Holy Redeemer Parish Founded 1886 17 Joy Ave. Webster Groves 63119 HOLY MASS: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Weekday: M-F 6:15 & 8:15 AM (September-May) M-F 6:15 & 8:00 AM (June-August) Holy Days: See Bulletin Announcements EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. until Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Benediction: First Tuesday 7:15 p.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Rectory/Office: (314) 962-0038 Fax: (314) 962-2084 Website: www.holyr.org PASTOR Reverend Kenneth A. Brown IN RESIDENCE Most Reverend Edward M. Rice DEACON: Deacon John P. Flanigan, Jr. December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Fr. Kenneth Brown, Pastor Holy Redeemer School 314-962-8989 Principal—Mrs. Pam Galluzzo 314-962-3560 Fax Parish School of Religion Principal@holyr.org Mrs. Darcy Callahan School Secretary—office@holyr.org Parish Council Chairperson Church Meeting Room 314-962-0038 #125 Rectory Meeting Room 314-962-0038 #124 Music Director , Todd Senzig Rectory Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM—4:00 PM Bulletin Deadline: Monday Noon–contact Pat@holyr.org fatherb@holyr.org 314-962-8989 X 2 cre@holyr.org John Lee music@holyr.org Youth Director, Mike Huggins Deacon John Flanigan youth@holyr.org johnflanigan@hotmail.com Holy Name Society/Men’s Club 4th Thursday CJ Muggs MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 22 1 Samuel 1:24-28 Luke 1:46-56 6:15 am Peggy McCarthy 8:15 am Kathleen Oates Tuesday, December 23 St. John of Kanty Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 Luke 1:57-66 6:15 am Joe Sinopole 8:15 am Alex Dooley Wednesday, December 24 The Nativity of the Lord Isaiah 62:1-5 Acts 13:16-17, 22-25 Matthew 1:1-25 5:00 pm Bill Hartrich 10:00 pm Rev. Eugene R. Sinz Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day Isaiah 9:1-6 Titus 2:11-14 Luke2:1-14 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:00 am Paula McCall Friday, December 26 St. Stephen Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59 Matthew 10:17-22 6:15 am Casper & Mary Louise Sack Saturday, December 27 St. John 1 John 1:1-4 John 20:1-8 5:00 pm (Vigil) Michael & Margaret L’Ecuyer Sunday, December 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 Colossians 3:12-21 Luke 2:22-40 7:30 am Peggy McCarthy 9:00 am People of the Parish 11:00 am Jerry Krantz MINISTERS FOR DECEMBER 27-28 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 5:00 pm J. Samson, J. Taylor, J. Venker, M. Venker, L. Wassel, M. Werner 7:30 am A. Hager, C. Kaiman, S.L., P. Matteuzzi, M. Sack, A. Fusz, E. Fusz 9:00 am D. Dahl, C. Devanny, T. Gerard, S. Flanigan, C. Keenoy, D. Lawler 11:00 am P. Vogt, J. Reis, G. Hollabaugh, T. Jeevanjee, D. Mason, L. Reed SERVERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am A. Dino, W. Doran, A. Drier J. Dorsey, P. Dorsey, L. Duncan J. Echele, J. Curtis, L. Desmond C. Curtis, C. Galli, J. Galli LECTORS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Jerry Jones Alexandra Zylka Holy Name Society Susanne Doran LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN PreK-1st Grade—Mary Beth Garasky & Rita Loeffler DECEMBER SCHEDULE The Joy Avenue church doors will be open until 9:00 PM every night during Advent for a visit. Monday, December 22—3 Parish Penance Service at 7:00 PM @ Mary Queen of Peace Church Christmas Eve, December 24—Mass at 5:00 PM and 10:00 PM Christmas Day, December 25—Mass at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Mass only at 6:15 AM on December 26 New Year’s Eve, December 31—Mass at 5:00 PM, Holy Hour at 11:00 PM, Mass at Midnight New Year’s Day, January 1—Mass at 9:00 AM FATHER BROWN’S CORNER Merry Christmas! and more: The joy and peace that comes to all who believe in the surpassing power of God’s love and mercy. St. Gregory the Great puts it this way in the office of Readings for Christmas Day, “And so at the birth of our Lord the angels sing in joy: Glory to God in the highest, and they proclaim peace to his people on earth as they see the heavenly Jerusalem being built from the nations of the world. When the angels on high are so exultant at this marvelous work of God’s goodness, what joy should it not bring to our lowly hearts?” We extend a warm welcome to all who gather with us in these days of Christmas, for it is after all, not just a single day but a season filled with joy. College students are home, alumni return, extended families come together, strangers come in from the cold, and those perhaps who have wandered from the church and her liturgy are at our side once again. We are happy to have you all in our company. Thanks to so many who have made the season bright: organizers of and contributors to Fr. Bob’s food drive, members of our St. Vincent de Paul Society, those who helped with the giving