corrected, to have one’s own way. The desire to turn to correct others, impatience in thought and speech. Meanness about giving time to others and wasting it myself. Constant desire for comfort. The remedy is recollection and silence.” During these final days of Advent, I sincerely hope that each of us will make the choice to listen to the silence of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let recollection and silence be the remedy to the hectic pace of life that surrounds. Let us avail ourselves of the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance so that we ‒ like Mary ‒ might be a worthy home to receive Christ the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family with His love! Monsignor Michael A. Souckar Escuchando el Silencio de María Queridos Feligreses de Saint Andrew: Cuando el Adviento va llegando a su fin y nos preparamos para celebrar el nacimiento del Señor en la Navidad, la Iglesia nos presentan en el Evangelio del cuarto domingo de Adviento el ejemplo de la Virgen María. La Santísima Virgen es siempre un modelo de lo que significa ser discípulo de Jesucristo. Poco se dice de la Santísima Virgen en la Escritura, pero generaciones han cantado sus alabanzas porque ella "confiaba en que las palabras del Señor serían cumplidas" (Lucas 1:45). El silencio de María es quizás su más grande lección para nosotros los fieles discípulos de su Hijo Jesús. La Sierva de Dios y fundadora del Movimiento del Trabajador Católico, Dorothy Day escribió una vez lo siguiente al reflexionar sobre el tiempo de Adviento: "Adviento es un tiempo de espera, de esperanza, de silencio. Esperando al Señor que va a nacer. Una mujer embarazada está muy feliz, muy contenta. Ella vive en un manto de silencio tal y es como si estuviera escuchando la agitación de la vida dentro de ella. Uno siempre escucha la agitación en comparación con el susurro de un pájaro en la mano. Pero la fijeza con la que uno espera tales indicios se parece como a un manto de silencio. Guarda silencio. ¿Ha oído algo? “Estad quietos, y ved que yo soy Dios”. En el silencio escuchamos tanto que es hermoso. El otro día vi a una joven madre que dijo: 'La hora más feliz del día es la hora de la mañana cuando me acuesto y escucho al bebé practicar los sonidos y las palabras. Ella tiene una voz muy dulce '". La Santísima Madre escuchó atentamente en silencio a esta "suave y pequeña voz"; que era la voz de Dios Todopoderoso. ¿Qué tan difícil puede ser para nosotros calmarnos a nosotros mismos y, siguiendo el ejemplo de María, escuchar la vocecita suave del Todopoderoso. Muy a menudo, nuestra incapacidad para escuchar en silencio y expectación nos aleja de los caminos de Dios y nos lleva al pecado. Continuando con su reflexión sobre el Adviento, Dorothy Day ofreció el siguiente examen de conciencia utilizando su propia vida: "La falta de caridad, la crítica de los superiores, de vecinos, amigos o enemigos. Habladurías, la impaciencia, la falta de auto-control y la mortificación hacia uno mismo, y de amor hacia los demás. La soberbia y la presunción. (Es bueno tener visitas - nuestras faltas se destacan en la compañía de otros). La voluntad propia, el deseo de no ser corregidos, hacer las cosas a nuestra manera. El deseo de corregir a los demás, la impaciencia en el pensamiento y en el habla. La mezquindad para dar de mi tiempo a los demás y no utilizarlo correctamente. Constante deseo de la comodidad. Ante todo esto el remedio es el recogimiento y el silencio". Durante estos últimos días de Adviento, espero sinceramente que cada uno de nosotros tome la decisión de escuchar el silencio de la Santísima Virgen María. Deje que el recogimiento y el silencio sean el remedio para el ritmo frenético de la vida que lo rodea. Vamos a valernos de la misericordia y del perdón del Señor en el Sacramento de la Penitencia para que nosotros - como María - tengamos un hogar digno para recibir a Cristo el Señor. ¡Qué el Señor los siga bendiciendo a ustedes y a sus familias con su amor! Monseñor Michael A. Souckar 4 oz. plastic soufflé cups Large Chafing Dishes Sternos Food/Condiments Wish List In preparation of