Ruach Congregation Beth Shalom 6800 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 January 2015 • Tevet - Shevat 5775 M ESSAGE FROM Volume 47, Issue 4 R ABBI RUBIN There’s a story in the Babylonian Talmud that I find very moving. It seems that Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa once went to study Torah with his teacher, the great sage Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai. The latter’s son became seriously ill, and he turned to his student in desperation. “Hanina, my son,” he said, “pray for mercy on behalf of my child so that he will live.” R. Hanina did so, and the boy lived. R. Yochanan ben Zakkai responds with humility (and respect for his pupil) by noting that even if he himself had prayed all day on behalf of his son, it would have been in vain. His wife asks in astonishment whether the student is therefore greater than his master, to which our sage responds, “no, but he is like a servant (‘eved) before the King, and I am like a minister (sar) before the King.” (Berachot 34b) What is Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai after here? In praising his pupil and denigrating his own abilities to bring about healing through prayer, why does he compare himself to a minister, and R. Hanina ben Dosa to a servant or slave? Rashi offers us an intriguing answer, suggesting that being an ‘eved before the King (God) means that one is a ben bayit, a member of the household who can come and go without special permission, while a “minister” does not come before the King (God) regularly, as a matter of informal habit. In other words, what made Rabbi Hanina’s prayers so powerful was not his learning, nor his status as a sage (both of which R. Yochanan had in abundance) but rather his intimate, comfortable relationship with the Holy One of Blessing. We learn from this story that for the rabbis, religious vitality is not exclusively, or even primarily, a function of one’s mastery of texts or status in the world, but an expression of our feeling of closeness to God, which comes through regular practice. To borrow from Rashi, spiritual depth is generated by ragil la-vo lefanav/coming before God habitually. I’m not sharing this story in order to appeal to members of Beth Shalom to come to morning minyan more frequently though now that I think of it… I offer it only as a source of inspiration; some of us feel more or less comfortable with the prayerbook, have a deep background in Judaism or only came to the tradition recently, are fluent in Hebrew or can barely utter a word. When all is said and done, however, what counts for our sages of blessed memory, is the intimacy with God that comes with a habitual familiarity accessible to anyone. May we all merit the distinction of beings servants and not ministers before the Master of the Universe! (Continued on page 2) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fun at the Beth Shalom Hanukkah party. Updates 1-8 Adult Education 9-10 Scholar in Residence 11 Anniversaries, and Birthdays 12 B’nai Mitzvah 13 Events in Members Lives 13-14 Contributions 14-15 Service Schedules and Calendars 16-18 Tzedakah Form 19 Updates Pictured left: Merrill Ringold, mesmerizing children at the Hanukkah party. What Do You Do to Make Services Meaningful? Read Poetry, Close your eyes and meditate, Hum Along without knowing the words, Contemplate the meaning of the words, Introduce yourself to your neighbors? We want your ideas. We are hoping to create a list of ways to make services meaningful for different people who join us and we welcome your thoughts and ideas of what you do to help enhance your davening experience. Please send ideas to Heidi Piel in the office at CBS 2014-2015 Board of Directors President Andrew Cohen Vice-President Susan Morgensztern President Elect Michael Madwed Treasurer Craig Lawson Past President Mark Stiefel Secretary Rochelle Roseman Deadlines: Articles / Announcements are due in synagogue office by the 10th of each month for the following month’s newsletter. 206-524-0075 CBS phone 206-525-5095 CBS fax Religious School Committee Mark Igra Chair Debra Jeffs-Grad Wendy Friedman Julie Klein Marsha Malkin Members at Large: Philip Nurick Polly Amkraut Norbert Sorg Jennifer Cohen Scott Starr Suzie Dadoun David Tarshes Joani Diskin Saran Rabbi Jill Borodin Rabbi Adam Rubin Naomi Kramer Program Director Emma Shusterman Bookkeeper Carol Benedick Executive Director Marjie Cogan Front Office Coordinator Felix Shoihat Education & Development Associate Liat Levit Education & Youth Director Heidi Piel Lifecycle Coordinator Marlen Maquillan Asst to the Director of the ECC Leah Lemchen Director of Early Childhood Center Marci Greenberg B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator Louis Friedkin Comptroller Julie Hayon Director of Livnot Chai Carlos DelCid Lead Custodian/Handyman Rimma Lobas Service Assistant Morena Prado Custodial Attendant Synagogue office address: 6800 - 35th Ave NE • Seattle, WA 98115 • website: 2 Message from the President of the Board CBS STRATEGIC PLANNING and how it may affect you? Recently, a Strategic Planning Process was begun at CBS to address the question: “what will a thriving CBS look like in 5 years”? Let’s start with a definition - “strategic planning” is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating that vision into broadly defined goals or objectives. Thanks to the leadership of Board members, Susan Morgensztern and Jen Cohen, community leader, Diane Douglas, and Naomi Kramer, CBS’s Program Director, the synagogue has been involved with a systematic and highly nuanced strategic planning process. Thanks to the team’s critical thinking our approach to the question has been first rate. implement our plan into action. At the December Board meeting we reviewed the plan and at the January meeting we will discuss and implementation process. Two years ago we chose to be proactive and forward thinking. CBS launched the Atid campaign and thanks to the vision of Mark Stiefel and Rabbi Borodin and with the leadership of Carol Gown and Peter Shapiro, we were able to successfully raise funds to hire a 2nd rabbi. When we began the ATID campaign our membership was under 420 member families. CBS has grown to 450 member families now and we are the largest we have ever been. By any measure we are bigger, busier and as vibrant as ever. Shabbas morning attendance is at an all time high, educational offerings abound, and the school and the ECC are expanding. Sometimes, there are so many things going on at the shul our building almost groans due to the demands placed upon it daily…but that’s a topic for another time. They started with a series of visioning meetings where a group of shul members who represent many cohorts by age, involvement, kids, no-kids, length of membership (from months to 40+ years), day school, no day school, active shul goers, etc., were brought together to think about and Thankfully, we are in a similar position as it relates to brainstorm over four topics: strategic planning. We are not in crisis, we are not attempting to solve significant community flaws or deal with 1. Torah – learning a community in decline in need of a miracle (al hanissim!). 