Newsletter Feb 2015

Desert Chapel News
A monthly publication of Desert Chapel United Methodist Church - February 2015
Keeping a Holy Lent
This Lent, we will be looking at how Jesus calls us to care for “The Least, The Last and The Lost,”
as we consider the invitation to “take up our crosses and follow him.” Join us for worship filled
with scripture and song, drama and sacrament as we prepare to celebrate the most amazing gift
of all!
Hang this handy schedule on your refrigerator, or wherever you will see it most, and plan to participate fully in the upcoming events for Lent!
February 17 ~ Fat Tuesday Spaghetti Dinner from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Spaghetti and
Meatballs, Salad, French Bread, Dessert and coffee or Juice. Cost is $5.00 pp.
February 18 ~ Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 p.m. Come and enter a season of reflection and repentance as we move toward the celebration of the resurrection!
March 29 ~ Palm Sunday—Come enjoy the procession of the Palms as we recall
Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
April 2 ~ Holy Thursday—worship begins at 7:00 p.m. as we recall the Last Supper
and Christ’s arrest.
April 3~ Good Friday—We will recall the agony of the cross—the most amazing Gift we
have ever received. Worship begins at 7:00 p.m.
April 5 ~ Easter Sunday—Come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord youth-led Sunrise Service at 6:30 am, Traditional Worship at 8:45 a.m.
Easter Lilies
The church is purchasing Easter Lilies to decorate the church for Easter. If you would like to contribute
$10.00 for one of the Easter Lilies and designate: In Loving Memory Of, or In Honor Of, please complete the
form below and drop it in the collection basket or give it to the ushers.
You may take your Lilies home with you after the 8:45 a.m. Easter Service, otherwise they will be
given to a nursing home. Deadline is March 29, 2015. Thank you!
Please designate:
In Loving Memory Of:________________________
In Honor Of:_______________________________
Upper Room
Are available in the
Worship Schedule
8:45 am Hymn Sing
9:00 am Worship Service
10:00 am Fellowship Time
10:30 am Sunday School-All Ages
E-devotionals &
Please submit Newsletter information for March via e-mail,
or bring into the church office
by Thursday, February 19,
2015. Thank you!
Tuesdays from
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Each Tuesday we gather in the
choir room at 6:30 pm for a time
of fellowship and Bible study.
We study the scriptures for the
coming Sunday, and enjoy time
with one another. EVERYONE
IS WELCOME – this is an excellent time to bring a friend to
introduce them to the faith! For
more info, please contact Pastor
Sharon at 982-2259.
eDevotionals – did you know
that you can receive a daily
devotional from Desert Chapel? With a scripture, a prayer
and more – plus timely announcements, it’s a great way
to stay in touch with what’s
happening at church! Simply
put your email address on the
sign in sheet on Sunday and
write “eDevotional” and you
will be signed up. Are you currently out of town?
Email the church at
and we’ll sign you up!
Desert Chapel News
is an official publication of
Desert Chapel UMC
462 N. Palo Verde Drive
Apache Junction, AZ 85120-5611
Rev. Sharon Pajak, Pastor
Cynthia Norris, Administrative Asst.
Jim Rogers, Custodian
Alice Wagaman, Hand Bell Director
Lila Deidiker, Accompanist
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
Telephone: 480-982-2259
FAX: 480-288-4242
Web Site:
February 16, 2015
Gordon Falkofske
Jim Holmes
Darlene King
Lois McCarty
Bill Whitney
Don Carlson
Keith Cox
Dwight Detlefsen
Jim E. Edwards
Jim Holmes
Jim Hudgins
Marilyn Schulz
Communion Servers:
Sue Bartell
Janis Hetzer
Ryan Hetzer
Leanna Kennedy
Dakota Pruett
Donna Sawyer
Haily Spears
Gail Streyffeler
Laurice Streyffeler
Connie Wegeng
If you would like to be a greeter, or communion server, or
usher, please call Jim Edwards
at 480-288-5903. If you are
interested and would like to
be liturgist or give the children
sermon please sign up in the
Thank you to the congregation
for all the donations of Health
Supplies for Superstition
Mountain Elementary School.
