St Anthony’s Parish Picton Bargo – Balmoral – Buxton – Couridjah – Douglas Park – Lakesland – Menangle – Picton – Pheasants Nest – Tahmoor – Thirlmere – Wilton – Yanderra ————————————————————— Parish Priest : Father John Ho 20 Stratford Road, Tahmoor NSW 2573. Parish Bulletin FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT —YEAR B ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring forth a Saviour FIRST READING: Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 A reading from the second book of Samuel The kingdom of David will be established for ever in the sight of the Lord. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. SECOND READING Romans 16:25-27 A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans The mystery kept secret for endless ages is now revealed.. Sunday 21 December 2014 WEEKEND MASS TIMES: St Anthony’s Church - Tahmoor Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 7.30am & 9.30am WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Monday 8.00 am—Tahmoor Tuesday5.30 pm—Tahmoor Wednesday- CHRISTMAS VIGIL—7.00 pm MIDNIGHT Thursday CHRISTMAS DAY - 9.00 am Friday NO MASS GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the servant of the Lord: may his will for me be done. Alleluia! Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 5.15– 5.45 pm Tahmoor and before Sunday masses GOSPEL: Luke 1:26-38 You will conceive and bear a son. Adoration: Tuesday 1st Tuesday COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and his name will be called Emmanuel. St Patrick’s Church—Menangle 6.00 pm Mass on the First Sunday of the month. NEXT WEEKS READINGS: THE HOLD FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH -YEAR B Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14, Col 3:12-21; Luke 2:22-40 SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How much do you think Mary really understood at the time when the angel appeared? God chose Mary to be the mother of His Son. What kind of qualities do you think Mary had in order to be chosen by God for such a role? Why do you think God chose to come to us here on earth in the way he did? Mary considered herself the serv ant of the Lord. Do you see your self as a servant of the Lord? Share an experience when you thought something was impossible to happen, but with God's help, it happened. What is your favourite part of Christmas? 4.30pm—5.15pm 9.00am-9.45am Second Saturday of the Month Arabic Mass—4.00 pm Tahmoor Douglas Park—Sunday 9.00am Mass OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. Parish Phone 4683 2230 Fr John’s Mobile 0408 671920 Parish Fax: 4683 2248 Email: Website: Facebook: STEWARDSHIP CORNER In the first reading, God promises King David that his house and his kingdom will endure forever. It is through Mary’s “Yes” — “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.” — that the promise finds fulfilment. OUR PARISH WELCOMES : Curtis Russell who will be welcomed into our Parish this weekend and all our visitors and As Members of St Anthony’s Parish, we share the new parishioners. VISION STATEMENT: responsibility of building up the spiritual and material welfare of our community by promoting DIARY DATES: God’s values of love, justice and peace and ex- Monday 22 November, Mass at 8am, at Tahmoor tending this message of goodwill beyond our im- First Rite of Reconciliation for Christmas will be on mediate boundaries. Wednesday from 11am—12noon FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS: PRAY WITH THE POPE IN DECEMBER “It is so important to listen! Husbands and wives We pray that the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. We also pray that parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. Amen PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Lord grant them eternal peace & joy and to their families and friends strength and comfort need to communicate to bring happiness and serenity to family life.” Pope Francis CHRISTMAS MASS ROSTER 2014 CHRISTMAS EVE VIGIL MASS 1st Reader: Eleanor Wright nd 2 Reader: Margaret Bowerman Intercessions: Courtney McSweeney Eucharistic Ministers: Audrey Ferrara & Taylah Earnshaw RECENTLY DECEASED: Vera O’Mara, Bill McGrath, John MIDNIGHT Savage. 