ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 St. Mark catholic Church and school Wilmington, NC 28403 Church 1011 Eastwood Rd. 910 392-0720 school 1013 eastwood rd. 910 452-2800 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Weekend Mass Schedule ~ Horario de Misas Saturday 5:00 pm—nursery available Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am; nursery available during 9:30 and 11:30 only 1:30pm Spanish (español los domingos a las 1:30, todos los demás en Inglés) Daily Mass Schedule Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday 8:30am; Tues 8:30am and 6:00pm Holy Days please check the bulletin and website Días Santos por favor revise el boletín y página web Reconciliation ~ Reconciliación Saturdays 3:30pm—4:30pm Sábados 3:30—4:30 Call the office for individual Reconciliation Llame a la oficina para hacer una cita Adoration of the Eucharist Fridays 9:00am until 9:00pm Adoración de la Eucaristía Viernes 9:00am hasta las 9:00pm Baptism ~ Bautismo Parish office 910 398-6509 Marriage ~ Matrimonio Parish office 910 398-6509 Contact the Parish office six months in advance Comuníquese con el sacerdote seis meses antes de la boda Anointing of the Sick or Funerals Unción de los Enfermos o de Funerales Parish office 910 398-6509 "The mission of St. Mark Catholic Church is to invite, inspire, educate, and lead people to know and love Jesus Christ; to understand and live their Catholic faith; to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel through love and service to one another." "La misión de la Iglesia Católica de San Marcos es invitar, inspirar, educar y guiar a la gente para conocer y amar a Jesucristo, entender y vivir la fe católica y proclamar la Buena Nueva del Evangelio a través del amor y el servicio a los otros ". First Reconciliation—First Communion Primera Reconciliación—Primera Comunión Anne Doyle, 910 398-6511 Confirmation for Youth Confirmación de Jovenes Confirmation for Adults Confirmación para Adultos Parish office 910 398-6509 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Paul Townend, 910 792-1931 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Special Announcements Our Christmas Mass Schedule Continuing Online Improvements December 24, 2014 Christmas Eve ACCESS Giving History Online Continuing ongoing operational improvements and cost reductions, St. Mark Church is expanding web site ACCESS capabilities beyond enabling parishioners to update their own personal information online such as address, phone, or email address changes. Starting December 21, 2014, parishioners who have enrolled via our Church’s ACCESS system with a private password, will be able to view their own contributions online. This information will be refreshed Monday noon of each week. Given password security protections, individuals who log into ACCESS can only view their personal contributions. For couples who have opted to have their contributions combined, each head or spouse will be able to view their combined contributions. This capability will enable parishioners wanting to do some end of year tax planning to view their tax deductable contributions before we mail out printed statements quantifying 2014 total charitable donations. For your convenience, below is a link to our ACCESS page on the Church’s new website access where you will find an ACCESS login button. (For those that may have not yet established a password / user ID, ACCESS user instructions are provided—see ACCESS under the Information tab). —To view your contributions, log into ACCESS and click on ”My Giving History” tab under “My Profile” in your main menu. Total Year to Date Giving and 10 Most Recent Contributions are displayed for 2014. You then have options to see a list of all contributions and/or for specific dates by selecting “Show All” and “During Date Range” in the Contribution Information section. You can also change the year to see the same information for 2013. —Once in ACCESS, you can click on the image at the top of any ACCESS screen to go to the new website if you want to see the awesome improvements implemented by Fr. Michael’s team. Note: 2014 Donation Statements for your tax records will be mailed by the end of January 2015. If you do not desire this hard copy given your viewing capability online, kindly email and we will save the mailing expense. Coming in 2015, we are planning to implement online giving using our ACCESS (ACS Technologies, Inc.) system to schedule credit or debit card donations under your use of additional online capabilities. This program will be reviewed by St. Mark’s Finance Council at their January 2015 meeting. Caleb Strittmatter, Operations Manager 4:00 PM 4:00 PM Mass in the Church—NO incense Mass in the Activity Ctr.—NO incense 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Mass in the Church—incense Spanish Mass in Act. Ctr.