Rev. John O’Connor, Pastor Rev. Dennis J. Quint, Pastor Rev. Jeffrey A. Dole, Associate Pastor Deacon James Steger, Deacon Deacon Roger Riesberg, Deacon St. Francis Xavier Basilica 104 3rd St SW · Dyersville IA 52040 Rectory Office ............ 563-875-7325 School Office.............. 563-875-7376 Web ..................... St. Joseph 307 Mary St · Earlville IA 52041 WEEKLY READINGS ■ Jan. 18-25 STEWARDSHIP CORNER: Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6: 13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/ Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25--8:6/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21 In today’s reading, we hear Samuel respond eagerly, “Here I am!” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the psalmist, “Here am I, Lord: I come to do your will.” Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Parish Office .............. 563-923-3135 Religious Education ... 563-923-2096 Childcare Center ........ 563-923-2068 St. Boniface 7401 Columbus-PO Box 215 · New Vienna IA 52065 Parish Office .............. 563-921-2465 Hennessy School ....... 563-875-7572 Sts. Peter & Paul 1625 300th Ave · Dyersville IA 52040 Parish/Rectory Office: 563-875-7992 Hennessy School ....... 563-875-7572 St. Paul 301 2nd Ave SW - PO Box 68 · Worthington IA 52078 Parish/School Office .. 563-855-2125 Web ........... Prayer Chain .............. 563-926-2309 Weekend Mass Schedule St. Francis, Dyersville: Spires of Faith Family Social, hosted by Xavier parish, on Jan. 10th. Many enjoyed the NFL game and visited while the kids enjoyed the activities in the gym. Thanks to all who came and to all who organized the event. Watch for more family events to come! Saturday: 5:00 pm Sun.: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:30 am Archdiocesan Latin Mass 12:00 pm St. Joseph, Earlville: Sunday: 8:00am St. Boniface, New Vienna: Saturday: 7:00 pm Sts. Peter & Paul, Petersburg: Sunday: 10:00 am St. Paul, Worthington: Sunday: 9:00 am PRAYER CHAIN: or call: 563-875-8806 CLUSTER WEB: January 18, 2015 ● 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Liturgies D-St. Francis • E-St. Joseph • NV-St. Boniface P-Petersburg • W-St. Paul Monday: 6:30 am D For All Souls 7:30 am NV Ron Rahe ST. FABIAN Tuesday: 6:30 am D Darrell Kramer 7:30 am NV Delores Deutmeyer Wednesday: ST. AGNES 8:30 am P Fr. William O’Brien 8:30 am W Carl & Imogene Feldmann 5:15 pm D David Marx Thursday: DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE UNBORN 6:30 am D Urban & Daniel Klaren 7:30 am NV Sr. Marian Kluesner 8:00 am E Dcsd Mbrs Greiner & Bildstein Families Friday: ST. VINCENT 7:30 am W Wilbur & Florence Leifker 7:30 am P Jim Wegmann 8:30 am D Dick Arens & Greg Sutton ST. FRANCIS DE SALES Saturday: Saturday/Sunday: 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 pm D Mildred & Duane Geistkemper 7:00 pm NV Robert & Marcella Boeckenstedt 7:00 am D For the People 8:00 am E Ernie & Arlene Ronnebaum, Ed Overmann 8:30 am D Lois & Joe Hoeger 9:00 am W Lavern & Betty Willenborg, Mason Deutmeyer 10:00 am P For the People 10:30 am D Elizabeth “Betty” Kronlage 12:00 pm D Archdiocesan Latin Mass We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of: Paul Feldmann, Joyce M. Digmann, Arlene M. Jaeger Spires of Faith Parishes ALL ARE INVITED TO THE ST. PAUL HASHBROWN BREAKFAST & BAKE SALE SERVED TODAY, JAN. 18, in Gib Gym, From 7:30 am11:30 am, hosted by Circle 5 with Bake Sale by Circles 1 & 2. Enjoy the breakfast of sausage (fresh & smoked) hash browns, scrambled eggs, rolls, toast, coffee, juice and milk, then check out the Bake Sale. WEDNESDAY FAITH FORMATION CLASSES ~ Jan. 21 Earlville: Grades 1-6: 5:45-7:00 and grades 7-12: 7:15-8:30 pm. Dyersville: Grades 1-12: 6:45-8:00 pm. BCHS BOOSTER CLUB IS SPONSORING A CHILI SUPPER on Saturday, Jan. 24th, 3:30-7:30 pm in the Beckman Catholic Commons, Beckman Catholic High School, Dyersville. Menu offers: Chili, Pizza, Hot Dogs & Cinnamon Rolls. Supper is held during the boys and girls basketball games, Beckman Catholic vs. Cascade High School. Six games starting at 11:00 am. Everyone invited. 