Presider: Fr. Jim DeBruycker Pre-Mass Speakers: Parishioners – Charlotte Kinzley, John Song and Damien Poling - whose work with those on the margins in our community is discipleship in action. We welcome the Give Get Sistet, improvisational women's ensemble based in the Twin Cities to sing at our Gym liturgies today. Thank you Sarah M. Greer, Mankwe Ndosi, Libby Turner-Opanga and Alicia Steele! Today, Jackie Edwards from Feed My Starving Children comes to tell us about their mission to feed children in need around the world. After Mass, sign up with other SJA families to pack food on March 14! In over twenty years of chaplaincy and chaplaincy training, commonly called CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education), I have done a lot of ‘group work’. One of the challenges often thrown at a person who is hedging on their openness in group is to say, “You are in denial.” Usually meaning you do not want to own or admit to the emotional power of a situation past or present. Common wisdom maintains too much denial will stunt your emotional growth as you use more and more psychic energy to protect yourself from the pain. Of course, on the other side, sometimes the pain is so great it needs to be sublimated until one can safely deal with it. God bless defense mechanisms and denial, it’s how most of us get through life. A number of years ago a friend lost her house in a tornado. She was lucky the family was not killed. It took a year to get things back to a semblance of normalcy. On the year anniversary of the tornado her husband called and asked if someone could come over. “She’s crying hysterically rolling on the floor hugging the dog saying, ‘We all could have been killed!’” It was finally safe to let go. I think of this as I read today’s lamentations of Job. If you have ever suffered through great pain you recognize the feeling. The loneliness of pain as a sleepless night wears long and a day which brings no sleep or respite of pain. Thank God our memory does not perfectly remember that pain or life would be less bearable. If there is intent in today’s Gospel story it is to present a picture of Jesus as the hope of a sick world. Not just physically but spiritually as well. When he heals Peter’s mother in-law the word used is the same as to resurrect. Jesus is to be the ‘hope resurrector’ and he cannot stop in one place but moves throughout his world preaching this good news. We all need a person, a place, a time where our hope can be refreshed, a safe place to finally let go and cry. I have in my life as a chaplain, and I am sure Fr. Cassidy would concur, been blessed at times to be that person or helped facilitate finding that place or time where someone could finally cry. It doesn’t take a lot of training; try to be that place, that time, that person. Now for something completely different, the Tribune accusingly said last week that the Archdiocese took steps to protect assets. Thank God! Many people are dependent on diocesan programs and in the midst of the recent turmoil they still need that aid. By now you have received your mailing from the Annual Services Appeal. As the Tribune has rightly reported it is a tax exempt foundation separately incorporated from the Archdiocese. All proceeds go to the designated recipients; you can if you like, when you donate to the Services Appeal, designate these recipients. Please be generous; never before has your donation been more needed or protected. FFI check the bulletin, the SJA website or call the Parish Center. The Upper Room is located in the Parish Center; Hospitality Hall is in the Church basement. Today ISAIAH Legislative Briefing, following the 11 am Mass, Upper Rm 50+ Second Sunday Supper, 5 pm, Hospitality Hall Monday, February 9 Mental Health Ministry, offsite - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Tuesday, February 10 Mass, 8 am in the Church Wednesday, February 11 Islam, The Middle East, and How We Got Here, 6:30 pm, Church Thursday, February 12 Mass, 8 am in the Church Choir, 7 pm in the Church Saturday, February 14 MLF Pancake Breakfast, 8 am - 11 am in Hospitality Hall Sun, Feb. 8: Job 7:1-4,6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23; Mark 1:29-39 Mon, Feb. 9: Genesis 1:1-19; Mark 6:53-56 Tue, Feb. 10: Genesis 1:20-2:4a; Mark 7:1-13 Wed, Feb. 11: Genesis 2:4b-9,15-17; Mark 7:14-23 Thu, Feb. 12: Genesis 2:18-25; Mark 7:24-30 Fri, Feb. 13: Genesis 3:1-8; Mark 7:31-37 Sat, Feb. 14: Genesis 3:9-24; Mark 8:1-10 Sun, Feb. 15: Lev 13:1-2,44-46; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mark 1:40-45 Tuesday and Thursday morning 8 am Mass is celebrated in the Church 9 and 11 am Gym Masses: Sunday, February 15: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. Pre-Mass Speaker: R.T. Rybak on his hope for the city and his work with Generation Next. Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday services at 8 am and Noon in the Church and at 7 pm in the Gym. Sunday, February 22: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. First Sunday of Lent. Now is the Moment… to be still. Sunday, March 1: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Now is the Moment… to be free. Sunday, March 8: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speaker: Julie Madden. Now is the Moment… to rise up. Sunday, March 15: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Pre-Mass Speaker: Nakima Levy-Pounds. Now is the Moment… to be light. Attention 5 pm Mass Eucharistic Ministers/Sacristans: The 2015 Calendar is ready for sign-up in the Church sacristy. SignUpGenius for Eucharistic Ministers is available on line. It's simple, user friendly and a reminder is sent 3 days before your scheduled volunteer day. FFI contact Marcia at Gluten-free Communion is available upon request. Please see any of the Sunday sacristans in the Gym before Mass. For Family Mass please see Gabrielle. Bud B., Sally Backstrom, Dennis Barta, Phyllis Berninger, Peyton Berkland, Jean Besch-Patsch, Charlie Bloss, Betty Bonnert, Sara Brock, Don Burke, Courtney, Dayna Cell, Millicent Clark, Denise, John D., Roger D., Megan Daoust, Irvin Dehn, Brittnay Delaney, Lois Doyle, Marie Doyle, Paul Doyle, Jill Finley, Jermaine Foslien, John & Margaret Frees, Jim Gorman, Bryen Granlund, Tom Griep, Tom H., Betty Hinker, Jim & Pat Hinton, Megan Hoffman, Mary Hoody, Jody Hughes, Isaac, Dan, David & Tom Jay, Tex Jones, Paul Jonsson, Glen Kelley, Diane Krcma family, Lynne, Kirk L, Bernie Kunkel, Amy Lainus, John Lasota, Kathy Lindeen, Gary Lindstrom, Chantilly Lynch, Kari, Kyle M., Jeanette Maloney, Marie Marschel, Rose McGonagle, Katherine & Lauren McManus, Kayla McMullan, Jackie Mead, Chuck Meiers, Mike M., Sharon Miller, Dorothy Mongoven, Jason Monroe, Pamela Morgan, Gene Muelken, Mary Mueller, Joan Mulvey, Greg Murphy, Nate, Nick, Craig Norby, David Novitske, Olivia, Doris Oakes, Sr. Dolores Oaks, Matt Olk, Stacey Olk, Paul Olvera, Bill P., Rick Pattison, Patricia Pavlik, Joan Penrose, Linda Petri, John Pirola, Nikki Poynter, Tom Privette, Guy Prudden, Brooks Richard, Herb Rorke, Sheila Rossebo, Martin Salley, Conrad Sampair, Marianne Seekamp, Sam Slagerman, Emily Slotness, Sandra & Dietra Smith, Philip Sosin, John Spalding, Julian Sprunck, Judy Steffes, Sandy Stroud, Irene Taddiken, Helen Tierney, Matthew Tenant, Mary Eve Thomas, Echo Thoren, Madison Travers, Carin Vagle, Sandy VanWyk, Mimi Villaume, Patricia Vorst, Ben Weston, Darlene Wheeler, Carol Whitlow, Dan Williams, Jim & Jerry Wohnoutka, Jane Young, Kathleen Ziegler, Ava & Annemaire Zubrzycki A Book of Prayer is located in our Gym vestibule. If you have a family member or friend who is ill, or who has recently died, please write their names in our Book of Prayer before Mass so we may include them in prayers during our Sunday Masses. Prayer Corner Requests: To keep prayer requests current, names will be included in the bulletin for four weeks and then removed. To renew your request, please call Nancy Becker at 612.823.8205 ext. 223. Choir rehearses this Thursday, Feb. 12 at 7 pm in the Church. Lent and Holy Week preparation. Mobile Loaves and Fishes Event News: What sweeter way to begin Valentine's Day than with delicious pancakes here at SJA? Next Saturday, Feb. 14, join us in Hospitality Hall, 8 am - 11 am. Tickets on sale today at both Gym entrances or at the door. Also, please stop by the school library today to bid on auction items - or go to mobileloavesandfishes/ through Feb. 9. Fantastic items abound! Ash Wednesday is coming as we begin our Lenten journey on February 18. Soup supper at 5 pm in Hospitality Hall followed by a Prayer Service with distribution of ashes at 7 pm in the Gym. The choir will sing and Fr. Jim DeBruycker will preside. Join Steve Kremer in the Church for a sing-a-long, 6:15 - 6:45 pm. Soup Supper Volunteers Are Needed to prepare soup and bake/ bring bread starting Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18 