The Messenger S t . M a r y ’s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h February 2015 From the Rector: The Rev’d Thomas W. Allen Observe what a description he hath given us here of repentance:-It is a glad returning into the right way after the grief of being out of the way. The Rev’d John Bramhall (1594-1663) Joy is the serious business of Heaven. C.S. Lewis Inside this issue: That we may delight in your will and walk in your ways. Confession of Sin in the Book of Common Prayer Lenten Services 2 Lenten Lunch Bios 3 Dear People of God, Announcements 4 Sunday School 5 Youth / Young Adult Coordinator 6 A fellow clergyman exclaimed to me recently that “lent is on the way father!” I thought for a moment and quickly said, “Jubilate Deo!” The Psalmist’s declares to the people of God, “O Be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his presence with a song.” Director of Music 7 Youth Group 8 Calendar of Events 9 Women of St. Mary’s 10 A Reading and Palermo Family 11 If Walls Could Talk 12 Birthdays/Anniv. 13 Worship Opportunities at St. Mary’s We welcome you to study and worship with us! Monday, 7pm, Shamrock Coffee House, all welcome. We are reading the Book of Revelation. Wednesday, 10am Holy Communion (during Lent) Wednesday, noon, Lenten Luncheons (28 Feb-25 Mar) Thursday, noon, bible study in Parish Hall Sunday, 8am, 1928 BCP, 9:15 Christian Education, 10:15am, Holy communion with Choir As I began to think about Lent and the Wednesday Noon Soup & Cornbread Luncheons we’ll host, I prayed that perhaps this lent would be like no other. Of course, Psalm 100 (Jubilate Deo) is said every morning during Morning Prayer directly after the confession of sin. I began to ponder this relationship of confessing sin and joy and the temptation to “turn God’s wrath into mere enlightened disapproval, and you also turn His love into mere humanitarianism.” C.S. Lewis certainly captures what can happen if we have an incorrect theology of the state of things and how we can miss authentic love and joy. Many of us approach lent with fear and trembling. In addition, it is this time of the year where on Ash Wednesday the priest smears ashes on your forehead and says, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Yet, even after this liturgical act is executed we still proclaim together Psalm 51 in the liturgy: “Open my lips, O Lord, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.” After praying compline, I’ve been tremendously blessed by Love’s Redeeming Work: The Anglican Quest for Holiness. It is a collection of Anglican writings by various authors which spans from 1485-1990. It was Fr. John Bramhall’s writing which has captured my theological ponderings since delving into this wonderful tome. I was moved to encourage the people of St. Mary’s to have a positive and joyful outlook toward lent. After all, it is God, our loving Father, who is ever pursuing us with his love. His love doesn’t keep records, he is not prying into our private lives to have a look, but rather, he loves us in order to forgive, save, and renew. This is good news! The confessing of one’s sin is excellent news, for God moves us from our grief to joy. Lent is not about waddling in shame or guilt. For this would be a denial of the work of the cross and its power. Jesus gave us this wonderful gift of confession (John 20) in order to liberate us from the tyranny of guilt and shame. Joy is repenting. Grief settles in from non-repentance. My prayer for all of us this Lenten season is to find and keep JOY! Fr. Tommy Announcements Page 2 Did you miss out on our commemorative Stained Glass Windows book? We still have plenty for sale. Please see Gabriella Taylor or Amy Parker (in the church office) if you’d like to purchase a copy. $22.00 each. African Team Ministries is a Christian ministry working as an intermediary between African and American churches. With help from Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Anglican denominations, we provide funding for orphan and refugee relief missions and evangelism in East Africa. The support we receive is sent directly to our partnering Bishops to provide school fees, tuition, books, and uniforms. This support ensures that the children receive an education and a measure of stability needed to rebuild their minds. We currently have children registered for sponsorship in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Items will be for sale on 1st Feb and 15th Feb in the Parish Hall Lobby. St. Mary’s Letter Art is for sale in the Parish Hall lobby on Sundays, and also through the church office. All proceeds from this project go toward the