2-1-15 Bulletin - Annunciation Parish

246 East Main Street, Havelock, NC 28532
Office 252-447-2112 ~ Fax 252-447-2113
Annunciation Catholic Church (252) 447-2112
“We, … renew the response of our beloved Virgin Mary,
by proclaiming ‘[We are] the Lord’s servant!’”
Parish Staff
Very Reverend Gregory Spencer, V.F….……………..Pastor
Deacon Wally Calabrese ..................................... Deacon
Deacon Jim Strange………………………………………….Deacon
Teresa Rodney ….…………………………Office Administrator
Liturgy Schedule
Weekday Masses
Holy Days
Tues. 7:00 PM, Wed.-Fri. 8:30 AM
5:30 PM
8:30 AM, & 11:30 AM
(see inside bulletin)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00-5:00 PM or by an appointment
Faith Formation Classes
Sunday 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM Sept. - May
Baptism: Class required for parents and godparents.
Call the parish office to register for class.
Marriage: Requires six months preparation before
wedding. Call the parish office for details.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the office or priest if
you are in need of the anointing.
Annunciation Catholic School
Preschool - 8th grade
246 E. Main Street, Havelock, NC 28532
Phone: (252) 447-3137
Fax: (252) 447-3138
Monette Mahoney……..………………………… Interim Principal
Parish Ministries
Adult Faith Formation….Mary Bares & Annette Williams
Youth Ministry…………………………….Maribel & Matt Rearic
Altar & Rosary Society ....................................Ann Silveira
Altar Servers ............................................ Glen VanNosdall
Catholic Daughters ................................ Dianna Vaccarella
Extraordinary Minister………………...J. Benedict/J. Radicella
Finance Council Chair ............................ Charles McMullin
Knights of Columbus……………………………..Normand Girard
Readers ..................................................... Frank Radicella
Music…………………………………………………………..Ron Thomas
Nocturnal Adoration ............... Jason Gordon & Curt Pope
Parish Council Chair .......................................... Gary Odle
RCIA Coordinators……………….Dcn. Wally & Amy Calabrese
Lazarus Ministry…………………………..………….Ralph Williams
Head Ushers: Sat……..5:30 p.m. ~ Chuck Roeckell
Sun…….8:30 a.m. ~ Jimmy O’Connor
Sun. …11:30 a.m. ~ Ben Cruz
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today is the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time and the conclusion of Catholic Schools Week. First
of all, I want to thank all those who participated in our School's Angels and Saints Gala. What a wonderful
way to celebrate Catholic Schools.
Today's Gospel continues from Mark and describes what may have been a typical day in Jesus'
ministry. Jesus and the disciples that chose to follow him in last week's Gospel arrive at Capernaum, a small
village on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus teaches in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Mark reports that the people respond to Jesus' teaching with astonishment, noting Jesus' authority in contrast with that of the scribes. From
now on we will find growing tension between the religious leaders and Jesus that will manifest itself fully in
After Jesus' preaching, an even more astonishing thing happens. A man possessed with an unclean
spirit calls out to Jesus. As we see in this example and throughout Mark's Gospel, the spirits and demons seem
to know who Jesus is and are often fearful of him. In fact, they seem to understand Jesus' identity better than
his disciples. As we will read again and again in Mark's Gospel, Jesus orders the spirit to be quiet and drives
the unclean spirit out of the man. Jesus' ability to heal those possessed by demons is an indication of his
power over evil.
In the pre-scientific age of Jesus' time, all illnesses were understood to be manifestations of evil and
sinfulness. Our modern understanding of illness is very different. Possession by unclean spirits may have been
a way to describe what we might call mental illness today. It may have even been a way of describing certain
kinds of physical conditions. There is evidence that there were many kinds of exorcists and healers in firstcentury Palestine. Jesus appears to be like these healers, but he heals with unique authority and connects his
healing activities with the words of his preaching.
