St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church PASTOR Rev. James E. Molgano SEASONAL PERMANENT DEACON PASTOR EMERITUS ASSISTING CLERGY Dea. Edward Fischer III Rev. Thomas Rynne Rev. Msgr. Blase Gintoli ~ Rev. Pat Amabile DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & OPERATIONS Lorie Shekailo, CPA ~ 334-4214 Ext. 111 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Jane Marszewski ~ 334-4214 Ext. 110 PASTORAL ASSISTANT Claudette Horst ~ 334-4214 Ext. 126 SACRISTAN Nora Henderson ~ 334-4214 Ext. 142 DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC & CHORAL MINISTRY Melanie Steinke Ext. 127 DIRECTOR OF BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Jay Horst ~ 334-4214 Ext. 120 GROUNDSKEEPER David Bocchino MAINTENANCE Elizabeth Castillo January 18, 2015 DIVINE MERCY COUNSELING AND HEALING CENTER 2ND SUNDAY IN Ordinary Time C. Ann Getzinger, Ph.D. 2555 NE Savanna Road, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Phone (772) 334-4214 ~ Fax (772) 334-8627 Website: E-mail: ~ 334-4214 Ext. 132 St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church Parish Information Regular Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am &10:45am Daily Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30am; Wed. 5:30pm, Sat. 8:30am First Friday 8:30am & 5:30pm Doors of the Church are open 3:45pm Sat. & 6:45am Sun. Holy Days: As announced Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession: Sat. 9:00 - 10:00am (or later if necessary) Wed. 6:00 - 7:00pm (or later if necessary) & By Appointment. Novena to Our Lady: Saturday, after 8:30am Mass Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (In the Chapel) Monday and Friday-5:00am until Midnight Tuesday-5:00am until Thursday at Midnight (Fri. morn.) Saturday-5:00 am through noon. *Parish Office Hours: Closed this Mon. Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:00am - 12:00pm Closed 12pm - 1pm 1:00pm - 4:00pm *Closed Wednesday Caritas Gift Shop Hours: Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 9am - 5pm, Wed. 9am - 7:00pm, Sat. 9am - 1:00pm Closed Sunday & Monday Thrift Store Hours: Monday through Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 10am - 1pm St. Martin’s Parish Family Welcomes You! Regardless of whether you are here for a few days, weeks, or months, we are pleased that you have chosen us to be your Parish away from home. If you are new to the Parish, or just visiting, please stop in and introduce yourself. We are delighted to have you share in the celebration of the Eucharist. New Parishioners Every Parishioner in the Parish should be properly registered. New & existing singles & families are asked to fill out registration forms available in the Parish Office. If you have recently relocated, please let us know your change of address. Families moving out of the Parish should notify the Parish Office. Jensen Beach, Florida Parish Sacraments Sacrament of Baptism All families seeking Baptism of a child should be registered and active members of the Parish for at least 3 months prior to the date of the Baptism. Parents must attend and Godparents are encouraged to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class before scheduling the Baptism. Communal Baptisms are celebrated every other month beginning in January. Contact Claudette Horst at Ext.126 for more information. Sacrament of Confirmation Contact the Parish Office for more information at Ext. 141. Adult candidates wishing to be Confirmed contact the Parish Office, Ext.110 for more information. Sacrament of Marriage Weddings are celebrated on Friday at 6:30pm, and Saturday at 10:30am & 1:30pm. Engaged couples should contact the Parish Office a minimum of 9 months before the wedding date to complete their preparation. If an annulment of a previous marriage (Catholic, non-Catholic or civil) is required, please contact the Pastoral Assistant, Claudette Horst at Ext.126 for more information. Sacrament of Reconciliation Children in the Second Grade make their “First Reconciliation.” For more information, please contact the Parish Office at Ext. 117. Sacrament Of Anointing The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated communally every First Saturday at the 8:30am Mass. For those in need of Anointing of the Sick or Last Rites call the Pastoral Assistant, Claudette Horst at Ext. 126 or