Events at the Otter Gallery June

What’s on
otter gallery
Exhibitions June – December 2014
Tel: 01243 816098
The Otter Gallery forms an integral and vital part of the University of Chichester. It
offers a welcoming and accessible space for art to both its immediate community of
staff and students and diverse audiences beyond. Core to the gallery’s mission is the
care, promotion and development of the University’s art collections including a
nationally significant collection of mid-20th Century British art, reflecting its original
intention to place art at the heart of people’s lives.
Michael Rothenstein: Autumn Leaves © the artist’s estate
Our vision is that by 2020 the Otter Gallery will be a stimulus for research and
learning, exploring new perspectives and insights through practice, display,
interpretation and engagement.
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
2014 exhibitions
and information
Until 20 June
27 June 2014 – 20 September
Connected Collections
26 September 2014 – 15 November
Fun with Cancer Patients
21 November 2014 – 16 January 2015
Significant Walks
The Collection
Events at the Otter Gallery
Creative writing workshops
Learning activities
Forthcoming exhibitions
The Learning Resource Centre
Mailing list, accessibility map
and how to find us
Parking, campus map & opening times
Admission to the gallery is free at all times
Have you thought about Postgraduate study?
Tel: 01243 816098
Alison Stewart © the artist
Until Friday 20 June 2014
Imminent features the work of students approaching the completion of their Master’s level
Fine Art studies at the University of Chichester. The exhibition reveals how they have used
the manipulation of materials and the honing of techniques to manifest their conceptual
ideas, and how they recognise and respond to key phases of development within their work.
In revealing how material practice and critical awareness is used to focus ideas, Imminent
gives a fascinating insight into how each student has developed a practical research
methodology that locates, questions and refines their individual interests.
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Top left image: Alfred Wallis: Boat © University of Chichester
Top right image: Bernard Leach: stoneware jug © University of Chichester
Bottem image: Alison Britton: Jugs (buff earthenware with incised and brushed decoration) © University of Chichester
Connected Collections
Friday 27 June 2014 – Saturday 20 September 2014
Thanks to the foresight and determination of past Bishop Otter College staff and governors, and
to the current support of the Bishop Otter Trust, the University of Chichester’s collection of
20th century art contains some of the finest examples by leading artists of the time. Collected
over the last 65 years by purchase, donation or bequest, this exhibition brings over 20 artists
together through the paintings and ceramics they created.
Among the fine pieces of pottery on display, comparisons can be made between makers such as
Alison Britton, Michael Cardew, Ewen Henderson, Bernard Leach, Eric James Mellon and Lucie
Rie, while oil paintings, watercolours, prints and drawings by artists such as Elizabeth Blackadder,
Sandra Blow, Mary Fedden, Terry Frost, Graham Sutherland and Alfred Wallis serve to highlight
just some of the connecting themes between two and three dimensional works spanning
modern and contemporary time frames in a wide range of media and subject matter.
In our annual summer showing of the permanent collection, this new interpretation enables
visitors to explore and contemplate the various aesthetic, historical, stylistic and social
juxtapositions between these diverse yet inter-linked art works and their makers, inviting further
connections and new discoveries of their own.
Tel: 01243 816098
Top left image: Guerilla Pub Quiz (Video), stills by Christa Holka © Brian Lobel
Top right image: Tommyknockers (Video), stills by Christa Holka © Brian Lobel
Bottom left image: A Snake a Day (Anie Hu) © Brian Lobel
Bottom right image: Cancer Canvas (Nako Okubo) © Brian Lobel
Fun with Cancer Patients
Friday 26 September 2014 – Saturday 15 November 2014
This exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Dr Brian Lobel, a Senior Lecturer in
Theatre at the University of Chichester, and the Birmingham Teenage Cancer Trust. It
explores the psychosocial aspects of cancer from the perspectives of young adults.
