8*4$0/4*/ FEBRUARY 2015 FREE -",&43&"-&45"5& wislakesguide.com Guide 10#09t09'03%8*4$0/4*/t ."/*508*4)8"5&34 .*/0$26" &"(-&3*7&3 3)*/&-"/%&3 50.")"8, -",&"3308)&"% Lake Homes, Cabins & Hunting Land! -",&$".&-05 -",&4)&3800% -",&1&5&/8&-50.") "%".4 $"45-&30$,-",& 8"61"$" '3&.0/5 -",&10:("/ 8*//&$0//& 8"650." 04),04) $0-0." 8&45'*&-% ."6450/ 09'03% (3&&/-",& 13*/$&50/ .0/5&--0 8*4$0/4*/%&--4 -"7"--& 3&&%4#63( 1035"(& #"3"#00 -",&8*4$0/4*/ FEATURED PROPERTY OF THE MONTH New Castle Rock Lakefront Executive Home! Price reduced over $200K from original asking price. This 3,200 square ft executive new construction home comes completely furnished and is ready for you to move in. This home is located in the Waterstone community on Castle Rock Lake which includes a clubhouse, indoor pool and much more. Finished walkout basement. A sandy beach leading to a stocked 3 acre private lake, stainless steel built in grill, and outside shower highlight the various amenities. 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths including master bath. Must see! $434,900 Castle Rock Realty LLC BOBBI PERKINS 608-377-1227 | bobbi@bobbisells.com LISA COUGHLIN-WAFLE 608-547-5600 | lisarealtor@jvlnet.com More Castle Rock Lake & Lake Petenwell Properties Inside Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” C E N T R A L W I S C O N S I N Castle Rock Lake Petenwell Lake Waterfront Homes / Lots / Condos / Properties with Pier Rights There are significant differences from one development to another on these lakes. I have the knowledge to help you find the property that is just right for you. MLS 1733740 - Like New Condominium Home with a great view of Castle Rock Lake. Ground floor, corner unit, just completed a little over a year ago. Granite counter tops, premium cabinetry, tile flooring & much more. Amenities include: Pool / Children's Pool Play Area / Clubhouse / Private Beach / Private Marina and an On-Site Restaurant. Rent property out if you want to generate income while you are not using it yourself. Similar units rent for about $2,500 / week. $249,900 MLS 1733984 - Beautiful home in O'Dells Bay with 118' of frontage on small private lake & rights to Castle Rock Lake frontage just a block away. Keep your boat(s) in slip in the on-site marina. Amenities include a Private Beach / Clubhouse with a Fitness Center / Tennis Courts & 2 association lakes with beautiful sandy beaches great for swimming, fishing or paddle boating. Very popular on-site restaurant (The Dirty Turtle). Great home at a fair price. $259,900 MLS 1732769 - Beautiful Waterfront Home on Castle Rock Lake. This custom built home is located in Half Moon Bay which is one of the most well established and desirable developments in the area. Amenities include a Private Beach / Clubhouse / Playground / Tennis Courts and Great Views of Wisconsin's 4th largest lake. This home features a Great Room with a floor to ceiling fireplace / Spacious Kitchen / Wet Bar and a great floor plan. $599,900 Paul Merk MLS 1711914 - Executive quality home on Castle Rock Lake. Nearly 9000 Finished Sq. Ft. / 3 kitchens / 7 bedrooms / 8 bathrooms / 2 Laundry Rooms / 3 Fireplaces / Custom stonework and granite / 32 x 48 attached garage / 150' of sandy beach frontage. This spectacular home is being sold COMPLETELY