the Emergency Line at Ext. 119. Visitation of the Sick All Registered Parishioners should contact Dr. Julio Perez coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Homebound/Hospitalized Parishioners at 335-5744. We would like to be informed of any parishioner or family member who is in the hospital, whether admitted or in the emergency room. Home or hospital visitation by a member of the Clergy can be arranged upon request. Please contact Dr. Perez or leave a message at the Parish Office on extension 0. A member of the Clergy or the Homebound Ministry will contact you as soon as possible. Please note the following Parish responsibilities: St. Joseph Catholic Church-Martin Memorial Med. Ctr. St. Andrew Catholic Church-Martin Memorial South St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church-Emeritus Holy Family Catholic Church-St. Lucie Med. Ctr. St. Anastasia Catholic Church-Lawnwood. Med. Ctr. The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Upcoming Meetings & Events Mass Intentions For the Week D=Deceased L=Living Intention Monday, January 19, 2015 8:30 AM D Avdiel De Leon Tuesday, January 20, 2015 8:30 AM D Vincent Costello Wednesday, January 21, 2015 5:30 PM L Thursday, January 22, 2015 8:30 AM L Kristen Jackson The Legal Protection of Unborn Children Friday, January 23, 2015 8:30 AM D Harry Shekailo Saturday, January 24, 2015 8:30 AM L Jerome Strok 8:30 AM L Pat O'Connell 4:30 PM D Deceased Mbrs. of the Barnas Family Sunday, January 25, 2015 Fr. James & Staff Catherine Harrington Fr. James The Shekailo Family Janine Reiner The Food Pantry Volunteers Jerome Kowalski 4:30 PM D Patricia Rotterman 7:30 AM 7:30 AM D D Alina Deshon Jean Slama Mary Doolittle Slama Fred & Pat Rosati Robert Slama 9:00 AM D Cecilia Backes Bob Backes 9:00 AM D Nena & Sam Debono Linda Catania 10:45 AM L The People of St. Martin Please Pray For the Members of our Parish Family who are ill… Please remember Mary Doolittle Slama, Louis Felice, Ann Hopkins, Irene Fichter, John Glenn, Lydia & Raul Quintana, Carolyn, Linda Resko, Jane Thompson, Agnes Pavoll, Mary Larkin, Jacqueline Simonson, Emily Braun, Catherine Bilquin, Louise Felice, Pat O’Connell and All the Sick Members of our Parish in your prayers. May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother grant them consolation & complete healing. For the Deceased Members of our Parish Family… Please remember John Albert Hendron and All the Deceased Members of our Parish in your prayers. May they rejoice forever with the angels and Saints before the Heavenly throne of God. For the Members of our Parish Family serving in the Military... Please remember Maj. Richard Dembowski, Capt. Scott Dembowski, Lt. Matt Dembowski, Maj. Paul Burke, Keith Mackin, Pvt. Matthew M. Cabana, Capt. Brian Konie, UT1 Brian Murphy, Lt. Cdr. Tom Muldoon, Sgt. Joe Wankelman, Maj. Peter Hesford, Capt. Keith Nunn, Don Couture, Eddie Gallagher, Ron Mahoney, Capt. Deanne Bryant, Sgt. John Fortner, Lt. Jordan Hoffmann, A1C Thomas Andrews, Pvt. Chad Corriveau, PFC John Michael Dakoulas, Spec4 Tony Alee, Cpl. Adam Joseph Weinstein, Sgt. Brian Hamm, Pvt. Bradley L. Noone, Col. Larry Smith, 2nd Lt. Edward J. Marion, A1C Michael Compton, Pvt Francis Paul Kuveikis, Pvt. Shawn Kuveikis, LCPL Joshua W. Jett, E3 Todd Philip Drury, PFC James Mocello, Sr. OS2 Brandon Haas, LCP Mike Richardson, PFC Thomas Huff, Lt Comm. Jonathan E. Musman, Raymond Sabol, L/CPL, CPT Timothy R. Blairy, Matthew Joseph Maitre, Ryan Francis Maitre, LTC Thomas J. Ruge, Lt. Col. Geoff Graze, PFC Corey Lee Jones, PVT Robert M. Garza, USN Jayme Timmerman, Michael E. Tocci, USMC, PFC John Woods, A1C Nicholas S. Palczer USAF, ENS James Figari USN and all members of our Parish and their families serving in the military. May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother keep them from all harm and bring them safely home. Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes Sunday, January 18 6:00pm - Church Parish Office Closed Monday, January 18 Carnival Committee Monday, January 18 6:30pm - Siena Rm. Men of St. Martin Tuesday, Jan. 20 7:00pm - Siena Rm. Chosen/Confirmation 2 Boys Wednesday, Jan. 21 6:00pm - Rel. Ed. Bldg. Chosen/Confirmation 2 Girls Thursday, Jan. 22 6:45am - Rel. Ed. Bldg. Knitting Angels Thursday, Jan 22 2:00pm - Siena Rm. Choir Practice Thursday, Jan. 22 6:30pm - Choir Rm. R.C.I.A./Symbolon Sunday, Jan. 25 10.00am - Siena Rm. PreK-5 Rel. Education Sunday, Jan. 25 10:15 - Rel. Ed. Bldg. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 19. Sanctuary Candle 1/18 – 1/24 For: Franz Volk From: His Wife & Family Readings for the Week of January 18, 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110; Mk 2:18-22 Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr; Saint Sebastian, Martyr Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111; Mk 2:23-28 Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Heb 7:25-8:6; Ps 40; Mk 3:7-12 Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85; Mk 3:13-19 Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47; Mk 3:20-21 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 A GREAT BIG THANK YOU! To all Staff, Volunteers and Parish Family members who came together to make our 2nd Annual Carnival a success and a most enjoyable event for all, young and old. Your continued support and dedication are sincerely appreciated, as is your on-going commitment to our faith, our Church and our Parish. May Our Lord and Our Lady reward your generosity, kindness and fidelity today and always! And may our Patron, St. Martin de Porres, obtain for you and yours every petition of your heart. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU! Fr. James & Carnival Committee Members UPCOMING EVENTS January 18th Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage to be hosted by our parish. February 27th “Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy” with Maria Vargo, Hollywood-based actress signed in by Leonardo Delfilippis of St. Luke Productions and presenting a powerful faith based portrayal of St. Faustina. IMPORTANT PARKING LOT INFORMATION There is absolutely no parking along the curbsides, under the portico and Parish Hall or along the private drive by the Parish Office and Rectory. This greatly impedes and obstructs access for Emergency vehicles that are frequently dispatched on the weekends. We kindly ask that everyone please be attentive to this protocol so that we won’t have to take any further action. JustaReminder…. The entrance to the Parish from Savanna Rd. is strictly an entrance only and not an exit. It is situated for traffic coming from the south along Savanna Rd., utilizing the turn lane. All traffic is to depart from Parish Property using one of the two exits onto Cedar Street. Violators are at risk of a traffic violation by Martin County Sheriff’s Department. Thank you for your assistance and God bless you! Men of St. Martin’s have a BUS leaving at 7:00 AM from our parking lot and returning at 1:30 PM, January 31st. Please call Gene Mclnerney, (201-679-4203) to RESERVE a seat. ($10 round trip to St. Ignatius) Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France St. Martin de Porres Parish 2555 NE Savanna Road Jensen Beach, FL 34957 North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90-minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lourdes, France, at St. Martin de Porres Parish on Sunday, January 18th at 6:00 PM. During this guided Lourdes experience, you will immerse yourself in the Gospel Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock and to experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernadette, you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the Rosary. A Plenary Indulgence is granted to all the faithful, under the usual conditions, who attend a Virtual Pilgrimage with North American Lourdes Volunteers. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. Invite your family, children and friends! The next best thing to visiting Lourdes itself is a Pilgrimage journey without the travel! For more information call 772 334 4214. Our Lady extends her invitation to all! Save the Date! Annual Anniversary Masses Bishop Gerald Barbarito will celebrate the 31st Annual Anniversary Masses for Married Couples who will be celebrating 25, 40, 50 or more years of marriage during the year 2015. Saturday, February14, 2015 at 10:30 AM Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1000 West Lantana Road Lantana, FL 33465 Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 10:30 AM St. Lucie Catholic Church 280 SW Prima Vista Boulevard Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Cake, coffee & punch reception following Mass