December 28 2014

Page Two
Holy Family Church
Nutley ~ Belleville
Rectory: 973-667-0026/Fax: 973-661-1714 Convent: 973-667-2050
28 Brookline Avenue
60 Harrison Street
Rev. Joseph Ferraro
Parochial Vicars
Rev. John Gordon
Rev. Mauro Primavera
Transitional Deacon
Rev. Mr. Antonio Sarento
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF
Convent Superior
Sr. Gloria Doria, MPF
Good Shepherd Academy
Sr. Jane Feltz, MPF, Principal
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Eileen Hubbert, SSJ
Director of Music Ministry
Ms. Susan Loricchio
Ministers of Hospitality
John Caruso, Captain
Youth Ministry Team
Mrs. Amy DiCristo & Mr. John O’Reilly
Parish Secretary
Ms. Lynn S. Falduto (
Nursery School Supervisor
Sr. Jycinth Valenciana, FSSE
Development Committee Chairperson
Mr. Paul Grillo
Parish Trustees
Mrs. Gina Tamburri
Mr. Robert Collmier
Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Mr. Philip Hui
Rel. Education Office: 973-667-6018
Nursery: 973-235-1170
Good Shepherd Academy: 973-667-2049 174 Franklin Avenue
24 Brookline Avenue
Saturday evening:
5:30 PM (English),
7:00 PM (Italian)
Neo-Catechumenate Liturgy: 8:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM,
12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM
Filipino Mass: 2nd Sunday of month, 5:00 PM
7:00, 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:45 AM
8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
1:00 - 4:00 PM
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Rectory is closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM and
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The office is closed on Sunday.
BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled once a month
on Sunday afternoons except during Lent.
Expectant parents are asked to contact the rectory
to schedule an appointment at least three months
before the desired date of Baptism. Parents must
attend a special catechetical session prior to the
MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the rectory
one year in advance of the proposed wedding date
in order to allow for the proper pre-marital
preparation. At least one person must be a
registered parishioner of Holy Family.
The Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday
at 7:00 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Chapel.
Novena consists of devotional prayers to the
Miraculous Medal and St. Jude, and the
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On
national holidays, Novena prayers are offered at
8:45 AM, just prior to the 9:00 AM Mass.
Sunday, January 4, 2015, 5:00-6:00 PM.
The first session of Bible Study for
Confirmation students who will be attending
Block One. It will be held in the Holy Family
Parish Center.
The first Confirmation class is Tuesday,
January 6, 2015, 7:00-8:30 PM in Good
Shepherd Academy.
December 28, 2014
sacrament not only for those who are at the
point of death. As soon as anyone begins to be
in danger of death from sickness or old age,
we encourage you to call for a priest in the
will be brought to the homebound. Please
contact the Rectory with the names and
addresses of parishioners who are ill or
VOCATION: Women and men who feel
called to the religious life, and men called to
Holy Orders, should contact the Vocations
Office at 973-497-4365.
EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an
accident or sudden illness, call the rectory at
any hour or reach us on the emergency phone,
973-715-3108. The priest on duty will return
your call.
Community Services is an office that serves all
people in need. Please call 1-800-CCS-7413.
PARISH PAY: Have your weekly donation
sent directly to the Church! Visit or call 1-866-PARISH1
CALL: 973-667-6018
Sunday: Grades K-5, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Tuesday: Grades 1-6, 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes
for Spring Garden, Lincoln and Yanticaw Schools
Wednesday Evening: (all schools) Grades 7 & 8, 7:00-8:30
Thursday: Grades 1-6, 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Belleville
#5, Washington & Radcliff Schools
“Write it on your heart
that every day
is the best day in the year.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Page Three
Feast of the Holy Family 2015-B
My brothers and sisters in the Lord!
Today we celebrate the Feast of the
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. As
we look at the Christmas Manger, we realize
that the life of the Holy Family was not as easy as one might
think. There were many challenges, many moments of despair
as well as heartache. This week we hear in the readings, the
stories and devastations caused by King Herod in the killing of
the many innocent children as he searched to destroy the Child
Jesus. It is no different in our world today, with the many acts
of terrorism, the many innocent lives lost at war as well as the
horrors of abuse within families and neighborhoods.
