December 2014 Newsletter

The Northeast Region Beacon
December 2014
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In This Issue
Region Directors ............ 1-3
ACE Motorworks, LLC. ...... 4
What It’s All About! ........ 5-6
Region Directors
Tom and Renee Wasluck
As this newsletter comes out,
Thanksgiving is over, and we hope you
had enough turkey. We are now getting
ready to move into the Christmas Holiday
This is the time of the year when most
Chapters take a break so that members
can spend time with their families. In our
house, decorating for Christmas started on time this the
beginning of October. The outside of our home is illuminated with over
10,000 lights and many lawn ornaments. The inside decorating started as
soon as clean-up from Thanksgiving dinner was completed. There will be
almost as many colorful lights inside as there are outside. In a week or
two, we will be getting ready to roam through the woods in search of our
family-room tree, which usually has at least 2,000 lights on it. This is only
one of five trees we have in our house. We can’t wait until all of the kids
arrive with the grandchildren for the holidays.
It’s also that time of the year when we are all thinking about hibernating for
the winter – our motorcycles that is! We know of a few who never give up
riding, even during the winter months. The weather turning a lot colder
these past two weeks signals that riding for Renee has come to an end.
Myself...I may get out a few times, as long as the roads are clear. On
2014 Region B Calendar Of
Events ................................ 7
Northeast Region B
Website Solution ................ 7
Region Area Report List
Frequently Asked Questions
....................................... 8-9
Northeast Region Staff
Directory........................... 10
The Engraver! .................. 11
Region CPR/FA Trainers:
Party Time! ...................... 12
Woodwing Art .................. 13
Region Educators:
A Very Dangerous Time
Of The Year! .............. 14-15
From Around The Region:
New Hampshire Chapter A
......................................... 15
(Continued on next page)
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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January 1st (unless there is snow on the roads) I try to get Renee out to
make our New Year’s Day ride. We do this every year hoping that it will
bring more riding time during that year for us.
The end of the year brings about changes in leadership at many levels in
the organization. Please remember that the “new” officers are just that “new.” The membership needs to give them the chance to develop their
ideas and plans. Please be careful not to make judgments on the new
officers too soon. Along with that, the “new” officers need to be thinking
about which (and how many) changes they would like to implement within
the Chapter. To the membership, “change” can be a hard thing to swallow.
New officers need to take things slowly.
As many of you know, Pennsylvania District Directors, Dana and Danise
Hartle, are stepping down at the end of the month. Having worked with
them as our assistants, we knew they would do a great job for the district.
It took several meetings with the Hartles to “convince” them that they
would make great District Directors. Once they decided to accept the
position, they jumped in with both feet and were wonderful directors.
Working with them over the years has made the Hartles more than just
“associates.” Renee and I are truly blessed to have Dana and Danise as
friends. Please join us in thanking them for all they have done for the
Pennsylvania District.
We cannot tell you how important we believe that
the Membership Enhancement Program is to your
District and Chapters. The MEP is the glue that
holds all of us together! It is what puts the “FUN”
in GWRRA. Any group of people can get together
and go for a ride on their motorcycles; but it is the
FUN that brings us back and makes us a family.
The Membership Enhancement Coordinators
should work with the Chapter Director to “run” the
chapter. If you have two people working together
for the chapter, it makes the positions’ responsibilities a lot easier to
handle. The burden of running the Chapter does not just fall on the
Chapter Director alone.
Chrome World ................. 16
From Around The Region:
Pennsylvania Chapter H . 17
Couple Of The Year:
COY Greetings ................ 18
Chapter Of The Year
Coordinators .................. 19
Leadership Training:
Hope You Didn’t Eat TOO
Much On Turkey Day! 20-21
Couple Of The Year
Coordinators.................... 22
WinterThing Announcement
........................................ 23
WinterThing Flyer ............ 24
Membership Enhancement
Program Coordinators:
Gathering Video ......... 25-26
Northeast Region
Web Page Directory ........ 27
Do You Want To Share? . 27
Happy Holidays From
The Region B Team! ....... 28
That’s All Folks! ............... 28
The Membership Enhancement Coordinators have a very large
responsibility in their region, districts, and the chapters. Take the Area
Report List for example. If you have a member that is great at talking with
people, they could be the person to make contact with the members on the
list. That person would be your lifeline for a healthy chapter. Use the ARL
to your full advantage, contact all prospective members. Give a call to the
members whose memberships are nearing expiration...they may not even
realize that their renewal date is coming up!