2. Avodah – worship Rather, we accurately recognize ourselves as a vibrant, 3. G’milut Chasadim – compassion and social justice thriving and growing community. The time seemed 4. Kahal – community propitious - we had the leadership and professional talent The group was asked to do a SWOT analysis - look at our needed to execute a plan - a plan that would envision where current Strengths and Weaknesses, and what our future we might be in in 5 years. Opportunities and Threats might be. We were requested to consider all this within the context of defining our vision of a In the words of John Lennon, “You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And thriving shul in 2019. From the SWOT analysis the strategic the world will live as one.” And so I say, to all of you planning team developed a series of questions to test and ponder with the community. They did this through forums at dreamers, call me or email me. I would like your input as we move forward with implementation of the recommendations the shul and in the homes of several congregants. of strategic planning. Additionally, members were invited to participate on line by completing a survey. I believe that to date 90+ member families participated in the process. By the time you read this article the board will have read the report and we will already have begun to absorb the plan and Andrew Cohen its recommendations. At the Executive Committee meeting on 12/11/14 we began discussing the framework in which we would begin to operationalize portions of the plan and W INTER PARLOR M EETINGS WITH RABBI R UBIN Wednesday, 1/28 from 7:30 pm at the home of Bob and Lisa Low Wednesday, 2/4 from 7:30 pm at the home of Kayla Weiner Would you like to chat with our new Assistant Rabbi in a small gathering of CBS members in a congregant's home? We are offering another series of parlor meetings this year so that the Beth Shalom community can get to know Rabbi Adam Rubin more personally and he can get to know you, too. This is also a wonderful opportunity to meet and schmooze with fellow congregants. Refreshments will be provided. When you RSVP you will get more specific information about the address and parking. Space is limited, so RSVP today! 3 Updates SOCIAL A CTION COMMITTEE, CONTACT: GAIL C OSKEY “Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. after a meal is always welcome. Contact Leah Rapalee for information. We will have to wait until the February Ruach to inform you of CBS participation with Mary’s Place at Temple Beth Am (TBA) in late December. We are hoping to strengthen our Readers of this column know that we try to lead in with a ties to Mary’s Place through additional volunteers to help at quote relevant to a Jewish holiday or event for that month. their main location in downtown Seattle and by helping to The month of January was essentially blank with the collect needed articles for the families supported by Mary’s exception of a minor fast day, the 10th of Tevet, on January Place throughout the year. Contact Annette Peizer at 1st! The 10th of Tevet commemorates the beginning of the for how you can get more involved with this siege of Jerusalem culminating with the destruction of the wonderful organization. First Temple on the 9th of Av. We chose instead to focus on There are so many opportunities to help us to not look the a quote from MLK Jr., as his birthday is celebrated this month. At times it can seem easier to ‘look the other way’; other way at the needs of our community. The SAC always welcomes your involvement. to turn our eyes and hearts away from those most in need in our community. Fortunately, the CBS community Recently, the SAC used your donations to fund the consists of many individuals who directly or indirectly December Teen Feed, provide a dinner for Mary’s Place at support the work of the SAC with their time and/or TBA, and make a donation to Homeless-2-Renter. Todah monetary donations! rabah for your generous donations to the SAC fund. Yasher koach to Amee Sherer and the Seattle Jewish Community School students, staff and parents who helped collect supplies for the Sand Point Transitional Housing (SPTH) Thanksgiving Baskets. An additional yasher koach to Amy Stephson, Cezanne Garcia, Nancy Zeitz, Karin Madwed, Richard Hodgin, Batya Shamay, Rochelle Wynne, Judith Arms, and Robert Isgur who donated additional turkeys - or 3 in Amy’s case - to provide families with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner! The SPTH Resource Room is open again with volunteer staffing. If you missed your December opportunity, we will again be staffing the room the first three Wednesdays in May. Contact Judith Arms at for information. It only requires about two hours of your time and you would work with a seasoned volunteer. Yasher koach to Trudy Antolin for organizing her first Blood Drive in November. There were 5 donors in the first hour alone! Look for information about additional drives in the Spring or Summer. Pictured is Judith Arms, sorting blankets at the Sand Point Transitional Housing Resource Room. Judith has been the SAC liaison to SPTH for many years The next SAC meeting will be Sunday, January 11th, from 10:30-Noon at CBS. All are welcome. Yasher koach to all those who helped prepare and serve a meal to homeless youth at the December 29th Teen Feed in the University District. The next Teen Feed will be Monday, March 30th. Contact Joan Lite Miller to learn about volunteer opportunities with Teen Feed, which is sponsored by CBS in any month with a fifth Monday. If you would like information about these or other SAC activities or have an idea for a Social Action project or event, contact Gail Coskey: Yasher koach to the CBS members who provide meals the third Sunday of each month to the Lake City Meals Program. Additional help with bringing or serving and cleaning up 4 Updates I SRAEL COMMITTEE, CONTACT: R UTH ETZIONI Last night at the StandWithUS reception at Town hall, I had an epiphany. For someone who hates crowds I found that I was feeling really comfortable among the masses of people thronging the buffet tables. Sure, I had many friends there including over 165 of my fellow Beth Shalomniks. But it wasn’t that. It was that, for one night of year, I could be completely unguarded in my love for Israel. other country, is far from perfect; but Israel has its war to fight and we have ours. Israel and genocide do not belong in the same sentence, but the difference between them is becoming blurred in the eyes of the public. Before the event, I asked some of my fellow members if they were coming. Several of them said that they were not. They disagreed with the organization’s unabashedly pro-Israel stance and felt that it was not acknowledging the complexities and the culpabilities of Israel in the situation. Talking with them, I felt on my guard. As someone who recognizes that nothing is ever simple when it comes to Israel, I understood their reluctance. But I could not say openly why I still thought they should come out in support. I recognize that Israel, like every Director of TAG International Development at, that shares Israeli-acquired innovation and expertise in agriculture, women’s health, and community resilience. TAG delivers sustainable, measurable, and scalable international development, helping communities and ultimately improving the perception of Israel worldwide. They are currently doing work in Kenya, Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), Sri-Lanka, and Israel - with the Bedouin community in the Negev. Please join us after Kiddush in the Beit Midrash. Fighting the slandering of Israel is not inconsistent