Carbury Parish Newsletter Sunday 25th January, 2015 Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P. Tel: 046 9553355 Fax: 046 9552671 Fr. Alphonsus Murphy P.E. Tel: 046 9553020 Parish Website: Email: Kildare & Leighlin Website: Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday For all bookings, newsletter items, and general queries please call 046 9553355 Derrinturn Church Kilshanroe Church Saturday Sunday Monday-Friday 10am & 7.30pm 8:00am & 11am 9.30am Saturday Sunday Wednesday 7:30pm 11am 9am Next Week’s Gospel Mk 1:21-28 Enrolments are now taking place in the four schools of the parish for September 2015. If you are interested in enrolling your child or know of anyone wishing to enrol their child, please contact or call into the schools for an enrolment form. Alternatively, leave a message at 046 9541612 (Kilshanroe), 046 9553522 (Killina), 046 9553521 (Ticknevin), or 046 9553490 (Derrinturn) with your name and address and the relevant school will post you out an enrolment form. Closing date for enrolments is Friday 13th February, 2015. Communion Calls: If you know anyone who would like to have the priest visit them at their own home, please call the Parish Office on 9553355. Next Communion Calls in the Parish are Wednesday 4th February - Kilkeaskin, Killina, Ticknevin, Ballyhagen, Clonkeen, Williamstown. Thursday 5th February - Parsonstown, Kilshanroe, Derrinturn. Ministers of the Word and Eucharistic Ministers Lists: New lists are currently being compiled in the Parish Office. New or former Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are very welcome to join the team and full training is provided. Thank you to all of our current Ministers of the Word and Eucharistic Ministers. Thank you to the new readers who have come on board. Your continued dedication is appreciated by all. St. Brigid’s Day: Crosses will be available for sale at masses next weekend on Saturday 31st of January and Sunday 1st of February in Derrinturn Church. The children, past pupils and parents of St. Brigids National School Ticknevin are busy making crosses. All funds raised will go towards school funds. The St. Brigid’s Cross was traditionally believed to protect the house from fire and disease. It was also placed in cow sheds to protect animals. It was passed from one person to another as a symbol of peace and goodwill. As people hung up the cross they said this prayer: “May the blessing of God and the Trinity be on this cross, and on the home where it hangs and on everyone who looks at it.” Lecture Series at Carlow College: This year Trinity College Dublin and Carlow College are running a new Slattery lecture series entitled ‘Migrations: Ireland, Europe and beyond’. These lectures are offered by members of the Departments of History and Sociology at TCD and Carlow College. The programme consists of six evening lectures taking place on Tuesdays, from 5 to7pm from 27th of January to 3rd of March inclusive. Lectures are free to the public. All enquiries should be addressed to Reception at Carlow College (phone 059-9153200 or email January 2015 Sat 24th Jan St Francis de Sales Sun 25th Jan 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon 26th Jan St Timothy & Titus Tues 27th Jan Anniversary Mass List Derrinturn Kilshanroe 10am 7.00pm Confessions. 7.30pm John Connolly, Ticknevin Bridge. James Melia, Michael & Elizabeth Melia. Thomas & Sarah McCormack, Killina & deceased members of their Family. Agnes & John Donovan & deceased members of their Family. John Connolly, The Buildings, Ticknevin. The Lenehan Family, Drehid. 8am Thomas “The Bo” Kelly, Ticknevin. 11am Thomas, Elizabeth & Paul Kelly. Paddy O’ Neill, Killina. Brigid, Robert & John Baldwin. Michael & Patricia Flanagan, Collinstown, also deceased Family members; Vincent, Eileen, Patricia & John. Willie Brennan, Derrinturn. 9.30am Brigid Logan, Coonough and her daughter Ann. 9.30am 7:00pm Confessions. 7:30pm John & Michael Masterson. 9.30am Maria Kelly, Drehid. 9.00am 11:00am St Angela Merici Weds 28th Jan St Thomas Aquinas Thurs 29th Jan 9.30am St Gildas Fri 30th Jan St Aidan Sat 31st Jan St John Bosco Sun 01st Feb St. Brigid 9.30am Peter Hynes, his wife Reina and their son Tommy. 