The interactive exhibition presents the documentation of 10 extravagant actions, which have been
conceived by current cancer patients and address their experiences with cancer. The actions have
been produced by Lobel and a team of photographers, videographers, chefs, composers and
more. The video and photographs are mixed with reflections by medical professionals.
The project is supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust Arts Award. Fun with Cancer
Patients will feature a number of associated workshops and talks. Please check the Otter
Gallery website for updates.
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Significant Walks: pilot study still
Significant Walks
Friday 21 November 2014 – Friday 16 January 2015
Significant Walks explores the reality of walking for people with chronic lower back pain and
presents the experience of participants who have identified a short walk of particular significance
to them. These walks have been recorded by synthesising eye level video documentation of each
personal walk with simultaneously gathered biomechanical data monitoring posture and
movement. This hybrid documentation is then manipulated by each participant in order to
visualise the nature and challenge of their experience of walking. The resulting immersive
artwork acts as a vehicle for both the science of data collection and also the reality of the
individual at the core of scientific understanding, reminding us that in considering the experience
of others we can better appreciate our own realities. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, Significant
Walks combines the research interests of a collaborative team including Dr Shirley Chubb,
Reader in Interdisciplinary Art, and Neil Bryant, digital artist and media specialist at the University
of Chichester, biomechanical engineer Dr Kambiz Saber-Sheikh and Professor Ann Moore, Head
of the Centre for Health Research, School of Health Sciences, University of Brighton. For more
information on the project visit
Tel: 01243 816098
The Collection
20th and 21st Century British Art
The University of Chichester is fortunate to
be the home of a collection of some 400
works of art by distinguished artists from the
second half of the 20th and early 21st
centuries. It is one of the most significant
university collections, comprising not only oil
paintings, watercolours, prints, drawings,
textiles and ceramics, but also major works
such as Jean Lurçat’s altarpiece tapestry, The
Creation, in the Chapel, and Geoffrey Clarke’s
aluminium sculpture of The Crucifixion above
the Chapel’s entrance.
Walter Hussey, who arrived as the new Dean
at Chichester Cathedral in 1955. Hussey was
himself a leading patron of the arts, and left his
pictures and sculptures to Chichester, where
they can be seen at Pallant House Gallery.
Their support helped promote acceptance of
sometimes controversial and challenging
pieces such as Patrick Heron’s painting, Black
and White. In the years that followed, the
College acquired further art works via
purchase, donation or bequest.
As the collection grew, it was displayed
throughout the college for the benefit
of students and staff. Some of the outstanding
works in the collection may be seen in annual
exhibitions at the Otter Gallery and are
frequently on show around the Learning
Resource Centre and across campus.
The Bishop Otter College staff and students,
displaced by the Royal Air Force during the
war, returned to Chichester in 1945. Eleanor
Hipwell, then head of art, bought three
pictures for the College in 1947 from an
exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
One of those works was a watercolour
entitled Figure holding Autumn Leaves by
Michael Rothenstein. These three pictures
were the beginnings of the collection. Soon
after, a new principal arrived at the College,
Miss K E Murray, who wrote to Bishop Bell of
Chichester in 1950 about the development of
a collection of original paintings. Miss Murray
was joined in 1949 by Sheila McCririck, who
succeeded as head of art and became a major
collaborator, particularly in buying pictures for
the collection. She wrote to artists Henry
Moore and Ivon Hitchens for advice on
acquiring pictures for the College, and their
advice to contact artists directly who might be
sympathetic to the building up of the
collection proved most fruitful.
Items are regularly loaned to regional,
national and international galleries. Today, the
collection includes pictures by Elizabeth
Blackadder, Mary Fedden, Paul Feiler, Hans
Feibusch, Terry Frost and William Gear, as
well as ceramics by Alison Britton, Michael
Casson, Ewen Henderson, Lucie Rie, Bernard
Leach and his family. There are also
sculptures by Willi Soukop, John Skelton and
Henry Moore plus textile work by Alice
Kettle, Tadek Beutlich and Hilda Breed. The
entire collection comprises three main
components: works acquired by the Bishop
Otter Trust, the University and the Charles
Wollaston collection.
