To all our visitors… Bishop John R. Gaydos, the clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Jefferson City welcome you and hope that your time in our Mother Church may be an opportunity to share our faith and joy in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our parish was formed in 1959 and was elevated to the title of Cathedral in 1968 and dedicated in 1974. Please enjoy the beauty of this spacious building dedicated to the Glory of God and the memory of Saint Joseph, the Husband of Mary. It was built for the inspiration of all who enter. Free tour booklets are available. All visitors who are not of the Roman Catholic faith are most welcome to join us in prayer and worship, but not to receive Holy Communion. Reception of Holy Communion is a sign of full unity and membership in the Catholic community. Together let us all pray for the unity of all believers. If you desire to become a member of the Roman Catholic Church or to become a member of the Cathedral Parish, please call the parish office at 573-635-7991. All contributions to the Cathedral ministries and maintenance are sincerely appreciated. Please remember this Cathedral parish in your Last Will and Testament to support our parish’s ongoing mission. Cathedral Organizations and Ministries Altar Servers Athletic Committee Baptism Preparation Bereavement Committee Boy Scouts Catholic Cancer Support Cemetery Board Charities Christ Renews His Parish Collection Counters Confirmation Preparation Cub Scouts Cursillo Director of Music Divine Worship & Spiritual Development Committee Divorce Assistance Group Edge Youth Program Episcopal Servers Eucharistic Adoration Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Finance Council Funeral Luncheon Girl Scouts Deacon Dan Joyce Mr. Craig Husting Deacon Christopher Baker Mrs. Barbara Poetker Mrs. Donna Kuebler Mr. Denis Gladbach Mr. Thom Day Deacon Jim Kliethermes Mr. Fred Kummer Msgr. Robert Kurwicki ( Ex- officio Member) Mr. Bill Luebbert Deacon Christopher Baker 634-7959 634-8731 636-8935 893-2064 893-6313 634-2864 636-8939 893-7872 636-7939 635-7991 Monsignor Kurwicki Mr. Lucas Knipp Mrs. Julie Gramlich Fr. Christopher Aubuchon Mrs. Rose Mengwasser 635-7991 353-4046 634-4165 635-7991 636-8549 Fr. Christopher Aubuchon Vacant Mrs. Pat Dowd Mrs. Teresa Fritz 635-7991 635-8060 636-8935 M/M Tony & Charlotte Wening 761-5193 Mr. Duane Buersmeyer 636-3097 Mr. David Lankford 635-9454 Mr. Larry Schulte 690-9449 Mr. Brian Johnson 636-5319 Mr. John Poepsel, Interim 893-8173 635-4507 636-8597 Gospel of Life Committee Greeters Home & School Helias Representative Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Lectors Marriage Preparation Nursing Home Visitation Parish Association Parish Nurse Parish Pastoral Council Parish School of Religion Prayer Line Pro-life Samaritan Center Board School Board President School Principal Secular Franciscan Order Special Event Dinners St. Brigid Quilters Steering Committee Stewardship Committee Ushers Vocation Committee Welcoming Committee Youth Ministry Mrs. Gina Newlon 230-6718 Deacon Dan Joyce 634-7959 Mrs. Melissa VanDyne 694-8243 Mrs. Leslie Verslues 645-2008 Mr. Rich Anderson 659-3523 Mrs. Tina Sellner 635-6980 Deacon Dan Joyce 634-7959 Please call the parish office 635-7991 Ms. Lois Fairchild 636-2558 Vacant Mrs. Lou Anne Rowan, RN 635-4022 Mr. Joe Boland 761-4890 Mrs. Cara Sue Cockerham 291-4889 Please call the parish office 635-7991 Mr. Ed Bode 635-7874 Mr. Bernie Fechtel 893-6400 Mr. Roger Dudenhoeffer 893-8483 Mr. Don Schnieders 893-5990 (Member at Large) Mr. Rick Morrisey 632-6691 Mr. Spencer L. Allen 635-5024 Ms. Maureen Gray, OFS (660) 882-3133 Mrs. Janice Houser 636-9842 Mrs. Rosana Weidinger 893-3493 Monsignor Kurwicki 635-7991 Mr. Lew Hancock 893-6870 Mr. Bob Asahl 584-8010 Mr. Stephen Meystrik 761-9241 Mrs. Lisa Larkin 434-4275 Mrs. Julie Gramlich 634-4165 Cathedral Parish Information Registering in the Parish To join our parish, please contact the Parish Office at 635-7991 Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Persons interested in becoming Roman Catholic should contact Mr. Dan Kempker, 496-5499 Registering in the Cathedral School Parents wishing to know more about our grade school, are encouraged to call the Cathedral school principal, Mr. Spencer L. Allen at 635-5024. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Parishioners facing surgery or struggling with serious illness may request this Sacrament of healing by calling a priest at the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their children should be registered members of the parish and they should contact the Parish Office. Vocations to the Christian Married Life Couples planning to marry at the Cathedral must contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Ordinarily, no marriages are celebrated during Lent. Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life If you are interested in becoming a priest, deacon, sister or brother, please contact Fr. Joe Corel at 635-9127. Year of Consecrated Life Cathedral of Saint Joseph Jefferson City, Missouri HOLY MASS SCHEDULE THIS COMING WEEK Sunday, December 21 7:00 a.m. Joe Champlain Family 9:00 a.m. Pauline O’Hanlon 11:00 a.m. Parishioners Monday, December 22 6:30 a.m. Helen Herbrandt 8:00 a.m. L & D of Edward Cunningham Family Tuesday December 23 (St. John of Kanty) 6:30 a.m. L & D of Adlean & Everette Gebhardt Family 8:00 a.m. L & D of Devereaux Family Wednesday, December 24 (Vigil of Christmas) 5:30 p.m. Sheila K. Stegman 9:00 p.m. Bill Kremer and Kurwicki & Sherman Families Midnight Parishoners Thursday, December 25 (Solemnity of Christmas) 8:00 a.m. Beatrice Forck 10:00 a.m. L & D of Leary & Vogel Families Friday, December 26 (St. Stephen) 6:30 a.m. Victor Ihler 8:00 a.m. L & D of McMichael & Schnieders Families Saturday, December 27 (Feast of the Holy Family) 5:30 p.m. Marie Poetker Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. L & D of Luebbering & Tellman Families 9:00 a.m. Frank Kempker 11:00 a.m. Parishioners 12/21 Confirmation, 9:00 a.m., School Commons Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Noon, Cathedral Advent Vespers, 6:00 p.m., Cathedral 12/22 No School, Christmas Break School Resumes on January 5, 2015 Centering Prayer, 12:10 p.m., Chapel Scouts set up extra chairs for Christmas, 6:30 p.m. Cathedral 12/23 Chancery Christmas Party, Noon, Chancery Parish Office Closes at Noon. Will reopen on Monday, December 29, 8:00 a.m. 12/24 CHRISTMAS EVE-Masses at 5:30 p.m. (Youth), 9:00 p.m., and Midnight only There will be a second collection at all Masses for Seminarians and Retired Priests’ Fund 12/25 CHRISTMAS DAY-Masses at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. only 12/26 Scouts pickup extra chairs from Cathedral, 6:30 p.m. 12/27 Confessions, 4:00-5:00 p.m., Cathedral STEWARDSHIP NEWS CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures reminded us multiple times of our need to share our goods with the poor of this world. The Cathedral of Saint Joseph relies on the support of parishioners who generously give their time, talent, and treasures to make Jesus Christ known. Our Fiscal Year to Date Offerings are as follows: Offertory Budget 07/1/14-6/30/15 Budget Goal per Month Weekly Goal $ $ $ 2,371,863.00 197,655.00 45,613.00 Collection December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 $ $ $ $ 70,841.00 86,293.00 To date for December Budget Goal 07/01/14 - 12/14/14 Sunday Collection 07/01/14 - 12/14/14 Difference $ $ $ $ 157,134.00 1.094,712.00 1,037,209.00 - 57,503.00 The Bishop, Priests and Deacons of the Cathedral Parish wish you all the joy and peace of the Christ Child during this Holy Season. God bless your activities! END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS As we move toward the end of the year, your pastor invites you to review your contributions to our parish during the past 11 months. Certainly many have been most generous, enabling us to do all that we do to serve your spiritual needs, pay all our employees, fund our programs and maintain our facilities and plan for our future. Others, are in a position to do much more than what they are doing. We simply ask for your assessment of your generosity to your parish. What we are able to do for you is dependent upon your support. Those who are looking for taxdeductible