2015 MARCH FOR LIFE ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO WASHINGTON D.C. A send-off Mass will be at 4:00 pm Tuesday Jan. 20th at Beckman. Five buses from Beckman, LaSalle, Seton, Aquin and Dubuque will leave following Mass. Return date is Saturday, Jan. 24. Students ask your support and prayers as they journey to Washington. They will be participating in the Pro-Life Mass at the Immaculate Conception Shrine and walk in the March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE WILL BE HELD AT DYERSVILLE, ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, FROM 7:00-8:00 PM ON THURSDAY, JAN. 22, on the 42nd Anniversary of the ROE vs. WADE decision and a day of Penance and prayer for the offenses committed against human life. The Holy Hour will include Pro-Life Rosaries, communal & personal prayer, ending with Benediction. Please come and pray for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death and for an end to the culture of death in our country. Faith in the Heartland DVD ~ EWTN This 5-part DVD, taped on location in Northeast Iowa by Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, features Gothic churches of this area, such as Sts Peter & Paul, Petersburg, and St. Francis Xavier, Dyersville. Fr. Wolfe also talked to several farmers about their Catholic faith. The cluster has received several DVD copies to be given out. Anyone who wishes a copy may stop at the Dyersville parish office and pick one up. It will be a first come ~ first serve. WINTER CANCELLATION POLICY ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IS OFFERED EACH WEEK AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES AND LOCATIONS. Make time for prayer this week! MONDAY: 7:00-8:00 am (Basilica) 8:00 am-2:30 pm (Beckman) TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: 3:15-5:15 pm (Basilica) THURSDAY: 7:00 am-8:00 pm (Basilica) FRIDAY: 7:30–8:30 am (Basilica) Page 2 If there is no school or a delay at Western Dubuque: there will not be daily morning Mass at Worthington, Dyersville, New Vienna or Petersburg. If there is no school or delay at Maquoketa Valley, there will not be daily Mass at Earlville. ALSO NOTE: When Western Dubuque schools are delayed or canceled, Adoration on that day will also be canceled. WATCH KCRG (CHANNEL 9) or listen to KDST 99.3 FM DYERSVILLE OR KMCH 94.7 MANCHESTER. January 18, 2015 Our Schools Fr. O’Connor’s Words of Wisdom Dear Parishioners: Hennessy ~ The Pastor of the parishes to the south is gone so now we can talk about him for a change. Some people may wonder, “Why does Father need to be gone? Why doesn’t he stay home and tend “to the store.” Believe me, in this day and age it is necessary to get away once in a while even if it is to go play cards with some friends, go skiing, hunting or whatever. Long ago, one of our retreat masters gave all of us the warning that went something like this----“You divide every day into three parts. Daily you can work two parts of the day doing all the things a priest should do but then it is necessary to take the other one-third of the day for self. If you don’t, either you won’t be effective in your ministry or you won’t be doing much of anything but making a lot of dust and getting nothing done. Worse case scenario is that you give up on the priesthood. You can’t be on twenty four hours per day, seven days a week. Human nature needs a break. Even mothers and fathers find this out as well. You need some time to relax. Some of us have even been known to go fishing and hunting! Families even find it refreshing to get a change of scenery. Congratulations to those involved in all the parishes for the great job in putting together the PROGRESSIVE DINNER. Though I did not make all the stops, it was evident that those who did make it to all or most of the churches found the day inspiring and enjoyed a tremendous number of different types of food. It is great to see all the talent that is displayed in decorating the churches. Do we thank these people enough? Maybe next year it can be topped off with a venison roast! It is only about sixty-five days till spring. The winter, especially these last days have been rough with all the cold and snow. This liturgically is kind of the slower side of the year! Let’s plan ahead. Lent is just around the corner so let’s stop and think