PAGE FOURTEEN THE LIMA "White Cargo" Opens Friday With Hedy Lamarr, Pidgeon NEWS Important Hour C h a n g e s Open On Thursday Programs JANUARY 7 HOLD EVERYTHING ON SlA(_;E JAM, H t h Bing Crosby Show Shortened To Half Hour; Rudy Vallee Moved Up; Abbott And Costello Also Changed Ohio Brings Famed Film Of Romanticism, Mysticism, Struggle And Con- flict "White Carpo," a story of romanticism, mysticism, struggle and conflict, opens Friday at the Ohio theatre. Hedy Lamarr portrays a dark-skinned native who fights for the love of Walter Pidgeon A\)IO is cast as a t\\o-fisted rubber plantation overseer. "Yankee Doodle Dandy" a film packed with music ends a long run on Thursday. Two swell pictures—"Counter-Espionage" and "The Par- * ?««,-»:r-jn-,,:;• Theatre Guide CARMEN The h a l f hour from 9:150 to 101 • —— p. jn., vacated by the .show, will , over AVEAF Thursday at Art Jarri'll, above, handsome ex-husband of that aquatic love- be filled by the Rudy Vallee pro- 8:30 p. m. On her "Morning Market Basly. Eleanor Holm, brings his or- R i a m , which will move up from its clicslra lo the Ohio theatre <>n picscnt time of 10 to 10:30 p. m. ! ket" airing Thursday, at 10 a. m., .Monday. Jarrclt's band is comr o e, M u A U I i,. 'Isabel Manning Hewson's "Story George Raft will be Abbott and lo Tell at rj i n n c r " is a thrilling posed of the members of the late Hal Kemp's famous hand. As a Costello's piece - de - re-sistaiice ' yarn of a French captain in soloist Jarrctt first distinguished uing his cijslal-gaxing activities, World War I who made a heroic himself w i t h Ted Wcems aful looks ahead into several fresh |cscaPe,. comparable- to the recent Isham Jones orchestras. In the r - , , . , , ., ... , one of Gen. Henri Giraud, who 1fl>0 mmies he was co-starred u i t h f.clds m 1043 - notably the fin- f l p d Francc in a submarine. She'll Joan Crawford, Ann Sothcrn and cr scientific aspects of feminine ( also have a household trick-of-thcSonja Henic. pulchiitucle, while garnishing his. day and a menu. I discussion with anecdotes from incredible annals of Monrania. M A R R I A G E LICENSE ISSUED 25 PASS O H I O^*10Louis Prima, .star trumpet playAVAPAKONETA, Jan. 7 — A ci1 who started Martha Raye on marriage license was issued TuesMEDICAL her way to fame, will be featured day in Auglaize-eo -probate court on the "Victory Parade of Spot- to Vernon Schwarck, 19, farmer, COLUMBUS. 0., Jan. 7— (AP) —The Ohio State Medical board light Bands" Thursday, over AVJZ|ot AVapakoneta Route 5, and Betty 9:30 p. m. from the Amphibious i Louise Martin, 18, of Wapakoneta today announced 25 recently- at Training base of the U. S. Fleet Route 1. Rev. George Weissling, jriaduaterl doctors of medicine at Little Creek Va _ paptor of Firat En(rlish Lutheran passing its December examination. Henry AJdrich s chances to win c h u ,-ch here, was named to offiThey included Donald F. Rowles his school's declamation contest' ciate. of Lancaster. aren't worth a plugged nickel u n - j ' Those successful in the exami- til, stalling for time, he skips] The plywood used in the air n a t i o n for osteopaths includpd from Abe Lmcoln't beard to the freight ranges from three-ply William D. Henceroth of Wash- country's need for old pennies to used in the construction of the ingrton Couit House, and Abiaham free mint copper for war pur- 1leading; skin edges, to nine-ply emposes on "The Aldrich Family' ployed in the center panel. R. Simon of Nelsonville. Antone J. Barens of Lorain passed the chiropody examination. TODAY ONLY HARRY