10am Owen & Mary Dempsey, Clonkeen and deceased members of the Dempsey & Gill Families. 7.00pm Confessions. 7.30pm Patsy Daly, Parsonstown. Rose Kenny, Birthday remembrance. 8am Jane McDonnell, Inchicore. 11am 7:00pm Confessions. 7:30pm Mary Beatty, her husband Frank and son Michael. Seamus & Harry Bourke, Coonough. Patrick, Larance, Kit & Brigid McKeon & the McKeon Family. 11:00am Derrinturn Eucharistic Ministers & Readers for weekend of 31st January & 1st February 2015 Mass Time Saturday 7.30pm Sunday 8am Sunday 11am Readers Teresa Corrigan Sheamus Farrell Gary Mooney & Sharon Mooney Eucharistic Ministers Paul Fogarty & Peg Hughes Mary Carey Marian Dolan & Marie Cully Derrinturn Church Cleaning Group 2 to meet Tuesday & Friday Kilshanroe Eucharistic Ministers & Readers for weekend of 31st January & 1st February 2015 Mass Time Saturday 7.30pm Sunday 11am Readers Rita McCarty Lenehan Pat Holton Eucharistic Ministers Lily Boyle Andy Gannon Dates for First Confession for our Parish are as follows Date Time School Church th Mon 9 Feb, 2015 7.00pm Derrinturn Derrinturn Church th Weds 11 Feb, 2015 7.00pm Killina & Ticknevin Derrinturn Church th Thurs 12 Feb, 2015 7.00pm Kilshanroe Kilshanroe Church Collections Saturday 17th/ Sunday 18th January 2015 Collections Amount Collections Derrinturn Basket €810 Clergy Donation Kilshanroe Basket €483 Christmas Station Mass Cards €1009 Christmas Day Standing orders Dec to Develop Development €1350 Amount €15 €20 €40 €841.35 Confirmation Preparation: The You Shall Be My Witness Programme Introduction Meeting to the Parents will take place on Monday 16th of February at 8pm in Derrinturn School. All Parents with young people making their Confirmation are asked to attend. If you are unable to do so, please contact the Parish Office between 9:30am and 2:00pm Monday to Friday. Thank you: Janet O’Malley on behalf of Epilepsy Ireland would like to sincerely thank the people who very generously contributed €431.30 to their recent Church Gate Collection. It is very much appreciated. Carbury GAA Lotto draw took place on Monday 19th January. The following numbers were drawn 1, 6,12, 19 and the bonus number was 26. There were 4 match 3 winners each receiving €50. Next week’s prizes: Match 4 plus bonus to win/share €16,350. Match 4 numbers drawn to win/share €10,000. Enter the draw online at – Search Carbury GAA. Carbury GAA White Collar Boxing Event will take place on Saturday March 14 th at the Hamlet Court Hotel Johnstownbridge. Training is already under way for this event. There are many familiar faces taking to the ring and the event will involve players from all levels. Tickets will be €20 and are available at the clubhouse or from any committee member. For further information contact John ‘Speedy’ Kelly or Richard Cully. Family Retreat Day will take place in St. John's Rest and Care Centre, Knock, Co. Mayo on Sunday 1st February 2015 from 11.00am to 3.00pm. There will be a Mass as part of this Retreat Day. The theme for the event is “Families Encouraging Families.” The aim is to invite families to pray together, learn together, and share together.” Speaker: Dr. Tom Ward (UK). Please bring a packed lunch to share. For further information log on Alzheimer Café, McAuley Place, Naas will have their next meeting on Wednesday 28th of January from 7pm. The speaker on the evening is James Doyle from Emergency Response who will discuss ‘safety in the home’. This is a topic that may be of interest to families and professionals alike. All are welcome to attend. If you require further information, please contact the Parish Office. North West Kildare Athletic Club Training will resume Tuesday 27th January at 7pm in Edenderry Rugby Club. Minimum age 6 years. New Members welcome. Carbury Karate & BJJ Club is commencing classes in Karate and Brazilian Jui-Jit-Su on Monday 2nd February in Carbury Community Centre. Junior classes from 7pm-8pm (6 to12 year olds - cost €3). Senior 8pm-9pm (13 years plus - cost €5). BJJ class 9pm-10pm (13 year plus cost €5) These karate style used in these classes will be Wa-da-ryu based style zocho – ten. For further information contact Sensi John Daniels who will be the