—NO incense 12:00 AM Midnight Mass in the Church—incense preceded by Christmas Concert at 11:00 PM December 25, 2014 Christmas Day 9:30 AM Mass in the Church—NO incense We all know we will be called to welcome many visitors. Please plan ahead, arrive at Mass early, use caution parking and show all of our brothers and sisters your Christian Love as we celebrate the Savior’s birth. Did you know??? The name “Christmas” comes from two very familiar words: “Christ” and “Mass”. This reflects a broader custom of naming feasts this way. For example, the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel is also known as “Michaelmas” and the Presentation of the Lord (when we traditionally bless candles) as “Candlemas”. That means you can’t really celebrate Christmas without the Mass! Masses at St. Mark’s will be at 4pm, 6:30pm, and 12am on Christmas Eve and 9:30am Christmas Day. See you here! Questions or ideas? Send them to (910) 398-6515 Eucharistic Adoration Fridays from 9:00am—9:00pm (with exceptions) For information about Eucharistic Adoration please contact: Bonnie Laurino (910) 508-8820 or Debbie Kotas at (919) 656- 5785 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Time, Talent & Treasure Time and Talent Opportunities TODAY Dec 21 St. Mark Calendar of Events Parish Membership -Columbiettes Christmas Cookie Sale after AM Masses 7:30am Mass, Church 9:30am Mass, Church NO LITTLE LAMBS TODAY 11:30am Mass, Church 1:30pm Misa en español, Iglesia ALL Angel Advent Tree gifts are due back TODAY for sorting and distribution. If you took an Angel, please return the requested gift to the Gathering Space. Monday Dec 22 8:00am Temporalities 8:30am Daily Mass, Church 7:00pm Adult Scripture Study, Rm. 7 St. Cecilia Chorale, Church Tuesday OFFICES CLOSE AT 1:00PM Dec 23 8:30am Daily Mass, Church 6:00pm Daily Mass, Church Pasadas, Parish Hall 6:45pm Charismatic Prayer, Chapel 7:00pm BSA 215 Adults—Planning, Rm. 7 Wednesday OFFICES CLOSED Dec 24 4:00pm Mass in the Church Mass in the Activity Center 6:30pm Mass in the Church (English) Misa en español, Centro de Actividades 11:00pm Concert Prelude to Midnight Mass, Church Thursday OFFICES CLOSED Dec 25 12:00am Midnight Mass in the Church 9:30 am Mass in the Church Are you new to St. Mark Parish? We are anxious to WELCOME you to our parish family. Registration is available via our website, or hard copies of our registration form are available in the literature rack outside of the chapel or outside room 10 in the education wing of the church. Please complete a form INCLUDING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IF YOU HAVE ONE and drop it in the offertory or return it to the office so that we can WELCOME you. If you have questions, or if you have completed a registration, but have not received a response, please call 910 398-6508 or email: Stewardship Thought Christmas Day The Nativity of the Lord Friday OFFICES CLOSED Dec 26 8:30am Daily Mass, Church 9:00am Eucharistic Adoration, Chapel Saturday Dec 27 3:30pm Reconciliation, Confessionals 5:00pm Vigil Mass, Church Sunday Dec 28 7:30am Mass, Church 9:30am Mass, Church NO LITTLE LAMBS TODAY 11:30am Mass, Church 1:30pm Misa en español, Iglesia “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. Mass Attendance—Dec 6/7 Sat 5:00 ALL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE When in doubt, please check with your ministry/group leaders. Sun. 7:30 Sun. 9:30 Sun. 11:30 Sun. 1:30 264 611 585 354 Stewardship of Treasure OFFERTORY for the week of Dec 6/7, 2014 To reserve parish facilities (church or school), contact Cathie Welch at: OFFICE CLOSINGS Electronic-AUTO DRAFT Identifiable Loose Cash Total for Dec 6/7 $7,549.00 $24,648.12 $2,387.00 $34,584.12 YTD as of December 6/7 Budgeted Actual Difference—Favorable $520,625.00 $542,373.00 + $21,748.00 The Parish Business Offices will close at 1:00pm on Tuesday, December 23rd. We will reopen for regular business hours on Monday, (Parking, Parish Hall, Activity Ctr. January 5, 2015. For life threatening emergencies or to report a death or and Columbarium Prev. Bal.) make funeral arrangements during this time, please use the emergency Debt Reduction Received YTD contact number (910) 399-1591. **Please remember: This number is for Construction Debt YTD emergency situations only. $1,509,697.00 $11,315.00 $1,498,382.00 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 EMHC / CAMILLUS Extraordinary Ministers of Holy C o m mu n i o n and Camillus Ministry Training Sessions will be held during the year as needed. Times and dates will be published in the bulletin one month prior to each training. If you have questions regarding EMHC’s please call Ron Probst at 910-620-2717, questions regarding Camillus please call David Powell at 910 350-8936. Baptism “You have put on Christ, in Him you have been baptized. Alleluia, alleluia!” Baptism Preparation classes in English are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Clases de preparación Bautismal en español se celebra el primer sábado de cada mes y comenzará puntualmente a las 9:30 am. For more information please call (910) 398-6509. Marriage Couples must contact the office