our Sixth Annual Carnival, we are in need of the following items. If you can donate any of these items, please email carnival@sacccs.org or drop off at the Church Office or School Office. You may also drop off at the carnival table in front of the church after all the masses the weekend of January 17 – 18 or in the school office the week of the carnival. Thanks for your generosity in helping to make this event a huge success. Food Prep/Service Items Ziploc bags (gallon and sandwich size) Paper food trays (3 lbs & 5 lbs.) Napkins, Plastic forks, knives and spoons 9” Foam Plates 18” heavy duty aluminum foil 18” Plastic Wrap Paper Towels 12 oz. / 14 oz. / 16 oz. cups Vegetable oil Coffee (regular and decaf) #10 cans sauerkraut #10 cans Cheese Sauce Single packets of Sugar and Sweet n Low Ketchup, Mustard, BBQ Sauce #10 cans of relish Bottle water, Sodas (coke products) Salt 6” Hot dog buns 4” Hamburger buns Cookies Individual bags of chips – snack size Clean Up Items 55/60 gallon heavy duty garbage bags New bags of rags Latex rubber gloves (large and medium) Sponges, Dish Soap Gallons of bleach RESPECT LIFE CORNER The Respect Life Ministry of St. Andrew wishes you and your loved ones a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. Lovingly received day after day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as "good news" to the people of every age and culture. At the dawn of salvation, it is the Birth of a Child which is proclaimed as joyful news: "I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Lk 2:10-11). The source of this "great joy" is the Birth of the Savior; but Christmas also reveals the full meaning of every human birth, and the joy which accompanies the Birth of the Messiah is thus seen to be the foundation and fulfillment of joy at every child born into the world (cf. Jn 16:21). When he presents the heart of his redemptive mission, Jesus says: "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10). In truth, he is referring to that "new" and "eternal" life which consists in communion with the Father, to which every person is freely called in the Son by the power of the Sanctifying Spirit. It is precisely in this "life" that all the aspects and stages of human life achieve their full significance. From the Encyclical EVANGELIUM VITAE by Pope Saint John Paul II, given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on March 25, 1995. CATHOLIC CONVERSATIONS ON THE SCRIPTURES Archdiocese of Miami - Office of Lay Ministry and Adult Faith Formation December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Gospel reading Luke 1:26-38 [To be read aloud] The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” And the angel said to her in reply, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. Brief commentary: At the threshold of the feast of the Nativity of the Lord, the readings today remind us that the birth of Jesus Christ was prepared for, foretold long before, and it is thus the fulfillment of the divine promise. In the first reading the one whom Israelites will remember as their greatest and ideal king (David) desires to build a ‘house’ – a temple – to Yahweh, just as all nations built temples to their gods. Instead, in a vision, the LORD promises David that his lineage and throne will endure forever. The psalmist also expresses this royal ideology, which became the basis for the Jewish hope in the ultimate anointed of God, the Messiah. He does so by recalling the promise made to David by the God who keeps his promises. The gospel reading also recalls how the story of the life of Jesus began nine months earlier, with the annunciation to Mary. By reading from the Lucan text – read on the feast of the Annunciation, on March 25th – we recall that the promise made to David and to the people Israel, was fulfilled at the Incarnation of the Son of God. Just as Isaiah and John the Baptist have been prophetic figures addressing us this Advent season, now – so close to Christmas – the gospel reading presents to us Mary and Joseph of Nazareth, descendent of king David. Mary, the young Jewess of the Galilean hamlet of Nazareth, responds