ENCUBATOR PORTFOLIO A SNEAK PEEK deve loping pr om ising ne w gr ow t h ENCUBATOR IS CHALMERS’ VENTURE CRE ATION INCUBATOR RE ALISING IDE AS TOGETHER WITH CHALMERS SCHOOL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Co-creating a better tomorrow We have the privilege to meet and work with inspiring and driven people every day – doing our best to co-create a better tomorrow. In close cooperation with Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship we create an allowing and explorative environment where young entrepreneurs team up with innovators and researchers to develop high-tech start-ups, and see their entrepreneurial potential come alive. Our role is to be there with support, encouragement and sometimes a little push in the right direction. But most of all we offer a rigid and strong platform from which our entrepreneurs and their teams can reach their goals. Now we offer you a sneak peek into the Encubator Portfolio and at the ventures already created. We are proud of what our entrepreneurs, innovators and partners have co-created with us so far, and we are convinced that there is much more to come. Linnéa Lindau, CEO Encubator AB ew grow n g in is m o r p g in p lo e de v Encubator globally top-ranked 8th in the world, top 2 in Europe and number 1 in Sweden! This summer we were recognized as the 8th best incubator in the world by University Business Incubator (UBI), an international organization that ranked over 300 university based incubators in 60+ countries. We are proud that our dedication to starting, nurturing and developing promising new growth companies has paid off. In close cooperation with Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship, Encubator co-creates sustainable business and societal value with entrepreneurs as driving force. We see this high ranking as one of several confirmations that support our powerful strategy of combining inventors with entrepreneurs. en t repren eu rs as dr iving fo rce th 41 companies and project s Encubator proudly presents: Our current portfolio Acosense develops and markets Acospector Acoustic Chemometer, a noninvasive instrument measuring complex f luids in the process industry. The innovative technique is based on acoustics and can measure a multitude of properties simultaneously and deliver an accurate measurements even on opaque, v iscous or corrosive f luids which gives immediate and continuous information about the process, enabling improved control and thereby increasing production quality and efficiency without ever being in contact with the f luid. www.acosense.com Biofrigas Sweden AB provide plants with a unique technology that makes it possible to upgrade and liquify biogas for small-scale production in agriculture, smaller treatment plants and industry. By using the Biofrigas solution, the distribution of fuel becomes at least six times more efficient. The customer receives financial provision on their raw material, such as animal manure, sewage sludge or municipal waste. www.biofrigas.se BIONORDUM BioNordum replaces toxic chemicals by launching a natural, safe and environmentally friendly product that effectively combats grey mould, one of the world’s most serious plant diseases. By using a special kind of yeast that serve as nature’s own defence against grey mould creates BioNordum an environmentally friendly product that is less harmful both the grower and the consumer of vegetables. Cereduce is developing a novel, yeast-based method for alcohol management that will allow winemakers to reduce the level of alcohol produced during wine fermentation. This will take away the need for mechanical treatment of the finished product and give winemakers greater control of the process and leave the wine’s texture untouched. www.cereduce.com Cryptango develops security products for machine-to-machine communication that are used in the society’s various infrastructures. The products eliminates the need of system modifications and makes it possible to add security to existing infrastructures. Beside the increased security level this results also in large cost savings and a fast and easy installation. www.cryptango.com Denator provides products that stabilize biological samples in order to enhance the quality and value of analytical results. Based on the proprietary heat-inactivation technology, sample degradation is instantly stopped and stability of sample components is maintained throughout the analytical workf low. Stabilization and standardization of sampling processes upstream, significantly enhances the quality of data obtained from analytical techniques used downstream. www.denator.com Partnership through ABO4 Diasend provides communication services for diabetes health-care. The company develops and markets a communication solution that is aimed at the care of patients with diabetes. Diasend provides a complete universal solution for transmitting, storing and monitoring patients’ glucose readings, insulin doses and physical activity data. www.diasend.com Dokus creates a digital service ledger for private houses. With Dokus, house owners will never again have to worry about the technical condition of their home. Dokus provides the house owner with renovation and maintenance history on the property, and makes it easier to figure out how much renovations costs, helping non-expert consumers plan for future maintenance in the house. The implicit benefit of better documentation is naturally the standardization of prices for handymen and building material, benefiting primarily non-expert consumers who are kept in the dark today. www.dokus.se