We are missing the point that Mark is trying to make in this Gospel, however, if we try to explain
away the healing work of Jesus. The crowds see in Jesus' cure of the possessed man further affirmation of his
authority. Jesus' power to heal gives greater credence to his teaching. Jesus impresses the crowds through his
words, which are manifested with power in his deeds. Mark's Gospel tells us that because of the authority
with which he healed, Jesus' fame spread throughout all of Galilee.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, Fr. Greg
PS- This week, we kicked off the Bishop's Annual Appeal. Our goal is the same as last year, which is
$66,200. Last year we got close to reaching our goal (94%). This year, let us exceed our goal and realize that
our generosity goes a long way in helping many people in need throughout our Diocese and parish. Please
support and pray for the success of the BAA.
First Reading: Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up
for you” (Deuteronomy 18:15-20).
Psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 95).
Second Reading: Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).
Gospel: The people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching; he taught them as one having authority
(Mark 1:21-28).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34
Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
Where all are welcome
In His Place...
Mass Intentions for the week of
January 31st – February 8th
Saturday, January 31st
5:30 PM~
Maria Thiu Ha 
The Ha Family
Sunday, February 1st
8:30 AM ~
Melvin Hines 
Debbie & Bridgette Hines
11:30 AM ~
People of the Parish
Tuesday, February 3rd
7:00 PM ~
Antoinette Parisi 
Her Family
Wednesday, February 4th
8:30 AM ~
Courtney Odle 
Dickey, his family & loved ones
Thursday, February 5th
8:30 AM ~
Dominic Ty Ha 
The Ha Family 
Friday, February 6th
8:30 AM ~
Jimmy Tellez 
Annunciation Catholic School
Saturday, February 7th
8:30 AM~
Sybil Francesconi 
Al Francesconi
5:30 PM~
Nicholas Smith 
1st Anniversary
Frances Boyd
Sanctuary Candle
In Loving Memory of
Courtney Odle
Requested by: Dickey, his family
and loved ones
Please remember in your prayers all
those who are sick especially:
Mary Armstrong
Cathy DeMeo Barkas
Addison Buckman
Bob Calabrese
Onie Coronel
Juliet Cubero
Sharon Cress
Lori Dawson
Helen Frauenholz
Irene Garcia
Blaine Hill
Philip Johnson
Maria Lusker
Marea Mahoney
Zygmunt Malecki
Josephine McGeough
Charles McMullin
Michael McMullin
Andrew Moorer
Jimmy O’Connor
Brenda Provost
Dave Rink
Pat Quisenberry
Lee Roche
Lori-Ann Sarmiento
Eileen Sidney
Maria Sonntag
Dottie Yeager
Please call the office if you would like a name on
the prayer list. (252) 447-2112.
Sunday, February 8th
8:30 AM ~
Rosa S. Tones 
The Esteves Family
11:30 AM ~
People of the Parish
Welcome our new
Parishioners :
Yobany & Erika Flores
Alfredo & Jasmine Quinonez
Where all are welcome
In His Place...
Stewardship Station
Thank you for the generous
donations of food that we all make to
the food pantry. It is very well
received… THANK YOU for your
support. Times are hard for a lot of
families and all we can provide is
appreciated. Bags are in the back of
the church please take one home and
bring it back next week. The item of
need for February is Pancake Mix.
Please send me your news so that I can
post it in the bulletin.
Please join us for our annual Lenten
Retreat on Saturday February 28th from
8:30 am to 1:00 pm. The theme is
"consuming the bread of life: transformation
from within". Sign up in the back of church
or by contacting Mary Beth Fennell at
Today’s gospel compares how Jesus
taught to how the scribes did. Jesus
taught “as one having authority.” As we
read and listen to all of Jesus’ lessons,
we must ask ourselves if we take His
beautiful teachings to heart. It’s one
thing to appreciate His words, but quite
another to live His teachings. We face
different situations in life, and as we do
we must decide when Jesus’ messages
enter our lives in a new way. It’s part of
our commitment to live and walk in the
footsteps of the Lord.