tree, scouts who brought baskets to our friends confined to their homes. We also thank the many in the parish who helped clean church and decorate it, the many ministers who assisted with the liturgy, our office staff, the organizers and participants in the children’s Christmas concert and pageant, our choir, cantors and musicians, the communion ministers who visited our shut ins. Really, there are too many to remember and thank; just know that all of you are important to this great celebration we call Christmas. From Bishop Rice, myself, Deacon John Flanigan, our school and PSR, and all our staff, may the blessings of Christmas come to you and your loved ones. Father Brown YOUTH GROUP th CHRISTMAS TV MASS th JHigh—a ministry just for the 7 and 8 graders of the parish. Our next JHigh Night is Wednesday January 7th from 7 -8:30PM. Lifeteen— Lifeteen meets EVERY Thursday from 7-830PM Christmas Mass on TV will bring the joyful celebration of our Lord’s Nativity into homes, healthcare settings, and other placed. Please invite homebound loved ones to join in Catholic TV Mass on Christmas Day at 8:00 AM on KTVI channel 2. The Christmas Scripture readings, traditional hymns and the inspiring surroundings of an 1800’s chapel will give TV Mass viewers the gift of rejoicing in the meaning and blessings of Christmas. in the cafeteria! We will not meet Thursday December 25th. Stay tuned to Instagram, Twitter, and email for special events over Christmas break. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Jr. High Summer Camp “Unleashed” Registrations are going on NOW!!! More information can be found online at http://holyr.org/?page_id=2491 Camp dates are July 27-31, 2015. Unleashed is open to all current 6th and 7th graders! Don’t miss out, sign up now! Want to get involved and keep up on the latest news??Like us on Facebook “Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry -Follow us on Twitter “@HolyRedeemerLT” -Follow us on Instagram “HolyRedeemerLT”-Send an email to youth@holyr.org and ask to be added to the email list. STEPHEN MINISTRY Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 Couples—do you want to give each other something REALLY special for the holidays this year? How about a gift filled with romance and excitement? Attend a Marriage Encounter weekend on February 6-8 or April 24-26. Call 314-469-7317 or visit at www.stlwwme.org to register. DISHES To all who provided meals, baked goods, etc. for funeral lunches, the Rice family wake, and meals for Fr. Brown and Bishop Rice, your containers are on the shelf in the back of church between the Church Library and the Sacristy. Please pick them up as soon as possible. Thank you for your generosity. PRAY FOR THE SICK Marty Walsh Frances Walrond Toni Berberich Alice McDonough Ruth Noyes Bonnie Brunty Frederick Femmer Claire Audrain George Mockler Mary Slais Alberta & Joseph J. Simeone Sylvia Luebbert Patricia Wilhelm Ted Pepple Ralph Nuelle Toni Corno Ford Brauer Louise Kopsky Anna Petzel Maryann Sexton Ann Clifford Suzy Volansky, friend of Do & John Reis Vicki McWhorter, friend of Toni Berberich David E. Nothstine, nephew of Jim Doubek Helen Claire Mashburn, mother of Janet Doubek Ann Chopin, sister of Jim Perabo Jen Cronin, niece of Jim & Kathy Dowd Nicholas Famolaro, grandson of Deeds & Faith Fletcher John Bussen Robert Bradshaw, friend of George Mockler Bernie Ceriotti, niece of Jim & Marlene Serati Mark Reeds, friend of Deeds & Faith Fletcher Rosemary Rowe, sister of Sr. Angela Senyszyn, OSF Judy Bershe, friend of Mary Shasserre Carole O’Neil, friend of Bob & Janet Hart Mary Beth Hall, sister of Carol Horn Paul McLafferty, father of Margie LaMore Heather Starr, sister of Sue Flanigan Barbara Karney Williamson, friend of Pat Dwyer Morgan Taylor, friend of Kelly Radar Elizabeth Stanley, granddaughter of Ruth Stanley Kay Hess Mary Witzig, cousin of Mary Shasserre Timothy Schiefelbein, son of Wayne Schiefelbein Christy Low, sister of Sheri Allgeier Floyd Gilliam, former parishioner Lynn Rosen, sister of Barb Dolan Ann Wittkamp, grandmother of Sheri Allgeier Nelson Cunningham, friend of Margie LaMore Due to privacy laws we no longer are informed of hospital stays. Family members, please notify the rectory. PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY CPL Patrick Whyte, USMC , son of Joe & Cheryl Whyte FIRST EUCHARIST PARENT MEETING The mandatory First Eucharist meeting for 2nd grade parents only is in the church on Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will last approximately one hour. If you have any questions, please contact Darcy Callahan at 962-8989X2. ACTUAL BUDGET Due to the early bulletin deadline, figures were not available for December 14th. They will appear in the next bulletin. Thank you! 12/14/14 Envelopes Online Total YEAR TO DATE $ $ $ $ 