
A RTS CENTRAL .......... 2
TO G HANA ................. 4
THIS MONTH .............. 9
MARCH 2014
Central Baptist Church exists to be real people who love God, love others,
and make God famous! In making God famous, we seek to bring glory to God
by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered
community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.
A word from Bro. Charlie
March is now here and our focus has to be upon the 4xFour Challenge and
Friend Day, which is coming up on Sunday, March 30. On that day we
will be inviting our family, friends, neighbors, associates, and those on our
4xFour cards. I was so blessed this week as members of our church family
have talked with me about those on their 4xFour cards, and how they are
praying for them and planning to invite them to our service.
This Sunday you will have available our “Friendly Contract” cards. I’m
asking my friends to sign a commitment that they will be my friend on
“Friend Day.” I’m asking God to fill our building for this day. Our speaker
will be “Gary Frazier.” He will be preaching in both the AM & PM
services. In the evening service we will have Michael Bridges leading us
in worship. Illya will direct our choir and many of my friends from
Sunnyvale First Baptist will join our great choir and help sing heaven
down! Can you say Holy Hootenanny!! God is sooo good!
On Sunday nights I will continue to lead us in leadership training. If you
are a teacher or worker in Sunday School or one of our ministry groups,
it’s imperative you attend these services. You will not know where we are
going or our plans to get there if you are not here. I ask you to please be in
While our Pulpit Search Committee is moving forward in the search for
our next pastor, I ask you to please pray for them. I love this beautiful
church and I’m praying that God has already called our new pastor. Thank
you for the joy of being here serving the Lord along by your side.
Bro. Charlie
Sunday Service Times
9:00 am Bible study for all ages!
10:10 am Worship Service
3:45 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal
5:00 pm Evening Worship
Preschool & Children’s Choir
6:00 pm Celebration Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday Night Activities-Starting Jan. 22nd
10:00 am XYZ Singers
4:00 pm Youth Praise Band Rehearsal
5:45 pm Wednesday Night Meal
6:30 pm Children’s Missions
Youth Group
Central University
6:30 pm Celebration Choir
Worship and Music ministry of Central Baptist
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has
done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Psalm 105:1, 2 (NIV)
Important dates for this month
Celebration Choir - If God gave you a talent of singing, join the church choir! The
Celebration Choir has regular practices on Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. for Sunday
morning worship and Sunday 6-7 p.m. for special events. Come, join us!
 March 15, 8:30 -10 a.m. Breakfast and practice for all who is planning to sing on
April 5 concert with First Baptist Sunnyvale and the Heights Baptist
 March 30 - @ 3:30 p.m. we will have combined rehearsal with First Baptist
Sunnyvale choir for our 5p.m. "Friend Day" worship service
Youth Choir - meets every Sunday at 3:45 p.m. in choir room.
 March 14 will go to the night of worship at Christ For The Nations Institute. Will
leave church at 6 p.m. Take some money for dinner that we will buy on the
way. Bring a friend with you to the concert! Get inspired by some great worship
 March 16 @ 5 p.m. our Youth Choir leads Evening worship!
XYZ Choir - meets as usual on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
 March 12 -- mystery trip from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please bring some money for lunch.
 March 26 -- potluck lunch; right after practice
Bluegrass Gospel Fellowship - We get together every Tuesday at 7pm! Come and
sing with us your favorite hymn and songs. Bring your instrument and invite your friend.
If you don’t sing and play, just come and enjoy the fellowship! Feel free to bring
refreshments, cookies, and drinks.
Praise Team - will meet for practice every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. We are still in need
of reliable team members. Specific needs include contemporary style vocalists able to
sing harmony, drummers, bassists, electric guitarists and keyboard players. If you have
any interest in serving and using your gifts in this way please contact me, the worship
pastor, Illya Tkachuk.
Media Ministry - we need more volunteers in this area of worship ministry. If God gave
you technical talents, come and use it for His glory!