1st Reader: Trudy Hancock ANNIVERSARY: Mona & Jack Waters, Robert Oakes, Freder- nd 2 Reader & Intercessions: John Maher ick Garside, John Bowerman, Thomas Hurel, Dorothy Dunn Eucharistic Ministers: Monica McMahon & Don Turvey PRAY FOR THE SICK: Ian Macnamara, Stephanie Macnamara, Barba Asplet, Fr David Catteral, Alma Reynolds, Barry Smith, Jim Matthews, Elizabeth Linsell, GREETERS: THIS WEEK Vigil: M Campbell H Hanger S Porter NEXT WEEK T Monro-King A & A Ferrara J Coughlan A Cox A Cox READERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: A Ferrara G Dobson J Coughlan S Vieira A Schutt S De Zilva C McSweeney J Maher E Wright Z Olegario 7.30 am 9.30 am 7.30 am 9.30 am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: M Chaumont G Daley C Daley A Buckley Sr Kevin G Dobson 7.30 am S Cichocki P Coughlan A Vannan M McMahon S Spiteri L Amato A Cordingley A Vannan TBA A Cox 9.30 am CLEANERS WEEK COMMENCE: 21.12.14 WEEK COMMENCE: 28.12.14 C Dunn & M Garvie FLOWERS C Morris & B Kiss THIS WEEK 20.12.14 NEXT WEEK 27.12.14 No flowers during Advent SACRISTY WEEK COMMENCE: 21.12.14 G Dobson WEEK COMMENCE 28.12.14 C Batten CHILDREN’S LITURGY: This Week— School Holidays MORNING TEA 7.30 am next week: 9.30 am next week: M & S Gilbert E & G Roki CHRISTMAS DAY 9.00AM 1st Reader: Don Turvey 2nd Reader & Intercessions: Trudy Hancock Eucharistic Ministers: Allan Cox & Anna Schutt CALLING ALL ANGELS & SHEPHERDS: - If you would like to dress as an angel or shepherd for the Christmas vigil mass and be included in this special celebration, please get mum or dad to dress you appropriately and arrive early to join the procession. THANK YOU: To Fr John and the parish for your love and care to our family as we came to terms at the loss of our wonderful husband, father, grandfather and greatgrandfather, Bill McGrath—A man of faith. Also thank you to all the ladies who baked, served and prepared the shack for the wake. Many visitors and guests remarked on the wonderful community we have here. So one again thank you all, from the McGrath family, May God Bless You. WAIT ON THE LORD We sometimes put off thinking about vocation, or what God wants, instead putting our energy into other areas. God is calling; we need to pioritise our response. Pray, talk with others, find out what God wants. Please contact Fr Richard Healey, Vocations Director, on 0401 621 591, SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2015: Information on the parish sacramental programmes for 2015 are available from the racks in the foyer of the Church. CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES IN THE DIOCESE Please visit for all Christmas Mass and Reconciliation times in the Diocese. Christmas Masses—Tahmoor Christmas Vigil —7.00 pm Christmas Midnight Christmas Day—9.00 am St Patrick’s Menangle Christmas Vigil—6.00 pm In light of the tragic events at Martin Place and in Pakistan this week, we offer the following Prayer of St Francis A PRAYER FOR PEACE Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. POPE FRANCIS – ADVENT AND BIRTH OF JESUS Our meeting is taking place in the spiritual climate of Advent, which is made all the more intense by the Holy Christmas Novena we are experiencing in these days that lead us to the celebration of Christmas. Therefore, today I would like to reflect with you on the Birth of Jesus, the feast of trust and of hope which overcomes uncertainty and pessimism. And the reason for our hope is this: God is with us and God still trusts us! Think well on this: God is with us and God still trusts us. God the Father is generous. He comes to abide with mankind, he chooses earth as his dwelling place to remain with people and to be found where man passes his days in joy or in sorrow. Therefore, earth is no longer only “a valley of tears”; rather, it is the place where God himself has pitched his tent, it is the meeting place of God with man, of God's solidarity with men. God willed to share in our human condition to the point of becoming one with us in the Person of Jesus, who is true Man and true God. However, there is something even more surprising. The presence of God among men did not take place in a perfect, idyllic world but rather in this real world, which is marked by so many things both good and bad, by division, wickedness, poverty, arrogance