six months prior to their planned wedding date to enter Pre-Cana preparation. For information about wedding preparation contact the office of the Pastoral Secretary, at 910 398-6509. Liturgy and Worship Intentions for Dec 20—Dec 28, 2014 / Usher Team C—Usher Team A Mass Schedule 12/20 Sat 12/21 Sun Mass Intention 5:00 pm Pro Populo CTK 6:00 pm Team C 7:30 am † James Keelty Elizabeth Keelty 9:30 am † Anna & Michael Pendola Anna & Anthony Messineo † Jane & John Tyhacz Geraldine & John W. Tyhacz Spanish Mass 11:30 am 1:30 pm † Charles Joyce Miriam Barbour 12/22 Mon 8:30 am † John Paharo Celeste & Gary Russ 12/23 Tues 8:30 am Lynn & Michael Donoghue 6:00 pm † Aline Faccini Alias † Anna Lucy Brown Church Act Ctr 4:00pm 4:00pm † Peter Lord † Beverly Schoen Fitzgerald Church Act Ctr (Span) Ted & Flo Haggis Dee Gould 6:30pm 6:30pm † Kenneth Bush † Ernest & Helen Gniadek Helen Bush & family the Gniadek family Thurs 12/25 Midnight Church 12:00am † Ryan Seller the Seller family Christmas Day Church 9:30am 12/26 Fri 8:30am 12/27 Sat 12/28 Sun Wed 12/24 Christmas Eve 5:00 pm Stephen, Tammy & Daniel Pro Populo † John O’Neill Larry & Maureen Lambe † William Fill CTK 6:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am Pro Populo † Angelo Toscano Irene & Gene DaSilva 11:30 am † Dorothy Gitter Martin & Vivian DeSanto 1:30 pm † Hazel Barbour Miriam Barbour Team A Spanish Mass For a Mass Intention for a loved one, living or deceased (†), please contact Cathie Welch in the church office—Room #10 or call (910) 398-6508. Sanctuary Candle & Flowers Scripture Readings December 21—December 28, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent THE SANCTUARY CANDLE 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 is offered this week in Memory of Joseph Poissant by Anita Poissant READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DEC 22, 2014 Our Deceased Mon Tues Wed ALTAR FLOWERS We pray always and everywhere for all the souls of the faithful departed family and friends of our St. Mark Parish Community. Requested by this week are provided by our St. Mark Parish Community To make donations for altar flowers or the sanctuary candle in honor or in memory of a loved one, please come by or call the parish office (910) 398-6508. 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2; Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25; Lk 1:57-66 Vigil: Is 62:1-5, Ps 89; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25, Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Thurs The Nativity of the Lord Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Fri Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Ps 31; Mt 10:17-22 Sat 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Ps 105; Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8; 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Liturgy and Worship The Power of Prayer—Please Pray for Our Sick May They and Their Caretakers Know God’s Peace Please make your prayer requests by emailing: or by calling the church office (910) 392-0720. Laurie Adams Olivia Blake Altman Bobby Bailey, Sr. Helen & Nicholas Bak Percy Barbour Evelyn Bass Hood Angela Beal & Baby Chance Paige Boatwright Scott Braswell Dawn Brown Frank & Jeanne Bua John Burton Joyce Bussewitz Mayela Cajar Karolyn Campbell Pauline Cannone Charles Cassella Mark Cassella Patricia Cassella Lou Celender Alice Choma David Coleman Robert Colon Tony Croom Danny Decker Kitty DeMaria Mary Derck Darrell & Sharon Dismukes Krystyna & Tony Droz Margie Duke Jeanna Elsisy Brian Ennis Anna and John Evanko the Foreman Family Christine & Bernard Foppe David Foreman Betsy Frase Mike Gallagher Taresa Gausman Infant Ryleigh George Claudia Good Sue Good Bob Gustafson Sue Hack Bill Harrigan Joanne Harrigan Kim Hashim Sandy Hill Bob Huntley Bob Johnson Brynnick Johnson Fred Johnson Janet Philips Johnson Patricia Johnson Clint Jones Joseph Kloiber Phyllis Knight Ann Kurtz Ted Lang Darlene Larkins Rosemary Lauro Betty Leddick Stacy Lee Courtney Lenaburg Bob Lord Ira Lowe Alison Magnin Trudy Mallon Joan Malloy Tony Manha Rose Martyn Maddie McPherson Alex Monticello Mary Catherine Moore Jane Mruczek Emory Oeser Michael J. Oeser Leigh Oliverie Charlotte O’Neill Mildred Paluch Judi Paschall Robin Pestone Billy E. Philips Amelia Quarto Beth Richards Jesma Roggina Jess Roggina Rich Romanowski Lucille Romeo Phil Rose Gregory Sarajak Bernadette Secondo Connie Siers Margaret Smith Major Aaron Smithley Rose Sordellini Ed Stapleton Diane Starzee Marjorie Steck Jim Stock Fred Streck Camille Sweeney Lonnie Taylor Phillip Thalheimer Lori Tufts Felice Van Eron Jennifer Van Eron Viscosi Carmen Vera Fr. Joe Vetter Joe Wagner Fr. John Walsh Helen Zawisza If your name or that of a loved one has been removed, it is because it appeared for six weeks or more and you did not request an extension. If prayers are still needed, you may request that a name be placed back on the list at any time. To request that a name be added to the list of Prayers for the