Simeon and Anna only recognized the Holy Family
because God was active in the situation. It took faith to see
beyond a newborn baby to the crucifixion and the resurrection.
Simeon needed to have courage to warn Mary that her joy
would also have pain and Joseph was given the responsibility
of something he had never anticipated. According to tradition,
Joseph died before Jesus began His adult ministry, and so he
was no longer around to support Mary when she would be in
most need of his quiet strength and fidelity.
My brothers and sisters, family life may not be a bed
of roses and every family will have problems to face. Every
family will know troubles and sorrows. Sometimes families
break apart because the problems become too many, or the
challenges of living together become too great. At such times
they may be in special need of our loving concern and support.
But there can be an unbreakable bond, a unique friendship and
an unflinching strength that carries a family through good
times and bad. Every family has moments of great joy as well
as moments that are difficult, when it is only the love between
them that gives the courage they need as they face things they
never expected and would have never wanted. Mary and Joseph gave Jesus the foundation that prepared Him for Calvary
as well as for Easter Sunday. May their example and prayers
bring our families courage in bad times as well as the joy in
good times. We pray in a special way, through the intercession
of the Holy Family, that our faith be strengthened and that we
may always respect the gifts that each of us bring in forming
the Parish Family of Holy Family.
This past week, I received a message from Archbishop Hebda, Coadjutor Archbishop of Newark, who has graciously accepted our invitation to celebrate Mass with us. I
invite all to come and welcome Archbishop Hebda, on New
Year’s Day, at our 10:00 A.M. Family Mass.
Peace and prayers as well
As we begin the New Year of 2015!
Father Joe
Join us next Sunday, January 4, 2:00
P.M., as we welcome the 3 Kings:
Melchior, Caspar and Balthasar. It is a
wonderful, entertaining event! All
families, especially those with children,
are encouraged to attend!
Saturday, December 27
5:30 PM Leonard Cifelli, Jr...M/M Leonard Cifelli
7:00 PM Nunzio Vacca...M/M Giovanni Giacometti
Sunday, December 28
8:00 AM People of the Parish
10:00 AM Anna Vitale...John Vitale & Daughters
12:00 PM Nicholas D’Angelo...Margaret & Robert Flemm
7:00 PM Angelina Fungaroli...Sergio, Domenica & Joseph
Monday, December 27, St. Thomas Becket
7:00 AM Joseph Landolfi...Geneva
8:45 AM Vincent Squatrito...Rose Marino
Tuesday, December 30
7:00 AM Sadie Magnotta...Mark Magnotta & Joe
8:45 AM Sr. Cosomina Capasso, FSSE...Franciscan Sisters of
St. Elizabeth
Wednesday, December 31
7:00 AM Deacon Charles Bond & Elizabeth McFall Bond
...Arnold & Liz Liloia
8:45 AM Nancy Grasso...Husband, Nick
Vigil of the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God
6:00 PM Rose & Bart Condurso…Josephine Condurso;
Thomas Genna...Theresa Genna & Family
Patrick Ritacco...Theresa Genna & Family
New Year’s Day - January 1, 2015
The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
8:00 AM Domenick Bisignano...Catherine & Vinnie Parigi
10:00 AM Salvatore Vangieri...Emily & Children
12:00 PM James Orsini...Orsini Family
There is NO 7:00 Mass tonight
First Friday, January 2, Sts. Basil & Gregory Nazianzen
7:00 AM Rosalie & Phillip Petracca...Daughter-In--Law
8:45 AM Mary Stefanics...Patty, John & John Farina
First Saturday, January 3, The Most Holy Name of Jesus
8:45 AM Special Remembrance Mass
John & Eleanor Arthur
Dorothy M. Sheridan
Leonard & Helen Cirillo
Henry Tamburri
Olga Zecca Revoile
Frank Vacca
John Reynolds
Elmer & Hattie Walsh
Living & Deceased Members of All Parish Societies
Deceased Sisters, Relatives & Friends of the
Religious Teachers Filippini
The Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday, January 3
5:30 PM People of the Parish
7:00 PM Vicenzo Vitale...Olympia Vitale
Sunday, January 4
8:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of the Barletto Family
...Rich, Roz & Vickie Barletto
10:00 AM Tony & Theresa Dimeo...Anna & Jerry Volpe
12:00 PM Anthony Testa...Mom & Dad
7:00 PM Giacomo Badalamenti...Theresa Badalementi
Page Four
“…as the Lord has forgiven you, so
you must forgive.”
