I used to seek out an old monsignor wherever he

Ongoing Special Projects
My mother used to say “the silent priest never gets a
parish!” (There were many priests competing for
parishes in her day!). So, I have the audacity to
make a request, since we are in the ThanksgivingChristmas period, and some parishioners may be
contemplating donating towards a worthy cause. Let
me suggest a few causes close to home that will
greatly benefit our parish and/or school.
MONDAY, January 5
8:00 AM
Inge Gronau
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Marie Wingard
TUESDAY, January 6
8:00 AM
Patricia Duffy
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Madeleine Bonura
WEDNESDAY, January 7
8:00 AM (Chapel)
Pam DiSalvo, RIP
Francisco McDonald
Joseph & Barbara Vollath
Mae Elaine Pantaione
Rev. Bernardino Esguerra
Eileen Venables
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Richard A. Verhose, 3rd Ann
1. Installation of 24 hour HD Video streaming
from St. Catharine Church to the internet,
and HD video distribution in the lower
church. This will benefit elderly and sick
parishioners who cannot travel to church or
are confined to their homes. It will also
improve security for the church.
THURSDAY, January 8
8:00 AM
Daniel Donahue, III
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Daniel Donahue
FRIDAY, January 9
6:45 AM
Noel O’Sullivan
8:00 AM
John Naughton
Evelyn G. Mueller
Joseph Bich Van Nguyen
Willson & Harper Families
Anna Tinh Thi Nguyen
The Barwood Family
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Thomas Steets
2. Installation of a STEM Lab in St. Catharine
Engineering and Math Lab will benefit
students from Pre K through 8th Grade, and
contribute to the goal of making St.
Catharine the pre-eminent Catholic School in
the Diocese of Trenton.
SATURDAY, January 10
6:45 AM
Enda Flannelly
8:00 AM
Joseph V. DiNardo
5:00 PM
Thomas Steets
SUNDAY, January 11
7:00 AM
Peter Ryan
9:00 AM
Frank Herrmann, Jr.
10:30 AM
Armand Grez
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Deacon Ralph Jaccodine
We thank several members of the parish who
have responded to this notice during the past two
weeks. We are grateful for the support and the
interest in these projects. We continue to need
supporters for these projects and if you are
interested, I would love to hear from you. Email
me at cullenhf@hotmail.com or call me (Fr
Cullen) 732 449 5765.
SATURDAY, January 10
4:30 PM
Walter & Margaret MacGowan
SUNDAY, January 11
8:30 AM
People of the Parish
10:00 AM
Peter Connolly
11:30 AM
Elwood Anderson
Please remember our sick:
Pillar “Bundy” O’Connor, Florence Skinner, Mark Pavliv, Brian Cahill,
Alida Scheuermann, Fr. John McGovern, David Stevens, Jane Magovern,
Tiffany Hanke Benner, Bob Patrignelli**
Please pray for the deceased:
John Carlin, Paul Hanke, John “Jack” Ryan, Theresa Matuch Gorecki, James
Levers, Sr., Joan Repetti, Petrina Perretti, Frank B. Duffy, Frederick A.
Establishment of a Pre-Kindergarten class
room and program in St. Catharine School –
to open Sept 2015.
Members of our Parish
who have family or
friends in the service
have given us their names
which can be found in our
Remembrance books in
both churches in front of
one of the side altars. We
encourage you to stop there, say a prayer for those
listed and for all our service people.
To add a name to our prayer list, please call
Barbara 732-449-5392 or Karen 732-685-7065 or
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
I read recently in the New York Times that there is
now a “Coping with Uncertainty Day” (November
Now that you know well in advance,
presumably you will be sending flowers and cards to
all your friends next November (send one to your
pastor too!).
The article pointed out that uncertainty can
sometimes take a greater toll than bad news.
What this means is that people who are constantly
uncertain about their jobs or their future are more
stressed than people who have actually lost their
jobs, and consequently report significantly worse
overall health and are more depressed than people
who have actually lost their jobs, and even than
people who have faced serious or life-threatening
illness. One expert pointed out that “people who are
anxious tend to equate uncertainty with a negative
outcome” (this is known as “confirmation bias”);
even though in 85% of cases studied the actual
outcome was neutral or even positive.