with work to improve the social and political environment there. If we can agree that both have value and can seek ways to support each other, then perhaps there will be As head of the Israel Committee at Beth Shalom, I feel more nights than one per year where I can feel like I really want to understand the different perspectives unguarded and even proud of my love and support for about Israel in our community. And there are many, Israel. some seemingly diametrically opposed. Some are The Israel Committee's mission is to actively support strongly supportive of Israel and are dismayed by its portrayal in the local and national media, others are more Israel. We aim to increase community awareness of Israel, its culture, achievements, challenges and needs. concerned with the social and political issues on the Beth Shalom members are leaders in many local and ground and find much to criticize in the name of national organizations that support Israel, and there are improving the situation. StandWithUs works to combat many ways for you to get involved. For more information, bias about Israel in the media and in schools, and to help contact Ruth Etzioni at students on campuses where anti-Israel activity has become so extreme that they feel attacked and unsafe as UPCOMING ISRAEL COMMITTEE EVENT: In January - a Jews. conversation with Marina Pevzner. Marina Pevzner is the 5 Double Chai Updates Our 11th Annual Double Chai Plus Chavurah brunch was a great success! 234 people a ended, and donors pledged a total of over $77,000 from exis&ng pledges, pre-solicited dona&ons, new dona&ons at the event. Dozens of volunteers helped give the brunch a great community feeling. If you couldn’t make it to the brunch, please go to our webpage, www.bethshalomsea, and click on the link for the youtube video. Thank you to all of our volunteers and donors, and especially to those who made mul&ple year commitments. Todah Rabah—Thank you. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ This year’s Double Chai Chair—Debbie Lawson Videographer David Tannenbaum Interviewers Jill Cohen and Ron Schneeweiss Karen Binder and Madison Park Catering Religious School children’s choir accompanied by Educa&on Director, Liat Levit, on guitar Decora&ons team: Joan Lite Miller, Debbie Lawson, Jennifer Wampler, Julie Margulies, Wendy Katz Set-up and clean up volunteers: Trudy Antolin, Ciona Antolin, Adrienne Howell, Joel Kanter, Debbie Lawson, Craig Lawson, Nechama O’Quinn A/V volunteers: Daniel Markowitz, Joe Orzech, Bruce Pritchard Michael and Sam Sherer, Rochelle Wynne, and Iris Brumer for sharing their stories for the video Double Chai table hosts: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Andrew Cohen & James Packman Jennifer Cohen Jill Cohen Kevin Coskey Joani Diskin Saran Wendy Friedman Carol Gown Marci Greenberg Beth Huppin Mark Igra Julie Klein ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Craig & Debbie Lawson Michael & Karin Madwed Marsha Malkin Joe Orzech Rochelle Roseman Peter Shapiro Amee & Michael Sherer Sco Starr Mark & Sheryl S&efel Dave Tarshes Perry Weinberg Thank you to our new mul ple year donors. Your pledges help us effec vely plan for the years to come. Deb Arnold Richard Salomon & Robin Wassersug-Dushman Johanna Schorr & Randy Gainer Gail Katz Rose Yu Claire Gonder & Joe Ginsburg David Grossman & Cezanne Garcia Michael Soung & Sarah Toner Elise Koch Donald Kronenburg & Vanessa Edrich David & Emily Marks Herbert & Elaine Selipsky Julian & Hazel Judelman Hannah & David Pressman Double Chai Plus Chavurah Members Over the past eleven years, these individuals have made multiple year pledges to support our community Anonymous Justin Hulvershorn & Leslie Aberman Ruth Abers Carol Adelman David & Susan Adler Nance & Steve Adler Tony Allison & Nancy Fisher-Allison David & Maxine Alloway 6 Joel & Kate Altus Robert & Polly Amkraut Kathy Andeway (Continued on page 7) Double Chai Plus Chavurah Members Over the past eleven years, these individuals have made multiple year pledges to support our community (Continued from page 6) Matt Anderson & Bat-Noy Ari-Gur Deb Arnold Don & Susan Aylesworth Joe & Evalyn Basloe Frank Basloe & Tatiana Castanet Basloe Baumgarten Estate Alan & Shelley Baumgarten Jacquie Bayley Dorothy and Jerry (z”l) Becker Raymond Becker (z”l) Chauncey & Shirah Bell Mara Benjamin & Miryam Kabakov Mark & Judith Benjamin David Bennett & Beth Huppin Mark Berman & Wendy Katz Daniel & Carolyn Bernhard Hilary Bernstein Michael & Shoshi Bilavsky Marilyn Bierman (z”l) Karen Binder Joseph Blumenzweig & Jennifer Fisch Alan & Roz Bornstein Allan & Judy Borodin Cary Atlas & Jill Borodin Michael & Elyce Brauwerman Phillip Levin & Elizabeth Braverman Freya Brier Richard & Lynette Brodsky Douglas Ramsay & Michele Brot Carol & Brent (z”l) Brown Stephen Brown Iris & David (z”l) Brumer Robert & Pamela Center Norman & Isabella Chapman Paige Chapel & Rhian Lombard Scott Cline & Carolyn Cohen Marjie Cogan Andrew Cohen & James Packman Jennifer Cohen & Michael Spiro Jill Cohen & Rik Katz Scott Cohen & Lauren Kurland Sidney & Francine Cohen Suzanne Cole Nancy Coomer Nancy Cooper & Rick Kustina Bob & Hannah Cordes Kevin & Gail Coskey Charles Cowan & Rhonda Levitt Simon Dadoun Suzie Dadoun & Marc Isaac Elizabeth Davis & Robert Jacobs Michael De Haan & Carrie Horwitch Mark & Betsy Deutsch Alvan & Gwen Diamond Ruth Dick Keith & Alison Dvorchik Ted & Kellan Eisenhardt Sara Eizen Marc & Maria Erlitz Avi Erlich Ruth Etzioni Galit & Sol Ezekiel Warren & Lisa Fein Rhona Feldman James & Meredith Fine Scott Lam & Nicole Fox Joel Freedman & Rebecca Cory Wendy Friedman & Becky Blixt David Frum & Liz Labadie Michael & Deirdre Gabbay Cindy Garbell Amy Gebler Ashkenazy & Boaz Ashkenazy Chuck Shifren & Lisa Geiger Lane & Joanna Gerber Greg Touchton & Neelz Gharavi Jeff & Marcy Gillman Doug & Deb Glazer Stacy & Tatyana Globerman Ben & Rochelle Goffe Robert Golden & Nona Phillips Harold & Leslie Goldfarb Harry Goldman & Jettie Person Kim & Nancy Goldov Gloria Goldstein Claire Gonder & Joe Ginsburg Eric & Nancy Gorbman Allen & Carol Gown Barbara and George (z”l) Grashin Sharon Greenberg Steve Greene & Peggy Mesnik Terri & Damian Green Michael & KaraAnne Grodin Sarah Groonis (z”l) David Gross & Kelly Sweet David Grossman & Cezanne Garcia Marla Gundle Charles Gussow & Kelsey Beckner 7 Jordan & Debra Gussin Janet Heineck David & Andrea Heller Mick Ostroff & Nomi Hershman Edith Horn Robert Hovden & Ron DeChene Adrienne Howell Pat Hurshell & Otto Reinert (z”l) Mitchell Hymowitz Mark Igra & Nancy Simon Robert & Deborah Isgur Manny Jacobowitz David Barrett & Debra Jeffs-Grad Howard & Talya Jeffries Michael Jolson & Shoshanna Barnett Marty and Karma Joseph Deborah Josephson Julian & Hazel Judelman Barry Kahn & Mindy Cohen Ira Kalet & Terry Steele-Kalet Michael & Jackie Kallay Joel Kanter Harold Bobroff & Yonah Karp David Volk & Cindy Katz Gail Katz Steven Katz & Claire Lieberman Lynn Katz Wally & Bernice Kegel Sandra Kibort & Shelly Crocker Patti Kieval Jason Kintzer & Jane Becker Asher & Sharon Kipersztok Stephen King & Sheryl Kipnis Sheri & Carl Kittay Jay Klarnet Howard & Eileen Klein Sid & Israella Kleiman Jesse Kleinman Mitchel & Julie Klein Chuck Kolb & Beth Hartwick Elise Koch Gregory & Bella Korshin Michael Krasik Margot Kravette Edward Krigsman & Brooke Pinkham Don Kronenberg & Vanessa Edrich Jay Krulewitch & Robin Moss Andrea Kurtzman & Michael