693,583.40 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $748,900.00 “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at www.holyr.org. Please call the Rectory at 962-0038 if you would like to cancel your set of envelopes. December Special Collections: December 25th, Kenrick Glennon Seminary—$100.00 Thank you for your support! DEBT REDUCTION CAMPAIGN NOVEMBER ACTUAL $ 5,323.02 BUDGET $4,000.00 Loan Balance—$654,736.15 Thank you for your continued commitment to Stewardship and our Debt payment Together We’re Better certificates are available in the Rectory office from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you wish to pre-order or would like an order form emailed to you, please contact pat@holyr.org. Orders placed by Monday are usually available by Friday afternoon. Certificates are also available in the Church Library following all Masses. PAUL VI INSTITUTE—SPRING 2015 CLASSES Paul VI Institute is currently accepting registrations for their spring 2015 classes. To register or for more information, please visit www.archstl.org/paul6 The Giving Tree All gifts must be received by Sunday, December 21 at 1pm. If you have any questions, please call Kathy Plurad 314-420-6625. Thank you again for your years of support to St. Pius V Immigrant Refuge Program. God bless you this Christmas season! HRAA The Holy Redeemer Athletic Association (HRAA) is an all-volunteer organization that provides children in the Webster Groves community who live within the Holy Redeemer parish boundaries, the opportunity to participate in various Catholic Youth Council (CYC) sports. The HRAA meets on the first Thursday of every month at the Edge of Webster from 8:30—10:30 PM. NEWS The HRAA is looking to fill the following positions: Assistant Basketball Coordinator &Uniform Coordinator Any questions can be directed to HRAA President, Tim Nash (nash.tp@att.net) REGISTRATION Registration for Spring sports (golf, track, baseball and softball) is January 1st through 15th. Register on-line at ezrosters.com/stl-holyr/ WOMEN’S ACTS RETREAT Open the gift of an ACTS retreat this new year, January 8-11, 2015. ACTS is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen your faith, develop lasting friendships and build parish community. Registration forms with additional information are in church. Space is limited. Please contact Suzanne Trautman (629-8170 or suztrautman@gmail.com) with any questions regarding the retreat or scholarship program. Any team member will be happy to talk with you as well! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth—remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and the saving power of His death and resurrection. Each year the people of our archdiocese have been asked to make a special gift on Christmas Day to support our seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon. The men of our seminary, who have responded to Christ’s call to follow Him, are truly a gift to the Church and to the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is these men who will bring the faith given to us by Christ 2000 years ago to future generations here in the Archdiocese. I ask you once again to pray for vocations and for all our priests and seminarians. I also ask you to be generous in your donation to the Christmas Day collection, which helps pay the day-to-day expenses and maintenance of our seminary. Please be assured of my prayers for you during the season of Christmas. May the Lord of life come into your hearts and homes in a special way during this holy time of year. Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, December 21 Children’s Liturgy—9:00 AM Mass Stephen Ministry—10:00 AM 201 Pageant Practice—3:00 PM Church Monday, December 22 School/PSR Christmas Break begins Penance Service 7:00 PM at MQP Tuesday, December 23 Eucharistic Adoration Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet—7:15 PM Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27 Sunday, December 28 Children’s Liturgy—9:00 AM Mass Stephen Ministry Class—10:00 Room 201 RCIA—9:00 AM CMR DECEMBER PSR Dec. 15—PSR 6:30 PM Dec. 22-29 NO PSR Christmas Break Bulletin deadlines With the approaching holidays, the following are the deadlines to have articles submitted for our bulletins: For Sunday, December 28th— due December 17 For Sunday, January 4, 2015— due December 23 MARK YOUR CALENDARS SATURDAY, January 31, 2015 CWL’s Forty-Second Annual Progressive Dinner If you are interested in hosting cocktails, dinner or dessert, please contact Kelly Girsch at 968-9777 or kelly_girsch@yahoo.com Eucharistic Adoration: An Additional adorer is needed for the 1-2PM time spot. Please contact Ann Wollaeger if you are able to help at 420-8050. The Catholic Women’s League of Holy Redeemer Parish Invite you to accept the gift of friendship and