St Anthony’s Parish Picton Bargo – Balmoral – Buxton – Couridjah – Douglas Park – Lakesland – Menangle – Picton – Pheasants Nest – Tahmoor – Thirlmere – Wilton – Yanderra ————————————————————— Parish Priest : Father John Ho 20 Stratford Road, Tahmoor NSW 2573. SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME —YEAR B Parish Bulletin ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High! FIRST READING: Samuel 3:3-1-, 19 A reading from the first book of Samuel Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening. Sunday 18 January WEEKEND MASS TIMES: St Anthony’s Church - Tahmoor Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 7.30am & 9.30am WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will. SECOND READING Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians Your bodies are members of the body of Christ. TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday- No Mass No Mass No Mass 9.30 am—Picton Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 5.15– 5.45 pm Tahmoor and before Sunday masses GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace. Alleluia! GOSPEL: John 1:35-42 They saw where Jesus lived and they stayed with him. COMMUNION ANTIPHON: You have prepared a table before me, and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst. NEXT WEEKS READINGS: THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—YEAR B Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS 1. How would you answer Jesus' question - "What are you looking for?" 2. Have you ever invited someone to " come and see" Jesus? 3. Did someone invite you to follow Jesus? Perhaps you would like to share your story. 4. How do you pray? Recall a time when you felt " called" to pray. Adoration: Tuesday 1st Tuesday 4.30pm—5.15pm 9.00am-9.45am St Patrick’s Church—Menangle 6.00 pm Mass on the First Sunday of the month. Second Saturday of the Month Arabic Mass—4.00 pm Tahmoor Douglas Park—Sunday 9.00am Mass OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. Parish Phone 4683 2230 Fr John’s Mobile 0408 671920 Parish Fax: 4683 2248 Email: Website: Facebook: STEWARDSHIP CORNER In today’s first reading, we hear Samuel respond eagerly, “Here I am!” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the psalmist, “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” VISION STATEMENT: As Members of St Anthony’s Parish, we share the responsibility of building up the spiritual and material welfare of our community by promoting God’s values of love, justice and peace and extending this message of goodwill beyond our immediate boundaries. PRAY WITH THE POPE IN JANUARY We pray that those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. We also pray that in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Amen PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Lord grant them eternal peace & joy and to their families and friends strength and comfort RECENTLY DECEASED: Nick Schirripa, Jeanette Hanley ANNIVERSARY: Genevieve Cox, Peter Pavey, Maria Oserow, Hazel Hodgson, Peter Quoc Phong Nguyen, Elias Azzi, MEMORIAL: Reginal & Ethel Causer, Adam & Patrick Causer, Holy Souls. PRAY FOR THE SICK: Ian Macnamara, Stephanie Macnamara, Barba Asplet, Fr David Catteral, Alma Reynolds, Barry Smith, Jim Matthews, Elizabeth Linsell, GREETERS: THIS WEEK Vigil: H Hanger M Campbell S Porter NEXT WEEK Ashleigh & A Ferrara T Monro-King J Coughlan A Cox A & D Ingrey READERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: T Monro-King A Ferrara J Coughlan TBA T Hancock M Cronin S De Zilva J Maher Z Olegario E Wright 7.30 am 9.30 am 7.30 am 9.30 am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: M Chaumont M Cronin M Cronin A Buckley S Ryan Sr Kevin 7.30 am S Cichocki P Coughlan A Vannan A Cox M McMahon L Amato A Cordingley A Vannan S Spiteri N Maxfield 9.30 am CLEANERS WEEK COMMENCE: 18.1.15 P Grima & H Willis FLOWERS THIS WEEK 17.1.15 N Padovano SACRISTY WEEK COMMENCE: 18.1.15 C Batten CHILDREN’S LITURGY: This Week— WEEK COMMENCE: 25.1.15 Chaumont Family NEXT WEEK 24.1.15 A Flocco WEEK COMMENCE 25.1.15 M Gilbert School Holidays MORNING TEA 7.30 am next week: 9.30 am next week: S Porter J Romeo & N Newton OUR PARISH WELCOMES : Dianne Msuya Clark, James Stone, Rosemary and Elizabeth Peters who will be welcomed into the Parish Community and all our visitors and new parishioners. DIARY DATES: Tuesday 20 January, AIM Meeting, 7.30pm in the demountable. FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS: “Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Let us find time to be with him”.Pope Francis LOST: A set of keys were lost in the church grounds, if found please hand to Fr John or contact the Parish Office. HELP