Latest Edition

1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
The site of vehicles on blocks has been a familiar sight in the Elkview
and surrounding areas for few days now. The area has been hit hard with
the theft of tires/rims taken directly off of parked vehicles. Several businesses has had them stolen from their parking lots (Kmart, Ponderosa,
Jeff’s Auto, Service Plus, Bob Evans, Elkview China Rest., and many
more) have been hit hard along with individuals including vehicles
parked on Church parking lots. The area has banded together to watch
out for each other and one business owner has taken it upon himself to
find out who and where the thieves are and help the authorities to stop
this rampage of thefts. Residents are encouraged to keep an eye out for
these culprits and if you see anything out of the ordinary call the State
Police/Kanawha County Sherriff’s and report it immediately. Do not try
to stop them yourself they could be dangerous. This ring of thefts is valued into the thousands now and they are brazen to keep up the thefts after it has been made public. Keep an eye out and help bring these thieves
to Justice.
The Town of Clendenin received a Great Audit with only two minor
infractions that are already in the works of being corrected. The two
minor infractions are listed in the audit report posted on page 6. This
makes the second Audit since the new administration took office in 2013 that they have received a
great report. The two infractions were minor and
basically a technicality. Good job to the new administration for keeping our town honest and in
the black! See page 6
Page 1
Tim Armstead
sworn in as
Speaker of
the House of
Del e gat es .
A Republican representing Kanawha’s
40th district,
goal is creating jobs
growth as
his top priorities for
this year’s
l egi s l at i v e
Congratulations Tim, we all are proud of you.
Page 2
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Get Your Finances Under Control in 2015!
Financial Peace University is coming to Elkview Baptist Church
This 9 week university will meet on Sunday evenings, beginning on Feb 8th at 6:30pm.
Call Elkview Baptist Church (304) 965-3325 for more details.
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling
money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical
steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt,
manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
Lesson 1
Super Saving Common Sense for Your Dollars and Cents
Lesson 2
Relating With Money Nerds and Free Spirits Unite!
Lesson 3
Cash Flow Planning The Nuts and Bolts of Budgeting
Lesson 4
Dumping Debt Breaking the Chains of Debt
Lesson 5
Buyer Beware The Power of Marketing on Your Buying Decisions
Lesson 6
The Role of Insurance Protecting Your Health, Family and Finances
Lesson 7
Retirement and College Planning Mastering the Alphabet Soup of Investing
Lesson 8
Real Estate and Mortgages Keeping the American Dream From Becoming a Nightmare
Lesson 9
The Great Misunderstanding Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving
Parenting Skills Class
“Getting to the Heart of Parenting” By
By Paul David Tripp- Author and International Conference Speaker
This 9 week class will meet on Sunday evenings, beginning on Feb 8th at 6:30pm.
Call Elkview Baptist Church (304) 965-3325 for more details. This class is Free to all!
"Parenting is more than using your power to get children to behave in certain ways. Parenting is all about the exposure and change of the child's heart. When the heart of a child
changes the behavioral change that is needed will last. Learn how to be an instrument of
heart changing grace in the little moments of life that God will give you with your children, whether they are toddlers or teens."
Session 1 & 2- What is Family?
Session 3 & 4- Getting to the Heart of Behavior
Session 5 & 6- Ages 0-5
Session 7 & 8- Ages 6-12
Session 9 & 10- Ages 13 and up
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Call Now For Advertising Rates You can call,
write or E-Mail me with your ads, news, stories, announcements or funny jokes.
Phone: 304-546-9088
Sug Sams, (The Country Times, LLC) P.O.
Box 1451, Clendenin WV, 25045
Visit my web page @
Most the articles and pictures in this paper are created by
the owner of The Country Times (Sug Sams). There shall
be no reprints or copies of these stories or pictures unless
written consent of the owner (Sug Sams). Articles or pictures sent in to me for print can be used with the permission from the sender. I have no problem with the use of
my pictures and articles been used as long as you have
written consent prior to the usage. Thank you very much,
Owner, Editor and everything else! Sug Sams
The Country Times reserves the right to accept or refuse any articles, stories, advertisers (or advertising)
that they choose. The judgment of The
Country Times is solely their own discretion and may not reflect on any one individual or business. Dated 4/25/05
Sug Sams, Owner, Editor, etc...
Page 3
The Country Times
Issue Dates for 2014:
Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 21, Dec 5, Dec 19.