restoration and upkeep of our Parish Hall through the Women of St. Mary’s. $50.00 pre-orders only. Once we have enough people signed up to purchase, we will make a bulk frame order. Lenten Services at St. Mary’s Shrove Tuesday: Join us in the Great Hall for the Annual Pancake Supper and Lessons on preparing for Lent: 17 February, 2015 5-7pm Ash Wednesday: 6:30am (Said service with Imposition of Ashes) Noon (Said service with Imposition of Ashes) 7pm (Imposition of Ashes with hymns) Lenten Luncheons : Beginning Wednesday, 25 February 12-1pm: This Lenten season, come spend an hour with fellow parishioners and friends over a simple meal of soup & cornbread. Come explore with fellow clergy from the Diocese what Lent can teach us as we gather in community to nourish our bodies with a simple lunch and reflect upon God's grace and mercy. Take your lunch break, grab a co-worker or friend and come to St. Mary's. Feb. 28th: Carl Wright Mar. 4th: Meredith Olsen Mar. 11th: Bishop Ihloff Mar. 18th: Sister Theresa Mar. 25th: Steve McCarty See Bios on next page! If you're interested in helping with soup contact Margaret Diem at 410 838-0023 or Stations of the Cross (with hymns): 13 March 2015, 7:00pm Page 3 Wednesday Lenten Soup and Cornbread Luncheons Noon-1:00pm, St. Mary’s Great Hall 28th February: The Reverend Carl Walter Wright is Priest-in-Charge of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Pasadena, MD. A retired U.S. Air Force chaplain and native son of Baltimore, graduated from the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and Peabody Conservatory of Music Prep School. He also holds a bachelor degree from Loyola University and a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary. In addition to serving in the Air Force, he was commissioned a lieutenant in the infantry and served in the National Guard U.S. Army Reserve. The highlight of Carl’s life was his war zone ministry; he did notable work in the field hospital at Balad Air Base, Iraq, where, under fire, he ministered to wounded soldiers and Iraqis, and on the Day of Pentecost 2007 he baptized a dozen soldiers and sailors in the Persian Gulf. 4th March: The Rev. Meredith Kefauver Olsen is an Episcopal Priest serving in the Diocese of Maryland. She received degrees from Birmingham Southern College (B. Music), Emory University (M.Div.) and The General Theological Seminary (STM, Liturgics) and was ordained in the Diocese of Atlanta in June 2005. She has trained as a chaplain at North General Hospital in New York City as well as at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore. Meredith has served parishes in the Philadelphia and Atlanta suburbs before coming to Maryland where she has been the Associate Rector at St. John's (Glyndon), St. Mark's (Highland), and All Hallows (Davidsonville). Currently she works as a chaplain at University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson. Meredith lives in the Federal Hill section of Baltimore with her husband Derek and their two daughters, Greta and Hannah. 11th March: The Rt. Rev. Robert Ihloff was elected the 13th Bishop of Maryland on May 20, 1995, and was consecrated on October 21, 1995, in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Washington, DC. Born in New Britain, CT, on May 19, 1941, Bishop Ihloff received an A.B. with Departmental Honors in history from Ursinus College in 1964. In 1967 he received his M.Div. from Episcopal Theological School, and in 1972 he received an M.A. in European History from Central Connecticut State College. He is the current rector at Church of the Redeemer in Baltimore. He is the author of two published articles, one in The Journal of Religion & Health, the other in Word & Spirit. 18th March: Sister Theresa: Sister is a life long Episcopalian who has long felt called to the Carmelite way of prayer and solitude within community. Early in life she was a member in first vows of the Episcopal Community of the Transfiguration, after which she pursued a career as a Registered Nurse, which included directing and consulting for nonprofit agencies. She served as Senior Warden of her parish and was on the Diocesan Commission on Ministry. For many years she has a healing ministry and remains a member of the Order of Saint Luke. Her writings have been included in Weavings, Sharing, and other publications. Sister is a graduate of Education for Ministry, The Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program, and studied Pastoral Ministry at St. Thomas University. She is a member of Spiritual Directors International. Feeling drawn to the hidden contemplative life, she surrendered her career, going to the Sisters of the Love of God, Oxford England to test her vocation. Although her vocation to the contemplative monastic life was confirmed, Sister felt called back to the United States, where with the help of God and the support of many, she is bringing the monastic Carmelite life to the Episcopal Church. 