Of particular interest to people of faith like
ourselves is the conclusion that, generally speaking,
people underestimate their ability to cope with a bad
situation. Our faith always tells us that while having
faith does not insulate you from the financial and
physical uncertainties of the world that we live in, it
does assure us that when we face these uncertainties,
we can do so with the kind of assurance that comes
from knowing that we do not face them alone and
that God has an overall plan for each of us that
transcends the winds and the waves that buffet us on
any particular day of our lives.
The New York Times article talks about “productive
worry” and “unproductive worry”. The former is
the kind of worry that gets you thinking about what
you can do in the next 24 hours - making a plan, and
in the case of your finances, getting a fix on your
checking and savings balance and putting your
resume together, if necessary.
Unproductive worry, on the other hand has to do
with fretting and ruminating about things that you
have no control over, like, for example, the future
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
trend of the stock market and the economy of the
country. This is the kind of worry that creates the
worse kind of uncertainty, helplessness and stress,
(especially if you compulsively watch the news or
check the ticker tape each day) because, of course,
here you have absolutely no control.
One thing that many of us are learning from living
through these financially uncertain times is that when
we talk about our portfolio, we should think not just
in terms of finance, but in terms of life. We are
learning like never before, that money isn’t
everything. We are learning to focus on the things
that are important in life and that make life
meaningful and full. Hopefully, we are looking at
our families and our friends, our parish and our
community, and are realizing that a diversified life
portfolio is much broader than stocks and bonds and
funds and real estate.
It is at the level of the broader “unproductive
worry” that our faith intervenes and makes a
When you believe in Divine
Providence - when you believe that God has a plan
for you and for your life, it is easier to divest
yourself of that kind of debilitating worry and
anxiety over things that you have no control of.
You don’t stick you head in the sand.
You gather as much information as you can, you deal
with the things that you have control over, you look
forward, and you look back; you remind yourself of
the historical realities that we always tend to ignore
in a crisis – namely that markets have always gone up
and down, and so has real estate.
But over and beyond everything else you go
forward with the assurance that God knows what
He is doing, even if sometimes we can’t
understand His ways, and that ultimately all
things work together for good for those who trust
in his way.
Happy New Year!
Fr Harry Cullen
Feast of the Epiphany
An epiphany is a moment of revelation that manifests
something previously hidden. Today’s solemnity
celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the nations,
and it is only the first of other epiphanies that will
manifest the divinity of Christ. The Church also
celebrates the baptism of Christ in the Jordan and his
changing water into wine at the wedding feast of
Cana as manifestations of the divine made human in
In Isaiah’s poetic vision, dark and gloom give way to
the light and glory of the Lord, Jerusalem, now
shrouded by “darkness” and “thick clouds” will
become a source of light that will illumine the way of
nations and kings, who will walk by her “shining
Why don’t we celebrate the Epiphany on
January 6?
When did we stop celebrating the Epiphany on January 6
and start moving it to a Sunday? Did that change affect
the length of the octave of Christmas?
The Code of Canon Law says that Sundays are to be
“observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the
universal Church”. That canon also allows national
conferences of bishops to “abolish certain holy days of
obligation or transfer them to a Sunday.”
In November 1983, the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops approved the transfer of the Solemnity
of the Epiphany (January 6) to the first Sunday after
January 1. The transfer was reviewed by the Holy See
(Vatican) and promulgated in March 1984.
Liturgical celebrations are categorized as solemnities,
feasts, and memorials according to their importance. The
two greatest solemnities, Easter and Christmas, continue
for an octave (eight days).
Since the octave of Christmas runs from December 25
through January 1 (the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy
Mother of God), it’s not affected by the transfer of the
Epiphany celebration.
Liturgically, the days after January 1 through the Baptism
of the Lord are part of the season of Christmas even
though they’re not part of the octave of Christmas.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
New Altar Servers
19 new Altar Servers were officially commissioned
at the 10.30 AM Mass at St Catharine’s on
December 21, and were presented with the symbols
of their important ministry in our parish. We are
very proud of, and grateful to all our altar servers.