Harding (Continued on page 8) Double Chai Plus Chavurah Members Over the past eleven years, these individuals have made multiple year pledges to support our community (Continued from page 7) Pamela & Robert Lavitt Craig & Deborah Lawson Avi & Yocheved Leeker Benjamin & Karyn Levie Rob Levin & Deirdre Glynn-Levin Jim Levy Sarah Levy Selig & Maureen Leyser Scott Starr & Heidi Leyton Robert & Lisa Low Lis Lutz & Rachel Glauberman Michael & Karin Madwed Lyle & Julie Margulies Daniel Markowitz & Debbie Sopher David & Emily Marks Steve & Ellen Marx Talya McCurdy & Elric Wolfsbruder McCurdy David & Cheryl McDonald Karen & Dee McGonigle Michael McGregor Yaakov Medrash & Riva Zeff Mary Signer Meikle Sanford Melzer & Ellen Evans Marilyn Meyer Joel & Marcy (z”l) Migdal Howard Miller & Leslie Ambrose Jeff Miller & Joan Lite Miller Stephen & Margaret Montsaroff Tony Moore (z”l) Susan & Isaac Morgensztern Michael Nadler & Teresa Ellis Mark & Marina Nagel Josh Nathan & Christy Aberg Neil Nathanson & Stephanie Allen Joshua Newman & Emily Anderson Michael Newman & Elaine Sachter Harvey Niebulski Philip Nurick & Liora Minkin Edna Oberman Yitzak & Nechama O'Quin Judith Osman Julie Paley & Heidi Pred Annette Peizer & Don Ivanov Sam & Sharon Perlin Steve Perlmutter & Diane Douglas Ari & Pamela Pernick Matthew & Rebecca Phelps Dov Pinker & Bonnie Rochman Dmitry & Rebecca Polyakovsky Marie Poole Linda Portnoy David & Hannah Pressman Bruce & Laurie Pritchard Ron & Lois Ralph Dave Rapp & Marci Greenberg Murray & Wendy Raskind Carol Reynolds Elizabeth & Lorne Richmond Jack Richlen Edward & Debora Rifkin Merrill & Frances Ringold Dan & Stefanie Robbins Judith Robin Alan Rodan & Alison Sands Marc Rosenshein & Judy Soferman Rochelle Roseman Kevin Britt & Elisabeth Rosenthal Michael Lubow & Teddy Rothman Rabbi Adam Rubin & Judith Schleyer Grace & Cyrus Rubin (z”l) Allen & Lori Safer Io Salant and Ophir Ronen Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick-Salka Rich Salomon & Robin Wassersug Dushman Sarah & Andrew Samnick Craig Saran & Joani Diskin Saran Tal Saraf & Irene Basloe Saraf Lorraine Satterfield (z”l) Carl & Brianna Sayres Jason & Betsy Schneier Martin Schnitzer & Marsha Malkin Ron & Diana Schneeweiss Johanna Schorr & Randy Gainer John Schochet & Tenaya Scheinman Mimi Schorr Merrie Schriro & Michelle Schriro-Bettman Kim Schulze Paul Schwartz Herbert & Elaine Selipsky Howard & Sarah Shalinsky Jessica Shapiro & Jeff Dossett Peter Shapiro & Diane Aboulafia Stefan Sharkansky & Irene Song Ed Osdoba & Robin Shelley Michael & Amee Sherer Vladimir & Olga Sheynkman Jennifer & David Silver 8 Richard Silverstein & Janis White David Miller & Elizabeth Skirm Mark & Carol Slosberg Robert Snyder & Karen Friedman Jonathan Solovy & Stacey Fisher Norbert Sorg & Kevin Gallagher Stan Sorscher & Judith Arms Brad & Ellen Spear Michael Soung & Sarah Toner Robert & Kathleen Spitzer Carol Starin Orly Steinberg & Jill Ginsberg Amy Stephson & Brian Rapalee Marvin Stern Michele Stern Ernie, (z”l) & Doris Stiefel Mark & Sheryl Stiefel Bob & Cindy Strauss Dina Tanners David Tannenbaum & Patricia MortonThomas David Tarshes & Debby Kerdeman Aharon & Heidi tenBroek Mike Bottenfield & Debi Vans Evers Kayla Weiner Ken & Alberta Weinberg Perry & Michelle Weinberg Ellie Weiss & Dana Tell Merle Weiss & Diane Pien Samuel Wineburg & Susan Monas Jeremy & Alys Wylen Matt Wynne & Katie Dawson Danielle Yancey Ron Yancey Adam Shapiro & Michele Yanow Rose Yu Seth Rosenbloom & Elana Zaiman Stanley & Nancy Zeitz Sandie Zieve Jon Zimmerman Jay & Marla Zink Our sincerest apologies to anyone whose name we may have overlooked ADULT EDUCATION WINTER/SPRING Free Learning Opportuni es! Learner’s Minyan with Robert Hovden Shabbat, 10:30 AM Learn the ‘how to’ of par&cipa&ng in Shabbat services once a month with Robert Hovden. People of all levels of knowledge are welcome to ‘sneak out’ of services for 30-45 minutes to learn. Here is the 5775 Schedule: January 10: Amida for Shacharit & Musaf February 21: Kedushah for Shacharit & Musaf March 14: Torah Service 1 - Taking out the Torah April 11: Torah Service 2 - Having an Honor/Returning the Torah May 9: Ashrei June 13: Ein Keloheinu & Aleinu July 11: Kaddish & Adon Olam Shabbat Learning a&er Kiddush Lunch Shabbat, 1:15 PM Throughout the year, Beth Shalom offers many opportuni&es to learn from visi&ng speakers, local academics and ac&vists, or engage in community discussions. Here are the upcoming programs: January 10: Israel Commi ee hosts Marina Pevzner Hennessy on Bringing Israeli Exper&se to Interna&onal Development Work January 24: “Keeping Kosher” with Rabbi Adam Rubin January 31: Shabbat Shirah Sing-A-Long with Ruth Etzioni Sunday Morning Learning during Religious School Sundays, 10:00 AM We are excited to be offering educa&onal opportuni&es for religious school parents and others on Sunday mornings during Religious School. Here are the upcoming topics: January 4: Prayer Part I with Ron DeChene January 11: Prayer Part II with Ron DeChene January 18: No classes (Religious School day off) January 25: Prayer Part III with Ron DeChene February 8: Pirkei Avot Part I with Mike Danto and Rabbi Adam Rubin February 15: Shmita Learning February 22: Pirkei Avot Part II with Mike Danto and Rabbi Adam Rubin March 1: Pirkei Avot Part III with Mike Danto and Rabbi Adam Rubin A NEW Season of Courses Contemporary Ques ons viewed through Jewish Texts—Con nued with Beth Huppin Tuesdays (January 13-April 21, 13 sessions), 9:30—10:45 AM OR Tuesdays (January 13-April 21, 13 sessions), 7:00—8:15 PM Rabbinic and Hassidic texts provide innova&ve and revolu&onary ways to think about ever-contemporary ques&ons. What does it mean to be human? How should we relate to those with whom we have profound differences? Can we maintain our humanity in a broken and dangerous world? What role does God have in this brokenness? (Of course, this last ques&on makes us ask: What do we mean when we say “God?”) Be prepared to think about people and about God in new ways. You can join this class even if you did not par&cipate in the fall session. $160/members, $240/non-members 9 ADULT EDUCATION 2014-2015 A NEW Season of Courses Con nued Prayer—Does it Ma@er in this Broken World? with Beth Huppin Tuesdays (January 13-February 3, 4 sessions), 11:00 AM—12:15 PM Why do we pray? Is it for us? For God? What do we mean when we say God? To whom are we actually praying? What does it mean to be “answered?” Everyone knows that true prayer isn’t only found in a siddur or in a synagogue, so why do so many people think that “prayer” requires a siddur and synagogue? In this broken, pain-filled world, why are we here? Rabbinic and Hassidic texts will help us examine questions such as these. Upon careful examination, we’ll see that hidden in plain sight are revolutionary and innovative theological ideas. We’ll discover them together. $50/members, $75/non-members Life and Death in the Beit Midrash: The Sages of the Talmud on Torah Study, Rabbinic Authority, and the Culture of Debate with Rabbi Adam Rubin Thursdays (January 8-March 26, 10 sessions), 8:00—9:00 PM This class will con&nue to explore the religious outlook and worldview of the rabbinic sages in the Talmud as we turn from prayer and blessings to the culture of the beit midrash itself. Why was Torah study so central for these sages, and how did they express their devo&on to it? How did they explain and jus&fy their own authority