items for this tax year, might consider a gift to the Church. In view of our needs and our building program, your gift may be very timely for both you and the Cathedral. God Bless You!! PRAYING TOWARD NEXT WEEK: FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY ELECTRONIC BANKING UPDATE We have 121 parishioners who have signed up for the automatic withdrawal. The total transfer amount is $23,723.69. It is never too late to sign up. Forms are available at the back of the Cathedral and at the parish office. If you have any questions, call Ann at (573) 635-7991. First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel: 3 Sirach 3: 6, 12-14 Colossians 3: 12-21 Luke 2: 22-40 Keep Christ in Christmas! Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS A LETTER FROM OUR BISHOP WELCOME to all who gather in our Cathedral Church for The Fourth Sunday in Advent, Advent Vespers and Christmas! Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, WEEK OF PRAYER: We ask each member of our Cathedral parish to pray for the members of one of the parishes or missions in our diocese this week. As a Cathedral Church, all our parishes are linked to us and we wish to deepen the spiritual bond with them. Therefore, we will pray this week for St. Stephen, Indian Creek. “Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord.” At the midnight Mass on Christmas, we together proclaim this joyful truth, that what we have been preparing for throughout the season of Advent has been brought to fulfillment. Let us rejoice and sing with the holy angels as we behold the Word of God, whom the entire universe cannot contain, appearing as a little child in the manger. With the help of God’s grace, may the peace and justice of Christ Jesus find room in our hearts and in our world during this coming New Year. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CONSECRATED LIFE: Pope Francis has asked us to remember in prayer, all members of communities of Male and Female Religious. This week we pray for the Living and Deceased members of, plus for an increase in vocations for, the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (Second Order of Carmel), OCD. During the Christmas season, we always remember and give thanks for our seminarians who are discerning God’s call in their lives. Let us not forget to offer a special word of thanks to our religious sisters and brothers during this Year of Consecrated Life. Through the example of their lives, they continue to make visible the qualities of humility and filial obedience that the Son of God accepted when He entered our world. FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE-The Cathedral Parish Family extends its sympathy and prayers to the families of Johnnie Frese, Stephen Welch, brother of David Welch, Kellie March, daughter of Don & Janet Loethen and Fr. Francis Cox, uncle of Tom Minihan. May they have eternal rest in their heavenly home and may the Lord give comfort and peace to their loved ones who mourn their loss. Finally, I would like to extend a personal invitation to all who may not be attending Mass on a regular basis. I wish to welcome you to return here to your home and rediscover in the Eucharist the blessed peace and good will of Jesus Christ. LEGACY GIFTS - Make a contribution that will last forever with a legacy gift to the Cathedral Foundation. Bequests to the Foundation are gratefully received and will have a lasting impact on the parish. Please keep the Cathedral Foundation in mind as you consider your will or in your estate planning. For more information, contact Norma or Mary at the parish office at (573) 635 7991 or any member of the Foundation Board. Praying that you and your family have a most joyous and Merry Christmas, I am Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend John R. Gaydos Bishop of Jefferson City ADVENT VESPERS CHRISTMAS MASS AND OFFICE SCHEDULE ADVENT VESPERS will be prayed, December 21, at 6:00 p.m. in the Cathedral Proper. All are welcome WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 5:30 P.M., 9:00 P.M. AND MIDNIGHT (COME AT 8:30 P.M. TO JOIN IN SINGING CHRISTMAS CAROLS) 2014 CHRISTMAS COLLECTION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 8:00 A.M. AND 10:00 A.M. The Christmas Assessment for the Seminarians and Retired Priests for our parish is $24,600. A collection will be taken at all the Christmas Masses. This collection assists our 12 Seminarians and the 17 Retired Priests of our diocese including some who are connected with the Cathedral. The monthly paycheck and insurance premiums for Fr. Richard Cronin our former rector, Fr. Tom McGrath and Fr. Clarence Wiederholt, our gracious volunteers, come from your donations. Please be generous at Christmas. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL CLOSE AT NOON ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, AND WILL REOPEN ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 BISHOP’S LITURGY REMAIN STANDING...Just a gentle reminder that when a deacon or priest proclaims the Holy Gospel in the presence of a Bishop, all are to remain standing until the Gospel book is presented to the Bishop to reverence with a kiss. BULLETIN DEADLINES The deadline to submit items for the January 4 bulletin is Friday, December 26. Thank you for your cooperation. BISHOP’S CONCLUDING SPECIAL BLESSING The Bishop prays: “Blessed be the name of the Lord”. We respond, “Now and Forever”. The Bishop prays, “Our help is in the name of the Lord”. We respond: “Who made heaven and earth.” YOU CAN FIND THE BULLETIN AND CURRENT MONTH CALENDAR ONLINE AT: 4 Year of Consecrated Life Cathedral of Saint Joseph Jefferson City, Missouri SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES VOCATION NEWS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The Adoration Chapel needs some help covering Vacant hours. Anyone is welcome to visit and pray at any time and substitutes are always needed! Contact the parish office at (573) 635-7991. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS—The Cathedral Vocations’ Committee invites you each week to pray for a Priest, Religious, Deacon and Seminarian serving in our Diocese. This week, please keep in your prayers: Fr. Colin Franklin, Jefferson City, Sr. Joanne O’Connor, SSND, Jefferson City, Deacon Michael Long, Monroe City, Seminarian Skylar Reller, Conception Seminary College. The Diocese has 12 Seminarians. HOLY ROSARY-Come and join us on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. to pray the Most Holy Rosary in the daily Mass Chapel. CENTERING PRAYER will meet next on December 22, at 12:10 p.m. in the Chapel. Please join us. Contemplative Prayer is a powerful way of moving into a deepening experience of divine union. For questions, contact Barbara Poetker at (573) 8932064. COME EARLY TO PRAY THE ROSARY: The Rosary will be said before each Mass for the intention of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Our next Rosary will be on the weekend of January 3-4.. PSR is for students grades 1-8 who attend public school and seek instruction in their faith. The next class is January 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cathedral School. If you have questions about this program contact: Cara Sue Cockerham (573) 291-4889. ST. VINCENT de PAUL ANNUAL CONFERENCE REPORT We are pleased to report that the Annual Conference Report and Federal tax filing for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 are complete and filed. Once again I find myself humbled by the Vincentian spirit of our Conference members and those who so generously support our work. In the past fiscal year we have accomplished the following: Spent $29,776 in assistance to Those We Serve Served 785 meals to the hungry Distributed $5473 worth of donated furniture Performed 796 services for Those We Serve Spent 847 person-hours in Vincentian service Drove 3987 miles in Vincentian service ! CONFIRMATION-Our next session is January 11, at 9:15 a.m. in the School Commons., on ‘The Holy Spirit’. For more information contact Dave Lankford at (573) 635-9454. Our Confirmation is April 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of inquiry, study, prayer, and sacraments by which adults are baptized or received into the Catholic Church, or receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The next class