about it: what can I do personally this year that would improve over the past? The general things - pray, fasting and almsgiving are suggested. Just giving up candy or that extra beer is not really the essence of Lent. What about some of the works of charity such as attention to the homebound, helping the neighbors, spending more time with the children with such things as preparation for First Communion? When did you last visit or communicate with those people you may have sponsored at baptism? Did you ever really try to spend five minutes a day going over a different part of Our Lord’s life and passion? Let’s try something new this Lent. ARE THERE CHILDREN WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM A HENNESSY CATHOLIC EDUCATION? Call school (875-7572) to schedule a visit. Pre-school and the before/after school programs available !!! St Paul ~ Invitations have been mailed. WINTERFEST IS COMING! Although Winterfest is supporting the parish instead of the school, all of us associated with the school urge you to attend with the same passion as before. St. Paul School and Parish are great blessings for the entire community. St. Francis Xavier ~ AN EARLY CHILDHOOD AND KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE will be held this Monday, Jan. 19th (snow date: Jan. 26th) at 6:30 pm in the Xavier Auditorium. There will be a short informational meeting, followed by classroom tours & teacher introductions. If you are not able to attend, please contact Xavier School, 875-7376, for information or visit “A XAVIER AFFAIR” will be held this Friday, Jan. 23, 2015, at Dyersville Commercial Club Park. Social hour begins at 5:30 pm with dinner at 7:00 pm. There will be a silent & live auction, and cash raffle throughout the evening. Music by Beau Timmerman @ 9:30 pm. Tickets are $30 per person for dinner and one drink ticket. Cash raffle tickets available for $25 each or 3 for $50. All tickets are available at the Xavier School office or at Classic Concepts Salon. All are invited to join us for a great evening and a great cause! Beckman CHILI SUPPER: BCHS Booster Club is sponsoring a Chili Supper on Saturday, Jan. 24th, 3:30-7:30 pm in the Beckman Catholic Commons, Beckman Catholic High School, Dyersville. Menu: Chili, Pizza, Hot Dogs & Cinnamon Roll. Supper held during the Beckman Catholic vs. Cascade High School boys and girls basketball games: Six games starting at 11:00 am. Everyone invited. National Catholic Youth Conference NCYC 2015 NCYC is a three day celebration of Catholic young people. The conference gathers over 25,000 high school teens and adults from across the country to pray, learn, and celebrate their faith. This event takes place Nov. 19-22 in Indianapolis, Indiana and NOW is the time to register! Go to our website for more info: Contact Kristine Strever (DFF) or Jerry McGrane @ Beckman Catholic for more details and to register. This is an amazing opportunity for teens; don’t miss out! Volunteers are needed for the FIRST HOLY COMMUNION RETREAT: Please contact Kristine Strever, Director of Faith Formation, to help with the First Holy Communion Retreat held this this February, on Feb. 7th from 9-11 am and Feb. 15th from 2-4 pm in Xavier Auditorium. A meeting for volunteers will take place on Sunday, Feb. 1st at 11:30 am in Xavier Church Hall / basement, Dyersville. Call 563-875-7325. Thank you so much! 2nd Sunday on Ordinary Time Page 3 St. Joseph St. Paul ST. JOSEPH PRESCHOOL is planning for fall. If you have a child eligible for three or four year old preschool, give Julie or Nicole a call to secure a spot. (923-2068) THANK YOU to everyone who brings salads and desserts for funeral dinners. The families greatly appreciate it! Many visitors are surprised that our parishioners give so generously to the funeral dinners and take time out of their day to serve the meal. We are very fortunate to have a caring parish family. A number of pans and bowls have been left in Dunkel Hall from recent dinners. Please stop down and pick yours up. LAY MINISTERS: If anyone is interested in becoming a lector, Communion minister, greeter, rosary leader, music minister, etc., please call the parish office or drop a note in the collection basket. We