Our Lady Queen of Peace 4696 Notre Dame Lane, House Springs, Mo 63051 636-671-3062 www.olqpparish.org January 25, 2015 PASTOR Reverend Michael Murphy ASSOCIATES Reverend James Beighlie, C.M. Reverend Donald F. Molitor, Retired DEACONS Reverend Dr. Thomas Gerling Reverend Mr. Paul Turek, Sr. 5:00 pm 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am as announced 8:00 am EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayerful Adoration every Wednesday after the 8:00 am Mass until 8:00 pm. PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS Tuesday after 8:00am Mass MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Bob Ellison GRADE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. Curt Baker PSR COORDINATOR Mrs. Debra O’Donnell YOUTH MINISTER COORDINATOR Mrs. Terry Ostlund PARISH COUNCIL Bailey Alexander, Cathy Carley, Joe Corio, Lawrence Giovanni, David Holmes, Mary Luebbert, Dave Mills, Rick Mraz, Julie Vermillion, Maria Webb, Tim Webb Parish Office School Cafeteria SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Evening Sunday Holy Days Weekdays 636-671-3062 636-671-0247 636-375-5335 ROSARY Monday through Friday after 8:00 am Mass For vocations 2nd Monday of month after 8:00 am Mass Rosary before 5:00 pm Mass - Fatima Prayers included on 1st Saturday Before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday evenings SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM First and third Sunday of the month after 11:30 am Mass. Make arrangements by calling Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact one of the parish priests. Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Registration forms may be found on our website (olqpparish.org/parishregistration.htm), in the Church lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill one out. If you have recently changed your status, married, moved out of your parents’ home or graduated from high school, you need to re-register. Please help us keep our records accurate. Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Actually the following is a message from Deacon Paul: 2015 LENTEN FISH FRIES 2015 February Wed 18 Sat 28 March Sun 15 Ash Wednesday Daughters of Isabella Antique Tea Red Hat/Ladies Bingo & Luncheon Sat/Sun 28/29 Youth Bake Sale after Mass April Sun 5 Sun 19 Sat 25 Easter First Communion Daughters of Isabella Tailgate Sale May Wed 6 June Sat 13 August Sun 23 Confirmation OLQP Picnic Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Quarter Auction September Sat 12 Sun 27 October Sat 3 Daughters of Isabella Tailgate Sale OLQP Quilt Social OLQP Auction Brad Darby and Liz Ortmann OLQP ~ February 7, 2015 Parish Activities ~ Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun January 26th to February 1st Jan 26 PSR, 6:15 - 7:30 pm Jan 27 Perpetual Help Devotions after 8:00 am Mass Quilters, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 4:30 to 7:30 pm, Parish Office, Quilters Room Jan 28 Eucharistic Adoration after 8:00 am Jan 29 Choir Practice, 7:00 pm, Church Jan 30 Preschool Art Fair, 6:30 pm, Cafeteria Jan 31 Family Dance, 6:00 pm, Cafeteria Feb 1 First Sunday Breakfast serving after 7:30 and 9:30 am Mass “Yes, Lent is early this year. Ash Wednesday is February 18th, the start of our Lenten Fish Fries. Last year was one of the best we had for both dinners served, and profitability. Anyone who has worked one of the two shifts at a Fish Fry, knows it takes a lot of hard working people to make sure that the dinners are served as quickly as possible when the lines are long, and that the quality of the dinners are the best we can serve, to keep our “customers” coming back and, spreading the word! The sign-up board will be set up in the Church lobby on the weekend of the 31st of January and the 1st of February. We now have a web site just for the Fish Fries, (Thanks Mike Besemer) in order to make online sign up easier to find and use. olqpcodsquad.org, will be up and running the weekend of the 31st/1st. If you’re new to the parish or have never been part of the “cod squad”, join us. We have a lot of fun working together as a parish family. It can be a time to make new friends or rekindle some old ones, just ask one of the fryers who work in the fryer trailer, or the workers in the kitchen or carry out. Take the enclosed flyer and post it in the neighborhood or on your “frig”. Oh yes, one of the things that make our “Fries” so special, are the homemade desserts we are able to serve with our dinners. Thanks to all the bakers who come up with all those “goodies” week after week. If you have any questions or need any information, call Deacon Paul @ 314-954-0378, email deaconpaul@olqpparish.org. or tweet Deacon Paul @TurekPaul”. The Little Sisters of the Poor Are Coming I gave the Little Sisters of the Poor permission to come to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish next weekend (Jan. 31/Feb.1) to take up a collection in order to support the work that they do with the poor. (How could I say “no” to nuns who work with the poor?) So, next weekend we will have a second collection to help the sisters in their ministry. Please come prepared. ~ fr. mike Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Congratulations to Notre Dame Honor Roll Students 2014-2015 Semester 1 Madison A. Becnel Patricia A. Larson Mary D. Turney Winter Weather With winter weather approaching please be aware that the Parish Office sometimes closes in the event of bad weather. Marriage Preparation “Living a Joy Filled Marriage”, a marriage preparation program, which fulfills the requirement for those preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony, will be offered starting February 8, 2015. The program will be held on four consecutive Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the home of Deacon Tom and Margaret Gerling. The cost of the program will be $60, which will cover the cost of materials. To register please call Deacon Tom or Margaret, 636671-0627. Big Ticket Raffle Still Time to Get Your Ticket!! Don’t forget to get your ticket (or tickets!!!!!) in the Church lobby by the Scrip table or in the Parish Office, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm! Youth Council News A Big Thank YOU for your Support of the Pro-Life Trip Thanks to everyone who donated money, supported fundraisers, and offered prayers for our safety on the Pro-Life Trip. January 25, 2014 We had 35 people from Our Lady Queen of Peace who marched with hundreds of thousands of other people from across the country to be a voice for the voiceless, to stand up for protection of all human life, from conception to natural death. Thank you for helping us to be that voice as we carried your voice with us. We delivered your Roses for Life to our elected officials. Continue to pray for conversion of heart and that all human life will be treated with the dignity that God created us with. TIME TO REGISTER FOR STEUBENVILLE $50 Down Payment-due Monday, Jan. 26th All current 8th graders and high school youth are invited to join us for the Steubenville Conference in Springfield, MO held on the campus of Missouri State. This year there will be over 5,000 youth attending. We are attending this year’s conferences on July 17-19, 2015. We leave on Friday morning and return about 5 pm on Sunday. The conference theme is “Limitless,” which is taken from John 10:10, “I came that you might have life and have it abundantly”. The cost of the conference is $200 which includes meals. A $50 down payment will hold your spot for the conference. To reserve your spot put your contact information and $50 in an envelope marked Terry in the collection basket or drop off at the parish office no later than Monday, January 26th. High School Youth Group Sundays: February 1st, 8th, and 15th 6-8 pm Cafeteria Meeting Room Get your homework done before 6 pm on Sunday evenings, invite a friend and join us from 6-8 pm in the Cafeteria Meeting Room. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus and become the best version of yourself. We also have time for fun and food. Junior High Youth Retreat at OLQP For 7th and 8th grade youth 10 am February 21st thru 22nd at 11 am For more information about any of our Youth Ministry activities contact Terry Ostlund, 314-5668363 or terry.ostlund@olqpparish.org. Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Archdiocesan Financial Assistance Application Due Date: March 15 The Catholic Education Office will be using the FACTS Co. to input the data of those families applying for the Archdiocesan financial programs for the 2015-16 school year. Families must complete the FACTS Grant and Aid application when applying for the following programs: Catholic Families Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund (CFTA) Parish Employee Endowment Fund (PEEF) School Funds Families meeting the above requirements may apply online for the CFTA and PEEF Funds beginning in late December at https:// online.factsmgt.com/aid or obtain a paper copy from the Parish Office. Only one application per child will be accepted. In a divorce situation, the application from the custodial parent will be accepted. Information and documentation required for these programs includes: An application completed online or a signed and completed paper application. Payment of the $30 application fee made payable to: “Facts Grant & Aid Assessment”. Please do not send cash. Copies of your 2013 Federal tax forms including all supporting tax schedules. Copies of your 2014 W-2 forms for both you and your spouse. Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Worker’s Compensation and TANF. Failure to submit all of the required information by the deadline may result in your family not receiving financial aid or limit the amount given due to incomplete information. Christmas Flowers in Memory of Please accept our apologies... Unclassified Ads in the Bulletin Do you have an old car you want to sell? Old baby furniture or clothes? Electronic items or toys and games your kids have outgrown? Are you having a garage sale, a block party, a Tupperware party? Why not consider advertising in the Parish Bulletin? The Fundraising Committee is initiating a program for posting unclassified ads in the bulletin. These ads will feature personal items for sale and personal/family events. No business related ads will be allowed since these would conflict with the advertisers using the back page of the bulletin whose ads make the publication of the bulletin possible. All ads will be posted on a first come, first served basis. The ads are restricted to 21 words (about 3 lines of text) and must be submitted by Friday (nine days before bulletin publication) at 4:30 pm. All items are subject to approval by the Fundraising Committee, whose decision about publication is final. If an item is deemed inappropriate for publication in this forum, the $10 fee will be returned to the applicant. The ads will appear in the bulletin and on the parish website in the weekly online posting of the bulletin. This new program has the potential, on its utilization, of adding $10,000 to parish revenues annually and moving us closer to our goal of establishing financial stability and implementing plans for building a parish center and making needed improvements to Church and school facilities. Unclassified Bulletin Advertisement Request Name___________________________________ Address_________________________________ Daytime Phone____________________________ Date to be Published_______________________ Advertisement Text (must be limited to 21 words) ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ In the confusion of writing down names, Ed Krshul was suppose to be on our list of names in memory of for Christmas Flowers. (Publication subject to approval by the Fundraising Committee. All items must be submitted by Friday, nine days before the requested Sunday publication date. $10 fee must be paid at time submitted.) Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2014 Seven Days of Inspiration Take one a day… and feel great all week! Day 1 Every Friday Night Knights of Columbus Hall Doors Open at 4:30 pm Bingo starts at 6:45 pm Everyone welcome! We would like to thank Bill Williams Construction, parishioners Bill and Mary Williams, for advertising in our parish bulletin. Because of their generosity we do not pay for our bulletins to be printed. Please patronize our advertisers and thank them for supporting our parish. You will soon have new blessings to count! Day 2 There is so much to admire about you! Day 3 Miracles happen, especially when people care. Day 4 You deserve a joyful life. Day 5 St. Vincent De Paul We have received so much from the Lord that we wish to encourage others to experience His love for them through our ministry of assistance. Let something light your fire. Day 6 It’s okay to want more for yourself. Day 7 Daughters of Isabella Antique Appraisal and Tea February 28, 11:30 - 2:00 pm OLQP Cafeteria Attendees bring items to be appraised for insurance value. They are served a light lunch, tea and desserts. There is a fee of $15 to be paid before (mail check to Ruth Haen, 9736 Ridge Rd. Dittmer, 63023) or you can pay day of sale. Call Jan, 636-671-3093 or Fran, 314-809-2676. All funds will be used for St. Vincent de Paul, Peace Pantry, Birthright, Women in Transition, Veterans, Retired Priests, baptismal bibs and the parish. Unplug. Unschedule. Unwind. You need a break! Parish Office email parishoffice@olqpparish.org OLQP Web Site www.olqpparish.org submit articles for bulletin olqpbulletin@yahoo.com Deadline Friday at 4:30 pm (9 days before publication) 4 Signs of a Dynamic Catholic 2015 Tentative Calendar February— “Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” Schedule 2015 —Year of Prayer 2016 — Year of Study 2017– Year of Generosity 2018— Year of Evangelization Small groups to start– will discuss the first part “Prayer” of Matthew Kelly’s book Lent— Stations of the Cross every Saturday morning after Mass Join a Bible study. March 11—Divine Mercy Presentation—an explanation of the history and relevance of Divine Mercy Sunday 7:00 pm, Cafeteria April 8—How to use the Catechism, 7:00 pm, Cafeteria Enter RCIA if you are thinking of becoming Catholic. Encourage someone who is thinking of becoming Catholic to enter RCIA. April 27—Praying the Rosary— 6:40 to 7:20pm, Church May 13—Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 pm, Church May 25—Memorial Day Cemetery Mass at House Springs Cemetery, 9:00 am July 4— July 4th Mass at Chapel Hill Cemetery, 9:00 am July 18 - Retreat