The Conservative Jewish Congregation Serving San Antonio and Central Texas since 1889 “Our Voice” January 2015 Tevet - Shevet 5775 2015-2016 President VP Finance/Admin VP Education VP Membership VP Fundraising VP Ritual Secretary Treasurer Barbie Scharf-Zeldes Kevin Epstein Jennifer Rosenblatt Jody Reddy Rhonda Gurinsky Mindy Spigel Dr. Amy Saklad Dr. Michael Peck Vicki Adelstein Michael Levin Dr. Mervyn Bloom Rikko Ollervidez Dr. Ephraim Brenman Steve Cole Lisa Friedman Eileen Jalnos Marilyn Karren Jeff Kavy Dr. Phillip Landes Esther Lasky-Mata Monica Lizka-Miller David Present Steve Ross Ron Schlesinger Isadora Sintes Alice Troy Arnold “Arnie” Vogel Mel Waldgeir Ron Weiss Kolenu The newsletter for Congregation Agudas Achim Who We Are What’s Inside Rabbi Advertisers…………………….……...…………..23 Cantor Agudas News……………………………………..17 Interim Executive Director Anniversaries….………...………….….…….…..20 President Bequests……………….…………….…....………21 Birthdays……………………......……...…….…..20 Immediate Past President VP Finance/Admin Jeffrey Abraham Jeremy Lipton Mike Kelne Barbie Scharf-Zeldes Randy Pulman Kevin Epstein Calendar……………...……………….......…..12/13 VP Fundraising Rhonda Gurinsky Heintz Preschool….………………….…...…..…14 VP Membership Jody Reddy Inda Posner Religious School……….…..…....15 VP Education Jennifer Rosenblatt VP Ritual Mindy Spigel Secretary Dr. Amy Saklad Kiddush Klatch………………………….....……...9 Treasurer Dr. Michael Peck Kol Shira-The Voice of Song……….…....…..…4 Inda Posner Religious School Education Director Installation Shabbat……………...……………....3 Message From the President……………..……..3 Karen Katims Rabbi’s Roundup……………………..……..…….5 Heintz Preschool Director Aliza Holzman Cantu Sisterhood Director of Membership and Communication Mindi Stern Executive Secretary Rose Koss Book Review ………………………...…..16 Photo Gallery…………….…..……...….6/7 Presidents’ Message………………......11 Shabbat Weekend……………………....10 TX Kosher BBQ Texas Monthly Article……....8 Torah Fund…………………..….....……..….…..22 Tributes………..…………..……..….............18/19 USY/Kadima……………………………………...19 Yahrzeits……………..….………......…………...21 Accountant Administrative Assistant IPRS Assistant Heintz Preschool Assistant Men's Club President Olivia Hernandez Linda Brown Samantha Burgess Jen Eichelbaum Mike Kelne Sisterhood Co-Presidents Sandy Weingart /Judy Halfant Goldie & Joe Tills Library Librarian 2 Lynn Waghalter IPRS PTO President Daphna Haas HPS PTO President Vicki Adelstein Message From The President Barbie Scharf-Zeldes January 2015 is finally here! The month you have all been waiting for! The checkout lines at the grocery store are jam packed with magazine covers beckoning you to maintain your new year's resolutions, create a brand new you and change your life for the better because - “now is the time.” Taking a moment to reflect can always stimulate positive change. I thank our newly elected Officers and Board of Trustees for their willingness to serve our Congregation and to reflect with me on how to successfully manage and administer our synagogue. There is a lot of excitement and energy and we are already hard at work for you. Please join me as our new board is installed during Shabbat morning services on January 24, 2015. money in this synagogue. I invite you to help me create the synagogue that reflects the image you desire for Congregation Agudas Achim – within our congregation, within the Jewish community and within South Texas. Join a committee, create success. committee for every need: Adult Education Fundraising Library School Trip to Israel Budget House Membership Social Action We have a Cemetery Keruv (Interfaith) Ritual Strategic Planning Please contact Linda in the synagogue office at (210) 479-0307 or email her at If you are interested in an area for which it appears we do not have a committee, please contact me and we will create it. We are only limited by our imagination and I am imagining great things for Congregation Agudas Achim. At High Holiday services, you heard Rabbi Abraham invite you to get involved, join a committee, and be a part of the congregation. We read in the torah that we are created in God's image. Our synagogue , our congregation, is a reflection of our image. The board and office staff do not create this image alone. As a congregational member, you are an ambassador of B’Shalom Agudas Achim. What image do you want to project? Each of you has an investment of time, energy and Barbie Scharf-Zeldes 3 Kol Shira-The Voice of Song Hazzan Jeremy Lipton ARE YOU SINGING OUR SONG? In a few short weeks we will celebrate Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, and we will read from Parashat B’shallach in the book of Exodus, remarkable because it contains the distinctive Shirat Hayam, the Song of the Sea. Shirat Hayam, one of only two extended poems found within the Torah (the other being Moses’ farewell poem at the very end of Deuteronomy), is the triumphant song of victory recounting Moses’ and the Israelites’ dramatic departure from Egypt, as they sing praises to God for their safe passage through the parted Red Sea, while Pharaoh’s pursuing armies are drowned in the turbulent waters. When you view the text in the Torah scroll you see the unique physical spacing of the words on the parchment page—the poetic phrases are divided into overlapping, yet separated “bricks” (as noted in the Talmud), framed on either side by the regular columns of fully-justified handwritten text. Some scholars have suggested that this separation of text is representative of the parting of the Red Sea itself. In Ashkenazic tradition there is a special, recurring melody associated with Shirat Hayam that enhances our regular Torah cantillation