The supplies were delivered
on Monday, January 26th.
February 1
February 3
February 5
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 13
February 14
February 15
February 16
February 16
February 21
February 28
Michael Gray
Ken Buttgen
Valerie Pagel
Naida Pino
John Molnar
Ralcie Ceass
Duane Allen
Jean Hansen
SuzAnne Christ
Ron Wheeler
Marie Andrie
Jason Abbott
Melanie Germain
February 7
Robert & Jacqueline Phillips
Birthday &
Anniversary List
If your name was not listed on
the Birthday/Anniversary list
(or you know someone who
should be), please call the
church office with the
information. We truly do not
mean to leave anyone out.
Thank You!
Tami, the school nurse, as
well as all those in the
office were very thankful. Desert Chapel never fails
with giving from the heart!
Would you like to help send a child
to camp that would not otherwise
be able to afford it? February
Mission Project will be Camp for
Kids. For the month of February
Desert Chapel will accept donations
to help send children to camp.
Sandy Heath
School Missions
Every Saturday
in Woeller Hall
3 to 5 PM
Prayer Chain – Are you in need
of prayer? Do you have something hanging on your heart and
want to know that your brothers
and sisters in Christ are lifting you
up? Are you concerned about a
loved one and want some company in caring for them? James
5:13-15 says, “Are any among
you suffering? They should pray.
Are any cheerful? They should
sing songs of praise. Are any
among you sick? They should call
for the elders of the church and
have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of
the Lord. The prayer of faith will
save the sick, and the Lord will
raise them up; and anyone who
has committed sins will be forgiven.” Prayer requests may be
emailed to:, or to to be
forwarded to the prayer chain.
Everyone Welcome!
Church Goers, Visitors
and Community.
We have two regular monthly
gatherings: On the first Saturday of
every month we gather at 9:30 am
at Mickey D's Restaurant on the
trail where Bob Olson is our leader.
Woman's Gathering will be 10:00
am on February 21, 2015. Place
of meeting TBA.
Women who have not taken their
walk to Emmaus, but are interested
are welcome.
Questions? Call
Kathy Bausch’s cell phone at 928892-2144.
Andrae Edward Crouch
1942 - 2015
To God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory for the things he has done,
With his blood he has saved me; with his power he has raised me;
To God be the glory for the things he has done.
Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God;
Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon God's word.
Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the King; soon and very soon, we are going to see the King;
Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the King, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We're going to see the King.
All three of these short hymns are found in our United Methodist Hymnal. They were composed by
Andrae Edward Crouch who recently died at the age of 72. He was an American gospel singer,
songwriter, arranger, record producer and pastor who was referred to as "the father of modern
gospel music".
Crouch also wrote secular music and worked with Stevie Wonder, Elton John and Quincy
Jones. He also conducted choirs who sang on shows of Michael Jackson (Man On The Mirror)
and Madonna (Like a Prayer). He was noted for incorporating contemporary secular music styles
into gospel music with which he was familiar. His original music arrangements were used in the
films The Color Purple and The Lion King. He received seven Grammy Awards, was inducted into
the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 1998 and received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004.
Andrae's parents owned a dry-cleaning business and restaurant business In Los Angeles and
during that time, they also had a Christian street-preaching ministry plus a hospital and prison
ministry. While his father was preaching as a guest minister at a small church, Andrae was
encouraged to play during the services. This led to his "honing his piano playing skills" and
writing his own music. He wrote his first Gospel song when he was fourteen years of age. His
musical talents were incorporated into various musical groups and Tim & Hal Spencer, music
publishers, encouraged his recording career. In the 1960's and 1970's he helped to bring
contemporary Christian music into the church. After the death of his father, Crouch and his sister
became senior pastors at the church his parents founded. In December, 2014, he was hospitalized
for pneumonia and congestive heart failure. He died on January 8th, after suffering a heart attack.
The information for this review came from Google.Com, and the United Methodist
Submitted by Eleanor Edwards
Apache Junction Health Center
Every fifth Sunday (4 times per
year) a group of volunteers go to
Apache Junction Health Center
and lead worship for the residents.