Through their biochar system, Ecoera removes CO2 from the atmosphere, creates a carbonnegative energy source, raises crop yields for agriculture and offers a new way of offsetting CO2. This is done through a platform where Ecoera uses agricultural residues and turn their carbon atoms into a millenniastable form called “biochar”. This carbon is then applied to agricultural soils where it has a crop-enhancing effect by serving as a growth catalyst. The stored carbon dioxide is sold as a voluntary carbon offset. The biochar is offered to farmers for soil enhancement. www.ecoera.se V E N T U R E S C R E AT E D I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H C H A L M E R S S C H O O L O F E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P Edvirt AB provides simulation products and virtual training for underground construction. Edvirt’s customers are mining companies, tunneling contractors and machine manufacturers. www.edvirt.com HORJLVWLN / # 4 - ' 6 5 7 2 2 1 4 6 5 1 . 7 6 + 1 0 5 e-logistik provides thrid party logistic services (3PL) including warehousing, picking of products, wrapping and shipments. e-logistik combines the physical warehousing with software tools, which help its customers to have an efficient dialog with their customers and track all the distribution of their goods. e-logistik largest and fastest growing business area is e-commerce. e-logistik also offer its customers other value adding services such as packaging of food and call center services. www.elogistik.se Using microwave technology, Eviwave offers an innovative solution for verifying the dimensional quality of manufactured products in a much quicker and easier way. So quick that it is possible to ensure control of all manufactured products - without affecting the production time! Eviwave makes advanced quality control easy. E PLANEA MelVitas develops an unique device for enhancing the dentist’s ability to diagnose their patient’s teeth. By using non-harmful radiation in a handheld device with detailed image results, examinations can be made with greater flexibility and effectiveness than equipment used today at clinics. This lets the dentist’s plan and use their time and resources more effectively on patient care. www.melvitas.com Mevia helps patients take the right dose at the right time! We do this by utilizing our unique package that combines a regular blister pack, cardboard with printed conductive circuits and cellular technology (GSM). When a patient takes their medication mevia automatically and instantaneously uploads this to our MIA IT system, which can then communicate with the patient, relative or doctor. www.mevia.se Minalyze develops on-site real-time analyzing solutions for the mining industry. The product solves problems regarding insufficient information about the mineral and metal contents in the ground and enables for a more efficient and reliable exploration process. www.minalyze.com Explanea develops a service for the industry to connect with academic knowledge on demand. We help our customers to develop leading work processes and decision-making by providing them with the latest knowledge there is in a certain subject. Our model is applicable to any discipline of academic knowledge, and as our first field of expertise we focus on quality assurance of ICT. www.explanea.se Minesto develops a unique solution for harvesting tidal power energy. Power generation from tidal stream f lows can be predicted with substantially higher accuracy compared to other renewable energy sources such as wind and wave power. Opportunities for tidal power generation are enormous while the industry is still largely underdeveloped. www.minesto.com Insplorion develops and sells instruments for researchers within nanotechnology, chemistry and biotechnology. Specific areas were Insplorions instruments are used are within development of solar cells, pharmaceuticals and understanding nanotoxicology. Insplorion is currently developing the core technology for sensor applications within vehicle and industrial process monitoring. www.insplorion.com Monivent supports caregivers in saving our youngest patients. The company develops a user-friendly device to monitor the treatment given to newborns in need of manual ventilation to begin breathing at birth. Instant feedback on several crucial parameters will guide the caregiver throughout the ventilation procedure to ensure a safe and effective treatment and reduce the risk of injuries. www.monivent.se Lamera provides weight reduction of sheet metal constructions in weight sensitive segments. The product HybrixTM is a hollow sheet metal and is about 50% lighter than solid metal. Hybrix looks like ordinary sheet metal and can be formed and processed with the same tools. Hybrix can be made from any metal, such as stainless steel, carbon steel and aluminium. www.lamera.se Nimbell develops environmental friendly electric utility vehicles. The vehicles do not pollute the environment through noise or emissions. Nimbell’s products are distribution mopeds for delivery of post and goods, and city tractors for effective and clean ground maintenance in urban areas. www.nimbell.com V E N T U R E S C R E AT E D I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H C H A L M E R S S C H O O L O F E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P Partnership through Chalmers Invest Founded in 2003, Oxeon has quickly established itself as the market leader in Spread Tow reinforcements with its products marketed under the brand name TeXtreme®. Premune is revolutionizing the prevention of allergy