Please do not hesitate to thank them for their
service to the Church and for the generous spirit
that they bring to this calling. When I and the other
priests arrive at the sacristy for Mass and are
greeted by cheerful and enthusiastic altar servers, it
gives me a sense of hope and confidence in the
MONDAY, January 5
Girl’s JV Bball
Girl’s V Bball
Boy’s V Bball
CYO Youth Group
TUESDAY, January 6
Pastoral Care
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
CCD K-5Th Grade
CCD 6th -8th Grade
Baptism Prep Class
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:30 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
WEDNESDAY, January 7
Women’s Bible Study
Pastoral Care
Daisy Troop
Girl’s V Bball Game
Girl’s JV Bball
Respect Life Group
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
2:30 PM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:15 PM
St Catharine’s
THURSDAY, January 8
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
Altar Sewing/Craft Guild
Bereavement Session
Girl’s JV Bball
Boy’s JV Bball
Boy’s V Bball
Children’s Choir
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
Contributions that come in the mail $3,117.00
Loose Cash
Total Miscellaneous
FRIDAY, January 9
Girl’s V Bball Game
Boy’s JV Bball
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
December 21-22
Regular Collection…………$20,601.00
Second Collection
First Collection Summary By Mass
St Margaret’s
Saturday 4.30PM
Sunday 8.30AM
Sunday 10.00AM
Sunday 11.30AM
Total St Margaret’s
Saturday 5.00PM
Sunday 7.00AM
Sunday 9.00AM
Sunday 10.30AM
Sunday 12.00PM
Total St Catharine’s Church
At the time of printing, the Christmas
Collection was not available. This will be
published sometime in the weeks ahead
when the complete tally is available
St. Catharine Classics News
Oppenheimer Funds will speak at our Tuesday,
January 27th meeting at St. Margaret Church Hall at
1 p.m.
His topic, "Getting your financial house in order,"
will include a worksheet and Q and A on a subject of
general interest to seniors.
Coffee, tea, light
refreshments and an hour or so with friends should
warm up a cold afternoon. Welcome and bring a
friend! It's FREE!
March 12: St. Patrick's Party, St. Catharine's
April 14: Spiritual Day at San Alfonso Retreat
June 14: Concert of Sacred Music St. Catharine
Game Day at the Spring Lake Train Station: Second
Monday of the Month: Bridge, Mah Jung, etc. Bring
a friend and enjoy the game of your choice and light
refreshments. It's FREE!
Pastoral Council
We are happy to announce that through a
process of prayer and discernment, 12
members of the pastoral council were elected
on December 13. The three hour process was
directed by Terry Ginther, the Director of the
Diocesan Office of Pastoral Life and Mission.
The members of the council were called from
the parish at large. They do not necessarily
represent certain ministries or groups that
already exist in the parish. They were
selected through a process of prayer and
reflection and discernment. The aim of the
process was to call forth those who are able
and willing to commit to the time needed for
prayer, study and the work of the council.
The council members who emerged through
the discernment process were:
Dana Puharic
Maureen Martin
Maureen Liddy
John Fudge
Susan Marks
Becki Rubel
Michael Mastrocola
Claire Mullen
Joseph Iorio
Lisa Keefe
Jack Kirnan
Elizabeth Perry
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Some characteristics that are of value in a
Christian leader were considered during the
process. These included: a willingness to
listen; honesty; enthusiasm about the future of
the parish; a commitment to work towards
consensus; a desire for personal spiritual
growth and the growth of the community;
flexibility; openness to new ideas, etc.
In the coming weeks, an annual calendar of
meetings will be established for the council.
The members, working with the pastor will
decide upon when, where, and how often to
meet in order to fulfill its duties. It is
recommended that the council should not
meet less than four times a year, but I would
envisage us meeting once a month formally,
with subcommittees meeting more often.