of the text. Our custom is that within each of the verses in which God’s name is mentioned the Torah reader deviates from his regular chanting of the text and uses instead this ancient melody, named in some sources as “Festive Trope.” This is an extremely challenging feat for the Torah reader, as he/she must seamlessly transition (just before and just after the chanting of the “God” phrases) in and out of these special phrases; thus, the reader must alternate between the normal Torah trope (as one might read any other text in the Torah) and then immediately switch to the singing of the new melody, chanting the “God” phrase in Festive Trope, and then returning to the regular Torah cantillation patterns. Ethnomusicologists believe that these Festive Trope melodies are some of the oldest identifiable Jewish musical material, 4 occurring in variant forms within both established Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions of the communal chanting of Shirat Hayam. Why is the reading of this text treated so uniquely within our liturgy? And why was it chosen to be included every day in our preliminary morning prayers (it is found at the very end of Psukei D’zimrah, Verses of Song, just before the Barchu each morning)? Think for a moment of the singular biblical event through which we became a unified people with a focused, communal destiny…of course it is the Exodus from Egypt! It is following that monumental, transformative experience that we became prepared to receive God’s commandments and began to fulfill the covenantal relationship established between God and Abraham, which resulted in our ultimate return to the land of Israel. We regularly recall the Exodus when we lift our cup of wine each Erev Shabbat or Festival evening during Kiddush as we pronounce “zeicher l’tsiyat mitzrayim”—“in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. “ We similarly invoke the Exodus with even more intensity and detail during each day’s morning service, as our liturgy calls upon us to reenact our voluntary acceptance of God’s role in our lives as we chant the words of Shirat Hayam, praising our Creator, and carrying that recurring refrain as each new day begins. Perhaps the symbolism of God’s name being chanted with a distinctive, festive melody reminds us that God’s presence in the world brings a unique dimension to our existence, even as the rest of our story marches on. It is through the repeated chanting of Shirat Hayam that the beauty and intensity of our poetic narrative as a people continues. Who would have thought that singing our song would have such an impact on the world? B’shalom, Hazzan Jeremy Lipton Rabbi’s Roundup Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham AIPAC RELATIONSHIPS their unbridled support for Israel, followed by a session with Hispanic supporters. Both were fascinating, and it invigorates me to know we have these types of allies in today's virulent world. With everything going on in Israel, this is a time when we must unite. It was super energizing to see that a day after the horrible terrorist attack at the synagogue in Jerusalem there was a vibrant minyan in the same room in which the attack occurred—how millennially Jewish. Lauren and I are still reveling since attending the November AIPAC National Summit in Dallas. Being at that kind of function inspires us even more to continue our pro-Israel advocacy here in San Antonio; more Our “friends” are few, and it is vital that we build about that in a moment. on our relationships with our Hispanic and other Christian brethren. We are extremely fortunate to An advantage to the Summit being in Dallas was live here in San Antonio where support for Israel that we were able to go as a family and stay with is at astronomical levels. The last thing I would my in-laws. While there, the carbon monoxide suggest is we take this deep-seated support for detector went off, and between the fire granted. I am sure my grandfather was already department and gas company, we were forced to saying it in the 40's, but Israel needs your help vacate the house for almost an hour. The problem and support now more than ever. was isolated to the vent on a hot water heater. They turned off the gas, opened the windows, and In only two months, AIPAC will be holding its we were allowed back in. annual Policy Conference in Washington from March 1 to 3. Hazzan Lipton and I will be leading At least 10 firemen were on hand, and everyone a group from Agudas to this exceedingly adjourned to the living room on a chilly night, important conference. If you have been to one thankful that a tragedy had been averted. One of previously, you know how transformative it is. the firemen was Jewish, and the others seemed Nothing compares to the exhilaration of being in enamored when he showed them the mezuzot one room with 15,000 other (fanatical) Israel around the house. The Jewish fireman told them supporters. Just recalling it makes the hair stand what they were, and it seemed like every one of up on the back of my neck! them became enraptured. The first question was “why are they all crooked?” My father-in-law There are many ways each of us can stand up explained, and I could tell their curiosity was for Israel, through our local Jewish Federation of whetted. San Antonio, Israel Bonds, the Jewish National Fund (JNF), Mercaz USA, and on and on. The They then wanted to know what was in the AIPAC annual Policy Conference is one of the mezuzot. I explained it was prayers from the most important. Contact me to imbibe something Bible (the Shema and V'Ahavta), and we are incredible. You will not regret it. commanded to hang them “on our doorposts.” Two