Last Saturday Worship Ministry Potluck Dinner - March 29, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Gym/
Fellowship Hall. We are kicking off our first "Last Saturday Worship Ministry Potluck
Dinner" for all worship ministry participants and their families. That shall include
Celebration Choir, Praise Team, and Media Team. This Saturday we will witness to a
"heroic" volleyball game: bass section vs. tenor. Come with your family and enjoy
Thank you for your part in the worship ministry of our church!
Peace and Blessing to all!
Illya Tkachuk
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God is perfect - absolutely,
totally perfect in all Hi is and
all He does. And because He
is perfect, you can trust Him.
You can trust His love, and
you can trust His promises.
You can trust Him to guide
you, and you can trust Him to
be with you even in life’s
darkest times. Most of all you
can trust Him to save you
through Christ—because His
way of salvation is perfect.
“As for God, his way is
perfect; the word of the
Lord is flawless.”
Psalm 18:30
Stay Informed about all things youth group!!
Text @centralbc to 5129205606 and join in
First, I want to thank everyone for such a positive response to our True Love Waits Commitment
Ceremony. The show of support by this church to our students is inspiring. How we view and treat
students and children echoes to the next generation of church leaders. You are setting a good
standard and foundation for this church and for God's Kingdom.
So how do we grow
spiritually? We grow through
the study of God’s Word. We
will never grow in grace and
in the knowledge of God until
the Bible becomes part of our
lives every day. We grow
through prayer. We grow as
well through our fellowship
with other believers. Finally,
we grow by witnessing. Just
as exercise makes us
physically stronger, exercising
our faith by sharing it with
others makes us spiritually
stronger. Are you sharing the
story of His love with others?
“Grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.”
2 Peter 3:18
As March begins, we have one central target date. March 28-30 is the Disciple Now. Our theme
this year is "Church Rocks" Matthew 16:18. I cannot wait for a great weekend. We have a super
line up of small group leaders. Amazing host homes. In addition, Dr. Johnny Derouen, my mentor,
will be here to speak to the teenagers Friday and Saturday night. Also, he will be speaking to any
and all adults on Saturday night in a special session for just adults at 8:15PM. I hope you can
attend this great time of worship and speaking from God's Word.
The Disciple Now Theme flows wonderfully into Friend Day. I am praying for a great harvest of
souls that day. March 30th, you are encouraged to invest in the kingdom by not just inviting, but
bringing four friends, neighbors, co-workers, unchurched family members, random strangers, check
out clerks, waitresses, etc. to church that morning. Our church rocks and our God is our rock.
People in our community and within our influence show be able to experience God's Greatness as
A huge note of thanks for all those that helped support prayerfully and financially Michael Cooper in
his trip to Ghana. It is amazing what God can do through our church. Thank you for your
faithfulness to God's leading.
Dates to remember:
Super Summer Date!! - June 30th – July 4th. Houston TX. Matt Oberhelman is leading worship
and Lee Strobel is speaking (author of “The Case for Faith”) and special guest Brock Gill. Cost is
$245. Deadline for paperwork and talk with parent is March 26th.
Summer Mission Trips:
Middle School - June 14-21 - Gallup New Mexico ($150)
High School - July 20-26 Memphis Tennessee ($275)
There are plans to go overseas in the summer of 2015. You must have previous mission trip
experience to qualify to go overseas.
Other Upcoming Dates:
 Mar 9 - Breakfast of Champions
 Mar 15 - Mission Arlington
 Mar 26 - Deadline for Super Summer
 Mar 28-30 -Disciple Now
 June 14-21 - Middle School Mission Trip - New Mexico
 June 30-July 4 - Super Summer - Deadline April 13 cost $270
 July 20-26 - Memphis TN - Deadline of March 30
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for the sake of the World!
Watch future newsletters, bulletins and announcements
for more information…
For making
I want to personally thank everybody for the overwhelming amount of support that y'all have
given me throughout this process. It is unbelievable the amount of love that Central Baptist
has shown me through the years and now. I want to thank everybody that helped make the
lunch run smooth and go wonderfully. Central Baptist has been a huge blessing in my life
and I can't thank y'all enough. I am hoping to get a blog set up so that y'all can follow me on
my journey while I am in Ghana. I will take lots of pictures and hopefully some videos! When
I get back from Ghana I will tell all of y'all all about it. Once again, thank you for your support
and keep praying that God moves the people that we encounter and God uses this group to
spread his word to the nations.