is Monday, January 5 at 6:15 p.m. at the Catholic Center, and will focus on General Morality. If you are interested or have questions, please call Dan Kempker at (573) 496-5499 or email him at ! CONGRATULATIONS! Fr. Clarence Wiederholt Numbers are just numbers, but behind these numbers are God’s children in some kind of need – hungry, cold, lost, worried, stranded, - the list is long. On behalf of those who have received some relief due to your generosity, THANK YOU! ON YOUR ORDINATION 59 YEARS Dean Dutoi Society of St. Vincent de Paul President, St. Peter Conference–Jefferson City, MO December 21, 1955 The Cathedral donates quarterly to St. Vincent de Paul. 2015 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER DATES CHRISTMAS BAZAAR THANK YOU Engaged Encounter is for couples planning marriage in the Catholic Church who desire a richer, fuller life together. The dates for 2015 are: January 9-11, March 6-8, May 1-3, August 7-9 and November 6-8. The registration form as well as Engaged Encounter weekend information is available on the diocesan website:, click Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter. The cost for the weekend is $100 per couple, and are held at St. Pius X in Moberly. Joyce Lankford and Janet Evers would like to thank all the parishioners who donated items and worked with them in the Country Store Booth. A special thanks to Glenda Cowley, Wendy Gladbach, Jane Bailey and their crew for baking the cinnamon rolls and cookies. Also, Arlene Taylor and helpers who worked very hard to make the "St. Joseph Sugar Cookies". Because of you, the Country Store was a great success. REMEMBER OUR SCHOOL DEBT CSA-2015 UPDATE As you write your end of the year checks, and make plans for your giving next year, please remember that we owe the bank $150,000 on the new school addition. Your contributions at this time will assist us greatly in bringing this project to its successful conclusion and help us to be a debt free parish. 5 As of December 5, 405 families, or 28.4% of our 1424 parish families have donated $179,179 which is 83% toward the Cathedral’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $215,531. In this Holy Season of Advent, we thank all those who have generously responded to the annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal. Fourth Sunday of Advent Merry Christmas! December 21, 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES LECTORS Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Joan Branson, Jack Renner Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Richard Hronick 9:00 a.m. Dan Kempker, Sarah Saucier 11:00 a.m. Sandra Hentges, Ron Schnieders SERVERS Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Libby Buschman, Jake Hoelscher, Sophey Nivens, Jacob Watson Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Jim Donovan 9:00 a.m. Luke Daledovich, Rett Dobbs, Andrew Luebbert 11:00 a.m. Shelbey Fritz, Nathan Schnieders, Garrett Schnieders, Ben Stumpe GREETERS Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Susen Renner, Jack Renner, Delores Schenewerk, Dean Watson Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Dan Schuette, Gail Steinbruegge 9:00 a.m. Patricia Keller, Jim Keller, Joe Loethen, Evelyn Loethen 11:00 a.m. Carolyn Bluma, Kimberly Buxton, Janel Luck, Linda Sallin KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & LADIES AUXILIARY NEWS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Jim Hollaway, Stuart Howser, Richard Hyleck, Mary Ann Hyleck, Ken Rowan, Roger Samson, Linda Samson Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Bob Asahl, Lucinda Donovan, Pete Donovan, Bobbi Meyer, Al Meyer, Jim Mullen, Don Schnieders 9:00 a.m. Janet Chinn, Thomas Imhoff, Al Rush, Karen Rush, Dave Talken, Sharon Talken, Sr. Kathleen Wegman 11:00 a.m. Lois Bonnot, Mary Branson, Vicki Kummer, David Lankford, Jill Peters, Chandra Prasad, Mike Wilson THE DOOR IS OPEN - Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church and protecting and enhancing their family life. All the good works we do are based on our four core principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Contact Brian Johnson (573) 694-1991 for more