ind Nit Muilc Mikirt CESAR ROMERO m "Did you know you went through a red light back there?" In 1900, persons 45 years of age or older comprised onc-sixleenlh of the U. S. population; today they number one-fourth. JAMES Starts TOMORROW OWL SHOW EVERY SAT. NITE! LYRIC DOCTORS DON'T TELL 1O:OO P, M. on THE AIR ro* CAMEL ••••••••••***•••••**••••»*•*•••••••**••*•••»»••• Listen to THE NEW WESTINGHOUSE PROGRAM PERILS OF NYOKA Sunday Afternoon Sunday's Radio Pagt for Time and Station E WS P A PER And Counter Espionage With Warren William KOT1CK OF T M K PTATK OF OHIO, A L ' . K N corvrv, « » l a t e of May K i h b y C'ark, decca^rd P.odney K H a r k , of 743 AYest Sprins: St L i m a , O h m , ha<= been a p p o i n t e d a n d q u a l i f i e d a s EM'CU1 t n r of t h e e « t a t f > of May Kibby i Clark. l a t e of A l l e n C o u n t y , Ohio, r>at<>d this 5lh dav of Januar3% 1943. K A V . M O N n P PM1TH, Probate Jjd^e. Jan 7-1 ( - 2 1 t A O T H E OF- AITOIAT.MK.NT THK ST-\ J R OP' OHIO. 1 AM.EX ror.NTV. FF. K ^ i a t e of I,n-\d BOPSF. dpceased. " \ \ i l h s S Sif^rri. or 1) r ( ; Cook Tou-or. Lima Ohio h a « bfn app o i n t e d and q u a l i f i e d a"= a d m i n i s t r a t o r de boms n o n of t h » e = t a t e if T , n \ d F.ngg*. l a t e of A l l e n County, Ohio, d e c e a s e d " Dafri t m s 2C'th dav of December, 1?42 R A Y M O N D P FM1TH, Probate Judg:e. Der. 31 Jan. 7-14 .\OTICE OF AProi.NT.'WJiS%T K-itnte of Gerald \V. Fatten, deceate r ! I Notice is hereby su en t h a t Lee G Van Blarp-iti \\ ho=o Po«t O f f i c e a d i <lrp»-s i« 1 510 D o m i n i o n B i d e . L i m a . i O h i o ha ; been d u l v a p p o i n t e d and I n u a l i f i e c i ay A d m i n i s t r a t o r De Boms Non of t h e e s t a t e of O<=rald W P ? t t o n . l a t e o£ A l l e n C o u n t y , Ohio, I D a t f d this 23rd day of DecemI ber, 1342 i P.ATMONO P SMITH. I Judge of the Probate Court, | A l l e n County, Ohio. j Drc. 24-Zl J a n . 7 —AND— —AN Charles STARRETT — Russell HAYD N RIDERS - NORTHLAND i , CH \ H T K R Vo. 13TGT I i n « K U V K U I J i T R i r T >O. | Have you heard the exciting song TONDELAYO?. a FRANK MORGAN Richard CARLSON Reginald OWEN Henry O'NEILL LIGHTING ENGINEERS" IN TECHNICOLOR L. S. Goitrnmfnt PrestnU "Collegw at War" Ohio-Mel rn World News Events THK .LAST 1 DAYS. LPHA FREDRIC MARCH VERONICA LAKE AITE CM H "I MARRIED A WITCH" 715 N. JACKSON > VTIO^ \T, B V M v OF r.TMA OK 1 . I M \ . IV THE "STATE OK O H I O . \T THK fl.OSE OF BJ'Sr>F.ys> 0V n K P R M B K R 31. in4'_>. TM B1.1«HKO IX RF..«PO%SK. TO CALl> M A T J F ni r O M P T R O I . I . K t t OK ! ! TUB ri RHJ^CY. i'\nRn *F,rTIOV 3311. t. S. H E A I S E D STAT1TES. APPKTP ( i n c l u d i n g - $-2 ov«>rrtraft«) $ 1,431 "7* 16 V S (.Inv't onlisra t i o n = , d!r**rt and p u a r a n t ^ p d o,2."0.772 05 O b l i g a t i o n s of Stat-s and political subdivisions , 43S 715 SI O t h p r hond-=, not'", end debentures . . . . 3?. 559. 02 C o r p o i a t e s t o t k s dnc 1 u d i n sr ?-3.0"0 nnstock of Federal PJeserve b a n k ) 11. - , a (win nn Ca-sh. ba'p.ncc \v i t h oth»-r hanks, i n f - l u d i n e i p.^^rvo b?Janc**. and ca«b it^m*. in process of <-o]l«»(-tion B a n k f u r n i t u r e a n d fn14 2:1 "7 !iir-= ............. 