at Il Ritiro, 8 am to 4:00 pm September 7—Labor Day Mass at Byrnesville Cemetery Pavilion, 9:00 am September 16 and 23 –Explanation of the Mass, Fr Don, 7:00 pm, Church Oct. 7 and 14—Two evening discussion on discovering your personal “Charism”, 7 pm, Cafeteria. November 4— “Lectio Divina” discussion, 7:00pm, Cafeteria Advent—begin 2015 Year of Study If you are not going to Mass every Sunday, the Church and your parish want you back. Attend Eucharistic Adoration. Learn to pray the Rosary. Subscribe to a monthly prayer resource, such as Magnificat or Word Among Us. Consider finding a spiritual director Attend daily Mass. Pray for an increase in vocations. Reflect on the daily readings. Pray before all meals. Spend a few minutes on spiritual reading. Start your day with prayer. Sign ups If you are interested in signing up for any of the above programs, please call: the Parish Office at 636-671-3062 or email: parishbookkeeing@olqpparish.org Make a list of everything you are grateful for. Reflect slowly on the words of the Our Father. Pray for someone you know is suffering. Seek full and active participation at Mass. Our Lady Queen of Peace Fish Fry All Fridays During Lent Also Serving on Ash Wednesday 3:00 to 7:00 pm Good Friday Serving Noon to 6:00 pm Adult Dinners $7.00 and $9.00 Children’s meals available for $4.00 (Cheese Pizza or Grilled Cheese) Fried Cod Fillets-Jack Salmon-Baked White Fish Catfish and Butterflied Shrimp Choice of Two Sides (French Fries-Spaghetti-Slaw-Green Beans-Mac and Cheese) Dinners Include: Hushpuppies-Applesauce-Dessert Drinks: Coffee-Iced Tea-Lemonade Carryout and Drive Thru Service Call 636-375-5335 Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish EUCHARISTIC ADORATION We will have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament This coming Wednesday, January 28, after the 8:00 am Mass and conclude at 8:00 pm with Benediction. Our Gifts to God and Parish 790 registered members 202 online, loose and envelopes used this week Thank you for your generosity!!! Special Collections Sat. Louis Review ........................... $1,222.00 New Building Fund.................. $763,082.90 Offertory Sunday Loose ................................... $697.00 Sunday Envelopes .......................... $9,976.73 First Offering ..................................... $25.00 Parish Enrichment .............................. $40.00 Total Offertory .......................... $10,738.73 Weekly Offertory Goal .............. $13,000.00 Thank You to Knights As of January 19, 2015 Contributions Year To Date ..... $366,545.49 Projected Year to Date ........... $390,000.00 Stations of the Cross: Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for replacing the wooden structures at the House Springs Cemetery. Special thank you to the individuals making this happen. Mr. Pete Wallach donated much of the Cedar wood used in the project. Paul McDonnell was the fabricator with the assistance of Lou Bartoloni. The removal of the old stations was done with the help of Butch Mattingly and his back hoe. Instrumental in the labor was John 2014 Contribution Statements If you would like a 2014 contribution statement, please send a note (marked Linda) to the Parish Office. It may be placed in the collection basket, mailed to the Parish Office or use the mail slot in the Parish Office door. Thank you, Linda Holmes, Dave Mills, William Mikko, and Michael Heller. Butch donated the steel angle used to mount the new stations. These gentlemen also poured the new concrete bases and angle iron. John Holmes and Michael Heller installed the new structures. The old stations were constructed in the early 1960"s and were in poor condition. The expenses of the project were donated by your Knights of Columbus. Watch the bulletin as Lent Stewardship Start With Prayer approaches, we are going to hold the Stations of the Cross each week during Lent at the “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17 Cemetery. Please drive by the cemetery to see these beautiful stations. If you need directions please call 636-274-2733. God Bless, Mike Heller Jesus’ call to “Follow me” is a call to all Christians! Jesus asks us to help Him build His church on earth by generously sharing all our gifts of prayer, talent and treasure. Remember, Jesus calls us to generously develop and share all our gifts, not just the ones we pick and choose. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Please pray for those who are ill (parishioners are in bold) Maryann Barnett Wally Freihaut Jackie Nappier Tim Lodes Paul McDonnell Madylin Mikko Ed Kelemen Jon Resmer Danielle Enghauser Joyce Stenger Andy Nappier Vicky Duckworth Janice Robertson Lou Bartoloni Sam Pierceall Lorraine Mace Christy Dickerson, friend of Debby Maloney-Reeves Kenny Froud Sr., friend of Debby Maloney-Reeves Neil Bingaman, friend of Debby Maloney-Reeves John Abell, brother of Helen Maloney Francine Strange, sister of Frank Saggio Albert Winkeler, grandfather of Peggy Lay Marcia Moore, sister of Rhonda Malin & Mary Mottert Marty Unterreiner, cousin of Sharon Jasper Henry Wheeler, great nephew of Bernice Grimwood Delbert Swanson, step-father of Scott Reimer Ed Rabbitt, father of Tammy Groppe Mary Stone, sister of Susan O’Shea Gene Barnett, husband of Maryann Barnett ~those serving in the military, the homebound, shut-ins of the parish and all in nursing homes. To add a name please call the Parish Office, 671-3062. Names will be removed after 3 weeks or as space permits. January 25, 2014 Mass Intentions Mon Jan 26 8:00 am Tues Jan 27 8:00 am Joan Oermann Wed Jan 28 8:00 am Wayne Thome Thurs Jan 29 8:00 am Reverend Joseph Wolf Fri Jan 30 8:00 am George Gantner Sat Jan 31 5:00 pm Marilyn Menke Sun Feb 1 7:30 am Rick McCain 9:30 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm Judy Lorentz, Ralph and Sandy Munzlinger. 2 needed 7:30 am Jo Jahnsen, Mary Bjornstad, Rich Ortmann, Cathie Frede, Barb Oppelz 9:30 am Anastasia Shaffrey, Chris Camden, Don Moeller, Joanne David, Bruce Gallion, Margaret Gerling 11:30 am Angie Ecker, Carol Freihaut, Dan Horn, Kim Horn, Thom Ecker Proclaimers 5:00 pm Dave Mills, Judy Janos 9:30 am about the suffering involved in being crucified. People of the Parish Special Ministers of the Eucharist 11:30 am Each Friday at 3:00 pm spend one minute thinking Ray Wieschhaus January 31st and February 1st 7:30 am For Reflection… Terry Frede Scott Reimer, Terry Soer Dale Andrews, Joanne Sauer Gary and Carol Freihaut Servers 5:00 pm Matt Grimes, Amanda Kohne, Madylin Mikko 7:30 am Alyssa Jones, Peter Kenney, Zach Morlock 9:30 am Courtney Gaddy, J. Grosvenor, D. O’Donnell 11:30 am Jess and Nathan Mose, Ava Stagner Ushers 5:00 pm Dixie Garrett, Darleen Allmeroth, D. Brooks Ken Ganey, Ben Slodkowski, Bart Heinzer 7:30 am Ted Hempen, Vince Rocchio, Tim Webb, Jerry Terry, Butch Mattingly, D. Bjornstad We offer sympathy and the assurance of our prayers to the family of Mary Harig, sister of Fran Davis Mary Winkeler, grandmother of Peggy Lay 9:30 am R. Munzlinger, R. Schultheiss, T. Broadbent, Tim Diffey, Jerry Sheets, Dale Sudholt 11:30 am Paul McDonnell, Mary Buckey, C. Duncan, J. Younkins, Gary Freihaut, Rebecca Mose Thank you for cleaning Church Cathy Morlock, Patsy and Carl Boyer, Gail DeGunia, Carol Delue and Maria Webb February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B THEME: Be free of anxieties and live the present moment well. We have hopes and dreams. We live with an eye to what can be, to growing and improving and living into what is possible. This is a responsible way of living, but it has its dangers. Sometimes living for what can be becomes so overpowering that we can miss the opportunity of the present moment. Sometimes we can become so anxious about what will be or could be or should be, that what is passes us by. THE READINGS: FIRST READING: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 The first reading is taken from the Book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy has its origins in the Southern Kingdom of Judah after the fall of Israel to the Assyrians. The purpose of the book, and of the historical books that were also shaped by Deuteronomic hands, was to show the people that they could turn about and avoid the mistakes and infidelities that led to the destruction of the Northern Kingdom. The concept of prophecy plays a determining role in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic History. Prophecy arose in Israel with the rise of kingship and with the passing of kingship, prophecy went out of existence. Against popular belief, prophets were not clairvoyants; they were not predictors of the future, but men of faith, passionate for living a right relationship with God. Their role was to critique the present order, to point out the inevitable consequences of social injustice and sin, of living our relationship with God unfaithfully. They were men, ultimately, who held out hope, hope that we could live a right relationship with God if we would but turn around and live the present moment faithfully and justly and well. A basic claim of Deuteronomy is that in God’s Word, we have all that we need. And we have people who can call us back to God’s Word, to right living. We also have people who will speak of alternate values and people who will manipulate God’s Word to speak a message of selfinterest rather than justice and right. We have the ability to judge what is right, to see and understand who speaks the truth, and we are accountable for how we live now. SECOND READING: I Corinthians 7:32-35 In the second reading, taken from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, Paul offers, essentially, the same thought. Taken out of context, what