always welcome new individuals who want to be involved. MASS INTENTIONS: Due to an increase in requests for Mass intentions we will not be able to schedule all Masses here. We will let you know if we send any of your Mass intentions to retired priests. Thank you for understanding. SNOW REMOVAL: Your continued help is greatly appreciated! LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S are available in the back of church. Donation of $3 - $5 each. NEW AMERICAN BIBLES are available at the parish office for $7.00. LITURGICAL MINISTERS ■ January 25, 2015 Servers/Candle Bearers/Cross Bearer Nicole, Kelly & Paige Winter Lector: Linda Mensen Communion Ministers: Dan & Connie Wheeler, Greeters: Albert & Lucille Holtz Music: Adult Choir Fiscal YTD Adult Budget Needed Fiscal YTD Adult Budget Received YTD Page 4 THANK YOU to everyone who helped put up and take down the Christmas decorations! We appreciate your volunteering! LITURGICAL ROLES ■ SUNDAY, JAN. 25TH Servers: Anna Jurgens/Sophia & Olivia Schuster Greeters: Randy & Doris McAllister Ushers: Don Demmer/Leo Heid/Bob Loecke/Herb Recker Lector: Steve Koch Communion Ministers: Jayne Intlekofer/Tracey O’Connor/ Sue Lansing/Kelley Harbach/Erin DeSotel/Jessie Ludwig Music: Children’s Choir Scrip: Trisha Thier/Diane Even Recorders: Randy McAllister/Mark Klaren WINTERFEST ~ Make plans to attend ~ THE DATE is Feb. 21, 2015. With the change in our school’s status, Winterfest 2015 will now be a parish event with the proceeds used for the refurbishment of the main church entrance, which will include new entrance doors, repair and painting of the plaster in the entrance, tuck pointing the brick outside the doors and new flooring in the entrance way. Your help is needed to make this event a success. Volunteers needed are: 10-12 auction runners/spotters, 3-cashiers, 2-adult kitchen duty, 4-students kitchen duty (service hours), 2-greeters. Please call Cathy at 855-2125 to sign up. The next meeting is this week, Wednesday, Jan. 21st at 7 pm in St. Paul school. AHEAD AT ST. PAUL: Sunday, March 1st will be the Soup Supper, Raffle, Bake Sale & Vendors sponsored by Circle 6 LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S are available in the North entrance of church. Donation of $3-$5 each. EWTN PILGRIMAGE ~ April 6 - 11th. If looking for a unique setting for a spiritual renewal, watch for more information to come. Finances Budget received 1-11-2015 Weekly Adult Budget needed Offertory Youth Solemnity of Mary Christmas Heat Fund COME & ENJOY the HASHBROWN BREAKFAST & BAKE SALE today, Jan. 18, at St. Paul’s, hosted by Circle 5 with Bake Sale by Circles 1 & 2, serving 7:30-11:30 am. The breakfast includes sausage (fresh & smoked) hash browns, scrambled eggs, rolls, toast, coffee, juice and milk. Adults $8, ages 5-10 $4, preschool free. Cash & prize raffle. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,296.50 2,154.00 62.00 5.00 51.00 400.00 70.00 $ 58,158.00 $ 55,265.48 ̶ $ 2,892.52 Finances Tithe ................................................................ $ 5,177.00 Offertory .......................................................... $ 105.07 Youth ............................................................... $ 4.00 Mother of God / New Years ............................. $ 85.00 Christmas Collection ........................................ $ 1,025.00 Easter Collection .............................................. $ 25.00 Initial Offering ................................................... $ 10.00 YTD Needed 7-01-14 to 1-11-15 ............... $ 139,454.04 YTD Received 7-01-14 to 1-11-15 ............... $ 160,079.87 YTD Ahead ............................................... + $ 20,625.83 January 18, 2015 Sts. Peter & Paul St. Boniface Finances Finances Budget $ 315.00 Offertory $ 90.25 Grain Bin $ 500.00 (John Bagge $500.00) Insurance $ 69.00 Donation $ 200.00! ! FISH FRY: SS. Peter & Paul Fish Fry scheduled for Feb. 20, 2015 is quickly approaching. Circle 1 Leaders are asking for extra help: Extra workers the night of the fish fry and we ask all parish members to donate a pie or dessert. If you are willing to help us the night of the fish fry, please contact: Colleen Bonert 875-8137, Nancy Burkle 875-7287, or Karen Wulfekuhle 875-9517. Budget .................................................