January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time The Steward Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. -- 1 Corinthians 6:19a "What are you looking for?" Jn 1:38 By Deacon David Reyes The theme of this week's reading is discipleship. What does it mean for Catholic Christians to profess to being a disciple of Christ in today's world? Perhaps the best way to approach this question is to answer, what is a disciple? When asked many will answer a disciple is a member of an organization or follower of someone. Some may say, "Oh, a disciple is what the followers of Jesus are called in the Bible.” Those responses are not wrong but they aren't totally accurate either. A disciple is a follower who puts their full heart, soul and spirit into what they believe. Perhaps you might think another name for disciple is fan (which was shorten from fanatic). Let's use the example of being a Cubs or White Sox fan. (I'd use Da Bears but I cry when I think about this last season). I'm sure you know some fans who are FANS. They know all the facts, stats and trivia about their team and players. They have posters on their walls at home, or jerseys of their favorite player. They live and breathe their team - even in the off season! I'll have to admit that early in my faith journey I probably would have used the term fan to describe a disciple. So what's the difference? Good question. May I suggest the fan follows expecting to be fulfilled and if s/he isn't they quit. A disciple, however, follows knowing the satisfaction is there, definitely there. As I have reflected on what it means to be a disciple I suspect today's passage from John's gospel was stuck in the back of my head. The 2 disciples respond to Jesus' question of what they are looking for by saying "…where are you staying?" An odd response?! But as is usually the case there is much more to the words of the Bible than meets the eye. An easier way to understand the disciples' question is to read "… where are you staying spiritually, or how is your relation with God?" Jesus invites them and us to "Come and see!" The sad fact, however, is many times we don't go and see how best to live and relate to God. Why? Good news bad news time: The bad news is because we have to work at it! The good news is there are so many ways to enhance our relationship with God! We are all blessed with different gifts and talents. Are you the studious type? Read, study and teach the faith as a catechist with children or adults. The more outgoing type? The Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society, St. Vincent de Paul society or the various drives we have to feed the hungry. I could go on and on (a trait we lawyers suffer from) but you get the point. But you might say, "Deacon! I'm satisfied with my relationship with God - we're GOOD! " In that case remember what the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "If today you are on the same level spiritually as you were yesterday -- then you're declining in spiritual growth! Go and see where Jesus is staying -- You'll find something worthwhile! St. Benedict Parish & Preparatory School 2215 West Irving Park Road Chicago, IL 60618 www.stbenedict.com New Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 noon & 6:30 PM This Week at St. Ben's Sunday JANUARY 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 18 19 20 21 Welcoming Weekend Masses at 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 PM & 6:30 PM Church Daily Morning Mass Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM - Church 8:30 AM - Church Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM - Church Holy Name Society Meeting 7 PM Sewing Room Market Day Pick Up 2:45 PM Beaven Hall Girl Scout Daisys 1st Grade Parish Children's 3 PM Choir Rehearsal Beaven Hall 5 PM Room 333 - Music Cub Scout Webelos I Zumba Den Meeting 6:30 PM Cafeteria 4th Grade 6 PM Adult Choir Beaven Hall Rehearsal 7 PM SPRED Choir Area Church 6:30 PM SPRED Room Cub Scout Webelos II Den Fitness & Nutrition Meeting 5th Grade Seminar 7 PM 7 PM Church Basement Church Basement Parish Library Open after 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM and 12 PM RCIA Masses 7 PM - SPRED Rm Adult Choir Rehearsal 9 AM