Page 1 Our Mission: Our Method: Our Motto: Our Vision: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Helping people Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Go in Christ I am a minister called by God, gifted by the Holy Spirit, ordained through baptism. I am a minister and I will offer my gifts in service to Christ. A loving, caring, overcoming community of faith centered in Jesus Christ Office 405.692.4242 * Fax 405.692.4271 * February 2015 DA Good News Suddenly a breath of fresh air is breathed into my soul; a fresh wind of the Spirit to lift me up! Why this personal revival? Because two things start in February that have me excited. The first exciting thing is Confirmation! The longer I serve Christ through ministry, the more excited I grow about leading confirmation classes. I have been able to teach other pastors about the great experiences our confirmands have and how through it we share with them the Good News of salvation. You can register your child now. Classes start February 15. If a student in the 6th grade (or a bit older) has not registered, I hope you will join me by encouraging them in this important journey of faith. I am also excited about the study we will do for Lent. Ash Wednesday service is February 18 (please fast in preparation for the service if you are able), and we will kick off the study Renegade Gospel. This book by Rev. Mike Slaughter examines how much of Jesus’ ministry was revolutionary. Perhaps this is a reason he was killed. I encourage you to commit to a small group for this emphasis of spiritual growth! Grace and peace, D.A. • Student Ministry Parent Meeting Sunday, February 1, 12:15pm • Kidz Beginner Bell Choir Tuesday, February 3, 5:45pm • Coffee with the Pastor Sunday, February 8, 4:00pm • Confirmation Classes Begin Sunday, February 15, 6:00pm • Valentine Banquet Sunday, February 15, 5:30pm • Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 18, 6:15pm Sermon Series In February, we will conclude the series “I Love to Tell the Story” and begin “The Renegade Gospel.” Bring your family and friends to hear Pastor D.A.’s inspirational words. Feb 1: Is Anyone Listening To God’s Story? Feb 8: Confusing The Story Feb 15: Challenging The Story Feb 22: New Series – The Renegade Gospel D.A. Bennett - Senior Pastor David Johnson - Associate Pastor/Adult Ministries & Missions Ginny Pass - Director of Music & Worship Susan Robinson - Director of Children’s Ministry Laura Aldridge - Director of Membership & Care Jonathon Clinesmith - Director of Student Ministries Darlene Power - Office Manager Elaine Stults - Finance/Business Manager Hazel Dodrill - Contributions Lesa Stiger - Website Administrator Kim McKinley - Director of Communications Brandy Champeau - Nursery Supervisor Heather Ward - Director of Blessed Beginnings Neal Zaloudik - Facilities Manager Page 2 Coffee with the Pastor Have you been wanting to find out more about our church? Have you been thinking about joining St. Andrew’s? On Sunday, February 8, at 4:00pm, you are invited to our monthly “Coffee with the Pastor.” During this informal time, you’ll hear the story of St. Andrew’s, our mission, method and vision, and we’ll lift up our five membership expectations. After a question and answer time, inquirers are free to go. Persons interested in membership are invited to remain for a time of commitment. Membership at St. Andrew’s is a great way to “get connected!” Upward Update Upward games are played every Saturday beginning at 8:00am. We still need people to help with half-time devotions and greeting during the games on Saturdays. We could also use extra help with concessions and scorekeeping. Let us know if you can support this ministry in any of these ways! Contact David Johnson at 692-4242, ext. 105. Confirmation 2015 Now is the time to register your child for Confirmation 2015! Confirmation is a time for students to consider making a public profession of faith. Together students consider the teachings of Scripture, key beliefs of the UMC, and the path the witness of Christ has taken from Jesus’ resurrection to St. Andrew’s UMC. Classes begin February 15, and conclude with the Service of Confirmation on April 12. Typically confirmation is for students in the 6th grade, but we have both older and younger students participate. Watch for the registration table in our Fellowship Area! ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE February 18 at 6:15pm Mark your calendars now for our special Ash Wednesday Service to be held Wednesday, February 18, at 6:15pm. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent which is a time of repentance and preparation for Easter. There will be communion and the marking of ashes. If your physician allows, you are encouraged to fast this day until the service ends. This service provides a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor! Valentine Banquet Sunday, February 15 at 5:30pm Willow Creek Country Club Cost: $30 Price includes BBQ Dinner (Beef and Chicken), Sides, Dessert and a Show! Entertainment by: THE NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE BAND with Glenn Sulley Tickets are available in the Fellowship Area Mexican Train Anyone 18 years and older is invited to come and play Mexican Train dominoes on Friday, February 13, at 6:30pm in the MTC (B10). Nursery is not provided. Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to share. RSVP to Sue Adams at 691-4650 or Bunko Night Anyone 18 years and older is invited to come play Bunko on Friday, February 27, at 6:30pm. Cost is $5. Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to share. Nursery is not provided. RSVP by contacting Jan Stahl at or 6921371. Page 3 Men’s Breakfast All men are welcome to be a part of the St. Andrew’s United Methodist Men’s group. They will have their monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, February 21, at 9:00am at Willow Creek Country Club. Come enjoy some good food and even better discussion! For more information on the UMM, contact Terry Byers, president, at 414-3994. WE’RE ALMOST THERE!!! Prepare the Way Financial Update Prepare the Way Total Funds Rec’d Prepare the Way Total Rec’d in 2015 Balance of Loan $1,095,235 $3,131 $122,613 LORD, What do YOU want to do through ME? In Our Prayers Joys & Concerns received during December 2014 and January 2015 • • • • • Expectant Mothers: Aryn Wright, Courtney Wright Adams, Jessica Mathis Smith, Deidra Olsen, Hannah Cox, Hillary Shatley, Hayley Elliott, Sarah Jongeling, Julie Patrick and Natalie Nichols Whilden. Individuals and families of those currently deployed: Whitney Sandburg’s brother, Dylan Crawford, Sylvia Wolf’s family, Jacob Labar and Rex & Sally Coultrip’s grandson, Justin Coultrip. Helen McLendon, Mike Olstad, Laura West, Lee Smith, Jim Davenport, Kim Voyles, Sharon Ross, Leigh Haynes, Kelly Harrod, Larry Davis and Parker Mayfield continue with cancer treatments. MISSIONARIES: Ngoy Mulanga Kalangwa in Tanzania Africa, Fuxia Wang in Chinese Ministry at OU, Steve & Stephanie Bredesen and Kyle & Kara Garen. HOME-BOUND: Ila Raby, Bill & Bernice Howard, Gerald Matthews, Lou & Elmer Carpenter, Jack Koontz, Ruth Landers, Virginia Wheeler and Hazel Cale. CONGRATULATIONS TO: 1/10 Angie & Ethan Waples celebrated the birth of Harper Ann Waples. SYMPATHY TO: 12/5 Family of Kris & Jerry Pruner, whose sister-in-law, Leveta Pruner passed away. 12/7 Family of Ginny Pass after the loss of her cousin, Rick Van Dyke. 12/12 Family of Richard Ball, whose father, Lyle Ball passed away. 12/20 Family of Leslie Jeffcoat, whose great-aunt, LaVora Landers-Dodd passed away. 12/22 Family of Richard Snyder, whose brother, Jim Snyder passed away. 1/6 Family of Tim Robbins, whose mother passed away. 1/12 Family of Gerald Matthews after the loss of his wife, Ima Jean Matthews. 1/15 Family of Frank Osborn, whose dad, Neal Osborn passed away. 1/16 Family of Tom Walker after the death of his son, T.C. Walker. Page 4 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS St. Andrew’s Children’s Ministry Vision: We are here to nurture all children and families in Christ’s love, equip students with biblical knowledge, excite families about following Christ, AND to create lifelong servants. Children Offering Praise (COP) Every Sunday from 4:00pm – 6:00pm 1st through 6th graders We are worshiping God through learning about photography and words. We play games, have snacks and do BibleWars. Boys Bible Study Every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm Taught by Bill Hefner, Walter Long, Bill Lester, Ed Summers 4th through 6th grade Boys Only We will be studying the book of Ezra. Toddler Time will be meeting on a SPECIAL Thursday this month. We will meet at Paint N’ Station on North May at 10:00am on Thursday, February 12 to make our painting creations on ceramic pottery. Instruction is available and prices vary. We will also meet February 23 at the church at 10:00am for Story Time. We’ll be doing all things green. You are welcome to dress in green to fit right in. Our stories, snack, craft and games will all be tinted green. Kids ages birth through kindergarten, along with your adults, are all invited. This is a great ministry to join to get to know other parents. It is as much Toddler Time as it is adult time! Going with the “green” theme, we will meet at Keri and Chase Turner’s house (8541 SW 107th Street) on February 28 for our Recycling theme. This is our Saturday Toddler Time designed so that even those of us who are working adults can get the benefits of Toddler Time; it will give our kids a chance to join in on the fun and for parents to get to know each other a