$ 1,490.00 Offertory ..............................................$ 98.16 Insurance ............................................$ 43.00 Donation ..............................................$ 200.00 !!! SAVE THE DATE for the Steak Fry on Saturday, March 28th at the New Vienna Hall. Sponsored by Group 2. LENT IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER: Ash Wednesday is Feb. 18th and the Petersburg Fish Fry is Feb. 20th. Spring is only 63 days away. Do we have all the dates planned for weddings, anniversaries, etc. to date? I have heard from only two people wishing Masses be offered for their special intentions. A couple of known events are: 1.) Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 25-31 and 2.) Petersburg Fish Fry. NEW YEARS RESOLUTION --- BUY AND USE SCRIP! We continue to emphasize, if people would use SCRIP for purchasing gas and groceries, our parishes would have no money problems or at least be drastically reduced. The only cost to you – is to TAKE THE TIME TO PURCHASE SCRIP WEEKLY. THANK YOU TO JEREMY RUDD WHO REPAIRED AND REPAINTED THE STATUES IN THE ENTRANCE OF HENNESSY SCHOOL. THIS IS VALUED AT $1,000 FOR WHICH WE ARE GRATEFUL. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 7:00 PM (NV): !Servers – Cole Bollweg, Joel Vaske. Lector – Marylin Kern. Communion Ministers – Karen Steger, Kristina Vorwald, Gerry & Mary Kay Westhoff, Wayne Brunsman, Mary Westhoff, Ruth Bockenstedt. Scrip – Linda Kerper, Sue Kluesner. SUNDAY, JAN. 26, 10:00 AM (P): Servers – Anya Westhoff, Maria Sperfslage. Lector – Kylie Kruse. Communion Ministers – Andy Smith, Lois Kruse, Scott Recker, Morgan Rahe, Paige Bildstein, Janet Scherbring, Mark & Sandi White. Gifts – Gary & Julie Deutmeyer. Ushers – Mark Kruse, Brad & Lois Lawrence. Scrip – Robin Kruse, Kara Sperfslage. BAPTISM CLASS for first time parents will be held on Saturday, Feb. 14th at 9:00 am in Xavier rectory, Dyersville. Please call your parish office to register. Parents are required to attend a class prior to baptism of their child. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (NFP): The 1st of 3 classes dealing with the practice of Natural Family Planning was held in January. The next session will be Sunday, Feb. 15 at 1:00 pm at Divine Word College, Epworth. The date for the final meeting has not been scheduled but will be around Easter. Lindsey Krapfl, a parishioner at St Francis Xavier Parish, assists in teaching NFP for our deanery. Call one of the parishes for more information even if you missed the 1st session. COURAGE/ENCOURAGE: There is a ministry in the Archdiocese of Dubuque to help men and women with same-sex attraction and their family members. For confidential Catholic support, contact Fr. Jerry Kopacek at (563) 556-1054 or by email at 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Basilica of St. Francis Xavier MONDAY ~ JAN. 19: 5:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsals in the choir loft. 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus, Council 1734, will meet at the KC Hall, Dyersville. TUESDAY: 3:15 pm Children’s Choir Practice 6:30 pm Basilica Choir Rehearsal THURSDAY: ONE MORE WEEK and BINGO WILL BE BACK! BINGO GAMES WILL BEGIN JAN. 29TH. MORE TO COME! Still time to join one of the 10 groups that work each week. Give the office a call! SATURDAY/SUNDAY ~ JAN. 24/25: 9:00 AM SATURDAY, A MASS SERVER TRAINING and REVIEW SESSION for servers who want to be trained to serve at week end Masses will be held. Return the completed form to your child's teacher or catechist or call the parish office (Mary Ann), 875-7325, and let us know that your child will be attending. (Server training begins in grade 5) CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is offered during the Sunday 10:30 am Mass for children ages 3-7. Would you like to be a COMMUNION DISTRIBUTOR and participate even more in the Mass? A training session will be offered on Saturday Jan. 31 at 9:00 am here at the Basilica for you and anyone interested in being a communion distributor. Please register by calling Mary Ann, 875-7325, so we know how many will be