All ads and news stories must be in
one week prior to Issue Date to
guarantee printing. Call or text-304546-9088
Hello Readers,
I hope everyone’s New Years has started out good. My New Years has started out way
better than it did last year. By this time last year I already had a broken leg and we all
were dealing with the water crisis. This year I got good news on my skin cancer, they
were able to get it all and it hadn’t spread into organs or lymph nodes yet! Danny has
spoiled me the last few weeks and I’m almost back to normal, if that is ever possible
with me…ha, ha, ha! We have been busy the last few weeks getting the shop ready for
a big truckload. We finally got it organized in time to get the 24 pallet truckload in and
now we are unorganized again! We got lot of great merchandise in and we will be trying to get as much out as possible in the next few auctions for our customers. Check
our ad out on page 12 to see some of the merchandise. In the next few weeks the Town
of Clendenin will in a buzz over who will be running for Mayor, Recorder, and Council. The group we have in now have worked together better than any group I’ve seen
for years. I’ve spoken to the Mayor, Recorder, and most of the Council and they all
agree it has been the smoothest running term they have ever had! Hopefully they all
will decide to run again and keep the town running smoothly and out of the red. Keep
warm and Until the next issue…Keep Smiling! Sug
Need A New Dentist
Sunshine to…
…2-1/2 months until Spring
...cancer free Tim Armstead the new Speaker of the House
...the Town of Clendenin for getting another good audit
...Residents standing up to Tire Thieves
...Good Samaritans that care
Clouds to…
...Brrrrrrr…cold weather
...time passing way too fast
...people who leaves their animals out in the cold
Have you ever been guilty of looking at someone your own age and thinking, "Surely
I can't look that old?" I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a
new dentist. I noticed his DDS diploma, which showed his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name who had been in my
high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could this be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then? Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any
such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too
old to have been my classmate. After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Mighty Park High School. "Yes. Yes, I did. I'm a Mustang," he beamed with
pride. "When did you graduate?" I asked. He answered, "In 1969. Why do you ask?"
"You were in my class!" I exclaimed. He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old,
bald wrinkled, fat, gray, decrepit son-of-a-gun asked, "What did you
teach?"…I changed dentists!
Smart Lady
Phil, a smart and handsome young man, dressed in the latest fashion,
walked into this local pub. He noticed a woman gazing at him without
blinking her big eyes. Phil felt flattered so he walked up to the
woman and said in his deepest voice, 'I'll do anything you wish, beautiful lady, but on
one condition.' The woman appeared to be trapped in the moment and asked as if in a
trance, 'What's your condition?' Phil answered, 'Tell me your wish in just three
words.' There was a long pause, the woman handed him her address. She then looked
deeply into his eyes and whispered,
'(1) Clean (2) My (3) House.'
Page 4
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
4802 Chimney Drive,
Big Chimney, WV 25302
(304) 965-6222, (Off 119 ..Old
DQ bldg.on Elk River) Country,
Folk Art, Primitives and Victorian
Open Mon.-Fri.10:00-6:00, Sat. 10:00-4:00
Slow Cooker Chicken Salad
1lb. Chicken Breast
2 Bell Peppers
3 Med. Onions
1 Package of Taco Seasoning
1/2 head lettuce
1/2 can black olives
1 cup shredded taco cheese
Combine Chicken, Bell Peppers, and 2 Onions in slow cooker. Sprinkle
taco seasoning on top and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low 6-8 hours.
No water is necessary
Combine remaining ingredients in bowl for salad. Serve Chicken on
top of salad. If desire use Italian dressing or dressing of your choice.
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
All Clendenin Residents 10% OFF
all mechanic work & tires
Expires 1/31/15-Must show proof of address
Holiday Special-$44.95 Oil Change
Oil Change with Valvoline, Castrol, or Pennzoil Oil
Reg. Filter, up to 5qts. Oil. Also includes; Check Tire
PSI, Check Brakes, Rotate Tires, Top off all Fluids,
Check Belts, Hoses, and Fill Windshield Washer.
Expires 1/31/15 TCT
Page 5
Page 6
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
58 Mt. Pleasant Drive, Elkview,
West Virginia 25071
Phone: (304) 965-7062
Fax: (304) 965-9262
Email Addresses:
Pastor Lee Swor
Sunday School-
10:00am/ for all ages
Morning Services-
Evening Service-
Wednesday Night
Nursery Provided
Mayor Gary L. Bledsoe
I hope that everyone is still
keeping up with his or her
New Year’s Resolution. I
know I am (Ha, Ha, Ha.) I
guess that we all are still waiting on all the snow that we
are predicted to get, maybe
we will get lucky this winter
and not have to worry about
slick roads and power outages. There are times we are not aware of the roads that are slick, so feel
free to call Town Hall and let us know. We try to get the hills salted first
then start on the level. We have been taking advantage of no snow and
getting some work done inside Town Hall and The Recreation Center that
has been in need of repair for several
years. The New Hours at The Clendenin
Yard Waste Site began on January 12th.
The sign with the new hours has been
up for two weeks. The Fairs and Festivals Committee has started to hold their
meetings to start planning Clendenin's
Independence Day Celebration. Please
call Mandi at (304)548-4192 and help
to plan a Celebration that Tops last
years. This is an Election Year in Clendenin and if you are not registered to
vote we have the forms at Town Hall. If
you have any questions or concerns
give us a call.
The annual Town Audit, conducted by Balestra, Harr & Scherer,
CPAs, has been completed with the following findings:
(1) Segregation of Duties — According to the audit, the Town
does not have enough employees to handle funds collected.