Paul says can seem to speak against marriage as something that is less, that detracts from devotion to the Lord. In a context when the Second Coming of Christ was considered to be imminent, Paul was speaking about anxious cares that distract believers from the importance of the present moment. He used concern over marriage as an example, not to disparage the married state, but to highlight a concern and a value that can become misplaced. How many high school students seek out a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or stay in a relationship that is going nowhere, because that’s what’s “supposed” to be, because they are concerned that they will be less or will not fit in with their peers if they are not in that relationship? How much time and energy is wasted on inauthentic living? How many adults enter a marriage because the “biological clock” is ticking, because all their friends and siblings are married and they “should be” too? How many other anxious cares can we name about what should be or could be; cares that keep us from living the present moment fully? Yet it is only by living the present moment fully that I can find fulfillment and contentment in myself, only by living the present moment fully that I can recognize the fulfillment and contentment I have in another who can be that life partner, with whom I can live my relationship with God. It is only by living the present moment fully with God that I can let go and let God lead me to what could be. GOSPEL READING: Mark 1:21-28 In the Gospel reading from Mark, we hear the “prophetic voice” of Jesus teaching that the present moment is a moment to stand against evil, to stand against what hurts people. In telling his story of Jesus, Mark often uses the device of bracketing to highlight the central point he wants to make. In today’s Gospel, mention of Jesus’ teaching brackets the expulsion of the unclean spirit. We don’t always know what to make of “unclean spirits” in the Gospel stories. Literalists and fundamentalists want to see examples of demonic possession. Rationalists want to explain them away as instances of epilepsy or mental disorders that were not understood by the pre-scientific minds of the day. In the Gospels, and in Mark in particular, there is a logic to the story in which unclean spirits and instances of human illness are paired together and what is understood as evil in the world. This evil is what hurts people – including injustice and sinfulness. What Jesus teaches with authority is that the Kingdom of God that He announces has come near is God’s presence and will with us to stand against evil, to stand against what hurts people. Uncompromisingly, the moment to stand against what hurts people is NOW. Many Gospel cures and triumphs over unclean spirits take place on the Sabbath. This causes controversy. Care should be taken to observe our relationship with God and not be anxious and concerned about work and human needs. But the prophetic voice of Jesus claims that it is precisely by accomplishing God’s will and caring for hurting people that we live our relationship with God, that we accomplish His will. That is Jesus’ teaching. That is the ultimate concern. All the readings today speak to us about living in the present moment and in that moment finding our God and following His will. They all assure us that God’s presence with us can be found not in some obscure future but in the present moment. And they all assure us that we find that presence of God in community with those around us, that we find true fulfillment in not only how we choose to live for ourselves, but in how we choose to live with each other. Now is the moment of our salvation. FOR REFLECTION: What anxieties and worries do I have about the future. How do my concerns for the future keep me from living fully in the present moment? How do I hear the call to "turn about" in my life? What past mistakes am I prone to repeat? What changes do I need to make in the way I live right now? In what areas of my life do I tend to settle, to choose something less than what is fully possible because I believe that this is all that I can get, because I believe I am less or missing something if I don't settle for what is immediately available rather than waiting for what could really be? How willing am I to see the present moment as a call to service? How willing am I to live true religion, not in pious and prayerful acts, but in building up the community of believers, meeting the needs of members of the community, serving the needs of others? In my life with God, is my focus more on the future advancing to heaven, or on the present moment finding God with us now? Do I live now with an eye to the future or do I live in hope for the future by not being involved in my present circumstances now?
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