VOLUME XIV, NO. 1 November/December 2014 A busy school year beginning for the Chaparral High School Performing Arts Department! The Choir performed at several events including the UNLV Madrigal Festival in October and the Sam’s Town Tree Lighting Ceremony. In December they will perform at the Smith Center for the Holiday Extravaganza. In addition, the choir program hosted the First Annual Talent Show which was a fundraiser to buy new uniforms. Mr. Isbell is extremely proud of the progress that has been made and is looking forward to the Winter Concert on December 9 at 6pm in the theater. Veterans on Veterans Day. The band also received the Hughes and Jones Music Fund $5000 grant from the Nevada Community Foundation used to purchase a new oboe and 15 new clarinet mouthpieces and tuning barrels. The program has turned its attention to the concert season as they prepare for their Winter Concerts on December 16 and 17. At the 2014 CHS Open House, the Orchestra performed for parents. They are also involved in preparations for upcoming festivals and the CCSD Solo and Ensemble Festival. The Orchestra Winter Concert will be held in the Zuiker Theatre at 6:00PM on Thursday, December 18. The Chaparral Orchestra was chosen by the American String Teachers Association as this year’s recipient of the CODA BOW award. One school was picked from all the schools in America to receive nine professional bows valued at over $6,000. Students in the two Chaparral String Quartets will be the first to use the new bows. “Grease” has been the highlight of the fall season in the Theater as the collaboration between the departments is always a successful experience for everyone involved. Auditions were held in September and the cast has been in rehearsals after school and on the weekends to prepare for the classic high school musical. The Theater Tech classes have worked on the design and building of the sets for the past two months. Marching Band had a fantastic season filled with football games, parades and Marching Band Competitions. The band placed in the finals of the Las Vegas Invitational this year as well as receiving superior ratings at LVI, Sounds Across the Valley, and The Utah Music Educators Association Championships. Dr. Jeff Geihs Assistant Chief Student Achievement Officer In addition they traveled to Peoria, Arizona and St. George, Utah to perform the 2014 show “Through the Ages”. Once again the band was invited to perform at the SEMA car show. This year they had the honor of being invited to be filmed for a segment of Car Crazy (a cable network television show) which will air in March 2015. They performed at the Santa’s Arrival Parade at The Town Square Shopping Area and the Nevada Day 150th Anniversary Parade in downtown Las Vegas. The group also performed before the Thanksgiving holiday for the NCAA Basketball Tournament at the MGM Grand Gardens which was aired on ESPN. The band consists of 130 hardworking students. The jazz band performed for The Progressive Insurance Company as they donated cars to Disabled American Dr. Jeff Geihs began his career in public education in 1995 as an English teacher at Valley High School. After four years of teaching and serving as the English Department Chair, he completed CCSD’s Executive Leadership program and was appointed to his first administrative position as the Dean of Students at O’Callaghan Middle School. He would go on to serve as Dean of Students at Chaparral, and Assistant Principal at Cheyenne. In 2005, Dr. Geihs was appointed to his first Principalship at Cheyenne High School. Under his leadership, Cheyenne made tremendous gains in student achievement, earning Dr. Geihs the 2009 Nevada High School Principal of the Year award. In 2009, Dr. Geihs was appointed the Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of The Public Education Foundation. In 2010, he was named Principal at Liberty High School where he initiated a Mandarin Chinese program, a Freshman Academy, and a partnership program with the College of Southern Nevada. In 2012, Dr. Geihs was named the Assistant Chief Student Achievement Officer of the Turnaround Zone. Serving approximately 22,000 students, Dr. Geihs works hard to ensure that the schools he supervises have the tools they need to increase student achievement. To date, all fourteen Turnaround Schools have made dramatic gains in mathematics proficiency, reading proficiency, graduation rates, and credit sufficiency. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife, Mindy, his children, Madison and David, and playing an occasional round of golf. Chaparral High School’s Administrative Team Principal Lolo James Assistant Principal Xavier Antheaume Assistant Principal Butch Heiss Assistant Principal Cristina Oronoz Dean of Students Jennifer Ludtke 3850 Annie Oakley Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Phone: 702-799-7580 FAX: 702-799-0776 Gallery Walk: Examining Traditions & Beliefs about Death Student HIGHlights The World Language department collaborated in order to create a “Gallery Walk” of student researched information and activities about various cultural perspectives regarding the end of life. Some of the topics included: Aztec/Mayan Traditions, The Catacombs in Paris, Obon Festival, Butsudan & Ancestor Worship, Myths & Legends, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, the ideas surrounding an afterlife, etc. Students participated in hands on activities in including: designing a calavera, reconstructing a catacomb, or posting to the In Memorium wall. 3-PEAT Linda Sue Luchsinger qualified for Cross Country State for the 3rd year in a row this season. Cross Country is one of the most grueling sports on campus. Running in triple digits all summer to prepare for the season, tallying hundreds of miles throughout the 4 months of training is not very attractive to most athletes. Linda Sue not only was running but is in Cheer, Competitive Cheer and carries a 4.0 plus g.p.a. Chaparral High School is very proud of her! Poster Contest Winner Congratulations to Luis Villanueva, Chaparral High School student, for wining 3rd runner up in the 4th Annual American Chemistry Association, Southern Nevada Local Section Poster Contest. He was invited to a presentation of awards and recognition ceremony at Nevada State College On Saturday, November 22, 2014. AdvancED Accreditation Chaparral High School is currently going through the AdvancED Accreditation process. Accreditation is a voluntary method of quality assurance developed more than 100 years ago by American universities and secondary schools, and designed primarily to distinguish schools adhering to a set of educational Standards. Today the accreditation process is used at all levels of education, and is recognized for its ability to effectively drive student performance and continuous improvement in education. Institutions seeking to gain or retain accreditation by AdvancED must meet AdvancED Standards. These Standards focus on systems within a school and systematic methods of attaining high student performance and organizational effectiveness. The Standards address preparing students with skills they will need for the future and include high expectations for professional practice. The Standards require demonstrated growth in student learning and achievement; a commitment to developing learning, thinking and life skills for all students; and formal structures whereby each student is well known. The power of the Standards lies in the connections and linkages between and among the Standards. Institutions also must participate in an External Review, completed by a team of highly qualified external peer evaluators who examine the institution’s adherence and commitment to AdvancED Standards. This review is the hallmark of the accreditation process and energizes and equips the leadership and stakeholders of an institution or school system to maintain areas of high performance and tackle those areas that may be thwarting desired performance levels. The External Review is a rigorous process that includes review of artifacts, interviews with stakeholders and observations of instruction, learning and operations. The accreditation process is based on a five-year term accreditation. It is an ongoing process of meeting Standards, engaging in continuous improvement and demonstrating quality assurance. In an effort to improve system practices, Chaparral High School is conducting a Parent Survey and a Student Survey. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey. The Top 11 Schools in Nevada In order to complete the survey, please go to: http://www.chaparrallasvegas.com Chaparral High School was named one of the top 11 schools in Nevada during the 2013-2014 school year and earned the title of Gold-Level Project UNIFY School. It means that Chaparral worked with Special Olympics Northern Nevada on at least three whole-school involvement activities. The students could serve as volunteer, fans in the stands, peer partners or coaches at a Schools Partnership Program event. Student leaders could plan a Spread the Word to End the Word campaign, they could take the annual Polar Plunge through the Cool School Challenge…the possibilities were endless. No matter the means, what mattered was making schools more respectful and inclusive places, hence the name whole-school involvement. It was about getting everyone engaged so they felt welcomed on campus. Our 9th grade counselor, Juliet Mandado, showed students how to access the Nevada Career Information System (NVCIS) website to look for different career opportunities available to them. All 9th grade students participated through their science classes. 9th Grade Students Access the Nevada Career Information System C H A PA R R A L H I G H S C H O O L PA R E N T N E W S L E T T E R Congratulations to Our Boys Soccer Team CHS SPORTS Our boys soccer team took 2nd Place in the 2014 NIAA Division I-A State Championship! Women’s Soccer Captain Fatima Fernandez is a senior captain midfielder for Chaparral High School women’s soccer team this season. She is an exemplary athlete and student. On the field, Fatima stands out by leading her team in many statistical categories including shots on goal and assists. Also, Fatima earned her four year varsity letter with the women’s soccer team. In the classroom, Fatima leads by example. She maintains a 3.8 g.p.a. with honors and Advanced Placement courses. Whether it be accepting a college soccer scholarship or joining a branch of the armed forces, Fatima