information about joining this great organization or visit our website at Congratulations to Larry Dusheke for winning the 50/50 drawing at our December meeting. There was no Attendance Award winner so the pot grows to $130. Every member of our Council is eligible to win; but you must be present to collect. Brother Knights, in lieu of our normal monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 14, we will hold a celebration dinner on Friday, January 16; more information to follow. Our Men's Winter Coat Collection continues! Please contact Jerry Schwartze (573) 636-9712 if you are able to make a donation to this ongoing effort that benefits newly released prisoners traveling to parts unknown by train with only the shirts on their back. USHERS Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Sandra Daniels, Stephen Daniels, Michael Hoelscher, Steve Rackers Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Jack Dowd, Denis V. Gladbach, James Hatcher, Rich McCarty 9:00 a.m. Joseph Denkler, David Gramlich, Jim Keller, John Reed 11:00 a.m. Steve Houser, Thomas Kummer, Craig Lammers, Joe Page The Missouri State Council of the Knights of Columbus awards a total of eleven (11) college or technical school scholarships of $1,000 each to any Missouri high school student who is either a member or is the son, daughter, or wife of an active (or deceased) member. Applications must be postmarked by February 15, 2015. Go to for further information. LADIES AUXILIARY: Please join us at our next meeting on Thursday, January 8, 6:30 p.m., in the Mary Room. Soup and dessert beginning at 6:00 p.m. Bring something for Show and Tell. For any questions you may have, or a ride, please call Tina Sellner at (573) 635-6980. THANK YOU GIFT FAMILY Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Jim Bailey Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Kerri Tesreau 9:00 a.m. Roger Brauner 11:00 a.m. Anthony Wilson MUSIC MINISTERS Saturday, December 27 5:30 p.m. Dewayne Carver Sunday, December 28 7:00 a.m. Tina Sellner 9:00 a.m. John Poepsel 11:00 a.m. Melinda Peak Our parish owes a special gigantic thank you to Mrs. Barb Poetker, who for the last 10 years has chaired our Bereavement Committee. She has been very dedicated in reaching out to all families who experienced deaths and the period of grief which follows for an extended time. Please stop and tell Barb thank you and let her know that her ministry and time was greatly appreciated by all of us. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Anyone who cannot serve at their appointed time will kindly arrange for a replacement! When you are assigned as an offertory family, please let one of the ushers know that you are there for that Mass. THANK YOU! KEMNA COLLISION REPAIR, INC. AND THANK THEM FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! 6 Cathedral of Saint Joseph Keep Christ in Christmas! Jefferson City, Missouri YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS PRO-LIFE NEWS The Luke 18 Retreat is scheduled for the weekend of February 27-March 1, 2015. If you have a high school student who would like to be on the retreat team, please have them email or call Julie @ 573-644-4965 or Meetings will be on Sundays, at noon, beginning January 4 in the Mary Room. MIDWEST MARCH AND RALLY, Saturday, January 31, 2015 10:00 a.m. Begin at the Governor’s Mansion, 100 Madison Street, then march to rally at Capitol steps. Abby Johnson, Keynote speaker, Melissa Ohden, guest speaker. 40 DFL PRAYER VIGIL CHANGE Prayer vigil continues outside Planned Parenthood, 711 Providence, Columbia, on Mondays, (note change) 2:00-5:00 p.m., Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Wednesdays,10:00-11:00 a.m. & LIFE Runners 4:00-5:00 p.m., Thursdays 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Fridays 9:00 a.m. to noon. Sidewalk advocates offer help and hope to women who come to the clinic for pregnancy tests and chastity information to those coming for birth control. Come pray and see how God can use you to convert hearts! More information: Kathy and Mike 573 821 5130. All are welcome! Welcome home college students who are on Christmas break! We would