attending. THANK YOU to all who helped put up and take down the Christmas decorations. Could not have done it without your help. THANK YOU to Riesberg Rental for the Bounce House donations, and to Dave Koerperich, Epworth TV & Satellite for the hookup/ setup used for the Family Social last Saturday. An enjoyable evening! If you missed this one be sure to watch for the next event! Thanks to the organizers. RAFFLE WINNERS this weekend: Jeanette Nilles and David J. & Joan Kramer. Finances Budget received 1/11/15 ........................... $ 15,083.18 EFT Budget ................................................. $ 491.00 Offertory ....................................................... $ 1,015.74 Children ........................................................ $ 7.25 New Years / Solemnity of Mary ................... $ 70.00 Legacy of Faith Memorials ........................... $ 15.00 Heating costs collection ............................... $ 2,125.19 NEEDED FISCAL YEAR 7/1/14—1/11/15 ....... $ 691,923.12 Received ............................................... $ 703,395.35 YTD ahead ............................................ $ 11,472.23 SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER BENEFIT for Sarah (Fitzgerald) Graham, diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2012, has begun. If you wish to donate, accounts have been set up at American Trust & Savings, Fidelity Bank & Trust and Dupaco Community Credit Union. Red Cross BLOOD DRIVE on Thursday, Feb. 5th at Xavier School auditorium, 2:30-6:30 pm. Appointments not required but may be made by calling 800RED-CROSS. Hosted by the Women’s Club. PARISH CIRCLE CHANGES: Letters were mailed this week asking that all circle dues be paid at this time. To encourage this, circle dues paid by Feb. 15th will have their name placed in a drawing to win 1 of 3 - $50 gas gift cards. For your convenience envelopes were included with the letters, to be returned to the parish office via mail, weekend offertory or dropped off during parish office hours. BUSINESS SPONSORS for 2015 Circle Projects: We ask Dyersville Business Owners to consider a sponsorship to SFX parish circle events. We are working to eliminate the frequent solicitation. There are 5 Sponsorship Levels available. The deadline is this week, Jan. 21st. If questions please call one of the committee members listed on the letter you were mailed in December. Thank you for your continued support of St. Francis Xavier parish. And to those who have already contributed we offer our thanks. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER MINISTRY SCHEDULE WEEKEND, JAN. 24/25 SATURDAY, 5:00 pm: R: students S: Trae Ostwinkle, Mason Recker, Justin Wolfe, Nicole Wolfe CM: Mick Michel, Kathy Riesberg, Cathy Wolfe, Linda Begle, Joan Boeckenstedt, Christy Deutmeyer, Sue Engelbrecht, Bob Gleason, David Gibbs. SUNDAY: 7:00 am: R: Mark Breitbach S: Evan Schlarmann, Spencer Schlarmann CM: Mae English, Ron Kruse, Deb McClimon, Dan Steffen, Kay Tauke, Dan Willenborg, Diane Thier. 8:30 am: R: students S: Kaitlyn Goedken, Ben Goedken, John McGrane, Elizabeth McGrane CM: Marian Tauke, Bill Tauke, Larry Wilson, Melanie Wilson, Gerald Becker, David Bell, Lori Boeckenstedt, Steve Boeckenstedt, Ann Heisler. 10:30 am: R: students S: Riley Fangman, Trevor Schumann, Chandler Hoeger, Grant Hoeger. CM: David Kronlage, Sherry Kronlage, Angela Kruse, Connie Nebel, Mike Oberbroeckling, Sandy Oberbroeckling, Shirley Olberding, Karie Ostwinkle, Carol Pettinger. R-Reader; S-Servers; CM-Communion Ministers Page 6 January 18, 2015 Farmers Shipping Association 303-3rd St. N.E. Dyersville, Iowa 52040 (563) 875-7953 Independent & Assisted Living (563) 875-6323 • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 800 Drill Point Drive Farley, IA 52046 GEORGE DAVIS TOM JENK P.C. STEGER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 563-744-9292 225 1st Ave. E., Dyersville, IA 52040 Grading Contractors Phone: 563-875-9112 Fax: 563-875-7809 3297 VINE RD. • DYERSVILLE • 563-875-7876 Cory Heims - 563-599-8076 • Craig Heims 563-543-3717 SALES AND SERVICE Milk & Grain Hauling & Flatbed Garage Doors & Openers: Commercial • Agricultural • Residential Trained Service Technicians • Professional Sales & Service • Top Quality Products • Locally Owned & Operated 563-875-7113 or Toll Free 888-538-8845 563-875-2110 • Toll Free: 1-888-513-5193 REIFF FUNERAL HOME PLEASANT GROVE ROOFING COMPANY 490 Field of Dreams Way • Dyersville 563-875-2365 205 Hayes St SW • Cascade 563-852-3130 115 E Main • Epworth 563-876-3666 303-1st Ave NW • Farley 563-744-3460 Classic Design... Old World Quality and Craftsmanship Dyersville • Phone: 563-875-8576 FAMILY VISION CARE Paul T. Ahern, O.D. 563-875-8123 800-526-3231 KEVIN KURT TRUCKING Dyersville, IA 563-875-2522 NEED A METAL ROOF? For Farm, Residential & Commercial (Randy) (563) 853-3010 420 1st Avenue E • Dyersville 109 W. Margaret St. Earlville, IA (563) 875-6053 50 Years Combined Experience FREE Estimates Thanks for your support through the Scrip Program. Payless was able to donate over a quarter million dollars to local catholic schools since 2003! Quik ’N Handi bp One Stop Convenience Stores Dyersville & Epworth COMFORT INN DYERSVILLE, IA Manchester Monument Works LLC Monuments • Markers Foundation Repair Diane Goerdt, 416 W. Main, Manchester 319-927-3597 Eldon & Sue Fenton Internet Manager 30584 Olde Hawkeye Rd. Dyersville (563) 875-2409 “The Dealership You’ll Send Your Friends To” (563) 875-7251 1207 12th Avenue S.E. Dyersville, IA 52040 Dyersville: 875-2682 Cell: 563-590-3982 PH: 800-923-4485 PATRICK VALANT FAREWAY STORES, INC. RECKER CONSTRUCTION Luxemburg, IA HEATING, COOLING AND PLUMBING INC. Faust Millwork & Cabinetry, Inc. BILL BROWN Home • 563-876-3894 Cell • 563-543-3892 19885 E. Pleasant Grove Rd., Peosta, IA Serving You At These Locations STEGER TRANSPORT TRUST US WITH YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS!! Your Hometown Broker Ofc: 563-875-9400 319 - 3rd Ave. SE • Dyersville, IA 1-800-260-3597 HELLE HE Auto & Truck Repair Custom Exhaust FARM EQU EQUIPMENT Mausser Auto Service, Inc. Joe Mausser Ph. 563-921-2375 PETERSBURG FEED MILL, INC. (563) 875-2431 (563) 875-7154 Dyersville New Vienna 563-875-7145 MEETING/BANQUET ROOM INDOOR POOL PHONE 563.875.7700 CHOICEHOTELS.COM RYA M. STUNTZ, D.D.S. RYAN FARLEY DENTAL CENTER (563) 744-3076 102 4TH AVENUE NE, FARLEY ANIMAL HEALTH CLINIC Field of Dreams Movie Site VIRGIL BOUREK, DVM 563.875.8404 563-875-6083 Commercial & Residential - New & Re-Wiring Bill Sieverding • 563-875-7453 • Cell 563-543-4741 Radloff Sales Company Scott Gogel Owner Trailers • Generators Equipment Skidd-Marks Inc. 2073 332nd Avenue Dyersville (563) 875-2344 Licensed & Insured Cell: 563-590-2167 Home: 563-875-8664 563-599-0323 Teresa Bockenstedt, Broker/Owner (563) 875-0000 • 2326 - 330th Ave., Worthington 563-875-2470 Total Lawn Maintenance Then & Kramer Construction Epworth • 563-543-8927 Jerry Klaren Scherrman’s Implement Owner/Operator Dyersville and Monticello 10683 Rt 135 • Dyersville, IA 52040 Cell: 563-599-1725 Al & Ann Gibbs 563-590-0709 An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise Email: THE PRESCRIPTION SHOPPE Phone 563-923-2315 Dyersville 563-875-7455 Recycle Center & Transfer Station Monticello (563) 875-9076 or (866) 525-4506 319-465-4404 RAM MINI-STORAGE DYERSVILLE IOWA 875-2602 875-8143 Ronald F. Radloff, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF 563.875.7586 GREINER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 30658 Olde Hawkeye Rd Dyersville, IA NICKOL BORING INC. SHOP CELL 5638756023 Horizontal Earth Boring Portable Welding Services Dyersville, Iowa • 875-2602 5635904159 Custom Fabrication Ornamental Railings RON THEISEN TRANSPORT CORP. Dr. Joshua Woodland 563-875-0006 (563) 875-8885 563-921-3445 • WWW.4LPi.COM Milk Hauling for: Dairy Farmers of America Phone 563-875-2407 or 563-590-4947 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF HANSEN 1-800-950-9952 Complete Building & Repair Service Concrete Forming • Backhoeing Custom Log Homes Seamless Gutters • Plumbing & Wiring 206 2nd St. NE, Worthington Shop 563-855-2115 Steve Ludwig 563-855-5000 SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER, DYERSVILLE, IA B 4C 01-1047 12-31-201407-01-2013 MILBERT FINANCIAL & TAX SERVICES inest ines 229 First Avenue East, Dyersville 563-875-9113 ROGER KLOSTERMANN RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 