and war. He chose to live in our history as it is, with all the weight of its limitations and of its tragedies. In doing so, he has demonstrated in an unequalled manner his merciful and truly loving disposition toward the human creature. He is God-with-us. Jesus is Godwith-us. Do you believe this? Together let us profess: Jesus is God with us! Jesus is God with us always and for ever with us in history's suffering and sorrow. The Birth of Jesus reveals that God “sided” with man once and for all, to save us, to raise us from the dust of our misery, from our difficulty, from our sins. Rome 2013 GOD JUST MAKES NO SENSE Many young people thought they were crazy. Eight high school seniors decided to help start a retreat program at their school. And they heard it all: “Who would want to do that?” “Are you a Jesus freak now?” “What a waste of time.” It made no sense – unless you know God. Go back two thousand years. A teen girl hears God’s call. She lives in a culture where young women are viewed as men’s property. She lives in a region, Galilee, looked down on by the rest of Israel. Yet God chose her to change the world by bearing Jesus. It made no sense – unless you know God. Mary must have known her Jewish scripture. She must have grown up learning that she could trust God’s love, trust it enough to risk her life by agreeing to bear Jesus as an unwed mother. You can trust this God as well. You might think you can’t make a difference. Trust God and risk a try. You might feel unlovable at times. Trust God and reach out for the friends God will put in your life. You might think you can’t take tough stands for what’s right. Trust God and feel holy strength fill you. Oh, and what about those crazy high school seniors? They started their retreat program. It ran for nine years and helped more than five hundred young people, changing some of their lives dramatically. It made no sense to many – unless they knew God. This week how can I take a risk for God that makes sense only to those who know God? (from GPBS—Gather Proclaim Break Send) Dear Parishioners, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support and contributions to our Parish during the year 2014. May this Christmas be a reminder that the Saviour of the world was born in a lowly manger, for you and me, because of His Great love for all mankind. Wishing you and your family a very happy and holy Christmas and all the best for the year 2015. May the Lord help us to work together in the new year to build up the Kingdom of God in this parish community. Best wishes, Fr John HO, P.P LAST WEEKEND: 1st COLLECTION 2nd COLLECTION CODE: Very Good Good Hangin’ in HELP When patronizing our sponsors, please thank them for supporting our Parish Bakery Blinds & Awnings Williams Blinds Funerals THIEN DINH HOT BREAD * Verticals * Security Doors * Roller Blinds * Awnings * Venetians * Roller Shutters * Roman Blinds * Panel Glides * Plantation Shutters U14/Picton Business Park Tel:(02) 4677 2777 15 Henry Street Fax: (02) 4677 2919 Picton NSW 2571 Shop 4 Argyle St, Picton 2571 Tel: 4677 2800 Open 7 Days Funerals Take Away Australian Family Owned and Operated 24 Hours - 7 days Pre – arranged funeral plans All Areas PICTON - 4677 1644 365-367 Argyle St CAMDEN - 4655 6433 67 Broughton St Catholic High-School Local Member Tutoring The Hon. Jai Rowell MP Member for Wollondilly Office : Shop 1- 117 Remembrance Dr Tahmoor Phone : (02) 4683 2622 Mail : PO Box 1005 Tahmoor 2573 Email : Auto Mechanic Auto Mechanic Mechanical Repairs 4683 2529 Tyres & Batteries 4683 2529 4681 0760 Cnr Bargo River Rd & Rememberance Dr Tahmoor NSW 2573 In2Cricket Juniors Senior Boys Girls Rego during August 403 HUME HIGHWAY (B.P.) PICTON NSW 2571 PHONE: 4677 2555 FAX: 4677 1755 EMAIL: AUTOMOTIVE– PETROL—L.P.G. DIESEL—TYRES BEQUEATHING Play Cricket Carpentry & Home Maintenance DIAGNOSTICS SERVICING & REPAIRS REGO & L.P.G. SAFETY CHECKS Contact: Kevin Dries 0417 448 561 Andrew Murphy 0418 612 054 Jane Eva 0419 296 508 BEQUEATHING Would you like to remember the parish in your will? Property, money, artwork, plants… there are many ways you can be remembered. Please contact the parish office for further info. Phone: 4683 2230
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