is a Cowboy who is going to continue to do great things here at Chaparral High School and long after she graduates. IMPORTANT SCHOOL INFORMATION * To view Chaparral High Schools Accountability Reports and important letters from Clark County School District and Administration please visit our website: http://www.chaparrallasvegas.com * Results of the October testing of the Nevada High School Proficiency Exams for 11th grade and 12th grade students who took the test have arrived. Please contact Chaparral High School’s Counseling Department at 799-7580 ext. 4090 for more information. * Winter Break begins Friday, December 19, 2014 (end of day) and classes will resume Monday, January 5, 2014. Student of the Month September Congratulations to the following students, who were recognized as Students of the Month for the month of September, 2014. Principal Lolo James and teachers celebrated the students’ success with a special luncheon. (L-R) Kiara Dickson, Chris Vasquez, Barbara Kariuki, Principal Lolo James, George Hernandez, Fatima Fernandez, Chiayene Magbanua, Liah Ramos UNLV Teacher Recognition: Congratulations Ms. McDermott The University of Nevada Las Vegas, UNLV, recently asked their new freshmen to tell them about a teacher who made a difference in their lives, whose influence encouraged them to further their education and pursue a college degree. A former Chaparral High School student, Amanda Perez Rodriguez, nominated Ms. McDermott as the teacher whose influence had a profound impact on her life as a student. Ms. McDermott was recognized at a dinner held at the Blasco Event Wing of the UNLV Foundations Building on October 22, 2014. Counselor’s Corner At Chaparral High School we have five counselors to help students choose a challenging course of study, advance towards college, and be successful academically. Our goal is to graduate every student and guide them on their chosen career path. During the year we will meet with each student for credit checks, select classes for the next school year, as well as various presentations and guidance lessons. January 20th is the first day of the 2nd semester and we will be meeting with the seniors (12th grade) shortly thereafter for a final credit check. We will be having Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) workshops for the seniors and the freshman (9th grade) will be starting their Academic Plans. Amanda Perez Rodrirguez’s nomination: Please feel free to call us at 702-799-7580 for more information. “Ms. McDermott has always been there for me. She is one of my biggest influences. She always believes in me and encourages me to do the best I can. She is a dedicated teacher who cares about her students and was still working during her pregnancy. She is a sweet, nice, understanding, and amazing person. Anyone who gets to be her student is lucky.” C H A PA R R A L H I G H Rebecca Parry Rowena Manibusan Juliet Mandado Abby Jones Melinda Taylor S C H O O L ext. 4305 ext. 4304 ext. 4306 ext. 4301 ext. 4302 PA R E N T Last Name M-Rh Last Name A-E Last Name A-Z Last Name F-L Last Name Ri-Z 10th-12th grade 10th-12th grade 9th grade 10th-12th grade 10th-12th grade N E W S L E T T E R DIStRItO ESCOLAR DEL COnDADO DE CLARk ComuniCaCión efeCTiVa enTre el padre y la esCuela Asóciese con Su Escuela El nivel de colaboración entre las familias y los educadores es un indicador importante del logro académico del estudiante. Los padres y los miembros de la familia que establecen relaciones sólidas y positivas con el personal escolar tienen más oportunidades de aprender sobre el sistema educativo y convertirse en mejores defensores de la educación. Las asociaciones exitosas entre la escuela y la familia se crean con el respeto mutuo, la confianza, igualdad y una visión conjunta hacia el logro del estudiante. Hay muchas maneras por las que usted se puede hacer un socio activo con la escuela de su hijo: • • • • • Comience la relación bien – permita que el personal escolar sepa que usted trabajará conjuntamente con ellos. Utilice Campus Portal con regularidad para las calificaciones, asistencia y la actualización de asignaciones. Con regularidad pregunte a su hijo o hija como cree que van las cosas en la escuela. Si las cosas no van bien, pídale su opinión para mejorarlas. Busque oportunidades para ayudar a que su hijo exprese sus pensamientos y sentimientos a los maestros y a los demás. Asegúrese de que la escuela tiene información actual sobre usted, su familia, personas de contacto para casos de emergencia y la información médica relevante de su hijo. Asista a reuniones, conferencias del padre maestro y eventos escolares. Comuníquese con los maestros con regularidad, no solo cuando haya algún problema. Infórmese lo más que pueda sobre la educación pública. Aprenda cómo funciona el sistema escolar e infórmese sobre los temas educativos actuales. Permita que la escuela sepa que usted dará seguimiento de temas importante que conciernen a su hijo. Manténgase al tanto sobre cómo está trabajando su hijo en el salón de clase. Haga un seguimiento de los problemas que se le informaron. Responda con prontitud todas las comunicaciones que llegan de la escuela. Miembros del consejo escolar del CCSD (702) 799-1072 • • • • • • • • • • Comuniquese con el Director de las escuela para tratar su inquietud. Las inquietudes que no se resuelvan a nivel escolar, pueden dirigirse a la Oficina del Intermediario * Educativo de CCSD (Educacional Ombudsman Office). Si hubiera una falta de comunicación: 1. 