FURNISHED!! This property currently generates $5,500 / week Rental Income. Serious Inquiries only please. $1,375,000 Cell: 608-547-4884 Email: pmerk@mchsi.com/juneaucountyproperty.com Campgrounds for Sale MLS # 1730984 - Happy Ours RV Park is located in Northern Wis. near some of the best ATV & snow mobile trails in the state. W/in 10 mile radius of 20 lakes, so if you're looking for a park with recreation possibilities, this is the one for you. 16.29 acres with 68 sites all improved with water/ sewer/electric (30/50 amp metered), gravel pads & mature trees. Newer bathhouse and laundry. Adjoining Restaurant / Bar / Mobile Home are also available. This could make a great package purchase. $275,000 3DXO0HUN MLS # 1726528 - Wildwood Resort in northern WI is located on the Chetek Chain of Lakes and these owners have been providing loyal customers with "A Vacation Worth Taking" for the past 35 years. 1150' of frontage on Prairie Lake, Wildwood Resort offers; 97 campsites (metered & sewered) 11 cabins, boat launch, enough docks for everyone, 3BR living quarters, 20 x 40 pool, bath/shower house, fish cleaning house, playground, horseshoe pits, ping pong, basketball, video arcade, & gift shop/ general store. $1,500,000 &HOO SPHUN#PFKVLFRP 2 MLS # 1721267 – Country Roads RV Park has 100 drive-through sites on 52 acres. All sites have septic & 50 amp electric. Office / Store / Laundry / Restrooms / Pavilion / Storage & Shop with most equipment included. Just off of I90-94 on busy intersection of Hwy 23 & Hwy P. Prime location across from busy shopping center: Home Depot / Walmart / Kohl's & more. Use this successful RV Park as it is with +/- 30 acres to expand OR develop as you wish!! Seller will also split vacant land acreage. $2,200,000 takes it all. /LVD&RXJKOLQ:DÁH &HOO OLVDUHDOWRU#MYOQHWFRP www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” BELVA M. PARR REALTY, INC. SERVING CENTRAL WISCONSIN (800)-895-9050 608-339-6757 or visit us at www.BelvaParrRealty.com Virtual Property Tours! 3HWHQZHOO/DNH)URQW&RWWDJH %5EDWKZHOOPDLQWDLQHG /DNHIURQWFRWWDJHZLWKDSS[·IURQWDJH FDUDWWJDUXVHGDVDGGLWLRQDOIDPLO\DUHD ([WUDVWRUDJHVKHG $ZHVRPHYLHZV3ULFHGWRVHOO -XVW0DNHRIIHU 7RSRIWKH/LQHLQ7RZQ %5EDWKUDQFKVW\OH 0DQXIDFWXUHGKRPHZLWKDSS[VTIW $SS[\HDUVQHZ/JNLWFKHQ/5)3 )DPLO\URRP0%5DQGEDWK FDUGHWDFKHGJDUDJHDQGPRUH $IIRUGDEOHSULFHUHGXFHGWRMXVW *UHDW9DFDWLRQRU)XOO7LPH+RPH %5ôEDWKKRPHRQFXOGHVDF 1HZIORRULQJFDELQHWVDSSOLDQFHVHWF (QHUJ\HIILFLHQWZLQGRZVZLWK\UZDUUDQW\ )LQLVKHGZDONRXWORZHUOHYHOZLWKILUHSODFH &ORVHWR&DVWOH5RFN/DNH 2QO\&DOOWRGD\ &RXQWU\+RPHRQ$FUHV %5ôEDWK 5HFHQWXSGDWHVLQFOXGLQJWKHNLWFKHQ 6XQURRPZLWKVN\OLJKWVSLQHFDUVLGLQJ 8SSHUOHYHOKDVEHHQUHGRQHDQGLQVXODWHG +HDWHGFDUJDUDJH*UHDWSULFH &HGDU+RPHRQD6SDFLRXV/RW :DONLQJGLVWDQFHWR5RFKH$&UL6WDWH3DUN %5%$IRXUVHDVRQURRPILQLVKHG// FDUJDUFRQFUHWHGULYHZD\PXFKPRUH 1HZHUURRIDOODSSOLDQFHVLQFOXGHG 6KRUWGULYHWRWRZQ&DOOWRGD\ %ULQJ<RXU'UHDPV7R7KH&RXQWU\ %HDXWLIXOZUDSDURXQGGHFNWRYLHZRYHU ZRRGHGDFUHVDGGLWLRQDOODQGFDQEH SXUFKDVHG %5XSGRZQZLWKIXOOEDWKURRPV 1HZHU&RQVWUXFWLRQ 169-7-007 3ULYDWH/RWZLWK%DVHPHQWIRXQGDWLRQ 6HSWLF:HOODQGHOHFWULFLVDOUHDG\LQ /LWWOH5RFKH$&ULDQG$79WUDLOVRI$GDPV DUHMXVWGRZQWKHURDG 6HOOHULVWDNLQJDORVVRQWKLVRQH &DOOWRGD\IRUPRUHLQIR ,QYHVWPHQWRU3ULPDU\+RPH /DUJHKRPH%5 )RUPDOGLQLQJURRPRIIWKHOLYLQJURRP *UHDWSODFHIRUHQWHUWDLQLQJIDPLO\JXHVWV /DUJHORW²SOHQW\RIURRPWREXLOGJDUDJH &XUUHQWO\XVHGDVDUHQWDO :LWKWKLVJUHDWSULFHLWZRQ·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obile Home 5HDG\IRULPPHGLDWHRFFXSDQF\ ;/5*&DU*DUDJH6KHG 6KRUW'URYHWR:,'HOOV*UHDW5HF$UHD C A S T L E 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP P E T E N W L E A L K L E R O C K 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ%HOYD3DUU5HDOW\FRP February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com L A K E 3 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Lakes... Arrowhead Camelot Sherwood Petenwell 1154 Apache Ave. Nekoosa, WI 54457 715/325-3141 info@rome-realty.com 1-800-462-5263 Experience The Difference! To view our complete inventory go to www.rome-realty.com R L O A M K E E A R R O W H E A D L A K E S A R E A Lake Camelot Waterfront Panoramic View! 2BR/2BA, Garage Unique Open Design, Maintenance-free Deck w/ Hot tub, Low-to-the-water Frontage, Neat-as-a-pin $199,900 Lake Access, Lake Arrowhead 3BR, 3BA, 2 Garages, Stone FP, Eat-in Kitchen, Pantry, Finished LL, w/ Kitchette, Master suite, Huge backyard, Deck, Concrete Drive, 1 Acre $199,900 Lake Camelot Access Near Beach & Park, 2 BRs, 2 Baths, Big Gar, Lg Rear Deck, Cabin feel, cathedral ceiling, WB FP, warm interior colors, LL Family Rm, 8 yrs new! Great location $134,000 Waterfront Cabin Roche-a-Cri Lake 2BRs, 2BAs, 3-Car Garage, Priced to Sell! A-frame, Lakeside Deck, Woodstove, Partially finished LL with bath, Nice view, Gorgeous lot Great Buy…$129,900 Lake Sherwood Waterfront Excellent View! 2+ BRs, 2BAs, 2-Car Garage, Workshop, 10x30 Deck & Patio, Walk-out LL, Sauna, Root Cellar, Nice Wooded Yard, Pier Unbelievable Price… $189,000 Lake Arrowhead Access Short walk to Beach, 3BR, 2BA, 2-car Det, Split-ranch design, Stone/woodburning FP, 9’ ceilings, 6-panel doors, ML laundry, 9’ basement, Low maintenance $164,900 Lake Arrowhead Lake Access, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 Garages! Redesigned, Remodeled, Renewed, WB FP, 3-season Porch, Hardwood Flooring, Mstr w/ Whirlpool, Newer Electric, Plumbing, Roof, Flooring, Convenient to Lake & Golf, Only $139,900!! Lake Arrowhead Access Near Lake Petenwell Knotty Pine Interior 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Mostly finished LL Wrap-around Deck 2-Car Garage, 1 Acre Great Price. $89,900! Lake Camelot Access 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 1-Car, Original Owner, Immaculate! Fireplace, Screen Porch, Big Deck, On 2 Lots! Full Basement , Beach Club A deal! $84,900 Lake Arrowhead Access 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths Master Suite, Screen Porch, Central Air, Near Sand Valley Golf Course, Totally Furnished! Move right in! $38,500 Full Log on the Lake - $249,900 This Lake Camelot waterfront cabin is the real deal, built with massive full logs. EVERYTHING is immaculate... inside and out! 132’ frontage, mature oak & pine, just a short distance to lower Camelot! Features include soaring open design with large great room complete w/log beamed pine ceiling, fieldstone woodburning FP, and plenty of windows to bring the outdoors in. Hickory eat-in kitchen with island; lake-side dining space with patio doors leading to the spacious concrete patio; expansive loft with log