The prospective members could bring new life to your Chapter. You never may be contacting your replacement as an officer for the
chapter. Communication has a key role in our organization. If you do not
communicate with the membership, those people will (sooner or later) fade
away and you will never see them again. Communication between the
MEP officers is very helpful. Gathering and logging information may lead
to finding the thread that keeps the membership together.
As we read the newsletters from around the Region, we can see that plans
for activities for 2015 are already set. There are a lot of things already
planned for next year and we are always looking for some new FUN things
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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to do. There are the Four District Conventions held within the Region;
Maryland’s WinterThing will be January 8th - 10thin Ocean City, Maryland;
the New England All-States Convention will be July 22nd-24th in Lewiston
Maine; the New York-New Jersey Convention plans are being formed; the
Pennsylvania State Rally is being put on the back burner in 2015; but
other plans are in the works.
Wing Ding 37 will be in Huntsville, Alabama, from
September 3rd-6th, 2015. Also, there is going to be
another Region B-sponsored camp out to be held
sometime in September or October of next year. As
more information becomes available, we will get it
out to all of you. If you have some FUN activity
ideas, please let someone on the region team know
so we can help get the word out.
The holiday season always brings out the best in people. It’s heartwarming
to see how our GWRRA family helps out those in need. Many chapters
have charities that they support during this time of the year. The letter on
Page 5 (titled, What It’s All About! )comes from one such situation.
As 2014 draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to convey
a huge THANK YOU to all the members of the Region Team for your
service to GWRRA. THANK YOU, as well, to ALL of the District and
Chapter officers...without you, there would be no GWRRA.
Renee and I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year. Please be safe over the holidays! We look forward to
spending another great year with ALL of you having FUN at whatever we
are doing.
Be safe in your travels!
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Northeast Region Directors
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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What It’s All About!
Submitted by:
Dan & Laura Watts, Maryland District Couple of the Year 2014
We often talk about our “other family,” our GWRRA family, and how they
rally around you in times of need. Recently, I had the opportunity to see
that it’s not just other GWRRA members we help, but all members of our
motorcycling family. I belong to Massage Envy and until recently had the
same massage therapist for the last 4.5 years. Like hairdressers, they
become more than just a therapist, but a friend also. After 4.5 years
together, my therapist had been offered a full-time job as an X-Ray
technician and would be leaving. During my last appointment with her,
she was telling me about her fiancée’s best friend. Here is the story:
TJ Humphrey is a 30-year-old man, with a beautiful 27-year-old wife,
Amy; an adorable 2-year-old daughter, Brooklyn; and a precious 12-day
old son, Jaxon. TJ works at Severn Auto Body and Amy works at
Subway Auto Body. They have been married since 2012, and live in
Edgewater, Maryland.
On Saturday, July 26, 2014, at approximately 2:15 p.m., TJ was in a
motorcycle accident. He was riding his motorcycle on Maryland Route
424 coming up to Governors Bridge Road when a car exited Governors
Bridge Road and failed to yield the right of way. TJ was unable to stop
and struck the driver's side of the car and fell off the motorcycle onto the
TJ was airlifted to University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in
Baltimore, Maryland, with life-threatening injuries. He was dead upon
arrival to the hospital, but the trauma team was able to revive him. His
heart was torn away from the lining of his chest and his aorta was torn
away from his heart. Both of his lungs had collapsed. TJ had a
traumatic brain injury, but we wouldn't know to what extent until he
woke up. He also had a broken right femur, broken right humerus, a
dislocated right shoulder, and abrasions all over his body.
TJ received over 60 units of blood in his first several hours because the
trauma team couldn't control the bleeding. He had three surgeries so
far, during one of which they removed the bottom portion of his right
lung. He was on kidney dialysis because his kidneys were failing. They
repaired his heart and inserted tubes into his head to drain the excess
brain fluid created by the swelling of his brain. His lungs were severely
bruised, which caused respiratory problems. He also had several
broken ribs.
Initial prognosis was that he would have a very, very long road of
recovery in front of him that would include physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and quite possibly speech and coordination
therapy depending on the extent of the brain injury. It was anticipated
that he would be in the hospital for at least a year.