Love you all,
Michael Cooper
Project Stalos needs your help!!
Project Stalos, a Central Baptist Church on-going mission to minister to the homeless
population in Downtown Dallas, really needs you! We meet at the Church on
Sunday morning, March 9, 2014 at 6:00 a.m. (rain or shine) to caravan to Downtown.
We are in need of lots of helping hands to distribute clothing, shoes, and toiletries
for men and women. If you are unable to go downtown, we always need help
sorting donations – every Tuesday evening at 7 pm (next to the Old Sanctuary).
We know there are lots of members out there who would love to be
involved. Come and join us to see what a wonderful experience it is to serve those
in our communities that have nothing, not even a place to lay their head.
Please let us know if you can help or if you have any questions! Patti Littrell at (214)
924-6051 or Monica Spivey (214) 763-7834.
Patti and Monica
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Jesus summed up God’s Law
with only two commands:
“Love the Lord your God” and
“Love your neighbor.” And
He used a special, allencompassing word for love,
a word that includes
everyone. We are to love our
neighbors, He said, even
though they may have a
different color skin, ethnic
background, or language;
even though they look
different, walk differently, or
act differently. We are also to
help our neighbors who are
poor. The gospel of Christ
has no meaning unless it is
applied to those who are in
need. Love...is not a passive
word; it is an action word. We
are to love by our actions.
“Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all
your strength and with all
your mind”; and “Love your
neighbor as yourself.”
Luke 10:27
Join us on Sunday, April 6th
@ 5:00 p.m. for a
Did you know that the word
Christian actually means “a
partisan for Christ”? It means
that you have chosen Christ
and are following Him.
Partisans are not neutral—
they are committed. So...Are
you a Christian? I mean a
true Christian, a real
Christian. Many people have
the wrong idea of what a
Christian is. They say, “A
Christian is a person who
prays” or “A Christian lives by
the golden rule.” But praying
or living by the golden rule
doesn’t make someone a
Christian. A person may be
sincere, but that doesn’t
make him a Christian. Have
you committed yourself to
Him as your Lord and Savior?
(in lieu of the evening service)
“Not everyone who says to
me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter
the kingdom of heaven, but
only he who does the will of
my Father who is in
Matthew 7:21
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Prayer Warriors,
If you would like to help, we would like to show our support for our military with
care packages which will include snack items such as: Beef jerky, Slim Jims,
nuts, crackers, Vienna sausages, potted meat, hard candies, cookies (nonperishable, no chocolate) and toiletries such as unscented baby wipes,
pocket/purse size Kleenex, toothpaste, tooth brushes, unscented-non aerosol
deodorant, disposable razors, etc. and also Christian music CDs, New
Testaments, church literature, tracts, pamphlets, or if you want to help with
postage, that would be great! (Postage is about $17 per box). We aren't
asking any one person to do it all but just a few items, and we will try to mail
one package a month to a military person; more as we grow. Church family
and service members in war zone will be first on our list, followed by overseas
personnel, those aboard ships at sea and veterans in a VA facility. So if you
have a loved one serving in the military whom you would like to receive a care
package, please provide us their name, address, assignment and description.
Boxes for donations are provided at the welcome center and office entrance.
Also, we would love to honor our service members by placing their picture on a
bulletin board in our church. Please provide a picture and include their name,
branch of service and where they are stationed. We are so grateful for these
men and women who serve our great country.
We appreciate any help you provide.