posts & log railing accents; main-level BR; main-level laundry; log accents & panel doors throughout; “crawl space” (5’ high with a concrete floor; covered porch; 2-car detached full-log garage with attic storage; full-log wood shed; concrete walk to pier; groomed, wooded yard; concrete drive. All interior furnishings, kitchen ware and bedding included ... pretty much everything except personal items and the muskie! You better hurry and take a look. You’ll love it! Golfer’s paradise. Own this fabulously spacious townhome on one of the Midwest’s finest courses - Lake Arrowhead’s The Lakes. 4BRs/3BAs, plenty of room for the family AND your golfing buddies. Features enormous great room with majestic cathedral ceiling in rustic knotty pine, floor to ceiling field stone fireplace, plenty of windows to enjoy the golf course view, spacious oak kitchen w/stainless appliances, breakfast bar and adjacent dining area; two bedrooms on the main level including a master suite with whirlpool tub and separate shower; main-level laundry; finished lower level with two bedrooms, a full bath and storage area; outside you’ll find a covered patio, beautifully wooded yard and an attached two car garage. So ... maintenance-free living on a championship golf course with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, and lake access to fantastic Lake Arrowhead! Rental program available. $189,000 SEARCH AREA LISTINGS at ROME-REALTY.COM Waterfront – Sherwood, Camelot, Arrowhead, Petenwell, Twin Lakes…$64,900 - $179,900 8BUFSGSPOU"DSFBHFUP"DSFTUPt-BLF"DDFTT1SPQFSUZ6Q Lake Arrowhead Golf Course Lots: The Pines Course $12,900-$49,900 The Lakes Course $12,000 - $69,500 4 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” NEW LISTING NEW PRICE LAKE CAMELOT WATERFRONT HOME Premier Custom Built Beauty w/Hard to Beat View! Big Lakeside Deck, 2 Firepl, Cab Filled Kitchen w/Snack Bar, Formal Dining & Dinette, Office, Mstr Ste, Family Rm w/Walkout, Guest Ste, 5 Car Garage. Laurie Hanser, (715) 3259000, $469,900 MLS 1734212. EXCEPTIONAL 3200+ SQ FT LAKE CAMELOT WATERFRONT HOME Expansive Gr8 Rm with see thru Fireplace between Living & Dining Rms, Gorgeous Kitchen w/Island & Snack Bar, Big 3 Season Porch with Water Views, Guest Suite w/ Walkout, Bonus Rm, 2 Kitchens, 3+ Garage Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $359,000 MLS 1690135. WIDE WATER LAKE CAMELOT FRONTAGE! You'll say "This is Lake Living" viewing this Fantastic 3+ Bedrm, 2 Bath Waterfront Ranch w/ Lg Gr8 Rm, FP, Vaulted Ceiling, Custom Kitchen, All Appl Stay, BIG Sun Rm, 26x30 Garage, Beach, & Pier. Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $299,777 MLS 1733883. 75' OPEN WATER LAKE CAMELOT CABIN! Make this cabin your recreational destination! Updated Inside & Out, 4 Bedrm/3 Bath, Gr8 Rm, 2 Firepl, Loft, Family Rm, Mst Ste w/Jet Tub, All Appl Incl, Waterside Screened Porch & Deck, 2+ Gar & Pier Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $279,900 MLS 1715404. LAKE CAMELOT ACCESS HOME! LOTS OF ROOM FOR ENTERTAINING! This Energy Certified 2004 Parade of Homes gem has 4 BD/3.5 BA & is handicap accessible. Cathedral ceilings, cherry floors & kitchen, 10' projector TV in LL theater room/bar, near beach club. Deb Kawleski, (715) 421-4444, $239,900 MLS 1725542. LAKE PETENWELL