to interpret and establish Jewish law? Did they see themselves as “conserva&ves” intent on preserving the people Israel’s covenant with God, or radicals intent on construc&ng a new way of living out that covenant? And how did they balance the need to stabilize and centralize Jewish life aPer the Roman destruc&on and dispersion of the people with the unruly and quarrelsome culture of the rabbinic beit midrash? Join us as we grapple with these ques&ons. No previous experience with Talmud study is required – all skill levels are welcome! $120/members, $180/non-members Learning about Leyning: The Story Behind How we Tell Stories with Deb Arnold Thursdays (February 12-February 26, 3 sessions), 7:00—8:00 PM Though most synagogue goers have at some point heard the Torah or another sacred book chanted, many are less familiar with how it came to be that we chant (leyn in Yiddish) the way we do, or even that we chant at all. Where is chan&ng sacred texts (can&lla&on, or trope in Yiddish) thought to have originated? Who created the can&lla&on marks (te’amim in Hebrew), or the hand signals that preceded them? What purpose do they serve, other than deno!ng musical mo!fs? And how does trope differ in Jewish communi&es around the world? Deb (along with special guests, TBA) is happy to share her fascina&on with skilled leyners, would-be leyners and anyone else interested in this most amazing backstory. No prior knowledge required. Strongly recommended for those planning to take Learn to Leyn: Skills and Tools for Chan!ng Torah. $36/person The Genesis of Crea vity: Using Visual Midrash to capture the Jewish Imagina on with Jeremy Alk and Robin Atlas Wednesdays (March 11-25), 7:00—8:30 PM Art is a gateway into intense analysis and emo&onal involvement in the narra&ve and meaning of the Biblical text. It can pose ques&ons, raise issues, and help us “see” the texts’ various interpreta&ons and inherent complexi&es. This class is geared to the visual ar&st working in any media. All levels of ar&s&c experience, from beginner to advanced, are invited to join. You can join this class even if you did not par&cipate in the fall session. $60/members, $90/non-members Spring/Summer Classes to Start GeJng Excited About (details TBA): Learn to Leyn: Skills and Tools for Chan ng Torah with Deb Arnold (Thursdays, April 23-May 21) Shalom Hartman Ins tute’s iEngage Program with Rabbi Jill Borodin (May/June) Pirkei Avot Study Series with various teachers in homes (Passover to Shavuot) Dining Room Learning with Kevin Bri@ at the home of Ron DeChene and Robert Hovden (July/August) • • • • 10 Upcoming Programs and Events: February/March EDWIN L. BIERMAN SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE February 27-28, 2015 DAVID N. MYERS “A Shining Shtetl on a Hill”: Isolation and Regeneration in American Jewry in the 21st Century February 27 February 28 6:00 pm —7:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Professor Myers’ D’var Torah 9:30 am —12:30 pm Shabbat Service and Professor Myers’ D’var Torah 12:30—1:15 pm 7:00 pm —8:00 pm Shabbat Dinner (advance Registration and Payment Required - Kiddush Lunch $25, children 3 and under for free) 1:15—2:30 pm 8:00 pm —9:30 pm A Hasidic Shtetl in Suburbun New York: Kiryas Joel From Hungary to Williamsburg: The Rise of Haredi Judaism 7:00—9:00 pm Havdallah, Dessert and From “Frum” to “None”: The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry in the 21st Century in a Private Home (RSVP required) David N. Myers is a Professor of Jewish history and the chair of the UCLA History Department. 11 ANNIVERSARIES, and BIRTHDAYS Mazel Tov to All A NNIVERSARIES Ariel & Dana Raigrodski Robert & Trudy Antolin Michael Nadler & Teresa Ann Ellis Ron & Lois Ralph Michael Lubow & Teddy Rothman Neelz Gharavi & Greg Touchton Nancy Cooper & Rick Kustina Doug & Deb Glazer Steve & Peg Elefant Vladimir & Olga Sheynkman David Volk & Cindy Katz Benjamin & Karyn Levie B IRTHDAYS Maggie Elkon David Marks David Solovy Stan Sorscher Andrea Kurtzman Yuki Miyagiwa Sam Montsaroff Danielle Reiss Marianne Tatom Judy Borodin Robert Lavitt Aviv Pinksfeld Julianna Shusterman Leslie Aberman Merrill Ringold Kaila Sheckter Aryeh tenBroek Norbert Sorg Daphne Raigrodski Ani Schroeter Greta Spear Ken Weinberg Talya Jeffries 1/1 1/7 1/10 1/11 1/14 1/15 1/18 1/18 1/20 1/23 1/28 1/28 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/7 Ben Nurick Loryn Paxton Yuliana Shusterman Ryan Katz Clara Harding Jonathan Kurland Hauala Osdoba Merle Weiss Myron Berg Vladimir Korshin Eugenia Montsaroff Leslie Katz Devin Kronenberg Maya Sachter Newman Heidi tenBroek Ariel Jolson Mohini Kaplan Deborah Wahl Hannah Bobroff Bradley Goldberg Scott Lam Syma Ein Fefer Craig Judelman Alexis Norwitz Matthew Sayres Miriam Wynne Mindy Cohen Yitzak O'Quin Andrea Selig Hanah Goldov Sheryl Kipnis Ben Kohl Sharon Greenberg Ellen Marx Tamar Sachter Newman Aaron Azose Leor Seal Justin Hulvershorn Annette Peizer Philip Spitzer 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/11 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/13 1/13 1/13 1/13 1/14 1/14 1/14 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/17 1/17 1/17 1/18 1/18 1/18 1/19 1/19 1/19 1/20 1/20 1/21 1/21 1/21 John Bernhard Yael Gordon Tali Levin Sonja Jacobsen Deborah Lawson Judy Soferman Gabriel Medrash Jeremy Elkon Jordan Richmond Danielle Schneider Merrie Schriro Micah Tratt Richard Brodsky Liz Labadie Yaniv Shier Ellen Spear Denise Sterchi Emily Freedman Cynthia Gamel Angela Goldschmid Shira Pinker Shelley Baumgarten Shoshana Peizer Caitlyn Pernick Nancy Simon Michael Kieval Alex Pozin Sam Berg Eli Ezekiel Elan Markowitz Charles Paxton David Perlmutter Cary Atlas Joel Erlitz Nicole Fox Lisel Green Amir Harding Max Saraf Carol Slosberg 1/22 1/22 1/22 1/23 1/23 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/25 1/25 1/25 1/25 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/28 1/28 1/28 1/28 1/29 1/29 1/30 1/30 1/30 1/30 1/30 1/31 1/31 1/31 1/31 1/31 1/31 1/31 Are you shopping at Instead, start your shopping trip by going to You’ll have the option to donate .5% of your purchase to Congregation Beth Shalom (make sure you choose Seattle’s Congregation Beth Shalom). You can make all your usual purchases, and without spending extra, and you’ll be helping the shul. 12 B’nai Mitzvah - Mazel Tov EVENTS IN MEMBERS LIVES MEMBERS IN SHLOSHIM OR YUD BET HODESH Norman Chapman, for his nephew, Joe Chapman, z”l, (23 Heshvan) Jamie Friedman, for his father, Jesse Friedman, z”l, (19 Heshvan) Flora Ostrow, for her mother, Ida Ostrow, z”l, (26 Tishrei) Dave Rapp, for his father, Howard Rapp Jr., z”l (24 Tishrei) Merrill and Francie Ringold, for their cousin, Lorraine Satterfield, z”l, (19 Tishrei) Karen McGonigle, for her mother, z”l (3 Tishrei) Yacov Paley, for his father, Shimon Paley, z”l (25 Elul) Glenn Leichman, for his wife, Rolande Chesebro Hazel Judelman, for her mother, Ellen Breitz, z”l, (10 Elul) Dorothy Becker, for her husband, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av) Arlene Azose, for her father, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av) CBS, for our friend and long time member, Marilyn Bierman, Z”l (10 Av) Barbara Grashin, for her husband, George Grashin, z”l (1 Av) Ed and Sylvia Stern, for their daughter, Shari Stern, z”l (4 Tammuz ) Asher Kipersztok, for his father, Jacob Kipersztok, z”l (17 Sivan) Dan Bernhard, for his mother, Jeanette