THE PEOPLE OF GOD CALLED TO BE THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MICHAEL CHURCH Putting God first through the stewardship of time, talent & treasure SERVED BY: Rev. Msgr. Timothy J. Shugrue, Pastor Rev. John P. McGovern, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert S. Gajewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Wilson A. Paculan, Parochial Vicar Rev. William P. Sheridan, Weekend Asst. Daniel Wilverding, Deacon Sandy Miragliotta, School Principal Jacqueline Karmol, Pastoral Assoc. for Rel. Ed. Ellen Collett, Administrator, Catechetics David Bower, Director of Music Rich Donovan, Coord. of Youth Ministry Valeria Downey, Assoc. Coord. of Youth Ministry Joan F. Genova, Business Administrator Barbara A. Bilger, Trustee Richard C. Gallagher, Trustee EUCHARIST: Saturday Evenings: 5:30 pm Sundays: 7:30 am, 9:00 am,10:30 am, 12 Noon Weekdays: 7:00 am, 12 Noon Saturdays: 8:00 am, 12 Noon Holy Days: Check Bulletin for Mass times RECONCILIATION: Monday through Saturday after the 12:00 Noon Mass and Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. BAPTISMS: Contact the Parish Center for date and Prep Class. MARRIAGE: One year preparation program. Please contact the Parish Center. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Homebound: Please let us know of any parishioners, unable to attend church, wishing to receive the Sacraments Anointing of the Sick and Communion. Hospital Visitation: Present privacy regulations require the family to notify the parish of hospitalized parishioners. Please call the Parish Center to arrange a visit. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome new members to our parish. Registering helps us know you are one of us. Please visit the Parish Center. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): We welcome inquiries into our Faith. Please contact the Parish Center. YOUTH MINISTRY: Weekly in the Youth Room High School 7:00 p.m. Sunday - at St. Michael’s PARISH CENTER OFFICE HOURS 40 ALDEN STREET Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-8 p.m. CRANFORD, NJ 07016 Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (908) 276-0360 Sunday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Emergency only Cell: 908-477-3093 SCHOOL 100 ALDEN STREET CRANFORD, NJ 07016 (908) 276-9425 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (908) 276-2050 YOUTH MINISTRY (908) 276-5990 Page Two January 11, 2015 “...the one who came through water and blood…” Saturday 5:30 Sunday 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 Monday 7:00 12:00 Tuesday 7:00 12:00 Wednesday 7:00 12:00 Thursday 7:00 12:00 Friday 7:00 12:00 Saturday 8:00 12:00 5:30 Sunday 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 January 10, 2015 Tenore Family January 11 People of St. Michael Parish Anne Marie Fitzpatrick Jan Mauro Dan Esposito January 12 George Cluff Malvina Bardwil & Deceased Family Members January 13 Maria Tarabokia Angelo Buontempo January 14 Camille McNally Ruth Boruszkowski January 15 Filia Donovan Stephen Toth January 16 Msgr. William Donnelly - Pastor 1935-68 M/M Antonio Della Serra January 17 Frank & Cecile O’Connell Dorothy Hannon Priest Intention January 18 People of St. Michael Parish Anne Giuliano Mauro LaPorta John O’Beirne Novena: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mondays after 12 Noon Mass Legion of Mary: Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m.– Parish Center Prayer Group: Mondays at 7:00 p.m.– Parish Center Rosary: Weekdays 6:30 a.m.– Saturday 7:30 a.m. Social Services Helpline: (Cath. Comm. Services) 1-800-CCS-7413 Crisis Pregnancy Center: 1-201-991-2850 To Report Abuse: Victim Assistance Coordinator 201-407-3256 Union County Prosecutor 908-965-3879 Pilgrim Statue: God Bless Those Who Welcome Our Lady! Jan.11-18: -Jan.18-25:Dorothy Burd, 18 Holly St. Readings for the Week: Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97: 1,2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1: 14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2: 5-12; Ps 8: 2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1: 21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2: 14-18; Ps 105: 1-4, 6-9; Mk 1: 29-39 Thursday: Heb 3: 7-14; Ps 95: 6-11; Mk 1: 40-45 Friday: Heb 4: 1-5, 11; Ps 78: 3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2: 1-12 Saturday: Heb 4: 12-16; Ps 19: 8-10, 15; Mk 2: 13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3: 3b-10, 19; Ps 40: 2,4,7-10; 1 Cor 6: 13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1: 35-42 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Please Note: One of our Sunday Masses will be televised on TV-35. Viewing times will be on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The taped Mass will be from the previous week. Also, Mass will appear on the TV35 website: The Christmas Season ends with us standing at the banks of the Jordan River, as Jesus, fully grown, is baptized by John. Liturgically, our progress from Bethlehem to the Jordan takes only a few weeks, as we move speedily through