The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick Church of St. Adalbert Church of St. Patrick 90 Alden Avenue Founded 1915 64 Pearl Street Founded 1860 Visit the website for the Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Adalbert Rev. John Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony Bruno, Weekend Assistant Deacon Vincent Motto, Deacon Offices for St. Adalbert and St. Patrick 64 Pearl Street • 860-745-2411 • Fax: 860-253-9483 E-mail address: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm June/July/August — Monday-Thursday Religious Education Office 73 Pearl Street • 860-741-0572 Prayer Line 860-745-6492 Baptisms and Marriages Please call the Office Schedule of Masses and Confessions Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:00 PM - Only at St. Patrick Church Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM at St. Patrick Church Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM at St. Adalbert Church and 10:45 AM at St. Patrick Church Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday & Tuesday at St. Patrick and 8:00 AM Wednesday & Thursday at St. Adalbert Monday: 6:00 PM - Spanish Language Mass (7:30 PM June-August) at St. Patrick THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF ST. ADALBERT AND ST. PATRICK In the event that Enfield schools are delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions, morning Mass will also be cancelled and the parish offices will be closed. Saturday January 10 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Mary, Carol, Angie & Guy— Req. by the Family Sunday January 11 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Victor Mosca, 5th Anniversary—Req. by Wife & Family 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Phyllis Hout—Req. by the Mennella & Fusco Families 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Assunta Harris, 50th Anniversary—Req. by Charles, her son Monday January 12 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Jerry Sullivan—Req. by Terry Torre 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s—For the Parishioners of St. Adalbert’s & St. Patrick’s Tuesday 8:00 AM ENFIELD, CT WELCOME! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family and marital situation; no matter what your personal history, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical condition; no matter what your own selfimage; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Saint Adalbert’s and Saint Patrick’s. Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015 Sunday: Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17 -20/Jn 1:35-42 January 13 St. Patrick’s—Robert Cerrato—Req. by Margaret Bermani Wednesday January 14 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Ray & Ennis Montagna— Req. by Ray & Henrietta Montagna Thursday January 15 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Philip Caronna—Req. by the Family Friday No Morning Mass January 16 Saturday January 17 No Morning Mass 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Stella Malley—Req. by Mary Sacheli & Family Sunday 8:00 AM January 18 St. Adalbert’s—Janina Machaj—Req. by Friends from Hallmark 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Heritage Mass - Celebrating 100 years of faith - STO LAT. 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Mary Chevalier—Req. by Philip & Dea Prisk PRO LIFE ROSARY Our Pro-Life Group meets on the first Saturday of every month for the recitation of the rosary near the Planned Parenthood’s facility, at 111 Hazard Ave. (rte. 190) next to the Country Diner in Enfield. You are invited to join them at 10:00 AM each month. In your charity, please pray for the souls of Cynthia “Cindy” Paris, Francis Reichert, Bettie Frew, Valeria Pietras, Theresa Ziter and Celia Malinoski. SPECIAL COLLECTION THE WEEKEND OF JANUARY 17/18 The Little Sisters, who operate St. Joseph’s Residence here in Enfield, will be at all the Masses this coming weekend looking for your financial support for their very important work with the elderly here in our community. Please make an effort to contribute what you can to the Sisters and their ministry to the elderly and infirm. ST. NICHOLAS TREE We would like to extend our heartfelt thank you to all those who donated to the St. Nicholas Tree. We adopted 12 families with a total of 49 individuals. One family was adopted by a non-profit organization. The remaining 11 families each received a gift bag with a share of the $2,255.00 collected in gift cards. To each and every family and individuals who donated, THANK YOU for making Christmas a little brighter for those less fortunate. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 ST ADALBERT’S NEEDS YOUR HELP! We are looking for volunteers to help out in various aspects of the life of St. Adalbert’s parish. First of all, we need helpers to assist with the decorating of the church especially for Christmas and Easter—we pride ourselves on a beautifully decorated church during the Christmas and Easter seasons and we need more parishioners to assist in this work. Secondly, we are in need of Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors—these are extremely important functions and we welcome additional volunteers for either of these ministries. Finally, we are looking for some additional volunteers to assist with the counting of the weekly Sunday collections—the counting takes place either on Sunday morning or Monday mornings and is a vital function of our financial operations. If you are willing to give some time and energy to any of these good works, please call either Betty or Nancy at the parish office (860-745-2411). DIAPER DRIVE AT ST. ADALBERT’S & ST. PATRICK’S Christians United in Service is a cooperative of five churches here in Enfield working together to respond to needs in our community. The churches involved are St. Adalbert’s, St. Patrick’s, United Methodist, Ministries of Love and Hope, and Calvary Presbyterian. We sponsor “Village Dinners” twice a year in the community and now we are reaching out to respond to the Family Resource Center’s efforts to supply diapers to families in need in our community. We are asking for donations of disposable diapers to be brought to church on the weekend of January 24/25—containers will be available at the doors of St. Adalbert’s and St. Patrick’s for this purpose. Please make an effort to make a contribution—disposable diapers are very much in need by young families with limited financial resources and your donations will be of significant help. ENFIELD LOAVES & FISHES HOLIDAY DINNER Enfield Loaves & Fishes, the local area Soup Kitchen, held its’ Annual Holiday Dinner on Monday, December 22, 2014. We served 364 meals to our guests, followed by a Holiday Party. Many community members turned out to assist in the cooking and serving of a roast beef and ham dinner. Santa Claus visited after the meal and gave out gifts to over 250 kids who attended. Enfield Loaves & Fishes would like to thank the many residents, churches, organizations, corporations and stores who appeared with a vast array of food and gifts for those attending the celebration. Enfield Loaves & Fishes wishes to also offer a special thanks to those who helped all year long and yet wish to remain anonymous. May you be blessed for all you do to help those in need throughout the year…You are the light and the hope for our brothers and sisters. This nonprofit, non-sectarian program has been fighting hunger in the community for 32 years. Last year 74,243 meals were served and of those 46% were to children. The organization is dependent upon donations and volunteer help from individuals, churches, organizations, corporations and local stores in North Central Connecticut. The soup kitchen does not receive subsidies from State or Federal government. Additional information can be obtained by calling 860-741-0226 or visiting our web site We wish you and your family a Happy New Year! A & P STORE Prudence Crandall School recently held a gently used collection of coats, jackets, boots, hats and gloves and donated them to the A & P Store. Thank you all so much for the great donation and especially Amy Dennis who organized and delivered the boxes and bags to you store. How wonderful to know that children are learning the experience of giving at such a young age. God bless!! Don’t forget the Enfield Food Shelf January - juices Collection boxes may be found at the entrances to St. Adalbert & St. Patrick Churches ST. ADALBERT CHURCH – “HERITAGE” MASS 2015! ~ Celebrating 100 years of faith – STOLAT! ~ Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:30am Mass Our “Heritage” Mass commemorates the establishment of St. Adalbert Parish on January 17, 1915. A breakfast buffet and Polish cuisine will follow in the Church hall. Nasz "Dziedzictwo"Msza upamiętnia ustanowienie parafii św Wojciecha na 17 stycznia 1915. Śniadanie w formie bufetu oraz dania kuchni polskiej nastąpi w sali parafialnej. We will again have a collection for the Haitian Health Foundation of Norwich. A donation box will be located in the vestibule from January 18 through January 25, 2015 to accept your gifts. Monetary donations are also welcome. Pre-addressed envelopes are available in the church vestibule for your convenience. Gracious thanks in advance for your generosity. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 Treasure: Weekly offering for the weekend of January 3/4 St. Patrick Church Weekly offertory Solemnity Snow removal $4,521.75 $551.00 $344.00 Online Giving—1/1—1/7 $864.50 St. Patrick’s Online collection schedule for the months of January & February 2015: January 18—Weekly & fuel January 25—Weekly & High School February 1—Weekly February 8—Weekly & school maintenance February 15—Weekly & snow removal St. Adalbert Church Weekly offertory (1—3/4) $2,584.50 Monthly (1—3/4) $1,209.31 Solemnity $595.50 Donations from chalk $49.00 $270.00 Online giving 12/31—1/7(weekly) Online giving 12/31—1/7 (monthly) $275.00 Online giving 12/31—1/7 (fuel) $30.00 $260.00 Fuel Total $5,273.31 What the parish needs for this week: - $5,135.00 Income $138.31 St. Adalbert’s Online collection schedule for the months of January & February 2015: January 18—Weekly & fuel January 25—Weekly & High School February 1—Weekly & monthly