„Taste Latvia”days in Finland 15.1.–15.2.2015 Taste Latvia days to bring a series of exciting events to Helsinki, Finland from January 15 to February 15, 2015. Held for the first time, the event coincides with Latvia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the President of Latvia’s State visit to Finland. Do you know what Finns and Latvians have in common, and what sets them apart? And do you know that the two cultures share similar tastes for food? Over the four week period, Taste Latvia will explore these and other interesting themes. The main objective of the initiative is to introduce Latvia’s economic growth and the potential for furthering Finnish–Latvian cooperation. Additionally, Taste Latvia will introduce the novelties in Latvian interior and fashion design as well as in literature, including appearances by the 2014 European Literature prize winner and an internationally recognized Latvian writer. The events will also showcase the best of Latvian documentaries and the angelic voices of the world famous Riga Dome Boys Choir. The project is organized by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in partnership with the Embassy of Latvia in Finland and the Latvian Tourism Development Agency. www.koelatvia.lv/fi The official meeting point and information center during Taste Latvia days is Urban Story, Katariinankatu 1, Helsinki. Organizers More information on the events and an interactive map available on www.koelatvia.lv/fi TOURISM 15.01 OPENING OF TASTE LATVIA days 15.-18.01 Latvian stand at MATKA TRAVEL FAIR Adult tickets - 30 € Messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki http://www.latvia.travel/ www.koelatvia.lv/fi DESIGN 21.01- 01.02 THE BEST OF LATVIAN INTERIOR AND FASHION DESIGN POP-UP STORE Free event, open to the public Urbanstory concept store Helsinki design district Katariinankatu 1, Helsinki https://www.facebook.com/urbanstory www.koelatvia.lv/fi CULTURE 19.01-1.02 CARICATURE EXHIBITION by Jukka Rislakki on the differences and similarities in Latvian and Finnish mentalities Free event, open to the public Urbanstory concept store Helsinki design district Katariinankatu 1, Helsinki https://www.facebook.com/urbanstory www.koelatvia.lv/fi 28.01 19.00 - Pelican in the Desert, a documentary by Viesturs Kairišs. Screening at Helsinki Docpoint festival. Adult tickets - 8 € Kinopalatsi 8, Kaisaniemenkatu 2, Helsinki www.docpoint.info www.koelatvia.lv/fi 29.1. klo 17.00 RIIAN TUOMIOKIRKON POIKAKUORON KONSERTTI 29.01 17.00 - RIGA DOME BOYS CHOIR concert at Helsinki Temppeliaukio Church Vapaa pääsy, avoin yleisölle Temppeliaukion kirkko Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki www.koelatvia.lv/fi Free event, open to the public Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki www.koelatvia.lv/fi 4.2. klo 18.00-20.00 Uusinta latvialaista kirjallisuutta: 4.02 18.00 – 20.00 Presentations on the latest Latvian literature: - Vuoden 2014 Euroopan kirjallisuuspalkinnon voittaja Jānis Joņevs kertoo teoksestaan ”Jelgava 94” - Kirjailija Māra Zālīte kertoo teoksestaan ”Viisi sormea” - 2014 European Literature prize winner, writer Janis Jonevs discussing his book Jelgava 94. - writer Mara Zalite on her book Five fingers. Vapaa pääsy, avoin yleisölle Free event, open to the public HUB13 HUB13 Kaisaniemenkatu 13A, 2. kerros www.facebook.com/rozentalsseura www.suolat.fi www.koelatvia.lv/fi Kaisaniemenkatu 13A, 2nd floor www.facebook.com/rozentalsseura www.suolat.fi www.koelatvia.lv/fi BUSINESS 28.01 FINNISH – LATVIAN BUSINESS FORUM Presentations on Latvian and Finnish economy, B2B meetings between Finnish and Latvian company representatives. Register for the event by writing to kirsti.tarvainen@finpro.fi Venue: House of the Estates, Snellmaninkatu 9-11, 00170 Helsinki http://www.finpro.fi/ www.koelatvia.lv/fi FOOD 21.01- 1.02 LATVIAN RAW FOOD TASTING at Hymy Raw Food Cafe. Helsinki design district Katariinankatu 1, Helsinki www.facebook.com/hymyrawfoodcafe www.koelatvia.lv/fi 10.02 WORKSHOP on modern Latvian cuisine at Kellohalli restaurant, Teurastamo Limited availability. Apply by writing to alise.barvika@liaa.gov.lv Työpajankatu 2, building 1e, Helsinki http://www.teurastamo.com/en/ www.koelatvia.lv/fi
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