Sick, please call Cathie Welch at (910) 392-0720, ext. 249 or you can email your request to: Sacramental Emergencies After Hours: In the event of TRUE LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES ONLY Those needing the Anointing of the Sick after regular office hours or weekends please call (910) 399-1591. Alex Hill, Director of Music and Liturgy (910) 398-6514 / ET HOMO FACTUS EST When I began singing in college choirs in the early 1980s, I was a non-Catholic with absolutely no training in liturgy, Latin, or the structure of the Roman Catholic Mass. However, there is nothing better than serious college music study to persuade you that virtually the entire history of Western music is indebted to the Catholic Church! So much of what we sang in choir was Catholic and often derived directly from the Mass or other sacred liturgical texts: Motets by Palestrina and Poulenc; Requiems by Mozart and Schütz; Masses by Bach and Haydn. I began to notice some curious similarities between these unique composers in their treatment of the Mass. If their Mass setting included the “Credo” (the Nicene Creed), there was one particular section which was set apart from all the others. In the more elaborate musical settings, the long text of the Creed was divided into multiple sections. Even in the shorter “Missa Brevis” (short Mass) settings, which crammed the entire Creed text into one musical movement, this one particular section of the text was singled out for special treatment. I had no idea why. We would be singing, often at a fast tempo with boisterous rhythms (there is a lot of text to get through, after all!). Then everything would seem to stop midway through and the character of the music would change. The voices became quieter, the texture became leaner and more transparent, the tempo more solemn, and the words came through clearly: ‘ET HOMO FACTUS EST.” The full text was “Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine. ET HOMO FACTUS EST,” which literally means, “and made-flesh was of Holy Spirit by Virgin Mary, AND MAN MADE WAS.” In other words: “and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, AND BECAME MAN.” Although I was a fairly well-formed Methodist at the time, I learned a lot more about my Christian faith by listening to this sacred Catholic music and seeing how various composers treated these and other sacred words. It takes a lot to stop a fast-moving choir and orchestra during your average musical setting of the Creed! But those four words kept jumping out at me: ET HOMO FACTUS EST. There is only one way to describe the feeling this music engendered when we came to those four words: AWE. Deep, solemn, reverential, humble AWE, that God Almighty would condescend to come to us “in the flesh,” to be our Savior and our brother. Every time you come to Mass, listen for those words: “By the Holy Spirit he was incarnate of the Virgin Mary AND BECAME MAN.” Remember to bow at that sentence (we genuflect on Christmas Day and on March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation). Christmas is our celebration of the Incarnation, and it invites us to stop what we’re doing and meditate on those words. The music and the liturgy can lead us to a deeper understanding of the mysteries we celebrate. It did that and much more for me, it actually led me into the Catholic Church. It is our prayer this season that the music ministry will bless you, as well. ET HOMO FACTUS EST. Think about it. ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Biblical/Scriptural Learning for Adults Weekly Bible/Scripture studies are a staple of St. Mark Parish Life. For more information, please see descriptions of our groups via ACCESS under Available Activities or contact the leadership of our Study Groups. Monday Evening Adults meet at 7:00pm in the Cana/ Conference Room #7 during the school year. The next study will begin in January. Courageous Women now meets (every other week) on Monday mornings in the Cana/Conference Room #7 at 9:30 AM. For more information or to join this group, please contact Carolyn Landenberg (910) 679-4048 or email . Returning January 5th. Thursday Morning Bible Study is held in Rooms 5 & 6 beginning with social time at 9:00am and class begins promptly at 9:15. Nursery is available during this weekly study Contacts are: Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or or Sue Hack at 910-512-2380. Bible Study is on break until Jan 8. Watch the bulletin for info on the new series beginning then. Women of the Word Thursdays 11am - 12: 30pm. For more information please contact Cheryl W hitaker or 910-371-0724. New Study begins January 8, 2015. See bulletin announcement TODAY. Prayer Groups St. Mark Respect Life Mary (910) 319-7911 Deacon Orlando Perez Annual March for Life The Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. will take place on Thursday, January 22nd. The parish would like to sponsor a bus to travel up for the March, returning the same day. If you are interested in attending, please