- Colossians 3:13
Forgiveness – one of the hardest
things for people to do. It’s amazing
how long we can hold a grudge or
be angry with someone. As we
celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, take this opportunity to
give the gift of forgiveness to someone - maybe someone in
your family, maybe a friend, maybe a co-worker or neighbor
or, maybe yourself. Pick up the phone or text someone right
For Sunday, December 21, 2014
The actual collection was $11,381.00;
$1,539.00 of which came from Parish Pay.
The Shared School Expenses collection was $1,582.00.
Mass Attendance was 1,829.
God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity!
For Sunday, December 22, 2013:
The actual collection was $12,114.00;
$1,413.00 of which came from Parish Pay.
The 2nd Collection to offset the cost of Church property repair
and upkeep, was $1,708.00.
Mass Attendance was 1,681
Memorials for the Week of December 28
Church Sanctuary Lamp
Giuliana Cafaro...Lauren, August, John & Hemisha Urgola
Mother Cabrini Chapel Sanctuary Lamp
Nicholas Fasone...Michaelena, Paul & Kathy
Altar Candles
Anthony Della Sala...Wife, Lucy & Family
Altar Bread & Altar Wine
Frances Racanelli Bernstein...Eleanor Strollo
Blessed Virgin Altar Flowers
Paul Santumo, First Anniversary of Death
...Wife, Grace
The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church, Chapel, Convent and
Rectory, Altar Candles, Altar Bread, & Altar Wine, as well
as Altar Flowers are our weekly memorials. The donation
for each Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles are $10. The
donation for Altar Bread or Altar Wine is $15. The
donation for Flowers on the Altar of the Blessed Virgin or
Saint Joseph is $45.
Please stop by the rectory to reserve any of the above.
Please Pray for Those Who Are Sick...
Raymond & Mary Bresko, Janet Ferrugia, Fr. Peter Funesti,
Joseph Iorio, Bob Kordas, Sr., Toni Logiudice, Josephine
Loricchio, Kenneth Matthews, Philip Napoli, Laurie Palumbo,
Kayla San Filippo, Mary Sprechini - the entire sick list is
posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule.
Please Pray for Those Who Have Died…
Virginia J. Vasfailo, Irene Milko
1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;
Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44
Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52
1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17;
Lk 4:14-22a
1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16
1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30
Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10
or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or
1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11
March for Life - Washington D.C.
January 21 -22, 2015
Vigil Mass for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception.
Discount pricing is made possible by the support of our
sponsors and a generous subsidy of the K of C HF Council
Double Occupancy: $125/per person; Single $225/per person
Family of 3: $300 total; of 4: $350 total.
GSA Students: $50/per student; Nutley Parish Youth Groups
$50/per member For information on joining the Knights of
Please contact George Wescott-Grand Knight
By email:
Christian believers and their pastors from numerous
denominations, along with many pro-life leaders, will gather
for the 21st Annual National Memorial for the PreBorn and
Their Mothers and Fathers on Thursday, January 22nd at
DAR Constitution Hall, 1776 D St., NW (18th & D St.),
Washington, DC, from 8:30-10:30 A.M. This will be the
premier prayer event marking the tragic commemoration of
Roe vs. Wade. We will gather in repentance and grief, but also
in hope-filled, joyful determination and unity to bring an end to
abortion once and for all! Let’s fill Constitution Hall with
thousands of believers to show the nation that pro-life people
are not going away, no matter how long the battle or how
powerful the enemy! The prayers and message of this service
will certainly convey that, and you won’t want to miss out on
the inspiration.