If you are interested in viewing particular
works from the collection please refer to
our website list and then contact the gallery
to make an appointment.Visit to see
information about the collection.
In this way works by Henry Moore, Stanley
Spencer and Graham Sutherland were
acquired. The growth of the collection was
supported by Bishop Bell, the chairman of the
College’s Council (the governing body) and
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Top left image: Terry Frost: Red Painting © the artist's estate
Top right image: Lucie Rie: Stoneware bottle © University of Chichester
Bottom left image: Henry Moore: Seated Figure on Square Steps, bronze © University of Chichester
Bottom right image: Alice Kettle: Harlequin Madonna, embroidery and collage © University of Chichester
The Collection
20th and 21st Century British Art
Tel: 01243 816098
Events at the Otter Gallery June-December 2014
Wednesday 30 July
10:00am – 12:00noon: Children’s Free Drop-in Workshop - Ceramic Self-Portraits
Working with air dry clay, come and create your own unique self-portrait that you can take
home with you. Suitable for children of all ages; children must be accompanied by an adult.
No need to book – drop in at any time.
Wednesday 20 August
10:00am – 12:00noon: Drop in and Create!
Inspired by our exhibition, Connected Collections, this free family workshop has a modern art
and abstract theme based on the beautiful pots and paintings in the Otter collection. Led by
artist Helen Peters, the hands-on activities are designed for all ages and materials are provided.
Take away what you make! No need to book – children must be accompanied by an adult.
Wednesday 17 September
6:00pm – 8:00pm: Special Viewing of Connected Collections
A final chance to enjoy selected artworks from the celebrated permanent collection at
the University of Chichester at this special viewing taking place before the exhibition
closes on Friday 19 September. There will be a short presentation about the exhibition
accompanied by refreshments. This is a free event.
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Events at the Otter Gallery June-December 2014
Wednesday 29 October (half-term)
10:00am – 12:00noon: Drop in and Create!
Inspired by our exhibition Fun with Cancer Patients, and celebrating the National Campaign
for Drawing’s annual Big Draw and Family Arts Festival event throughout October, this free
family workshop has lots of hands-on making with a drawing and digital installation theme.
Materials are provided and you can take away what you make. No need to book – children
must be accompanied by an adult.
Monday 22 December
10:00am – 12:00noon: Christmas Workshop - Free Family Drop in Fun!
Unusual craft activities designed for all ages and led by artist Helen Peters. Inspired by the
festive season there will be lots of hands-on making with a new twist on a seasonal theme.
Materials provided. Take away what you make. No need to book.
Visit our events section at for updated information about
talks, workshops and events at the Otter Gallery. To book places on events and
workshops email or telephone 01243 816098.
Tel: 01243 816098
Creative writing workshops
Stephanie Norgate
With poet-in-residence Stephanie Norgate
The Otter Gallery’s poet-in-residence Stephanie Norgate hosts regular creative writing
workshops aimed at developing poems and other writings in response to exhibitions at
the gallery.
Poet and playwright Stephanie, Reader in Creative Writing at the University of Chichester,
runs the MA in Creative Writing in the English and Creative Writing Department.
In 2013 Stephanie edited Poetry and Voice (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), a book of
essays. Previous works include The Blue Den (Bloodaxe Books, 2012) and her debut poetry
collection, Hidden River (Bloodaxe Books, 2008), which was shortlisted for the Forward First
Collection Prize and Jerwood Aldeburgh Prize. She convened the international Poetry and
Voice conference in 2010 and her plays have been broadcast on Radio 4.
Her 90-minute sessions take place within the gallery itself, taking inspiration from the
exhibition space at the time. They are open to beginners or those with experience. Members
of the public are welcome at the workshops, which are £3 per session (free to University
staff and students).