25th March: Steve McCarty came to the ordained ministry later in life. He is a retired Maryland State Police Sergeant with 24 years of service. He also retired from the U.S.A.F. Reserve after serving 20 years. After retiring from the Maryland State Police; he was the Chief of Police for the Hancock, Maryland Police Department; and then served for 5 years with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department Patrol Division. He retired from the sheriff’s department after 5 years to answer a call to the Priesthood. He was ordained as Deacon in 2006; and as a Priest in 2011. He is a “Son of the House” and has his Master’s Degree from Nashotah House Episcopal Seminary, Wisconsin. His favorite pastime (besides being a grandfather) is riding his Harley Davidson Motorcycle; hunting; target shooting; and working out in the gym. Both his wife Melanie and he are Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do. Announcements / Events Page 4 The Vestry of St. Mary’s is proud to welcome it’s newest members, Joan Barnett, Pamela Butler, Nick Kalathas and David Hayes, voted in at our Annual Meeting and Parish Celebration on 25th January 2015. We hope you found the information at the meeting informative and know if you have any questions you are always welcomed to attend a vestry meeting. They are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Great Hall at 7pm. We would like to thank Krista Hayes, Ruth Mewborn, and John Sweaney for their years of service on the Vestry. We wish them luck in whatever their next ministry role may be at St. Mary’s. Friends in Self Help (F.I.S.H.) Food Donations Remember throughout the year that, as a parish, we collect food to be sent to the food pantry at Holy Trinity in Churchville. There are collection baskets in the church, or items may be left in the kitchen. In your donation-giving, please remember that food pantries and shelters accept more than canned food items. Many places have a severe lack of the following important items • personal hygiene items (soap, deodorant, razors, dental care, feminine care items, baby toiletries) • household cleaning items (detergent, paper products, cleansers) • spices • chocolate, or baked good kits • soup packets. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact Ryan Salamony (leave message at 410-679-1902) or Joan Barnett (410-679-6432). Acolyte Sign Up for February and March (before next acolyte breakfast for Easter). Within the Walls of St. Mary’s The completed St. Mary’s crèche was displayed through the Christmas season. The amazing scene was created by St. Mary’s parishioners under the supervision of Mr. Don Schranz. The scene depicts life in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of the Lord our Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you to Don and all who helped bring this gorgeous work of art to our church. Sunday School News Page 5 by: Nina Mullenax Sunday school is back in full swing in the New Year. This year’s Christmas Pageant was “A Mary Carol” with some of the children portraying Mary and Joseph as children and as adults. This year we added several parents and their children who were the adult’s alter ego as they visited a retirement home at Christmas time to fulfil their annual Christmas charity. “Mary, Rock your Baby”, a duet by Robert Wallace and his daughter Giulianna Wallace was a highlight in this section. This led into our pageant which brought all of the participants to the manger where Mary brought forth her firstborn son for the entire world to know. As the lights were dimmed and the audience held their votive candles to set the stage for the solo “Oh Holy Night” sung by Meghan Mullenax. It was the perfect setting to begin the Christmas season. What’s happening in the classroom… The first part of the Sunday school season has been a lot of fun for the 3rd grade class! We’ve studied and had tons of fun with an interactive Bible story, activities, discussions, and a shared Advent lesson with Mrs. Mary Jane’s 4th grade class. For the first part of Sunday school, some of the stories we studied were Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Esau, Joseph, and “Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?” The second part Sunday school will focus on Jesus and his teachings. We look forward to sharing our