Sponsored by the Office of Marriage and Family Life. For information: 561-775-9557 or To register contact Jane at the parish office 772-334-4214 Ext.110 before January 26, 2015. Stewardship 2015 offertory envelopes are available at the Parish Office for registered members. January 11, 2015 Offertory Music & Liturgy $8,020.00 $1,350.00 Please pick them up during office hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9-12 & 1-4. Thank you. Thank you for your generosity and support of St. Martin de Porres Parish. ENJOYMENT BOOKS New Mass Intention Option Available NOW for $35. Stop in Caritas Religious Gift Shop to purchase your copy today! Each book contains discount coupons for local restaurants, businesses and services. You will save many times over your investment in the book!!! Thank you for your support, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas. A second Mass Offering will be made available for Daily Mass and weekend Masses other than Solemnities and certain Feast Days. All future Mass intentions not previously assigned for 2015 and following years will be designated as double intentions on an “as needed” basis. Thank You and God Bless You! Israel, David & The Kingdom Join us Wednesday, February 4th at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall for an introduction to this amazing study of God’s chosen people. Through this study we will travel with the Israelites from their preparation to enter the Promised Land to their return from exile. We will learn, like the Israelites, what it means to be “God’s people”. What others are saying about the study. . . “The study provides a powerful combination of sound, up-to-date Catholic Bible scholarship and effective use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the wisdom of the Saints and a consistent depth of insight in applying scripture to daily life” Peter Herbeck, Renewal Ministries The introductory session will be held Wednesday, February 4th in the Parish Hall. Registration is required! • • • To register: Visit the Parish Office or the Caritas Gift Shop. Online at Contact Agnes Mulligan (772)-214-7460 For more information, contact Susie Bobko (772)-285-6251 or Angie Leggio (772) 323-7227. Where to Watch the Diocese’s TV Mass The Mass now airs at a new time on Estrella: from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Estrella TV can be found • On Comcast on Channels 208 & 616 • On AT&T/U-Verse on Channel 3024 • On Hometown Cable Plus on Channel 197 • Estrella’s over-the-air channel is 25.2 • Estrella does not air on DirectTV or Dish. The Diocese of Palm Beach will continue to air its broadcast in English. If you have questions about the change, please contact the Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. Divine Mercy Counseling & Healing Center PLEASE NOTE: During the Christmas Break we had a new phone system installed. Please check the listings for all Parish phone extensions as they have changed. Thank you. C. Ann Getzinger, Ph.D. is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and is available here at St. Martin de Porres Parish. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015. Dr. Getzinger combines therapy with spirituality from the Catholic tradition. Facing life’s challenges with the help of God’s truth brings us closer to His will in our lives and can heal our wounds and give us hope. Dr. Getzinger is available at extension 32 at the office number 334-4214. Commandments of Love In a book I’ve been reading there is an account of a man who lived in Paris for eighty years with no desire to leave. One day he was commanded by the King of France to remain there for the remainder of his life. In response, he immediately left the city to see the country which he had never wanted to see during his previous days. God’s commandments sometimes affect us in this way. If we view God’s commandments as tyrannical, unfair or even impossible with which to live, rebellion is the typical response. It is only when God’s commandments are understood as stemming from love that we begin to find in ourselves the capacity to comply with increasing docility and thanksgiving. We begin recognizing the great benefit to ourselves in the framework of eternal life but also in the present time. When I find myself lapsing even in a minor way, there is inevitably a degree of discord that I