Saint William the Abbot Parish Parish Office: (516) 785-1266 Fax: (516) 785-4824 Web Page: Email: 2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, New York 11783 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Pastor Rev. Robert L. Hayden Associate Pastors Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam Rev. Ryszard Ficek In Residence Rev. Richard Viladesau Deacons Thomas Buchenberger John Lynch Michael Metzdorff Pastoral Associate Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C. Mass Schedule Our Parish Mission Statement We, the Parish Family of St. William the Abbot, are a welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in God’s Word and the Eucharist. Through the Sacraments, prayer and the stewardship of our God-given gifts, we are called to minister with respect and compassion to all, from the youngest to the oldest. We commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ, to proclaim His Gospel and to love one another as He has loved us. Weekends: Saturday Evening: 5:00 & 7:30 PM Sundays: 7:45, 9:15 and 10:45 AM 12:15 and 5:00 PM Holy Days of Obligation: Eve of Holy Day: 7:30 PM Holy Day: 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon 4:30 and 7:30 PM Weekdays: Monday - Friday: 8:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday Mornings: 8:30 AM 1 In This Issue Feast of St. Blaise Page 2 Anointing of the Sick Page 3 Liturgy, Prayer and Sacraments Page 3 Anointing of the Sick Page 3 Parish Social Ministry Page 4 Souper Bowl of Caring Page 4 Faith Formation Page 5 School News Page 6 Lector and Eucharistic Meeting Page 8 Message from Bishop Murphy Page 14 Directory Page 12 ET ALIA I thought I would use “et alia” as the title for today’s column. It’s just another way of saying “et cetera,” but it sounds more official. Today’s column will therefore be about a variety of topics, including events, past and present, in our parish. As I write this, it’s around 10:00 on Monday morning. I mention the date and time in case someone reading my column on Sunday wonders why I didn’t comment at all on the Great Blizzard of 2015. Being sometimes foolishly optimistic, I’m still hoping that it all turns out to be the Great Dud of 2015. Realistically, however, I hope that the snow only brought us inconveniences and some extra work, but no serious hardships. Last weekend was certainly filled with many events, which is not unusual at St. William’s. Our school celebrated its Sixtieth Anniversary on Sunday, the opening day of Catholic Schools Week. Accordingly, the 10:45 AM Mass was standing room only, and afterwards the corridors and classrooms of the school were filled with parents and children, who were either school families looking at class projects or visitors interested in seeing what our school might offer their children. A parish school like ours depends not only upon the support of the school families but also upon the support of all the parishioners. This support is given in a number of ways. Perhaps the most important is realizing that even if you don’t have a child in the school, a parish school is an important ministry which touches many lives in a way that no other ministry can. Every parish school is an investment in a Catholic future which benefits us all when the lessons and Catholic values learned in school carry over into that child’s adult life. Also during this past weekend, I spoke at all the Masses about the state of the parish now that 2014 has ended. I am happy to say that our parish seems to be meeting the needs of our parishioners in many areas, but there is always room for improvement. Every pastor I know hopes that every parishioner might have a deep seated conviction that he or she has been called by God to be a disciple. The same call which Jesus gave to Simon, Andrew, James, and John (see last Sunday’s Gospel) has been given to each of us. Jesus didn’t tell these men that he wanted them to be priests or future bishops. He wanted them to join him in preaching repentance and to announce the coming of the Kingdom of God. By virtue of our baptism, each of us has received the same call. Consequently, the work of making our parish a living sign of Christ’s love is shared by all of us and not just by those who bear some kind of title. I have a strong feeling that at the end of time “I was too busy” will not excuse us for putting the call from Jesus on hold. And so I repeat the challenge I offered this weekend: If you are not involved in this parish and if your stewardship stands at