firemen responded almost in unison, Am Yisrael Chai! “Deuteronomy, chapter 6.” To say I was stunned Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham would be an understatement. I must admit I knew it was from parshat Va-ethannan in Deuteronomy, but not “the chapter.” I instantly checked when they left, and they were right! The next morning, back at the Summit, I attended a session with evangelical Christians espousing 5 Sisterhood Photo Gallery Sisterhood works tirelessly to promote the welfare of our synagogue. But sometimes these interesting, dynamic ladies just need to let their hair down and have fun! Their recent events include such diverse activities as a book review by member and first-time author, Dr. Ervin Mendlovitz, New Member Luncheon with special guest Heloise, a casino road trip, and a Caribbean cruise! If you’re not member yet, what are you waiting for? NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON WITH HELOISE SISTERHOOD CRUISE 6 SISTERHOOD CASINO TRIP SISTERHOOD BOOK REVIEW 7 The Texas Kosher BBQ Championship Texas Monthly Article How do you know when your BBQ cook-off has made the big-time? When it’s recognized by the BBQ editor of Texas Monthly with a featured article! Here is the article now on KOSHER TEXAS BBQ CHAMPIONSHIP BY DANIEL VAUGHN · NOVEMBER 11, 2014 Tracy Frydberg attended the Kosher BBQ Championship in San Antonio and filed this report: When we eat smoked brisket in Texas, we can stop and thank the Jewish community. Or, at least that connection can be firmly made. As Daniel Vaughn, Texas Monthly’s barbecue editor, noted in a column on the history of smoked brisket, the first mention of the meat in Texas was in a 1910 newspaper ad for a Kosher grocery store in El Paso. Smoked brisket’s long legacy in the state was celebrated at the Second Annual Kosher Texas BBQ Championship, held this past October in San Antonio. Hosted by Congregation Agudas Achim, 2,000 pounds of Kosher meat donated by H.E.B. were consumed within a few hours by more than 2,500 people. Twenty teams competed for to win honors for best brisket, chicken, ribs, or beans in both a blind tasting and a ‘People’s Choice’ competition. It was as if the Bible was written with a barbecue challenge in mind, inspiring team names like Burnt Offerings, Golden Calf Grillers, and Bris-kit, a reference to the Jewish male circumcision ceremony. (This humor extended to the event’s official tagline: “no pork butts about it,” a reference to the strict Kosher rules that barred pork and dairy from the competition.) Teams were required by the rules to follow the standards of Kashrut, the laws of Kosher. It’s a long process that began Friday, when contestants dipped utensils in boiling hot water and cleaned grills with a blow torch to ensure all the cooking utensils had been properly “kashered,” or cleaned in such a way that they’re deemed kosher. A rabbi stood by and supervised the preparations, per tradition. And on Friday night, as is the Jewish custom, all work ceased in accordance with Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest. On Saturday night, as the sun set and teams could begin work again, the pitmasters, their families, and members of Congregation Agudas Achim gathered in the synagogue’s parking lot, where the event was taking place, to sing Havdalah, the closing prayers of the Sabbath, before they started in on the meat. They smoked the briskets all through the cold night, which gave to a warm, sunny fall day. Hungry attendees began streaming in at noon, lining up at various tents to get a taste. A surprise visit by Kinky Friedman, a two-time gubernatorial candidate and former Texas Monthly columnist, momentarily stole attention away from the meat. Talking with his trademark cigar hanging from the side of his mouth, he lamented the omission of pork. “This kosher cook-off is featuring, I guess, ribs, but not pork ribs, which are the best, so I’m interested in seeing how this holds up,” he said. But, he admitted, “the brisket should be good.” 8 And it was. I’m no barbecue expert, but armed with a few tips from Vaughn, I did my best to be discerning. And, not to brag, but my personal pick for ‘Best Brisket’ lined up with the People’s Choice Award winner, Beldon’s Hot Tar Pit. My father, Felix Frydberg, a more experienced judge of barbecue, remarked after his first bite of the winning meat, “This tastes like Rosh Hashana brisket, I like all of the schmutz”—the onions and other flavorings coating the brisket – a preparation of the meat similar to what’s served at a Sabbath meal versus what you might find at traditionally Texas barbecue joint. The chicken that won the People’s prize was neither Jewish or Texan, and featured pineapple. Know your crowd, I guess. The big question is, how different does Kosher ‘cue taste than “treyf,” the Yiddish term for non-Kosher items? As someone who has only ever eaten kosher, I’ll admit I can’t attest personally to what that might be, but more worldly barbecue connoisseurs I spoke to at the event all confirmed no difference in taste between the two. Unless, of course, you improperly season Kosher meat. According to Randy Pulman, the man behind the event and Agudas Achim president, “Kosher food is salty by process. The butchers use salt, a saline solution to draw the blood out of the animal after the slaughter so the product is already pretty salty. That means if you have a soy-based marinade, throw it out the window; you don’t use that. If you have salt in your rub or your marinade, you cut it back by ninety percent.” Pulman got his start in barbecue competitions at the San Antonio Rodeo Barbecue Cook-off with members of his law firm