Unfortunately, things did not work out that way. On Tuesday, July 29,
the neurosurgical team came into the family waiting area at the hospital
to talk to the family at the request of the lead trauma team. Despite an
emergency surgery to remove a large part of TJ's skull to remove
pressure on his brain, the family was told that TJ's brain continued to
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swell, parts of his brain had stroked out, his pupils were non-responsive,
and the ventilator was doing all the breathing for him. They told the
family that this was a non-survivable injury. TJ was given last rights and
was pronounced dead at 3:40 p.m. on Wednesday, July 30, 2014.
It is a heartbreaking story. They did not have life insurance on TJ and
now, here was this young mother with two small children, dealing with the
grief of losing her husband and remaining strong for her children.
I spoke with the Chapter I Director (most of you call her Gerry, I call her
Mom) and asked if the chapter would be able to make any kind of
donation. She suggested that we bring it up at our upcoming staff meeting
that was held in late October.
I read the story and it was suggested that along with our donation to our
charity of choice this year, Paws for Purple Hearts, the chapter could
donate $250. It was a unanimous decision to do so. Our Assistant
Chapter Director, Keith Johnson, suggested that I read the same story at
our next gathering and we “pass the hat” for donations from everyone.
Well, let me tell you that while I know how
generous our GWRRA family is, even I
was blown away. Contributions were
made not only by the MD-I members but
also several visitors from MD-J and MDH. We collected another $750 for a total
collection of $1,000! We decided to
purchase Visa Gift Cards in this amount
to allow her to use it for whatever was
needed. Gifts for the kids for Christmas,
food, clothes...her choice. Dan and I had
the distinct honor of delivering these gift
cards to her and meeting the beautiful
Humphrey family.
It was amazing to see this young mother
holding it together. When we arrived, the
dogs were barking, Brooklyn was trying to
answer the door with Amy telling her to wait
and ask who it was first. Finally, the door
opened to Brooklyn greeting us and Amy
feeding Jaxson. We didn’t stay long. We
could tell that she was just trying to get
through her nightly routine with the kids.
We handed her the envelope and she
opted to open it after we left. I’m sure she
didn’t want to get emotional in front of the
kids, and I don’t blame her.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say THANK YOU to all who
donated. This is what it’s all about! It does a heart good to see so many
people open their wallets and hearts to help a family in need...even if they
are not a GWRRA member.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
Dan & Laura Watts
Maryland District Couple of the Year 2014
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Is your District or Chapter
sponsoring a major activity?
Please contact:
Tom and Renee Wasluck
to list your event here!
Is your ISP service contract up for renewal?
Is your district or chapter looking for a reliable
—and reasonably priced—
ISP for your website?
Then look no further!
Our Internet Service Provider can provide you
with all the space you need at a VERY LOW COST!
Only $5 per month
Contact our Region Web Team…
Clark W. Clemens at ...
for details and directions on how to get started TODAY!
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Region Area Report
List Coordinators
Peter & Marielle St-Amour
Frequently Asked
1. What is the Assigned Zip Report?
2. How do I submit Assigned Zip Report updates?
3. What is the Unassigned Zip Report?
4. How do I submit Unassigned Zip Report updates?
1. What is the Assigned Zip Report?
When a new member is entered into the database - or an existing member
updates their address zip code field - a trigger is activated in the database
to update the member's “chapter” field. The database compares the
member's zip code to an internal reference table and auto fills the
member's chapter field according to the chapter assigned to that zip code.
This internal reference table, more commonly known as the Assigned Zip
Report, associates a unique zip code (or State) to a Chapter.
Example ZIP
of The
Zip Report
This report (the ASSIGNED
below) is useful when
chapters are opened or closed.
2. How do I submit Assigned Zip Report updates?
If there are only a few updates, you may send your updates in the body of
an email. Be sure to include:
Current Chapter
Zip Code
New Chapter
For a “large” number of updates, submit an updated file by email. Be sure
to eliminate unnecessary zip codes to keep the file size small. Send the
updates to your District Director (or other designated individual). Compiled
updates are then submitted to the GWRRA Home Office (at so that the correct information is on the following
month’s Area Report List.
Assigned Zip Report updates are posted around the 10th of the month.
3. What is the Unassigned Zip Report?
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Occasionally, when a new or prospective member joins GWRRA, their zip
code is not associated with a chapter. Each month, the unassigned (UA)
zip codes for each region are compiled and distributed to the Region
Directors as the Unassigned Zip Report (below). Ideally, a zip code is
Example of The Unassigned Zip Report
assigned to the nearest chapter by the District Director.