a minimal level, please be assured that Christ will help you to answer his call more generously. Fr. Robert L. Hayden Pastor 2 Presider Schedule Saturday, February 7, 2015 5:00 PM Mass Fr. Richard Viladesau 7:30 PM Mass Fr. Ryszard Ficek 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 5:00 PM Sunday, February 8, 2015 Fr. Robert Hayden Fr. Bala Rathinam Fr. Robert Hayden Fr. Bala Rathinam Fr. Ryszard Ficek Prayers & Devotions Morning Prayer Monday through Friday: 8:35 AM Saturdays: 9:00 AM Miraculous Medal: Devotions Saturdays at 8:15 AM Rosary: Eucharistic Adoration: Next Sunday’s Scripture Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Although it is difficult to understand the mystery of human sickness and suffering, the Christian faith, through the cross of Christ, brings healing to sickness and meaning to suffering. Feast of St. Blaise Tuesday, Feb. 3 is the Feast of St. Blaise. There will be a special blessing in honor of the Feast of St. Blaise following all weekend Masses, Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st. Individual blessing of throats will take place at the conclusion of the 8:00 and 9:00 AM Masses on Tuesday, Feb. 3. Monday-Saturday after 8:30 AM/9:00 AM Masses First Friday of the month Holy Hour - 12:30 - 1:30 PM Third Sunday of the month 11:00 PM – 7:00 AM (Nocturnal Adoration) Mass Intentions February 2, 2015 - February 8, 2015 Monday, February 2, 2015 8:00 AM Collective Intentions Rev. John Mariano, Frank Allocca, Neil Barrella 9:00 AM Carlos Urrutia Tuesday, February 3, 2015 8:00 AM Dolores Magistro 9:00 AM Maureen Erb Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:00 AM Frank & Nettie Condoleo 9:00 AM Joan Bundy Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:00 AM Rich Barbieri 9:00 AM Collective Intentions Marty & Millie Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia Marinovich, Smolich Families Friday, February 6, 2015 8:00 AM Maximino Ramirez 9:00 AM Nick & Connie Surico Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:30 AM Purgatorial Society 5:00 PM Patrick Morley 7:30 PM Jean & John Riordan Sunday, February 8, 2015 7:45 AM Collective Intentions Marty & Millie Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia Marinovich, Smolich Families 9:15 AM Garrett Motley 10:45 AM Dolores Califano 12:15 PM William Mahlan 5:00 PM People of St. William Reflecting on the Word Modern people seem to be both fascinated by and dismissive of the idea of the demonic. People flock to movies that involve demonic possession and are fascinated by stories of purported exorcisms. At the same time, when we read stories like the one in today’s Gospel about Jesus casting out an “unclean spirit,” we might be tempted to psychologize the story, so that the evil force that speaks to Jesus becomes simply a metaphor for psychological or emotional illness. There are, however, good reasons to resist this way of reading the story. First, one should think twice about adding the stigma or even a metaphorical association with the demonic to the various stigmas associated with mental illness. Second, the stories of Jesus’ power over demons in the New Testament are not stories about his ability to resolve people’s internal conflicts, but about his power over external forces that afflict and oppress people, forces that might exploit psychological weaknesses but are not reducible to them. At the same time that the New Testament affirms the reality of demonic forces, its overriding message, as in today’s Gospel, is about Jesus’ power over those forces. The fascination with the devil or demons that some people feel can become quite unhealthy if they forget that the Gospel is the good news that Jesus’ victory over all the powers of evil is assured. Jesus has come to show us that these powers of evil are not glamorous and fascinating, but rather tawdry and tedious. They merit our caution, not our interest. 