development. The company is based on the discoveries made from 15 years of clinical birth cohort studies showing that early stimulation by bacterial superantigens induce the natural tolerance mechanisms of the immune system. This stimulation significantly reducing the risk of developing allergies and implies the next generation of allergy prevention. www.premune.com TeXtreme® Spread Tow reinforcements is the ultimate choice for making ultra light composites. TeXtreme® Technology is f lexible and tow-size independent which enables development of optimized reinforcement solutions tailor-made for specific application needs. Utilization of TeXtreme® Spread Tow carbon fabrics and carbon UD tapes by manufacturers of advanced aerospace, industrial and sports products confirms that 20-30% lighter composite parts can be produced with improved mechanical properties and superior surface smoothness. www.oxeon.se ReVibe Energy enables the realisation of a connected future by providing a sustainable power source for sensor systems. When transforming vibrations into electricity, the need for batteries and cables are eliminated and the life cycle cost of using sensor systems is drastically reduced. www.revibeenergy.com Penthon makes sure that people that live in houses with adjacent unheated spaces (i.e. crawlspaces, attics) are not affected by mould problems that typically occur in these spaces. Swedish Algae Factory’s vision is to produce algae-based crude oil for biofuel, and at the same time purify wastewater from Swedish industries. The business concept origins in a unique algae found on a polar expedition that enables a biomass production all year around in the Nordic climates. By using the algae for wastewater treatment of phosphorous and nitrogen, we can reduce the eutrophication and also build a business model around crude oil production that is both economically and environmentally sustainable. www.swedishalagaefactory.com Penthon does this by making sure that the spaces are kept dry enough so that mould cannot grow and at the same time ventilating the spaces so that pre-existing bad smells have a hard time making into the heated living areas. www.penthon.com Through a well-known academic method developed for more than 25 years, Pinexo can evaluate the cold and hot flows of a factory and detect potential for savings. All you need to do is upload data, and the software will evaluate whether there are potential for savings in your process. www.pinexo.se Playback Energy is a global infrastructure for energy data. We boost energy savings and reduce the carbon footprint world wide by making energy data one-click-away, which allows great energy-saving ideas and products to gain world-wide traction. www.energimolnet.se Portomus offers savings in costs and time of postal mailing through postage optimization via a web-based software. Postal optimization is possible through the use of different contracts with postal operators around the world. The postal optimizations is handled by Portomus own postal optimization software, Portomus Optimizer™. Portomus generates the postal optimization through using an advanced algorithm developed in collaboration with researchers at Chalmers University of Technology. www.portomus.com simplexia Simplexia develops a vaccine against genital herpes. Genital herpes is the most widespread sexually transmitted disease in the world with 20-30% of the population infected. The annual market is estimated to be SEK 2.8BN annually only in US. The project has a competitive advantage since it can protect people even if they are infected with the virus causing oral herpes. www.simplexia.se Simplex Motion is a dedicated producer of complete motor drive solutions that can be used for but are not limited to the application of CNC machining, automation, robotics and material handling. Utilizing a patented feedback system technology, Simplex Motion has established its presence in the Swedish CNC market with its first integrated smart motor product that is easy to use, fast to install and cost efficient. In the future Simple Motion will continuously drive innovation and provide more value adding solutions to a diversity of market segments. www.simplexmotion.com Stayble Therapeutics develops a unique injectable pharmaceutical to relieve millions of patients of their chronic low back pain. The project is currently in pre-clinical development with the goal of entering into clinical trials in 2016. www.staybletherapeutics.se V E N T U R E S C R E AT E D I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H C H A L M E R S S C H O O L O F E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P Swecure is a Swedish biotechnology company developing preventive treatments for allergies and other chronic diseases. The company is working to reduce the prevalence of allergies and to improve the quality of life for mankind. Swecure is based out of research in bacteriology and immunology from Sahlgrenska University Hospital with 15 years of experience in infant gut bacterial f lora. www.swecure.com Tajitsu Industries specialize on predictive data analysis for the global gaming industry using artificial intelligence. Tajitsu is a spinoff from a company formerly known as ICU Intelligence. In 2011 Tajitsu was born, focused and built on the proven CRM and Fraud core technology from ICU. In September 2011, Tajitsu Industries was voted to be the second most promising start-up at the commercial gaming market by EIG LaunchPad 2011. www.tajitsu.com Tenroc Technologies provides construction beams strengthened with pre-stressed fibers that