several years ago. When looking for a fundraiser for the synagogue, the idea came about to create a Kosher version of the event. This year’s Texas Kosher BBQ Championship is set to have raised well over $100,000, and five percent will be donated to the San Antonio Food Bank. Though Kosher chili cook-offs exist around the state, Pulman is now working to initiate a Kosher barbecue circuit. Which would be nice for us Kosher-eating Jews in Texas who want some good barbecue. Tamar Solomon, a UT freshman who observes the laws of Kosher, said it’s not easy being around so much barbecue and never being able to taste it. “It’s like you can see it, but you can’t touch it. And it smells amazing,” she said. “It’s hard.” But she and her family had a chance to experience the delicacy that is Kosher barbecue. When her parents came to Austin from New York to visit her, they skipped UT Parents’ Weekend, drove down to San Antonio, and gorged on the offerings at the competition. When asked what they thought about it, they just said, the meat was divine. Kiddush Klatch 9 Sisterhood 10 What’s New With Sisterhood! Hi Everyone, I'm writing this a few days after our wonderful Installation Ceremony for Rabbi Abraham. Celebrating with him, Lauren, and their family was a heartwarming experience. I was also proud of our Sisterhood on the bimah, singing the inspiring Hatikvah as we faced the flag of Israel. All in all, it was a beautiful morning. Thanks to Vicki Adelstein and her committee who made it possible. Now, as you're reading this, it's almost January. I'm thinking that we Jews are very lucky. We get to celebrate two New Years!! Rosh Hashanah, of course, is far more meaningful to me, but I certainly hope everyone has a happy, secular New Year 2015. In January, we have two important events on our agenda. On January 13, our second Book Review of the year will be held in the Gurinsky Family Social Hall. Suzan Mendlovitz tells me that the novel is A GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED by Dara Horn. It will be reviewed by retired UTSA English Professor Bonnie Lyons. She is an excellent and insightful speaker and reviewer. Then, a few days later, on January 16 and 17, is our annual Sisterhood Shabbat weekend. We have a guest speaker coming, so please join us for services on Friday night and Saturday morning, followed by a delicious Kiddush lunch. Now, the Rummage/Estate Sale is over for this year. I'm sure Bernice will be getting us busy to start again in March!! (Oh, yes!) I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out and worked to help make this annual event a success. For the past nine months, some of us have been shlepping, pricing, and packing your donations. I also want to thank those of you who donated clothing, household goods, and other merchandise to us. We couldn't have done it without all of you. I want to give an extra-special thank you to our fund-raising vice-presidents, JOYCE LEIGHTON and BERNICE MAZER. You both went above and beyond the call of duty. Your love of Sisterhood is truly evident. I appreciate you both so much. Once again, Happy New Year to all of you from Sandy Weingart and myself. See you in shul, B'Shalom, Judy Halfant, Sisterhood Co-President 11 Calendar (as of 12/5/14) Januar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 4 Morning Minyan 9:00 am No IPRS 5 Morning Minyan 7:30 am 6 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Kiddush Klatch Theatre Workshop 12:30pm 7 Morning Minyan 7:30 am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7 Sex, War & Betrayal Class 7 Hebrew I 7pm Intro to Judaism 8pm Hebrew II 8pm 11 Morning Minyan 9am 12 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Lunch & Learn @ Pulman, Cappuccio, Pullen, Benson & Jones LLP 12:00pm 13 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Sisterhood Book Review 10am It’s a Mitzvah III 11:30am 14 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7 Sex, War & Betrayal Class 7 Hebrew I 7pm Intro to Judaism 8pm Hebrew II 8pm 18 Morning Minyan 9am No IPRS (MLK Weekend) 19 Martin Luther King Day Morning Minyan 7:30 am 20 Morning Minyan 7:30 am It’s a Mitzvah III 11:30am 21 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7 Sex, War & Betrayal Class 7 Hebrew I 7pm Intro to Judaism 8pm Hebrew II 8pm 25 Morning Minyan 9am 26 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Exec Comm Mtg 5:30pm Board Mtg 7:30pm 27 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Sisterhood Board Mtg 9:45am It’s a Mitzvah II 11:30am 28 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7 12 Please visit for updated information ry 2015 7) 6:00pm 7pm Thursday Friday 1 Happy New Year! Office Closed—No Adult Education HPS Closed Morning Minyan 9:00am 2 Office Closed HPS Closed Morning Minyan 7:30 am Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:29pm 3 Shabbat Service 9:00am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am 8 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm Brews & Schmooze at Big’z 5:30pm 9 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:34pm 10 Shabbat Services 9am Jr. Congregation 10:15am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:00pm Shemot Havdalah 6:31pm 15 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm 16 Sisterhood Shabbat Weekend Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Family Friendly Friday Night Service 6:15pm Shabbat Dinner (RSVP required) Candle Lighting 5:40pm 17 Sisterhood Shabbat Weekend Shabbat Services 9am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:00pm Va’era Havdalah 6:37pm 23 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Simcha Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:46pm 