through March 25. Please bring soups/breads to Hospitality Hall by 4:30 pm. Youth, families and Small Christian Communities are encouraged to sign up by calling the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome to join us for soup on Lenten Wednesdays, 5 - 6:30 pm in Hospitality Hall followed by Prayer and Learning at 6:30 pm in the Church. Walkin' Shoes...spend a delightful evening with internationally beloved storyteller Kevin Kling, host, Dan Chouinard and singer, Prudence Johnson as they weave stories of travel and song together to whet our appetite for summer adventures! An evening for the whole family on Sunday, April 26 at 7 pm in the SJA Gym. Tickets on sale Coats! As winter outerwear goes on sale, our Warm Hands Warm Hearts team reminds you to pick up a coat now for our new coat drive in the fall. Thank you for thinking of this project! Mobile Loaves and Fishes Needs Toothbrushes! Other items needed include toiletry size soap, toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, socks, hats and mittens for the winter. Please place your donations in the collection hamper next to the food shelf bin. FFI contact Summary of contributions for the week and fiscal year. Includes plate, envelopes and estimated Sustaining Member payments. Jan. 26 - Feb. 1: Actual $32,392 Budget $33,812 Prior Year Actual $34,039 YTD (July 1 - Feb. 1): Actual $1,172,295 Budget $1,171,851 Prior Year Actual $1,140,996 Meet Your Parish Council: Beginning this Sunday and every 2nd Sunday of the month going forward, after the 9 and 11 am Masses, you are invited to hospitality in the Egan Room and to meet two members of our SJA Parish Council. Today, Parish Council members, Pat Dawson and Pj Doyle, will be available to answer your questions about the work of the Council and our SJA community. Pat and Pj would also like to meet new SJA members, so stop by and say “Hello”. Singles 50+ 2nd Sunday Supper: Today in Hospitality Hall. 5 pm Social Hour, 6 pm French Country Stew, 7 pm Sonic Love Child, a classic country, folk, blues, & vintage pop band. Cost is $10. Come alone or bring a friend! FFI call Karen at 952.884.5165. Save the Date! Thursday, March 12, 11:30 am annual SAGES St. Patrick’s Day Senior Mass and Luncheon. Parish and community seniors are invited for prayer, food and music. Watch the bulletin and web announcements for details. Adoptive Families Book Club: Join us on Saturday, Feb. 28, 10 am at Turtle Bread on Chicago Ave, to discuss the memoir Prison Baby by Deborah Jiang-Stein. FFI contact Gabrielle at Hope to see you there! Feed My Starving Children: On March 14, 2 - 4 pm, join other SJA families to pack food for families in need around the world. We meet at the Eagan site. To sign up, contact Gabrielle at New to SJA? Meet a Mentor Family! Your mentor family will join you for coffee and cookies after a Family Mass to share with you the ways their family found a home at SJA. FFI, contact Gabrielle at Tax Season Assistance Needed: Sabathani Community Center (just down the street from SJA, and recipient of our weekly food collection) is looking for volunteers to help low-income people in preparing and filing their taxes. Training is provided, and it is a great way to meet our neighbors. FFI, please contact Sandra Richardson at The Bottom Line: Contributions last week were $1,420 below budget. Year-to-date contributions were $444 above. We continue to remain on budget for the year and above last year’s year-to-date totals. Thank you for your generous support. ~Steve Meyer, Finance Director Get your Daily Dose this Lent! A variety of daily reflection booklets are now available. A great way to strengthen your Lenten experience: 40 Windows for Lent for children; available in the Church and Gym Our Sacred Journey for Adults; available in the Church and Gym The Word Among Us for Adults, with daily Mass readings; available in the Church The Sunday Morning Registration and Information Office is located in the Parish Center. In the office you may register to become a SJA parishioner; get program information; sign up for a program; and register to volunteer. The office is open after both of our Sunday morning liturgies. FFI on Pastoral Ministries contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at 612.823.8205 ext 231 or via email: Mental Health Ministry: Monday, Feb. 9 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4100 Lyndale Av. So. Carolyn Denton, MA, LN from Partners In Resilience will speak on Mindfulness as a method and meditative practice to assist in living a well-balanced, low stress life. Light supper 5:45 pm; program 6:45 - 8:15 pm. All are welcome. 