This is a finding that affects every Class IV town in West Virginia and is difficult to resolve with the limited budgets of
Class IV towns;
(2) Excess Expenditures — The Town received a Pass Through
grant from FEMA for the purpose of buying out flooded
homes no longer habitable. The money was received, deposited in the General Account, and paid out to the attorney representing FEMA after Council approval. We were cited because the Town did not submit a budget revision for the
amount of the Pass Through grant. To our knowledge, this
has not been a requirement in past years.
Regarding Segregation of Duties, we will train an additional employee
to assist with handling of deposits, which should ease this requirement. With the second finding, we will no longer allow Pass Through
grants to be passed on to the intended party until a budget revision
has been submitted to the WV State Auditor's Office and approval has
been granted.
All other audit investigations showed that our bank accounts were in
order and that we had no discrepancy of funds. All accounts balanced
out exactly when our records were compared to the auditor's review.
David E. Ross, Recorder
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Mom Knows Best
Jessica never realized what the big fuss was about this evening. She had a big fight with
her parents about using her car that they had got her for her sixteenth birthday and it was
HER car so she should be able to go where she wanted and take whoever she wanted in it.
Jessica’s parents had thought differently and told her they were going to take her keys if she
didn’t abide by the rules. She had stormed out of the house with her car keys and jumped
into her car and drove off picking up her friend Kim on the way. She had been gone for a
few hours, but the nerve of her parents to have the whole town looking for her. Kim and
Jessica was laughing and Kim was showing her a text that a boy she liked had sent her
when she took her eyes off the road for a second. The next thing she knew they went over
an embankment and her new car rolled a couple times before coming to a halt about sixty
feet over the hill. Jessica must’ve been knocked out for a second or two, because when she
came around Kim was gone, she guessed looking for help. Jessica walked back through the
woods and sat upon the hill overlooking her house and watched as the police and now the
fire dept. was coming and going constantly. How crazy was this to actually call the fire
dept. in to look for her. Jessica decided to show them, let them worry about her for awhile.
She was so tired she decided to take a nap and let her parents stew for a little while longer
and teach them a lesson. Jessica woke startled to realize that it had already become dark.
She decided to sneak back to the house and see what was going on. When she got close
enough to hear everyone they were talking and she could tell they were upset, she knew she
was going to be in so much trouble for being going for so long and what if they had found
her car wrecked? Boy she was in trouble. She had an idea of sneaking into her room and
pretending to have been in her room for a time. She was so tired and when she went to her
room she climbed on her bed and fell asleep instantly. When she woke she heard her mom
and dad talking in the kitchen and remembered the fight earlier and figured she might as
well go into the kitchen and get her punishment that she knew was coming. She peaked
around the corner and she saw her parents sitting at the table and they looked horrible. She
knew she was going to be in so much trouble. They were discussing something in a low
voice that she couldn’t hear. Jessica decided to wait a bit longer before she approached
them. She went back to her room and about that time she heard the phone ring and then she
heard her parents leave almost immediately. Someone must have found her car and she
knew she was going to be in so much trouble. Jessica walked out back and her dog Sniffy
came around the corner and when Sniffy saw her he came up to her and sniffed her then
started whining until she acknowledge him and rubbed his ears. Jessica thought that at least
her dog wasn’t mad at her. When Jessica went back in the house she was so tired again she
decided to lie down a bit before her parents got back, because she knew she was going to
have to be alert when her parents got home to talk herself out of the trouble she was going
to be in when they got home. She fell asleep immediately and was dreaming that her parents were crying standing beside of her bed. She woke with a startle and no one was there.
She had slept for a long time and when she woke her parents still hadn’t returned. Where
could they be? She must be getting sick because all she could do is sleep all day. Her head
was hurting real bad and she wished her mom would come home to give her something to
make it quit hurting. She must have hit it when they wrecked. She remembered Kim and
started to call her when her head was hurting to bad and decided she wait a few minutes,
boy she needed her mom’s attention right now. She always knew how to make things better. Jessica went back in her room to lie again because her headache was getting so much
worse. She lied down on her bed and fell asleep immediately. She woke and her mom and
dad was standing over her crying and when they saw her open her eyes they started smiling
and hugging her. She looked around and she was in a hospital. She asked her mom what
had happened. She said she had a bad headache and lied down and she woke here in the
hospital. Her mom said, “Jessica you were in a bad car wreck and the ambulance bought
you straight to the hospital.” Jessica felt so confused, she had been home with her dog
Sniffy before she laid down. She remembered Kim and asked where Kim was and both her
parents looked at each other and her mom said, “Honey Kim didn’t make survive; she was
thrown from the car because she didn’t have her seatbelt on.” Jessica started crying and
kept saying over and over, “I’m sorry,” but it was too late Kim had died because of her and
there was nothing she could do because there was “do-over’s” in death. Jessica kept saying,
“Why didn’t I listen to you, mom, Why?” Jessica survive with only a bad concussion and
bruises, but her friend paid the ultimate price.