24 Shabbat Services 9am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:00pm 30 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:52pm 31 Shabbat Services 9am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am 7) 6:00pm 7pm Vayechi Havdalah 6:26pm \ 22 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm 7) 6:00pm 7pm 7) 6:00pm Saturday 29 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Bo Havdalah 6:42pm Bo Havdalah 6:48pm 13 Heintz Preschool 14 Inda Posner Religious School 15 Sisterhood Book Review 16 Agudas News Wanted! Smile! or for family portraits. We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to IPRS School Assistant and our resident photographer e xt r a o r d i n a i r e , S a m a n t h a Burgess for all the wonderful photos of the Texas Kosher BBQ Championship in last month’s Kolenu. They really captured all the fun and excitement of the weekend. Samantha would love to work with you at your simchas Three library higher. you can (3) computers for use, Windows 7 or Please let us know if help! -The Goldie & Joe Tills Library Rabbi Abraham’s Puppets Benny & Bubby Make Challah Blessing the Children A Shabbat to Remember More than 40 grandparents and grandpals attended the Heintz Preschool Yad B’Yad Grandparents Shabbat in November. The morning started with hands-on challah baking. Everyone moved to the very spirited children’s Shabbat service featuring a d’var Torah by eight of Rabbi Abraham’s special puppets and blessing the children and grandparents under three large tallits. Everyone joined together for table blessings, some group dancing and lots of Shabbat and Thanksgiving hands-on activities. It was a wonderful way to start the Thanksgiving Holidays. Join Yad B’Yad on Wednesday, January 21 – 10:00 – 11:45 for Rosh Chodesh morning. The children, grandparents and grandpals will learn all about the New Moon Jewish celebration. Anyone who is a grandparent and/or qualifies for a senior discount is invited to attend the monthly Yad B’Yad programs. The Heintz Preschool Yad B’Yad Intergenerational Program is a beneficiary of a grant from Golden Manor Jewish Senior Services. 17 Tributes to Alice Thorner by Hilary RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND & Neal Kavy Thank You In Loving Memory to Anonymous Donor for your generous donation of Dr. Samuel Joseph Friedberg, Patricia Raye to Lucy & Eugene Goldman & John Raye and for their generous donation Charlotte Friedberg by Barbara & Michael In Appreciation Friedberg to Rabbi Abraham for the of my dearest husband, prayers recited during Isadore Tudzin on his Kever Avot at Memorial yahrzeit by Shirley Tudzin Gardens by Barbara & Ronnie Argo CANTOR’S of Rabbi Abraham by Carolyn Devin DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank You of Rabbi Abraham by Barri to Lucy & Eugene Goldman for their generous donation & Kirby Fogel of Rabbi Abraham by Joyce & Alan Goldberg of Rabbi Abraham’s care and concern before and after my surgery by Sheryd Jackson of Rabbi Abraham for the fantastic High Holy Day services by Esther Jacobs of Rabbi Abraham officiating at the funeral of my wife, Emi Jacobs by Marvin Jacobs of Rabbi Abraham for the meaningful service and sermons you gave during the High Holy Days by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz to Rabbi Abraham for the prayers recited during Kever Avot at Memorial Gardens by Janice & Mark Penner In Appreciation of Hazzan Lipton by Barri & Kirby Fogel of Hazzan Lipton’s care and concern before and after my surgery by Sheryd Jackson of Hazzan Liptonfor the fantastic High Holy Day services by Esther Jacobs of Hazzan Lipton officiating at the funeral of my wife, Emi Jacobs by Marvin Jacobs of and thank you to Hazzan Lipton for the awesome service you performed by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz of the the Lipton Family. Wishing you a happy & Healthy New Year. Thank you for the wonderful rendition of the liturgy by Hana Ross of Rabbi Abraham by Lauri of Hazzan Lipton for & Irving Prengler prayers said at the and best wishes to Rabbi cemetery during High Holy Abraham for a happy & Days by Gail & Melvin Topp healthy New Year. Thank and Roselle Simon Lebo you for inspiring services by of Hazzan Lipton by Amy Hana Ross Sugarman and Dan of Rabbi Abraham leading Weingart Shiva minyan in memory of of the prayers recited by Don Schwartz by Amy & Hazzan Lipton during Steve Saklad Kever Avot for my beloved husband, Izzy Tudzin by of Rabbi Abraham’s Installation by Courtney & Shirley Tudzin Stephen Silver & Joey of Rabbi Abraham by Amy Sugarman and Dan Weingart of Rabbi Abraham’s kindness at the cemetery memorial service by Maya & David Trakhtenbroit In Loving Memory of Ruth Cohen by Bertie & Selig Frank of Melvin Frank on his yahrzeit by Bertie & Selig Frank ALWAIS SCHOOL FUND of Celia Kalish on her yahrzeit by Dorothy Frank Speedy Recovery to Irwin Glazier by Nathy, Carole, Betsy, Rachel, Joyce, Barbara and Karen Simmons of Leanore & Mike Kavy on their yahrzeits by Hortense Lyman Fein Dorothy Frank DOROTHY CHASAN, MOTHER OF BARBARA CHASAN ENDOWMENT FUND of Doris Linner by Gladys Koranek of my mom, Rebecca Maize by Marcia & David Segal HANNAH JEAN COHEN SCHOLORSHIP of Sam Polunsky on his yahrzeit by Merle Polunsky ENDOWMENT FUND ELAINE AND IRVING FRANK EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT FUND of Ida Saltzman by Joyce & Irving Saltzman of my Ima, Leah Segal by Marcia & David Segal BERTIE AND SELIG FRANK HERITAGE AND of Israel Shulman on his yahrzeit by Yadviga ENDOWMENT FUND To send students and teachers to Israel to learn about their heritage Shulman In Loving Memory of Violet