fun Sunday activities with you! ~Miss Giulianna and the 3rd grade Sunday school class Calendar February 2/8 – Teachers Meeting 2/14 - Ice Cream Social/ Sock Hop 2/17 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5pm 2/18 - Ash Wednesday 7pm service March 3/8 – Teachers Meeting Be an assistant teacher Be a substitute teacher CONTACT Nina Mullenax (c) 410-937-4181 or email Youth/Young Adult Coordinator Page 6 Contact Information: By: Mary Jane Shafer 410-670-5016 St. Mary’s Presents 6 - 8pm February 14, 2015 St. Mary’s Great Hall Grab your blue suede shoes, Poodle skirt, and scarves in your hair, Make the scene, you gotta be there! Come on over and don’t be late We have a Sock Hop to celebrate! Don’t be square! Sign -up on the Tract Table and in the Fellowship Lobby (We need to know numbers so we can plan accordingly!) This is a Parish-wide activity for all ages; awards for best outfit, best socks, best family attire. We will have a Hula Hoop contest, A Dance contest and a Bubble Gum Blowing contest. We will learn the “Stroll” and the “Twist”. 50’s and 60’s music all evening so, mark your calendars for this exciting evening. Diocesan News: There are a number of Youth programs around the Diocese: NightWatch in NYC, and Happenings #8, to mention two. If you are interested in either of these or want more information, see Mrs. Mary Jane. Also, on May 8 – 9 is the Diocesan Convention at Turf Valley in Ellicott City. I am hoping that several of our Youth, grades 9 – 12, will come to me and sign-up to be a Page. A Page assists the Bishop in the smooth running of the Convention and will have a lock-in the evening of May 8th. This is a great experience to see how our Church works in the world. FAMILY NIGHTS: The next Family Night will be, held on March 8, 2015. After enjoying a light supper together, we will break off into groups. The children will begin a program called: What’s in the Bible; Let My People Go!, a Buck Denver video. This will be slightly different than the Christmas video the children saw in November. There will be a video to watch together, then, they will break off into age appropriate groups for fun activities. The Adults remain in the Great Hall for discussion. Everyone meets back in the Great Hall for a quick game. And home at 6:30 p.m. Dates for the future Family Nights are: (we are skipping February because we have the Sock Hop), March 8, 2015 (Skip April because we have the Scavenger Hunt), and our last Family Night for this year 2014 - 2015, is May 17, 2015. 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt! April 11, 2015. Our winners from last year are scheduled to help with this year’s hunt. The format will be the same as last year’s Scavenger Hunt. So, begin to makeup your teams and be ready for a lot of fun. We will begin with potluck dinner sponsored by the hunt teams. Who will receive points for their creations. Committee members and judges needed. Prom Night: Date to be determined, but the committee is looking at late May or Early June. Eric Taylor and Amy Parker are co-chairs and are full of terrific ideas. This will be an adult’s only activity, (young adults age 21) and up. So, dust off your formal wear and mark your calendars, get babysitters and plan to have an awesome time. Don’t forget to have your kids take pictures of you as you head out for your grown up prom! Parish wide Retreat: Fall of 2015, in the works and since this will be St. Mary’s first annual retreat, we are planning a day retreat; more information to follow. We will gather together in small groups. This is for the entire family and will resemble Family Nights. The College Bound: As you plan your college search outings, you can contact me and I can get you in touch with local Episcopal Churches and campus religious support groups. Have a wonderful 2015 and I hope to see you all at the Sock Hop, Mary Jane Shafer ♪ Notes from the Organ Bench ♫ by: Robert Stephen Wallace Page 7 St. Mary’s Episcopal Church offers two formal music programs, through participation in the Adult Choir and the Youth Choir. There are also recurring unique possibilities for other participation in the musical life of the church. An active musical program is very important in the life of a congregation, and in that congregation’s expression of worship. Choral singing is a distinct ministry within a church service, but learning music to express specific moments of praise to God also is a powerful experience for the singers’ spiritual life. As with much else in our church, we bring a sense of joy and possibility to our music program. Singing in the choir is first and foremost a ministry of