Page 7
Page 8
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
•Reg. & Modified inspection station •Engine repairs •custom exhaust •oil changes •brake jobs •tire
rotations •alignments •a/c service •we sell tires, batteries & more
Page 9
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Hunter Safety Class
For Sale
2004 Clayton Mobile Home
Must be moved. $17,500. 14 X 70, 3 BR, 2 Baths,
1 BR suite, and most appliances included. 2 closed
in porches-not attached. 304-548-7820
January Music Schedule at Big Otter Community Center
January 2nd...Southern Twist
January 9th....Country Outlaws
January 16th..Friends of Country
January 23rd..Country Fried
Doors open at 4:00. Music starts at 7:00.
50/50 drawing and door prize. Concessions available.
$2.00 donation accepted. More information call 304-286-2672.
Thursday and Friday,
March 26 & 27
5pm-10pm. FREE.
Must register in advance. Limited
to 30 spots. Register at Clendenin
Town Hall.
Military Veterans – If you would like your voice to be heard in
Washington, DC, join the American Legion Post 61, WV Chapter
82nd Airborne Division Association, Disabled American Veterans
Post 28. For more information or to join, contact David Walker at
304-380-7992. Join up and get in the fight for the benefits you
Firewood For Sale
Orders cut to your specifications
Call: 304-389-7347
Sams Auction
Valentine Jewelry for Sale!
10K, 14K, Sterling Silver, and more!
Lay-A-Way Available
Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, and More!
Valentine Glassware, Candles, Baskets,
made to order and much more
Mattresses FOR SALE
Pillowtop Mattress Set – Queen, $150, New!
In Plastic with Warranty! Can deliver. 304553-8703
King Size Mattress Set – New! In Plastic,
Warranty. $250. 304-553-8703 Delivery Avail.
Full Mattress Set - $135. New with Warranty.
Factory Package. Will Deliver. 304-553-8703
Memory Foam Mattress – Super Comfortable, Great Night’s Sleep! New with Warranty! $250. 304-553-8703
Page 10
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Rumor has it…
...there might be a lot of extra salt left over this winter
...there might be a lot of hats thrown in the ring f
or Mayor and Council the rumor has it
...Sams Auction received some nice items in the 24 pallet truckload
...some “Free” tires will be getting some guys some nice new with numbers on the back
...a new restaurant will be coming soon to Clendenin
...The town is starting to get cleaned up
Page 11
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Oil Change Special
up to 6 quarts of oil Call 304-9354854 for an appt. For Diesel Specials call us for
a price and an appt.
~W/this coupon~ Expires February, 2014
Big Chimney Automotive and
Diesel Specializes
in Fleet Maintenance and Diesel Mechanics.
Repairs on all Diesel's Duramax, Cummings,
and Powerstroke and heavy equipment.
Services: Alignments, Oil Changes, Brakes,
Shocks and Struts, Tires, Air Conditioning
Service, Tune-up's, Computer Diagnostic,
State Inspections, and much more...
NEW! Reusable Candle Crock Jars-Variety
of colors & styles
Page 12
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
The Month of January will be Saturday Night Auctions Only! Some of our customers have asked
for Saturday Auctions instead of Friday’s Auctions and we have decided to try Saturday nights for
a month. If this day accommodates you better show up and have fun and get some great bargains.
We will decide after January to keep Saturdays or to go back to Fridays. Spread the word Saturday
Night Auctions are back! We have purchased a NEW 24 pallet truckload!!!
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
$ 9 9 , 5 Charleston-$134,900.
0 0 C l e n d e n i n - $ 9 8MLS#
MLS#153710 - 6 acres M/L MLS#154995-Call Ralph
143168 Call-Ralph Lynch-304Call Ralph Lynch-304-546- Lynch-304-546-5090 or
5090 or Christy Strimel-304Christy Strimel-304-389389-6345
Page 13
Co.- $49,000.,
MLS#150844– 14 acres
M/L. Call April Goodwin304-561-5400
Clendenin-$284,900-MLS#155524Beautiful 4 B/R,2 1/2 BA Home, Tons Of Closet
Space, Master Suite With Large Walk In Closet
And Shower, Work Out Room Could Be Additional Living Area As Needed. 2+ acres M/L. 2
Car attached garage. Call Christy Strimel-304389-6345 or Ralph Lynch– 304-546-5090
Clendenin - $99,500.
MLS#153090-Call-Ralph-304-546-5090 or Christy304-389-6345
Pinch- $45,000 MLS#
151522-Building Lot-4
acres M/L. Ralph Lynch304-546-5090
Clendenin- $50,000 MLS#
15437126 acres.
Ralph--304-546-5090 or
Elkview - $200,000.
E l k v i e w - $ 1 6 , MLS#
Call-Ralph Lynch-304MLS#153703-2.7 acres.
Call-Christy-304-389- sandra-304-776-0272
Mink Shoals-$109,000
MLS#152884 -Call Ralph
Lynch-304-546-5090 or
Christy Strimel-304-3896345
Coopers Creek-38,000
MLS#149364 Call- Call
Chelyan- $79,900 MLS#
Cavender-304– 4154695
MLS#152906-3 acres M/L
Call: Cassandra- 304-7760272
MLS#154326- Call-Ann
Cavender-304– 415-4695
MLS#152823-Call: Ralph
Lynch-304-546-5090 or
Christy Strimel-304-3896345
Charleston - $66,900.