Sewing Room RCIA Dismissal 9:30 AM Pine Room Ravenswood Community Orchestra Rehearsal 7:30 PM SS Library Girl Scout Juniors 5th Grade 2 PM Beaven Hall Cub Scout Wolf Den Meeting - 2nd Grade 6:30 PM Beaven Hall Cub Scout Tiger Den Meeting - 1st Grade 6:30 PM Church Basement BINGO 7 PM Gym Baptisms 1:30 PM Church Thursday Friday Saturday 22 23 24 Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM Church Daily Morning Mass Bitty Basketball 8 AM 8:30 AM Ackerman Center Church Secondary School Parent International Potluck 6:30 PM Beaven Hall Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM Church Zumba 10 AM Cafeteria Reconciliation 11 AM Church Mass at 5 PM Church SBTV Athletic Fundraiser 7 PM Gym SBPS School Advisory Board 7 PM - SS Library 25 26 28 29 30 Masses at 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 PM & 6:30 PM Church Daily Morning Mass Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM - Church 8:30 AM - Church Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM - Church Girl Scout Brownies Girl Scout Brownies 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 3 PM - Beaven Hall 2 PM Beaven Hall St. Vincent dePaul Society Cub Scout Bear Den 6:30 PM - Pine Rm Meeting - 3rd Grade 6 PM Church Basement Boy Scout Troop #865 7 PM - Beaven Hall Catechetical Commission 7 PM Health Care Committee Meeting SPRED Room 7 PM Small Meeting Rm. BINGO 7 PM Gym Marriage Information Meeting Spiritual Life Meeting 7 PM 7 PM Meeting Room Meeting Room RCIA 7 PM - SPRED Rm Parish Children's Choir Rehearsal 5 PM Room 333 Music Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM Church Daily Morning Mass Bitty Basketball 8 AM 8:30 AM Ackerman Center Church Girl Scout Daisys Kindergarten 3 PM Beaven Hall Girl Scout Cadettes & Senior Troop Meeting 4:30 PM Beaven Hall Kitchen Donut Sunday after 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM and 12 PM Masses Beaven Hall RE Classes 8:45 AM Classrooms RCIA Dismissal 9:30 AM Pine Room Cub Scout Pack Meeting #3865, Raingutter 2 PM Ackerman Center and Beaven Hall Baptisms 1:30 PM Church 27 Ball & Auction Meeting 6 PM SS Library SPRED 6:30 PM SPRED Room RE Classes 6:30 PM Classrooms Zumba 6:30 PM Cafeteria 31 Daily Morning Mass 8:30 AM Church Zumba 10 AM Cafeteria Reconciliation 11 AM Church Mass at 5 PM Church Knights of Columbus Meeting 7 PM Sewing Room Ravenswood Community Orchestra Rehearsal 7:30 PM SS Library Adult & Child Catechesis Fostering Faith Returns to St. Ben's Catechists, sign up for the next training and certification course, Life in Christ: Catholic Morality When: Tuesdays, February 3, 10, 17, and 24 Where: Room 229 (Use the entry door at 3911 N. Bell) Time: 6:45 to 9:15 p.m. RSVP to Lisa Mersereau at lmersereau@stbenedict.com. Free to St. Ben's catechists and parishioners. Welcome Catechumens! Please pray for our catechumens: Kimberly Angel Stephanie Hernandez Christopher Chesne Casey Hulliberger Chelli Facer Elizabeth Ladopoulos Nicole Foster David Medendorp James Hauman Dana Walsh May God help them to persevere in the footsteps of Christ. January 18, 2015 Catechetical Conversation Series Ca Ye Year of Sacraments 2014-2015 Dis Discussions Dis will be held monthly in the Church at 7 p.m. p All adults and high-school-aged teens are welcome. These adult education offerings are all held we on Monday nights for your convenience. Please join us for the next discussion in the series: Feb. 9 The Center of our Lives is the Eucharist (parents of children seeking to celebrate their First Holy Communion in 2015 should plan to attend this session; adults only, please) Family Mass Our next Family Mass will be on February 8 with 6th Grade hosting. The Sign Up Genius will be available in late January. parish.stbenedict.com page 2 S T. B E N E D I C T PA R I S H & P R E PA R ATO RY S C H O O L Annual Athletic Fund Raiser SB TV S T. B E N E D I C T T E L E V I S I O N SATURDAY JANUARY 24TH 7-11:30 PM IN THE GYM Come as your favorite TV character (or cast) or come as you are and enjoy great music and a great time! Tickets: $2o in advance/$25 at the door ALL PROCEEDS TO FUND INSTALLATION OF THE NEW GYM ROOF ST. BENEDICT PREPARATORY SCHOOL ANNUAL ATHLETIC FUNDRAISER TICKET ORDER FORM