St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes Welcome You: We welcome you to our parishes and our community. If you would like to become a member of one of our parishes, please contact the parish office (994-2526, Bloomington or725-5595, Cassville) to register. For those who are interested in becoming Catholic or returning to the Catholic Church, please contact Fr. John. Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Fr. John will be available to hear confessions from 3:45-4:15 p.m. every Saturday at the church that has the 4:30 p.m. Mass. The other times for the sacrament of reconciliation are as follows: St. Mary Church, Glen Haven– 7:40-7:50 p.m. on Saturday evenings; St. John’s Church, Patch Grove-7:40-7:50 a.m. on Sunday mornings; St. Mary Church, Bloomington-7:30 –7:50 a.m. every Thurs. Baptism: May God bless our new parents! Please contact Fr. John to schedule the baptism of your child at your church and to attend a baptismal preparation session. Marriage: Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Please call Fr. John at least six months in advance of the wedding. One of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. Anointing of the Sick: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, please contact the Bloomington parish office immediately. If you or someone you know is sick and would like to be included in the Mass prayers, please call the parish office. Vocations: Please contact Fr. John if you or someone you know would like to learn more about becoming a priest, brother, sister, deacon, or lay church minister. Please pray for more vocations to the priesthood and all religious ministries!!! St. Charles and St. Mary’s School -Faith, Family and Academic Excellence: To register your child, please call Ms. Julie Zenz (St. Mary’s) at 994-2435 or Ms. Barb Mason (St. Charles) at 725-5173. St. Mary and St. Charles Schools admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin. Bulletin Notices: Please submit bulletin notices in writing to the parish office ( on Monday. Parish website: St. Charles Parish Office Hours: Please call the office St. Mary’s Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Rev. John Meinholz P.O. Box 35 Bloomington, WI 53804 608-994-2526 608-725-5595 (Julie M Jentz) (Marcia Fure) 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Fr. John’s Notes: Liturgy Schedule Sat. 1/31 Sun. 2/1 Mon. 2/2 Tues. Wed. 2/3 2/4 Thurs. 2/5 Fri. 2/6 Sat. 2/7 Sun. 2/8 4:30 PM Robert Graf (Bloomington) 8:00 PM Clara & Kathleen Esser (Glen Haven) 8:00 AM Deceased members of the Dan Nies family (Patch Grove) 9:15 AM All Parishioners (Bloomington) 10:30 AM Francis Haas (Cassville) 8:15 AM 9:00-10:00 8:15 AM 5:00 PM Joe and Anna Bierman (Cassville) Adoration (St. Charles) Jane Woolfley (Cassville) Robert and Judy Kluesner 7:30 AM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM Adoration & Confessions Jean Crubel (Bloomington) Dorothy Meinholz (Cassville) Living and deceased members of the Joe and Elizabeth Wegmann family (Bloomington) 4:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM Randal Mack family (Cassville All Parishioners (Glen Haven) Velma McCabe (Patch Grove) Joan Kluesner (Bloomington) Carl and Michael Adrian (Bloomington) (Cassville) Scripture for the week of February 2, 2015: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32;Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14,17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 St. Mary’s Spaghetti Supper: St. Mary’s annual Spaghetti Supper at St. Mary’s School will take place this Saturday, January 31, with serving from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Come and enjoy the delicious spaghetti and garlic bread along with the salad bar and bars. There will also be classroom displays and silent auction. We hope everyone will join us for this fun event! Diocesan Men’s Lenten Retreat: All Catholic men are invited to join their brothers in Christ for the annual Diocesan Men’s Lenten Retreat at the Bishop O’Connor Center. The theme is Fortes in Fides (Firm in your Faith) and will feature talks by Bishop Robert Morlino, Raymond de Sousa, and Fr. John Sasse. There also will be time for Mass, Reconciliation, reflection, and prayer. For more information and to register go to and click on 'more' when Fortes in Fides shows up on the screen or call 608-821-3160. ST. MARY’S FISH FRY: Everyone is invited to attend St. Mary’s Fish Fry on Friday, February 27. Plan to gather with your family and friends to enjoy the delicious baked and fried Cod Fish Dinner which will be served from 4:45 to 7:30 p.m. The evening will also include a fabulous raffle held in conjunction with the Catholic Financial Life Branch #34. Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time: God has graciously called us here today to support each other in our faith and to be nourished at the table of the Word and Eucharist. How do we, called as disciples of Jesus Christ, hear the word of God and put it into practice in our lives? Does it make a difference, or do our lives resemble the movie named after tomorrow’s celebration of Groundhog Day—the same thing over and over again? Perhaps our prayer today can be to really hear what God is saying to us, and to resolve to make it a reality in our lives. Items from the Bishop O’Connor Center: As many of you may have read in the January 22, issue of the Wisconsin State Journal, the Diocese of Madison is giving away thousands of items from the Bishop O’Connor Center as part of it is converted to apartments and areas for commercial use. The diocesan offices will remain there. We were notified in November of the dispersal and that parishes in the diocese would have first chance to reserve items that could be used in the parishes. I am very happy to share that we have received numerous padded chairs, a couple of office chairs, four dressers and lamps, and two large round tables which will be used at St. Mary’s and St. Charles Schools and Parishes. There was no cost for the items and we are grateful to receive them. The Wisconsin State Journal articles noted that things such as beds, mattresses and bedding that were not needed by the parishes have been donated to other Catholic charities and non-profit organizations who assist homeless and low income families. First Reconciliation: Please keep the second grade students from St. Mary’s School and Religious Ed. class in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 7. Knights of Columbus News: Thanks to the participants in the annual Free Throw Contest and to those who helped put it on. We gave $50 each to St. Mary’s and St. Charles parishes for their upcoming Lenten fish fries. Tickets for the KC State Charity Raffle are on sale. Proceeds from this fundraiser support grants to help families in Wisconsin who are struck with disasters such as fires, storms, sickness, etc. We have extra tickets available—if you would like some more to buy or sell, contact Joe Breuer. For Knights in our council who have not yet become Third Degree members, there will be a Second and Third Degree ceremony in Prairie du Chien on March 7. For current Third Degree members who wish to join the Fourth Degree, there will be an exemplification in DeForest on February 7. Contact Gordie Kremer for details. Natural Family Planning Class: Invest in your marriage. Couples who have learned to embrace their shared fertility as a blessing have discovered their communication, relationship, and love life are better with Natural Family Planning (NFP). A class offered by Couple to Couple League will begin on Saturday, March 14, at 9:00 am and continue on 4/11 and 5/9 at St. Mary’s Parish in Bloomington. Classes are also offered in Madison, Monona, Janesville, and Verona. Questions call Mary at 608-221-9593. Register at: St. Mary Church, Bloomington St. John Church, Patch Grove ST. MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS: St. Mary’s Religious Education: Our vision: Faith, Family and Academic Excellence. Religious Education Classes for February 4, 2015: Grades 1-6: No Class at St. Mary’s Grades 7-10: No Class at St. Mary’s “I love being Catholic!" One of our four year-olds shared this statement with his teacher this week. Nurturing that feeling and identity in our school is one of our top priorities. As our basketball season wraps up we want to thank the following parent volunteers: Tom and Jenna Taylor for serving as Athletic Directors. Tom coaches the boys teams. Kirk Hamann has coached our girls this year. Many other parents supported our program by selling concessions and tickets. Home and School parents bought new uniforms for the kids this year. It takes teamwork on every level to support our children. We are blessed. It's a great time to register your children for St. Mary School. We offer small classes of faith based instruction to students who will be four years old and older by September 2015. We have classes for students in 4K thru 8th grade. Our excellent teachers support families and students with a spirit of cooperation and commitment to academic performance. Call us at 994-2435 to see why parents choose St. Mary's School SCRIP: Winter is here and SCRIP gift cards are a great way to do your shopping. There are a wide variety of SCRIP gift cards from local and national businesses. The SCRIP program is online. Please contact St. Mary’s School if you would like information about SCRIP or to purchase SCRIP. St. John’s Donut Sunday has been moved to from February 8, to Sunday, February 15, due to the Lions Club Breakfast. St. Mary’s CCW News: We need two ladies to take over as officers of the CCW. We would like to install them in February. If you are interested please call the parish office or Joan at 994-2111 or Pat at 994-2112. St. Mary’s 2015 Variety Show & Dinner: It is time to start preparing for St. Mary’s 2015 Variety Show and Dinner on March 22! We hope all of the talented performers from last year’s show and others will join us for this fun event. The theme this year is “Classic TV”...think I Love Lucy, Beverly Hill Billies, Brady Bunch, etc. Let’s be creative. Please contact the parish office (994-2526) if you would like to be part of the show (singing, skits, comedy, instrumental performances, etc.) or to help plan the event. PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES: PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR EXPENSES Thank You’s: Thank you to the family of Joe Wegmann for the very generous donation to St. Mary Church in his memory. Thank you to St. Mary’s CCW for their generous donation of $3,000.00 to St. Mary’s Parish for heating expenses. We are very grateful for the interest from the Bud and Rosemary Elskamp Memorial Fund which is used