♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Hospital Visitation is Sunday Dec.21st at 3.00 p.m. All are invited to come along. Please wear a t-shirt with a Catholic print. There will be a Musical Production during the Christmas Vigil at Gros Islet Church beginning 10:30 p.m. Come and usher-in Christmas in song, dance and drama. The production will be followed by Midnight Mass. Donations of non perishable items & toys are being sought for families of the Parish who are in need. Packages will be collected in church on Holy Family Sunday, Dec 28th during the Offertory. Donations in cash and kind are being solicited for the COR retreat Jan 9-11th 2015. These can be given to the Parish Office, Ms. Welcome St. Rose or placed in the food basket at the front of the Church. Five men from our Parish, Gerald Calderon, Anthony Louis, David Popo, Madison Stanislas and Herald Wilson will be among the candidates for the Permanent Diaconate who will be installed as Acolytes Jan 7th 2015 at the Bexon Church. Please remember them in your prayers. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - YEAR B - 21ST DECEMBER 2014 May His will be done. Mass Times for the Season: (excerpt: wikipedia.org) Come and Celebrate! Archbishop Rivas’ 25th Episcopal Anniversary At a Concert on Thursday Jan 22, 2015, 7:00 p.m. At The Gaiety, Rodney Bay $35 $50 Under the Patronage of His Eminence Kelvin Cardinal Felix. Christmas Vigil: 10:30 p.m. Christmas Day: G/I & G/R-8:00 a.m. : G/I & Monchy-10:00 a.m. New Year’s Vigil: 11:00 p.m. New Year’s Day : G/I & G/R-8:00 a.m : G/I & Monchy-10:00 a.m. FIRST READING 2Sam.7:1-5, he Fourth Sunday of Advent belongs to 8-12. 14-16 Mary. This is so because the celebration of SECOND READING the birth of Jesus of necessity involves the motherhood of Rom.16:25-27 Mary. Saluted as "full of grace" by the angel, she freely chooses GOSPEL to cooperate with God's plan, such that our Savior was Lk.1:26-38 "conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit." In today’s First Reading, David seeks to build a dwelling place, MASS TIMES a temple for the Lord. Instead, it is the Lord who promises to Morning Prayers: 5:45a.m. establish a house, a legacy for him. In the Gospel it is Mary’s yes that brings that legacy to its culmination, the birth of the MONDAY G.I. Savior from the House of David. It is she who gives a home to Mass: Mass 6:00 a. m. 12:30 p.m. the Son of God in her womb. God chooses to occupy the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary in order to achieve his purposes, TUESDAY G.I namely our salvation. 6:00 a.m. Jesus has been made known, Paul says today, to bring all WEDNESDAY nations to the obedience of faith. We are called with Mary to 12:30 & 6:00 p.m. G.I. marvel at all that the Lord has done throughout the ages for our 6:00 p.m. G.R. salvation. THURSDAY And we too, must respond to this annunciation with humble 6:00 a.m./12:30 p.m. obedience - that His will be done, that our lives be lived G.I. 6:00 p.m. Monchy according to His word. T Gros Islet, Grande Riviere & Monchy S WHAT’S HAPPENING [ St. Joseph the Worker Parish St. Stephen - Feast Day December 26th tephen's name is derived from the Greek “Stephanos”, meaning “crown”, and he was the first disciple of Jesus to receive the martyr's crown. Stephen is first mentioned in Acts as one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food and charitable aid to poorer members of the community in the early church. Stephen is stated to have been full of faith and the Holy Spirit and to have performed miracles among the people. He aroused the opposition of the "Synagogue of the Freedmen" and others, who challenged Stephen's teachings, but he bested them in debate. Humiliated, they arranged for false witnesses to testify that Stephen had preached blasphemy against Moses and God, and dragged him before the Sanhedrin, the supreme legal court of Jewish elders. Stephen is said to have been unperturbed, his face looking like "that of an angel". He denounced his listeners as “stiff-necked” people who like their ancestors resisted the Holy Spirit and persecuted prophets. “They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered Him”, he said. Stephen, seemingly now oblivious to them, looked up and cried “Look! I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God!” To the Sanhedrin, this claim that the recently executed Jesus was standing by the side of God was such intense blasphemy that they drove Stephen outside the city and stoned him. Stephen prayed that the Lord would receive his spirit and that his killers would be forgiven. His martyrdom was witnessed by Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee who would later become the Apostle Paul. (excerpt: alicetx.com/frsebastianvettath) (excerpt: catholicwealdstone.org) “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy will.” Is.1:38 CONFESSIONS Every Saturday 9.00 - 10.00a.m 6.00 - 6.45p.m. & by appointment Parish Priests: Fr. Stephen Quinlan, Fr. Athanase Joseph Deacons: Rev. Girard Glace, Rev. Winston Taylor, Rev. Jeremy Joseph P.O Box Choc 8192, Castries, Saint Lucia Tel: (758) 450450-8325 Fax: (758) 450450-8794 Cell: (758) 285285-8831 Email: st.joseph_church@candw.lc Website: www.grosisletchurch.org Facebook: facebook.com/grosisletpasrish FRIDAY 6:00 a.m./12:30 p.m. G.I. SATURDAY 6:30 a.m./7:00 p.m. G.I. SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. G.I./G.R 10:00 a.m. G.I./Monchy HOLIDAY G.I. 7:00 a.m. PLEASE PRAY FORTHE SICK Week Four 1. Put up a Nativity Crèche to remind you of the coming feast. 