with faith to the revelation from God’s messenger, Gabriel. Gabriel’s greeting to Mary startles her, but as the dialogue continues Mary begins to understand the mission she is being called to. And despite the difficulties ahead, she gives herself totally to the plan of One whose grace had filled her life. It has been said that Mary’s “yes” is the new beginning of the human race: “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum” (“Let it be done to me in accord with your word!”). And, as the prologue to John’s gospel will proclaim on Christmas day, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Mary’s “yes” to God in faith and love is the reversal of Eve’s “no”. Luke’s account of the entrance of Jesus into the world recalls the promises to David, of a descendant ruling eternally. Thus, the birth of Jesus, far from being a random event, is at the heart of God’s providential plan for Israel, for the human race, and for all Creation. As we draw near to Christmas, may the example of Mary inspire us to hear the Word of God, believe in God’s power to save, and respond to the grace of his Holy Spirit with our total trust and self-donation to God and to God’s plan for the world. Relying on her maternal intercession and that of Joseph, may we too say to God, “I am your servant…let it be done to me according to your word,” and may we thus become witnesses of the Incarnation of the Son of God – the Lord our Savior – in our world and in our lives. Today’s reading offers significant messages: • As we draw near to Christmas we remember that the coming of the Son of God into the world is at the heart of God’s plan and promise. • Like Mary, we too have heard the Gospel of ‘Immanu-el’, of ‘God with us’. Like Mary, we are called to respond with faith, hope and love. • Inspired by Mary’s example, and confident in her help, we too say to the Holy Spirit: “I am your servant, o Lord, and of your plan; may your will be done in me and through me, on earth as it is in heaven.” For our shared or personal reflection: After a brief pause for silent reflection share your answers, ideas or feelings. • How am I preparing spiritually to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord? • How has the grace of God touched my life? How have I responded? • How can I be the servant/handmaid of the Lord and of his saving plan in my family, workplace, community, parish, society, world? Suggested readings: Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraphs 484-86, 525-26, 502-07 REFLEXIONES CATÓLICAS SOBRE LA BIBLIA Arquidiócesis de Miami - Oficina de Ministerios Laicos y Formación de Adultos en la Fe 21 de Diciembre de 2014 Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (Ciclo B) Lectura del santo Evangelio según San Lucas 1:26-38 En aquel tiempo, el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea llamada Nazaret, a una virgen desposada con un hombre llamado José, de la estirpe de David; la virgen se llamaba María. El ángel, entrando en su presencia, dijo: - “Alégrate, llena de gracia, el Señor está contigo; bendita tú eres entre las mujeres.” Ella se turbó ante estas palabras y se preguntaba qué saludo era aquél. El ángel le dijo: “No temas, María, porque has encontrado gracia ante Dios. Concebirás en tu vientre y darás a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús. Será grande, se llamará Hijo del Altísimo, el Señor Dios le dará el trono de David, su padre, reinará sobre la casa de Jacob para siempre, y su reino no tendrá fin.» Y María dijo al ángel: “¿Cómo será eso, pues no conozco a varón?” El angel le contestó: “El Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ti, y la fuerza del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra; por eso el Santo que va a nacer se llamará Hijo de Dios. Ahí tienes a tu pariente Isabel, que, a pesar de su vejez, ha concebido un hijo, y ya está de seis meses la que llamaban estéril, porque para Dios nada hay imposible.” María contestó: “Aquí está la esclava del Señor; hágase en mí según tu palabra.” Y la dejó el ángel. Comentario breve: Al umbral de la Navidad del Señor, las lecturas de hoy nos recuerdan de que el