Note: Member Services enters information as printed on the member’s
submitted application. You may notice a city name that is misspelled or
incorrect. Also, a zip code that is listed on the Assigned Zip Code Report
may be listed again under the Unassigned Zip Code list. Usually, this is
because of a hidden character in the member's zip code field. Correct
these errors when submitting your updates.
4. How do I submit Unassigned Zip Report updates?
To assign a UA zip code, enter the chapter name under the New Chapter
column, next to the corresponding UA zip. Any future members in that zip
code will automatically be assigned to the designated chapter.
Occasionally, there will be issues that arise, such as zip code assignments
crossing state lines and/or region boundaries. It will be up to the district
and/or the designated person to handle their reporting.
If there are only a few updates, send the “zip” and “new chapter” updates
in the body of an email. For a large number of updates, submit the
updated file by email. To keep the file size small, be sure to eliminate any
unnecessary items, like any additional excel sheets and zip codes. Send
updates to your District Director (or designated individual). Compiled
updates are then submitted to the home office by month’s end so they are
reflected in the following month's Area Report run.
Peter & Marielle St-Amour
Northeast Region
Area Report List Coordinator
(518) 490-1031
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Ray & Sandy Garris
International Director
(800) 843-9460
Bruce & Barb Beeman
Deputy International Directors
507-433-4286 (home)
507-438-7063 (cell)
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Denny & Kathy Brillhart
NE Region Directors
(570) 474-1014
2014 / 2015 NE Region
Couple Of The Year
Denny: (717) 586-2756
Kathy: (717) 586-4074
Al & Vicki Stahl
NE Region Educators
Al: (518)598-8981 (cell)
Vicki: (518) 944-6880 (cell)
John & Pam Van Deusen
NE Region Assistant Educators
Keith & Elaine Price
Region CPR/FA Coordinators
(716) 625-9577
Dan & Mary Costello
NE Region Couple Of the Year
(732) 261-2883
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
Eileen & Tim Guile
NE Region Trainer
(518) 877-8481
Dan & Mary Costello
NE Region Membership
Enhancement Coordinators
(732) 261-2883
Peter & Marielle St-Amour
NE Region Area Report List
(518) 490-1031
Clark Clemens
NE Region Webmaster
(315) 762-4339
NE Region CHapter Of the Year
Connie Keiper
NE Region Treasurer
Lori M. Norris Schill
NE Region Newsletter Editor
(814) 226-6314 (home)
(814) 229-6314 (cell)
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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#1 The Engraver ! #1
Please think of us for fine engraved items
or any of the other motorcycle products we carry:
Engraved Name Tags, Bike Plates, License Frames, Maps, Name in Lights and much
more  Because we carry such a wide array of logos and pins, we can custom engrave name tags and
plates with Military, Masonic, Patriot Guard, Red Knights, and Teamsters Horsemen as well as other
organizations. We do custom logos and pins.
Keys  Honda motorcycle spare keys as well as gas tank and pocket chrome-knob keys.
Frogg Toggs  Quality, motorcycle-grade rainsuits that are both breathable and waterproof.
Flags and Fold-Down Flag Poles  US, State, Military, and more….
State, Military, Motorcycle Organization, and Other Pins and Pin-Locks
Sparkle Hats  Available in 15 different colors as well as other styles.
Military Hats  Proudly show your service to our country.
Butler Mugs  Keep your drinks hot or cold while you ride.
Arm Sleeves  Provides added protection for your arms
Magnetic Jewelry  Bracelets, anklets, and necklaces made with natural magnetic hematite and stones.
Plaques, Trophies and Signs  We design and build high quality items that you will be proud to award
both at bike events, in sports leagues, and in business environments. We stock, and can engrave, over 3500
logos. We also engrave name tags and bike plates for many rider and fraternal organizations. Custom signs
are available in sizes up to 8” x 10” in a variety of colors.
Medallions  We can do your Couple and Individual of the Year medallions. These medallions also make
great awards for students, athletes, and employee stars!
We also will work with groups to design any specialty items.
If you do not see what you need listed on our website, please email or call us .
Contact Joanne at: 561 239 2307
Visit our Website:
Email: or
We are Lifetime GWRRA members and have been honored by GWRRA for
over 25 years of support and loyalty to GWRRA Wing Ding and event participation!
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Region CPR/FA Trainers
Keith and Elaine Price
Party Time!