toward salaries for St. Mary’s teachers and for the interest from the Perrin/McDermott Memorial Fund which is used for maintenance needs in the parish. ST. MARY’S FISH FRY: Everyone is invited to attend St. Mary’s Fish Fry on Friday, February 27. Plan to gather with your family and friends to enjoy the delicious baked and fried Cod Fish Dinner which will be served from 4:45 to 7:30 p.m. The evening will also include a fabulous raffle held in conjunction with the Catholic Financial Life Branch #34. Donations toward the cheeses curds would be very much appreciated and, we hope the wonderful bakers from our parish will be able to make bars for the Fish Fry. 2014 HARVEST FUND: St. John’s Donut Sunday: Goal: $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Even thought it is wintery cold outside, we are very thankful to everyone who has contributed to the Harvest Fund which is our annual fundraiser to help pay our fall, winter and early spring parish expenses. Joyfully, we have received $32,391.68 (our goal is $50,000) for this year’s Harvest Fund. We appreciate all contributions, large or small, and thank the many generous parishioners for their continued support. St. Mary’s Collections from 1-17 to 1-23-2015: Church Support….………………………………...….…...$1,663.13 Offertory Collections………………………………………...$336.32 Harvest Fund Income………………………………..………$375.00 Gifts………………………………………………………..…$275.00 Children’s Collection…………………………………………..$2.00 School Tuition………………………………………………..$190.80 St. John Reimbursement for Expenses…………………...$1,796.72 Scrap Metal Drive Income…………………………………..$218.55 St. Mary’s families are asked to generously contribute toward the support of parish expenses. We need to receive approximately $9,500.00 every week to cover all parish expenses. St. John’s Collections from 1-17-to 1-23-2015 : Church Support……………………………………………...$185.00 Offertory…………………..……………………………...….$103.00 Catholic Herald……………………………………………….$25.00 St. John’s families are asked to generously contribute toward the support of parish expenses. We need to receive approximately $950.00 every week to cover all parish expenses. St. John Ministry Schedule for February 8, 2015 Lector: Communion: Gifts: Ushers: Servers: 8:00 a.m. Mass Jim Warczak Shirley Gates Paul & Delaine Langmeier Robert Hazen, Gene Harris Carolyn & Sean Tolle St. Mary Ministry Schedule for Feb. 8, 2015 Lector: Communion: Gifts: Sacristan: Ushers: Servers: 9:15 a.m. Mass Jeff Davis Sharon Davis, Chris Bishell Jeff & Pam Myhre Jeff & Sharon Davis Roger Richter, Ronnie Mumm Gracie & Johnathon Hamann St. Charles Church, Cassville St. Charles Announcements: SAVE THE DATE: St. Charles will be presenting the Dueling Pianos once again this year on Saturday, April 11, at J & J's Sandbar in Cassville. Come for a night of music and comedy to celebrate spring. This year's event will once again have a silent and live auction. If you'd like to donate handmade, homemade or any other items please contact Cheryl Junk at 725-5530. More information about this event coming soon! St. Charles Fuel Fund Update: Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to St. Charles Fuel Fund this year. We have received $11,987.11 so far for this important fund to cover the heating expenses for St. Charles Church and School. Our heating expenses for November-December were $5,281.50 and we will need to fill the fuel tanks again very soon. St. Mary Church, Glen Haven St. Mary’s News: St. Mary’s Redecoration Fund Update: We are very grateful for the generous donations for the redecoration of St. Mary’s Church. We have received $15,542.00 in contributions plus $5,200.00 in pledges for the project. With these funds and $15,000 from parish savings, St. Mary’s Redecoration Fund already has over one-half of the $70,000 goal to complete the project. Please contact Fr. John or a parish council for more information about the redecoration project or to make a donation. PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES: St. Mary’s, Glen Haven for January 24, 2015: Church Support………………………………………………...$0.00 Offertory………......................................................................$100.00 Home Missions……………………………………………….$ 45.00 Total…….………….................................................$145.00 St. Charles, Cassville for January 24 & 25, 2015: St. Charles School News: Thank you to all students and parents who worked so hard to make Catholic Schools Week very special. The students enjoyed all of the fun activities during the week, especially Grandparents Day. Thank you to all of the generous parish members and families who support St. Charles School! Our magazine sales drive is in full swing. If you have any magazine subscriptions that you need to renew, please contact any St. Charles student or the school office and we will be glad to assist you. SCRIP: Scrip cards are available from Mary Ploessl (7255079). You can also purchase Walmart and BP cards at New Image Salon, the village clerk’s office, or at St. Charles school. Thanks to all who support this fundraising program. Southwest Wisconsin CEW Weekend: The upcoming Southwest Wisconsin CEW (Christian Experience Weekend) will be held at Sinsinawa Mound Center, Sinsinawa, WI. The women’s weekend will be February 20-22, 2015. The men’s weekend will be February 27-March 1, 2015. These weekends begin at 7:00 PM Friday and end on Sunday at approximately 4:30 PM. If you want to do something special for yourself, attend a CEW weekend. Application forms are available in the church entrance. For more information on the women’s weekend, call Tina Tranel @ (563)542-4462 (cell) or 608-5687671 or for the men’s weekend, call Tim Genthe @(608) 3301400. Weekends fill up fast. Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Thank You to Our Bulletin Advertisers: We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of the businesses who advertize in our bulletin and make the printing of our bulletins possible! Please thank the business who are sponsoring our bulletin. If there is someone who would like to advertise in our bulletin, please call the Bloomington parish office at 994-2526. The cost for a black & white ad starts at approx. $6.00 per week. Church Support……………………………………………$1,507.00 Offertory……………………………………………………...$202.00 DST……………………………………..…………………….$ 80.00 Total…….………….............................................$1,789.00 PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR EXPENSES St. Charles suggested giving is $1,400.00 a year for a married couple and $700.00 a year for a single household. We deeply appreciate all that you can do. Thank you! St. Mary’s, Glen Haven Ministry Schedule for February 7, 2015 8:00 p.m. Mass Lector: Cindi Breuer Communion: Joe Breuer Ushers: Gavin Kirschbaum, Andy Kirschbaum Servers: Zane and Evan Kirschbaum St. Charles’ Ministry Schedule for February 8, 2015 4:30 p.m. Mass Lectors: Judy Adrian Communion: Eleanor Mumm, Joanne Kirschbaum Ushers: Jim Koopman, Ken Schauff, Gene Adrian Servers: Olivia Adams, Austin Rauch 10:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Jason Thiele Communion: White family Ushers: White family Servers: Maddie Nix, Allison Ihm 2015 Diocese of Madison Annual Catholic Appeal Begins: This week, parishioners throughout the Diocese will receive a mailing from Bishop Morlino. The Bishop is asking for a pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal to support the ministries of the Diocese of Madison. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge payable over 5-months to the appeal. Your gift will help enable the diocese to reach its goal and provide grant opportunities for Catholic schools, religious education programs and assisting distressed parishes in need. Thank you for your continuing support of our parish, Diocese and the work of the Church throughout the world. 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time Celebrate Life: February 1, 2015 MEETINGS & EVENTS: “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person -- among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jer 1:5; cf Job 10:8-12; Ps 22:10-11). “My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth” (Ps. 139:15). Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.” -- Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2270-2271 *Feb. 2– St. Mary’s Basement Repair meeting at 5:30 p.m *February 2—St. Mary’s Finance Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. *February 5– St. Mary’s Parish Council at 7:00 p.m. *February 9– Joint Councils meeting at St. Mary’s School, Bloomington at 7:30 p.m. *February 10– St. John’s Food Pantry at 1:30 p.m. *February 27– St. Mary’s Fish Fry *March 13—West Grant Lions Club Fish Fry *March 22– St. Mary’s Variety Show *March 27– St. Charles Fish Fry *April 5– Easter *April 11- St. Charles Dueling Pianos Fundraiser at J&J's Help is Available: *April 19-St. Charles First Communion *April 26-St. Mary’s First Communion If you need support for an unplanned pregnancy, please contact the Women’s Care Center at 608-241-8100. If you have lost a child to miscarriage, please consider contacting your parish priest for help. The Church has various rites and commendation ceremonies that seek to provide hope and consolation for parents and families. For more information on pro-life issues, visit, www.feministsforlife or www.priestsfor For abortion recovery help, please visit or Non-discrimination Statement for Our Schools: St. Mary and St. Charles Schools admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs. and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and financial aid programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs. Sandbar WEST GRANT LIONS CLUB PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND TOY SHOW SUNDAY, FEB. 8 The West Grant Lions Club, which serves the River Ridge area, will hold its annual pancake and sausage breakfast at River Ridge High School on Sunday, Feb. 8, serving from 8 a.m. to noon. The club is also sponsoring a farm toy show this year from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the high school gym. The West Grant Lioness Club will also hold a bake sale that morning. Advance adult tickets at a reduced price are available from the members of the West Grant Lions Club. Featured on the menu will be pancakes, sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, orange juice, milk and coffee. In the past, the Lions have donated to the West Grant Rescue Squad, local fire departments, Operation Santa Claus, Wisconsin Badger Camp, scholarships, senior class awards banquet and local community projects as well as helping to support Lions eye clinics and hearing projects. What we do in life echoes in eternity.
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