Mission Matters

Usual Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Mission Matters
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
The Newsletter of St. Andrew’s Okanagan Mission
Hours may vary without notice when circumstances require. We apologize for any inconvenience.
December 28, 2014
First Sunday after Christmas
Parish Staff
Rector: The Rev. Anne Privett
Forthcoming Events
Minister of Community Outreach
The Ven. Christine Ross
Families and Children’s Minister:
The Rev. Deb Wilson
Jan 4
Epiphany Sunday
Jan 6
TiM Meeting
Jan 8
Women’s Guild
Jan 19
Church Committee
Jan 21
Eucharist & Healing Prayers
Parish Nurse: Lynn Fairey, RN
Parish Secretary: Marolyn Armstrong
Music Ministry:
David Sproule, Suzanne Phillips
People’s Warden: Cameron Graham
Rector’s Warden: Kenneth Phillips
Connect With Us
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
4619 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, B.C. V1W 1X3
250 764-2626
STEWARDSHIP - PLEDGE FORMS — return a.s.a.p. to the office if you
haven’t already done so.
It has been a very busy year in our parish beginning with the retirement of Cathy
Hall. Many Thanks to the following:
To Alan Akehurst who faithfully served us while we went through the selection process of finding our new incumbent
To Anne Marie Kirby for chairing the Bishop’s Personnel Commission
and all those who aided her in this process
To the Altar Guild for their faithful service in preparing our altar and for
the display of flowers each week, Terry Tustain, President
To the Women’s Guild who faithfully cater for funerals and events when
required—Bev Akerlund, President
To all the volunteers who help with our Messy Church program and making it such a great success led by Deacon Deb Wilson
To the wardens, Cameron Graham and Kenneth Phillips for all their hard
work and guidance
To all the different committees, church, program, cemetery, liturgy and to
all who chair these committees and to the new TiM committee chaired by
Stacey Luckin
To our custodian, Lorna for keeping our church clean and bright for us all
to enjoy
To Gwen Chapman and Beth Flynn who did such a great job of decorating our church for the Christmas season.
To Lynn our parish nurse who has had a very busy year aiding our church
family and to all who contributed meals when needed
To our Chili Ministry and other Outreach Programs led by Deacon Chris
and so well supported by our church family.
And to our counters, Bev, Hugh, Stephanie, Marolyn and Agnes for their
faithful commitment and to our treasurer, Roland Henricksen.
And finally to our new priest, Anne Privett who has arrived full of enthusiasm and we look forward to worshiping with her each week.
My apologies if I have missed mentioning anyone!
The Rev. Anne Privett can be reached at the office at 250-764-2626 or by email
at rector@standrewskelowna.ca or for emergencies call 250-215-9051.
Readings for this Week
December 28
Is 61:10-62—62:3
Gal 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Sunday Service Roster
The Rev. Anne Privett
Readings for Next Week
January 4
The Rev Anne Privett
Altar Guild
Gwenyth Greer
Cameron Graham
Coffee Hour Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee and
fellowship in the hall following
the service.
Lila Mae White
Wilf and Bev Akerlund
Rose Lloyd and
Gail Rose
Stephanie Hayden
Communion Ministers
Kenneth Phillips and
Suzanne Phillips
Coffee Hour Hosts
Wilf and Bev Akerlund
Ongoing Facility Rentals
Monday Morning: Tai Chi
Monday Evening: Dog Training
Stephanie Hayden and
Marolyn Armstrong
Tuesday Afternoon: Sparks
Thursday Anam Cara Meditation OC
Thursday Evening: Brownies
Sat & Sun afternoons: Recitals