Lead by Kathy Bausch, most
volunteers simply sing, help find
pages and visit with the residents.
If you’re interested in helping on
you may sign up in the Lobby or
call Kathy Bausch’s cell phone
at 928-892-2144.
Central East District
Bible and Bread
Mid-Week Bible Study
Come join us at Mickey D’s
Café (2 blocks east of Ironwood on the north side of
the street – NOT McDonald’s!), we gather at 10:30
am on Thursdays for lively
conversation on the book of
Revelations. Facilitated by
Pastor Sharon – every one
is on their own nickel!
Pastor’s bible study are held
on Wednesday’s at 10:00
am in room 1 with Pastor
Sharon. We are studying
the book of Acts from the
New Testament.
All are
welcome to join us for this
informal sharing of insight
inspiration and understanding.
Hope to see you there!
Come and Join Us!
W e Nee
Toilet Pa
Mark your calendar and plan
to join the Central East District
for Worship & Workshops on
Saturday, February 7 at Cross
in the Desert UMC in Phoenix.
You will not want to miss Rev.
Lovett H. Weems, Jr., the keynote speaker. Rev. Weems
is a preeminent expert on
church leadership. After many
years as a pastor and seminary president, he is now distinguished professor of church
leadership and director of the
Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological
Seminary in Washington, DC.
Thank you for your continuing support to the Clothing Closet and
we have been truly blessed with your donation. Arizona climates
are especially a hard time for our people in need.
Washcloths, towels, soap, deodorants (roll on), shampoo, conditioner, lotion, lip balm, razors, toilet paper, depends (size large
and x-large), sanitary napkins, laundry soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and wipes. (Your generosity is much appreciated)
Volunteers are always needed on Saturday’s from 3:00 pm to 5:00
pm. Join us for Community Feast and let’s show our community how
Desert Chapel serves Apache Junction. We will accept donations
during that time, or at the office Monday-Thursday between the hours
of 8:00am—3:00pm. Please do not leave clothing, furniture or any
other items on the Church premises. We would like to keep our
Church grounds clean and free of clutter. Thank You!
Desert Chapel Charger’s
The Mission Committee has decided
to make this a year long special
project for 2015.
For $5000.00 we can purchase a Gift
Ark through Heifer International and
become an "Ark Angel". We realize
this is a large amount of money, but it
would benefit families worldwide who
are poor and hungry. Every gift will
multiply for years to come.
On the east wall of the Sanctuary,
there is an ark with a thermometer
that shows our progress, as each gift,
large or small, is added. Our committee has faith that because of the generosity of our congregation, we can
make this happen.
Please give this some thought
and prayer and decide if you want to
have a part in helping families to help
Fat Tuesday
February 17, 2015
4:00-6:00 p.m.
in Fellowship
Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad,
French bread, Dessert and coffee or juice
Cost of meal is $5.00.
February 21, 2015
7 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Desert Chapel UMC
462 N. Palo Verde Dr
Apache Junction, AZ
“All you can eat pancakes”
served with eggs, sausage, applesauce, coffee or juice.
Cost: $3.50 per person
Friday, February 13
6:30 pm in Woeller Hall
A fun-filled evening with:
A delectable meal
Alluring desserts
Enchanting company
Proceeds to support
The Youth Summer Mission Team
Desert Chapel
United MethodistNON-PROFIT
February 2015 Announcements
Our local UMW group continues the goal of connecting members to the church and to each other.
We also provide opportunities for spiritual growth.
The Priscilla/Ruth Circle will meet at 1:30 PM on Thursday, February 5th at Woeller Hall. The program will be the Holy Stuff of Life #2, presented by Kathy Bausch. The hostess will be Virginia
A Unit meeting will be held at Woeller Hall at 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, February 12th. Ardis Gustafson will present a program titled “Welcoming Women in All Stages of Life”. The Hostess will be
the Executive Board.
UMW members are encouraged to take full advantage of our library. We have 12 new books on the
shelves for 2015 and some selections from previous years.