It’s snowing as I write this so I guess that
the riding season really is over. But a
different season is beginning. The party
season is here and with it, “adult
GWRRA policy concerning alcohol is
quite direct. No division of GWRRA can provide, sell, or promote alcohol.
GWRRA does not prohibit alcohol use, nor does it expect all members to
be teetotalers. But face it; the overconsumption of alcohol is dangerous!
Alcohol is actually a toxin. The ingestion of too much alcohol in too short
of a time can lead to a rapid death. It’s called Acute Alcohol Poisoning.
Furthermore, long-term abuse can lead to a disease called cirrhosis of the
liver, which can be fatal. A co-worker of mine died from it. He knew it was
killing him but his addiction to alcohol was so strong, he couldn’t stop, and
he paid the ultimate price. I won’t even mention the thousands of lives
ended in alcohol-related accidents.
The liver of a normal, healthy adult can detoxify, or neutralize, about one
ounce of alcohol per hour. That equates to approximately a twelve-ounce
can of regular beer, a four-ounce glass of wine, or a one-ounce shot of
distilled spirits such as whiskey. Consume no more than that per hour and
you should be fine. Consume more than that, and you could end up in
trouble. If you overindulge, try switching to non-alcoholic beverages before
going home. Because of the brains affinity to sugar, sweet cordials or
sweet wines can affect you more quickly than other drinks. Ingesting
alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach will also cause you become
drunk much faster than if you consume alcohol while eating food.
If you imbibe “adult beverages,” do so
responsibly. Know your limit and stick to
it. If you are hosting a party, consider a
cut-off time or provide designated drivers
for your inebriated guests. Having them
stay overnight and enjoying a breakfast
together the next morning is also an
excellent idea. Speaking of the “morning
after,” there is no sure cure for a
hangover. Remember that if you are
going to play, you will have to pay!
Please, enjoy the holiday season and if you drink, do so responsibly. We
want everybody to enjoy the riding season next year.
Have a joyous holiday season.
Be Prepared – Get Trained
Be Safe...Not Sorry
Keith and Elaine Price
Region CPR/FA Coordinators
(716) 625-9577
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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WoodWing Art Advertisement
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Region Educators
Al and Vicki Stahl
A Very Dangerous Time Of
The Year!
Again we’re starting out ominous, but it’s
so very true. Although the vast majority of
us won’t be on our bikes or trikes, we will
be in travelling on four wheels...and we may be with the most distracted
drivers under the worst weather conditions.
I have always been amazed how much more alert I am driving my car
after teaching a riding course. It naturally forces you to be a much better,
defensive driver. Here are a few tips to think about:
Although it is never a good practice to be an aggressive driver, it is even
more true during the holiday season. Everyone is in a hurry while doing
the last-minute shopping. They are on their cellphones. Whether using
hands free devices or not, they are still not paying attention to their driving.
Add to this the road conditions. The beginning of the winter season is the
worst time for road conditions. The pavement is still warm, so the bottom
layer of snow melts forming a very slippery surface. Remember to drive
according to the conditions. It’s far better to arrive 10 to 15 minutes late
rather than never.
Equip your vehicle with at least the bare minimum of winter driving
necessities such as a shovel, a blanket, and warm clothing. Those
beautiful holiday fashions won’t help you when you’re stuck in a snow
Vicki and I would like to thank the entire region for their support of our
rider education program. If we have helped saved only one life, it’s
enough. Thankfully, I’ve heard of more than several more lives saved.
Please have a very happy and merry holiday season and we look forward
to serving you in an even more exciting 2015.
Now for some very exciting news for us! We believe it may have gotten
around the Region, but in any case, here are the facts. Vicki and I are
moving to a new condominium in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We
will be driving the truck down on December 2nd, and moving into our new
home on December 5th. Our new address is:
Alfred and Vicki Stahl
1551 Spinnaker Drive, Unit 5332
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
With the blessing of Tom and Renee, and Tony and Michelle, we will
continue to serve you for one more year. We will be returning north to the
great Northeast Region with the start of the riding season, and will stay
through the summer. We would like to finish some of the projects that we
started and as always, love to serve our members. We will, of course, see
you all at WinterThing. It’s a fantastic event and a great way to escape
some of the cold and get in on some excellent training. Al will be getting
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his MFA update as well as some other training.
We also would like to thank all our great District
Educators and, in turn, all of the Chapter
Educators. We have the very best team and love
them all. We want to ask everyone...when you see
a seminar presenter (any curriculum), an MFA
Instructor, or riding course instructor, please thank
him or her for the time, effort, and expense they
put forward for the members.