the ’hidden years’ of Jesus’ earthly life. Except for the episode of Jesus’ visit to Jerusalem when He was 12 years old, the Gospels are silent about His childhood, youth and young adulthood. His appearance at the Jordan is seen as the start of His public ministry. There John imparted a ‘baptism of repentance’, a ritual signifying the recipient’s intention to turn away from mediocre performance of the duties of the Covenant, rather than effecting a forgiveness of sin. It would seem that Jesus seeks this ritual not because He needed cleansing from sin, but to symbolize His submission to God in union with those heeding John’s call to renewed dedication. Mark’s Gospel says that Jesus, rising from the water, “saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him.” Mark does not indicate if the voice from the heavens was heard by anyone else: other Gospel accounts of the incident suggest that. For Mark, it is Jesus Himself to Whom the voice speaks words of approval: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” We may see in this experience of Jesus a moment of radical clarification: whatever His growing awareness of His identity may have suggested is now given powerful affirmation. Jesus’ self-understanding is directed toward fulfillment of a Mission, and Mark proceeds to relate how Jesus pursued that Mission with single-minded focus. Leaving the Jordan, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to confront Satan. Withstanding the Devil’s attempts to have Him abandon His Mission, Jesus goes forth to proclaim the Kingdom of God, ultimately embracing the Cross as the essential ‘work’ of His Mission as our Savior. We experience a very different Baptism - the Sacrament established by Christ, whereby we are freed from Original Sin and united with the Saving Mystery of Jesus’ passage from death to life. By that Baptism we are initiated into the privileges and obligations of discipleship, participants in Jesus’ Mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God through word and deed. We are reminded by this Feast to reflect on our call to be Alive as the Body of Christ, deepening our relationship with Jesus so as to be His faithful and effective witnesses in the circumstances of our lives. With power from the Gift of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism, reinforced and directed at Confirmation, we recognize opportunities for discipleship in our responsibilities at home and in the neighborhood, at work or in school, in our recreational activities and community involvement - in all the arenas of human endeavor. May we see ourselves as truly “beloved” by God, with whom He may be “well pleased”. God love you! - Msgr. Tim Shugrue The Baptism of the Lord As a Parish Community, our gifts back to the Lord for the month of December 2014 amounted to: Cash $ 19,018.00 Checks/Envelopes 47,454.00 Electronic Transfer 10,037.00 Credit Cards 940.00 Monthly Budget $ 80,000.00 Monthly Actual 77,449.00 YTD Budget 430,000.00 YTD Actual 442,384.00 Page Three EXPLORATIONS IN FAITH & SPIRITUALITY Tuesday, January 13 - 1:00 and 7:30 (attend one session) Parish Center - Pat O’Keefe Room (Topic: “Politics as a Moral Enterprise”) Assessment Collection $4,003.00 Religious Retirement 5,882.00 STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK…. “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” -- (Mark 1:7) We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way of fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things should be our top priority. MEMORIAL DONATIONS We are accepting Memorial Donations for flowers for the Altar area, the Candles, Bread & Wine used for the Liturgies, and the weekly Sanctuary Candle. These items may be donated in memory of someone or to mark a special occasion. A donation of $10 is suggested for the candles, bread & wine and sanctuary candle, and a donation of $40 is suggested for the weekly flowers. (MEMORIAL CARDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THESE DONATIONS.) ALSO, as we face the need to replace various items for liturgical use, we are happy to arrange for memorials of deceased loved ones. Contact the Parish Office. Memorial Gifts for the Week of January 11 Bread & Wine: in honor of Patrick & Phyllis Engalinna - 60th Wedding Anniversary Sanctuary Candle: in memory of Evelyn Thomas Altar Candles: in memory of Cordi & Buontempo Families Please pray for those who have gone home to the Lord, and especially: Joseph Katica, Helen Trippeidi, Michael Quaid, John Orrico May they, and all our deceased loved ones, rest in peace. MARCH FOR LIFE …..will take place on Thursday, January 22, 2015, in Washington, DC. Bus will depart 7:00 a.m. from SMS lot. ($20 per adult). Contact: 908-276-6189. We welcome the newest members of our St. Michael parish family who were baptized recently: Arielle Marie Astor Maren Kathleen Axelrod Emily Georgia Belfi Leo Jude Cantora-Gyorfy Michael Les Cheretes Isabella Lucille Ciuba Charlotte Anne Conway Charlotte Faitoute Hailey Bern Farbnec Connor James Johnson Noah Joseph Johnson