CONDO! WHAT A BUY! Custom Built Luxury Condo. Boat Slip, Heated Pool. Golf & ATV Trails near. Mst Ste w/Jet Tub, Shower, DBL Vanity Sink, All Appliances, 3 BD/4 BA, Gr8 Rm w/Fireplace, LL Rec Rm, Xtra Lg Garage. Laurie Hanser, (715) 3259000, $209,900 MLS 1717710. LAKE CAMELOT Relax & enjoy the view from this well maintained home. It features 2 BR & 2 full BA with a bonus room & FR in the lower level. The screen porch is a great place for those quiet evenings. Michelle Jensen, (715) 3259000, $200,000 MLS 1628960. LOG SIDED HOME IN THE COUNTRY ON 3.16 ACRES!! Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home. Wood Burning Fireplace in Living Room. Full Basement plumbed for 3rd bath. Large Eatin Kitchen with Oak Cabinets. Detached 3 car garage. Enjoy the wildlife! Ernie Fisher, (715) 325-9000, $169,900 MLS 1730609. LIKE-NEW LAKE ARROWHEAD ACCESS RANCH ON .975 ACRES! Located across from Pines Course & near clubhouse. Light & bright, 3 BD/2.5 BA, att garage. Spacious living rm w/FP, lrg kitchen. MF laundry. Private deck. Enjoy all amenities Lake Arrowhead offers! Deb Kawleski, (715) 421-4444, $169,900 MLS 1716392. LAKE CAMELOT RANCH WITH 114' OF FRONTAGE! Open floor plan w/vaulted ceilings, freestanding FP. Newer roof, windows, & huge patio doors overlooking large deck. 3.5+ gar. Newer 3 BD septic. Pier, private .57 ac lot. Great location! Anne Fischer, (715) 325-9000, $169,000 MLS 1706004. LAKE CAMELOT WATERFRONT 79 ft of Prime Wide Water Frontage on Lake Camelot. Walk-Out Lower Level. 2 Bedrm, 2 Ba, 2 Car Garage with plenty of storage in Loft. 2 gas freestanding stoves. Add on or Rebuild. Sunsets are AWESOME! Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $159,900 MLS 1701173. LAKE CAMELOT BEACH CLUB ACCESS Nice Ranch Home near Beach Club & Camelot Lodge! Gr8 Rm, Kitchen w/Snack Bar & Pantry. Fam Rm w/Gas Stove, Mst Ste, Jet Tub in Main Bath, MF UT or Hook-ups in LL. 2 Concrete Patios & Drive. UT Shed Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $135,500 MLS 1726623. NEW LISTING NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW LISTING LAKE ARROWHEAD ACCESS RANCH ON .97 PRIVATE ACRES! Close to the Pines Course & Clubhouse yet surrounded by privacy! Efficient 3 BR/2BA home w/master suite. Woodburning FP. Spacious kitchen! Low maintenance & low energy bills. 2 lots. Anne Fischer, (715) 325-9000, $129,900 MLS 1718018. 77' LAKE CAMELOT FRONTAGE FOUND! Perfect Affordable Waterfront Getaway Home or Retreat that is TURN KEY! Roomy Living Areas, Dining Area w/ Patio Doors leading to Waterside Deck. Solid Surface Kitchen Counters, Pier & Shed. Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $125,900 MLS 1693168. UPDATED HOME/3 STALL GARAGE & 30X48 POLE BLDG ON 1.75 ACRES! 2 BD/3 BA mobile home with full basement & 3 stall garage. Sunken Living Room with Gas Fireplace. New Kitchen/ Dining Flooring, Abundance of Cabinets/Counter Space, & Newer Appliances! Keri Parmeter, (715) 325-9000, $74,900 MLS 1733417. CITY OF ADAMS - RENTAL POSSIBILITIES OR FAMILY HOME! Bring your ideas and take over the remodeling projects that have already been started. A perfect family home or rental in the City of Adams. Michelle Jensen, (715) 325-9000, $59,900 MLS 1727944. L A K S E H S E R A W R O R O O D W H P E E A T D E N C W A E M L E L L O T Our “Lakes Area” properties Include Lakes Arrowhead, Camelot, Sherwood, Petenwell & Castle Rock! LAKE CAMELOT WATERFRONT LOT 24x24 Garage already built on this nicely landscaped fully improved waterfront lot. Ready to build your home or camp. Conv Septic, Water, Electric, Concrete Drive, Fenced in Yard & Pier w/bench. Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $84,900 MLS 1618305. LAKE CAMELOT WATERFRONT LOT Large lot on the channel between Upper & Lower Camelot with over 114' of frontage. The lot has recently been cleaned up and would make a beautiful building or camping site. Shed is included. Anne Fischer, (715) 325-9000, $75,000 MLS 1585390. LAKE CAMELOT WATER FRONT LOT Don't miss out. 68' Frontage, sand bottom, located at quiet end of channel w/privacy, little boat traffic, good fishing, swimming, pier, electric, shed & water. Wooded .60 Acre, camp or build. Laurie Hanser, (715) 325-9000, $69,900 MLS 1634952. LAKE ARROWHEAD CAMPING LOT WITH 30' TRAILER! Large storage building, well & septic already in, & electric & telephone run in. Nicely wooded, well-kept half acre lot with lots of extras. Gary Pond, (715) 325-9000, $29,900 MLS 1725436. SNUG HARBOR WATERFRONT LOT! Call the builder & live "your" dream. Beautifully wooded and just under an acre with 82' of frontage in the quiet harbor. Michelle Jensen, (715) 325-9000, $25,900 MLS 1726629. LAKE ARROWHEAD GOLF COURSE LOT! .87 Acre w/125' of golf course frontage. Only a short walk to West Lake Center to Swim, Boat, & Fish. Enjoy all the Lake Arrowhead amenities--2 outdoor pools, tennis, reduced golf rates & more! Deb Kawleski, (715) 421-4444, $24,500 MLS 1714815. LAKE CAMELOT ACCESS LOT! Improved lot with a newer septic system & electrical service. This is one of the nicest lots remaining on Kings Way. Nicely cleared & waiting for you to camp or build. Deb Kawleski, (715) 4214444, $22,000 MLS 1711321. LAKE CAMELOT ACCESS – 2 LOTS! Camp or build! Short walk to beach club. Imp incl well, elec, cable & shed. Great recreational area. Boat, fish, swim, ski, ATV & snowmobile trails. Close to 2 champion golf courses! Gary Pond, (715) 325-9000, $17,900 MLS 1694743. PLEASE CALL OR VISIT firstweber.com FOR ALL AVAILABLE HOMES & VACANT LOTS February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 5 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” View all area listings at www.TheCBadvantage.com L A K S E H S E R A W R O R O O D W H P E E A T D E N C W A E M L E L L O T SERVING ROME/LAKES AREA (715) 325-7335 or visit us at www.TheCBadvantage.com ADVANTAGE 1714227 $289,000 &HQWUDO:,JHWDZD\%HDXWLIXO%5%$ ELOHYHOKRPHRQDFUHV &DWKHGUDOFHLOLQJVVHFXULW\V\VWHPRSHQÁRRU SODQÀUHSODFH :DWHUIURQWDJHZGRFNSLHUFDUJDUDJH 1HDUE\JROIFRXUVHV (QMR\FRXQWU\OLYLQJÀVKLQJERDWLQJGHHU WXUNH\KXQWLQJ 1733566 $289,000 7KHSHUIHFWUHWUHDW\UVQHZFXVWRP%5 %$UDLVHGUDQFK 6HWRIIWKHURDGRQDFUHVZLWKJXHVWFDELQ DVDQGERWWRPSRQG VTIWKRPH·[·SROHVKHGV DWWDFKHGFDUJDUDJH (QMR\WKHOXVKZRRGVZWUDLOVSULYDWHSRQG« QHDU3HWHQZHOO/DNH 1733541 $9,000 9DFDQWDFUHZRRGHGORWLQDTXLHWDUHDRI /DNH$UURZKHDG 5HDG\IRU\RXWREXLOG\RXUJHWDZD\DGMDFHQW WRSDUNJUHHQZD\ (QMR\WKHDUHDJROÀQJZDWHUVNLLQJÀVKLQJ $79VQRZPRELOHWUOV 1726697 $159,900 'HHGHGODNHDFFHVVQRIURQWDJH %HDXWLIXOFRQWHPSRUDU\VW\OH%5%$ KRPHLQ:,5DSLGV 1729694 $34,900 1LFHFOHDUHGDFUHORWUHDG\IRUFDPSLQJ 