Ron Norvell, Dr. Charlie Wilson, (proud Vietnam veterans) Nancy Ashley, (proud
mom of a Desert Storm veteran and grandmother of a U.S. Marine)
Page 6
Why is there so little peace in
a world of unprecedented
knowledge and unlimited
potential? The problem,
Jesus said, is the human
heart: “out of the heart
proceed evil thoughts,
murders, adulteries” (Matthew
15:19, NKJV). The new world
will come about only when
Jesus Christ, the King of
kings and the Lord of lords,
reigns supreme in people’s
hearts. At the end of the
present age God will act, and
Scripture promises that He
will act dramatically and
decisively. But before that
time comes, God wants to
rule in our hearts.
“I will give you a new heart
and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your
heart of stone and give you
a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26
Should you believe in the
Bible? Why trust what it
says? One reason is
because it tells about real
people and real events. It
doesn’t consist of stories
someone mad up (unlike
many other ancient books).
Another reason we can trust
the Bible is because it was
written by people who actually
witnessed what happened.
As Peter wrote (who was
himself an eyewitness to
Jesus’ ministry), “We did not
follow cleverly invented
stories...but we were
eyewitnesses (2 Peter 1:16).
Most of all, however, we can
trust the Bible because it
points us to the most
important event in human
history: the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
“All your words are true;
and all your righteous laws
are eternal.”
Psalm 119:160
Krisna Darst
Jackie Ferguson
Zack Girouard
Jentry Kinder
Gloria Morgan
Naomi Johnson
Jessica Lane
Grace Patterson
Jake Aranda
Ryder Burford
Cheyenne Busby
David Talbert
Erynne Brakefield
Karlie Green
Jerry Grubbs
Shelby May
Caitlyn Parsons
Doty Brooks
Amanda Forbes
Patti Mitchell
Aubrey Spivey
Kevin Thomas
Anna Black
Christine Linder
Ryan Long
Bryan Girouard
Colton Mathis
Stephen Barrack
Martin Ashley
Nicholas Tennison
Illya Tkachuk
John Cook
Dylan Stewart
Barbara Cain
Lauren Rose
Bobby Jacobs
Barbara Taylor
Jay Darst
George Woodley
Mitch McPherson
Holly Mohler
Stephen Yonez
Devin Zimmerman
Halee Prince
Chase Berendzen
Taylor Cauley
Aubree Lowe
Phyllis Voorhees
Daniel Smith
Brooke Stannard
Jesse Aldridge
Don Colquitt
Matthew Johnson
Jason Lemmond
John Densmore
Cody Potter
Joyce Bogan
Molly Joyner
Jacob Coats
Karissa Campos
Trina Lindsey
Alexis Wallis
Welcome New Member!
Maggie Driggers
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What is Holy Yoga?
Holy Yoga is based on three Christ-centered structures: exercise,
breathing, and meditation devoted entirely to developing an
authentic connection with Christ.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your strength.” --Mark 12:30
We are all about Christ, all the time. God is the only authentic path
to wellness. Join us in this amazing journey! Join us on Thursdays at
Led by Lynda Blakely
Certified Holy Yoga Instructor
“Grace in His Presence”
Page 8
We don’t need the Bible to tell
us (as it does) that there can
be pleasure in sin. We know
this from our own experience.
But the Bible also says that
sin’s pleasure is only for a
season (Hebrews 11:25).
Then it’s over, leaving us
bitter and finally destroying
us. A day of reckoning
always comes. No one has
ever committed a sin that he
or she did not have to pay for.
What sin do you need to
leave behind? Repent and
return to your Father today.
He wants to welcome you
“You may be sure that your
sin will find you out.”