1.5 hours CEU available for professionals. FFI contact Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. Did You Know? Nutrition can play an essential role in mental, physical and emotional health. The Mental Health Association of Minnesota (MHAM) offers two helpful guides, Steps to Wellness and Take Charge. To download a copy or for find additional resources go to BeFriender Ministry: SJA BeFrienders offer a compassionate presence of listening and prayer. FFI contact Carolyn Dobis, 651.485.2868 or Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. SJA/TRUST Grief Support: On Thursday, Feb. 12 Paula Larsen, Grief Survivor, Author, will speak on What I Learned from Grief at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 2914 W. 44th St, Mpls. 6:15 pm, registration and refreshments; 6:30 pm, speaker; 7 - 8 pm, facilitated small groups. All are welcome. FFI contact Norine Larson at 952.925.2437 or Mary Ann Kelly-Wright at the Parish Center. TRUST Grief Group Facilitators Needed: All training and materials are provided to prepare you for this wonderful, supportive ministry. FFI call Norine Larson at 952. 925.2437. FFI on Peace & Justice programs contact Julie Madden at 612.823.8205 ext 228 or ISAIAH Legislative Briefing: Today following the 11:00 Mass, join our SJA ISAIAH core team in the Parish Center for an overview of the legislative agenda we will be pursuing this session with our social justice coalition of more than 100 metro area churches. And make plans to join our SJA ISAIAH Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, March 3 - a great day raising our voices with fellow SJAers! Be A Citizen Advocate for Affordable Housing: Today, following our Masses, you are invited to sign up with our youth at tables outside the Gym entrances to be a citizen advocate for Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (a recipient of SJA Justice Grant funding). You will be called upon several times during the legislative session to email or phone your legislators in support of affordable housing. Last year, advocates helped to secure a $100 million investment in housing (300+ SJAers were part of the effort)! Health Care Team Moves Forward: Our thanks to the SJA Conversations on Health Care network for the excellent forum last Sunday. If you are interested in this group's work towards health care for all, the next meeting is Monday, Feb. 9 in the Parish Center at 7 pm. FFI contact Carol at Recycled Life: Next Sunday, Feb. 15, following the 11:00 Mass, join our Sister Parish committee in the Parish Center for this Academy Award nominated short film that tells the story of the incredible people who have lived and worked in the largest toxic landfill in Central America, recycling the city's trash. Discussion to follow, refreshments included! FFI go to Immigration Reform News and Actions: Our thanks to more than 70 SJAers who attended our prayer vigil at the Detention Center last Sunday for those who are awaiting deportation. We are grateful for your witness! On Tuesday, Feb. 17, the fantastic Sr. Simone Campbell (director of Network: A Nat'l Catholic Social Justice lobby and leader of Nuns on the Bus) will be at St. Catherine University at 7 pm in the Coeur de Catherine Ballroom to lead us in our call for true immigration reform. Travel to the U.S./Mexico border with a delegation next winter to truly experience the issues faced by those migrating across the desert to the U.S. Parishioner Rose Grengs invites you to an informational meeting on Sunday, March 1, following the 11:00 Mass in the Parish Center to learn more. Discrimination in our Criminal Justice System: Looking in the Mirror: On Monday, March 9, at 7 pm, SJA will host an event featuring former President of the Council on Crime and Justice Tom Johnson, as well as people impacted by our criminal justice system. This will be a very powerful and timely conversation, sponsored by Catholic Charities' Office for Social Justice. We form the faith of our community through participation in prayer, liturgy, sacraments, education, community and works of justice. Don’t Miss An Extraordinary Family Experience! Join us as we partner with In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre to create a