instructor on 087-2422537 or email Diabetes Ireland: Interested in walking the Camino de Santiago while fundraising for Diabetes Ireland this year? Maybe you are a more experienced hiker and are interested in tackling the Tour du Mont Blanc? For further information call Gary on 01 842 8118 visit . Irish Grinds: Junior Cert Mocks are approaching. Limited availability for help with practising for your Irish Oral Exams, and Grinds. Contact Caroline 0861595955. Ironing Service Available in Carbury area. Collection and delivery service available, locally if required. Call 046 9553302 or 086 8627502. The Irish Hospice Foundation Is expanding its fundraising team and it is now seeking to appoint experienced, energetic people to raise funds in the local area through a variety of fundraising activities; canvassing for donors who are willing to support its work through regular monthly payments. These positions are self-employed long term. Excellent communication skills are essential for this role which will involve a variety of fundraising activities. Full training will be provided. For further information contact Mary Tupper 01 6793188. Mount St. Anne’s Retreat Centre, Killenard, Portarlington is hosting the following: Taking Better Care of Ourselves begins on Tuesday 27th January from 7:30pm to 10pm for 8 weeks. There will also be a one day workshop on Sunday 8th March, 2015. This is based around mindfulness. It can be effective in enhancing interpersonal relationships, aid sleep and helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. It will be facilitated by Mr. Dominic Cogan. Contact Dominic on 086-4072536 for further details. Meditation continues every Tuesday evening from 8pm to 9pm with Marie Manley Smith. Art and Craft Group meets every Thursday evening from 8pm to 10pm. All welcome. Enneagram Workshop will take place on Monday 2nd February from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 7th February from 10am to 4pm. Find out what motivates you, your coping strategy and keys to personal development. Facilitated by Ms. Joanna Parker. Cost: €45 Upcoming workshops on Calligraphy and Photography. Contact Catherine on 057-8626153 or see Music Workshops with Fr. Liam Lawton for choirs and folk groups in our diocese will take place on Wednesday 25th of February in Ballycane Church, Naas at 8.30pm or Thursday 26th of February at St. Clare’s Church, Graiguecullen, Carlow at 8.00pm. The cost of the workshop is €10 which covers Book and Workshop. Please call Christine at FDS Office (059 -9164084) or email with numbers attending by Friday 20th February, so that enough music books can be ordered, this would be much appreciated. We also request that you let Fr. Fitzpatrick know if you are interested in attending. Holistic Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Course: There will be a 6 week course commencing on Monday 2nd February from 9.30am to 11.30am each Monday or alternatively on Thursdays commencing 5th February from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Lilywell Centre in Carbury. For further information please contact Cathy O'Grady 087 9177636 or Mary McVeigh 085 7054673. Solemn Evening Prayer - Celebrating the Year for Consecrated Life will take place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow, on the Feast of St. Brigid, Sunday 1st February at 2015 at 4pm. Refreshments afterwards in Carlow College. SEVEN WAYS WE KNOW THE GOSPEL IS IMPORTANT. • We stand. • We sing or say an acclamation to welcome the Gospel. • The reading can only be done by the priest or deacon. • The priest or deacon greets us again with the same words used at the beginning of Mass. • The priest or deacon makes the sign of the cross four times. First on the Book of the Gospels and then on his forehead, his lips and his breast. We do the same on our foreheads, lips and breast. We do this to remind us that God’s word should always be on our minds, on our lips and in our hearts. • At the end of the Gospel the priest/deacon says: ‘The Gospel of the Lord’ and we answer: ‘Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.’ • The priest/deacon kisses the book.
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