nacimiento de Jesucristo fue preparado, fue anunciado de antemano, y es así el cumplimiento de la promesa divina. En la primera lectura el que los Israelitas recordarían como su gran e ideal rey (David) desea construir una ‘casa’ – un templo – a Yahveh, así como todas las naciones construían templos a sus dioses. En vez, en una visión, el Yahveh le promete a David de que su linaje y trono perduraran eternamente. El salmista también expresa su ideología real, que se convirtió en la base para la esperanza judío en un supremo ungido de Dios, el Mesías, y el salmista lo expresa recordando la promesa hecha a David por el Dios que cumple sus promesas. La lectura del evangelio también recuerda como la historia de la vida de Jesús comenzó nueve meses antes de su nacimiento, con la anunciación a María. En leyendo el texto de Lucas – leído en la fiesta de la anunciación, el 25 de Marzo – recordamos de que la promesa hecha a David y al pueblo de Israel, fue cumplida con la encarnación del Hijo de Dios. Así como Isaías y Juan Bautista han sido figuras proféticas hablándonos durante el Adviento, ahora – tan cerca de la Navidad – el evangelio nos presenta a María y a José de Nazaret, descendiente del rey David. María, una joven judía de la aldea de Nazaret en la Galilea, responde con fe a la revelación del mensajero de Dios, Gabriel. El saludo de Gabriel a María la sorprende, pero tras el dialogo María comienza a entender la misión para la cual ella es llamada. Y a pesar de las dificultades por venir, ella se entrega totalmente al plan de El cuya gracia ha llenado su vida. Se ha dicho de que el “si” de María es el nuevo comienzo de la raza humana: “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum” (“¡Que se haga en mi de acuerdo a tu palabra!”). Y, como el prologo del evangelio de Juan proclamara en el día de Navidad, “En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo estaba con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios…y el Verbo se hizo carne y habito entre nosotros.” El “si” de María a Dios en fe y amor es la inversión del “no” de Eva. El relato de Lucas de la entrada de Jesús en el mundo recuerda las promesas a David, de que un descendiente del reinara eternamente. Así, el nacimiento de Jesús, lejos de ser un suceso imprevisto, esta en corazón del plan providente de Dios para Israel, para la raza humana, y para toda la creación. Acercándonos a la Navidad, que el ejemplo de María nos inspire a escuchar la Palabra de Dios, creer en el poder de Dios para salvar, y responder a la gracia del Espíritu Santo con nuestra confianza total y nuestra auto-donación a Dios y a su plan para el mundo. Confiando y dependiendo de la materna intercesión de María y la de José, que también nosotros digamos a Dios, “Soy tu siervo/tu sierva… hágase en mi según tu palabra,” y que así nos convirtamos en testigos de la encarnación del Hijo de Dios – del Señor nuestro salvador – en nuestro mundo y vidas. La lectura de hoy nos presenta tres ideas importantes: • Acercándonos a la Navidad recordamos de que la venida del Hijo de Dios al mundo esta al corazón del plan y promesa de Dios. • Como María, también nosotros hemos oído el evangelio de ‘Emanu-el’ de ‘Dios-con-nosotros’. Igual que María, también somos llamados a responder con fe, esperanza y amor. • Inspirados por el ejemplo de María, y seguros de su ayuda, también nosotros decimos al Espíritu Santo: “Soy tu siervo, o Señor, y de tu plan; que tu voluntad sea hecha en mi y a través de mi, en la tierra como en el cielo.” Para la reflexión personal o comunitaria: Después de una pausa breve para reflexionar en silencio, comparta con otros sus ideas o sentimientos. • ¿Cómo estoy preparándome espiritualmente para celebrar la Natividad del Señor? • ¿Cómo ha tocado mi vida la gracia de Dios? ¿Cómo estoy respondiendo? • ¿Cómo puedo ser el servidor del Señor y de su plan salvífico en mi familia, lugar de empleo, comunidad, parroquia, sociedad y mundo? Lecturas recomendadas: Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, párrafos 484-86, 525-26, 502-07 Please Keep Our Service Men & Women in Your Prayers Chelsea Madarang Edward