MLS#148413-CallCassandra Casto-Napier304-776-0272
Page 14
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
A/C Service
(up to 2lbs. Freon)
Oil Change
Expires 1/31/15
Tire Rotation
(excludes dually)
Expires 1/31/15
♦ Temperatures Controlled
♦ Online Bill Pay
♦ Interior Storage
♦ Dollies/Handcarts
Up to 5-Qts.
Expires 1/31/15
♦ RV, Car, Boat Parking
♦ Boxes & Supplies
♦ Fenced & Gated
♦ Security Cameras
Office Hours:
Sat. 9am-12pm
Access Hours:
365 days of the year
Front End
(Most vehicles/price
per each end)
Expires 1/31/15
(Parts extra if needed)
Expires 1/31/15
Page 15
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
81 Iddleman Drive, Pinch WV
Hair, Mani’s, Pedi’s, & Waxing
Shari Ball-Owner/Operator
20% OFF Chemical
Nancy Stricker-Operator
Facials Are
Relaxing Service for
month of January
Family Hair Care
would like to THANK YOU, our
clients for keeping us open for 10
-months and all the cards/gifts
this Holiday Season. Thank you
sincerely, we appreciate you!
Sudoku Directions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column,
and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 10. There is only
one solution to the puzzle.
Why worry about things you cannot change? Have faith Let go and move on, because you are meant to live
When we say moving on, it doesn't mean forgetting,
it means remembering all the good times that
will help you get through the pain of the absence
Moving on is not about never looking back. It's about taking
a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you've
grown with life’s tragedies
Don’t Throw Stones When
You Live In A Glass House
Pick up a Copy Of The Country
Times At These Locations:
Big Chimney, Mink Shoals: Hardees, Harding's, Master Crafters
Primitive Gift Shoppe, O.V. Smith’s Hardware, The Outlet Store, Dr.
Richards, Means Stone, Olin’s Market, Headhunters, Tops Off Barbershop Express, Big Chimney Auto Diesel Repair, Health Source,
Welcome Home Primitives N more, Rite Aid
Clendenin: Sams Auction & Bargain Barn, Scarlett Motors, Clendenin Laundromat, Clendenin Pharmacy, Giovanni's Pizza, JU-G’s, TriState Bit & Drilling Supply LLC. ., Ultratan, Main Street Florist,
Clendenin Auto Body, Chase, Elk Beauty Salon, Shafer's Super Stop,
Speedway, Matics Funeral Home, Poca Valley Bank, Angela’s Cut &
Tanning, Liberty Tax Service, Creations, Clendenin Library, Jon’s
Barber Shop, Ktrenas Kloset, Smith Ins., Penny Pinchers, Cooters
Auto Repair, Taylor Music, Rockin Robins, Save-A-Lot, Reciprocity
Gifts. MJ Automotive, Rite Aid
Elkview: Fabric Hut, Ponderosa, Scissors, Special Occasions Unlimited, Seven Eleven, Kroger's, Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Smith’s
Food Fair, Teed & Associates, McDonald’s, Elk River Auto, Poca
Valley Bank, Jeff’s Auto, Rogers Hardware, Pinch Exxon, Pizza Hut,
Dean Jeffries-State Farm Ins., The Country Cottage Hair Salon, Elk
Family Dentistry, Franks’ Body Shop, Dr. Bill Gibson DDS, Fabric
Hut, Good Family Pharmacy, Elk Valley Physical Therapy, Elkview
Library, Gold Key Realtor, nTelos, RONI’s, Shari’s Family Hair
Care, Chambers Auto Repair
Charleston Area: Shrewsbury Auction House, Twin Hills Family
Restaurant, Capital Flea Market, The Outlet Center, Swor Insurance,
Bigley Go Mart, Chamber Auto Repair,
Clay Area: Crossings
Restaurant-Maysel, Bullard’s Exxon, Go-Mart,
Ginos/Tudors, Rite- Aid,
Clay Court House, Bowen’s Dental
Page 16
Clendenin First Baptist Church
Pastor Tim Barnhouse -Church- 548-6132
Sunday School: 10:00am-10:45am (all ages)
Morning Worship/Children's Church: 11:00am
Sun. Evening Bible Study: 6:00pm
Wednesday: AWANA- 6:30 - 7:30pm
Wed.-Choir Practice - 7:30pm
Thurs.-Women’s Bible Study
Nursery provided all services
Clendenin Advent, Pastor Mike Todorovich
Sunday School 9:45am,
Morning Worship and King’s Jewels 11:00am
Evening Service 7:00pm
Clendenin Church of Nazarene
Sunday School at 9:45am,
Morning Worship 10:50am
Sunday Eve. 6:00 pm
Bible Study/Teen Serv. 7:00pm
United Methodist Brawley Chapel
Sunday Worship: 9:00am
Sun. School-9:45
Pastor: Rev. Scott Ferguson
Clendenin United Methodist Church,
Pastor: Scott Ferguson
Sunday School: 10:00am,
Morning Sunday Worship: 11:00am
Wed.-Bible Study-6:00pm, Choir: 7:00pm
P.O.Box 686, Clendenin, WV, 25045,
Gospel Light Community Church
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Eve. 7:00pm
Clendenin Church of God
Pastor Ryan Seabolt
Sunday School-10:00am
Sunday Worship Service-11:00am
Friday Eve.-7:30pm
Kelly Hill F.W.B. Church
Sunday Morning-10:00am
Sunday Eve.-7:30pm
Wednesday Eve.-7:30pm
Pastor Jeff Nichols
Jordan Mound Gosp. Tab.