3 Sacraments Stewardship A Way of Life Reconciliation Saturdays January 25, 2015 January 26, 2014 $20,774.00 $18,165.00 We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who set time aside with the Sunday Readings throughout the week so as to be better prepared to hear the Word of God and act on it. In order to keep our list current, names of the sick will be in the bulletin for 3 weeks. Park McKenna Anne Marie Basile Baby Piper Palmieri John Rivera ...and for the deceased Ephriam C. Rodriguez Eve of Holy Day 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday before First Friday 9:30 AM & 4:00 PM You may also schedule penance by appointment by calling the Rectory Office at (516) 785-1266. Initiation of Infants Baptism Please pray for the sick… Scarlet Holohan Bob Powers Patrick McGrath Virginia Restivo 4:00 PM-4:45 PM Joseph LaScala Anointing of the Sick Anyone going to the hospital or who has a serious illness can celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which will be celebrated communally immediately following the 12:15 PM Mass on Sunday, February 1, 2015. First Four Sundays of the month 2:00 PM Parents must contact the rectory office to register their child. For additional information, please visit our website: Initiation of Adults: Adults who have not been baptized, received first Eucharist or Confirmation should contact the rectory office and ask about enrolling in the R.C.I.A. Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made as soon as possible, preferably before reserving a place for your reception, but no later than six months prior to the wedding. The same priest initiates and completes all the arrangements with wedding couples. Communion and Anointing of the Sick: Those who are unable to attend Mass because of age or declining health may arrange with the rectory to receive Holy Communion at home. The Anointing of the Sick is available to those who are going into the hospital or seriously ill and can either be administered communally (first Sunday of the month following the 12:15 PM Mass) or by contacting the rectory as soon as possible in the event of immediate need. Your Pledge of Support is Important The Catholic Ministries Appeal for 2015 is underway at St. William’s. Our parish goal is $135,600. Your support is needed to reach this goal. The Appeal focuses on four areas critical to the mission of our Church - Catholic Charities, Education and Formation, Pastoral Ministries and Parishes. Your gift to the Appeal provides the funding for the various programs critical to the continued success of our church here on Long Island and at St. William’s through the Appeal’s parish sharing (rebate) program. We thank God for all of His blessings and recognize that as we look back in appreciation, we must also look forward with a sense of responsibility to help those in need. A Guide to Giving Pledge $ 250 500 800 1,500 2,500 10 Payments $ 25 50 80 150 250 A gift by every parish family is important for the continued success of this effort, which supports diocesan programs as well as our own parish needs. Your gift in the form of a pledge payable over a ten (10) month period is important and will go a long way in helping reach our Parish Appeal Goal of $135,600. 4 Parish Social Ministry The weekend of January 31st and February 1st Parish Social Ministry together with Religious Education Confirmation Students will be collecting cans of soup or $1.00. The students will be at the doors of the Church before and after each Mass to collect your donation. Let’s raise awareness of the hunger and poverty right here in our own neighborhood and throughout Long Island. Snow Removal As winter sets in and snow storms inevitably occur, we are again in need of any students in high school and older who would be available to assist with snow removal. Workers will be monetarily compensated. Please call the rectory and leave your name and phone number if you are interested. Thank you! St. Vincent de Paul Society –In the Gospel today we read that because Jesus spoke with authority his reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As his disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into actions by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. If you or anyone you know would benefit from the use of the food pantry or assistance from Saint Vincent de Paul Society please call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. Utmost confidentiality is promised. HEAP Benefits – Home Energy Assistance Program -HEAP Program is available to help with home heating in the winter months for income eligible homeowners or renters. An example of the HEAP monthly income level for a family of two is $2844 and for a family of four is $4,182. Additionally, HEAP offers heating equipment repair and/or replacement benefit for homeowners with inoperable heating equipment. HEAP may help you pay for Oil, Electricity, Propane, Natural Gas, Wood, Kerosene, Coal, or any other heating fuel. For further information, please contact the HEAP Hot-line 1800-342-3009 or or Rosemary at Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. Veterans