Name:__________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Phone Number:__________________________________________________________________ Number of Tickets Needed:_________ Total Amount Included w/Order Form:___________ • Cost per Ticket is $20 in Advance/$25 at the door • Tickets can be ordered on line at: https://www.givecentral.org/location/34/8413. Deadline for online ticket orders is Thursday, January 22nd. • Check or cash payment accepted. Please make all checks payable to: St. Benedict Parish & Preparatory School (SBPS). Please return order form and cash or check payment to the Elementary or Secondary School Office no later than Friday, January 23rd. Thanks for your support! We look forward to seeing you on January 24th! January 18, 2015 parish.stbenedict.com page 3 Events & Parish Life Hello fellow St. Benedict Parishioner, It is that time once again, book your sitters NOW and get ready for a fun night out with fellow parents and our lovely St. Benedict Prep administration and staff! St. Benedict Prep’s 14th Annual Ball & Auction, the biggest fundraiser of the year is coming to a new venue, Germania Place on Saturday, February 28, 2015. We are planning some very exciting live auction items and lots of fun silent auction items. But, we need your help! We are hoping to raise over $300,000 in much needed funds for our school! Don’t think you have anything to offer? Here are a few simple ideas: • Think about the neighborhood places you frequent, the ones where the owners know you, and the restaurants you love. Most of these businesses would love to help their best customers and would appreciate the exposure to other St. Benedict Prep parents. • Consider donating a weekend at your vacation home or timeshare or some of your airline miles, hotel points, car rental points. • Do you have season tickets to sporting events, theater, or concert venues? Please consider donating tickets to a game or show. • Are you a member at a golf club? Donate a tee time or ask your favorite pro to donate some lessons. • Do you have any famous friends or neighbors? Any relationships with a noteworthy athlete or chef or artist? Ask them to do a "behind the scenes” tour, provide an ultimate dining experience, or gain access to VIP tickets. All unique and original ideas are welcome and no donation is too small (or too big)! To donate, just fill out the attached form and return it to the Development Office at St. Benedict Prep by January 28, 2015. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Committee Members, Meggan Flom (megdonoghue@msn.com) or Anna Gallagher (annaboryc@yahoo.com). Thank you so much for all your support! We are looking forward to seeing you at My Fair Chicago, the 14th Annual Ball & Auction on February 28th at Germania Place! The 2015 Ball & Auction Committee January 18, 2015 parish.stbenedict.com page 4 Events & Parish Life CONTRIBUTOR DATA Thank You for Your Generous Support of the 14th Annual Ball & Auction! Please submit this form by January 28, 2015 to Kathy Goetz in the St. Benedict Preparatory School Advancement Office or by email at kathydchi@yahoo.com, fax at 773.279.0690, or mail to 3900 N. Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL 60618. SBPS is a 501c3 and donations are tax deductible. Company Name: (Exactly as it should appear in the Ball & Auction Program) Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Name: Telephone: Email: Description of Donation: Issue Date: Expiration Date: Value: $ Restrictions: AUCTION BOOK SPONSOR—Place your ad in our 14th Annual Ball & Auction Program Book ___ $250 Full Page Ad (image size 5x8) ___ $175 Half Page Ad (image size 5x4) ___ $100 Quarter Page Ad (image size 2.5x4) Please provide artwork/graphics. For message only, please use the back of this page. For information regarding larger sponsorship levels, please contact Sponsorship Chair Misha Mann misha.mann@gmail.com or 773-678-1186 stbensballandauction.com For Committee Use January 18, 2015 parish.stbenedict.com page 5 Human Concerns/Outreach St. Benedict Common Pantry Food Drive Get Fit in 2015! The health committee of St. Benedicts is excited to welcome Cristina Walterman, one of Chicago's Top Certified Personal Training & Nutrition Consultants for a FREE fitness and