S. Bernhard, z”l (15 Sivan) Cindy Hirsch, for her father, David Hirsch, z”l (12 Sivan) Beth Shalom, for our friend, Tony Moore, z”l (25 Iyar) James Packman, for his father, Howard B. Packman, z”l (24 Iyar) Howard Miller, for his father, Stanley Miller, z”l (17 Iyar) Betsy Maurer, for her mother, Illene K. Maurer, z”l (9 Iyar) David Marks, for his father, Stuart Marks, z”l (13 Nissan) Arthur Warmoth, for his father, L. Arthur Warmoth, z”l (4 Nissan) Alan Rodan, for his father, Kurt Rodan, z”l (27 Adar II) Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her father, William Jacob Greenberg (9 Adar II) Betsy Deutsch, for her mother, Grace Rubin, z”l (12 Adar I) Freya Brier, for her father, Sam Brier, z”l (6 Adar I) Emanuel Jacobowitz, for his father, Benjamin Jacobowitz, z”l (25 Shevat) Polly Amkraut, for her father, Leslie Mackoff, z”l (23 Shevat) Chava Monastersky, for her mother, Elaine Monastersky, z”l (17 Shevat) Carol Reynolds, for her step-father, Charles Jassen, z”l (26 Tevet) Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her mother, Eunice Greenberg, z”l (25 Tevet) Lara Lavi, for her mother, Eleanor Heit, z”l (23 Tevet) REFUAH SHLEMAH CBS members Laya bat Tova (Lynn Katz) Yerusha bat Jonah ha’Cohen (Joanna Gerber) Etai bat Reuven ha’Levi v’Esther ha’Levi (E. Camins Bretts) Schloma ben Yisroal v’Chana (Sidney 13 Cohen) Orli bat Sofia Avraham ben Chaya Rachel v’Yakov (Edward Stern) Rachel Masha bat Mindle v’Ruvain (Rhona Feldman) Chaya bat Sarah Atarah (Chaya Appelbaum) Eleazar Aharon ben Miriam Ilana bat Sarah v’Ari Akiva ben Rachel v’Aharon Chana bat Chava v'Aharon Shirah Efrona bat Rivka Freydl Miryl bat Pesha v'Sima Masha Aviella Bara bat Shlomo v'Nechama Raisel (Susan Aylesworth) Ahuva bat Motla (Amanda Taylor) Miriam bat Tailbela (Mimi Schorr) Samuel ben Adam (Sam Kuten) Yonah Duel Aryeh v’Leah (Yonah Karp) David Henached Shel Goldja (Elric Wolfsbruder McCurdy) Yachna Maryam ha’cohen bat Masha Leah Chizkiyahu Yitzchok Yehoshuah ben Rachel v’Eliezer Yitzchak ben Miriam v’Benjamin (Ira Kalet) Ita bat Taube (Inna Lacker) RELATIVES OF MEMBERS Miriam bat Yetta (Marion Blumberg), mother of Gail Coskey (Continued on page 14) EVENTS IN MEMBERS LIVES (Continued from page 13) Lois Tarshes, mother of David Tarshes Shira bat Shulamit v’Baruch (Shira Engle), niece of Susan & Isaac Morgensztern Sara bat Yafa (Sara Blumenzweig), mother of Joe Blumenzweig Davida bat Bioha (Dorothy Vinegar), grandmother of Rachael Moss Yacov ben Zvi v’Shoshana, father of Mark Igra Leah bat Tessie (Lenore Shapiro), mother of Adam Shapiro Balin Hunnah ben Chaim (Byron Arnold Krulewitch), father of Jay Krulewitch Ira Weiner, cousin of Kayla Weiner Joan Siewart, aunt of Carrie Horwitch Baruch ben Avram (Burt Horwitch), uncle of Carrie Horwitch Yacov ben Chana (Gerald Slatkin), father of Laurie Pritchard Shraga Faivel ben Sarah, father of Marci Greenberg Ezra Zimmerman, nephew of Henry Zimmerman Tovah Ahuva bat Tzipporah (Gabriela Cohen), sister-in-law of Carolyn Cohen Thea Glazer, mother of Doug Glazer Leah Tzvia bat Tulsa (Lois Hartman), cousin of Rabbi Borodin Janis Portney, cousin of Linda Portnoy FRIENDS of Members Erica Harris, friend of Jacquie Bayley Richard Gould, friend of Nance Adler Gavriella bat David (Gena Shapiro), friend of Rabbi Rubin Raisa bat Elka (Raisa Vilkevitch), friend of Emma Shusterman, Marina Kislev, Svetlana Burke, and Marina Nagel Donna Jamilla Cruse, friend of Linda Portnoy Malka Leah bat Rivka Risle v’Yakov Lab (Karen Gorrin), friend of Cherie Hershman Yitzhak Meir ben Marci v’Shmuel (Tzachi Litov), friend of Wendy Katz & Mark Berman Edel ben Hannah (Earl Oller), friend of Carolyn Cohen & Scott Cline Henry “Henach” Weiner, friend of Linda Portnow Nia Horne, friend of Diana Steeble and Kain Johnson Yehuda Dov Ha'Cohen ben Malkah, (Ernest Cohen), friend of Sharon Greenberg Larry Zolton, friend of Patti Kieva Rachel bat Gavriela v’Yehuda (Andrea Stern), friend of Patti Kieval Gaby Bell, friend of Carolyn Cohen Shulamit bat Nechama (Sabina Burd), friends of the Davis/Jacobs family Jace Evans, friend of Michael De Haan Boruch ben Emma v’Yosef (Boris Vilkevitch), friend of Emma Shusterman, Marina Kiselev, Svetlana Burke and Marina Nagel Patricia Gallaher, friend of Jacquie Bayley Daniel Parker, friend of Linda Portnoy MAZEL TOV To Sam Sheynkman & family on his becoming bar mitzvah To Allen & Carol Gown on being honored by the Seattle AJC with the Distinguished Leadership Award To Tal Raigrodki & family on his becoming bar mitzvah To Talya Gillman on being one of five Young Jewish Educators to receive the 2014 Pomegranate Prize from the Covenant Foundation and the One and Only Women To Danielle Reiss & Josh Sternberg on the birth of their first daughter, Nili Ann Reiss Sternberg TODDAH RABAH To Joanna Gerber who helps the office keep running Shirah Benn and Sita Kramer for work in the office To Stan Zeitz for help with electrical issue A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS WHO GENEROUSLY DEVOTE THEIR TIME TO THE SHUL CONSISTENTLY!! CONTRIBUTIONS Adult Education Chauncey & Shirah Bell Wally & Bernice Kegel In memory of Katie Kegel, z”l Ellen Goldblatt In honor of Rabbi Rubin Carol Benedick & Joe Orzach In memory of Jesse Friedman, z”l In memory of Janice Stein, z”l In memory of Ida Ostrow, z”l In memory of Rolande Chesebro, z”l In memory of Ellen Breitz, z”l In memory of Ellen Bierman, z”l ATID Fund Susie Dadoun & Marc Isaac Allen & Carol Gown Brian Rapalee & Amy Stephson Bob & Pam Center Rabbi Borodin & Cary Atlas Kevin & Gail Coskey David & Cheryl McDonald Joe Orzech & Carol Benedick Nance & Steve Adler Danielle Yancey Marsha Malkin & Marty Schnitzer Noah Tratt & Daphne Minkoff In memory of grandmother, Clara Leskin, z”l Edward Sider & Mary Rodriquez Rose Yu General Fund In memory of my parents, John & Samuel Fahrer Daisy Yu, z”l Andrew Cohen & James Packman Vladimir & Rita Vikevich For David Rapp, in memory of Perry & Michelle Weinberg Howard Rapp, z”l For Yonah Karp, in memory of Ira For Merrill Ringold, in memory of Karp, z”l Lorraine Satterfield, z”l Steve Alter & Deb Frockt Louis & Carolyn Friedkin For Howard Shalinsky, in memory of In memory of grandmother, Leo Shalinsky, z”l Genevieve Tateel, z”l For Suzie Dadoun, in memory of In memory of father, Herman Scherr, Risha Dadoun, z”l z”l For Lyle Margulies, in memory of Joseph & Evelyn Basloe Marjorie Margulies, z”l In appreciation of Rosh Hashanah For Warren Fein, in memory of Jane services Fein, z”l Gene & Gerry Huppin For Rob Jacobs, in memory of Phyllis For Jaime Friedman, in memory of Tapper Jacobs, z”l Jesse Friedman, z”l For Karin Madwed, in memory of Joani Diskin Saran & Craig Saran Bernie Feldman, z”l In memory of father, Morton For Annette Peizer, in memory of Goldberg, z”l Ruth Peizer, z”l In memory of mother-in-law, Bert Diskin, z”l (Continued on page 15) Julie & Mitch Klein Paul Schwartz Andrew Cohen & James Packman 14 CONTRIBUTIONS (Continued from page 14) For Grant Norwitz, in memory Valda Norwitz, z”l For Phillip Nurick, in memory of Ivan Nurick, z”l For Linda-Jo Greenberg, in memory of William Greenberg, z”l For Linda-Jo Greenberg, in memory of Eunice Greenberg, z”l For David Marks, in memory of Stuart Marks, z”l For Yacov Paley, in memory of Shimon Paley, z”l Elaine Selipsky, in memory of Frances Nathan, z”l Neil Nathanson & Stephanie Allen In memory of Sophia Nathanson, z”l Mary Signer Meikle In memory of David Signer, z’l