2014 Autumn workshop
Wednesday 26 November 2014, 12.00noon to 1.30pm
This workshop will respond to the exhibition Significant Walks which explores the reality
of living with chronic lower back pain.
To book a place on a creative writing workshop please email
or telephone 01243 816098.
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Learning activities
Events and workshops throughout the year
The Otter Gallery offers artist or gallery staff led learning sessions for schools, colleges,
day centres and community groups. Based around our exhibitions programme or
permanent art collection, these sessions can be tailored to suit each group’s needs.
These can be one-off morning, afternoon or all-day sessions linked, for example, to the
school curriculum or themed around particular subject areas; we can also offer on-going
projects if desired.
There is generally no charge or a small charge for learning sessions in the gallery. To find
out more or to book a session contact the gallery team at or telephone
01243 816098.
The Otter Gallery also offers a variety of public events and learning activities, linked to
our exhibitions programme. Visit at our website for further
To book a place on any of our events email, telephone
01243 816098 or book online at Our website is frequently
updated with new events and workshops – visit
Tel: 01243 816098
Well Hall Road sign © Tahera Aziz
Forthcoming exhibitions
Spring 2015
MA Show: The eclectic and exciting work of the University of Chichester’s Fine Art
Master’s students as they reach the final stage of their study.
Summer 2015
Collection Exhibition: Art in Mind: This ambitious project will see the Otter Gallery and
the University of Chichester’s Fine Art Department working closely with Coastal West
Sussex Mind, the mental health charity, to engage members and student artists in
interpreting the University’s nationally significant collection of 20th century British art.
Taking inspiration from key pictures in the permanent collection, new art works will be
created and displayed alongside their original stimulus, introducing a unique new “take”
on our annual showcasing of this special collection.
Autumn 2015
[re]locate: A sound installation by London-based artist Tahera Aziz, responding to the
tragic events surrounding the racially motivated murder of the black teenager Stephen
Lawrence near a bus stop in southeast London in 1993.
What our visitors have said about exhibitions at the Otter Gallery
“Fascinating show with some beautiful works”
“Lovely show – highest standards as always”
“Fascinating and thought provoking”
“A breath of fresh air – a lovely interlude in my day”
“Very, very enjoyable – the commentary is informative”
“A really excellent exhibition. Beautifully displayed and with very clear and informative
explanatory panels. Superb!”
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Photography credit: © Gill Clarke
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
Photo of Shirin Spencer, daughter of
Stanley Spencer and Hilda Carline, on
her visit to the Otter Gallery to see the
paintings by her parents in the gallery's
recent exhibition From Fields to
Factories: Women's Work on the Home
Front in the First World War (FebruaryMay 2014).
Shirin wrote in the visitor book:
‘Strange to say – this is a spacious gallery beautifully presented so that each exhibit
can speak to us and open our eyes.’
The Otter Gallery is situated in the Learning Resource Centre at the University’s College
Lane campus in Chichester. The LRC is an award-winning modern facility with an
extensive and regularly refreshed library complete with a large range of books, papers
and journals. For art lovers, there is a wide selection of books, periodicals and DVDs. You
don’t have to be a student to use the library – any member of the public is welcome to
use it free of charge for reference purposes and there are also four categories of
associate membership available on payment of the appropriate annual fee. For
information please telephone 01243 816222 or visit the library website at
The LRC is open from 8am-10pm on weekdays and from 10am-7pm at weekends (during
semester time) with free parking on campus at weekends and after 5pm on weekdays.
There is a Costa Café near the gallery with a seating area. Come and visit an exhibition at
the gallery, take part in a creative workshop, browse our library shelves, pick up an art
magazine or just relax with a cup of coffee!
Tel: 01243 816098
Mailing list
If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive information about the gallery
programme, forthcoming events and workshops and invitations to special viewings, please email or telephone 01243 816098.