Bible Blitz! A Christmas collection of new
and gently used Bibles is underway. Help
us to spread the Word of The Lord to those
who cannot afford a Bible. You may leave
the bibles in the Church vestibule on the ledge below the
TV screen or drop them off at the rectory.
A man’s gold ring with an onxy stone
was found in the parking lot the night of
the Stewardship dinner. If you lost this
ring, please stop by the rectory.
Page Five
Thursday, January 1
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
(Holy Day of Obligation)
Vigil: Wednesday, December 31, 6:00 PM
Today: Masses 8:00 & 10:00 AM; 12:00 PM. There is no 7:00
Mass this evening
First Friday, January 2, St. Basil the Great
6:00 am
Men's Prayer Group - SJC
All Night Adoration K of C - MCC
First Saturday, January 3 - The Most Holy Name of Jesus
1:00 pm
Confessions - Church
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
All Masses: 2nd Collection - Archdiocesan Assessment
Sunday, January 4 - The Epiphany of the Lord
8:30 am
Religious Education - GSA
10:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church
2:00 pm
Arrival of the Three Kings - Church
2:45 pm
Fatima Prayer Group - MCC
6:00 pm
Youth Group - SJC
Monday, January 5 - St. John Neumann
7:00 pm
Novena - MCC
7:00 pm
Choir Practice - Church
8:00 pm
MSA room in use
Tuesday, January 6 - St. Andre Bessette
12:30 pm Adult Education - SJC
Wednesday, January 7 - St. Raymond of Penafort
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR
Thursday, January 8
10:00 am Italian Class - SA
No Sassy Seniors Meeting in January
4:30 pm
Children's Italian Class - SA
7:00 pm
Padre Pio Prayer Group - MCC
7:30 pm
First Eucharist Meeting (Parents) - Gym
7:30 pm
Bible Study - SJC
Friday, January 9
6:00 am
Men's Prayer Group - SJC
7:00 pm
Italian Memorial Mass - MCC
Saturday, January 10
1:00 pm
Confessions - Church
2:00 pm
Multi-Cultural Event - Gym
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
Sunday, January 11 - The Baptism of the Lord
8:30 am
Religious Education - GSA
10:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church
12:00 pm First Eucharist Enrollment - Church
2:00 pm
Baptisms - Church
5:00 pm
Filipino Community - Church; Fellowship - SJC
6:00 pm
Youth Group - SA
Monday, January 12
7:00 pm
Novena - MCC
8:00 pm
MSA room in use
8:00 pm
K of C - SA
Tuesday, January 13 - St. Hilary
12:30 pm
Adult Education - SJC
Wednesday, January 14
7:30 pm
Praise and Worship - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR
Thursday, January 15
10:00 am
Italian Class- SA
4:30 pm
Children's Italian Class - SA
7:00 pm
(Spanish) Bible Study - MCC
7:30 pm
Bible Study - SJC
Friday, January 16
6:00 am
Men's Prayer Group - SJC
2:00 pm
Set-up for Mamre - SJC
7:30 pm
Mamre - SJC
Saturday, January 17
1:00 pm
Confessions - Church
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
All Masses: Social Concerns “Little Feet” Sale
2nd Collection: Shared School Expenses
Sunday, January 18
No Religious Education today
10:00 am
Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church
2:45 pm
Fatima Prayer Group - MCC
6:00 pm
Youth Group - SJC
Monday, January 19- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rectory Closed Today
7:00 pm
Novena - MCC
7:00 pm
Choir Practice - Church
7:30 pm
MSA room in use
Tuesday, January 20 - Ss. Fabian & Sebastian
12:30 pm
Adult Education - SJC
7:30 pm
Social Concerns - SJC
Wednesday, January 21- St. Agnes
8:15 am
K of C Bus trip to Washington, DC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR
Thursday, January 22
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
10:00 am
Italian Class - SA
4:30 pm
Children's Italian Class - SA
7:00 pm
(Spanish) Bible Study - MCC
7:30 pm
Bible Study - SJC
Friday, January 23
6:00 am