When the learning stops, hang up the keys.
Al and Vicki Stahl, Region Educators
Al (518) 598-8981 (Cell)
Vicki (518) 944-6880 (Cell)
At their November Monthly Get Together, New Hampshire Chapter A members joined hands with Hannaford
Brothers’ Helping Hands Project. The chapter’s treasury matched, dollar-for-dollar the $170 donated by
members. Together they purchased 1/2 pallet (that’s 34!) Helping Hand boxes that contain the essentials food
banks need most.
All boxes purchased go straight to regional food banks and food pantries closest to the store where the boxes
are purchased. NH-A’s donation went to the Horizons Food Kitchen/Pantry and helped boost Hannaford
Gofffstown 2014 donation over last year’s total!
Good job, New Hampshire Chapter A and Hannaford!
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Chrome World Advertisement
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Each year, Pennsylvania Chapter H
members make ornaments
to a decorate a tree for
“Tree Fest.”
Following two weeks of public display,
the trees are donated to
families in need
in the Bloomsburg area.
The angel atop PA-H’s tree (right)
was selected this past summer
by the late Betty Williams,
Chapter H Charter Member.
To Chapter H, the angel represents Betty...
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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2014 / 2015 Region
Couple Of The Year
Denny & Kathy Brillhart
COY Greetings
Hello friends. It seems like winter is starting
earlier this year. We know some people
have already seen snow and we’re just not
ready for that yet. As I write this, the weather
forecast for tomorrow is calling for a high of
only 29 degrees. And this is in southern
Pennsylvania. Of course, our bike is already put away for the winter. No
cold riding for us. So that means there are fewer things going on.
We did attend Pennsylvania Chapter V’s Halloween party on November 1st
and had a really good time. On November 8th, we attended chapter
Pennsylvania Chapter K’s holiday party . We really enjoyed the fun and
games and fellowship with our friends and neighbors. We also got
involved with collecting food to donate to God’s Meal Barrel in Hanover,
Pennsylvania and donated towards a Christmas party for seniors in
Hanover. Next up on our plans is to go to Maryland Chapter F’s Christmas
party on December 6th and Pennsylvania Chapter V’s Christmas party on
December 7th.
Each year from September into December, we volunteer our time as
coaches for the Special Olympics bowling program in York, Pennsylvania.
Every Saturday morning we get up bright and early to get to the bowling
alley by 8:00 am. It makes our hearts feel good to be able to be there for
these special athletes. Along with that, for the last several years our home
chapter, PA-V, volunteers to serve the food at the Special Olympics end-of
-season bowling banquet. Several of our members ride their bikes and put
them on display for the Olympians, and they look forward to seing the
bikes each year. We’re looking forward to another good time at the
banquet on December 13th.
We would like to take this time to wish all of our friends and extended
Goldwing family a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year’s Eve.
Here’s to a wonderful New Year filled with more wonderful times riding
and enjoying our Goldwings.
Dennis & Kathy Brillhart
Region B Couple Of the Year
717-586-2756 (Denny)
717-586-4074 (Kathy)
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 18
CHapter Of the Year Coordinators
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
It’s December already, and some of us
are still recovering from Thanksgiving.
Now it’s time to prepare for Christmas. A
few folks around the Region have already
completed decorating their homes and
lawns, and are looking forward to all of
the festivities.
Now that the holidays are here, how’s
everyone doing on their Chapter of the Year packages for 2014?
Remember, your chapter packages are due to your individual District
Coordinators on or before February 1, 2015. The Maryland chapters need
to have their packages into their District Coordinator no later than
December 30, 2014. This ensures that the Maryland District has their
winner selected and announced at the January “Winter Thing” Rally.
Once each district in our region selects their Chapter of the Year, the
District CHOY Coordinator will send the winning package to us for
consideration of selection and recognition as the 2014 Region B Chapter
of the Year. The selected District Chapter of the Year packages are due to
us on or before March 1st, 2015.
Please ensure you use the newest updated 2014 Program Guide and
Score Sheet. There are updates to the guide that have been made since
January. A few very important changes include:
“To calculate the average number of Chapter Participants…collect all
of the 2014 Chapter Monthly Gathering Sign In Sheets, add the total
number of Participants and divide by the number of months when a
Gathering was held to determine the average number of Chapter
Participants as of December 31, 2014. Visitors/guests will not be a
part of the average Chapter Participants.”