contact Paul Abbe in the parish office: 910-398-6526 or Approximate cost of $40 per person. Charismatic Prayer Group The Blessed Trinity Charismatic Prayer Group meets for prayer, praise, sharing and intercession on Tuesday evenings following the 6 PM evening Mass in the Chapel. The first Tuesday Mass intention is always for Life, Marriage and Religious Freedom. All are welcome to attend any prayer meeting. If you want to know more about the prayer group or the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, contact any member of the leadership team: Carl Rilling at 910 392-6064, or Mary Jo Harrington at Men’s Morning Prayer Group We’re looking for a few good Catholic men to engage in spiritual combat. Every Thursday morning before the break of dawn, men meet for an hour or more to pray the rosary and study the Mass reading for the upcoming Sunday. Once fortified, you’ll be able to more actively participate on Sunday through better understanding of the scriptures. No experience necessary. We provide everything. All that’s missing is you. Join us Thursday mornings in Conference Room 7 at 6:30 am. Spiritual Growth Opportunities & Support Support Ministries Prayer Shawl Ministry Ladies from the parish meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the library to knit or crochet shawls for those in need of consolation for loss or illness. If you would like more information or you would like to participate, please contact Jacque Ennis 910 686-3659. Empty Cradle Empty Cradle support group meets at St. Mark Church on the third Wednesday of each month except December, at 6:30 pm. We are a support group for parents that have experienced ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, still birth and infant loss. For more information, please contact Nora Golden at: Faith Development & Fraternities for Adults CURIOUS ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Wondering? Seeking a welcome? Saint Mark's program of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) can help you. If you have questions about the Catholic faith, please drop by for Inquiry any Wednesday evening at 6:00pm in the church library or contact Sandy at 910 686-9056 or Paul at 910-792-1931 or you can send an email to Paul at: THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER The local fraternity meets at 1:00pm on the third Sunday of the month in the Cana Conference Room (7) in the education wing of St. Mark Church. For information on the Secular Franciscan Order, please contact Brenda Wells at (910) 256-8765 or Margaret Horan at (910) 579-3212. Knights of Columbus 12017 St. Mark Catholic Church Dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, fund-raising programs and social events. Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. (See Contact: James Laraia, 937 -609-1753, Fr. James E. Waters Columbiettes Auxiliary The Columbiettes is an auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus committed to Marian devotion and extensive community social outreach. Members are Catholic women in good standing. Being married to a Knight is not a requirement of membership. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a fraternal group for men of Irish descent and is complimented by the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians. For more information on these groups, and the charities they support, please contact: Maureen and Jim Quinn 910 686-5151. Faith Formation and School News ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Pre-K thru Gr. 5 St. Mark Catholic School News Anne Doyle, (910) 398-6511 910 452-2800 Children's Faith Formation Classes Resume Wednesday, Jan. 7th I would like to extend warm Christmas blessings to all our households as we get ready to enter into the Christmas season. I hope and pray if your family is traveling during this season that your travels are safe. Please remember to attend Sunday Mass wherever you might be! And please remember to keep Christ at the center of your Christmas celebrations! Ms. Anne Thank you to everyone who helped make a child's Christmas a little brighter by taking an Angel off of our Angel Tree and bringing back a gift. Today (Dec. 21st) is when the gifts are DUE! Our volunteers will be putting together the family bags for distribution this evening and tomorrow. Again, thank you for your kindness, prayers and generosity! We could not do this program without YOU! Help Me Say Yes Like Mary when the angel came, Like Joseph after his dream, Like the shepherds when the angels sang, Like the Wise Men who tracked the star's gleam. Ms. Mary Myers, Principal We are especially fortunate to have St. Mark Catholic School. We are fortunate to have a safe environment for our children and strong role models for them to follow. Our children are instructed daily in their faith and are encouraged to act as Jesus would. There is no doubt for them that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Thank you for your continuing support of Catholic