High Holiday Appeal Merrill & Francie Ringold Lynette & Rich Brodsky Robert & Deborah Isgur Debra & Douglas Glazer Barry Kahn & Mindy Cohen Mark & Betsy Deutsch Lisa Orlick-Salka & Corey Salka High Holiday Appeal - continued Adam Shapiro & Michele Yanow Susan Monas & Sam Wineburg Alan Rodan & Alison Sands Hilary Stern Patti Kieval Susan Spielberg Marla Gundle Merle Weiss & Diane Pien Matthew Saunders & Amanda Taylor Frank Basloe & Tatiana Castanet Basloe Robert & Hannah Cordes Pamela & Robert Lavitt Kayla Weiner Craig & Deborah Lawson Brad & Michelle Goldberg Howard Shalinsky & Sarah Kaplan Shalinsky Jessica Shapiro & Jeff Dossett Julie & Glen Kohl Steven Gottlieb & Marcy Porus-Gottlieb Stacy & Tatyana Globerman Robert Hovden & Ronald DeChene Paul Schwartz Sharon Greenberg In honor of the birth of Kelsey Becker & Charles Gussow’s son, William Ardis & Ernest Friedman In memory of Lorraine Satterfield Israel Travel Fund for Youth Suzie Dadoun & Marc Isaac In memory of Risha Dadooun, z”l Library Fund Dina Tanners In memory of mother, Jeanette Nelson, z”l Michael Gabbay In honor of an Aliyah Kiddush Fund Marsha Pressman In honor of Jack Richlen’s birthday Carol Benedick & Joe Orzech In memory of Lorraine Satterfield, z”l In memory of Florence Erb, z”l In memory of Shimon Paley, z”l In memory of Jerry Becker, z”l In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David Sharkansky In memory of the Bar Mitzvah of Tal Raigrodski In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Weinberg In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Sheynkman In honor of the birth of Naomi & David Spinak’s daughter, Lila In honor of the birth of Elaine Sachter & Michael Newman’s grandson, Elon In honor of the birth of Danielle Reiss & Josh Sternberg’s daughter, Nili Ann In honor of the birth of Rosemarie Bensadon’s grandson, Paxon In honor of the birth of Yocheved & Avi Leeker’s daughter, Chaya In honor of the birth of Joshua & Leslie Katz’s son, Andrew Reuben In honor of the birth of Dina Tanner’s grandson Kitchen Fund Lori & Allen Safer In memory of mother, Elaine M. Cohn, z”l New House Fund Brad & Ellen Spear Tamar & Paul Azous Prayerbook Fund David Frum & Liz Labadie Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Eileen & Howard Klein In memory of Bunny Schlaffer, z”l The Shalinsky family For Dave Rapp, in memory of Howard Rapp, z”l For Yonah Karp, in memory of Ira Karp, z”l Norm & Isabella Chapman In memory of grandfather, Joseph Chapman, z”l Jettie Person & Harry Goldman In memory of Waldemar Person, z”l Marta Kosaly In memory of Elza Gellert, z”l Dorothy Becker In memory of mother, Ellen Friedman, z”l Stan Sorscher & Judith Arms Ellen Goldblatt Buy Scrip/Gift Cards For CBS Come to the shul office and purchase QFC/Fred Meyer, PCC, Safeway, Albertsons, Home Depot, Starbucks, and ARCO, and now Whole Foods-$100 and $25, from Marjie. Remember that your use of these gift cards when you shop provides great benefit to the synagogue, and it costs you nothing extra! If you have any questions about the scrip program, please contact Kevin Coskey at (206) 365-2275 or, and the CBS Offices at 206-524-0075. 15 SERVICE SERVICE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE FORFOR JANUARY MAY 2013 2015- -IYAR~SIVAN TEVET-SHEVAT 5773 5775 Members of the Beth Shalom community lead worship services at CBS. If you have synagogue skills and wish to participate, call Heidi Piel, 206-524-0075. CBS DAILY MINYANS Please support the minyan by attending on a regular or even irregular basis one or more days a week. The minyan does not meet on Festival days. The minyan (Monday – Friday) starts at 7:00am on all American holidays except Thanksgiving, December 25th, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day when it will meet at 9:00am. Monday through Friday mornings: 7:00-7:45am (Beit Hamidrash). Sunday mornings: 9:30-10:15am, (Beit Hamidrash) Monday Evening Minyan: 7:30-8:00pm, (Beit Hamidrash) For Torah Readings on Mondays and Thursdays, add ten to fifteen minutes to services. YESHAR KOACH TO OUR SERVICE LEADERS FOR TODDAH RABAH TO THOSE WHO MAKE OUR SHUL EXPERIENCE RICHER AND MAZEL TOV TO THOSE CELEBRATING SIMCHOT FOR DECEMBER Ashrei Club: Aaron Igra, Sam Sheynkman, Noah Chriqui, Rebecca Weinberg, and Tal Raigrodski Board Representatives: Mark Igra, Norbert Sorg, Stan Zeitz, Rochelle Roseman, Andrew Cohen, and Susan Morgensztern Daveners (the prayer leaders): David Sharkansky, Linda-Jo Greenberg, Michael Madwed, Jason Kintzer, Carl Sayres, Deb Arnold, Dov Pinker, Sam Perlin, Carol Benedick, and Lynn Katz Leyners (the Torah readers): David Sharkansky, Stefan Sharkansky, Jeff Gillman, Carol Benedick, Teddy Rothman, Daphne Raigrodski, Tal Raigrodski, Alison Sands, Jesse Kleinman, Ruth Abers, Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon, Debby Kerdeman, Jason Kintzer, Ben Sheynkman, and Sam Sheynkman Haftarah: David Sharkansky, Tal Raigrodski, Sam Sherer, Dina Tanners, and Sam Sheynkman Gabbai Rishon & Sheni (gabbai rishon calls the aliyot to the Torah and the sheni monitors and corrects the Torah reading): Jason Kintzer, Carl Sayres, Shoshana Weinberg, Sharon Greenberg, Nance Adler, and Rochelle Wynne Guest Darshanim (guests who deliver the sermon, the teaching, the d’var Torah): David Sharkanky, Tal Raigrodski, and Sam Sheykman Greeters (open the doors and invite everyone into services): Jordan Gussin, Stephen King, Marilyn Meyer, Claire Gonder, Howard Cockerham, Mark Benjamin, Trudy Antolin, Sheryl Kipnis, Linda Gebaroff, Janet Heineck, Robert Isgur, David Frum, Stan Zeitz, Ron DeChene, and Rik Katz Gabbaim (assign aliyot and help the service run smoothly): Margot Kravette, Jeff Ross, Carolyn Bernhard, Claire Gonder, Howard Cockerham, Mark Benjamin, Rochelle Roseman, Alison Sands, Alan Rodan, Karen Binder, Dan Bernhard, and Dave Tarshes Daily Minyan Shatzim: Kim Schulze, Elizabeth Braverman, Cherie Hershman, Ellen Goldblatt, Lori Safer, Linda-Jo Greenberg, Sam Perlin, Robert Hovden, Sharon Greenberg, and Nance Adler Kabbalat Shabbat Shatzim: Kim Schulze, Mike Danto, Aviva Tilles, Carl Sayres, and Lynn Katz Kiddush Hosts & Sponsors (Hosts put on the Kiddush Lunch for the congregation/sponsors cover the cost of the regularly prepared Kiddush): Sharkanky Family, in Honor of David’s bar mitzvah, Norbert Sorg, in honor of his marriage, and the Sheynkman family, in honor of Sam’s bar mitzvah Shabbas Chefs: Mark Berman, Erica Doctor and Jennifer Wampler Kiddush Helpers: Iris Brumer, Manny Jacobowitz, Cindy Katz, Michael McGregor, and David Volk 16 SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2015 - TEVET-SHEVAT 5775 CANDLE-LIGHTING AND THE WEEKLY KABBALAT SHABBAT MINYAN (Friday Evening Services): Beit Hamidrash The regular Kabbalat Shabbat services last approximately one hour. The service is spirited with the beautiful melodies of Kabbalat Shabbat including L’cha Dodi and Yedid Nefesh. After services, participants return home for Shabbat dinner. Shabbat hospitality will be available. Children are welcomed and treasured. If you wish to help lead services, to offer home hospitality after services, or simply to participate on a regular basis, please contact Kim Schulze at Date Kabbalat Shabbat Candelighting Havdallah January 2 5:00 PM 4:11 PM 5:12 PM January 9 January 16 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:19 PM 4:28 PM 5:20 PM 5:30 PM January 23 5:00 PM 4:39 PM 5:40PM January 30 5:30 