The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick Church of St. Adalbert Church of St. Patrick 90 Alden Avenue Founded 1915 64 Pearl Street Founded 1860 Visit the website for the Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Adalbert Rev. John Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony Bruno, Weekend Assistant Deacon Vincent Motto, Deacon Offices for St. Adalbert and St. Patrick 64 Pearl Street • 860-745-2411 • Fax: 860-253-9483 E-mail address: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm June/July/August — Monday-Thursday Religious Education Office 73 Pearl Street • 860-741-0572 Prayer Line 860-745-6492 Baptisms and Marriages Please call the Office Schedule of Masses and Confessions Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:00 PM - Only at St. Patrick Church Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM at St. Patrick Church Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM at St. Adalbert Church and 10:45 AM at St. Patrick Church Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday & Tuesday at St. Patrick and 8:00 AM Wednesday & Thursday at St. Adalbert Monday: 6:00 PM - Spanish Language Mass (7:30 PM June-August) at St. Patrick THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF ST. ADALBERT AND ST. PATRICK In the event that Enfield schools are delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions, morning Mass will also be cancelled and the parish offices will be closed. Saturday January 24 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Raymond Decaro, 10th Anniversary—Req. by the Children Sunday January 25 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Ehrich Grein—Req. by Wife & Family 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Frederick Biel, 2nd Anniversary—Req. by Celia & Kathy Bushey 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Margaret Curtis—Req. by Joan Sirard & Cynthia Kittridge Monday January 26 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Robert Cerrato—Req. by Ralph & Claire Cerrato 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s—For the Parishioners of St. Adalbert’s & St. Patrick’s Tuesday 8:00 AM ENFIELD, CT WELCOME! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family and marital situation; no matter what your personal history, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical condition; no matter what your own selfimage; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Saint Adalbert’s and Saint Patrick’s. Readings for the Week of January 25, 2015 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:2128 January 27 St. Patrick’s—Jerry Sullivan—Req. by Anne & Bob Barba Wednesday January 28 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Chester Kology—Req. by Joseph Bloniarz Thursday January 29 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—John Barba—Req. by Frank & Dorothy Pastori Friday No Morning Mass January 30 Saturday January 31 No Morning Mass 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Vivian R. Tuttle, 1st Anniversary—Req. by the Tuttle Family Sunday 8:00 AM February 1 St. Adalbert’s—Vic Morace—Req. by Susan & Rick Williams 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Romayne Dodds—Req. by Julian & Suzanne Senko 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Robert Lupoletti—Req. by Dorothy Ropiak ST. ADALBERT PARISH COUNCIL – TONIGHT! St. Adalbert Parish Council meets TONIGHT, January 25 at 6:30pm in the Church hall. Parishioners are welcome to attend and participate. In your charity, please pray for the souls of Francis Dubiel, Michael Rumore, Sr. & Eugene Benjamin PRO LIFE ROSARY Our Pro-Life Group meets on every Saturday for the recitation of the rosary near the Planned Parenthood’s facility, at 111 Hazard Ave. (rte. 190) next to the Country Diner in Enfield. You are invited to join them at 10:00 AM each month. THE ARCHIODESAN OFFICE OF DIACONATE FORMATION Is now preparing to accept new candidates to the Diaconate for classes starting Fall of 2015. Any Catholic man between the ages of 35 and 60 interested in becoming a Deacon should speak to his pastor. There will be two inquiry sessions at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield on Sunday, March 8 and Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 