little better! Discover 1 & 2, Explore 34, and Club 56 will all meet on one night in February! We are meeting Friday, February 13 in the building in the back for all three events. We will meet from 6:00pm– 8:00pm. Watch the bulletin for extra special details. S.A.C.R.E.D. Swim Party February 6 6:45pm – 9:45pm $3/person Pizza will be served. Children under 1st grade MUST be accompanied by an adult. to everyone who has helped make the new Sunday School checkin safety procedures successful! If you ever have questions, comments, needs, or suggestions, Family Lenten Study Ever wondered what our traditions mean or where they came from? What are Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and how do they relate to the church? Why is Lent 40 days long? Join us as we learn all of these things and more! We’ll even have a Seder meal together, just like Jesus did. 1st through 6th graders with their adults are invited to attend. Please sign up in the bulletin or with Susan Robinson at Children’s Ministry Team We meet the last Thursday of every month from 6:30-7:30 to plan and evaluate programs in S.A.C.R.E.D. ministries. Every parent, or interested and invested adult are invited to attend. about , who we are, what is available, or how you can be involved, please contact Susan Robinson, Director, at 692-4242 ext. 104 or Page 5 Highlight on Missions He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15 Hope Board Ministry The Hope Board ministry will be hosting workshops on Monday, February 2, and Monday, February 16, at 6:00pm in the MTC (B8). Anyone interested in being a part of this team is welcome to come join the fun! Lunch with McKee Seniors St. Andrew’s is scheduled to provide lunch at the McKee Center on Wednesday, February 4. If you would like to be added to the list as a person who can serve or provide food (recipes provided), please contact Julie Dill at or 550-8960. Missions Meeting Thanksgiving in February Skyline Urban Ministries reaches out to the hungry in Oklahoma City through its community cupboard. Each year February is the month assigned to St. Andrew's to help stock their shelves. Donations are needed of nonperishable foods, such as... • canned vegetables/fruits • canned meats • canned soups • boxed foods • dried beans • dried milk • rice • peanut butter/jelly • baby food Grocery sacks will be handed out throughout the month of February. Filled sacks need to be returned to the church by Saturday, February 28. Anyone interested in missions or being a part of our missions committee is invited to our next meeting on Tuesday, February 10, at 7:00pm in D.A.’s office (A28). Come join us! Exodus House News Our Exodus House family, Matt and his 3 children have moved into their own home near the Exodus House. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they transition into this new phase of their life. We now have a new Exodus house family. Thomas and his three children will be living in apartment 12 and we'd like to welcome them and help them get settled in with all the needed supplies and furnishings. Please sign up to donate an item or two in the fellowship area and return your items to the church as soon as possible but no later than Sunday, February 1. In addition to our new Exodus House family, the Exodus House has a new maintenance manager, Tony. He is in need of maintenance tools/supplies. Please consider donating a new or used tool (must be in working condition) from the list in the fellowship area. The items being requested are: extension ladder; drills and drill bits, reciprocating saw, circular saw, jig saw, sander, levels, texturing tools, putty knives, trowels, Allen wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers. Please contact Tony at 405-417-1189 to have large items picked up. The Exodus House continues to have ongoing needs for donations of specific items such as microwave ovens, coffee pots, TVs, TV converter boxes and TV antennas. Any furniture or household goods, especially towels and washcloths, are always a real need for us. Also needed are full or twins size beds, entertainment centers, couches, love-seats and recliners. Please see the sign-up list on the Exodus House table in the fellowship area to schedule a pickup time or contact Lesa Stiger for more information at or 405-202-5220. Thank you! Page 6 Page 7 MARK YOUR CALENDERS: Parents, please join us for our first parent’s meeting of the calendar year on Sunday, February 1, immediately following the third service. We’ll be breaking down youth events for the next six months and talking about various opportunities for parents to serve. If you want to stay informed, this is the place to be and the time to be there! IMPACT On Wednesday nights we have Impact, our main youth worship gathering, from 6:00pm-8:00pm. During the first 45 minutes, there