Education. Our Staff and Families would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! St. Mark middle school basketball season is in full swing. This year we have three teams participating in the local middle school league. If you are interested in helping out with basketball games for the middle school, please contact Dennis Fleck at See his teacher web page for schedules of the games: SaintMarkCatholicSchoolWilmington/ MrDennisFleckAssistantPrincipal/Division-1-amp-2-Schedule2014-15.pdf Only one Home Game this week . . . January 22, Division 2 Boys vs Cape Fear Academy B at 4 Youth Ministry Melissa Quaranto 910 398-6510 / Like the saints who suffer in silence, Like the priest who answers the call, Like the man and woman who marry in love, Like the teacher whose values stand tall. “Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on, so that everyone may know, love and confess Jesus Christ.” -Pope Francis Like the mother who nurtures her unborn child, Like the child who kneels to pray Like the family who lives by putting God first, Help me say "YES" every day. FaithLife (Confirmation I and II) Confirmation classes will not meet again until Sunday, January 4. Please prayerfully consider a saint name and sponsor. These will be due on January 18. Service opportunity: The youth host the Parish Breakfast on Sunday, January 11. Please contact Melissa if you plan to volunteer. ~ Lynn Wehner STS (for anyone in grades 6-8) will not meet again until January 7. CROSSWALK Mark your calendars for the High School Ice Skating Social at Wilmington’s Ice House, 6-8pm on Tuesday, Dec. 30. Many thanks and Merry Christmas! Thank you for your support of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation at St. Mark’s by purchasing a tree! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all our wonderful tree lot volunteers! Thank you, too, for supporting our Angel Tree and Andrew’s Toy Box! We wish you all a blessed Christmas season with your families. Thank you for enriching St. Mark Youth Ministry with your presence! We look forward to all that 2015 has in store! ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 TODAY COLUMBIETTES ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE DECEMBER 20/21—AFTER MASSES Come see what delicious treats the Columbiettes have in store for you this year. Each plate of assorted Christmas Cookies will sell for $5.00. Your purchases help support Columbiette charitable activities. Christmas Floral Remembrances We accepted donations through December 17th for our Annual Remembrance Booklet, available for donors this weekend December 20/21. Thank you again for your generous gifts, which helped us to decorate for this very special Christmas Season. Please remember to return all Angel Tree gifts by THIS Sunday, December 21st. Faith Formation for Children and Youth Ministry both have Angel Trees this year and are collecting needed items for children and teens. Please, if you’ve taken an Angel request, return the unwrapped gift to the appropriate tree TODAY. Thank you for your generosity—and for teaching your families the importance of giving. Wilmington Catholic Radio 93.1 FM Carolina Catholic Honors Father Vincent R. Capodanno, Servant of God CC’s December show welcomes Father Patrick Keane, Pastor of St. Mark Catholic Church, as he shares the story of a Naval Chaplain to the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, Servant of God Vincent R. Capodanno, a Maryknoll missionary. Father Capodanno died serving the men he loved, the "grunts" of the Marine Corps. Known as the "Grunt Padre" to the men he served, this holy man gave his life while trying to protect the life of a corpsman. Catch the last airing of this loving tribute to Father Capodanno can be heard on Wilmington Catholic Radio 93.1 FM TODAY, Sunday, December 21st at 6:00 PM. This show can also be heard on the WCR website at by clicking on the Carolina Catholic tab. NEXT WEEKEND Remember a special baby during Advent – Jesus. St. Mark’s Respect Life ministry thanks all who adopted a baby bottle for Advent. Remember to put your loose change, bills, or more into the bottle during Advent. Bottles should be returned before Mass on the weekend of December 27-28, the Feast of the Holy Family. A basket for this will be in the gathering space. Parish Life and Community News THANK YOU From Toddlers to Teens, everyone loves books! Thank you for your donation of 60 books for the Carousel Center this Christmas. Your gifts will be greatly appreciated by the children/youth served at this center for abused children. “Bread for Life . . .” A Gleaning Ministry Claudette Fiskin, M.S.W., Director Thank you for your continuing support of our Ministry, which serves low-income, aging in place seniors. It is through your generosity and response to our drives for food (and essential nonfood items periodically throughout the year) combined with our program partners that allows us to assist so many who have so little. We wish you God’s Peace and continued