23. - :; ' 1 23 Other assets .......... TOTAL ASSETS $in,352 "?3.77 LT \BIL1TIES Demand deposit": of ind i v H n a l y . p A r t n • r•chip-!. and corporation-; . . . J 7.H? <!37 3 0 Tim" deposit": of indiand corporations TONITE ( i n < * l u d i n c : postal sav- TOTU. Just beforr Christmas. Greyhound asked you to "Give your Ho/jcfay <r;ps io men jn 1he scn-irc~. And you who have Ic.Tncd lo depend upon Greyhound for travel responded wholeheartedly. you postponed such trips, thousands of men and women in the armed forces were able to go home by bus for Holiday loaves and furloughs. They "thank you for the precious hours spent •with loved ones -— and Greyhound thanks you for cooperating «> patnotically. helping men in uniform, you made travrl smoother and more convcrucnt for war workers and others I, IHI»WFIJ/S OIU IIKSTRA S ?.~>Zf.<m T.I VFn.IT'E? S ?.'» 1'r.rii rifled profitT:<"-^r\'1^ <and r*»'1 j1 m* ;T* -"'ro-i;nt for p furred «l«irl*> TOT\T. 1315*45 f*A7MTAJ- TOTM. T.Tvitn.TTii:s~ \M1V Everyone Likes THE ALPHA! Now that the Holiday rush is past. Greyhound will make every effort to see that the service you count on i* available m-hen you rtced it—and with all the comfort and convenience that war conditions will permit. ;;: •:--. ->s MARTIN'S CLOSED We suggest, however, that you phone or call on your Greyhound agent well in advance of any trip. He can help you choose days and schedules that wjll be most convenient for you—and best for wartime travel. I'niil Karllicr Nolicc- WATCH FOR REOPENING DAY MARTIN'S RESTAURANT Pullmtf tofetfw this w*r, wr'7f fcerp> Americas tuthwtys *i work let Victory! 1 ],,- I t<>d »il \11 Hours COCKTML P \ R OPKN TH.l. 2:^0 A. M. GREYHOUND BUS LINES Inlerurban Bids- PJ'POSJT? Here MONDAY. \\KIK FRIDAY and SAT. trips could not wait- It's cooperation like this that makes it possible for Greyhound and other bus lines to carry on the tremendous mass-transportation job so essential to winning the war. 73 ."27 02 r \ n — AI^ ACCOUNT REI, ttIO COWBOYS Here Tur5dav and Thursday and ;^ oftft bank" d«*r *-it's ic and cn^-h Dance To The for postponing your trip until after the Holiday rush l.^i^.^l ?.5Z n.^po^its of St political —and— "DYNAMITE CANYON" Thanks to you. a most critical period in tvartime bus transportation has been passed with flying colors. 4 i nfci'ORT OF rovniTiox OF THE FiATUKINO JOHN CHARLES THOMAS In Daring Young Man •TONDELAYO— exquisite, ruthless trop* ical t e m p t r e s s ! She could purr her way into a man's heart . . . and scratch her way out!, from our men in uniform! W LOK NITE: JOE E. BROWN as the man who lamed her! The Yew's Sensational Romance Based on the World-Famed, Stage Hit! tt**t Ertrttt PREVUE TOMORROW Walter PIDGEON KIDDIES lOc FRIDAY THREE CHEERS FOR YOU note the new time! AT 1 P. M. HedylAMARR I TOPS ACTION! —AND— CnwHtM GREENWOOD • NORTON as primitive TONDELA YO! Rita HAYWORTH in MY GAL SAL PARACHUTE NURSE 17c Till 6 F. M. FRIDAY TON1TE.'_ CAGNEV in "Yankee Doodle Dandy" BROADWAY COSTELLO JOHN IN MAJESTIC QUILNA See your favorit-p cl"wr> e" *<•> town ... to crack «io\sn on AwricaV deadly enemies! Every tinr-. Joe E. Brown opp n«; his mouth ... a Na-j spy puts hi? font ir Ji . . . bat Joe won't shut h;$ trap . . . until all the spies ar*> caughl! Jl's the crowning pi'-cc of clo^rm:: in his fun-filled carper . . . a* Br< T.-I turns bowler lo h^ld ur> hie mawles . . . sn<3 Jwn] o-.