like to invite you to the January 4 XLT here at the Cathedral, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Stay after for some holiday cheer and mingling in the Undercroft. We will begin to collect names of students who are interested in attending NCYC November of 2015 the first week of January. We will meet after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 11, in the Undercroft. Please mark your calendars! FAMILIES IN NEED PROGRAM CATHEDRAL SCHOOL NEWS Items requested for January 13 delivery: Canned chicken, Taco shells and seasoning, Refried beans, Snack cakes and Paper towels. Please place in provided containers at all exits of the Cathedral. Thank you for your continued support! The Cathedral School’s last day of school for the Christmas and New Year Holiday will be December 19. They will be closed from December 22 through January 2, 2015 and will reopen on Monday, January 5 their regular school hours. EL PUENTE JOB OPPORTUNITY JC YOUNG ADULT EVENTS Development Director Needed El Puente–Hispanic Ministry, a Catholic not for profit ministry, is seeking a full time Development Director. Qualifications: BA/BS required; (MA a plus); 5+ years of experience in development, excellent organizational, managerial and corporate fundraising skills, proficient use of computer, including Microsoft Office and Donor Perfect. A complete job description is available upon request. Interested persons should submit a resume to: Search Committee, El Puente, 1102 E. McCarty St., Jefferson City MO 65101. Thursday, January 8, Prayer and Pizza. Meet in the St. Peter Church Chapel at 6:30 p.m. to pray the Rosary. Then at 7:00 p.m. go to Arris’ Pizza Palace for food and fellowship! Jefferson City Young Adult is a ministry for all Catholic young adults (18-35, single, dating, married, with or without children) aiming to strengthen faiths and build community. For more information, please contact, like JCYA on Facebook, or follow on Twitter @CatholicJCYA. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL St. Peter Conference, Jefferson City Help-Line 573-632-2634 Leave a message and we will return your call. Providing assistance to those in need. The Cathedral Parish donates quarterly to this charitable effort. WHEELCHAIR MISSION UPDATE Thanks to the generosity of the Cathedral Parish, the total donated to date in response to our K of C efforts for the Wheelchair Mission is $14,144! Thank you! RETROUVAILLE GRIEF AND LOSS SEMINAR Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help couples heal & renew their marriages that offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. It has helped thousands of couples with marital problems & crises, even couples who are separated and divorced. The next program begins with the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. For further information, call 1-800-470-2230 or ‘From Loss to New Life’ is a free program specifically designed for those suffering grief or loss of a loved one through death or divorce. The weekly sessions will be held on Tuesdays, January 6-February 24 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 301 E. Capitol Avenue. There is no cost and refreshments will be served. Register by email:, or call the Church Office at (573) 634 3603. PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES & FATIMA UPCOMING EVENTS Join Msgr. Cox on a Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima, March 9-20. It’s not too late, but time is running out. If you are interested in this Pilgrimage, please register and make your deposit of $300, at the Immaculate Conception Church office. Call (573) 635-6143 for more information. NEW YEAR’S EVE ADULT DANCE, St. Andrew, Holts Summit, Wednesday, December 31, 8:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Around the Clock DJ, $15 per person, set-ups furnished. Tickets may be purchased by callin Dena Jaegers at (573) 619 5858, or, Margie Hagenhoff at (573) 295 4487. 