Accessibility maps
The Otter Gallery is open to the public and an access guide is available through the DisabledGo
website at
How to find us
The Otter Gallery is a 15-minute walk from Chichester city centre or a 20-minute walk from
Chichester train station. A number of buses stop at the end of College Lane and Stagecoach's
U700 and 50 services stop at the Bishop Otter campus. Covered bicycle parking is available.
The Otter Gallery is situated on the ground floor of the Learning Resource Centre at the
University of Chichester's Bishop Otter campus. On entering the University via the main
entrance on College Lane, the Learning Resource Centre is the large building on the left.
For more information about finding the University of Chichester, including walking directions,
Bishop Otter
car park
car park
Bus and train
Otter Gallery June - December 2014
Limited free parking is available for up to 30 minutes in front of the Learning Resource Centre
(Otter Gallery location) at any time. For a longer stay during the teaching day (8am-5pm) you
may use the pay and display car park opposite the Learning Resource Centre. A pay and display
ticket will also be valid in all other car parks on campus, other than the barrier controlled and
restricted parking bays.
Please note that without valid parking, car owners may face a fine. Alternative parking is available
off-campus – please see map opposite page.
The Otter Gallery
Gallery opening times
Semester opening: 10am-5pm Monday – Saturday (closed Sunday). Last admission 4.30pm.
(Semester dates: 8 September – 19 December 2014; 19 January – 27 March 2015).
Holiday opening: (17 May – 7 September and 20 December – 18 January)10am-5pm
Monday–Friday (closed weekends). Note: The gallery is closed between Christmas and
New Year, and on Bank Holidays – see our website for full details on opening hours:
Tel: 01243 816098
Have you thought about
Postgraduate study?
Our postgraduate Master’s
programmes in Creative Writing,
Cultural History and Fine Art offer
you the opportunity to increase
your knowledge and skills, prepare
you for doctoral research,
enhance your CV and provide you
with a fresh challenge.
Postgraduate courses
• MA Creative Writing
• MA Cultural History
• MA Fine Art
Applications are invited for full-time and
part-time routes.
PhD supervision
We can also offer PhD supervision by a strong,
research-active team with a range of expertise
across number of fields of study.
Details of the bursaries we provide to
postgraduate research students can be provided
by the Research and Employer Engagement
Office by emailing
Find out more
For further information about postgraduate
study, please contact Admissions on:
• Tel: +44 (0)1243 816002
• Email:
Your community, your University
Dr Hakim Adi
Reader in the History
of Africa and the
African Diaspora
Hakim’s debut book, West
Africans in Britain 19001960, was the first major
work on the subject. Over
the last ten years, he has
given international keynote
addresses and invited
lectures at prominent
universities across the
world. Hakim is the
associate editor of The
African and Diasporic
Cultural Studies Series and
he has acted as adviser to
several high profile museum
exhibitions, as well as
publishing a short biography
of Nelson Mandela.
Dr Shirley Chubb
Alison MacLeod
Reader in Interdisciplinary Art
Shirley’s interest lies in exploring the cultural and
social resonance of particular museum
collections and archives. Her work has been
exhibited internationally, and her research
crosses a number of conventional discipline
boundaries including, Fine Art, History,
Ethnography, Medicine and Museology.
Professor of Contemporary Fiction
Alison’s third novel, Unexploded, was long-listed for
the 2013 Man-Booker Prize and one of The
Observer’s ‘Books of the Year’. Her novels include
The Changeling and The Wave Theory of Angels.
Alison is a lecturer and supervisor, in contemporary
literature and culture, modernist and postmodernist
fiction, and developments within short fiction.
Cover image: Alison Britton: Jugs (buff earthenware with incised and brushed decoration) © University of Chichester
Contact Details
Otter Gallery
University of Chichester
College Lane
Chichester PO19 6PE
Tel: 01243 816098
Admission to the gallery is free at all times.
A large print version of this brochure is available
on request. Please email if you
would like a copy.
Please recycle after use
Otter Gallery June - December 2014