praise. We lead the congregation in sung prayer, and help provide the musical context for worship. And anyone can join us! Right now we have a very dedicated, small group of people, but this experience is open to all parishioners who want to participate. There are no auditions for the choirs, although some ability to read music could be helpful but not required. If necessary, mutual arrangements for special practice sessions can be made. We know time is a critical factor for many. The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evening at 7:00 and sometimes between the services. We warm up on the hymns, practice the anthem for that Sunday, and start learning those scheduled for the coming 2 weeks. If we are singing Evensong or in a program (such as the St. Cecilia Concert), we also review that music. We love hymns, Psalms, and taizé (prayer chants that are repetitive until they are sung in the Spirit). The Youth Choir rehearses in the Music Room or in the church after the 10:15 a.m. service and also learns anthems that lead to a love of music based on our Anglican traditions. This fine group of girls and boys also requires just a love of singing. We sing Psalms and often members volunteer for solos. Children occasionally sing during church services and sometimes in conjunction with the Adult Choir in a combined anthem or Psalm. Another possible way of contributing to the church’s music is through instrumental music. If you play the flute, trumpet, or another instrument and would be willing to consider playing occasionally as a soloist, in a duet with the organ and/or choir, or as part of an ensemble, talk to the organist-choir director. EVENSONG is a popular service in the true sense of the term popular. Especially when the psalms and lessons have a clear and appropriate message, it appeals to people in a wonderful way, refreshing the soul and informing the mind. It is sometimes said that Evensong came from the monks. In a sense this is true, but the offices from which our modern services are derived were used by priests other than those in monasteries, and in a simpler form by pious layfolk in their private devotions. The person mainly responsible for our Morning and Evening Prayer was Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Mary. We may ask next, Where did the monks get their services? The services used in the monasteries had been altered in the course of time, but were essentially the same as those used in monasteries 1,200 years before, and these go back to the earliest age of the Church. The Apostles themselves had services consisting of psalms, Scripture readings and prayers, out of which was formed the first part of the primitive Liturgy. From this all that is left of the psalm-singing is the Glory be to Thee, O God before the Gospel, unless we say that the modern hymns represent the psalms. But where did the Apostles get their services? They were the very services which they had attended in company with our Lord in the synagogues at Capernaum and elsewhere. If we push still further back, we reach the time when the Jews were exiled to Babylon, far away from their beloved temple, and learned to sing the Lord's song in a strange land, without an altar or sacrifice. Of course, the Church gave a Christian light to the old Jewish worship, but the framework of the service was the same. The Eucharist which Christ bade us do in remembrance of Him is the greatest possible act of worship, but Evensong must be reverenced and loved because it is a modern form of the worship which Christ and His Apostles offered to God. Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury in Henry VIII's reign, was a great scholar, and produced magnificent translations of the old prayers. But something more than translating was necessary; the services had to be simplified and improved. The chief contents of each service were: psalms and a canticle, a lesson from Scripture, the Lord's Prayer and other prayers, versicles and responses. Evensong as it left Cranmer's hands and appeared in the first English Prayer-Book published in 1549 began with the Lord's Prayer. This had been the invariable beginning of every office, but the prayer was said softly by the priest only. Then came the opening versicles and responses, taken almost word for word from the old services. Psalms and lessons formed the bulk of the service, as explained above. The Magnificat came from Vespers, Nunc Dimittis from Compline, as did the Creed. The second Lord's Prayer and concluding versicles and responses were taken straight from the old services. This was the service, distinctly shorter than at present. Three years later the second edition of the Prayer-Book appeared, and the idea was that after a sentence from the Bible to strike the note of the service, the people should be reminded of the purposes of public worship, and should then confess their sins and receive the assurance of God's forgiveness of sinners. This part is really a penitential introduction to the actual service. At a later period the various prayers after the third collect were composed and placed in their present position. Page 8 Youth Group News By: Shannon Sweaney On December 20, the youth CONTACT group had our Christmas Shannon and Chris Sweaney 410-804-4671 party. 