nutrition seminar Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 at 7 PM in the Church basement. Seminar is open to all St. Benedict's parishioners, family, friends and the general public. Cristina will be discussing the latest nutrition and fitness tips and tricks to help improve your overall health and fitness Thanks to the amazing generosity of St. Benedict Parishioners, December supply donations to the Common Food Pantry have exceeded 760 lbs. Our next food collection for the Common Pantry is Feb. 21 & 22. Nonperishable food items as well as toiletries can be left in the St. Benedict Shrine on the third Sunday of the month. Thanks for your amazing generosity! January -- Human Trafficking Awareness Month THE WOMEN'S CENTER 5116 North Cicero Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630 (773)794-1313 Illinois Women Religious Against Human Trafficking It is estimated that more than 20 million men, women and children around the world are victims of human trafficking. The United States is a source, transit and destination country for some of these men, women and children — both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals — who are subjected to the injustices of human trafficking, including forced labor, debt bondage, involuntary servitude, and sex trafficking. Prayer to End Human Trafficking Loving and compassionate God, we pray for the release of the millions of innocent children, teenagers, women and men who have been drawn into prostitution, sweatshops and domestic servitude by human trafficking. Increase our awareness of this terrible injustice. May the compassionate people who seek to help these victims be blessed in their efforts to free them from captivity and to provide safe shelters for them. We confidently ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen. January 22nd marks the 42nd anniversary of the legalization of abortion which has resulted in the death of nearly 58 million innocent, unborn babies in this country, one every 30 seconds. We can only estimate how many women have undergone tremendous suffering because of their abortions. The Women’s Center is a pregnancy resource center which has saved approximately 38,000 babies and their mothers from the pain of abortion in our 30 years of service. We offer them a choice other than abortion and provide counseling, material assistance and prayer support. How can I help? 1 Action: Minimize opportunities for exploitation by supporting fair trade and anti-poverty programs. Drop off non-perishables for the Common Food Pantry to the St. Benedict Shrine in Church every 3rd Sunday. Next collection: February 21 & 22. Donations of plastic bags are also needed! Drop off clothing to the St. Vincent de Paul 2 collection box, located in the courtyard. 2nd Collection - January 18th Build Our Future There will be a 2nd collection this weekend immediately following communion for our Parish Build Our Future Campaign. Proceeds from this collection will be used for Parish and School needs. 2nd Collection - January 25th Latin America There will be a 2nd collection after communion for Latin America. Pleases be generous. January 18, 2015 Drop off your paper to recycle in our ABITIBI 3 bins in the courtyard. 4 Make a gift from our parish to St. Vincent de Paul to help those in need. Donations can be left in the drop box safe, located near the Holy Family Shrine in Church. The sandwich program is in need of sandwiches, 5 snacks and drinks. Questions? Contact the parish office at 773-588-6484. parish.stbenedict.com page 6 Stewards of Our Time, Talent, and Treasure Online Giving to St. Benedict Parish Have you signed up for online giving to the parish through GiveCentral.org? If you have, thank you. If you haven't, then we encourage you to do so today. There are numerous benefits to signing up with this easy-to-use and secure portal: 1) No more checks and parish envelopes; 2) There is no need to worry about make-up contributions when you are away from the parish; 3) Contributions are withdrawn directly from your checking account or charges made to your credit card. You control the payments and the timing of your contributions; 4) You can make other recurring donations to the parish, the preparatory