sense in my soul. It begins to manifest physically as irritation, aggravation, frustration and myriad other agitated states that I direct both towards myself and towards others. For all of us, disconnection from God is reflected in every other relationship we hold dear. Conflicts emerge and contentiousness abounds. This is why David cried out in psalm, “O Lord, Your justifications are sweet songs to me in this place of my pilgrimage.” (Ps 118:54) God’s justifications, grounded in His commandments are great gift and sweet songs. We can see this in the world itself as we continually drift through the stormy sea of relativism. When all becomes a matter of personal choice, when the lines increasingly blur between right and wrong, all of society becomes unsettled. There was a time not long ago when the world of a child was relatively the same as the world of parents and grandparents. Change happened slowly. Values were passed on one to the other. But now everything changes at lightning speed. Innovation and technology are transformed faster than any person can possibly keep pace. The first published newspaper was printed in 1605. The first public library opened in 1833. Radio broadcasting began in 1920. What used to happen over the course of many generations now occurs within the time span of one. My grandparents had no radio in their youth, my parents had no TV, and I had no computer in my childhood years. In a few hundred years we’ve gone from limited word of mouth information to limitless information at the press of a button. And in a few decades we’ve moved from computers that required data processing skills to internet availability in the pockets of grade school children. There is simply no disciplined way to adapt to this massive onslaught of information. Quality of knowledge from the days of the great theologians, philosophers and scientists is being wiped out by the tsunami of poor quality information that is not evaluated, sorted or filtered in any meaningful way. When every conceivable bit of information can now be viewed in full color on a screen, the individual person may lose the ability to distinguish evil from good or perhaps begin to believe neither one truly exists. Everything loses context. Everything just is. So then is the individual. A person is whittled down to a single mish-mash of personal choices. Deep confusion is the result, and seeking distraction is the often sought after remedy. And Satan and his minions most certainly laugh at how easy their work has become. God’s commandments are a great gift of love. They enable us to recognize a value in ourselves and others. They are not hurdles to overcome, but molds to conform us to the shape of God Himself; not obstacles that repress joyful living, but armor to defend us both now and for eternity. EVANGELISM IN ACTION: Put on the armor of God’s love-filled commandments. Article written by Keith Thompson. Please send your comments, thoughts and suggestions to or call Keith at 772-631-2080. Our Lady of Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Sunday January 18th @ 6p.m. We need YOUTH volunteers for Grotto Rocks, Grotto Petitions and to distribute Programs and Plenary Indulgence Pamphlets. PLEASE come and join us for this BEAUTIFUL encounter with the Mother of God and experience a deeper love for Jesus and each other. Please contact me in advance: Jen Kautz 772-341-8951 EDGE th 6 & 7th Grade There will be NO CLASS this Monday January 19th. EDGE will resume NEXT WEEK Monday January 26th! Meetings are in the Education building at 6pm. See you then for our 2015 Spring semester! Questions? Contact Kate via email: 6& THE CATHOLIC FAITH EXPLAINED The sacrament of the Eucharist lies at the very heart of the Catholic faith. When we receive Holy Communion, we are united with Jesus in the most intimate way possible here on earth. The almighty God, Creator of the universe, humbles himself so that he can become one with each of us. God is within us, within our very souls, each time we attend Mass and receive communion. Join us January 18th as we take a closer look at The Eucharist as Real Presence, Sacrifice and as Communion. Everyone is welcome, so don't forget To invite a friend or two! Sundays: Fellowship and Continental breakfast at 10am followed by instruction at 10:30am. Registration is FREE call Agnes Mulligan 772-214-7460 