is dinner and time for games and hanging out in the CLC. At 6:45pm, we come together in the youth room for worship and a Jesus centered message. Youth At-A-Glance: Feb 1 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am Parent’s Meeting, 12:15pm SOUP-er Bowl Party 4:00pm Feb 4 - Impact, 6:00pm Feb 8 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am Metro Worship, 6:00pm (No Small Groups) BREAKFAST CLUB Breakfast Club takes place Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the youth room. During the first 15 minutes we chill, have juice and a donut (or sometimes waffles), and just hang out. At 9:45am, we split into smaller groups by gender for Bible Study and group discussion. Feb 11 - Impact, 6:00pm Feb 15 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am Small Groups 4:00pm Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday Service, 6:15pm Feb 22 -Breakfast Club, 9:30am Small Groups 4:00pm Feb 25 - Impact, 6:00pm SMALL GROUPS Small groups are an awesome opportunity to experience fellowship and to receive Christian teaching in a more intimate setting. We usually meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Need more info? Email Jonathon at, or dial up the church 405-692-4242. If he’s unavailable, feel free to text or call him. St. Andrew’s COMING IN MARCH March 1 - Upward Celebrations at 2:00pm and 6:00pm March 22 - Confirmation Day Away at 12:00pm All college aged adults are invited to College Sunday School on Sunday, February 1, at 9:30am. We will meet at Josh and Adri Jenson's house (10624 Woodridden) for coffee and bagels and to finish up our study on Philippians. March 25 - Weekday Coffee with the Pastor at 6:30pm March 28 - Saturday Toddler Time at 10:00am March 29 - Palm Sunday Page 8 Music & Worship Ministries Director Ginny Pass 692-4242 x102, Assistant Shain Baldwin x113 The Lenten Journey... Ash Wednesday Service February 18, 6:15PM Join us on the Lenten journey that begins with Ash Wednesday, a time of preparing hearts with repentance and confession of our need for Jesus! On February 18, the band/team will warm up at 5:30pm. The Lenten Chorale will be singing in this service. They will meet at 5:55pm. (Due to the service, the Chorale will NOT practice after the service. The Worship Band/Team WILL practice at 7:15pm.) Lenten Chorale Starts Wednesday, February 4 We will rehearse on Wednesdays, 7:30pm-8:30pm. Singers will join their voices for an 8 week commitment to sing through Easter, April 5. Childcare is provided for rehearsals by calling the nursery at least 5 days before the rehearsal at 692-4242, x110. Lenten Drama Opportunities Our drama coordinator, Stephanie Higley, will be creating dramatic vignettes for the Lenten Sunday services leading up to Easter. If you are interested in being a part of the drama team, please email her at Easter Lilies You are invited to purchase a lily for $10 to help beautify the worship center for Easter. Purchase your lily “in honor of” or “in memory of“ a loved one. An insert will be placed in the worship bulletin listing the name of the person being remembered. Please feel free to take your lily home following your specific Easter Worship service. Be watching your worship bulletin to order lilies. Please place your check to St. Andrew’s UMC in the offering plate and write lily on the memo line. Thank you! Looking Ahead: 2015 Lenten Services • • • • • Ash Wednesday Service - February 18, 6:15pm Palm Sunday - March 29 Maundy Thursday Service - April 2, 7:00pm with a Jews For Jesus presentation Good Friday Service - April 3, 6:30pm Easter Services - Saturday, April 4, 5:00pm and Sunday, April 5, 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am MUSIC MINISTRIES Hand Bell Choirs Kidz Bell Choir (Grades 1-6) Starting Tuesday, February 3, 5:45pm-6:45pm Sign up in your bulletin. Director Debbie Riddle St. Andrew's Bells (Adults) Meets on Tuesdays at 6:45pm. Director Debbie Riddle (Youth) Bells of Praise (6th –12th) Starting Thursday, February 5, 5:30pm-6:30pm Sign up in your bulletin. Director Ginny Pass ORCHESTRA - February 8 Rehearsal - Wednesday, February 4, 6:00pm Join us! On Sunday, February 8, meet at 7:30am for a warm-up/ sound check. (Due to the level of music we play, you must have at least 2 years of experience playing an instrument.) If you are able to join the orchestra, please contact the music office (x102) before the rehearsal so that your music will be prepared. The orchestra will play on three Sundays in Lent: March 22, 29 and Easter Weekend, April 4-5. String Ensemble Meets every 2nd Saturday at 10:00am Join us Saturday, February 14! Must have one year experience playing your instrument. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT: Pew Pocket Ministry Looking for a place to be in ministry week to week, working on your own timetable? There are many entry points in the worship area and one of them is called Pew Pocket Ministry. This group organizes the paperwork and sharpen pencils that go in the back pocket of each chair. Work a specific area of the Worship Center for about an hour a week. Interested? See Joe or Myrna Fountain, the Pew Pocket Coordinators . PAINT WITH A PRO COMMUNITY EVENT at St. Andrew’s THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 6-9PM Once a quarter the community is invited to join us in the CLC to create an 11x17 canvas painting sponsored by Wine & Palette. People have come from as far away as Paul’s Valley and Edmond. Painters sign up and pay $35 online at St. Andrew’s provides desserts & coffees. This is a family-friendly activity. Join us! Just as spring will burst into bloom, may our lives burst into joyful song as we see and experience the splendor of GOD! Page 9 Deadline for Bulletin is each Wednesday at NOON ( ) Denotes Off-Site Activities * Denotes Tentative Activities Sun 1 COMMUNION (9:30 am College Sunday School) 12:15 pm Youth Parent Mtg 3:00 pm Upward Mon February 2015 Tue Wed 2 6:00 pm Hope Board 6:30 pm Disciple 6:30 pm Vision Team 3 5:45 pm Kidz Bells 6:00 pm Upward 6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells 4 (11:00 am Lunch at McKee Center) 6:00 pm Orchestra 6:00 pm Boys Bible Study 6:00 pm Impact 6:30 pm Disciple 7:30 pm Lenten Chorale 5 5:30 pm Bells of Praise 6:00 pm Upward 6:30 pm Daniel Study 6 7 6:00 pm Upward 8:00 am Upward (6:45 pm SACRED Games Swim Party) 9 6:30 pm Disciple 6:30 pm Vision Team Expanded 10 5:45 pm Kidz Bells 6:00 pm Upward 6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells 7:00 pm Mission Committee Mtg 11 12:00 pm P.O.W. 6:00 pm Band 6:00 pm Boys Bible Study 6:00 pm Impact 6:30 pm Disciple 7:00 pm Trustees 7:30 pm Lenten Chorale 12 (10:00 am Toddler Time Paint N’ Station) 5:30 pm Bells of Praise 6:00 pm Upward 6:30 pm Daniel Study 13 Newsletter Deadline 6:00 pm Upward 6:00 pm SACRED Fellowship Night 6:30 pm Mexican Train 14 8:00 am Upward Games 10:00 am Strings 16 6:00 pm Hope Board 6:30 pm Disciple 7:00 pm Finance Mtg 17 5:45 pm Kidz Bells 6:00 pm Upward 6:00 pm Family Lenten Study 6:30 pm SPRC 6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells 18 Ash Wednesday 19 5:30 pm Bells of Praise 6:00 pm Upward 6:30 pm Daniel Study 20 6:00 pm Upward 21 8:00 am Upward Games (9:00 am Men’s Breakfast) 24 5:45 pm Kidz Bells 6:00 pm Upward 6:00 pm Family Lenten Study 6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells 25 (12:00 pm P.O.W.) 6:00 pm Band 6:00 pm Boys Bible Study 6:00 pm Impact 6:30 pm Disciple 7:30 pm Lenten Chorale 4:00 pm COP 4:00 pm Youth Souper Bowl Party 8 11:00 Koinonia Potluck Luncheon 3:00 pm Upward 4:00 pm Coffee With the Pastor 4:00 pm COP (6:00 pm Metro Worship) 15 3:00 pm Upward 4:00 pm COP 4:00 pm Youth SG (5:30 pm UMM Valentine's Banquet Willow Creek) 6:00 pm Confirmation Class 22 Lent 12:15 pm Ad Co Mtg 2:00 pm Group Leader Training 3:00 pm Upward 3:00 pm Upward Practice 4:00 pm Youth SG 6:00 pm Confirmation Class 23 10:00 am Toddler Time Story Time 6:30 pm Disciple 6:15 pm Ash Wednesday Service Thu Fri Sat Disciple & Band will be meeting after the service. 26 27 5:30 pm Bells of 6:00 pm Upward Praise 6:30 pm Bunko 6:00 pm Upward 6:30 pm Daniel Study 6:30 pm Children’s Ministry Team 28 8:00 am Upward Games 10:00 am Toddler Time Page 10 Return Service Requested St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church Office: (405) 692-4242 Fax: (405) 692-4271 Online: We encourage you to pass on or forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in knowing what’s going on here at St. Andrew’s. If you are not currently receiving our newsletter, and would like to receive future issues, please call the church or send your contact information by email to our office manager at You can request a digital, full-color copy of our newsletter via email or we can mail you a hardcopy via USPS. Also, if you wish to no longer receive our newsletter, call the church office, day or night, and leave a message. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS *Emily & Aaron Keas, Cadence and Carrington Worship Service Options If you appreciate a traditional experience in worship with a smaller, more intimate feel where more hymns are sung, then perhaps our 8:15am service is for you! The worship order is similar and the same sermon is preached. Our 9:30am and 10:50am services reflect a more contemporary style. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Worship 8:15am 9:30am 10:50am STEWARDSHIP: Offering Anticipated to Date Offering through January 11 ATTENDANCE : Worship Sunday School Sunday School 9:30am 10:50am $47,269 $79,199 12/21 12/28 01/04 01/11 682 416 514 637 214 164 211 255
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