Sunday School- 9:45am
Sunday Evening-7:00pm
Thursday Evening-7:30pm
St. Annes Outreach 304-539-3636
Jordan Light Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor: Robert Jett
Sunday School 9:45 AM, Sunday Morning Worship
11:00 AM, Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7 PM, Wednesday
Evening Youth and Children’s Bible Study 7 Pm
Heritage Baptist Church, Sunday School All ages - 9:45
a.m., Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. AWANA
begins in Sept. Ages 2 through 6th grade. Teen Classes.,
Sunday Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening
Classes for all ages- 7:00 p.m. Nursery is provided at
every service. Visit our website at or
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Liberty Advent Church, Twistabout,
Sunday Morning 10:00am-11:00am,
Morning Worship 11:00am-12:00pm
Wed. Bible Study & Worship 6:30pm
Pastor: John Barnhouse
Mount Hope Community Church
Monday at 7:30pm(off Ambler Ridge)
Clio Community Church
Sunday Morning 10:00am, Sunday Eve. 7:00pm
Wednesday Eve. 7:00pm
Sand Run Gospel Tabernacle Church
Youngs Bottom, WV
Sunday School-10:00am, Morning Worship-11:00am
Sunday Worship-6:00pm, Wednesday Bible Study and
Teen Service 7:30
Pastor Frank Allen
Blue Creek Advent Church
Sunday School-9:45am,
Morning Worship-11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study-7:00pm
Pastor-Terry Johnson
Thorofare Community Church
Sunday Morning-10:00am, Sunday
Evening-7:00pm Wednesday Eve.7:00pm, Pastor:-Claude Holley Jr.,
Every One Welcome
Stillwaters Ministries, (former Bufflick Welford Church),
Seth Parsons Pastor,
Sunday Morning, Service 10:00 AM, Sunday
Evening Service 6:30 Everyone Welcome.
New Beginnings Church Of The Nazarene Of Pinch
Pastor Larry Arbogast
Sunday Schedule: Fellowship/Refreshments-9:30am
Sunday School-10:00am,Morning Worship-10:45 am
Children’s Church-10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship6:00pm, Wednesday Bible Studay-7:00pm
Noah’s Ark Full Gospel Church
Sun. Night 7:00pm, Thurs. Night 7:00pm
Sunday School-10am
1st church on left up Jordan Creek
Senior Pastor : Roger Mullins
Pastor: Jimmy Marcum: For information
Call 304-548-7704
Feed the Hungry-Every 3rd Sat.
each month at noon, Everyone Welcome
Big Chimney Baptist Church
Sunday School-10:00am, Morning Worship-11:00am
Sunday Evening-6:30pm, Wed. Night Bible Study6:30pm, Youth Meetings All Services
Pastor Dan Forwood
Antioch Advent Christian Church, Aarons Fork Road,
Elkview, Pastor Nahum Balser, Sunday Services, Sunday School 10:00, Morning Worship 11:00, Wednesday Services, Bible Study 7:00
Little Sandy Baptist Church
Sunday 10am, Sunday Eve. Worship 6pmWednesday
Eve. Prayer meeting & Bible Study Pastor Roger L
Canaan Baptist Church
1919 Bigley Ave., Charleston, Church # 304-343-4915
Sunday-10am-11am, Eve.-6pm, Wed. Bible/Youth
study 7pm. Pastor Ray Williams
Elk River Ministry Inc., Queen Shoals
Full Gospel Church
Thurs. 7:00pm
Blue Creek Church, Wed. 7:00pm
Cold Springs Gospel Tabernacle,
Pastor John Casey
Sun., Morn. Worship:10:00am,
Sunday School: 11:30am
Sunday Eve. Service:7:30pm
Tuesday Eve.: 7:30
Clendenin United Pentecostal Church
Sunday-10:00am, Sunday Eve.-6:00pm
Wednesday 7:30pm
Everyone Welcome
For Prayer or Information, Call-548-6323
Doctors Creek Community Church
Services Sunday morning at 10:00 am
Sunday night at 7:00 pm
Tuesday night at 7:00 pm
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Pastor Lee Swor
Sunday School-10:00am
Morning Worship Service-10:50
Sunday Evening-6:30
Wednesday Night-7:00pm
Christ’s Baptist Church
Pastor Bob Harrison
Sunday School 10:00am, Morning Worship 11am
Sunday Eve. Worship 6pm
Wed. Serv. 7:00pm, Youth Wed. 7:00pm
Everyone Welcome,
Sandy Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Aaron’s Fork Rd, Elkview WV 304-965-5959
Sundays:Sunday School 10am
Sunday Worship Service 11am
Sunday 6pm-‘Master Club for Children’ Sunday eve.
