The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. We’re on the Web! and and A and YouTube: (Bridgechurchofthenazarene) and (Bridgechurchhawaii) Church office is at: 4385 Keaka Drive Honolulu, HI 96818 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1897 Aiea, HI 96701 The staff of the Bridge Church wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas! May you rejoice in the miracle, the gift and the promise of Christmas! “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…” given…” (Isaiah 9:6) Sing dahn fai lohk! Gordon Wong Senior Pastor (808) 429-1129 Javier Martin-Vinas Associate Pastor (919) 221-4768 Feliz Navidad! Maligayang pasko! Mele kalikimaka! Giang sinh vui ve! Mel Felipe Discipleship Pastor 423-4063 Mendel Wong Worship Leader (808) 203-8020 Tuan Vu Office Administrator (808) 429-1134 December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Happy birthday, Jesus December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Time of fellowship to follow after the service, so bring some Christmas snacks to share! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Sundays at 9:45 am: Dec.28th, Jan. 4th and 11th! A 3-Week Sermon Series December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Thanks, Bridge, for making Christmas a bit brighter for families in need! Almost 700 pounds of food delivered to the Hawaii Food Bank! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Dear Bridge Church, Would you help support my Senior Project in 3 ways: 1. Please come and join me at my Literacy Fair on Jan 10th. 2. If you can donate something to my silent auction, I would really appreciate it. 3. Please pray for me as I do this. Thanks! Breann Wong December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Happy birthday, Ashley Kawabata! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Happy anniversary, Johnny and Lynn Iwashita! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Happy birthday, Georgi Gibson! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Happy birthday, Krsytal Kawabata! Happy birthday, Terri Mahnken! December 24, 2014 The Bridge Church Newsletter December 24, 2014 Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Viola Flores (brain tumor surgery resulted in blindness in one eye and only 25% vision in the other eye). She is continuing radiation therapy, but still determined to work. Prayer wall 1 Sue Stigar’s friend, Princess (gastroparesis). There is no known cure disease for this disease. Jason Lapot (lymphoma) receiving chemotherapy treatment. Praise God the tumor in his brain and lymph nodes are gone! The doctors and nurses at the hospital call him “The Miracle Man!” Lester Stigar (dizzy spells and throwing up). Doctors running MRI tests. Please pray for accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment. Andrew Bauer (vestibular neuritis and migraines) Pregnant Mothers Joy Rivera Janelle Kam Praise Report: Answered Prayers Monica Cox got the permanent job she wanted and she is being given more hours. Her new boss and coworkers are very nice to her. Thanks everyone for praying! Please email your prayer requests to: The Bridge Church Newsletter December 24, 2014 ` strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Building Prayer wall 2 Ralph Watabayashi (bad knee, back and stroke). Praise God he has recovered dramatically from his stroke! Monica Cox’s sister-in-law (stage 4 cancer). Barry Satos’ father (bad reactions to medications) Fabian Watabayashi (spina bifida) Gayle Hamanaka (lumpectomy surgery recently) Irene Sekiya (cancer). She had surgery to put in a med disk to alleviate pain; and also suffered a fractured ankle in a fall Spencer Hayman (deployed/TDY) for undetermined amount of time Please email your prayer requests to: The Bridge Church Newsletter December 24, 2014 Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Pregnant Terri Nashiro (health, financial and living arrangement challenges). Lloyd Hisaka’s mother (fell down and injured in a bathroom accident). Prayer wall 3 Hala’i Fujimoto, Leslie Wong’s student at Waiolani Judd (diagnosed with leukemia). Lisa Haley’s friend, Christy Nelms (recent surgery and diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis). Troy Kersey (transitioning from Air Force retirement). Pray for God’s Presence and wisdom. Noelle Ito (hypoglycemia) Heather Glisson, Kelly’s mom (recent stroke and also fighting cancer for past 12 years) Mikel Rogers (shoulder surgery). Please pray for recovery and rehabilitation. d Please email your prayer requests to: The Bridge Church Newsletter December 24, 2014 Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. Prayer wall 4 Called by God Matthew Dortch has answered God’s call to ministry! Please pray for God’s leading, wisdom and empowerment as Matthew studies for the ministry and begins a new job and life in Hawaii with his wife Kellie and daughter Evelyn. Missionaries in Egypt Please pray for the Dinwiddie ohana, as well as missionaries Ibrahim and Nariman, who are reaching Muslims for God. Additional prayers Those who don’t know Christ, yet Pastors and church leaders; Worship Team; Sunday school teachers/helpers Our college students Marriages & families Youth group, teens & children Unborn children and pregnant mothers State, country and world Dallas Wong Kaitlyn Haley Niki Price Lonn Iwashita Alaina Sagarang Courtney Smith Please email your prayer requests to: The Bridge Church Newsletter Building strong, healthy bridges -- first to God and then to the world. l Schedule Sunday Pier Group December 7 Aliamanu December 14 Sunday and Pearl City December 21 Town and Teens December 28 MOB and worship team Greeting Ministry Schedule Sunday Greeters December 7 December 14 Mari, Rachelle, Patti and Katherine Mari, Rachelle, Patti, Katherine and Joy Sue, Lester, Eric, Kasey and Joy Sue, Lester, Eric and Kasey December 21 December 28 Sunday Pier Groups December 7 Aliamanu December 14 Sunday and Pearl City December 21 Town and teens December 28 MOB and worship team Please be at church by 7:30 am to start set-up! Church set-up schedule December 24, 2014
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