February 8—Weekly February 15—Weekly Thank you for your generosity! ON LINE GIVING The On Line Giving Program is a safe and secure way to contribute to the parish. To make use of this service, simply go to our parish website – and click on the On Line Giving icon. You must be a registered parishioner with or without offertory envelopes. If you wish to register, or if you have questions about this program, please call Betty at the Rectory Office, 860-745 -2411, Monday – Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM January 11—January 15 SUNDAY NO Baptisms—St Adalbert’s Church & St. Patrick’s Church Confirmation Class Grade 9, 9:00—10:30 AM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center MONDAY Spanish Language Mass, 6:00 PM, St. Patrick Church Scout Meeting, 6:30 PM, St. Patrick TUESDAY A & P Store, 12 Noon—2:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group, 7:00 PM, St. Adalbert’s Church Hall Rosary for the Sick, 7:00 PM, St. Adalbert Church WEDNESDAY St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Classes: Grades K— 4th, 4:00—5:00 PM; Grades 5th—8th, 6:30—7:30 PM, St. Bernard School THURSDAY St. Patrick Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 PM, St. Patrick Choir Loft FRIDAY FoodShare Truck, 12:45—1:15 PM, St. Patrick Church Parking lot SUNDAY Baptisms: St. Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church Confirmation Class Grade 10, 9:00—10:30 AM, St. Patrick Parish Center St. Adalbert ‘s Choir Rehearsal, 9:00 AM, St. Adalbert Choir Loft UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS January 19—Rectory Office Closed Spanish Language Mass Scout Meeting—St. Patrick Church January 20—Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group—St. Adalbert January 21—St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Education Classes January 22—St. Patrick Choir Rehearsal—St. Patrick January 23—A & P Store—St. Patrick January 25—Confirmation Class, Grade 9—St. Patrick St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Baptisms January 26—Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Scout Meeting—St. Patrick January 27—A & P Store—St. Patrick Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group— St. Adalbert January 28—St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Education Classes JANUARY 11, 2015 PEERLESS PEERLESS TOOL & MACHINE CO., INC. “FAITH CORNER” PRECISION MACHINING SINCE 1942 5 PEERLESS WAY, ENFIELD, CT 06082-2371 Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our Lord bringing the season of Christmas to an official liturgical conclusion. Here the Church recalls Our Lord's second manifestation or epiphany which occurred on the occasion of His baptism in the Jordan. WWW.PEERLESSTOOL.COM TEL: 860-763-5557 • FAX: 860-763-5999 At first glance, the Baptism of the Lord might seem an odd feast since the Catholic Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for the remission of sins, particularly Original Sin. So why was Christ baptized? After all, He was born without Original Sin, and He lived His entire life without sin – absolutely sinless and impeccable. Therefore, He had no need of the sacrament, as we do. However many of the Church Fathers saw Christ's Baptism as the institution of the sacrament. Jesus conferred upon the water the power of the true Baptism which would remove all the sins of the world: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sin of the world." The event takes on the importance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes and, marked the beginning of Christ’s public ministry. Several of the incidents which accompanied Christ's baptism are symbolic of what happened at our Baptism. At Christ's baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon Him; at our Baptism the Trinity took its dwelling in our soul. At His baptism Christ was proclaimed the "Beloved Son" of the Father; at our Baptism we become the adopted sons and daughters of God. At Christ's baptism the heavens were opened; at our Baptism heaven was opened to us. At His baptism Jesus prayed; after our Baptism we must pray to avoid sin. By submitting Himself humbly to the baptism of John the Baptist, Christ provided the example for all of us. Although Christ had no need of baptism, He showed us how much we need the power of this sacrament which frees us from the depths of sin and brings us into God’s family and life of Christ on earth. His Baptism, therefore, was necessary--not for Him, but for us. Monthly Rosary at St. Adalbert’s Our monthly rosary resumes this Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 7:00pm in St. Adalbert Church. The intention of the Rosary is for the sick of our parish family suffering from serious illness, those in hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound. Special intention for the month of January: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of goodwill may work together for peace. 860-741-9108 95 High Street Enfield, CT 06082 $1.50 off $6.00 purchase or $3.00 off $12.00 purchase One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. 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