PM 4:49 PM 5:51PM Special Events SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES: Main Sanctuary at 9:30am - 12:00pm Shabbat Morning Dates & Portion January 3 Vayechi Genesis 49:1-26 Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12 January 10 Shemot Exodus 3:1-4:17 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23 January 17 Vaera Exodus 7:8-8:15 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21 January 24 Bo Exodus 11:4-12:28 Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28 January 31 Beshalach Exodus 14:15-16:10 Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31 Concurrent Services B’nai Mitzvah, Sermon Topics and Special Occasions 9:15am-12:30pm 7th/8th grade Ethics 9:15-11:30am 6th grade T'filla 10:45am-12:15pm FDI & Kids Kehilla 10:30-11:30am Adult EducationHebrew: Aleph Bet; Siddur Hebrew 11:00-11:30am Tot Shabbat 9:15am-12:30pm 7th/8th grade Ethics 9:15-11:30am 6th grade T'filla 10:30-11:00am Learner’s Minyan 10:45am-12:15pm FDI & Kids Kehilla 10:30-11:30am Adult EducationHebrew: Aleph Bet; Siddur Hebrew 9:15am-12:30pm 7th/8th grade Ethics 9:15-11:30am 6th grade T'filla 10:45am-12:15pm FDI & Kids Kehilla 10:30-11:30am Adult EducationHebrew: Aleph Bet; Siddur Hebrew 9:15am-12:30pm 7th/8th grade Ethics 9:15-11:30am 6th grade T'filla 10:00am-Noon Youth Minyan 10:45am-12:15pm FDI & Kids Kehilla 10:30-11:30am Adult EducationHebrew: Aleph Bet; Siddur Hebrew 9:15am-12:30pm 7th/8th grade Ethics 9:15-11:30am 6th grade T'filla 10:45am-12:15pm FDI & Kids Kehilla 10:30-11:30am Adult EducationHebrew: Aleph Bet; Siddur Hebrew 17 Bat Mitzvah of Talia Chriqui Israel Committee Discussion Katie Dawson-Wynne & Matt Wynne baby naming Keeping Kosher Learning with Rabbi Rubin Bat Mitzvah of Alexis Norwitz Shabbat Shirah Sing-a-Long with Ruth Etzioni 18 4 18 25 9:30 am-Sunday Morning Minyan 9:30 am-Religious School 10:00 am-AE Parent Education Courses 9:30 am-Sunday Morning Minyan 10:00 am-AE Parent Education Courses 10:30am –Social Action Committee Meeting 11 9:30 am-Religious School 9:30 am-Sunday Morning Minyan 10:00 am-AE Parent Education Courses 9:30 am-Sunday Morning Minyan 9:30 am-Religious School 10:00 am-AE Parent Education Courses Sunday 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday Evening Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday Evening Minyan MLK Day Office Closed 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday Evening Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday Evening Minyan Monday 26 19 12 5 6 20 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 9:30am—Adult Ed 11:00am—Adult Ed 4:00 pm-Religious School 7:00 pm-AE: Hebrew Classes 27 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 9:30am—Adult Ed 11:00am—Adult Ed 4:00 pm-Religious School 7:00 pm-AE: Hebrew Classes 13 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 9:30am—Adult Ed 11:00am—Adult Ed 4:00 pm-Religious School 7:00 pm-AE: Hebrew Classes 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 4:00 pm-Religious School 7:00 pm-AE: Hebrew Classes Tuesday 29 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 6:30 pm-Livnot Chai 8:00pm—Adult Ed 22 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 6:30 pm-Livnot Chai 8:00pm—Adult Ed 21 8 1 15 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 6:30 pm-Livnot Chai 7:30 pm-Board Meeting 8:00pm—Adult Ed 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 6:30 pm-Livnot Chai 8:00pm—Adult Ed New Year’s Day – Office Closed 9:00 am-Morning Minyan Thursday 14 7 28 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:30pm-Parlor Meeting with Rabbi Rubin 7:00 am-Morning Minyan Rosh Chodesh 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan Wednesday January 2015 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 5:30 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat Friday 30 23 16 9 2 3 17 31 24 9:15 am-Prodor 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 10:15 am-Shabbat Babysitting 10:30 am-AE: Siddur Hebrew 10:30 am-AE: Hebrew Aleph Bet 1:15 pm-Shabbat Shirah Sing-along w/ Ruth Etzioni SHABBAT SHIRAH Bat Mitzvah of Alexis Norwitz 9:15 am-Prodor 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 10:00 am-Youth Minyan 10:15 am-Shabbat Babysitting 10:30 am-AE: Hebrew Aleph Bet 10:30 am-AE: Siddur Hebrew 1:15 pm-AE: Keeping Kosher 9:15 am-Prodor 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 10:15 am-Shabbat Babysitting 10:30 am-AE: Siddur Hebrew 10:30 am-AE: Hebrew Aleph Bet New Member Shabbat Katie Dawson Wynne & Matt Wynne Baby Naming 9:15 am-Prodor 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 10:15 am-Shabbat Babysitting 10:30 am-Learner's Minyan 10:30 am-AE: Hebrew Aleph Bet 10:30 am-AE: Siddur Hebrew 1:15 pm-Israel Committee w/ Marina Pevzner Hennessy Bat Mitzvah of Talia Chriqui 10 9:15 am-Prodor 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 10:15 am-Shabbat Babysitting 10:30 am-AE: Siddur Hebrew 10:30 am-AE: Hebrew Aleph Bet 11:00 am-Tot Shabbat Saturday Congregation Beth Shalom Mail in Tzedakah Form You may also call us at 206-524-0075 and make your donation via credit card. 1. DONOR INFORMATION Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Acknowledgement cards are mailed to the honoree or the family of those memorialized, and are also listed in our monthly newsletter, the Ruach. To minimize the use of synagogue resources please send my acknowledgement via e-mail to: 2. GIFT INFORMATION □ In honor My gift is (choose one) □ In memory □ In honor of an Aliyah of I would like a gift acknowledgement sent to (other than myself): Name: Address: City, State, Zip: PLEASE USE MY DONATION TO SUPPORT : □ General Operating Fund All donations to the General Fund help maintain a balanced budget. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Please return form to: Congregation Beth Shalom 6800 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: 206-525-5095 A Special Fund: □ Cemetery Fund □ Israel Travel Fund for Youth □ Joshua Leadership Fund □ Kitchen Fund □ Library Fund □ Prayer Book Fund □ Religious School Fund □ Sustaining Fund □ Adult Education Fund Campership Endowment Joey Wes Library Fund Kiddush Fund Landscape Fund Mitzvah Corps Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Social Action Fund Torah Fund Youth Fund A minimum suggested donation of $18 for each donation is appreciated. 3. PAYMENT INFORMATION (Note: there is an additional 3% charge on all credit cards) Enclosed is my gift of $ via (choose one) □ Check Card # ________/_________/__________/_________ Exp. □ Visa □ Mastercard _________ Card Verification #________ Signature of Cardholder _________________________ Date _________ Thank you for your support of Congregation Beth Shalom! 19 Congregation Beth Shalom 6800 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 tel 206.524.0075 fax 206.525.5095 email: Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit #802 Voted Best Congregation in Town! Beth Shalom is proud to say that our Adult Educa&on Program con&nues to grow! Hundreds of you have par&cipated in our courses, come to an aPer lunch discussion, showed up for adult educa&on while your children are in Religious School, or joined a Food and Friends group to make new friends and learn together in community. Please learn more about our amazing new classes on pages 9-10 or go online for more details: h@p:// on.php
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