Use Appendix A to determine the amount of points required for each
question, based on the determined number of Chapter Participants.
Copies of the Chapter Gatherings attendance sheets must accompany
the package sent to the District CHOY Coordinators.
If you have any questions, please
contact your District CHOY
Coordinators. Afterwards, please feel
free to contact us.
Julie Bob & Julie A’Hearn
Northeast Region B
ChOY Coordinators
301-997-1254 (home)
301-536-0539 cell
Chapter Of the Year info:
Northeast Region
Region B
Gold Wing
Wing Road
Road Riders
Riders Association
Page 19
Leadership Training
Eileen and Tim Guile
Hope You Didn’t Eat Too
Much On Turkey Day!
We had a busy October and November.
The Region B meeting was October 25th
On October 26th, we presented the
Officers’ Certification Program in
Manchester, New Hampshire to the following people:
Bob and Beryl Reid (NH)
Dick Bernier (NH)
Jeff and Leah Talbot (MA)
Francine and Ray Beaule (NH)
Ken and Liz Spindola (MA)
Mike and Marybeth Traynor (MA)
Linc and Pam Todd (MA
A BIG thanks to Kevin and Georgia LeBlond for all their help - obtaining
the room, running out to get us all lunch, participating in the discussions,
and numerous other items. The happy group is pictured below.
October 26, 2014 … Manchester, New Hampshire
Thirteen GWRRA members complete Officers’ Certification Program!
The following weekend, Tim and I went to Long Island to present the MFA/
CPR course to Chapter K. We stayed with Bill and Linda Reichling, and
had a chance to sit down and chat over a wonderful meal of homemade
lasagna (Bill’s an excellent cook). Bill had a host-donor reaction so he is
currently going for treatment twice weekly and can’t ride so it happened at
a “good” time of year. Bill continues to do well and should be ready to ride
in the spring.
The people who took the course were:
Congratulations to all! We also found out that Richard and Ann Bullis
attended the GWRRA event in Nashville, and were presented with the
Bill and Linda Reichling
Joseph Godley
Gary and Lois Dinizio
Richard and Ann Bullis
Cindy and Charles Simmons
Jairo Yepes
Dianeth Murillo
Phil Genova
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 20
“FUN Award” by Ray Garris. Congratulations, Richard and
deserve it!
By the way...When we travel home from Long Island, why is it that we
have never gone the same way twice!?
Many people come to us and express an interest in taking a “live” OCP
seminar (not one on-line), the University Trainer Development Program
(UTDP), or the Horizons course. I try to keep track of who interested in
what, but soon there will be a better way to capture this information. I am
working with Clark Clemens, the Region B Webmaster, so that members
can express their seminar interests via the region website. Basic
information supplied through the website will be forwarded to region
trainers so that we can try to get you into a course and/or let you know
when and where a seminar is scheduled. There will be more information
available in the January Region Beacon!
Happy holidays to all!
The more you know
the better it gets!
Eileen & Tim Guile
Northeast Region Trainers
Master Instructors/OCP Trainers
(518) 877-8481
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 21
Couple Of The Year Coordinators
Dan and Mary Costello
We hope everyone had a wonderful
With the holiday season upon us,
everyone is busy with holiday parties,
decorating, and shopping. We would like
to take this opportunity to remind all
Chapter Directors that if you have not
made your purchases for your 2015 Chapter Couple, it is not too late.
Contact us with your Chapter Couple's name and Chapter. Include the
billing address and name and your job is done.
Making your Chapter Couple feel special is quite easy. You can purchase
Chapter head pins and bars, medallions, and name tags. Let us know
which items you wish to purchase, and we will have them shipped directly
to the Chapter Directors.
Honoring that special Couple and presenting them with these tokens of
appreciation at a chapter event will make a world of difference to this
couple. Honoring and making that couple feel special is what this program
is all about.
We look forward to seeing more and more Chapter Couples in 2015.
Remember, it all starts with the Chapter Directors. Every chapter has at
least one couple who demonstrates the true meaning of GWRRA: "Friends
for Fun, Safety and Knowledge." The Couple of the Year Program is all
about the FUN and honoring that one special couple.
Take some time, contact us at, and place your
order for your chapter’s Couple Of the Year. It is important to make the
presentation at your holiday party or gathering. When doing so, thank
them for all they have done for your chapter. If possible, send us a picture
of your 2015 Chapter Couple Of the Year presentation. Please remember
to include their names and their chapter. We will try to post as many
pictures as we can of Chapter Couples across the region in the upcoming
If you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact us.