10 kids were able to attend. We started off with musical chairs (they have taught me that you are never too old for this), had lunch, played games and had a present exchange. It was a nice way to start the holiday week off. Emma Jakse participates in an organization called Job’s Daughters. Every 6 months they are installed into a new office. On January 10, Gwen and Ethan attended Emma’s installation as Guide. We are looking forward in supporting all of our members in their activities in and out of church. I’m very excited for this year’s activities. I plan the activities that the kids are interested in. I love their ideas and no idea is too big. God Bless, Shannon February 14 - Valentine's Day Sock Hop and Ice cream Social 6:00 - 8:00 pm February 17 - Pancake Supper February 28 - Blanket making in the hall September 25 – Thirty One Bag & Wine and Cheese Party (Adults Only) November 14 – Bingo December 12 – Breakfast with Santa St. Mary’s Calendar of Events Page 9 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Holy Communion 12:05pm Sunday Shamrock Services Coffee Small 8am & 10:15am Group 7pm Christian Ed 9:15 Thu 5 Choir Bible Study: Revelation Parish Hall Noon 10 11 12 Vestry 7:00pm Holy Communion 12:05pm Practice 7pm Fri Sat 6 7 13 14 African Ministries Sale in Lobby 8 Scout Sunday 9 Sunday Shamrock Services Coffee Small 8am & 10:15am Group 7pm Christian Ed 9:15 Choir Practice 7pm Bible Study: Revelation Parish Hall Noon And Ice Cream Social 6-8pm Parish Hall Sun School Teachers Meeting 11:30am 15 16 Presidents Day Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5-7pm Great Hall 23 24 Sunday Shamrock Services Coffee Small 8am & 10:15am Group 7pm Christian Ed 9:15 African Ministries Sale in Lobby 22 17 Sunday Shamrock Services Coffee Small 8am & 10:15am Group 7pm Christian Ed 9:15 18 Ash Wednesday 6:30am (Said service with Imposition of Ashes) Noon (Said service with Imposition of Ashes) 7pm (Imposition of Ashes with hymns) 25 10 am Holy Communion Noon Lenten Luncheon Rev’d Carl Wright Choir Practice 7pm 19 Bible 20 21 26 27 28 Study: Revelation Noon Women of St. Mary’s meeting 7pm Bible Study: Revelation Parish Hall Noon AARP Free Tax Day @ St. Mary’s 8:30-1 SMYG Blanket Making 6pm Women of St. Mary’s Page 10 By: Ann Weaver and Dot Roller Our Christmas Families : A Follow-up St. Mary’s Christmas project brought joy and help to 32 people in 12 community families this year. Each person received 2-3 gifts; in most instances, this was something family members had expressed a desire to have. Gifts totaled 75! Did you see that giant pile of gifts? Other gifts included 5 boxes of donated food, including a canned ham, potatoes, vegetables, and dessert for Christmas dinner. For every family there was a bag and more of paper goods, a jug of laundry soap, and a shopping bag of personal care items and some small items. The Youth Group sponsored one of the families. Ten people who needed coats received them. The fish bowl and other cash donations totaled $1,883. Each family will receive $100; those with children will receive an additional $34 for each child. This money is used to pay an outstanding debt and will go directly to the company; many of the requests are to pay BGE. As in past years, this most generous project is sponsored by the Women of St. Mary’s. Ana Jakse and Melissa Friedman were the extremely organized super planners-coordinators, but almost everyone in the parish and Sunday School took part. A big thanks to so many of you who shopped to fulfill those Christmas wishes, and to the packers and drivers. To so many of you, from those recipients, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU. Additional Request One of our senior family members who, as we were leaving following delivery of her gifts, commented that she was excited with the gifts but sorry not to have a Nativity set, as “that is what it is all about.” If you have a small set to donate, please talk to Ann Weaver, 410-838-5097, and we will