Numbers 32:23
8:30 Aerobics
9:00 Bible Study
10:15 Worship Service
3:45 Youth Choir
5:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Evening Worship
6:00 Adult ChoirEaster Rehearsal
6:00 Stalos
9:00 Bible Study
10:15 Worship Service
3:45 Youth Choir
5:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Evening Worship
6:00 Adult ChoirEaster Rehearsal
9:00 Bible Study
10:15 Worship Service
3:45 Youth Choir
5:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Evening Worship
6:00 Adult ChoirEaster Rehearsal
9:00 Bible Study
10:15 Worship Service
3:45 Youth Choir
5:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Evening Worship
6:00 Adult ChoirEaster Rehearsal
Page 9
5 10:00 XYZ Singers
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Stalos Sorting
4:00 Youth Band
Family Night@ Central
5:30 Meal
6:30 Children’s Missions, Youth Group &
Central University
7:30 Adult Choir
12 10:00 XYZ Singers
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
3:45 Youth Choir
5:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Evening Worship
6:00 Adult ChoirEaster Rehearsal
9:00 Bible Study
10:15 Worship Service
4:00 Youth Band
Family Night@ Central
5:30 Meal
6:30 Children’s Missions, Youth Group &
Central University
7:30 Adult Choir
7:30 Finance Meeting
19 10:00 XYZ Singers
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Stalos Sorting
4:00 Youth Band
Family Night@ Central
5:30 Meal
6:30 Children’s Missions, Youth Group &
Central University
7:30 Adult Choir
26 10:00 XYZ Singers
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Stalos Sorting
4:00 Youth Band
Family Night@ Central
5:30 Meal
6:30 Children’s Missions, Youth Group &
Central University
7:30 Adult Choir
8:30 Aerobics
8:30 Aerobics
8:30 Aerobics
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
7:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Aerobics
8:30 Aerobics
If God’s Word says, “Fear
not,” and yet it also says,
“Fear,” which does it mean?
The answer is: both. Fear is
a twofold word. It refers to an
emotion marked by dread and
anxious concern. But it also
means awe and wonder and
profound reverence. This
latter is the fear that inspires
trust and confidence. The
Bible calls us to have the
latter kind of fear. When we
fear God, we don’t cringe
before Him like a prisoner
robbed of freedom by a
ruthless dictator. Our fear
causes us to treat God with
respect and trust.
“Now, O Israel, what does
the Lord your God ask of
you but to fear the Lord
your God, to walk in all his
ways, to love him?”
Deuteronomy 10:12
P.O. Box 416
Crandall, TX 75114
Central Baptist Church
1749 South FM 148
P.O. Box 416
Crandall, TX 75114
(972) 427-0144 (main)
(972) 427-6999 (fax)
Charlie Wilson
Interim Pastor
Cell (214) 732-6955
Craig Barrack
Student Pastor
Cell (214) 801-7298
Illya Tkachuk
Worship & Arts Pastor
Cell (214) 793-9195
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Page 10
NEW Schedule of Services
8:30 a.m. – Men’s Prayer Time
9:00 a.m. – Bible Study
10:15 a.m. – Worship Service
3:45 p.m. – Youth Choir
5:00 p.m. – Evening Service
7:00 p.m. – Aerobics
7:00 p.m. – Stalos Sorting
4:00 p.m. – Youth Praise Band Practice
5:30 p.m. – Family Night @ Central
5:30-6:30 – Meal
6:30-7:30 – Central University
7:30 p.m. – Celebration Choir Practice
7:00 p.m. – Aerobics
7:30 p.m. – Men’s Basketball
8:30 a.m. – Aerobics
Please see the calendar for more opportunities,
events and activities.
Activity Information
Offered 3 times a week.
For more information contact Jackie Hume @ 469-556-2010.
Celebration Choir
Open to 16 yrs. old through adults and has practice on
Wednesday evening @7:30 p.m. For more info. contact Bro. Illya
Youth Choir
Open to 7th grade through college students and has practice on
Sunday afternoon @3:45 p.m. For more info. contact Bro. Illya
Preschool and Children’s Choirs
Open to 2 yrs. Old through 6th grade and has practice on
Sunday afternoon @5:00 p.m. For more info. contact the
church office or Brenna Nations
Central Worship Band
Rehearses on Sunday mornings @ 8:30 a.m. For more info.
contact Bro. Illya
Youth Praise Band
Rehearses on Wednesday’s @ 4:00 p.m. For more info. contact
the church office.
Mission Organizations
Meet on Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
• Mission Friends Ages 3 to Kindergarten
• RA’s and GA’s for 1st-6th grade boys and girls
• Youth Group for ages 7th grade to College
For more info. contact the church office for children's’
organizations or contact Bro. Craig for youth/college