Workshop – Nassau County Veterans Service Agency is hosting a free Veterans Workshop on Wednesday, February 11th from 10am to 2pm at the Freeport Recreation Center, 130 East Merrick Road, Freeport. For additional information call either Ralph Esposito, Director of Veteran Services or Rosemary at Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. Free Tax Preparation – Bethpage Federal Credit Union, at their various branches, is offering free tax preparation for those earning $50,000 and below. Call 349-4288 to schedule an appointment. This week our pantry needs include: Chili Mayonnaise Cooking Oil Detergent Tissues Gatorade Salad Dressing Bath Soap Paper Towels Toothpaste Prayer Shawl Ministry Parishioners that are interested in knitting and crocheting prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound are invited to join us on: Tuesday,February 3rd at 10:00 AM in the Convent Center. We meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have talented parishioners who will guide you. Bring your needles or crochet hook. For additional information call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532 5 Faith Formation The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education) hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 1:30 PM – 4 PM. Wednesday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 4 PM. The office is also open during class hours. Please note Faith Formation Classes this week as follows: Grade 1 – Monday, Feb. 2nd 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 4 – Tuesday, Feb. 3rd 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 5 – Wednesday, Feb. 4th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Grade 6 – Wednesday, Feb. 4th 5:45 – 7:00 PM Grade 7 – Wednesday, Feb. 4th 7:30 – 8:45 PM Grade 2 – Thursday, Feb. 5th 4:15 – 5:15 PM Family Mass every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Church. Feb. 8th – Grade 1 We encourage all parents to check our website for important information: Family Mass Corner The Family Mass is held every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the church. If you are interested in having your family bring up the gifts at the Family Mass, please call Tara at (631) 691-0992. We are also in need of greeters to welcome our families to mass each week and hand out any materials. Our Family Mass Committee discusses ideas on making the Mass more effective for our children and modern-day family dynamics in general. Please consider lending a little of your time to make our Family Mass a better experience for everyone. If you are interested or would like more information about the committee, please call Alfred Allongo, 781-3253. Catholic Ministries Appeal 2015 We begin the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal here in our parish and in many other parishes across Long Island. The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the yearly appeal that helps our diocese fund many ministries, services, and agencies in 133 parishes. Because of the tremendous generosity of the people of our parish and others throughout the diocese, the Appeal helps more than 600,000 people each year. Save the Date St. William’s Antioch Community will be having a twoday Adult Antioch Retreat on April 11 and April 12, 2015. More information to follow shortly. Antioch The Prophets Join Fr. Bob Hayden as he speaks about the Prophets of the Old Testament on Monday, February 2nd and 9th at 7:30 PM in the School Library. Attention Adult Antioch Members: Plans are underway for the Antioch 2015 Retreat. Formation meetings are being held every Friday evening in the SWA School Library at 7:30 PM, beginning Friday, February 6th. All who have previously attended the weekend are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions please call Chris at 798-6157 or Susan at 809-5251. 