2. Say a decade of the Rosary for your mother. 3. Thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus. (excerpt: etwn.com/advent) St. John the Evangelist Feast Day December 27th C hristian tradition says that John the Evangelist was the Apostle John. He was one of Christ's original twelve apostles and is thought to be the only one of them not killed for his faith. He was the son of Zebedee and thought to be a cousin of Jesus, by the sister of the Virgin Mary. John was as a fisherman with his brother James, his father Zebedee and his partner Simon, working on the shores of the sea of Galilee. John and his brother were first the followers of John the Baptist. When John the Baptist said of Jesus: "Behold the Lamb of God!", John and his brother left their lives as fishermen to follow Jesus. John was the "beloved disciple" and the only one of the Twelve who did not forsake the Savior in the hour of His Passion. He stood faithfully at the cross where the Savior made him the guardian of His Mother. In the interval between the Resurrection and the Ascension, John returned to his home at the Sea of Galilee with Peter. When Christ appeared on the shore after the Resurrection John was the first to recognize him. John worked in Jerusalem and at Ephesus (modern Turkey) preaching the ministry of Jesus and was responsible for the conversion of many people. His later life was passed chiefly in Jerusalem and at Ephesus, and he founded many churches in Asia Minor. Brought to Rome, tradition relates that he was by order of Emperor Dometian cast into a cauldron of boiling oil but came forth unhurt. He was then banished to the island of Patmos for a year. He wrote the fourth Gospel and three Epistles, and the Book of Revelation is also attributed to him. He lived to an extreme old age, surviving all his fellow apostles, and died at Ephesus about the year 100 AD. (excerpt: wikipedia.org) Annie Etienne Pearl St. Helene Peter Felicien Euralis Flermont Priscillia Henry DECEASED Benedicte Habran Anthony Herbert Angelic Polieus Cyprian Henry WEEKDAY READINGS MONDAY 1Sam.1:24-28 Lk.1:46-56 TUESDAY Mal.3:1-4, 23-24 Lk.1:57-66 WEDNESDAY 2Sam.7:1-5. 8-12, 14. 16 Lk.1:67-79 CHRISTMAS VIGIL Is.9:1-7 Tit. 2:11-14 Lk.2:1-14 CHRISTMAS DAY Is.52:7-10 Heb.1:1-6 Jn.1:1-18 FRIDAY Act.6:8-10; 7:54-59 Matt.10:17-22 SATURDAY 1Jn. 1:1-4 Jn 20:1, 2-8 MASS INTENTIONS GROS ISLET CLERGY / RELIGIOUS INTENTIONS FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - YEAR B Int: Members of the Destang Family B’day: Vernette Brooks Sat Dec 20 - 7:00 p.m. Sun Dec 21 - 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. GRANDE RIVIERE MONCHY “My soul magnifies the Lord , and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for He has looked with favour on the lowliness of His servant……….For the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His name. “ Lk.1:46-49 MISSA PRO POPULO B’day: Chad & Jayjay Sidoine Alex Vaudroque Int: Lysa Esnard & family B’day: Durand Dorseide Wedd Ann: Merlina & Durand Dorseide WEEKDAY MASS INTENTIONS Mon Dec 22 - 5:30 a.m. Fr. Cecil Goodman Rev. Thomas Alexander B’day: Lance Arnold 12:30 p.m. Tues Dec 23 - 5:30 a.m. Wed Dec 24 - 6:00 a.m. 10:30 p.m. Thks: Treverne Yorke & family Wedd Ann: Marie Ange & Neil Williams Fr. Linus Clovis Msgr. Theophilus Joseph Sr. Adinase Mumba Rev. Girard Glace Sr. Mary Muskosa OSB Christmas Vigil Thks: Alvina George & family St Martin: Marie George Arnaud Thks: Fr. Stephen Quinlan Christine Glace, Karen Matthews MISSA PRO POPULO Thks: Connie St. Louis Agnes Josie Thu Dec 25 - 8:00 a.m. Nativity of The Lord 10.00 a.m. Int: Our Donors & Benefactors Grande Riviere 8:00 a.m. For Parishioners Monchy 10:00 a.m. For Parishioners Fri Dec 26 - 7:00 a.m. St Stephen, 1st Martyr Sat Dec 27- 6:30 a.m. St John the Evangelist Fr. Andrew Rosiac SAC Thks: Shanta King & family Rev. Nathalbert Husbands Healing: The Prudent family Sr. Stephania Banda OSB Int: Parish Council & Other Volunteers Fr. Kevin Murray C.Ss.R Rev. Gabriel Geoffrey Thks: Fr. Athanase Joseph & Parish Staff St Jude Hospital & Recon Project B’day: Nicholas Philip
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