Lectors & Ministers of Communion
I also want to pay tribute to our well trained and
always well prepared Lectors and Extraordinary
Ministers of Communion. You are very much at
the heart of what is best about and most
important in our parish – the nurturing of our
family through the Body and Blood of Christ and
the Word of God. Thank you for your generous
service to God through these central ministries.
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, January 10th & Sunday, January 11th
SAT. 4:30PM
Fr Cullen
SUN. 8:30AM
Fr Dunlap
SUN. 10:00AM
Fr Gallagher
SUN. 11:30AM
Fr Morley
John Nugent
Steve Mazur
Elizabeth Baker
Thomas Panepinto
Helen Nugent
Minister Needed
Maureen Liddy
Frances Scuilli
William Clark
Liz Nesnay
Jesse Novak
Florence Tedesco
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Church Saturday, January 10 th & Sunday, January 11th
SAT. 5:00PM
Fr Weiser
SUN. 7:00AM
Fr Cullen
SUN. 9:00AM
Fr Cullen
SUN. 10:30AM
Fr McGovern
Gia Beyer
Jane Kulaga
Isabella Maguire
Carol Morris
Peg Gontkof
Sr. Margaret Tierney
John Hillyard
Betsy Ryan
Maureen O’Reilly
Teresa Rigney
Mary Ann Conte
Jim or Virginia Piccolo
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Chapel Saturday, January 10 th & Sunday, January 11th
Fr Weiser
Maura McDermott
Theresa Abel
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study Group is an opportunity for women
of all ages and all levels of Biblical knowledge to gather in
fellowship and talk about scripture and its meaning to the
challenges in our lives.
The group will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from
9:30am-11:00am in the St. Catharine’s Convent living room.
For more information about the group, please contact
Daughters of St. Catharine and
St. Margaret
“The daughters of St. Catharine-St. Margaret are women
empowering women to trust in Jesus as Mary did – to share
triumphs and tragedies, to learn with and from each other, to
make our journey on this earth peaceful.”
Women of the parish are invited to come for a few hours.
Varied topics. Guest Professional speakers. Come mingle,
learn and become empowered by his Word.
Meetings will be held on the last Thursday of each month
at 7:00PM in St. Margaret Hall.
The next meeting will be held on Jan 29 @ 7.00PM. Fr
Padovani will return to present on the very current and
critical issue of Human Trafficking, and what it means for
women and families today.
For further information contact Gretchen Stevens
732-213-7475. Gretchenstevens22@gmail.com.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Attention Parish Pay Participants
Beginning with the first of the year, the parish will
switch to Parish Giving for the Electronic Fund
Transfer program. We will no longer be using
Parish Pay. All parishioners currently enrolled in
Parish Pay are encouraged to contact the rectory or
visit the parish website WWW.STCATHARINESTMARGARET.ORG and follow the prompts to
enroll in Parish Giving.
Enroll in Parish Giving
Track your contributions
No need to remember envelopes
Schedule contributions while on vacation
Link your bank account or credit card
If you are headed in the wrong direction,
God allows U turns
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM.
Baptism Preparation Class must be taken before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday,
January 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before
the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for Baptisms and the
Preparation Class.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: All children, ages 4 and up are
invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00 AM Mass in St.
Margaret's Church. There is no fee or registration required.
MARRIAGES: Those planning marriage should notify the pastor at least one year in
advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own parish as the most proper arrangement,
therefore, people who reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be
married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own parishes. The bride, the
groom, or their parents must be registered and living in this Parish for at least one year.
Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a
self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their
unique relationship. Please call 732-449-5765, ext. 166.
After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday.
Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church.
Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the
8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move
into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in
the parish.
PARISH E-MAIL: stcatharine@optonline.net
PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: parishcouncilstcathstmarg@gmail.com
Parishioners are encouraged to bring the Offertory Gifts up to
the altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of your
loved ones. If you would like to do this please ask the ushers
before the mass begins.
Dear God, bless our family life and nurture us
with your love and care. Help us to be attentive to
the needs of one another. Guide us to reach
beyond our home in service to others. We ask you
to open the hearts of our children to hear your
voice, to know their true vocation, and to find true
happiness in you. Amen.
The New Year
I am the New Year.