school, archdiocesan second collections, parish functions, etc.; 5) Your regular contributions to the parish help us to remain financially solvent and allows us to continuously expand our parish ministries. Thank you to all of our parishioners for their generosity, no matter what method you use to contribute. We strive to be the best stewards of the gifts that have been y assistance, please p entrusted to us. Should you need any contact me at 773) 588-6484 588-66484 x203. gpautsch@stbenedict.com or at (773) Parish Savings and Restricted Parish Funds Report (Reconciled as of December 31, 2014) To Teach Who Christ Is (Master Plan) Savings…….........................$ 47,595.15 Build Our Future…….................................$ 40,606.00 From monthly parish collection and 10% of parish fundraising New Family Fee.…......................................$ 126,115.34 Savings for future facility improvements and high school scholarships……............$ 95,618.78 Gift Cards for Sale! Help us eliminate our stock! Gift cards are available in the rectory until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Catholic Educational Endowment…..…..$ 81,705.58 Here are the cards and quantities that are available: AMC Gold: 1 Bath and Body Works: 5 Best Buy: 9 Black Angus: 2 Build a Bear: 1 Chicago Joe's: 20 Dillards: 3 Footlocker: 2 Gymboree: 5 January 18, 2015 iTunes: 23 Marathon Gas: 10 Office Max: 3 Payless: 1 PetSmart: 3 Quiznos: 4 Red Robin: 3 Taco Bell: 6 Toys R Us: 4 Total savings balance: $ 391,640.85 Due to your generosity, the parish is currently up-to-date on all of its bills, and is debt free and clear of any prior loans. Thank you for being great stewards! Treasure Weekly Report for January 10th & 11th Your "In-Pew" Sunday Stewardship................$ 7,053.55 GiveCentral thru 1/11/15...................................$ 5,782.50 Total Weekly Collection..................$ 12,836.05 Weekly Budgeted Amount........................$ 13,000.00 YTD Budgeted Amount.........................$ 364,000.00 YTD Gifted thru 1/11/15.................................$ 379,370.54 YTD Under/Over.......................................$ 15,370.54 parish.stbenedict.com page 7 Spiritual Life St. Ben's Women's Book Club - Next Meeting: February 19 at 7 PM St. Benedict Women's Book Club will meet on February 19 at 7 PM in the Pine Room of the Rectory to discuss The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. The novel is inspired by the true story of Sarah Grimke, a nineteenth century abolitionist and suffragist. Please contact Kathy Sanchez at kthlsan@aol.com for further information. Palos Park, IL 60464 Commemorative Hymnal Name Plates Our new hymnals have arrived! Please consider helping the parish offset the cost of the new books by purchasing a commemorative name plate. Name plates will be fixed on the inside cover of the hymnals, and have the option to memorialize a loved one. The cost to memorialize one book is $25. You may memorialize as many hymnals as you like there are a total of 750 new hymnals. Save the Date --- CRHP Women's Retreat --- March 21 - 22, 2015 The next Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Women's weekend retreat is March 21 - 22, 2015. It is a free weekend retreat held in Beaven Hall at St. Benedict. Plan to spend a relaxing renewal weekend with other women from St. Ben's. St. Benedict Fine Arts Series 2014-15 Coming in February - The final concert of the 2014-15 St. Benedict Fine Arts Series! Founded in fall 2013, this series celebrates the gift of music through community concerts. These concerts present a diverse range of artists and musical styles, especially talented members of the St. Ben’s and North Center communities. Most concerts are free, and all concerts are designed to be family friendly. Free will donations are accepted and help to cover the cost of putting on these events. Please join us for this celebration of the gift of music! Season of Love Musical Theater Revue Coming in February Parish Adult Choir Family-Friendly Schedule! The Parish Adult Choir needs new members, especially talented parents from our school and Religious Ed. The rehearsal schedule has been CHANGED to help accommodate our parents’ busy schedules! Instead of