2—4 PM. Both sessions must be attended along with spouses. For more information and to pre-register by March 1, 2015 call the office at 860-242-5573, ext. 7447 or by email THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 ST ADALBERT’S NEEDS YOUR HELP! We are looking for volunteers to help out in various aspects of the life of St. Adalbert’s parish. First of all, we need helpers to assist with the decorating of the church especially for Christmas and Easter—we pride ourselves on a beautifully decorated church during the Christmas and Easter seasons and we need more parishioners to assist in this work. Secondly, we are in need of Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors—these are extremely important functions and we welcome additional volunteers for either of these ministries. Finally, we are looking for some additional volunteers to assist with the counting of the weekly Sunday collections—the counting takes place either on Sunday morning or Monday mornings and is a vital function of our financial operations. If you are willing to give some time and energy to any of these good works, please call either Betty or Nancy at the parish office (860-745-2411). FELICIAN ADULT DAY CENTER ANNUAL SNOWFLAKE RAFFLE Saturday, February 28, 2015 12 Noon—4:00 PM Our Lady of the Angels Convent 1315 Enfield Street—Enfield, CT South Road Parking lot entrance 12 Noon—2:00 PM ~ Basket Viewing 12:30—1:30 PM ~ Hot Lunch Buffet Roll & Butter, Salad, Chicken Francaise, Roasted Potatoes, String Beans, (garlic & oil), Stuffed Shells, Sausage & Peppers, Kielbasa & Cabbage, Dessert, Beverages Catered by—Country Diner 2:00 PM ~ Raffle Tickets: $15 per person Reserved Table of 10—$150 Proceeds to benefit the programs of the Felician Adult Day Center THANK YOU!! Gracious thanks to everyone for making St. Adalbert’s “Heritage Mass” and celebration on January 18, 2015 another outstanding day for our parish as we begin our year-long celebration of 100 years of Catholic faith and Polish heritage handed down by our ancestors. A sincere thank you to Fr. Bruno our celebrant, Deacon Vince Motto, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Marianne Tittarelli and Tony Liro, gift bearers Brian, Elizabeth and Benjamin Smith-Nelson, greeters Katie and Kristen Marti, ushers Walt Golec, and Jeff Brightman and lector, John Wiecek. Special thanks to Jim Carroll, Director of Music, Jennifer Miarecki, cantor and St. Adalbert choir members Deb Liro, Vicki Liro and Dave Marti for their gift of music. Sincere appreciation to Deborah Duffy, Elaine Miarecki, Karen Miarecki, John and Amie Miarecki and Christine Porcello and those “behind the scenes” for their help at the event. Also, a very personal thank you to our pastor Fr. John for his continued support and presence to ensure its success. Dziękuje! (Thank you!) Sw. Wojciechu, Módl Się Za Nami. St. Adalbert, Pray For Us. Donna M. Swols “Heritage Mass” Coordinator A & P STORE We can always count on people to come through! Last week, Java Cleaners & Alterations donated cleaned unclaimed clothing to the store. We are sure each and every article will be put to good use as we are experiencing new patrons with each opening. Thank you all for your continued support and God bless! Hope for Haiti Remember our collection for the Haitian Health Foundation of Norwich. Our “Collection for Haiti” container is located in the vestibule to accept your gifts. Preaddressed envelopes are also available for your monetary gifts to the foundation. Thank you again for your generosity. SUPER BOWL SUNDAY Next weekend is Super Bowl Sunday!! The Confirmation students will be at the doors after all the Masses for our annual Super Bowl of Caring collection. All donations are shared between the Enfield Food Shelf and the Enfield Loaves & Fishes (soup kitchen) to help alleviate hunger right here in our community. THE WORD IS OUT The February edition of the newsletter “The Word is Out” will be posted on our parish website,, and will include events happening in the parish of St. Adalbert. Enough hardcopies will be printed and distributed in both churches. Please help to contribute to the newsletter by sending any articles or pictures to Welcome St. Adalbert’s parishioner to the newsletter! ST. ADALBERT “WEDDING DAY” DISPLAY Were you or someone you know married at St. Adalbert Church? We are looking to add to our collection of photos of couples married here at St. Adalbert’s for our upcoming “Wedding Day” photo display in February. Forms and information will be available in the vestibule. Thank you for your participation. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Treasure: Weekly offering for the weekend of January 17/18 St. Patrick Church Weekly offertory Fuel $2,093.10 $354.00 Online Giving—1/9—1/16 $653.50 St. Patrick’s Online collection schedule for the month of February 2015: February 1—Weekly February 8—Weekly & school maintenance February 15—Weekly & snow removal February 18—Ash Wednesday February 22—Weekly & fuel St. Adalbert Church Weekly offertory (1—17/18) $3,974.90 Monthly (1—17/18) $161.00 $150.00 Online giving 1/15-16 (monthly) Fuel $1,332.55 Total $5,618.45 What the parish needs for this week: - $5,135.00 Income $483.45 St. Adalbert’s Online collection schedule for the months of January & February 2015: February 1—Weekly & monthly February 8—Weekly February 15—Weekly February 18—Ash Wednesday February 22—Weekly & fuel Thank you for your generosity! ON LINE GIVING The On Line Giving Program is a safe and secure way to contribute to the parish. To make use of this service, simply go to our parish website – and click on the On Line Giving icon. You must be a registered parishioner with or without offertory envelopes. If you wish to register, or if you have questions about this program, please call Betty at the Rectory Office, 860-745 -2411, Monday – Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM The Little Sisters of the Poor would like to thank all the parishioners who made a donation this past weekend. A total of $2,406.71 was collected. This money will help the Sisters continue with their ministry to help the elderly and infirm. JANUARY 25, 2015 January 25—February 1 SUNDAY Baptisms—St Adalbert’s Church & St. Patrick’s Church Confirmation Class Grade 9, 9:00—10:30 AM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center MONDAY Spanish Language Mass, 6:00 PM, St. Patrick Church Scout Meeting, 6:30 PM, St. Patrick TUESDAY A & P Store, 12 Noon—2:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group, 7:00 PM, St. Adalbert’s Church Hall WEDNESDAY St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Classes: Grades K— 4th, 4:00—5:00 PM; Grades 5th—8th, 6:30—7:30 PM, St. Bernard School THURSDAY St. Patrick Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 PM, St. Patrick FRIDAY FoodShare Truck, 12:45—1:15 PM, St. Patrick Church Parking lot SATURDAY St. Patrick’s Soup Kitchen Gang, 10:00 AM—1:00 PM, Enfield Loaves & Fishes SUNDAY Baptisms: St. Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church Confirmation Class Grade 10, 9:00—10:30 AM, St. Patrick Parish Center St. Adalbert ‘s Choir Rehearsal, 9:00 AM, St. Adalbert UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS February 2—Spanish Language Mass Scout Meeting—St. Patrick Church February 3—Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group—St. Adalbert February 4—St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Education Classes Village Dinner Meeting—St. Patrick February 5—St. Patrick Choir Rehearsal—St. Patrick February 6—A & P Store—St. Patrick February 7—First Reconciliation—St. Patrick February 8—Confirmation Class, Grade 9—St. Patrick St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Baptisms February 9—Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Scout Meeting—St. Patrick February 10—A & P Store—St. Patrick Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group— St. Adalbert Rosary for the Sick—St. Adalbert JANUARY 25, 2015 PEERLESS PEERLESS TOOL & MACHINE CO., INC. HOW TO REPORT AN INCIDENT OF SEXUAL ABUSE TO THE ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD PRECISION MACHINING SINCE 1942 5 PEERLESS WAY, ENFIELD, CT 06082-2371 WWW.PEERLESSTOOL.COM TEL: 860-763-5557 • FAX: 860-763-5999 If you have knowledge or suspect that a minor or vulnerable adult (an adult with an intellectual disability) has been sexually abused, in any manner, by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to: Sister Dolores Lahr, CSJ Victim Assistance Coordinator 860-541-6475 In addition, you will be asked to follow up in writing