Blessings and we ask for your help and prayers as we enter into another New Year. Merry Christmas from all of our BFL volunteers and program participants. St. Anthony of Padua . . . . . Pray for us. St. Mark Parishioners . . . . . Pray for us. Look What’s Coming in January Women of the Word to start new Study On January 8, 2015 the Women of the Word will begin a study of St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians using a program from Catholic Scripture Study, International. This is an in-depth study that will meet weekly on Thursdays, January 8 to March 5, 2015. The commentary for this study is written by Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea. The video lectures are presented by Fr. Matthew Kauth. The fee for the workbook is $20. For more information please contact Cheryl Whitaker: or 910-371-0724 St. Mark Bible Study for Men and Women The Book of Ruth, by Earl Ray, Catholic Scripture Study International begins Thursday, Jan 8th in Rooms 5 & 6 Social time 9:00 AM—Study 9:30-11:00 Nursery available Description: Love stories never grow old. One of the world’s oldest love stories is about a young heroine named Ruth. Her husband dies, and with the purity of familial devotion she clings to her mother-in-law, Naomi. The true story has resonated down through 3,000 years of literature, contained in the living word of God, the Holy Bible. There is a reason why such stories of passion and love never fade in popularity. Faithfulness, devotion, and fidelity between friends and lovers inspire us to greatness. It is the life that lets us live out the image of God. (CSS) This study has 4 sessions. Participants will need to obtain the Study Guide before the first class. If you need to register or do not have the Study Guide contact: Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or Sue Hack at 910-512-2380, or E Mail Mike at: Materials cost $10.00 per participant. Donations to cover this cost are greatly appreciated. ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 More News & Staff Directory CHURCH OFFICE Support Youth Ministry at St. Mark HOURS 9:00AM-4:00PM, Mon.—Fri. PHONE 910 392-0720 ~ FAX 910 392-6777 WEB SITE PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Patrick A. Keane PAROCHIAL VICAR WYD 2016 Krakow, Poland Rev. Michael J. Burbeck DEACON Support the youth’s trip to World Youth Day by purchasing a 16oz bag of Gourmet Coffee for $10. All proceeds go toward the expenses of the trip! You can make a purchase through the faith formation offices. Thank you! Pastoral Secretaries Deacon Orlando Perez 910 398-6507 Sandy Ellsworth / Denise Morrison 910 398-6509 Church Office Secretary Cathie Welch 910 398-6508 ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mary Myers 910 452-2800 PRINCIPAL Christmas Programming ST. MARK MONTESSORI Melissa Porter 910 398-6517 PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR OPERATIONS MANAGER Caleb Strittmatter 910 398-6515 ACCOUNTING/ HR MANAGER Celebrate the coming of Our Lord with Christmas programming for the entire family. Sincere thanks to our advertiser of the week: Family, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry Please support our advertisers. They make this bulletin possible. Please watch for a Christmas hand-out at Masses on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Our regular bulletins will return for the weekends of December 28th and January 4th. Due to office closings (ours and our publisher’s), some information may not be available during this time period, but we will do our best to get you caught up on everything that’s going on when we return. Bulletin contributors, please return to the Wednesday deadline for the January 11th bulletin (December 31st). Thank you to all who make this bulletin possible. Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday, 11 days prior to publication. For information, contact Cathie Welch 910 398-6508. email submissions to: you may Cc to: Parish Life/Community Special Announcements Spiritual Growth Stewardship Alex Hill 910 398-6514 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Paul V. Abbe 910 398-6526 CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Anne Doyle 910 398-6511 Pre-K thru Grade 5 YOUTH MINISTRY Grades 6-12 Upcoming Bulletins p. 10 p. 7 p. 4 & 5 p. 4 p. 9 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY MINISTRY Wilmington Catholic Radio Otero Deanery & Diocesan News Faith Formation/School News Liturgy & Worship Mass & Sacraments News & Parish Directory Frank DeMonte 910 398-6512 p. 8 p. 2 p. 6 p. 3 Melissa Quaranto 910 398-6510 COUNCILS & MINISTRIES PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE COUNCIL HISPANIC LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 12017 FR. JAMES E. WATERS COLUMBIETTES RESPECT LIFE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS TEMPORALITIES MINISTRY Ken Dieppa, Chair 832 534-3772 Melissa Dupuis, Chair 910 619-6609 Edwin Marin 786 267 3166 James Laraia, Sr.