NEEDED: Fr John is seeking the assistance of anyone who is able to help with the whipper snippering/ edging around the grounds in the church and the garden next to Sr Mary, please talk to Fr John If you are able to assist. WAIT ON THE LORD We sometimes put off thinking about vocation, or what God wants, instead putting our energy into other areas. God is calling; we need to prioritise our response. Pray, talk with others, find out what God wants. Please contact Fr Richard Healey, Vocations Director, on 0401 621 591, CERTIFICATE IN PASTORAL LITURGY – NOW OPEN It is with great pleasure we seek expressions of interest for enrolment in the Certificate in Pastoral Liturgy commencing in February 2015. This course provides practical knowledge, skills and approaches, in liturgy for people who take active roles in preparing, coordinating and leading liturgy and liturgical music in parish and school. This course is modelled on the Certificate of Pastoral Liturgy previously offered through the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Expressions of interest in enrolling in the course are invited by contacting Darren McDowell, 4222 2463 or LITURGICAL MINISTRY TRAINING: ACOLYTES, ALTAR SERVERS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday 7 February: Xavier Centre, Wollongong (10am – 4pm) Saturday 21 February: St John the Evangelist Parish Hall, Campbelltown (10am – 4pm) This training is essential for those who wish to become acolytes within the Diocese of Wollongong and especially important and useful for those desiring to bring Holy Communion to those who are sick or housebound. For registration please contact Helen Bennett by 5 Feb (Illawarra venue) and 18 Feb (Macarthur venue) at or 4222 2403. Any enquiries to Paul Mason at or 4222 2462 CARRINGTON CARE— is seeking volunteers who are keen to be part of the Pastoral Care Volunteer Program across the organisation. No previous experience is required as Carrington will provide all necessary training. Carrington Care provides aged care services to Macarthur and Wollondilly communities. The organisation has a nondenominational, holistic approach to pastoral care. If you are a good listener and you are looking for a meaningful volunteer role, then please call Julie on (02) 4659 0418 or email: for all enquiries about our new training course commencing in Term 1, 2015. GIVING FAMILIES A SAY – PREPARATION QUESTIONNAIRE 2ND SYNOD ON THE FAMILY The Second Synod on the Family is being held in October 2015 in Rome. Pope Francis, through the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC), invites you to offer input into the preparation documents for this important gathering. To assist you in this task a simplified questionnaire has been developed which can be found at familysurveydow You are invited to offer input by 8 February 2015. It is preferred that responses to this questionnaire are made online via However, written responses can also be submitted by completing the printed version and sending responses to Synod Responses PO Box 1239 Wollongong 2500. tion to the life of society, their daily sacrifices and their aspirations are not always properly appreciated. Mothers are an antidote to the spread of a certain self-centredness, a decline in openness, generosity and concern for others. In this sense, motherhood is more than childbearing; it is a life choice, entailing sacrifice, respect for life, and commitment to passing on those human and religious values which are essential for a healthy society. Archbishop Oscar Romero spoke in this regard of a “martyrdom of mothers”, whose sensitivity to all that threatens human life and welfare is a source of enrichment for society and the Church. Today I ask you to join me in thanking mothers everywhere for what they are, and for all that they give to the Church and to our world. Rome 7/1/2015 May Mary, this gentle and loving Mother, obtain for us the Lord’s blessing upon the entire human family…We especially implore her intercession that the Lord may grant peace in our day; peace in hearts, peace in families, peace among the nations. The message for the Day of Peace this year is “No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters”. All of us are called to be free, all are called to be sons and daughters, and each, according to his or her own responsibilities, is called to combat modern forms of enslavement. From every people, culture and religion, let us join our forces. May Christ guide and sustain us, he who, in order to make us all brothers and sisters, became our servant. Rome 1/1/2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2015: Information on the parish sacramental programmes for 2015 are available from