take care of delivering it. Lunch Bunch Everyone is welcome to the next Lunch Bunch on Tuesday, February 3, at 12:00 noon at DuClaw’s Restaurant, 6 Bel Air Parkway. Please sign up on the tract table or call Toni Villard at 410-838-2340. Valentine Boxes The second mailing of goody boxes for our college students living away from home will be sent in time for Valentine’s Day. Our young people especially like homemade treats, but other sweets are very much welcome! Also, consider very small decorations or mementos to add to the package. We will need enough items for 8 goody boxes. Everything needs to be in the Parish House kitchen by Sunday morning, February 8. FEBRUARY MEETING Thursday, February 19, 7 PM. All women in the parish are members. We need your ideas and help and welcome you to join us! 10% Giving -- In January, the Women of St. Mary’s will be donating 10% of the year’s earnings to others outside the parish. This is usually given in amounts of $100 to $200. Approximately $1,500 is available. A Reading and Palermo Family Donation Info Page 11 Closing the Path to Misery from the Anglican Digest by The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, IL Bad things happen to people, and anyone involved in pastoral ministry is reminded of this on a regular basis. As I write, just within the last 48 hours, I’ve dealt with a suicide attempt, a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, and the beginning of hospice care for a man with cancer. This morning I attended a regular meeting of clergy associated with our cathedral, and the rundown on pastoral care “situations” left me depressed. There’s so much suffering, and there’s rarely anything we can do about it. People are suffering nearby and people are suffering far away. "In sorrow that an ancient curse should doom to death a universe..."—so begins the second stanza of the venerable (and possibly my favorite) Advent hymn Conditor alme siderum (#60 in the Hymnal 1982). Arguably the most well-known and best loved of our Advent hymns is Veni Emmanuel (#56, H1982), has the advantage of being part of the canon of “carols” that are generally associated with Christmas in the popular imagination, so it’s always a crowd-pleaser. Less well known is the fact that each verse began life as a Latin antiphon attached to the canticle Magnificat on the seven evenings preceding Christmas Eve. Only relatively recently have they been set to rhyme and meter in English and aggregated into a hymn. The fifth verse, from the Latin antiphon O clavis David (O Key of David), speaks to the gloom of the human condition quite directly in its petition that “Emmanuel” come "and close the path to misery." (A more literal translation of the Latin might be along the lines of "and block the hellish way.") It is precisely what I wish for during any encounter, pastoral or personal, with someone who is suffering. It is what I wish for whenever I open a newspaper or click on the news page of my browser. I wish I could close the path to misery for anyone whom I love, or care about even a little bit, or—just about everybody. (There is perhaps a select short list I would have to work up some enthusiasm for, but that is itself a response to the misery that cause.) I wish I could close the path to everyone's misery. I can't, of course. And, in an effective sense—it sounds slightly heretical to say this—God "can't." For God to simply intervene capriciously would violate the very structure of the created universe, not the least important element of which is human free will. But God is, nonetheless, in sorrow about that ancient curse. And although it's not part of the plan for him to intervene capriciously, he has done something much better; he has intervened gratuitously—that is, in a manner full of grace. The trajectory of redemption set in motion by the Incarnation, sealed in the Passion and Resurrection, and brought to fruition in the Ascension, means that the misery we encounter every day will be taken up into that gratuitous intervention and woven into a tapestry of healing and restoration that will, before the dust settles, send that ancient curse packing. And close the path to misery. Giving to the Palermo Children's Education Fund Parishes and individuals are encouraged to show their support for the Palermo children by giving to an education fund that has been created for them. Please give online at: Page 12 If Walls Could Talk by Mary Moses By: Mary Moses I am always perplexed at the postings that advise that our cemetery host only a single famous person. In fact there are a number of people resting in our hallowed grounds who could be