hospitality at the Forty-second Annual Progressive Dinner Saturday, January 31, 2015 Cocktails 6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Dinner 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Dessert 10:15 p.m. to Midnight Attendance will only be guaranteed for early registration, and destinations will only be assigned after reservations are completed. _____________________________________________________________________________ Holy Redeemer Forty-second Annual Progressive Dinner Saturday, January 31, 2015 $25 per person Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________________ ______ Number of Attendees ______ I am happy to host a dinner ______ I am happy to host cocktails ______ I am happy to host dessert Complete the attached form and send with check payable to HR CWL before 1/24/14. Mail or deliver completed form and check to Kelly Girsch, 11 Mason Ave. SCHOOL NEWS We will be having an Open House on Sunday, January 25, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The Open House kicks off a week-long celebration of Catholic Schools. All families are welcome and encouraged to attend to find out what has been happening on campus. The teachers, assistants, some parents and students will be available to tell you all about our programs and answer your questions. There will be refreshments at the end of the tour. We hope to see many of you there! Early registration for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten will be on Tuesday, February 3, and Wednesday, February 4, from 8-10 a.m. More information will follow in subsequent bulletins or feel free to contact the school office for more details. School office number is: 314-962-8989 Our favorite way to show our school is while the students are in session so you can see us in action. If you are interested, you may contact the principal Pam Galluzzo for a personal tour. Please call the school office to schedule a tour. (962-8989) Everyone at Holy Redeemer School wishes you a blessed Advent Season and a wonderful Christmas celebration! ALIVE IN CHRIST 2015 APPLICATIONS Applications will be accepted beginning January 26, 2015 for the 2015 Alive in Christ Scholarship Program. Your schools will have access to the application beginning Sunday, January 25. Alive in Christ scholarships provide financial assistance to families who would like their children to attend a Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Scholarship award amounts are based upon financial need and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. This program is open to families with new students entering Kindergarten through 4th grade or Catholic families with students currently attending an Archdiocesan elementary school. Applications will be available at your school office or online at www.archstl.org/ttef beginning January 25, 2015. For more information call Laura George at 314-792-7735 or laurageorge@archstl.org. NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? If you are a wonderful and caring person who wants to help the elderly in your community. Call us! Advertising here helps your parish & your business. email: bradyd@jspaluch.com 314-631-1989 www.stlhomecare.com Allen and Sally Serfas www.jspaluch.com Perceptive Reflections on God’s Beauty Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 Defining Beauty Danielle Rose CD $17 Thought-provoking Contemporary Music 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com Contemporary music from the hymnal Voices As One, Vol. 2 CD $17 Strong in Faith We Will Be the Light CD $17 CD $17 Come, Holy Spirit 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com Your ad could be in this space! ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Exceptional Care for Exceptional People REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE ✹ SHORT-TERM TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator / OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 – FIELDER – LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 301450 Holy Redeemer Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 R.A. GUINNER PLUMBING CO. (314) 752-9850 Kitchen/Bath Remodeling and Repair • Sewer Service Licensed Bonded Insured Free Estimates AZAR ORTHODONTICS Webster Groves, MO 314-968-1800 www.azarorthodontics.com Jesus A to Z TERRY KRAUSE 314-961-4800 34 North Gore www.carltoninsurance.net PRUNING TRIMMING REMOVAL 314-725-6159 Certified Arborist on Staff Fully Insured MENTION THIS AD FOR A DISCOUNT IMO’S PIZZA DINE IN - CARRY OUT DELIVERY 962-3666 Residential, Commercial and Institutional IN BUSINESS SINCE 1967 8115 Big Bend $3.00 OFF - 314-965-5504 - 14” or 16” Pizza w/coupon MEMBER OF: Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Inc. RSCA LINEK PLUMBING CO. 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