Dan & Mary Costello
Northeast Region
Couple Of The Year Coordinators
(732) 261-2883 (Cell)
Northeast Region B
Above is a sample “Chapter
Couple of the Year”
Chapter Directors
can order medallions
by emailing
Region B Membership
Enhancement Program
Dan and Mary Costello
The medallions cost $15
each. Be sure to include the
COY recipients’ information
so that their names ca be
engraved on the backs of
their medallions.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 22
The GWRRA MD District thanks you for choosing to join us for WinterThing 2015!
This year’s theme is “The Silver Screen.”
Click here for Maryland’s webpage that directs you to the event flyer, registration
form, food drive flyer, the schedule of events, and more.
Watch the web site for future updates.
We’ll see you for our twenty-fifth year in Ocean City, Maryland.
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 24
Membership Enhancement Program
Dan and Mary Costello
Gathering Video
The article this month is directed to all
chapters across the region and across
GWRRA. Our GWRRA Director, Ray
Garris, has issued a challenge of sorts
through Bob and Karla Greer. Ray and
Bob are looking to see just how much fun
we all have at our gatherings. We talk and reminisce about past gatherings
that had a memorable event that has made its way into each chapter’s
history. It is something that is often repeated and always remembered.
To see these events as they are happening is usually reserved for just
those lucky members present. Well, Ray wants to open that circle up to
include himself…and maybe all of GWRRA.
How does he intend to do this, you ask? He is asking for us, each chapter
in the region, to make a video using whatever we have available: camera,
phone, whatever. Most importantly, cinematic quality takes a backseat to
the FUN requirement.
Sit back and read the following, plan your video ,and then make the rest of
GWRRA laugh along with your chapter as you record for all of us the best
chapter meetings in GWRRA.
Good luck and most of all...have
Fun is contagious.
Once you start, it’s hard to stop.
Dan & Mary Costello
Northeast Region
Membership Enhancement
(732) 261-2883 (Cell)
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 25
Membership Enhancement Program
The following letter is from Bob and Karla Greer, GWRRA
International Membership Enhancement Program Directors
Hello MECs across GWRRA land,
Team GWRRA would like to find the most FUN Chapter in all of GWRRA.
Once we find that Chapter we want to show it off to everybody else so they
can see how much FUN a regular monthly Chapter gathering can be by
posting a video of them on the GWRRA Web Page.
We need your help to do this by passing this e-mail and contest
announcement to all Chapters in GWRRA.
Ray Garris, GWRRA Director, has offered up three fantastic prizes:
First Place FUN Chapter gets a $100 Dairy Queen gift
Second Place FUN Chapter gets a $50 Dairy Queen gift
Third Place FUN Chapter gets a $50 Dairy Queen gift
All you have to do to be considered for this contest is send us a video of
one of your most FUN regular monthly gatherings by March 20, 2015. This
should give everybody plenty of time to plan, organize, make the video,
and submit it for judging.
The rules are:
You must have FUN
Video should be inclusive of the entire regular monthly
Videos should be sent to me either electronically or by hard copy…
Electronically at MEPDIR@ATT.NET
Hard copy (on DVD or USB flash drive) to:
Bob Greer
Director of Membership Enhancement
223 Begonia Court
Griffin, GA 30223
One last thing: The quality of the video will not be a factor in judging
the most FUN Chapter.
This is not a videographer contest to see who can make the best video. It
is to see who has the most FUN regular monthly gathering in GWRRA.
Amateur videos are encouraged.
E-Mail or call me if you have any questions at (770) 473-1316 Home or
(770) 680-0158 Cell.
Bob and Karla Greer
Membership Enhancement Program Directors
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 26
GWRRA Northeast Region
Connecticut .............................................................................
Delaware ..................................................................................
Maine ..................................................
Maryland .....................................
Massachusetts ...........
New Hampshire .......
New Jersey ...........................
New York ...................................................
Pennsylvania .......................................
Rhode Island .......
Vermont ....................
Do you want to share...
a story, photo, or announcement about
something in your District or Chapter?
Send the information to Tom & Renee Wasluck!
Please identify people, places, and things in
your photos to make them more “meaningful.”
Credit should be
given to the
photographer too.
The deadline for
submissions is the
27th of the month
… so don’t delay!
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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