Harrison Frank Volpe Jennifer Carns John F. Marion Tommy Simmons Scott Crossley Andres Donoso Luis Carlo Moyano Michael Schnable Christopher Holting Scott Maricic Kasper Hein Jason Jonathan Alton Pelayo Anita Scattone Michael Patrick Rosa Anthony Monte Kenneth Kozlowski Michael Melione George E. Ellis, Jr. Joshua Hunter Joseph Langlois II William Kasten Trevor Anderson John Hughes James Cant Jimmie Holland Joshua Trulock Aaron Brill Joseph Vera Mario Alejandrino Gabrielle Alejandrino Cristian Oviedo Chris Ducharme Marco Monroy Randy Renneisen Roberto Gouveia Jonathan Hall Ray Gallimore Adam Cordiviola Sandra Ibañez Laura Lee Flannery Allan Park Brandon Trubey Matthew Desmond Thomas Lucas Paul R. Alexander Dena DeLucia Charles Flanagan Joshua O’Shea Andrew Narr Prem David Giraldo Francis J. Harrington, Jr Josh Beans Greg Rich Ed Winters Sterling Deleridge Chad Michael Lopez Jason Lopez Peter Santini Ashley M. King Jonathan Slinkard Johnny Jimenez Alejandro Gonzalez J.C. Velasco Elena David DeLillis Adam Lewis Ryan Hartnett Angie Johnson Matthew Imm Joshua Cohen Andrew Holston David Anthony Long William Antczak Michelle Svec Luisa Galeano Miles Mayo William Sciacca Vernon K. Barnes Joseph Andersen Alex Rhino Fred Rhino Christian Lopez Jorge Bondy Russell Di Giacomo Thomas J. Martino Michael Fonda George Kaiser John Melo George Casey Stephen Grob *PLEASE NOTE* Please call if you have a friend or loved one in the military that you would like to add in our prayer list. 954-905-6317 Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of Parish Support. Justice Corner December 21, 2014 Don’t Rush Advent! We tend to rush through Advent towards Christmas. Advent helps us to be aware of our great longing for something more. Today’s Scriptures remind us of our Blessed Mother patiently waiting for God to do His will in her life. As you wait for Christmas, spend some time in quiet reflection. Try to discern God’s will for your life. Is He calling you to something new? Surrender! - The Life -Changing Power of Doing God's Will by Fr. Larry Richards may be an inspiring read as you spend quiet time with God. Heavenly Father, Walk with me as I journey through life. Take my hand and lead me with your Holy Spirit. Fill me, inspire me, free me to respond generously to your call. For I believe you desire my deepest joy, And it is only in your company that my soul will be satisfied And my life will find its meaning and purpose. AMEN. Host & Wine Dedication For: Stanley J. Bartoszek, Suzanne M. Grzybowski, & Laura Begert By: Flo Bartoszek The Sick Adam Dietsch Adam Ramjattan Adam Westreich Adele Gerstman Adelaide Altieri Adrian Zambrano Adriana Barrera Albert Misko Alberto Vértiz Alex Abramson Alfred Gertz Alida Ramagosa Ana Castañón Ana Maria Pascual Ana Milena Mera Ana Ribeirinho Andrew Sookoo Andy Krzykowski Angela Chandley Angie Mahr Annmarie Janus Anthony Englehardt Anthony Ribeau Antonio Alvarado Arlene Mandel Barbara Anderson Barbara Branigan Barbara Matalon Becky Dwoskin Becky Tooley Bernard Goldstein Berta Martin Betty Wolfe Beverly Circle Billy McQuilken Bishop Friend Bob Harp Bob Larracuente Bob Sotkiewicz Bobby Mahr Bobby Neitz Brenda Hufstetler Brian Thomas Green Brianna Stribling Bride Lindwurm Brock Lerner Bruno Campos Cauleen Dolan Carla Flores Carlos Raul Sevilla Carlos Solares Carmelita Tan Carmen Rivas Carol Ann Wakefield Carol Draskin Carol Foster Carol Ruhl Carol Slotwinski Cassie (Child) Catalina Alvarez Catalina Cruz Catherine Benoit Cathy Bowen Cathy Carns Cesilio Figueroa Charlton Johnson Cher Souci Cheri Kostigen Cheryl Rhoads Chris Rizzo Christian J. Honeycutt (Child) Chris Lapi Clara Farina Clifford Lee Flannery Cruz Colón Dalma Piper Dana Neitz Darcy Baños D’Arcy Crooks Darlene Irwin David Natur David Scheuerman Dean Surratt Deborah Sheber Denise DiCarlo Denise Walsh Dennis Lockrey Desiree Perron Diana Caraballo Diane Scott Diane Wise Donald Flynn Donald Perron Doni Judkowitz Donna Silvia Dora de Armas Dori Minnelli Dorothy Linstrom Dorothy Mirarchi Dorothy Pfeifer Dorothy Savage Drew Bevis Dylan Perron Edgar Arana Eduardo Ortiz Ellen Kramer Eliane Sajous Eileen