I am an unspoiled page in your book of time
I am your opportunity to practice what you
have learned during the last 12 months of life.
All that you have sought in the past year and
failed to find
is hidden in me;
I am waiting for you to search it out again
and with more determination.
All the good that you tried to do for others
and didn’t achieve last year is mine to grant –
providing you have fewer selfish and
conflicting desires.
In me lies the potential of all that you dreamed
but didn’t dare to do,
all that you hoped but didn’t dare to perform,
all you prayed for but did not yet experience.
These dreams slumber lightly,
waiting to be awakened by the touch of an
enduring purpose.
I am your opportunity to renew all things in
the Christ “who makes all things new”
Author Unknown
And now a Little Biblical
Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he married Ruth?
A. Ruthless
Q. What do they call pastors in Germany?
A. German shepherds
Q. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?
A. Noah, he was floating his stock while everyone else
was in liquidation.
Q. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible?
A. Pharoah’s daughter. She went down to the Nile and
drew out a little prophet.
Q. What kind of motor vehicles are mentioned on the
A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a
Fury. David’s Triumph was heard throughout the land.
Also probably a Honda, because all the apostles were “ in
one Accord”.
Q. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
A. Samson. He brought the house down
Q. What excuse did Adam give his children as to why he
no longer lived in the Garden of Eden?
A. Your mother ate us out of house and home
Q. Which servant of God was the most flagrant
lawbreaker in the Old Testament?
A. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765
If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy to anoint you
by appointment before admittance.
If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so we can visit
you, since hospitals no longer list patients’ parishes.
If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your home or assisted
living, please notify us directly.
Sr. Margaret Ext. 124
Bereavement Support Group:
The next session is Thursday, January 8th at 1:30 PM in the convent. If
you have lost a loved one do not feel alone in your journey, we are here to
support you.
Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124.
Prayer Shawl Makers:
The next session will be on Wednesday, January 14th at 7:30 PM in the
Memorial Mass Society
The Following have been enrolled in the
St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish
Memorial Mass Society and will share in
special masses to be celebrated at the
9:00am for 12 first Sundays beginning
January 4, 2015.
Rose Taschler r/b Patricia Hatem
Monmouth Coastal
Respect Life Committee
George Martin III r/b Bobbi Martin
Please join us for the March for Life 2015–Washington
DC on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Bus sponsored by St.
Catharine’s and the Monmouth Coastal Respect Life
Committee. Please contact Bob Phelan at 732-681-1126
for reservations or catjon4@aol.com for additional
information. Please send the $10 fee to St. Catharine Church, 215
Essex Avenue, Spring Lake NJ 07762.
Lay Carmelites
Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your
Faith? We offer you the opportunity to fulfill that desire.
This desire is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you to
pray. Let us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment.
If interested in discussing or attending one of our
meetings, please call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031.
St. Catharine - St. Margaret Men’s
Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the 2
Wednesday of the month for prayer and
discussion of the Scripture Readings for the
following Sunday Liturgy. All men are welcome.
Charles F. McMahon r/b Patricia Hatem
Elizabeth Karam r/b Patricia Hatem
John Naughton r/b Ben Ciliberto
Walter H. Hall r/b Jane C. Hall
Dr. Charles Wrege r/b Jane C. Hall
Nancy Gardella Mackey r/b Jane C. Hall
Albert Gardella r/b Ann E. Gardella
Edward A. Marley r/b Mrs. Frances H. Marley
Marie Wingard r/b King Family
Richard Hatem r/b Patricia Hatem
Elaine Duncan r/b Patricia Hatem
John Quinn Jr. r/b Anita L. Kruse
Angela Annett r/b Thanh Nguyen
Teresa Hong Thi Nguyen r/b Thanh Nguyen
Marie Wingard r/b Sisti Family
Michael Clayton r/b Clayton Family
Helen Murray r/b Clayton Family
Michael Murrary r/b Clayton Family
Thomas J. Hanlon r/b Angela Hanlon
Loretta Kosty r/b Cindy Graves
Thomasine Cleary r/b Sablom Family
Louis Sablam r/b Sablom Family
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family