^y ••-,<-. kingpins of a Nazi mob! Clownin' Brown']] hsi^ jo,j ^ hysterics . . . when "Th" Ha-r,' c Young Man" mas*"; its 3 oral ' o-sat the QwJna theatre "r> FT-'J.TV nirht. In what has bc<-n hailed as the gayest jamboree of ,1<w-Mal t> to reach the screen this ?r.a = r^, Jo? E. Brown, ablj supported rrMaTjracntc ChfiTimnTi, Willi-T, "Wright, Roger Clark an'] C'if.;rf GRABLE PAYKE MIRANDA JAMES I'KICKS! Beginning Jan. 7, (lie Music Hall program, starring Bing Crosby, will be shortened from one hour to half an hour. The advertising agents for t h e sponsor, announced the clumgo. - Under the new plan, the broadcasts will be heard Thursdays over YVEAF from 9 to 9:30 p. m., with the same supporting cast. the Quilna theatre Previcw' ..... evening Suave AVarren AVill.anj, js seen in the first picture in OHIO—"Yankee Doorjln PnmJv." which he helps the British _IntelSIGMA — " D j n a m t c Canyon" ligence smash a Nazi spy l i n g in arrt "I .Man if d a W U < h . " London. Laughs and thrills aie STATE — ' Eye's in the Night" plentiful in the other hit which and stars Joe E. Blown. | Vast oil fields and btiPtlmp., QTJIIiNA — ' f p i i n d t i m e m the rowdy wdy oil towns are are the HIP locales mcaita I| ,t p* i L j_ ... j";i r\» **\\*i 1 r\_ in the State's new film, "Wild- 1 LYRIC — ".My Gal Sal" and cat," which features Richard Al"Parachut" Nurse " len and Arline Judge. One of the MAJESTIC — "foe tors Don t most gripping mystery thriljcrs of ; Toll" and ' Pr-md-n-ay." the season, "Eyes in the Night."' with Edward Arnold and Ann < COMING rr Harding, completes the program, j OHIO — "While C a r g o ' com"Top Sergeant," a fast-moving, m"nc"s Fuday. action-packed melodrama of an QTTH.NA—"The Dunne Young underworld rat who tries to use' Jlan and ' Counter E=pionthe uniform of Uncle Sam as the , apc brgm Fndav night preperfect hideout for a murder, i MfV.. opens Friday at the Lyric. Andy LYRIC—' Top Servant." and Devine and Leo Cairillo have t\\o ' Kiders PI" the N o r t h l a n d " leading roles. "Riders of the s t i l t Fridav. Northland," a thriller about the MAJESTIC — " F o n t l i p l i t STPwest, completes the Friday bill. jir d" ' and "At'inlic Comoy" Ending Thursday will be "My Gal hrcjm Sunday. Sal" and "Parachute Nurse." Now showing at the Sigma is STATE— The Major and tHe a thrilling westein feature, "Dy51 m™ ' and • Get Hep to namite Canyon," which s t a r s LoT. e" b p pin Sundny. Tom Keene. Second Sigma hit is SIOMA — "Pittsburgh" a n d The new giant air freighter is "I Married a AVitch," w i t h the alNifTht for Crime" start a high-wing monoplane, has a luring A'eronica Lake and the Saluidjv. wing span of 108 feet, is 68 feet long time favorite, Fredric March.. long and is powered with two The Majestic will present "Doctor's Don't Tell" and "Broad-nay", and tears up all his previous rec- 1200-horscpower engines. from Thursday thru Saturday. j ords for heilarityl «• * ». Frank R. Stra\er was in charge CO.MIC ROOKS OHIO TO ALL KIDDIES HERE of directing the laugh-hit, while SAT. BEFORE 2 P. M. Hedy Lamarr appears in one of Robert Sparks produced from an the most exciting roles in her en- original screen pla\ by Karen DeTODAY — 17c TILL 7 P. tire screen career, teamed ^ i t n \Volf and Connie Lee. Walter Pidgeon and playing the Suave Wan-en William returns sultry jungle charmer, Tondelayo. again as the Lone AVolf, this time In "AVhite Cargo," coming Friday , n "Countci-Esoionage." thrilling to the Ohio theatre. As the fas- , f,| m coming to the Quilna theatre. George Broderick cinating mysterious native siren Again giving cops and crooks the she captivates Richard Carlson and slip, the Lone Wolf takes on even RAFT CRAWFORD precipitates hu- bigger game in his latest cinematic icipitates a stark drama of htiman emotions, set deep in a jungle triumph—helping British Intellirubber plantation in Africa. gence smash a Nazi spy ring: in Richard Thorpe directed "AVhite London. Cargo." based on Leon Gordon's famous stage play. Frank