the racks in the foyer of the Church. Eligibility, all candidates should provide a copy of their Baptismal certificate. Reconciliation, child should be at least in Year 2 or above. First Holy Communion/Eucharist, child should be at GOSPEL REFLECTION: least in Year 3 or above and have attended a Reconciliation programme. Confirmation, child should be at least in 1– John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God Year 6 or above. that takes away the sins of the world. Jesus will replace all previous religious sacrifices. Lambs were sacrificed in exPASTORAL CARE MINISTRY COURSE Tuesday 10 February piation for sin. The lamb also recalls the blood sprinkled St Columbkille’s Parish Meeting Room, Corrimal (9amon lintel and door to save the Hebrews in Egypt. The Lamb, 3:30pm) Are you keen to develop personal knowledge, un- meek and gentle before the slaughter, represented the derstanding and skills in developing caring relationships? innocence and non-violence of Jesus, the suffering servant, Are you caring for someone who is frail, aged or living with dying to save others. a disability? Are you interested in becoming part of a pasto- 2– At Mass we profess our faith in Jesus as the Lamb of ral care ministry team within their community? This basic God who takes away our sins. Guilt is the heaviest burden training in pastoral care provides a comprehensive to carry: a burden that cannot be carried by another beintroduction for people to develop their understanding and cause it is within. The grace of handling all guilt over to ability to care for those in their communities who are aged, Jesus is a gift beyond price. Before receiving the Lord in grieving, frail, housebound, living with a disability or the Eucharist we call on him as the Lamb who takes away generally in need of pastoral support. Registration essenour sins. Although we are unworthy, yet happy are we who tial by Friday 7 Feb to: Darren McDowell on 4222 2463 or are called to his banquet. 3– In John’s gospel the Baptist always prepares for Jesus and then steps aside. A model of humble service. He DATE CLAIMER DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY – SATURDAY 7 must increase and I must decrease. What aspects of charMARCH Our first Diocesan Assembly for 2015 will be held acter or parts of my life must decrease so that likeness to on Saturday 7 March from 10am – 1:30pm at St Mary’s Christ may be increasing seen? Like the Baptist, we are Star of the Sea College Hall Wollongong. The focus for this called to be witnesses to Christ. assembly will be our revised Diocesan Pastoral Plan. More Sunday Seeds—Sivester O’Flynn OFM Cap information will follow soon but please keep this date in LAST WEEKEND: 1st COLLECTION your diary. POPE FRANCIS –ON MOTHERHOOD Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the family, and inspired by the Christmas image of Our Lady who presents her Son to the world, we now reflect on the role of mothers in society and in the Church. For, all our symbolic glorification of mothers, their important contribu- 2nd COLLECTION CODE: Very Good Good Hangin’ in HELP When patronizing our sponsors, please thank them for supporting our Parish Bakery Blinds & Awnings Williams Blinds Funerals THIEN DINH HOT BREAD * Verticals * Security Doors * Roller Blinds * Awnings * Venetians * Roller Shutters * Roman Blinds * Panel Glides * Plantation Shutters U14/Picton Business Park Tel:(02) 4677 2777 15 Henry Street Fax: (02) 4677 2919 Picton NSW 2571 Shop 4 Argyle St, Picton 2571 Tel: 4677 2800 Open 7 Days Funerals Take Away Australian Family Owned and Operated 24 Hours - 7 days Pre – arranged funeral plans All Areas PICTON - 4677 1644 365-367 Argyle St CAMDEN - 4655 6433 67 Broughton St Catholic High-School Local Member Tutoring The Hon. Jai Rowell MP Member for Wollondilly Office : Shop 1- 117 Remembrance Dr Tahmoor Phone : (02) 4683 2622 Mail : PO Box 1005 Tahmoor 2573 Email : Auto Mechanic Auto Mechanic Mechanical Repairs 4683 2529 Tyres & Batteries 4683 2529 4681 0760 Cnr Bargo River Rd & Rememberance Dr Tahmoor NSW 2573 In2Cricket Juniors Senior Boys Girls Rego during August 403 HUME HIGHWAY (B.P.) PICTON NSW 2571 PHONE: 4677 2555 FAX: 4677 1755 EMAIL: AUTOMOTIVE– PETROL—L.P.G. DIESEL—TYRES BEQUEATHING Play Cricket Carpentry & Home Maintenance DIAGNOSTICS SERVICING & REPAIRS REGO & L.P.G. SAFETY CHECKS Contact: Kevin Dries 0417 448 561 Andrew Murphy 0418 612 054 Jane Eva 0419 296 508 BEQUEATHING Would you like to remember the parish in your will? Property, money, artwork, plants… there are many ways you can be remembered. Please contact the parish office for further info. Phone: 4683 2230
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