7 #1A HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST/HANDYMAN Margaret Thoenen • CRS, GRI 573.690.0113 Top to bottom, inside and out. Highly qualified Home Specialist for all your Home Needs! Ken Thoenen • Broker, CRB 573.893.6295 634-3115 TIM RIEKE, D.D.S. 1312 Southwest Boulevard Jefferson City, Missouri 573-592-9195 Capital Installers, Inc. Doug Distler Luebbering Oil Co. Hwy. 63 North 635-3238 Larry, Bryan and Brad Luebbering Order online at DINE-IN • DELIVER • CARRY-OUT • CATERING Free Estimates 1418 Missouri Blvd. • 573-893-8855 3012 S. 10 Mile Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 phone 57 573.893.4998 Charles Prather Authorized Dealer Rick Prather FINE JEWELRY CREATIONS Tom Kummer 1803 Missouri Blvd., Ste. A. (573) 634-4241 BEE AT HOME, L.L.C. Free Evaluation “BEE” CAUSE WE CARE Mary Beffa • (573) 634-8280 •Telephone System Installation & Repair •Business & Residential Wiring •Long Distance 800-477-2276 Homemaker Care • Personal Care • Respite Care • Sitter Care 573.632.5000 573-443-1011 • Denis Gladbach DULLE TRIMBLE Local Delivery & Catering Available! FUNERAL HOME Enjoy joy BANK 761-6100 ® MEMBER FDIC 816 E. Broad Broadway • Columbia, MO 65201 (573) 442-6811 221 E. High St. • Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 636-8313 216 Madison Ave. Ave Mike Bernskoetter, Owner 573-634-3299 634-2988 WILSON ORTHODONTICS Fechtel Beverage & Sales, Inc. ROOFING & SHEET METAL Dustin Wilson, DDS, MS 425 West Elm Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-636-5161 3121 Emerald Lane Jefferson City, MO 573-634-5122 • CommercialIndustrial P.O. Box 104205, Jefferson City, MO 65110-4205 Specializing in Braces & Invisalign 573-636-7733 Locally Owned & Operated by The Ruprecht Family for Over 45 Years WWW.FREEMANMORTUARY.COM — MORTUARY — “Here to Help You” Discover over timeless eless beauty wit with hardwood flooring. New Construction Commercial Install • Sand Finish • Remodel (573) 635-7343 Thomas M Ittner, FLMI, FIC Financial Associate Beam Central Cleaning Systems 615A CLARK AVENUE TELEPHONE: JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65101 573/636-9661 520 Dix Rd Ste D, Jefferson City, MO 65109 We’ll Take You There 573-635-4185 Jerry Luebbert, Owner 659 659-8371 HEUMAN TREE SERVICE BILL’S ROOFING Big or Small, We do them ALL! Patrick C. Dubbert We specialize in difficult jobs & offer service in rural areas that other companies do not travel to. QUICK RESPONSE 573.635.7119 (phone) 573-353-7557 or 573-301-0490 President / CEO Serving Jefferson City for over 30 years It’s how we do, what we do. Call 636-8433 101 Boonville Rd. • 573-893-3200 Brian D Johnson 573-635-5258 Open 24 hrs. 893-2505 Financial Advisor 573-635-1454 3721 W. Truman Jefferson City, MO DARREN’S REMODELING Painting • Concrete • Siding • Roofing • Drywall All Types of Construction No Job Too Small! Landscaping & New or Repairs Member SIPC Contact Darren at 573-418-8671 LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing, all landscaping services Call Michael at 573-855-7355 2717 Industrial Drive Auto - Home Farm - Life Business CORNERSTONE CONTRACTING CO. 573-635-5810 SPECIALIZING IN MASONRY REPAIR AND RESTORATION Tuckpointing, Caulking, Waterproofing Tim Capps, Owner 636-667-3831 • 573-619-4299 TYLER M. WOODS FUNERAL DIRECTOR Serving our Catholic faith and traditions as the only Catholic-owned funeral service in Jefferson City. ECOWATER SYSTEMS ® Andy Wilbers Plumbing Complete Water Treatment Joel & Pam Mietzner - Owners • 636-3800 “Your Full Service Plumbing Company in Mid Missouri” (573) 619-5730 Licensed and Insured Immaculate Conception Parishioner 573-636-2424 100 St. Mary’s Medical Plaza Jefferson City, MO 65101 Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 (573) 761-7000 A MEMBER OF THE SSM HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Candice Schaefer Owner/Director 573-893-3242 601 Scott Station, Jefferson City, MO 65109 SANDS CLEANING SERVICES LLC Associated Real Estate Basic/Deep cleaning (mopping, sweeping, dusting, carpets, floors, windows). Some Maintenance Free Estimates • 24 Hour Services Licensed and Insured 573-632-8507 Alan Mudd Call 573-230-1364 F OR AD I NFO CALL MIKE A NDERSON AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LPi. COM C ATHEDRAL O F S T JOSEPH, J EFFERSON CITY A 4C 02-0842 11-20-2014 10:10:51
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