Hyman by Joyce & Irving Saltzman of Leanore & Mike Kavy by Bertie & Selig Frank Hilary & Neal Kavy GLADYS AND MINNIE GREENBERG KITCHEN FUND TO REPLENISH THE ROSS FAMILY KITCHEN of Celia Kalish by Hilary & Neal Kavy of Seymour Lyman by Hilary & Neal Kavy GENERAL FUND Thank You to Leigh & Brian Goldstein for their generous donation Mazal Tov to Rabbi Abraham by Aliyah Kuchinsky In Appreciation Wishing the Congregation of Agudas Achim a very Happy New Year. Thank you for having my family for Rosh Hashanah as we were visiting my family, Joanie & Steve Pechenik by The Loev Law Firm Speedy Recovery of Nohemi Gonzalez and Ruth Luna by Rebeca Gonzalez HEINTZ PRESCHOOL FUND In Loving Memory of our beloved mother, Beatrice Glick on her yahrzeit by Carolyn & Howard Glick of Irene Heintz on her yahrzeit by Karen Heintz of Louis Heintz on his yahrzeit by Karen Heintz of husband, Phil Heintz on his yahrzeit by Karen Heintz of Abe Lewis on his yahrzeit by Karen Heintz of father, Ben Lionell on his yahrzeit by Karen Heintz SAM HYMAN PRAYERBOOK FUND In Loving Memory of Steve Gossen on his yahrzeit by Pearl Gossen BERNARD AND SYLVIA KANTER FUND Dedicated to nurturing the conntinued growth and well being of Agudas Achim from the Kanters In Loving Memory of Marion Levis Goldsmith, on her yahrzeit by Janice & Robert Jucker BOB KBOUDI CHILDREN’S BOOK FUND In Loving Memory of Joe Betesh by Shirley Kboudi ANNA AND SAMUEL MEADOWS SCHOLARSHIP FUND MARTIN AND SARAH MARCUS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND MEMORIAL GARDENS FUND In Loving Memory of Ruth Skolnick’s yahrzeit by Joyce Meyer and Family of Doris Toubin by Ruth Lown & Lois Lown MINYAN FUND No tribute. The Minyan is a very special group. Thank you! L’Shanah Tovah! By Kevin Baksh In Honor of Barbara & Burt Arnow on their 50th wedding anniversary by Linda & Marvin Aboloff of the Ark opening received by Sheldon Levine on the second day of Rosh Hashanah by Sheldon Levine and Marilyn & Cal Lemmon RUTH RUTSTEIN POSNER AND NATHAN of Joseph Birnbaum by POSNER RELIGIOUS Beverly & Mike Birnbaum SCHOOL FUND of Sam Cohen by Marcia & Speedy Recovery of daughter, Sheila Cooper and Michael Rosenberg on their marriage on November 1, 2014 by Sylvia Wilk of Melvin Frank on his yahrzeit by Dorothy Frank of the birth of my great granddaughter, Hannah Reese Wilk by Sylvia Wilk In Loving Memory David Segal of Sol Frank on his yahrzeit by Dorothy Frank to Barry Spigel by Pam Gold to Deanie Vogel by Pam Gold JACK AND KITTY of Emi Jacobs by Sherie & KADISH MINYAN of William Gresores on his Dr. Anatole Trakhtenbroit BREAKFAST FUND Speedy Recovery yahrzeit by Matilde Mazal Tov ALEXANDER YOUTH to Barry Spigel by Laura & Gresores to Tevia & Joel Friedman FUND Terry Rustin on the birth of grandson, 18 Miles by Suzan & Max Mendlovoitz Speedy Recovery to Arnold Eisenstot by Judy & Eddie Halfant In Loving Memory Of father Sam Polunsky by Linda & Marvin Aboloff USY/Kadima GERTRUDE MYERS FAMILY FUND ONEG AND KIDDUSH FUND Renee Glazier, thinking of you by Dorothy Jo & Robert Weiss Thank You to Natalie & Irwin Barath for their generous donation Mazal Tov to Sandy & Mel Weingart and twin granddaughters by Susanne Jalnos In Honor of the marriage of Sheila Wilk Cooper to Michael Rosenberg from Roselle Simon Lebo and Gail & Melvin Topp Speedy Recovery to Stuart Bernstein by Judy & Eddie Halfant to Phyliss Cole by Helen Kerman Suzan & Max Mendlovitz to brother, Robert Lasky by Esther & Gerry Mata to Barry Spigel by Eileen & Robi Jalnos Esther & Gerry Mata Sandi & Marc Schnall to Linda Wilk by Dorothy Jo & Robert Weiss In Loving Memory Of Jean’s mother, Bessie Eisenberg on her yahrzeit by Jean & Butch Karren JOSEPH AND PAULINE PREISSMAN FUND JAKE AND MINNIE PULMAN BUILDING AND ENDOWMENT FUND Mazal Tov to Tevia & Joel Friedman on the birth of their grandson, Miles by Jody Reddy Speedy Recovery of Miriam “Micki” Harris by Jean & Ronald Schlesinger to Alice Thorner by Jody Reddy of Miriam’s father, Frank Lefkowitz on his yahrzeit by Miriam & Morton Greenberg of Jerry Sigman, father of Lauren Ross by Jody Reddy of Manuel Mata by Esther & Gerry Mata of Sam Reznikoff, father of Rebecca Isgur by Helen Kerman of Doris Toubin by Jody Reddy of my beloved father, Isadore Nathan Tudzin by Lisa Marie Tudzin PALMETTO STREET HISTORICAL to Hazzan Lipton’s brother CEMETERY FUND by Esther & Gerry Mata In Loving Memory of Bessie T. Bankler by Morris Bankler In Loving Memory RUTH, FELIX & SAMMY REIF BUILDING AND SECURITY FUND In Honor of Tevia & Joel Friedman on the birth of grandson, Miles by Sherie & Anatole Trakhtenbroit of and wishing Eileen Jalnos the best special birthday ever by Anni Rado In Loving Memory Of Morris Wise by Lucille Friedman & Family ROSS FAMILY KITCHEN IMPROVEMENT FUND In Appreciation to Dr. Michael Ozer for the bris of our son, Dillon by Amanda & Joe Lundblade In Loving Memory GOLDIE AND JOE TILLS LIBRARY FUND Speedy Recovery of Haskell Gruber by Hana Ross to Alice Thorner by Barbara & Stanley Spigel of Jerry Sigman, father of Lauren Ross by Hilary & Neal Kavy Hana Ross In Loving Memory of John Sigman, brother of Lauren Ross by Helen Kerman of Morris Wise by Barbara, Jerry & Leonard Friedson RUTH RUTSTEIN POSNER AND BARBARA AND ERICA RUTSTEIN CAMP FUND RABBI LOUIS SCHECHTER SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE FUND MAX AND SERENE LOWY SCHMIDT SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Loving Memory of Jeremiah Schmidt by Herman Schmidt A. STILLMAN FUND of Aaron “Sonny” Charles by Sandy & Bernard Shaenfield TORAH RESTORATION AND REPAIR FUND In Honor of Miriam & Morton Greenberg by anonymous TOT SHABBAT PROGRAM USY PROGRAM Thank You to Anonymous