Worship– 6pm, Wed. eve. SVC-7pm,
Pastor Roger Petry
Rolling Hill Methodist Church
5781 Thorofare Rd.
Sun. School: 10:00am, Follow by Worship Serv.
Sun. Eve. Worship: 7pm
Thurs. Bible Study an Worship 7pm
Cottontree Community Church
Pastor: Bill Meadows
Sunday: 10:00am
Sunday Eve.: 6:00pm
Wed. Eve.: 7:00pm
Ed’s Fork Community Church
Sunday Mornings 10:00am, Sunday Evenings 7:00pm,
Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm, Pastor Bob Paintiff
Pisgah Free Will Baptist Church across the river from
lower end of Clay Cherokee Drive Service times Sunday 10AM and 7PM Dennis Vance Pastor
Where Love Is
Liberty Christian Minstries.
Service hours are Sun 10:00am & 6:00pm,
Wednesdays 7:00.
Spencer Road
Pastor is still Mel Kerr.
See more church listings on page 18
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Three Bay Mechanic or Body
Shop Garage for Rent in
Clendenin WV With Office
Space. Tractor Trailer Accessible. Call: 304-965-0841
♦ Stone
♦ Masonry Products
♦ Building Stone
♦ Sand
♦ Driveway Gravel
♦ Concrete
♦ Mortar
♦ Cinder Blocks
♦ Flag Stone for Patio
♦ Indiana Limestone Products
(Ohio Buff & Blue Colors)
Small and Large Jobs!!! Oil Changes, Brake Jobs, Engine
Repairs, Tires rotations, and much more!
Hours: M-F~ 7am-6pm
Sat.~8am-1pm~~Closed Sunday
Page 17
Page 18
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Angela’s located @ #12 Virginia Ave., Clendenin, second
street after crossing the Clendenin Bridge on the right
Burke Memorial Methodist Church
Located across Camp Creek Bridge
Sunday Morning Preaching-9:AM
Sunday School-10:AM,
Wednesday Night Bible Study-7:PM
Pastor: Jerry Chandler
Young’s Memorial Church, Queen
Pastor Allen Jones
Sunday School 10:00am,
Sunday Preaching 11am & 6pm
Tuesday Bible Study 6:30pm
Across Queen Shoals Bridge– approx. 2
miles on right
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Bomont, Cross Queen Shoals bridge.
Services are: Sunday 10 am
Sunday 6 pm, Wednesday 7 pm
Pastor Ralph Davis
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Dutch Ridge Road/Laurel Road
Sunday Eve.-6:00pm, Tuesday-6:00pm
Pastor-Jim Myers,
Associate Pastor-LeeRoy Anderson
Word & Faith Baptist Church, Falling
Sunday Morning: 10 A.M,
Sunday Night: 6 P.M., Wednesday
Night: 7:30 P.M., Pastor: Calvin Ray
Lifesong (a Southern Baptist Church)
2152 Greenbrier St., Charleston
(Located across the road from the
Meadowbrook Nursing home)
Pastor Danny Cunningham, 10:45 am
Sunday, 7:00pm Wed., lifesongbap-
Come Check out our Christmas Ideas!
Christian Church
Spencer Rd. (Above Cottontree)
Sat. Night 7:00pm
Pastor Rudy Casto
More info; 304-548-6646
Johnson Creek Baptist Church
Vineyard Ridge, Walton WV
Services Sunday 10:00am & 6:00pm,
Wednesday 7:00pm
Starting Nov.
Contact information 304-548-4416
Cooper's Creek Advent
Christian Church
Approx 2.5 miles down
Cooper's Creek from
Big Chimney Exit off I79
Sunday School 10 AM
Message @ 11:15 AM
Reamer Hill Community Church
Leatherwood Road, Clendenin
Sunday School 10:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Sunday 7:00 pm
Pastor Tim Hobbs
Indian Creek Mission Church
1854 Quick Rd, Elkview WV
Pastor: Homer Wiseman
Sun. School 10am Worship
Serv. 11am
Eve. Service-6:00pm
Youth Groups
A Bible Believing Church
Bethany Baptist Church
1512 Greenbrier Street
Sunday School-9:50
Morning Worship-11am
Junior Church-11am
Wednesday Service & Awanas
Brawley United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship service 9:45am
Pastor Scott Ferguson
3 miles North of Clendenin
Elk Hills Presbyterian Church
(Located on Rt. 119 @ Elk Hills)
Entrance on Viking Road
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Handicap Accessible
Atkinson Memorial Church
Big Fork Rd., Off of Frame Rd.
Sunday School- 10:00am
Saturday Services -7:00pm
Pastor Anthony Ferrabee
Any Church Changes MUST
be emailed or Mailed. Will
NOT accept any changes over
the phone. This is a FREE service and the churches are responsible for any changes.
Free Estimates
Insurance Claims Welcomed
Owner: Herb Townsend
Page 19
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Pizza Special
Every Tues.