—Grand Knight 937 609-1753 Pat Conlon 910 790-3751 Mary Fimbel 910 319-7911 Paul Townend 910 792-1931 Joseph Damitz 910 686-4279 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 Connect with the Diocese Deanery and Diocesan News Please Save this Historic Date You will find the Diocese, your favorite ministries, parishes and schools on our Diocesan Facebook page! Like us here: You are invited to follow the Diocese and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on twitter @RaleighDiocese and @BishopBurbidge. Diocesan tweets include current news items. Bishop Burbidge’s tweets include daily reflections and reports from events he is attending. If you are not on Twitter, you can still receive the Bishop’s messages by simply texting follow bishopburbidge to phone number: 40404. New Video Available - Who should plan for end of life and Why In March of this year, The Catholic Diocese of Raleigh released an Advanced Directive Document. This resource is offered to assist the faithful in making sure that the care and treatment at the end of a person’s life is consistent with the Catholic faith and their personal wishes. Go to: human-life-and-dignity/publications Pope Francis coming to the United States Mark Your Calendars NEW LOCATION AND TIME! Diocesan Mass for Life, January 17 at NOON at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh The annual Diocesan Mass for Life which is always held the day of the North Carolina Rally and March for Life has a new location and time! Join us at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh at Noon for Mass with Bishop Burbidge. This new tradition will allow us to join over 1000 Diocese of Raleigh Youth in a heated tent for Mass! It will be a wonderful event. Mark your calendars today! More details will be coming soon about location and parking. Following the Mass, the faithful are encouraged to join the NC Rally and March for Life, also in Halifax Mall, to offer witness to the sanctity of human life and for the protection of the unborn. Fifth Annual Love My Life Youth Rally On Saturday, January 17 at 10:30 the Fifth Annual Love My Life Youth Rally will be held at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh. The Rally is an opportunity for Catholic teens to come together in celebration, to connect with others from across the Diocese, and to learn more about living and promoting the pro-life culture. Contact your school or youth leaders for more information on this awesome, spirit filled event. The Diocesan Respect Life mass will immediately follow at noon. All of these events will be held in a heated tent! Washington D.C. March for Life Join faithful from across the Diocese for the North Carolina Mass and March for Life on Thursday, January 22 in Washington D.C. This year, in the Diocese of Raleigh, over 30 buses from parishes and schools are expected to make the trip. The day begins with Mass with Bishops Michael Burbidge of the Raleigh Diocese and Bishop Peter Jugis of the Charlotte Diocese along with hundreds of priests and deacons at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at 11:30 a.m. The march on the mall follows with several hundred thousand people from across the United States. There may be some seats available on some of the buses from parishes across the Diocese. For information about getting a seat on a bus, contact the Office of Human Life and Dignity at Pope Francis in Philly!! The World Awaits You and so does the Pope! It’s official…Pope Francis is coming to the 8th World Meeting of Families! Plan your trip to Philadelphia, PA for September 22-27, 2015. The city will come alive with multicultural family-centered activities, a congress for youth and for adults and a Papal Mass. Register NOW! For more information see: Available Support The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb 68, 2015 in Asheville, NC and May 1-3, 2015 in Charlotte, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at or phone us at 704-315-2144 Searching for the Longest Married Couple Worldwide Marriage Encounter is searching for the longest married couple. One national winner and winners from each of the 50 states will be recognized. This project is being done to honor the commitment of married couples and to inspire younger couples with the beauty in a long and lasting marriage. Nominations must be received by January 10th, 2015. For more information on nominating a couple you know, please visit: Conflict in your marriage? Is your marriage cold or filled with stress? Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even talk with their spouse. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information or to apply for the next program beginning with a weekend February 13–15, 2015, call 800470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at, or visit the web site at ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014 ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Fourth Sunday of Advent—December 21, 2014
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