Kelly Eileen Holsten Eileen Salerno Eileen Wesolowski Eleanor Amico Elemer Michaelis Elizabeth Rotondella Elizabeth Sabga Pilato Emilio Scaglione Eric Derner Ernesto Blanco Esther Melendez Ethan Lalinde (child) Eva Price Fabio Arana Felix Subervi Fran Mandalari Frances Curley Stone Francisco López Frank Diaco Frank Morera Fred Epstein Freddie Vargas Gail Fortunato Gail Jacobson Gaila Partridge Gemma Cloake Gene Grizzle Gerald Russo Geri Deloughery Gerold Nablen Gina Cabrera Giulie Gallo Greenseid Gilberto Garcia Gilliana Robinson Gladys Jusino Glenda Lloyd Gloria Amdor Gloria Catalano Gloria Cohen Gloria Nazzaro Gloria Tobón Grace Dolder Greg Ougourlian Greta S. Guillermo Vértiz Hattie Rose Sisco Halie Summer Gerstman Harriet Smith Harold Barnum Harry Chobanian Heather Ruthven Hernán Enciso Hilda Kanapegas Hipólita Figueroa Idania Chang Isabel Reyes Ismenia Samayoa Itala Sibille Ivan Reich Ivette Ortiz Jack Spitzer Jacqueline Cortez-Walker Jacques Janssens James LaSorella Jane Hinkle Janice Vassell & Daughter Jason Gardner Jay Gallagher Jean Barnum Jennifer Todero Jerónimo Rivera Jim Capprossi Jimmy Apolo Joan Harvey Joanna Mercado Gilmore Joanne Nin Joanne Voit Joe Bartezak Joe Silvia Joey Roberts John DiCarlo John Gervais John Greaves John McKay John Morrissey John McDonough Jorge Gallo, Jr. Jorge Martinez Jose A. Colon, Jr. José Ríos Joseph Bonfiglio Joseph Schaeffer Joshua (Child) Joshua Henriquez Joy Whyte Juan Daniel Gomez (child) Juanita Hawkins Judy Summerlin Julian Taque Justo Gonzalez Katherine Lakatos Kathleen Keyte Kathryn Seelye Katy Derner (Child) Karen Darmetko Karen Georgina Kerry Clemmensen Kerry Sylvester Kevin Alexis Kim O’Connor Krista Rowland Laura Lee Flannery Laura Rodriguez Laurent Verret Larry K. Lawrence Castañón Lenny Minichiello Leslie Perinango Leo Epstein Leonardo Arce Leonardo Farina Leonor Robayo de Vila Ljerka Rebrovic Libia Rojas Ligia Chang Linda King Linda Ribeau Lisa Bouchard Loretta Blankenship Lori Rolleri Lorie Skinner Lourdes Rovira Louvenia Davis Lucille Dentzer Madeline Wolner Manny Gordon Manuel Chang Manuel Ryall Marcia Taylor Maria Stapperfenne Marie Jean Johnston Marie Pegram Marion Sheber Margery Hamilton Mark Lixie Mark Pounce Mark Silverman Mark Touponce Marge Curley Moschella Margaret Aranyos Margaret Mondron Marguerite Lapp Maria Sylvia Marie Bettlejeski Marie Wald Marilyn Gajraj Marion Broadhead Marlene Gentile Marlene Hixon Mary Buckley Mary Castillo Mary Crow Maryann Forgie Mary Anne Becker Mary Jane Carns Matthew James (child) Maurice Braunstein Maxine Ikenberg Megan Alexis Mel Greene Melanie Huelett Melvin Melendez Michael Aubertin Michael Degeannurio Michael Keyte Michelle Canzio Mike Bachel Mike Foster Milagrito Roque Myrta Shurdo Nancy Gerner Nancy Marsh Nancy Moore Nancy Stir Nat Chandley Nelly Zavaleta Nicholas Gallina Nicole Seiler Nina Arlook Norma Nicholas Ofelia Subervi Olivia Tyler (child) Omar Rumbos Ora Gallo Pam Aubertin Pam Kaiser Pamela O’Connor Pasquale Piteo Pat Campbell Pat Horgan Patricia Hoffman Patricia Mostecak Patricia Puglisi Patricia Scott Patrick Chase Patty Rose Sisco (Child) Paul Henriques Paul Johnston Paul Valentine Pedro Moreno Philip Branigan, Jr Phil Maher Piper Anne Palmieri Porfirio Vásquez Rafal Abram’s Ramona Leyva Raúl Hernández Raúl Ríos Raúl Vértiz Regina Hammes Richard Barthel Richard Clewell Rick Cupo Robert Larracuente Robert Nugue Robert Pegram Robert Sobkoski Rochelle Isaacs Rochelle Schwartz Roland Taylor Roland Yambao Ron Chicoyne Rose Rizzo RoseAnne Abramson Roy Kassebaum Ruth Hunt Ruth Oxley Sal Moschella Salvatore Anzelone Sandy Diamond Santiado Apolo Shane K. Calvello (child) Shirley Buehler Sig Kalinowski Sixto Cruz Stephen Bruck Stephen Keenan Stephen Grieve Stephanie Branigan Sue Connell Brown Susana Foster Susan Randazzo Suzette Vásquez Teresa Bellaby Teresa Bowlan Terry Proscia Thomas Nicholson Thomas Russell Pentlend Tommy Franzese Trisha Forte Ursula & Children Veronica Pierce Veronica Register Vincent Salerno Vinnie Bonvino Viv Nye Viviana Arce William Cervantes Xavier Lynch Yvanna LeBrun Zephaniah Satahoo ATTENTION It’s time to update our prayer list again. The