or visit For more information contact Susie Bobko at (772) 692-1058 or email Caritas Religious Gift Shop It's the last chance you will have to take advantage of our Big Sale!!!! Some items reduced 60%!!! Buy your gifts now for upcoming celebrations -- or just treat yourself to something Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry The Food Pantry is always in need of canned and boxed foods. All that is given out is donated to us by our very generous parishioners. At this time we are also in need of volunteers and subs. to help at the Pantry Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 10am to 2pm. Please call 334-6233 during hours if you can help. Thank you Catholic Daughters would like to invite all Parishioners and their friends to our Fashion Show & Luncheon It will be held at Renato's on Saturday, Februaary 21, at Noon, with a Choice of several entrees. There will be door prizes and raffles. Tickets are $30. For more information Call Lucille Hayes at 334334-7993. Tickets are available at Caritas Gift Shop or from any Catholic Daughter Member. “Prayer is the foundation of all that we do in defense of human life. Our efforts—whether educational, pastoral, or legislative— will be less than fully fruitful if we do not change hearts and if we do not ourselves overcome our own spiritual blindness. Only with prayer—prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayer that cleanses our hearts and our souls—will the culture of death that surrounds us today be replaced with a culture of life.” — Excerpt from the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, USCCB Please prayerfully consider committing to a Holy Hour each week and please Christ Jesus the Son by Adoring Him in the Blessed Sacrament. If you are unable to commit to a specific hour each week, please consider a Holy Hour this Thursday, January 22 Day Of Prayer For The Legal Protection Of Unborn Children. Without faithful committed Adorers Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration would not be possible. Please contact Kathy at or 772-485-1787, to schedule your Holy Hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Hours in most URGENT need of coverage are: - Monday – *10-11AM, Tuesday *7-8 PM and Friday – *10PM-11PM ***Hours in Need of Coverage to bring Eucharistic Adoration back to Perpetuity: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday – All hours between Midnight-5AM. Respect Life Corner RESPECT LIFE DIRECTORY FOR CONFIDENTIAL HELP FOR PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE Pregnancy Care Center Stuart - 232-3222, Ft. Pierce - 489-9702 Birthline/Lifeline – 561-234-0612 Care Net - 283-2911 or 871-2211 POST ABORTION CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELING Rachel’s Vineyard Call Donna at (561) 602-4778 Diocesan Respect Life Office Toll free at (888)465-HOPE (4673) Planned Parenthood in the Emerald Plaza on Rt #1 are doing chemical abortions up to 13 weeks. Come and join us in peaceful prayer on Wed. 3-5 and Fri. 8-10. Call David Olio 221-1865 for details. As of December 2014 there are 573 surgical abortion and 179 chemical abortion mills in KILLED IN USA TODAY America according to Operation rescue. That gives us a total of 752 death chambers. FROM ABORTION. For the sake of this exercise, lets add 248 private OBGYN practice and hospitals that do NO FLAGS LOWERED, abortions to round out the figure to 1000. “THERE WILL BE OVER 3.500 NO PRESIDENTS CRYING, NO MEDIA HYPERVENTILATING. If the 400,000 who journey to Washington DC for the March for Life would witness at the local killing fields, the frontlines of the abortion industry, the last chance to save the NORMAL DAY.” lives of children destined to be killed, there would be 400 pro-lifers pleading for the MATT DRUDGE lives of these babies at each death chamber. Imagine the power of prayer to change the hearts of mothers & fathers of these pre-borns. STRUGGLING AFTER AN ABORTION OR A MISCARRIAGE? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! RACHEL’S VINEYARD HEALING RETREAT HOPE AFTER ABORTION OR A MISCARRIAGE: Rachel’s Vineyard weekends are a beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion and miscarriage. The weekend is a very specific process designed to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. It is also an opportunity to surface and release repressed feelings of anger, shame, guilt and grief. Experience the healing love of Jesus Christ during a Rachel’s Vineyard healing retreat. This retreat offers a chance to get away from daily pressures and to focus deeply into the grieving process, buried emotions and identify the ways your abortion or miscarriage may have affected you. Discussions, spiritual exercises, prayer and reflection combined with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial Service honoring your child and a Mass of Entrustment will help to heal the wounds of your past. Rachel’s Vineyard provides a non-judgmental, safe environment. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness and tender compassion. Both men and women are invited to experience this weekend, which will help your soul find a voice, and transform the pain of the past into love and hope. This healing program is an apostolate of the Catholic Church, but those from other faith backgrounds are welcome to attend. The retreat begins on Friday, February 27, 2015 and will go through Sunday, March 1, 2015. It will be held at Casa San Carlos in Delray Beach. Pre-registration is required. To register or for more information please call Donna Gardner at 561-602-4778 or email at ALL calls and emails are CONFIDENTIAL! For more information on Rachel’s Vineyard, check the website: PARISH MINISTRIES CATECHESIS & FAITH FORMATION PreK-5 Religious Education ART & ENVIRONMENT - ALTAR SOCIETY Ann Huesing :…………..………………………..485-1456 E-Mail …………………...……… ALTAR SERVERS Nora Henderson …………….……….………….370-6341 E-Mail …………………….……… Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 117 E-Mail……………..……… EDGE - 6th & 7th Grade BIBLE STUDY Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 122 E-Mail….……...……….………6& Susan Bobko ……….……..…...….……………..285-6251 E-Mail ……….……………...…….……… Parish Office…….……………………………….334-4214 CARITAS RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP Nora Henderson …….…………...….....………..334-3099 E-Mail ………...….……..……… KNITTING ANGELS Norma Olio……....………………...……….….....221-1865 E-Mail ……..……….……..……….… LECTORS Ed Wasielewski……….…….………...……….....337-3385 E-Mail ………………...… MATTHEW 25:35 MINISTRIES Soup Kitchen RCIA and RCIC Youth Ministry, YDisciple, and Confirmation Parish Office. E-Mail .. ... ...... . ... 334-4214 Ext. 141 DIVINE MERCY COUNSELING Dr. Ann Getzinger ……….….………...334-4214 Ext 132 E-Mail ……….…..……....…..… HOLY COMMUNION Celeste Norup…….…….……….……….….....486-2145 E-Mail ……..…….…….…………...… Homebound Ministers Thrift Store Julio Perez…….….……………...……….….....335-5744 E-Mail ……………….…...……….… Carl & Michelle Florio…..…………..……………..334-6239 E-Mail ……………….....……… Parish Office.……………,.………...……...…..334-4214 Pat Rosati ……..…….….………….708-1105 or 225-0650 Food Pantry & Charity Outreach Veronica Jones…..………...……....……………..334-6233 Martin’s Kids Pam Colasanti………...………….……….………..334-6511 Glenda Hassell ………….…………………...…….708-1606 Christ Child Project Bev Walgrave………………………………………335-4150 E-mail……………...……………… MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY/USHERS Lorie Shekailo…………......……………...………..334-4853 E-Mail ………….…..………..……… MUSIC Choir (Adult/Children) Hand Bell Choir PRISON MINISTRY PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Kathy Hochenberger.…………….……..……..485-1787 E-Mail ………....…… RESPECT LIFE Dave Olio.……………………...……...………..221-1865 E-Mail ……..……………...… SACRISTAN Nora Henderson.…………...………...………..370-6341 E-Mail …………..…………....… VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Michelle Florio.……………...………...………..334-6239 E-Mail ………….……...… Melanie Steinke..…….…………..………..334-4214 Ext. 127 E-mail……………..…………… Catholic Daughters of the Americas CHARTERED ORGANIZATIONS Carol Armstrong…….……….…………...….....284-5760 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS # 8048 Dave Ottaviani…………...………………….….....263-3925 E-Mail……………..…….………… CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Kate Choquette……………………………………232-3282 E-Mail….…..……………………… ORDO FRANCISCANUS SAECULERIS (Formerly third order) Catherine…..……….……...……..……….….....631-1013 Rosemary ………………………….………..….288-3134 PARISH GROUPS EMMAUS MEN OF ST. MARTIN FELLOWSHIP Jacki Ottaviani…………..…….….....……….….....334-6271 E-Mail …………..…………...…..… Dave Olio.…………....………...……...………..221-1865 E-Mail …………..……………
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