6 Saint William the Abbot School (A Middle States Accredited School) Weekly Calendar Sunday, February 1, 2015 Thursday, February 5, 2015 9:15 AM - Grade 5 Mass & Hospi- 2:30 - 6:00 PM - MSS tality Friday, February 6, 2015 Monday, February 2, 2015 7:00 - 9:30 PM - Father/Daughter 6:30 PM - HSA Board Meeting Dance Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Principals’ Coucil/Pastors’ Council 2:30 - 6:00 PM - MSS Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Don’t Forget Boxtops Make-up Pictures Graduation K Pictures Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:30 AM - 12:00 N - MSS Bingo Team 6 Parish Coffee House Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:15 AM - Grade 1 Mass Second Grade The Second Grade created dioramas of the Altar Sanctuary in preparation for the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist. 7 St. William the Abbot Home School Association Presents... “Luck of the Irish” Reverse Raffle! Grand Prize - $5,000* All prizes totaling $7,500* *Prize money based on 250 tickets being sold. If less than 250 tickets are sold, the prizes awarded will be pro-rated based on the total number of tickets sold. Cocktail Party & Drawing will be held Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 7:00PM at St. William the Abbot School Doors open at 6:45 PM Raffle numbers start being drawn at 8:00PM Tickets $100 Ticket entitles 2 adults to attend the Cocktail Party & Drawing. Winner need not be present to win. If you have any questions, please call Ginny Ritter (516) 798-3260. Please send check to St. William School with name, address, email, phone and “Reverse Raffle” written on envelope Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers - Important Update Meeting (New procedures to be explained) To be held February 3rd and February 12th As we begin a New Year and Liturgical Calendar, Fr. Bob and Sister JoAnn would like all of our Liturgical Ministers to attend a very important meeting. The Lector Meeting will begin promptly at 7:15 PM in the Church. The Eucharistic Minister Meeting will begin promptly at 7:15 PM in the Church. The meetings will be held simultaneously: one with Fr. Bob and one with Sister JoAnn. If you are a Lector and a Eucharistic Minister you need to attend both meetings. Information presented at the 7:15 PM meeting will be repeated at 8:15 PM for those that need to attend both sessions. If you need to attend only one meeting you can choose 7:15 PM or 8:15 PM on either February 3rd or February 12th. Please call the Office of the Faith Formation (Religious Education) @ 679-9558 to let them know which meeting you will be attending. Remember, it is essential that you attend as new procedures will be explained. 8 9 Parish Revenue Sharing with Oceanside Christopher Credit Union Earlier this week we received our quarterly revenue sharing check from the Oceanside Christopher Federal Credit Union Parish Revenue Sharing Program. Since this program began, our parish has received a total of $6,656! The amount we receive each quarter is determined by the number of our parishioners who are members of the credit union and their usage of the Oceanside Christopher VISA® credit and/or debit card. I want to thank each of you your credit card usage benefits our parish and that’s great. For those of you who are not yet members, consider joining and getting a credit card. Your usage of that card will help us. The credit union has branches in Oceanside and Seaford. For more information call 516-6208100 or visit: Attention All Cub & Boy Scouts Announcing Scout Sunday February 8, 2015 Any boy in the parish who is an active Cub or Boy Scout is invited to participate in the Scout Sunday Mass on February 8, 2015 at 9:15 AM. Cub or Boy Scouts who have earned a religious medal or Eagle Scout Rank in the 2014 year should identify themselves (Pack/Troop number, medal earned, phone number) for inclusion in the Scout Sunday Program by emailing Marty Jablonski at We ask that you plan to arrive in the Abbey in Class A uniform at 8:30 AM on February 8th. Scout seating is reserved, so you must RSVP to participate. Save the Date The Saint William the Abbot Social Events Committee hosts the: Mardi Gras Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Church Abbey- Doors Open at 5:45 p.m. Additional Details to Follow 2014 Year End Statements Please note that year-end statements for your taxes will not be automatically mailed out. They may be obtained upon request from the Rectory. Blood Pressure Screening Awareness The Retired Nurses Group of St. William the Abbot are offering complimentary Blood Pressure Screening on: Thursday, February 12th in the Abbey from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM It’s a good idea to be aware of your blood pressure, an important step toward maintaining good health. Any questions, call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532. 10 11 Let us pray in a special way for those who are serving our country in the Armed Forces who are parishioners or family members (sons, daughters, and spouses) of our parishioners: Airman Michael Alba, USAF 1st Sgt. Craig Bianco, Armed Forces Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Brendel, US Army PV2 Anthony Caputo, US Army 1st Lt. Michael DiPietro HN Sean Farrell, Marine Division 1 1st Lt. Matthew Fernandez HHC-2 Col. Pete Ferraro, USMC Lt. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, US Navy Captain Michael Fitzgerald, US Army 2nd Lt. Christopher J. Frasse, US Army US Army Spec. Michael Gale LCPL Christopher Henao, Marine Div. US Army Spec John Michael James Pvt. 1st Class Brian Kirby Private Patrick Lynch, US Army Capt. Eamon G. McArdle Pvt. 2nd Class 2nd Lt. Caitlin McArdle, US Army Corporal Sean McNulty, USMC Lt. Shannon Meyer, US Navy Nurse Corps Commander Paul Markland, US Coast Guard Commander Daniel Montgomery Lance Corp. Conor Murphy, USMC 2nd Lt. Mary Theresa O’Donnell, US Army Pvt. Christopher Nee, US Army S.A. Gregory J. O’Neill, FBI Lance Corp. Joseph J. Pirro, USMC PFC Dominick Pititto Sgt. Donald Rogers, US Army Private 1st Class Christopher Rossi Capt. Thomas F. Shields, US Air Force Daniel Timpanaro, US Coast Guard Matthew Timpanaro, US Marines Major Curtis Unger Captain Christopher James Ustler, US Army Lt. Jg. Katherine Ustler, US Coast Guard Lance Corp. Robert Vitale, USMC Brendan Wemssen, US Coast Guard Airman John Zimmerman, ISAE HEaling Link® Ministry Is Here! Birthright Pregnant and Distressed? Birthright Can Help 516-785-4070 Bingo Bingo is played every Saturday in St. William the Abbot School Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00 PM and games start at 7:00 PM. E-Mail the Priests of St. William’s If you would like to send an e-mail to the priests of the parish, please use the parish e-mail address: Place the name of the priest to whom the e-mail is being directed in the heading or subject line and it will be forwarded to him. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 3rd - 7:30 PM Please note: Meeting will be held in the Rectory Basement HEaling Link® focuses on allowing the healing energies of Jesus to manifest through powerful prayers, sacred scripture, uplifting Christian music, healing meditations, and purposeful expression in a friendly and relaxing environment. Join us for a faith-filled evening that will expand and nourish your relationship with Jesus, and inspire you as a Catholic. For more information, please contact: Please Close the Church Doors With the winter season upon us, parishioners leaving Mass are asked to be aware of doors that are propped open and please close them if there is no one behind you. We want to do everything we can to keep the heat in the building. Thank you. Gift Box Drawing 01/24/15 $50 Quinn Brice, Amityville 01/25/15 $50 Rojas, Levittown 01/26/15 $50 Jenny Mallon, Lindenhurst 01/27/15 $50 Ellen McQuade, Seaford 01/28/15 $50 Wayne Rivenburgh, Massapequa 01/29/15 $50 O’Donnoll Family, Amityville 01/30/15 $50 M & R Steffa, Wantagh 12 Parish Directory Parish Office -2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, NY 11783 Mrs. Sue McCormick, Office Manager Mrs. Judy Goldman, Business Manager Mrs. Susan Valdez-Le Goff and Mrs. Catherine Federici, Parish Receptionists Parish Office: 516-785-1266 Parish Fax: 516 785-4824 Saint William the Abbot School – A Middle States Accredited School 2001 Jackson Avenue School Office: 516-785-6784 School Fax : 516- 785-2752 Mrs. Margaret Grimaldi, School Principal Web Page: www. Email address: Faith Formation (School Building - 2001 Jackson Avenue) Mrs. Laura Walsh, Director Grades K - 5 Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C., Director Grades 6 - 8 Bill D’Alessio, Coordinator, Confirmation Program Religious Education Office: 516-679-9558 Web Page: Fax: 516-679-1649 Email address: Music Ministries (Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue) Mr. Alfred Allongo, Director of Music and Organist Matthew Georgetti, Assistant Director Mrs. Louise Sewall, Folk Group Director Music Ministry Office: 516-781-3253 Fax: 516- 679-1083 Email: Parish Social Ministry Mrs. Rosemary Graziano, Director (Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue) Office: 516-679-8532 Fax: 516- 679-1083 Email: Parish Grounds and Maintenance Mr. Joe Mormon, Head of Maintenance Pastoral Council Parish Representatives Mrs. Maggie Bobby -- Mr. Bill D’Alessio -- Mr. Steve DeCillis -- Mrs. Catherine DuPlessis Mr. George Gilmartin -- Mr. Richard Hass -- Mr. Joseph P. Missilli -- Mrs. Susan Neubauer Mrs. Nancy Schleyer -- Mr. Thomas Ward -- Parish Trustees Mr. Edward Lettieri -- Mr. Robert Gerhard
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