Josephine Lynn Martinelli Dante Michael Pizzi Cecilia Grace Powers Colin Richard Rivera Lucas Vincent Sellitto Connor Jason Sgaramella Claire Elizabeth Swan Jacob Tyler Tami Roberto Carlos Vanegas John Daniel Woglom POVERTY AWARENESS MONTH -- JANUARY 2015 Reflections on Poverty -- “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt:25:40) “Consequently, the promotion of justice is at the heart of a true culture of solidarity. It is not just a question of giving one’s surplus to those in need, but of helping entire peoples presently excluded or marginalized to enter into the sphere of economic and human development.” (Pope John Paul II, World Day of Peace Message 2001) “We are called in a special way to serve the poor and vulnerable; to build bridges of solidarity among peoples of differing races and nations, language and ability, gender and culture.” (US Catholic Bishops, Communities of Salt and Light) To be continued……… MARTIN LUTHER KING , JR. SERVICE The Commemorative Service honoring the recipient of the MLK,Jr. Award will be held on Thursday, January 15, 7:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 100 High St., to which all parishioners are invited. The Honoree this year is Pat Jurpalis (of Calvary Lutheran Church) whose ministry involves true and extensive concern for others. This event is sponsored by Cranford Clergy Council along with the Interfaith Human Relations Committee. In addition, chosen essays from the MLK, Jr. contest will be read aloud. All are welcome. SERVICES & GOODS AUCTION will be held on Saturday, February 7, to benefit St. Michael School and Raphael Life House: live, silent auctions, tricky tray, 50/50. More info: Edie Coogan (908-276-8226) or Terry Hunsinger (908-272-7536). Page Four YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAM This Sunday we invite all High School teens to our meeting here at St. Michael’s. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and we get started shortly after 7:30. A reminder that all paperwork for the Archdiocesan Ski Weekend is due in tonight. After the meeting we will have a short discussion for all teens who might be interested in attending the Appalachia Mission Trip. A reminder that tickets to the “Midwinter Ball” Semi-Formal on Saturday, January 24, can be bought tonight. Get the latest information about the Youth Ministry Program at You can also reach Rich at the Youth Ministry Office at 908-276-5990 or e-mail Super Bowl Sub-Sale Coming -- Once Again this year the Youth Ministry Program wants to help cater your Super Bowl Party! We will be selling 8-inch sub sandwiches (Italian/Turkey or Tuna) for $5.00 a sub! The subs will be made fresh in the morning of February 1 and available for pick-up from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Theresa’s. For every sub purchased, $3 will go directly toward helping to fund our Appalachia Mission Trip this year in April. You can order the subs one of THREE ways… online on our website, by e-mailing us or by calling our Office at 908-276-5990. Payment may be made when picking up your order. SAMARITAN MINISTRY (Dawn Hickey - 908-276-0360) SANDWICH PROGRAM -- Drop-off sites this week are: Joan & Peter Orlandi, 325 North Union Avenue, and Mary & John Brenton, 113 Lincoln Ave. East. Today we celebrate The Baptism of the Lord; be encouraged by the Holy Spirit today and help those in need. Make a loaf of your favorite sandwiches to be shared with the people at St. Joseph’s. Sandwiches are dropped off early Monday morning. ST. JOSEPH’S SOUP KITCHEN --Drop-off time is before 10:00 a.m. We will collect meatloaves on Saturday, January 17. Our goal is to collect 60 meatloaves (2-3 lbs. each and should be fully cooked before delivery). “No Act of Kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” (Aesop). Drop-off is before 10:00 a.m. at the home of Trish & Bill O’Connor, 135 Mohawk Drive, or the Parish Center (Miln St. entrance in the hallway). HOLIDAY DECORATIONS We have received many appreciative comments about how our church looks this joyful season. Would you like to assist with the cost of this ministry? It ’s not too late! Envelopes (with poinsettias printed on them) for donations to assist with the cost of flowers and other decorations are available in the lobbies of the church and in the Parish Center. Donations may be made in memory of someone. Names of donors and memorial names will be published at the conclusion of the season and placed in the main lobby. A donation of $15 is suggested. ATTENTION: School Children Grade 4 and older, who have received First Holy Communion -- Interested in becoming an Altar Server here at St. Michael’s? Fr. Wilson will be conducting a training session for new Altar Servers on Tuesday, January 13, 4:00 p.m. in our church. Contact the Parish Office if interested at 908-276-0360 or e-mail PLEASE JOIN US FOR…….St. Michael School Open House You’ll have the opportunity to tour the school, enjoy coffee and conversation with our principal, SMS parents and students. Learn about the School’s Pre-K through Grade 8 curriculums, SMS BeforeCare and After-Care programs, and SMS sports. Registrations for the 2015-2016 school year will be accepted. Thursday, January 22………… 7:00 p.m. Sunday, January 25……………10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 28………. 