rehearsing every Wednesday at 7:30pm, the choir now rehearses only two Wednesdays a month at 7:00pm. All other rehearsals have been moved to 9am on Sunday morning. We alternate between the 9am and 10:30am masses. F.A.Q. Q: What if I cannot make it to every single rehearsal or mass? A: We still need you! We are happy to have you, even if you can only sing one Sunday/ month. Q: Do I need to read music to join? A: Though music reading is helpful it is not required. All that is required is the ability to carry a tune and a willingness to learn. Basic note-reading will be taught at rehearsal. Q: Do I need to pass an audition? A: No auditions necessary! Simply come to our next rehearsal. All you need to bring is yourself and a love of music. All music and materials will be provided. You are also guaranteed to have a lot of fun! January 18, 2015 parish.stbenedict.com page 8 In Our Prayers Masses for the Week Please Pray for Healing Please call Elizabeth Kustusch at 773-509-3806 to add your name or the name of an immediate family member for whom you would like the parish to pray for healing. Weston Abplanalp Jane Abrahamson Anna Aguilera Steve Bansield Mila Barja Raven Barron Deacon Phil Bertolani Maureen Black Joey Burke Ricardo Cataylo Eugene Caulfield Mary McDonagh Chaput Chris Coulon Susan Cronin Susan Duffy Louise Efrosinis Sue Fahey Helen Greene Rita Gumler Eleanor Haberkamp Elise Herald Joseph Hijazin Tawfeeq Hijazin Art Hundreiser Karen Iacovelli Dorothy Jacob Marilyn Jerger Nancy Kallao Theresa Kattner Susan Kestler Michelle Kramer Leslie Kufner Maryanne Kufner Suzie Libao Juliette Lyng Violeta S. Magnabijon James Maltezos Amy Mateo Benjamin Mazzone Judy McDonnell Robert McGinn Charlotte McHugh Kevin Miller Elaine Nelson Lorraine Neumann Judi Newbold Teopista Pellerin Mary Phillips Christine Pietschmann Kathleen Pietschmann Catherine Polster Rowan Quinain, Sr. Gloria C. Recede Daanish Rizwan Joyce Rupp Martha Ruscheinski Maralyn Samp Denise Schilz Lou Schilz Lisa Sherbondy Julia Sieja Nancy Sternik Lillian Stramel Jim Strzalka Luka Tomasicyk Rose Ann Vargas Sofia Vitale Helen Wehde Helene Wieland Sr. Fran Wohn Baptisms From January 11, 2014 Sophie Ellison, daughter of Joshua and Meredith Rudolfi Luca Marc, son of Marc and Jennifer Salzano Our Armed Forces Please pray for the safe return of all men and women in the armed forces - especially those in our parish family. Kirk Perisin Nicholas Bednarz Christopher Haire Kevin Powers Joe Butler Jim Heilemann Leigh Anne Swafford Christian Morales Neal Knudsvig Canas Marco Vallejo Ivan Morales Kevin Cronin David Murcio Michael De Quattro Scott Murray David Rosales Emily Bajko January 18, 2015 Fred Accomando Joyce Rupp Sunday, January 18 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Edmund Francis McNaughton Theresa McNaughton Robert Kestler - Mary Lou Kestler 9:00 am Marianne Kattner - St. Benedict Religious Education Julia Enger - Ken and Pat Woodhouse 10:30 am Gabriel Rebello - Ramona Mendes and Family Jerry Hogan - Sheaffer Family Pauline Lynch - Fr. Jason and the St. Benedict Parish Community 12:00 pm Frank and Maria Dindia - Ben Oliva Elizabeth Joyce - Fr. Jason and the St. Benedict Parish Community 6:30 pm Monday, January 19 - Weekday 8:30 am Francisco Delgado - Wife and daughters Julia Enger - Ed and Kelley Halper Tuesday, January 20 - Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr, Saint Sebastian, Martyr 8:30 am Gregorio & Marciana Macaspac - Aurea Ilena Dominguez - Dominguez Children Wednesday, January 21 - Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr 8:30 am Roger Boesen - St. Benedict Alumni Office Mass of Thanksgiving - Jorge & Aurora Cortes Thursday, January 22 - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 8:30 am Friday, January 23 - Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr, Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin 8:30 am Saturday, January 24 - Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:30 am Special Intention for Joseph Babbo & Family Sadofsky Family 5:00 pm Ronald Egan - Egan Family Louise Pietschmann - Family Sunday, January 25 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Dermott Duffy - Mary Lee Kosowski Ed Kestler - Mary Lou Kestler and