Mor- OFFICE AND CLOSES gan. Bramwell Fletcher. Reginald John ^ Florence WEDNESDAYS Owen, Henry O'Neill and Clyde ON BEAL * RICE Cook have gripping roles. Authen(I,him ^w» B n r f n i i ) ' tic settings add to the vital force WAPAKOXETA, Jan. 7—-The' of the tense drama of conflict, local rationing board offices, mystery and romanticism. located in the City- j Ending Thursday at the Ohio temporarily until a down town location theatre will be "Yankee Doodle bldg is found, be closed each Dandy." the outstanding musical Wednesday will afternoon in the fu- | based on the life of George M. ture. J. Lynn PLUS Snyder, chairman, ' Cohan. announced. i THE SECRET CODE The Ohio management has comIn announcing that the office ' pleted plans for the presentation would be closed each Wednesday of Art Jarrett and his orchestra afternoon. Snyder said that this on the stage on Monday. was not a half holiday • for employes but a period for the clerks i LYRIC to catch up with their work as i The fast-moving, action-packed requested by the state board o f , melodrama of an underworld rat control. i •who tries to use the uniform of Snyder also announced that all "Uncle Sara as the perfect hideout official tire inspectors would meet ' for a murder. "Top Sergeant" Thursdav with Board Member •Urts Friday at the Lyric theatre. Walter Meyer's tire panel in the The film's player cast i? top- council rooms in City hal] for the lined by Leo Carriilo and Andy purpose of discussing inspections. Devine' click combination of a liandful of new Universal suc- , PUPILS^ NOT REINSTATED , CHARDOX. 0.. Jan. 7 — (AP) cesses. Blonde, blue-eyed Elyse Knox. —Common Pleas Judge Harlan America's favorite mag-azine cover • Sperry refused to order reinstategirl, is elevated to featured billing. I m e n t of three children expelled Don Terry is given hi? first from Chardon schools last year "break" in the character romantic for refusing to salute the Amerilead. Others are Don Porter. Rich- ; can flag or recite the oath of alard Davies. Roy Harris, Addison lepriance. The younesterV parEichards and Alan Halo. Jr. ents sought an injunction to perIn "Top Serjreant" Carriilo and mit the children'? return to school. Devine, recently team in several EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGED outstanding action films, play CLEVELAND. Jan. 7 —(AP) hard-bitten Army non-coms who are continually getting stripped "f —Mrs. Alice Dillon of Warren is their stripes over mischievous under a federal indictment chargclashes ivith regulations. Don Ter- ing embezzlement of S25 from ry enacts their hardboiled <cr- the Cortland. O., .Savins* and Banking Co. She was charjred in geant The Story begins with them en- a recret indictment made public j route to an Army camp in a "jeep" yesterday. | that i? forced lo th<> side of the ~~~~ J road by fleeing bank bandits seeking cover in an old farmhouse. The soldiers follow <mr! there i"= * terrific gunfight in which three of the racketeers are killed. F?ut Those bedlamites of en* of them escapes after mortally stage, screen, and radio — Shooting a young enlistee. Th^ mtuing action is said to proceed at • mile-a-minute clip.. "Riders of the Northland" aUo will open Friday. ABBOTTand H u r r y ! Last 2 ))nys To See BITTY MONDAY I()llIAU Phone 96171 REYHOUND EDWARO AftNOlD • AHN HARDMC ?! ~ r> f f HIT NO. 2 AtlINt JU66t BTTT «0~*T»~A?5D~«TAMP* Use News Want Ads H L JOT.OMOV. FOVI.-K.ES. c^ Hr. <~onv N^-=7V 1 My CSTT.T Xov. 4, ur NE^VSPAPFR!
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