for their generous donation ABRAHAM AND ROSE VEXLER YOM KIPPUR FLOWER FUND Thank You to Lucy & Eugene Goldman SYNAGOGUE for their generous donation BEAUTIFICATION FUND WEINGART YOUTH CAMP AND TRAVEL SYNAGOGUE FUND ENDOWMENT FUND YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND Shalom Yall! This past month has been amazing and Kadima and USY has made great progress. We are proud to say that we have weekly attendance at our 6th and 7th grade pizza hang out. We have a blast playing games and watching movies and can’t wait to continue this new tradition in this new year. The next big things we are doing is holding the annual South West USY (SWUSY) Spring Convention. This years theme is Jurassic Park and we have some great plans in the making. This is a big deal for San Antonio to be holding this convention and provides for a great opportunity for the kids to make some amazing new friends from all over Texas. We will be looking for some families who are willing to house children. We are expecting close to 100 kids and need all the help we can get. If you are willing to help us out sign up at . We appreciate all of your support! Your Awesome Advisors! Eric Steitz and Shayna Rosenthal 19 Mazal Tov! Birthdays To 120 and beyond! January 1 Barbara Bikoff Marvin Dinesman Reed Hauser Esther Vexler January 3 Jacob Shweiki Benjamin Zucker January 4 Janea Donaldson Aaron Goldstein Carolyn McKinley Joshua Singer January 5 Mark Reitblatt Max Reitblatt January 6 Paul Deschner Sheryd Jackson Randy Tawil January 8 Daniel Barshop Shari Pulman January 9 Sheryl Barenblat Beverly Birnbaum January 10 Susan Beldon Bryan Mendlovitz Joaquin Nestel Ronit Sherwin Murry Stein Sarah Topletz January 11 Rose Rosin Maggie Singer January 12 Pavlova Gonzalez Stacy Greenberg Melissa Gunn Rachel Solomon January 13 Helene BarenburgGunn Shane Epstein Joan Fries Marsha Greenberg Marguerite Lerer Caleb Martinez Leigh Ohlstein Edward Rosenthal Garland Scott Alice Troy January 14 Linda Aboloff Lauren Barshop R. Leonardo Bitran Yosef Fuller Abigail Pullen Samuel Schwartz January 15 Georgiana Gross Elizabeth Mendlovitz January 16 Zachary Ozer Jason Siegel January 17 Elizabeth Davis Cameron Hughes Hailey Leighton Stephanie Stern January 18 Angela Behn Gregory Jacobs Reesa Pullen Julia Singer Michael Singer Morris Toback January 19 Maurice Federbusch Damon Gray Eliana Komerofsky Gabriel Komerofsky Sarita Saltzman Philip Siegel January 20 Evelyn Crisp Rachel Kutler Esta Zucker January 21 Gloria Cohn Brandon Gossen Elizabeth Shaenfield Bennett Stahl John Troy January 22 Carson Lichtmacher January 23 Madison Cohen Jocelyn Epstein Glenn Halff Julian Nestel Thad Prince January 24 Ariel Friedman Michael Goldberg Sheri Pullen Eve Vizurraga January 25 Susanne Jalnos Tamarah Mata David Reitblatt Emma Weingerz January 26 Syd Harris Brandon Jalnos Nailya Maryanchik Veronica Viramontes January 27 Howard Garb Madeline Tawil January 28 Frances Anderson Noah Maizel January 29 Sonia Goldberg Gary Gossen Samson Gresores Heather Kerr Devan Lauterstein Jeffrey Mintz Mel Waldgeir January 30 Perla Scott January 31 Rick Fein Joseph Lundblade Marc Magram Sophia Maizel Yoshua Weingerz Anniversaries Here’s to many more years! January 1 Adam & Keng Chester David & Sheryd Jackson Derek & Michele Perry January 4 Richard & Elaine Miller January 5 Michael & Lainey Berkus January 10 Bob & Roseanne Atlas Brad & Sheri Barenblat 20 January 12 Todd & Iris Usnik January 13 Steve & Phyliss Cole January 17 Jon & Jessica Bernstein Mike & Marinel Robbins January 18 Jackson & Beverly Salasky Gal & Bonnie Shweiki January 19 Joel & Anne Roth January 20 Ronnie Levy & Emily Sparks January 21 Max & Suzan Mendlovitz January 22 Jerome & Tammy Cohen January 23 Mike & Gladys Koranek January 24 Alex & Gaby Scharlack January 25 Eric & Dara Holwitt Ron Peden & Rachel Rosenberg-Peden January 26 Eddie & Judy Halfant Dan Weingart & Amy Sugarman January 27 Noah & Liliana Maizel Arthur & Lois Solomon January 28 Bruce & Burlene Baumann Yahrzeits May their memories be for a blessing Our sincere condolences to Lauren, Marc, Rebecca and Sam Ross and the Sigman-Ross Family on the loss of Jerry Sigman; Marvin, Susan, Bonnie, and Michael, Jeremy, Melody, Jack, and Halley, Isaac and Avram on the loss of Emi Jacobs; Danette Morgan, Pamela Harris and Michelle Goodman, Maura, Shawn, Melissa and Hallie on the loss of Miriam “Micki” Harris; Jimmy, Mark Toubin and Elizabeth Cohen, Cheryl and Rob Weiner on the loss of Doris Miller Toubin. January 1 Sarah Levi Behar Theresa Silver Robert Dahms Victor Krull Morris Wiedermann January 2 Irving Abraham Rutstein Dennis Marion Joseph Goldparb January 8 Ida Arnow David Katims Mark Levine Leah Schuman Saul Friedman Faye DuBrow January 3 Morton R. Leof Julius Wartell William Lipstein January 9 Gay Golmon Rae Lionell January 4 Arnold Alper Samuel Buchalter George DuBrow Harry Greenberg Otto Haar Harry Kalmans Julius Garb January 5 Morris Beldon Sylvan Gurinsky Rachel Wilk January 6 Paul Atlas Gladys Greenberg Sam Skolnick Abraham Grolnick January 7 Charles Gossen January 10 George Stern January 11 Isadore Miller Goldie Shapiro Reva Tobias Mary Wiedermann Judith Jamigson Saklad Camilo Villanueva January 12 Rose Isgur Tillie Rubin Korn Lupe Mata Fannie Nadler Nehama Sachnowitz Yadya Shulman Jacob Weizman January 13 Edna Alper Vivian Shaenfield January 14 Emanuel Harkavy Rose Leah Jacobs Sophie Brown January 15 Elizabeth Abner Bikoff Alvin E. Jacobs January 16 Rose Esstman Vivian Zucker January 17 Nathan Cytrin Morris Halpin Jacob Harris Myron Hauser January 18 Vera Fein Sam Friedman January 19 Jack Domnitz Bertha Lusky’Anton Sachnowitz Simon Wiedermann