Family Jose & Elena Dominguez - Dominguez Children 9:00 am Joan Sorensen - Kevin, Maureen & Ella O'Shea-Cassidy Pauline Lynch - Erin Kinahan Marilynn Witting - Schuman Family 10:30 am Emily Gonsalves - Martin Family Charlotte M. Boz - Fr. Jason and the St. Benedict Parish Community 12:00 pm Josef & Anna Apazeller - Family Adam & Katharina Apazeller - Family Benefactors of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul 6:30 pm parish.stbenedict.com page 9 Parish Information Come Home to St. Ben’s! If you are visiting, we hope you enjoy your stay. We’re glad you decided to join us in this celebration. If you are new to the St. Ben’s community, welcome home! To become a registered parishioner, complete a Registration Form online at http://parish.stbenedict.com/ becoming-a-parishioner/. One of our Ministers of Hospitality will be glad to assist you. If you are a former parishioner or a graduate of our schools, we are glad to see you back home. We hope you will return often. Contact Ben Mazzone at the Alumni Office at bmazzone@stbenedict.com. Our weekly bulletin, The Steward, tells you about parish life. Submissions for the bulletin are generally due by Friday at 9 am of the week previous to publication. Electronic submissions are preferred via e-mail to bulletin@stbenedict.com. Flyers should be submitted in camera-ready format and will be used if space permits. If you would like to receive our online weekly newsletter-"The Block", please contact the rectory to be placed on our emailing list. If you have any questions, please call the rectory at (773) 588-6484. St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School Rectory - (773) 588-6484 2215 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60618 Fax: (773) 588-4927 www.stbenedict.com Rev. Jason A. Malave, Pastor, ext. 211, jmalave@stbenedict.com Human Concerns Commission: Elizabeth Kustusch Parish Life Commission: Fr. Jason Malave Spiritual Life Commission: Fr. Rodlin Rodrigue Pastoral Staff Rev. Robert Beaven, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Rodlin Rodrigue, Associate Pastor, ext. 207, rrodrigue@stbenedict.com David Reyes, Deacon, ext. 209 dreyes@stbenedict.com Elizabeth Kustusch, Pastoral Associate, ext. 206 ekustusch@stbenedict.com Lisa Mersereau, Director of Catechesis, ext. 314, lmersereau@stbenedict.com Geoff Pautsch, Director of Finance, ext. 203, gpautsch@stbenedict.com Ellen Roberts, Parish Manager, ext. 200, eroberts@stbenedict.com Barbara Schneider, Accounting Manager, ext. 205, bschneider@stbenedict.com Jeremy Kiolbassa, Director of Music Ministry, ext. 208, jkiolbassa@stbenedict.com Heath Winborn, Director of Operations, ext. 212, hwinborn@stbenedict.com Sunday Eucharist: Saturday - 5 pm; Sunday - 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, and 6:30 pm Weekday Eucharist: 8:30 am (M - Sat) Holy Day Eucharist: 8:30 am and 7:00 pm St. Benedict Preparatory School Rachel Gemo, CEO, (773) 463-6797, ext. 404, rgemo@stbenedict.com Joe Accardi, Mission Advancement Officer, ext. 324 jaccardi@stbenedict.com Early Childhood (PK-K) - (773) 588-7851 3901 N. Bell Ave, Chicago, IL 60618 Rachel Waldron, Head of Early Childhood, ext. 601 rwaldron@stbenedict.com Devotions Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesdays - 9 am First Friday Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 9am in church. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: 2pm in church. Sacraments (Please call the rectory) Baptisms: Scheduled on all Sundays at 1:30 pm; on the fourth Sunday at one of the Masses. Parents must be registered parishioners. Baptism preparation class is required, usually before the birth of the child. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11 am - 12 noon; seasonal celebrations, as posted; by appointment in the rectory. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For unbaptized persons or baptized persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming a Catholic. Weddings: Arrange with a pastoral staff member at least four months in advance. Participation in marriage preparation is essential. Services Elementary School (1 - 5) - (773) 463-6797 3920 N. Leavitt, Chicago, IL 60618 Nancy Feely, Head of Elementary School, ext. 400 nfeely@stbenedict.com Secondary School (6 - 12) - (773) 539-0066 3900 N. Leavitt, Chicago, IL 60618 Erika Mickelburgh, Head of Secondary School, ext. 317 emickelburgh@stbenedict.com The Commissions of St. Benedict Parish If you are interested in learning more about or joining one of the many ministries at St. Benedict Parish or would like to volunteer time or talent, please call the rectory or contact the following person(s): Catechetical Commission: Lisa Mersereau Education Commission: Rachel Gemo, Rachel Waldron, Nancy Feely, or Erika Mickelburgh January 18, 2015 Masses Rectory: The rectory’s hours are 8:30 am - 8 pm (M - Th); 8:30 am - 6 pm (F); 9 am - 5 pm (Sat); 8:30 am - 1:30 pm (Sunday). Religious Education: Arrangements should be made for the religious education of children attending public schools. Please call the Director of Catechesis. Prayer Requests: If you are ill or have a relative who is ill and would like to be included in the list of prayer requests, please call the rectory. Handicapped Accessibility: An elevator is available for all Sunday Masses. Enter the church through the East door. Please call the rectory for weekday availability. Homebound: Call the rectory to arrange communion in home for those unable to attend Mass or to request a visit by the parish nurse. Mass Intentions: Mass intentions may be requested for someone who is living or deceased or to commemorate a birthday, special anniversary, or the anniversary of a loved one’s death. Please call the rectory. parish.stbenedict.com page 10 Thank you Apartment for Rent: Available January 1, 2015 3853 N. Damen Avenue, First floor of a two flat Living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen with walkin pantry; Two bedrooms plus office; One bathroom; Hardwood floors throughout except bedrooms which are newly carpeted; Storage room available in basement; No air conditioning; No washer/dryer but hook-up available in basement; No smoking; preferred no pets. $1,400 per month plus utilities. Contact Linda Krier at lindakrier@aol.com or Mary Kurczak at kurfam4@comcast.net to the BenFest Silver Sponsors 111 West Jackson Blvd., Ste. 300 Chicago, IL 60604 E commerce strategies and solutions. Because so many of you have asked how to reach Fr. Jack, here is his contact information: 3917 N. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60618 Rev. John (Jack) A. Farry Bishop Timothy J. Lyne Residence for Retired Priests 12230 S Will-Cook Road, Unit 207 Palos Park, IL 60464 Main number 630-257-9510 773-683-1333 www.tinygiantschicago.com St. Benedict Alumnus Living Assistance Services at Home Caregivers Provided Hourly to 24 Hours at Affordable Rates Non-Medical Care for Seniors • Personal Care • Respite Care • Companion Care 1801 W. Irving Park Chicago 773-481-9515 www.visitingangelsil.com Dorothy G. Rewinski, D.D.S. 773-267-1818 312-243-8777 www.gorillagroup.com DRAKE & SON FUNERAL HOME CREMATION • PRE-ARRANGEMENTS Pick-Up • Delivery • Dine-In PRIVATE EVENT ROOM AVAILABLE Open 11am to 5am Daily! RIGHT WAY SERVICE Complete Auto Repairing Alignment • Electrical • Computer Brakes • Transmissions • Etc. www.drakeandsonfuneralhome.com 3912-18 N. Damen 773-549-9078 3114 N. Lincoln • 773-477-2777 • www.Chicagos-Pizza.com 5303 North Western Avenue Chicago, IL 60625 773-561-6874 Owned and Operated by SCI Illinois Services, Inc. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Grein Funeral Directors * Advanced Funeral Planning Available * Chapel Facilities Throughout Chicago And Suburbs * Flexible Pricing To Meet Your Individual Needs 2114 W. Irving Park Rd. 000271 St Benedict Church (B) (773) 588-6336 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 Cooney Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3918 W. 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All Work Guaranteed Since 1952 Whiten Your Smile In Just One Visit! 3604 N. Lincoln Av. Packages starting at $19.95 773-573-1234 5% Off W/Ad 3819 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago (Lakeview) IL 60613 Ring: 773.883.0808 ~ www.ziaslakeview.com 2005 W. Addison 000271 St Benedict Church (A) 773-935-2131 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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