substantially raise the load carrying capacity. The project offer repair companies the following utilities: ease of installation and cost savings, with minimal disruption to traffic f low. In America and Europe alone, 150,000 bridges are structurally deficient and in need of strengthening. Tenroc Technologies are ready to take on this challenge. www.tenroc.se TRACCINE Partnership through Chalmers Invest Vehco provides a mobile system solution for road carriers, which dramatically lowers fuel costs and administration. The product, CoDriver, is a solution for streamlining the f low of information between staff at the office and the driver and truck in the field. In the truck, Co-Driver consists of a standard pocket PC with a mobile GPRS connection and the CoDriver software, developed by Vehco. www.vehco.se Wavetube develops a unique solution for producing renewable energy from ocean waves. The concept is based on simplicity, durability and reliability. The solution functions by converting energy from an ocean wave to the motion of freshwater inside a sealed structure. Wavetube aims to offer wave energy solutions that can survive the marine environment and produce electricity at a competitive price. www.thinkwavetube.com Wyberry is a Swedish company based on a unique technology for high-capacity wireless data transfer developed at Chalmers University of Technology. The company offers innovative point-to-point radio links (@60GHz) for transferring High Definition video or data using fiber interface, with a range up to several kilometres. www.wyberry.com Traccine develops the world’s first vaccine against chlamydia. The vaccine is uniquely produced in transgenic plants, a new production method which enables the vaccine to be taken orally. The vaccine antigen has successfully been tested in two mice studies and additional tests are currently performed to document significant disease protection. Top of Life assists senior citizens in finding interesting daytime activities by developing an easy-to-use web service. By using Top of Life’s service senior citizens get easy access to information about activities that they are interested in, while organisers of activities get a cost-efficient marketing channel to reach their target group. www.topof life.se Partnership through AB04 Vasasensor provides a wireless sensor system that saves energy and increases production in paper machines. The sensor system offers unique information that can be used to more effectively dewater the paper pulp in a paper machine press section, resulting in energy savings, increased production, improved paper quality, decreased machine downtime and a reduced amount of spillage. www.vasasensor.com engagement passion dr ive V E N T U R E S C R E AT E D I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H C H A L M E R S S C H O O L O F E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P WE HAVEN’T FAILED; we have just found ways that don’t work. Over the years, these projects and companies have done a great job but eventually been terminated. We salute your engagement, passion and drive! 3D TE X TILE FLOCA ZUR POSIBL A SWEDISH ACCILON AB FUELGATE POWER LINE ROBOT ELECTRONIC AGROPAPER GOREL PRESERVIA ALICE HADOC PRINTALIGNER ALUSER A HYBRID PL ASMID PTC SYSPIRO ARTERION HYDROCK PURITON DIAGNOSTICS ANTI-PATHOGENIC SUBSTANCES HYRON BIOMEDICAL AB PYLOS NUTR ACEUTICALS TESENSO APHODIUS ILIOD QASCADE L ASERS BIOSHIELD IMNUS RE8 BIOPL ASTICS CAPECO INNOSTRUCT CHILIREC L AYERL AB AB CIVO BIOSCREENING AB LUMADO R ÄLSLIP WIDGETS AB TIMAGING TRENDBRE ACH SAFEDIVE SALIGUS AB TRIMBIA MEDICVIEW SCANDINAVIAN GARDEN PRODUCTS VALOR CTIS MIDORION AB SCBI VELIT BIOLOGICS CUTCOM MODMIDE SE ACERON DATIVE RESE ARCH NEUROOPTIMA DUOVENT NOVUPHYLL SENCERE MEDICAL AB CLE ANESENSE2 ELVA-ANTENNEN PANELITO ENCAPSUWASTE PAPER AUCTION ENTAILER AB PERVASIVE E XPERIENCES ENVOID TECHNOLOGY E VISTO VELOSENSE BIODIAGNOSTICS AB SINOX Y SOL AR COLLECTOR SPR BIOSENSOR VISIDENCE VISONWELL STE ALTH PINE INNOVATION STRECO POLYSCORP STRESSTER API WUNDERKIND Exits from the Encubator portfolio LIFE SCIENCE SURGICS IN SWEDEN AB UPCOMERS: NEW VENTURES IN THE INCUBATOR ALGOT: AQUAROBUR: Developing innovative algae food products that will aid the consumer to lose weight and proactively decrease their risk for cardiovascular disease. Natalie & Malin. Emp ower ing cities wit h renewable and accessible hydroelectricity. Liisa, Niklas & Pablo. DELTAVITAL: ENVIROUTE: DeltaVital develops a unique diagnostic metric for risk assessment of life threatening cardiac diseases. Anna & Sithapa. Brings you Silofa x - an innovative platform that will revolutionize logistics for animal feed producers. Tobias, Janna & Adam. ESANA: MEDPHAGIA: eSana enables innovative IT startups to handle sensitive information in a secure way. Carl, Johanna & Adam. A new aid to secure medicin administration for patients with swallowing disorder. Christian, Hanna & Anna. SPEEGL: O-VIU: Bringing brick-and-mortar fashion shops into the 21st century. Arthur, David & Markus. Enabling game changing supplier insight. Patrik, Camilla & Björn. VIBRIKA: WATERWEAVE: Developing connected, innovative sport equipment and smart clothing Niklas, Robert & Ida. WaterWeave offers a sustainable solution for purification of stormwater from heavy metal ions by using Smart Textiles. Sandra, Erik & Maria. MANY THANKS TO HANS E OLSSONS STIFTELSE ENCUBATOR AB, VER A SANDBERGS ALLÉ 8, 412 96 GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN INFO@ENCUBATOR.COM • W W W.ENCUBATOR.COM • © ENCUBATOR 2014
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