classified as significant to history. In the next few months I will be talking about a few of these individuals. I know many of you have seen this stone; it is within sight as you enter or leave the church through the main entrance. It is a weathered stone and you have to get close to read the name and dates. The stone first attracted my attention with it’s proximity to the church, so close to the altar window, I knew this person had to be special and I was correct. The stone marks the resting place of William Frederic Barnard, Born March 16, 1845 and died September 17, 1863 at the age of 18. His Father was Brevet Major General John G. Barnard and his Mother was Jane Elizabeth Brand, Sister of Rev. William F. Brand. Jane Barnard had died a few years earlier and General Barnard had married Anne Hall, Rev. Brand’s Sister in Law. Research in the local papers only revealed a simple obituary that read “William F. Barnard died suddenly on September 17, 1863 at Findowrey”. For those of you who are not familiar with the name Findowrey, it was the name of Brand’s home and the first rectory of St. Mary’s. Rev. Brand also ran a school for boys at the home and William (Willy) was a student at the time of his passing. With more research I found a reference to William Barnard in a book at the Library of Congress and last year my Husband and I traveled there to find it. The book is entitled The Christian Course, A Sermon Preached at the Burial of William Frederic Barnard, September 20, 1863, St. Mary’s Church, Harford County Maryland by W. F. Brand, Rector. The book explains in a section entitled In Memoriam, written by Rev. Brand, “From circumstances which could not be controlled, the funeral took place at the church, at the hour for Sunday morning worship and without notice: therefore the usual services were not altered beyond the combining with them the order for the burial of the dead; and what is here printed was preached. To what I have written I desire to add a direct testimonial to the worth of my dear nephew. Whatever I may have said in general terms touching the blessing of hope of the Christian, in thankful confidence I apply to him. Thinking of Willy, with increased gratitude to Him who has wrought such salvation for His Saint’s, I repeat the words of the Apostle: ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.’ Father Brand writes, “I chose myself to bury my child-the boy who loved me as though I had been his father-because the tears which could not be restrained were not blinding; through them I looked forward to the last day; to the life of the world to come; and to the glorious change which shall, through the mighty working of Christ, come upon the bodies of all who sleep in him. So thoroughly am I persuaded that Willy is of that blessed number to whom it is the Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom, that even in the first moments of the dreadful shock which God in His wisdom gave to those of us who witnessed the sudden blighting of the flower of his promise -instantly, as though by a lightning stroke- even then I dared not pray for submission for strength for myself, his father, and all who so dearly loved him, until I had first thanked God for the so abundant assurances of triumph over death and the grave…” (To be continued) Birthdays and Anniversaries Page 13 February Birthdays Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Edwin Weaver Ana Jakse Aaron Pfarr Thomas Hipkins John Nichols Donald Hale Joe Robilotta Morris Carlson Erin Moses 12 13 14 Mary McFadden Chigoziem Ekwonye Aaron Schiefer Sean Jorgenson Phillip Tolliver, Jr. 8 9 Sally LaBarre Martha Nichols Dylan Heil Eric Eckstein, Sr. 15 16 Michael Prete 10 11 Christopher Prete Daniel Findura 17 18 19 20 Clifford DeWitt 21 Tim Cook Riley Young 22 23 Elizabeth Pfeiffer Elizabeth Scarborough Gail Prete Caleb Pomilla 24 25 26 27 28 Thomas Mitchell Tammy Watters Toni Villard Avory Norton Jessica Seman Feb 29 Zachary Idzik Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris Give them wisdom and devotion in the ordering of their common life, that each may be to the other a strength in need, a counselor in perplexity, a comfort in sorrow, and a companion in joy. Amen Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tolliver S t . M a r y’s Ep i sco p a l Chur ch Non-Profit Organization 1 St. Mary’s Church Road Abingdon, MD 21009 U.S. Postage Paid Phone: 410-569-0180 Email: We Welcome You to Worship With Us! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! We’re on the Web! Permit #4 Bel Air, MD (Address Service Requested)
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