Men's Prayer Group - SJC
Page Six
Saturday, January 24
9:00 am
Junior Stewards - SJC
1:00 pm
Confessions - Church
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
All Masses: 2nd Collection - Church Property Upkeep
Sunday, January 25
8:30 am
Religious Education - GSA
10:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church
1:30 pm
50/50 Raffle Drawing - Church
2:00 pm
Baptism Instruction - MCC
2:45 pm
Fatima Prayer Group - MCC
6:00 pm
Youth Group - SJC
Monday, January 26 - Ss. Timothy & Titus
6:30 pm
Rosary Board Meeting - SJC
7:00 pm
Novena - MCC
7:00 pm
Choir Practice - Church
7:15 pm
Rosary Meeting - SJC
8:00 pm
MSA room in use
Tuesday, January 27-St. Angela Merici
12:30 pm Adult Education - SJC
8:00 pm
K of C - SJC
Wednesday, January 28 - St. Thomas Aquinas
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR
Thursday, January 29
10:00 am Italian Class - SA
4:30 pm
Children's Italian Class - SA
7:00 pm
(Spanish) Bible Study - MCC
7:30 pm
Bible Study - SJC
Friday, January 30
6:00 am
Men's Prayer Group - SJC
11:00 am Blood Bank - SJC
Saturday, January 31 - St. John Bosco
1:00 pm
Confession - Church
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 pm
Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
All Masses: Junior Stewardship Fund Raiser after all Masses
2nd Collection: Monthly Archdiocesan Assessment
As you can see from the list below, MANY
people have picked up their Family Photo
Directory! Thanks for all your help getting
the word around. However the following
have not yet picked up their copies. If you
recognize anyone’s name, please let them
know. Thank you!
Francisco, Griselda & Giselle Almeida, Anne Alworth, Karl &
Maria Andersdon, John & Brigida Bohman, Giuseppe &
Nunziata Bonomo, Roseann Bucci, Isabel Carrion, Rocio
Carrion, Romeo & Marilyn Castillo, Nelson & Patricia
Cepeda, Christina Colaiacovo, Rosina Coppola, Bambina
Corino, Michael & Christine Cozzi, Emiliano & Nenita
deDios, Gail DeFalcon, Lucy Della Sala, Anil DeSouza, Gloria
DiAntonio, Joseph & Carolyn Drago, John Giordano, Gerald
Grasso, Diane Guerina, Rosa & Anthony Guzman, Michael &
Kathleen Hagen, Christopher & Rosalia Hester, Joe & Linda
Iorio, Cris & Heather Jagar, Robert & Carol Jagar, Carol
Kaufman, Robert & Pat Kordas, Gerald & Frank Kryznefski,
George Larty, Quinto & Teresa Magi, Josephine Martino,
Lynn McGill, Geraldine Migliorelli, Cristian & Melissa Navas,
Juan & Mary Chris Nieves, Josephine Orlando, Angelina
Rosania, Donald & Chiara Russoniello, Franco & Angela
Salmeri, Julio & Felyoren Tajon, Antonio & Giulia Tamburri,
Benny & Theresa Torres, Cezar Zapanta, Hugo & Sylvia
MPG would like to pray for your
intentions. The prayers will be offered on
Friday of that week at our gathering.
Kindly place this intention request in the
Sunday Collection or return it to the
Please list your intentions:
If you would like a prayer card sent as an acknowledgment of
your prayer intentions, please include your name and address.
The Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one. If you are interested in memorializing someone
with a candle in the Maria SS Addolorata Chapel, please fill out this form and return it with a check, made payable to HOLY
FAMILY, in the amount of $100 to the rectory. You may request a beautiful card featuring the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows
taken in our Maria SS. Addolorata Chapel.
Inscription on the candle: (Limit 20 characters per line; limit 2 lines)
□ This is a new candle □ Please renew this candle
Name(s) on Memorial Candle:
Your Name: ______________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Town: ______________________Telephone: ___________________
Email: __________________________________________________