2. Los padres siempre tienen la opción de presentar un Formulario de Preocupación Pública (Public Concern Form) el cual se puede obtener en CCSD. Net Community/GovernmentRelations(702)799-1080 CCSDtrustees(702)799-1072 GAC 2366.14 Starttherelationshipright—letschoolstaffknowyouwillworkcooperativelywiththem. UtilizeCampusPortalregularlyforgrades,attendance,andassignmentupdates. Askyourchildregularlyhowheorshethinksthingsaregoingatschool.Ifthingsarenotgoingwell,askhis/heropinionforimprovement. Lookforchancestohelpyourchildcommunicatehis/herthoughtsandfeelingstoteachersandothers. Makesuretheschoolhascurrentinformationaboutyou,yourfamily,emergencycontacts,andrelevantmedicalinformationforyourchild. Attendmeetings,parentteacherconferencesandschoolevents. Checkinwithteachersregularly,notjustwhenthere’saproblem. Knowasmuchasyoucanaboutpubliceducation.Learnhowtheschoolsystemworksandstayinformedaboutcurrenteducationissues. Lettheschoolknowyouwillfollowuponimportantissuesconcerningyourchild. Keeptrackofhowyourchildisdoingintheclassroom.Followuponreportedproblems. Respondpromptlytoallcommunicationsfromschool. EFFECTIVE PARENT-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION Partner with Your School The level of collaboration between families and educators is an important predictor of student academic achievement. Parents and family members who establish strong, positive relationships with school staff have more opportunities to learn about the education system and become better education advocates. Successful school-family partnerships are built on mutual respect, trust, equality, and a joint vision for student achievement. There are a number of ways you can be an active partner with your child’s school: • • • • • • • • • • • If there is a breakdown in communication: 1. ContactthePrincipaloftheschooltoaddressyourconcern. 2. ConcernsthatarenotresolvedattheschoollevelmaybeaddressedbytheCCSDEducationalOmbudsman*Office. Parents always have the option to submit a CCSD Public Concern Form, which can be obtained at CCSD.net *An Ombudsman serves as a mediator for parents and the public to communicate education-related concerns. EDUCATIONAL OMBUDSMAN OFFICE (702) 799-1016 CCSDPolice(702)799-5411 Community Members who have questions or concerns regarding CCSD policy or procedures should contact the Ombudsman Office directly. Rev. 6/2014 Relaciones gubernamentales/comunidad (702) 799-1080 OFICINA DEL INTERMEDIARO EDUCATIVO (702) 799-1016 *Un Intermediario (Ombudsman) se ofrece como mediador para que los padres y el público comuniquen inquietudes relacionas con la educación. Policía del CCSD (702) 799-5411 GAC 2366.15 CLARKCOUntySChOOLDIStRICt I will forever be grateful for the warm welcome they gave me at the different campuses and everything that they taught me starting from the basics to the small important details. This is an experience that my fellow students and I will keep with us and it will always be something for us to look back on. Not only did this trip open my eyes more about going to college, but it motivated me even more to start my college life as well as more drive and ambition to succeed. One day when I look back on this, not only will I remember the physical characteristics of these colleges, but I will remember the emotional feelings it gave me. This was just one more step closer to my road to college, and I will forever cherish it. Thank you to my great Fulfillment Fund family for helping me build upon my dream! Christina Martinez Junior, Chaparral High School This past weekend I was given the greatest opportunity to help me improve my understanding of college. I am thankful and blessed to have participated in a four day Fulfillment Fund college overnight trip to Los Angeles, California. The Fulfillment Fund has definitely helped open bigger doors to my future in ways that I can’t even express. During this trip, I was able to visit five beautiful colleges in Los Angeles such as University of Southern California, California State University Northridge (CSUN), University of California Los Angeles, University of Redlands, and University of Riverside. When I first heard about this trip I just knew I had to go because not only was I visiting some of the best colleges, but I was visiting the one that I one day hope to attend. My goal is to attend CSUN and as I walked up the steps all I could think about was how lucky I am to be given this chance that not many other students are given. I grasped onto it with my arms and eyes wide open ready to learn about success and all of the benefits of attending college. • P r i d e ” W i t h “ R i d e • • • • • Los miembros de la comunidad que tengan preguntas o inquietudes sobre algo relacionado con la política o procedimientos de CCSD deberán comunicarse con la oficina del Intermediario (Ombudsman Office). GAC 3692.1 Rev. 6/2014 Fulfillment Fund College Visits While visiting and touring the campuses, I took a piece of each of them home with me and
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