production to be presented before the Family Masses on Palm Sunday. On five Wednesday nights in Lent participants will make masks, rehearse for the play and reflect on Lent. $10/person or $25/family. FFI/to register, Gabrielle at Let it Go! A Lenten Reconciliation for Families: On Feb. 22 at 4 pm, come to the Church for a service designed for families. Let your troubles go as we build a forgiveness garden together! Camp St. Joan 2015 – Australia: Join us July 20 - 23, 8:45 am 12:30 pm to explore Australia right here at SJA. Campers ages 4 years to 6th grade graduates. Volunteers of all ages welcome. Online registration begins Feb. 22 at FFI contact Therese at or 612.823.8205 x 230. : FFI contact Jennifer Gessner, at 612.823.8205 ext. 240, or Our Nursery, located in the lower level of the Parish Center, is open for the 9 and 11 am Sunday Masses. The Nursery Cooperative is a wonderful community of families and volunteers that allows parents to enjoy Mass and meet other young families in the Parish. Drop-ins welcome! : (Ages 4-Kindergarten) FFI contact Therese Pendleton at 612.823.8205 ext. 230 or : (Grades 1-6) FFI contact Marie Bissonnette at 612.823.8205 ext. 229 or Schedule: Today: Regular classes & Family Masses Feb. 15: No class Presidents' Day holiday, regular Family Masses Feb. 22: Regular classes & Family Masses Kids: Celebrate Your Gifts! On Feb. 21, at 10 am in the Church, we will have a talent show for grades 1 - 6, followed by a potluck lunch in Hospitality Hall. Run-through on Feb. 14, 10 am. Register after Family Mass or contact Gabrielle at First Communion Parent/Child Preparation program will meet on March 15 at 12:30 pm in the Gym. First Communion information can be found at under the Sacraments/First Communion tab, or contact Marie Bissonnette. : (Grades 7-12) FFI contact Donelle Poling at 612.823.8205 ext. 241 or Schedule: Today: Classy CLUB/Small Group - Come dressed in your finest! 10:30 - 12 pm Youth Got Talent: Are you in grades 7 - 12 and have a talent that you want to share? Come and audition on March 8 or 15 for Youth Got Talent! Auditions are in the Arc starting at 12:30. Sign up for auditions at CLUB or online! Youth Got Talent is on April 25 at 7 pm in the SJA Gym. Slopefest (grades 7-12): Join us for skiing and snowboarding. Friday, Feb. 13 - 16. $250 for skiers/snowboarders, + $10/day to rent skis, $20/day to rent snowboards. We will hit the slopes of Spirit Mountain in Duluth and stay at YMCA Camp Miller. Pick up permission slip in the Parish Center. FFI contact Donelle at Must register by today. : FFI contact Julie McConaha at 612.823.8205 ext. 226 or Islam, The Middle East, and How We Got Here: Hear our friend, Dr. Odeh Muhawesh, for a clearer understanding of what's behind this eternal conflict and the who, what and why of what we hear in daily news reports. Dr. Muhawesh is a globally-recognized business leader, theologian, University of St. Thomas educator and past pre-Mass speaker. Bring your questions! Wednesday, Feb. 11, 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the Church. #SJA<40 Guilty Pleasures Mardi Gras! Lent is hard! Partying is easy! On Fat Tuesday, Feb. 17, 7 pm - 10 pm, bring something to share: cigars, video games, meat, all things SUGAR, Catholic fortitude, and anything else you plan to forgo for the next 40 days. Dress warm! Fiery pit in the backyard. RSVP at to receive location address and other information. Parish Book Club: Everyone welcome, anytime! Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center. Join at Feb. 11: Until They Bring The Streetcars Back by Stanley Gordon West March 11: The Leisure Seeker by Michael Zadoorean April 8: The Florist’s Daughter by Patricia Hampl Open Knit & Craft: Join fellow SJAers and work on your creative projects, whatever they may be: Tuesday, Feb. 10: 1 pm - 3:30 pm Monday, Feb. 16: 6 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday, Feb. 17: 6 pm - 8:30 pm Weavings - SAGES Writing Workshop for All: Remembering the threads of the stories that have become your life tapestry through exercise, discussion and sharing, you can create your legacy story. Join us on Saturdays, February 21, 28 and March 7, 9 am - Noon, in the Parish Center. Led by Marie Thielen, legacy writer. Cost is $25 - no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. RSVP at the Parish Center. Click Here for more information on our supporters
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