weekend of January 3rd & 4th all the names will be deleted unless you call the Parish Office at 954-905-6317. Thank you!!! Sunday by Sunday Domingo a Domingo ECHOING MARY’S DECISION IMITAR LA DECISIÓN DE MARÍA The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14;Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Winter begins St. John of Kanty The Vigil of Christmas The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) St. Stephen; First Day of Kwanzaa St. John El ángel Gabriel hoy le presenta a María un misterio. El misterio de salvación en Cristo no es un misterio que se pueda resolver, sino una realidad más allá de nuestro entendimiento en la cual nos decidimos a participar. En la liturgia de la Iglesia Oriental, todos esperan para ver si María participará en el misterio: Dios espera, Adán y Eva y todas las almas de los muertos que anhelan el Paraíso esperan, los ángeles esperan tener nuevos compañeros celestiales. Y hay gran regocijo cuando su decisión es un “sí”. A nosotros se nos ofrecen opciones menos dramáticas, pero el misterio de nuestra salvación en Cristo de ningún modo queda “solucionado”. Puede que ahora lo entendamos un poco mejor gracias al “sí” de María. Puede que estemos un poco más cercanos a él mediante la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. Pero un misterio al cual todos debemos dar nuestro propio “sí”. Ya pronto estaremos cantando “Venid y adoremos”. Que nuestra oración de Adviento, a imitación del “sí” de María, continúe para que podamos participar en el misterio de nuestra salvación en Jesucristo, Dios-con-nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: Martes: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lc 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lc 1:57-66 Miércoles: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29; Lc 1:67-79 Jueves: Vigilia: Is 62:1-5; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Hch 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Noche: Is 9:1-6; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lc 2:1-14 Aurora: Is 62:11-12; Sal 97 (96):1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lc 2:15-20 Día: Is 52:7-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Viernes: Hch 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Sábado: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Domingo: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 o Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Sal 128 (127): 1-5 o Sal 105 (104):1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] o Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lc 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Cuarto Domingo de Adviento; Comienzo el invierno San Juan de Canty La Vigilia de Navidad; Nochebuena La Natividad del Señor (Navidad) San Esteban; Kwanza San Juan, apóstol CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART LA NAVIDAD EN EL CORAZON Christmas! ’Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart. —Washington Irving ¡Navidad! Es la estación para encender el fuego de la hospitalidad en la sala, y el fuego de la simpatía en el corazón. — Washington Irving REMEMBER SAINT ANDREW PARISH IN YOUR ESTATE DO YOU HAVE ONE HOUR TO SPARE FOR JESUS? Sign up for Adoration, Jesus is waiting for you. Bettina Favata 954-344-6166 Mary Alice 954-796-2266 Marie Campos 954-341-5350 Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent and Treasure!!! WEEKEND OF 12/14/2013 FIGURES WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE BULLETIN WAS SENT TO PRESS. IT WILL BE PRINTED IN THE BULLETIN IN THE NEXT ISSUE. daderecycling.com HELP YOUR SCHOOL SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Donate Your Used Cell Phone & Print Cartridges Our School is conducting an electronic waste recycling fundraiser. Please help support our school protecting the environment by Donating items such as: empty cartridges, used cell phones, and small electronic devices. We greatly appreciate your support! Please notify the Parish Office of any changes in your address or phone number. Thank you!
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