563.875.8544 521 5th ST. NW, Dyersville I Auto • Home • Business Health Life • Umbrella Downtown Dyersville DEE’S MINI-STORAGE, LLC Off Highway 136 North on Bries Drive • Dyersville, IA (563) 875-6099 Tim English 563-875-2716 NEED A FARM REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST? • Buying or selling farmland? • Need a farm appraisal? • Farm lease updated? Please call me! Jim Rothermich HWY. 136, Dyersville, Iowa 563-875-7129 • 800-747-7129 Andersen® the brand more builders buy Mercy Medical Center Dyersville 563-875-6088 563-875-7519 Worthington 563-855-4305 Mark & Janet Stelken STONE CREEK SHOPPING CENTER • DYERSVILLE, IA Serving the Dyersville area for over 60 years! Derrick Parsons HVAC • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING FIREPLACES • HOT TUBS/SPAS rains r NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS LLC Jude Milbert, EA, CFP® Real Estate Sales • Farm Appraisals Farm Management HOURS: M-Tu-We-Fr. 7:30-5:00, Th. 7:30-8:00, Sat. 7:30-noon (515) 493-9865 Parishioner Brother Knight St. Boniface, Waukee, IA 114 First Ave West • Dyersville (563) 875-2042 Elite Dental KURT V. BURBACH, D.C. TOM J. MARTIN, D.C. DAN F. MARTIN, D.C. Julie Koch-Womer, D.D.S. Welcoming new patients of all ages 563-875-7466 Bobby & Carrie Fangman Dyersville 563-875-8706 563-875-7101 Dyersville, IA (563) 875-2800 Paint, Electrical, Plumbing, Hardware & Garden Center, Glass & Screen Repair “Specializing in the Gonstead Method” 563-875-8386 1410 9th St SE • Dyersville, IA 52040 Golf Side Grille 350 First Ave. East, Dyersville, Dyersvill IA 52040 • (563) 875-7340 • (800) 850-7340 Hours: Mon.-Thur. 4-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 4-10pm Sun. 4-9pm Jeff, Terri, Evan, Autumn & Isaac Ehlers Delivery Available • 563-875-6336 30824 Olde Hawkeye Rd, • Dyersville Weekend Special - 2 Large Deli Subs for $9.99 Dyersville • 875-2434 AUTO TECH INC Service • Body • AAA Towing 563-875-2748 BODENSTEINER IMPLEMENT (563) 875-9111 Mandy Kruse 875-2724 Used Cars, Late Model and Specializing in 50’s & 60’s Team Dyersville (563) 875-2711 Team Worthington (563) 855-2711 Dyersville Dyersville • 563-875-8398 Steve Salter • 563-875-8188 Compassionate Veterinary Care Serving you since 1979 Dyersville • Holy Cross • Farley (563) 875-8024 Jason Putz, PT • Ted Kruse, PT Dyersville • 563.875.8615 Josiah Polito, PT • Shelly Deutmeyer, PTA Experienced in Improving Area Homes for 30+ Years 875-2085 Manchester • 563.927.1499 ATBancorp MemberFDIC Simply better banking.® 301 1st Ave. E. • 563-875-2491 Hwy 136 • 563-875-2492 Craig W. Kramer, CFSP David J. Kramer Funeral Directors RECKER AG SERVICES Dyersville, Holy Cross, Monticello East Central Iowa Real Estate Professionals Steve Faber, Broker/Owner 339 1st Ave. E. • Dyersville 563-875-8346 For Residential, Commercial & Farm services, FREE use of our moving trailer within 50 miles Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2683 563-875-7121 800-810-5129 F.L. KRAPFL, INC. SEED CROP INSURANCE • CONTRACTORS • Water & Waste Systems & Treatment Excavation & Concrete Structures Herb Recker • Mike Recker • 875-7201 Dyersville • 563-875-8938 WM. BURGER LAND SURVEYORS 5103rd Street W. Ct. Worthington (563) 590-1964 DYERSVILLE - 875-7163 NEW VIENNA, IA 52065 (563) 921-2455 • • • • PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING COOLING JAMIE KONRARDY, OWNER QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS WWW.CITIZENSSTATEONLINE.COM 563-875-8021 923 2nd Avenue SE Dyersville, Iowa 52040 MEMBER FDIC 563-921-2896 Arnie Bries - Dave Maiers - Al Hildebrand BLAKE A. WILLIAMS, D.C. SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA 875-2738 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF HANSEN 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Willenborg Tree Service Trimming & Removal Jeff • 563-543-6369 • Dyersville Free Estimates • Insured SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER, DYERSVILLE, IA Classic Concepts Hair Salon & Tanning We Take Large Wedding Parties Spa Packages Available 101 1st Ave. W., Dyersville • 875-6174 Julie Heinrichs, Owner/Stylist A 4C 01-1047 12-31-2014 15:33:07
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