January 20 Joseph Baseman January 21 Erna Epstein Ruth Levinson Ann Lunenfeld Ernest Simon Marlene Hartstein January 26 Israel Davis Will Israel Rauch Joseph Slapper January 22 Janice Garlitz Roberta Greenberg Mary Ghetzler Harris Beatrice Gans Kline Chaim Shapiro Leonard Leighton January 27 Jacob Halfant Karen Mann January 23 Irwin Michael Danziger Isadore Herschman Arthur Kaiser Sheldon Vexler Louis Caner January 28 Abe Leon Argo Aaron Block Abraham Blucher Minnie Davis January 29 William Alterman Nathan Aaron Lerer Jake Zaike January 24 Max Bier Bessie Buchalter Lillian Shapiro Melvin Roth January 30 Sam Friedman Fannie Golden Clara Goldman Samuel Grossman Helen Katzman Leonard Lehrman January 25 Freda Dzialoszynski Gustav Kahn Israel Maze Beatrice Aaron Carmen Villanueva Anne Goldberg Bruce Sorenson Roman Lubetzky January 31 Howard Anderson Rebecca Barath Martin Epstein Dorothy Greenberg Anna Silberman Yzchak Shweiki Bequests In loving memory of those caring individuals who remembered the synagogue in their wills. Esther Alterman Charles Atkin Solis Berman Max & Ethel Borowsky Sam Briskman Joseph Chasan Marilyn Dubrin Norman Fink Irving & Elaine Lachman Frank Joe & Harry Freeman Cynthia & Sam Glasser Dr. Eugene Gold Phyllis Gordon Phil Heintz Rose Jacobson Rosa Lee Katz Eva Kavy Elsa Lampert Isaac & Rivka Ledor Itta Lenowitz Stizzi & Israel Lewin Gertrude Mendel Sam Polunsky Nat Posner Thelma Preissman Minnie Pulman Odessa Ring Max Rosenman Shirley Rosofsky Leon Sachnowitz Berdie Scharlack Schwartz Leah Shapiro Israel and Esther Silber Greta Stat Joseph Steinfeld William Udinski Ruth Wilk 21 Torah Fund Donations Torah Fund Donation Information Thank you for your support of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism’s Torah Fund. Torah Fund cards are only $4 each. To order, please make a payment to Sisterhood Torah Fund and send check to: Thelma Lettman 3719 Litchfield, 78230 Phone 210.696.0926 ~ Please call Sunday through Friday before 8:00pm. Please order your cards before calling. Todah Rabbah for your continued support. Call Jean Eisenstot at 210.614.4617 to order cards. In Honor Of Birthdays Sandy Bonilla by Rose Williams Adina Karp wining the Photogenic Award by Marguerite Lerer Morris Eskenazi by Don & Joanne Zaike Randy & Shari Pulman on the engagement 0f their son Jason by Pearl Gossen Roslyn Hager by Fannie Rae Shapiro, Lean Maze Claire & Lindsay Weingart on their B’not Mitzvah byJudy & Eddie Halfant Marcy Hyman byHelen Isgur Neal Kavy by Helen Isgur Leah Maze by Helen Isgur Marinel Robbins by Marguerite Lerer Babs Schnitzer by Susan & Max Mendlovitz, Helen Isgur, Don & Joanne Zaike Fred Wartell by Helen Isgur Sandy Wartell by Helen Isgur Sylvia Wilk by Helen Isgur Joanne Zaike by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz, Helen Isgur Anniversaries Charlotte Sue & Richard Alterman by Helen Isgur Barbara & Ronnie Argo by Helen Isgur Miriam & Morton Greenberg by Anonymous Kathy & Ron Noble by Helen Isgur Ahuva & Jacob Shweki by Helen Isgur Simchas Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham on his installation by Thelma Lettman ,Helen Isgur Ben & Max Fogel on their B’nai Mitzvah by Marge & David Present Tevia & Joel Friedman on the birth of grandson Miles Lewis by Judy & Eddie Halfant 22 Speedy Recovery To Stuart Bernstein by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz, Joan Fries Phyliss Cole by Joan Fries, Thelma Lettman, Marguerite Lerer, Judy & Eddie Halfant Helen Kerman by Pearl Gossen, Judy & Eddie Halfant Charlene Pelin by Pearl Gossen Alice Thorner by Pearl Gossen Deanie Vogel by Judy & Eddie Halfant, In Memory of Alvin Breit by Arnold & Jean Eisenstot Brother A.W. Eisenstot on his Yahrzeit by Arnold & Jean Eisenstot Haskell Gruber by Don & Joanne Zaike, Sylvia Wilk, Sandy & Mel Weingart Micki Harris by Barbara & Ronnie Argo, Marguerite Lerer, Helen Isgur, Joanne & Don Zaike Emi Jacobs by Arnold & Jean Eisenstot, Don & Joanne Zaike, Thelma Lettman, Sylvia Wilk, Marge & David Present Carrol Meyer by Jean & Butch Karren Doris Toubin by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz, Esta & Stan Zucker. Sandy & Mel Weingart, Jean & Butch Karren Advertise with Us! Call 210.479.0307 for rate information to place an ad. 23 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 57 Congregation Agudas Achim 16550 Huebner Road San Antonio, TX 78248 Address Service Requested Donations made to the synagogue will be acknowledged as follows: $10.00 Donation listed in Kolenu and acknowledgement mailed to the recipient only. ONE honoree’s name per donation Donations received after the publication deadline will be published in the following Kolenu. $18.00 Donation listed in Kolenu and acknowledgement mailed to the recipient and donor. Shabbat Evening 6:15pm ~ Vexler Chapel Shabbat Morning 9:00am ~ Alterman Salkind Louis Sanctuary or Vexler Chapel Yahrzeits are read at EACH service. Babysitting provided for birth through 2nd grade at all Shabbat Morning services. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm. Service Times Daily Minyan 7:30am Monday - Friday ~ Vexler Chapel 9:00am Sunday ~ Vexler Chapel Evenings by contacting office Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm The office will be closed January 1 & 2 for New Year The Kolenu is published monthly. The deadline for all submissions is the 28th day of each month two months prior to publication. So, we want to hear from you! Yell a kvell to Mindi Stern at 210.479.0307 or email to Administration Office 210.479.0307 Fax - 210.479.0295 Heintz Preschool 210.479.0429 Inda Posner Religious School 210.479.2689
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