with a detailed description of the facts involved in the incident. Specifics of this written report can be found in the Policies and Procedures of the Archdiocese of Hartford Relating to Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Involving Minors and Vulnerable Adults. This document is also available online at The Archdiocese of Hartford will report any and all incidents to the proper civil authorities. Mandated reporters in the State of Connecticut are required by law to report any incident of sexual abuse involving a minor or vulnerable adult. We encourage any Non-Mandated persons to report such incidents to the proper authorities as well. We support your right to do so. Incidents involving sexual abuse of minors (persons under the age of 18) should be reported to: State Department of Children and Families Careline 1-800-842-2288 Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18 – 59 should be reported to the: Abuse Investigations Division of the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities 1-800-842-7303 Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to: Department of Social Services for the Elderly 1-888-385-4225 860-741-9108 95 High Street Enfield, CT 06082 $1.50 off $6.00 purchase or $3.00 off $12.00 purchase One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. URBAN FORESTERS, LLC TREE SERVICE ARBORISTS 860-763-0398 FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED FREE ESTIMATES & CONSULTATIONS SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT WWW.URBANFORESTERSLLC.COM ~ Religious Jewelry ~ Simon G ~ Pandora ~ Kabana WE BUY GOLD Pediatrics Tamer El-Mahdy, MD, FAAP Kerri-Ann Fraterrigo MD 98 Bridge St., East Windsor, CT Tel: (860) 253-7236 7 Elm Street, Suite 304 • Enfield CT 860-623-3916 “4 minutes from Enfield to exit 45” Chiropractic & Wellness Care Dr. Ken Landry Chiropractor 546 Enfield St., Enfield, CT 860-265-3792 • No Wait - Immediate Appointments! CALL LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-888-4574 Don’s Auto Care Center Once a written report of an incident of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult has been received, an investigation will be undertaken by, or on behalf of, the Archdiocese of Hartford. Don Walker, Owner 14 North Road - Route 140 East Windsor 860-292-8917 Full Service Automotive Repairs Master ASE Certified St. Adalbert Heritage Display If you didn’t have a chance last weekend, stop by and take a look at our Heritage display after Mass this weekend. ROGERS MEMORIAL STUDIO ROGERS Over 90 Years Of Service ABC%D$4>,+E%F:/,,:-%D$4>,+E-%;G% DECEMBER 24, 2014 10:46 AM !"#$%&'%()*+,"-%./"0' 1"23%"4%*5,6%7"$89,$:6 ;,9,:,/<%=,::,/>$5%?%;+,@$>$5 G,+'%745-2464 ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD, 03-0109 1144 1144 Browne Memorial Funeral Chapels, Cremation Services, & Funeral Services OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY 43 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT 06082 • 860-745-3115 • appl. 99¢ FOR ANY MUFFIN +taxes PLU#2601 ./$)#$'01#1-'"2,'3-",$# 45'6'788'9):),;'<=$>?'@AB1$/; LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Begley & Associates, LLC Certified Public Accountants Tax Preparation Retirement Planning Financial Planning 860-745-8404 Expires 10/19/15 • Limit one coupon per customer per visit. 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DEPENDABLE SERVICE FOR OVER 90 YEARS 654 Enfield St., Enfield, CT 1654 King St., Rte 5 Enfield 860-627-6870 CT Lic. #203690, 389051 (860) 745-4492 or EMERGENCY 745-4894 • Fax 745-6531 THE RESIDENTIAL REALTY BOUTIQUE Lynda Fagen, Broker/Owner CRS, ABR, SRES, E-PRO Toll-Free Phone/Fax: 866-294-5607 Web: P.A. Bland & Associates INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCY Need Insurance? Full Service Agency 860-668-3908 123 Mountain Rd., Suffield D & F ."C$,'@D21%*$AEF<(GHI'@EFG.J@KH'LMN'<(('3@<3MK3 Serving Your Community Since 1981 !"#$%&'($%%)*$+#$,"#($,-./012 3<(@3'O'3@N0GP@'O'.<NH3 Q@@K<'6'!<PR'NM((@H 860-627-5085 For Advertising Information, call TONY SERINO at LPi today! 1 (800) 888 888.4574 4574 ext. 3346 SLA2012 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 24, 2014 10:46 AM ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD, 03-0109
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