Please join the Altar and
Rosary while they pray the
Rosary every Tuesday evening
before Mass at 6:30pm in the
church. Please note that if there
is no mass we will not be
saying the rosary.
A special Thank you to all who helped support the
yard sale that was held by the Knight of Columbus
recently. They made $1,000.00 which would not
have been possible without you.
In today’s second reading St Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal
with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a negative
impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just
focus on God and each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb 6-8, 2015 in Asheville, NC and May 1-3, 2015 in Greensboro, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us
at applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org or 704-315-2144.
Sunday Missals
are available
before and after
all the masses
outside Father’s
Sacristy for
$5.00 each.
Jesus was walking along the road one day with his disciples when he asked them two
questions. The first question: "Who do people say that I am?"
The second question: "Who do you say that I am?"
Matthew Kelly calls this second question THE JESUS QUESTION. How you answer
this question will affect every aspect of your life.
Check out all the CD’s in the back of the church that are available.
Annunciation Parish Faith Formation News !
If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings for Faith Formation please contact the
Parish Office 447-2112.
Needed 7th & 8th Grade catechists to begin immediately please contact the parish office if you are interested!!
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist
Children in 3rd grade and above who have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are
encouraged to attend Special Sacrament class. These classes are every Tuesday at 5:00 in the parish
office this class is in addition to the Sunday Faith Formation Program. Please contact the
Parish Office at 252-447-2112 if you need any additional information.
Questions or concerns relating to Faith Formation or sacraments please contact the parish
office: secretary@annunciationparish.org or call 252-447-2112
If you are attending Annunciation and are not
registered with the Parish as a member, we have no
idea if you are a participating Catholic or not, so
please register and if you can not afford to give
monetarily please put a prayer card in the offertory
so that we know you are attending. Also for all of
you who pay by cash we really appreciate it but if
you would put it in an envelope we could track that
you are attending as well. It is important when it
comes to things such as baptisms and weddings. We
can not say you are active if we do not know.
Thank you...
Thank you for your generous donations to the
collection for the Church in Latin America. Your
support helps ensure the availability of adequate
catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and
religious and seminarian formation. Thank you for
taking this opportunity to share your faith. To learn
more about how your donations are making a
difference, please visit www.usccb.org
(search”collection for the Church in Latin
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle:
We depend upon your gift of flowers each week to beautify our
altar. If you would like to remember someone special through a
gift of altar flowers or the sanctuary candle, please call the Parish
February 22nd is sending of the Catechumen at 11:30 A.M. Mass.
March 7th is the 1st Scrutiny at 5:30 P.M. Mass.
March 15th is the 2nd Scrutiny at 8:30 A.M. Mass.
If you need to schedule a baptism please enroll in the next class that is being held on
Thursday, February 19th, at 7:00 pm in the parish office.
Please call the Parish office to register for the class. (252)447-2112.
Parish Information for the Week
Meetings and Activities for the week
February 1st
February 2nd
February 2nd
February 3rd
February 4th
February 5th
Men of St. Joseph
English as a Second Language
Our Daily Bread
Special Sacrament Class
English as a Second Language
Nocturnal Adoration
If you need a statement for your taxes please
call the parish office @ 252-447-2112. If
you would like to sign up for online giving
please let us know.
New to the area - Please call or stop
by the Parish Office to register.
The office is open:
Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Care more than others think necessary.
Trust more than others think wise.
Serve more than others think practical.
Knights Bldg.
Parish Hall
Parish Office
Bulletin Announcements
Turn in all announcements by Friday the week
before you want it printed in the bulletin.
Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Boy Scout Sunday
Monday: The Presentation of the Lord;
World Day for Consecrated Life;
Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day
Tuesday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar;
Blessing of Throats;
Tu B’Shvat (Jewish new year of trees)
begins at sunset
Thursday: St. Agatha
St. Paul Miki and companions;
First Friday
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
This year the Bishop's Annual Appeal (BAA) theme is In the Name of Jesus, in part to also
recognize the groundbreaking of our new Cathedral which will be the "Holy Name of Jesus." This theme
serves as a beautiful reminder that all of the good we seek to do for others bears abundant fruit when done in
the Lord's name, for Holy is His name. This captures the essence of the BAA as we continually strive to reach
the needs of those in our Diocese and with God's grace, we can achieve this.
Each year, the BAA supports the essential ministries of charity, worship and evangelization, touching
each parish and mission throughout the Diocese. It is through your generosity that Catholic Charities will once
again be able to support nearly 69,000 people through various programs such as food pantries, feeding the
poor, emergency and direct assistance, and family counseling. It is your willingness to contribute to the BAA
that allows us to support our seminarians as they become future priests. Your gift will also aid the ministries
that enhance parish faith formation and evangelization and promote family life.
As we kickoff the BAA with a dinner for its leaders, I encourage everyone to join me and our Bishop
in renewing our commitment and service to all members of God's family by participating in the 2015 BAA, all
in the name of Jesus.
Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Greg
Annunciation Saints Newsletter
246 east main street, havelock, nc 28532
Phone 252-447-3137 * fax 252-447-3138
Notes from Mrs. Mahoney
Thank you to everyone who has helped our school celebrate Catholic Schools
Week. It has been a wonderful celebration. We thank all our parishioners for
your prayers and your financial
support. The school is an important mission of the parish as it helps to ensure
the future not only of this parish, but of the Catholic Church. We thank Fr.
Greg for his important mission of teaching our 8th graders Religion. His support and love of our school and the students is evident in everything that he
We need more
does for our school and parish. Annunciation Parish is very blessed to have
volunteers to help
Fr. Greg as our Pastor.
with the HOT
The school will be hosting Coffee and Donuts on Sunday, February 8 after the
9:30 a.m. Mass. Please join us for the mass and donuts. We are in need of
some parents to help serve.
We are very proud of all our Students and their hard work during the 2nd
Quarter. Especially, we’d like to recognize our Principal’s List.
Grade 4, Grace Linville. Grade 5, Hunter Ferlin. Grade 6, Josh Henderson,
Cayman Montgomery, Bella Olmstead, Lucy Gugliotta, Julia Linville, Avery
Merideth, Samantha Perrien. Grade 7, Nathan Rodney, Obet Castillo , Elizabeth George. Grade 8, Tony Cruz, Blaise Glennon, Tyler Kent, Jacklyn
Sarisun. These students earned all A’s for the 2nd Quarter.
TKC Catholic Book FestivalTM
Congratulations to our students!
Book & Gift Sale
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
February 7-8
(Before and After each Mass/ Antes y
después de la Misa)
14 y/o—Brendon Hodge
13 y/o—Jacklyn Sarisun
13 y/o—Nikolas dela Garza
12 y/o—Samantha Perrien
12 y/o—Josh Henderson
11 y/o—Candy Pero
11 y/o—Thomas Lane
10 y/o—Grace Linville
10 y/o—Peter Van Vliet
9 y/o—Jania Bowen
A wide selection of Catholic/ Una amplia
- Books/Libros
- Media/CDs y DVDs
- Gifts/Regalo
- Art/Arte y Ilustraciones
- Sacramentals/Sacramentales
- Educational Material/Instructiones Catolico
• Cultural Items/Elementos Latino,
• Africano y Nativo Americano
9 y/o—Raul Ramirez
Mr. Thomas won the Men’s Teacher Free Throw and
Mrs. Bane won the Women’s Teachers.
All student winners qualify for the District Level in New Bern. Date and time TBA.
** Changes were necessary due to birthdates were not correct on some of the students.**