The United Methodist Women appreciate the support of the worshipping church family at our
events; every dollar we take in goes for our mission projects - locally and around the world. All women are invited to visit our gatherings and join the group if you like what we do. We promise suitable
refreshments mixed with an educational program and discussions of Missions. All will be presented
with a great deal of fellowship.
A Season of Change Is Upon Us!
If you’ve been listening in church the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about our task to make disciples of Jesus
Christ for the transformation of the world. We all know the world is filled will challenges that sometimes make us
crazy, and most of us feel powerless in the face of what is going on “out there.”
The truth of the matter is, we can make a change in the world around us, but it’s up to us. Complaining about it
won’t help. Getting mad and walking away won’t help. Sitting in silence won’t help. And pretending it’s not happening won’t help.
What will help is for each and every one of us to begin to live out the faith and the values we profess. Jesus said,
“love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” It’s easy to love God with our hearts … even our souls …
but what about our mind and our strength? How much time and energy do we spend on things that are not pleasing to God? Or, to put it the other way around: how much time and energy do we spend praising and glorifying
God? It’s not as simple as it seems. We need to stop ourselves constantly and ask, is what I’m about to say, is
what I’m about to do, something that brings glory to God? If not, then we shouldn’t do it!
How much time and energy do we spend on things that don’t get us any closer to bringing about the transformation
of the world? Dave Tom began the new year by asking us if we would commit to doing our personal best and our
congregational best—isn’t that simply loving God with all our strength?
Jesus also said to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Loving our neighbor is a very broad statement—it goes way
beyond finding them likeable. It goes way beyond tolerating the loud noise or the weeds or the barking dogs. Loving your neighbor means getting to know them, learning their story and sharing our own, and reaching out to meet
their needs, and allowing them to help us meet our own. Loving our neighbors also means reaching out to any human person with whom we come into contact—the teller at the bank, the checker at the grocery store, the pharmacist at the drug store, the kids waiting at the bust stop, the person on the corner with a sign asking for help. Every
human person is our neighbor, and we need to love them.
Several months ago, one of our members repeatedly encountered a man outside the drug store where she picked
up her prescriptions. She told me that she realized he was living on the bench, and began a conversation with him.
She learned that he couldn’t get housing because he couldn’t get identification—he didn’t have the means to get
copies of his birth certificate, his social security card, etc. She decided to help this gentleman out, and over the
course of several weeks they worked,
Welcome To Our New Intern
and finally one day I received a text sayWhen one door closes, another opens … or something like that!
ing they had finally gotten him what he
When we lost our second youth leader in 2 years, God provided us
needed—he had identification and the
with a young man with a passionate faith and the necessary skills
to lead in worship and help the youth grow in their faith!
ability to move back into mainstream society! She saw a stranger and recogJT Hunsaker is here to lead the youth group and to start a Contemnized him for a neighbor, and he beporary Service here at Desert Chapel. JT is 23 years old and a nacame a friend.
tive of the East Valley, having been born in Mesa and raised in Gilbert. He is a
When we actively love the Lord our God
with all our heart, soul, mind and
strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves, the world will begin to transform
around us, as God’s light shines brightly
from the Heart of Apache Junction!
See you in church!
Pastor Sharon
student at Manhattan Christian College (in Kansas) where he is a senior getting
ready to graduate with a degree in Worship Ministry after this internship. In his
spare time JT enjoys listening to weird music, playing video games, and blogging
on the internet.”
JT is already reaching out to the Christian groups at Central Arizona College and
Chandler Gilbert Community College for young adults interested in forming a
worship music team, and is planning to begin worship design in the near future. If
you are interested in being part of the team which will design and execute contemporary worship, call JT at 480-982-2259, or email him at
March 21
Pancake Breakfast 7:00 - 9:30 am
Special display of historic race cars.
Desert Chapel United Methodist Church
462 North Palo Verde Drive
Between the Trail and University/Superstition Blvd. in the Heart of AJ
Up to 20 Classes Judged
Cars & Trucks
Awards & Plaques
Vendor Spaces
Live Music & DJ
Kid’s Movies
Presented by:
For advance entry and other info:
call/text (602) 625-2180
(480) 986-7800