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ST. MICHAEL TECH TEAM We are starting to put together a permanent Tech Team. The goal is to enhance Worship Services by providing solid and consistent Audio, Video and Computer support. The Tech Team assists with the design, operation and maintenance of hardware and software for a variety of applications for the St. Michael Community. Members are Adult and Student volunteers. Current Activities: Set up and operation of Sound equipment at Noon Mass. Sound check for balanced volume and proper coverage. Set up and operation of Video equipment. Set up and operation of Computer and Software. No experience needed - we will train! Time commitment can be weekly or monthly. Please consider sharing your time and talent. Contact Dominick Esolda directly at or come and talk with us at the Sunday Noon Mass. HERE & THERE CRANFORD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS -- Free Throw Competition All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level competition. The competition will be held on Sunday, January 18 at St. Michael’s Gym from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of January 1. This Competition is sponsored annually, with winners advancing through local, district and state competitions. All boys and girls (10 to 14) are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. More information: contact John McKeary 908-347-8956. OPEN HOUSE… at Mother Seton Regional High School, Clark, on Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m. for girls in Grades 5-8. More info: 732-382-1952 or PRAYER OF DISCIPLESHIP Loving God, I thank you for choosing me to be your disciple and for the gift of your Son, Jesus. Help me proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel by word and by deed today and every day. Open my heart to the outcast, the forgotten, the lonely, the sick and the poor. Grant me the courage to think, to choose, and to live as a Christian, joyfully obedient to God. AMEN (Adapted from the Homily of Pope Francis, Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls - April 14, 2013). ( ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers R.N.D. DISPOSAL, INC. Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. (908) 232-7494 Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! Serving Cranford For Over 35 Years Quality — Dependable Service P.O. Box 209, Garwood, NJ 07027 email: GARWOOD LANES COCKTAIL LOUNGE Call Kerry Caspersen 800.524.0263 Children’s Birthday Parties • Youth League 346 NORTH AVENUE, GARWOOD Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 908-276-2040 First Communion Gifts / Crosses / Medals / Rosaries & Bracelets $10 OFF ANY PURCHASE OF $50 OR MORE. Not to be combined with other offers. Not good on repairs or special orders. Expires 5/15/13. 2 Eastman St., Cranford • (908) 272-0785 • Hours: Tues-Sat 10-6 • WILLIAM BELL, P.T. Personalized Care 20 Years Serving the Community Specializing In 908-272-5955 Auto • Sports 777 Walnut Avenue • Cranford Workers Comp Injuries PHYSICAL THERAPIST Your Complete Treatment by William Bell Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. ADVERTISING Dr. Robert Lukenda Family Physician 216 North Ave. E., Cranford 908-275-3810 PERROTTI’S QUALITY MEATS Homemade Italian Sausage • Italian Style Veal Cutlets Homemade Italian Specialties: Lasagna, Eggplant, Ziti, Etc. Homemade Italian Sauce: Marinara Sauce, Vodka Sauce 23 South Union Avenue, Cranford Phone: 272-4980 He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Catering for All Occasions We Deliver 28 Eastman St., Cranford NJ Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Fax 908.709.9009 Ph. 908-709-9000 Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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No. 3703 Open Daily For Lunch & Dinner Private Parties Up to 40 People Cranford’s Authentic Irish Pub Gersch Orthodontics &A C 112 South Avenue East, Cranford • 908-276-3414 Barry O’Donovan DULTS HILDREN Stanley Gersch, D.M.D., P.A. Scott D. Gersch, D.M.D. 10% OFF DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTICS Specialty Permits #2684 & #5639 TRAYS-TO-GO ELITE Providers 547 East Broad St., Westfield 401 N. Wood Ave., Linden Take out only. W/COUPON. Exp. 3/22/15. VALID @ RUDY’S OF GARWOOD ONLY. Cannot be combined with any other offer. (908) 233-8668 NATALE PLUMBING & HEATING “NO JOB TOO SMALL” TEN GLU ENU M FREE $10 OFF Valid Sun-Thurs only $60 or more. Dine-In or Take out. $5 OFF W/COUPON. Exp. 3/22/15. VALID @ Valid Sun-Thurs only $30 or more. Dine-In or Take out. RUDY’S OF GARWOOD ONLY. W/COUPON. Exp. 3/22/15. VALID @ RUDY’S OF GARWOOD ONLY. Cannot be combined with any Cannot be combined with any other offer. Not valid on alcohol, offer. 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