1-topping pizza
For $7.00
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Page 21
James “Doc” Alvin Mitchell, 52, of Bomont, went home to be with the
Lord on Sunday, December 28, 2014, at home peacefully. He was formerly
employed as an equipment operator at both Columbia Gas Transmission
and Barker and Sons. Doc is survived by his sons, James Austin Mitchell
and girlfriend Amanda, of Bomont, Andy Elijah Mitchell and girlfriend
Misty, of Bomont; parents, William “Toon” C. Mitchell and Nellie Sue
(Strickland) Mitchell; brother, Michael N. Mitchell and wife Christine, of
Pine Grove, WV; sisters, Beverly J. Mitchell of Witcher Creek, WV, Amber Rowlands and husband Tim, of Charleston, Amanda Belcher of Reedy,
Kasey Mitchell of Athens, GA; grandchildren, Mina and Ian Mitchell.
Doc’s funeral service will be 11 am Wednesday, December 31, 2014, at
Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with Pastor Darris Barker officiating.
Burial will be King-Mullins Cemetery in Bomont. His family will receive
friends 6 to 8 pm Tuesday at the funeral home.
P.O. 549
124 First Avenue
Clendenin, WV, 25045
Monuments Available
Sandra Kay Richard Bender, 55 of Amma went home to be with the Lord
January 2, 2014 at home after a short illness. She was the daughter of the
late John Richard. Kay was owner/manager of The Bee Keepers Berry
Farm in Big Pigeon she was also a home maker. She is survived by: husband, Henry Bender; mother, Esta Marie Williams Richard; daughters, Jessica Marie Lilly of Kingwood; son, Luther Huffman of Connecticut; step
daughter, Jacquelyn Dawn Harless of Knoxville, TN; step sons, Henry
Shane Bender of Dayton, OH and Judson David Bender of Clarksburg,
WV; brothers, John David Richard, Paul Richard and Tony Richard all of
Clendenin; sister, Joyce Chapman of Amma; 12 grandchildren. Funeral
service will be 1:00 pm Sunday January 4, 2015 at the Amma Senior Citizens Center, Amma with the Rev. Billy Meadows officiating. Burial will
be in Richmond Chapel Church Cemetery, Chapel/Gassaway, WV. Visitation will be one hour (noon to 1) prior to the service.
Ancil Curtis Jones, 86, of Glasgow, WV, went to his eternal home Friday, January 9, 2015, at home after a long illness. He was a U. S. Air Force
Veteran who served his country proudly in the Korean War and was retired from Cabot Oil and Gas after 25 years of service. Curt, a member of the
Glasgow Church of the Nazarene, enjoyed hunting and camping along the Greenbrier River, spending time with family, and golfing. He was an avid
bowler; having been a member of the Friendship League for many years, Senior Citizens League and the Monday Night Men’s Industrial League. He
was preceded in death by his parents, the late Ancil Jefferson and Lucy Young Jones; siblings, Dana Jones, Daisy Gandee, Carolyn Urlahs, Betty Justice, Kathryn Swiney and Jay Jones respectively; and nephews, Eddie Gandee, David Jones, and Ronnie Jones. Curt is survived by his loving wife of
64 years, Nancy Caroline Jarrett Jones; son, James Jones (Tammie), of Charleston; daughter, Cathy Hudnall (Mark), of Mt. Carbon; brother, Gene
Jones, of Columbus, OH; sisters-in-law, Gloria Browder, of Greenwood, IN and Betty White Jones, of Clendenin; grandchildren, Justin Hudnall
(Mikka), of Beckley, Jeremy Hudnall (Hannah), of Ashford, Jon Hudnall (Debbie), of Cross Lanes, Larah Bess (Kevin), of Belle; great grandchildren, Karleigh, Cayleigh, Maddox, Izaiah, Dilynn, Mason, Sophie, Avery and Izabella; as well as families of many beloved nieces and nephews. The
family would like to recognize all those who loving cared for Curt, specially, Edie Kirk and Kim Keadle of Kanawha HospiceCare. A celebration of
life will be held at 2 pm Tuesday, January 13, 2014, at Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with his son, Rev. James C. Jones and nephew, Rev. Allen
Jones officiating and military rites performed by American Legion Post #61. Burial will be at Clendenin Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be 2
hours prior to the service at the funeral home.
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1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
500 Valentine Cards Sent by Laywer
Mike walked into a post office just before Valentine's day, he
couldn't help noticing a middle-aged, balding man standing
in a corner sticking "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes
with hearts all over them. Then the man got out a bottle of
Channel perfume from his pocket and started spraying scent
over the envelopes. By now Mike's curiosity had got the better of him,
and so I asked the man why he was sending all
those cards. The man replied, "I'm sending out 500
Valentine cards signed,
'Guess who?'" "But why?"
asked Mike. "I'm a divorce
lawyer," the man replied.
1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
• Fully Stocked
• Competitive Prices
• Large Selection of Merchandise
• Friendly Service
Page 23
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1/16/15-The Country Times-Issue #282
Chicken, Pork, Steak, Seafood, Combo Meals, Desserts, Salads and
much more…Family Dining in a Friendly Atmosphere