'HVLUDEOHQHLJKERUKRRGZHOOPDLQWDLQHGORW )HDWXUHVLQFOVWRQH)3RSHQVWDLUFDVHQHZ RUEXLOGLQJ\RXUKRPH VWDLQOHVVDSSOLDQFHV ,PSURYHPHQWVLQFOXGH%5VHSWLFPXQLFLSDO 'RJNHQQHOLQEDFN\DUGQLFHGHFNORWVRI ZDWHUHOHFWULF WUHHVIRUVKDGH ,QFOXGHVVWRUDJHVKHGÀUHULQJDQG\UROG FDPSLQJWUDLOHU -RLQDVVRFZDFFHVVWREHDFKSOD\JURXQG YROOH\EDOOVKXIÁHERDUG 1724800 $104,900 %HDXWLIXOZRRGHG$ORWZ·ZDWHUIURQW 4XLHWFXOGHVDFZLWKEHDXWLIXOVXQVHWV $249,000 +DVXQGHUJURXQGHOHFWULFLW\WHOHSKRQHFDEOH 1719097 $VVRFSXWVLQWDNHVRXWERDWSLHUVHDFK\HDU 0XVWVHHWKLVRQHRZQHUKRPH :DWHUYLHZVIURPPRVWURRPV 1671350 $17,000 - Priced to sell! 0DVWHU%5VXLWHZSULYDWHEDWKRSHQ DFUHZRRGHGFDPSLQJEXLOGLQJVLWH FRQFHSWOLYLQJZRRG)3 ,QWKHKHDUWRIVQRZPRELOH$79WUDLOV *RUJHRXVZDWHUIURQWDJHZSHUPLWIRUSLHU /DNH3HWHQZHOODUHD:,·VQGODUJHVWODNH IXOOZDONRXWEDVHPHQW $FFHVVWRÀVKLQJKXQWLQJHWF&OHDUHG $UHDVZLPPLQJSRROWHQQLVFRXUWV UHDG\WRFDPSEXLOG JROIFRXUVHVPRUH 1705348 $92,500 5HFUHDWLRQDO3DUDGLVH/RJKRPHLVVHWRIIWKH URDGRQDFUHV %5%$KRPHIHDWXUHVZRRG)3OJ)5RQ// FRYHUHGGHFN +DVIHQFHG\DUGRYHUVL]HGFDUJDUDJH 0DQ\LPSURYHPHQWV &ORVHWRODNHVJROÀQJSXEOLFKXQWLQJ$79 VQRZPRELOHWUDLOV 1724526 $170,000 )LVKHUPDQ·VSDUDGLVHRQ5RFKH$&UL&UHHN IWRIIURQWDJH 6HFOXGHGVHWWLQJZLWKDFUHV%5%$ KRPHZPDQ\XSGDWHV %DVHPHQWLVSDUWLDOO\ÀQLVKHGZIDPLO\URRP EDWK +DVQHZZLQGRZVIXUQDFHFHQWUDODLUZDWHU KHDWHUPXFKPRUH View all area listings at www.TheCBadvantage.com 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ7KH&%DGYDQWDJHFRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ7KH&%DGYDQWDJHFRP 9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ7KH&%DGYDQWDJHFRP9LHZDOODUHDOLVWLQJVDWZZZ7KH&%DGYDQWDJHFRP "Where Nature Inspires Lifestyle" 15 - 30%rnOitfurf e February Speci al An Item with a Bea y r is 15% off Marshfield Fu 2 Miles South of Ho Chunk S3949 Cty BD (Business 12) Baraboo, WI TS BEDROOM SE LOG & TIMBER $10.00 Off Regular-Price Purchase of $40. Valid thru March 2015 6 866.235.9371 Open 9 to 5 Daily – We Deliver! www.PapaBearsNorthwoods.com www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Peg Kohnhorst 608-374-2138 peg.kohnhorst@century21.com 949 N. Superior Ave., Tomah, Wisconsin 54660 CENTURY 21 GOLD AWARD HOMES, LLC RESIDENTIAL – COMMERCIAL – NEW CONSTRUCTION OWN A PENINSULA - WATERFRONT INCOME PROPERTY CENTRAL WISCONSIN Luxurious Executive Waterfront! 7 turn-key fully furnished suites of which there are six 1 BR, 1 BA. Owners' Suite is 2 BR, 2 BA. All w/FP, laundry, balcony/patio, private entrance, on-site parking. Minutes from Fort McCoy and Veterans +RVSLWDO*UHDWUHQWDOKLVWRU\1RWLQDÁRRGSODLQ$629,900 COMMERCIAL – 3 BUSINESSES IN ONE! C E N T R A L 200 Hwy 12/16 - Camp Douglas 1710966 - Well established Gas Station/Restaurant/Quiznos. Visible from and only 1/2 mile off I-94. Newer roof and pumps. Equipment included. $689,900 W I S C O N S I N T CE PRI EMEN ROV IMP MLS# 1304719 25 feet of waterfront on Lake Sherwood - joining development Lakes on 14 mile creek. A very nice parcel that would make a great get away place from the hustle and bustle of city life. $55,000 MLS# 1407089 Don't miss this large 4 BR, 2 bath Ranch! Over 2000 sq ft! Lake Arrowhead access. Priced WRVHOOÀQLVKHGORZHUOHYHOZLWKKXJHIDPLO\URRPDQG EDUDUHD+RPHRIIHUV0DVWHUEHGURRPDQGPDLQÁRRU laundry. Home is located between Lake Petenwell and Lake Arrowhead! Near Sand Valley Golf Resort. $68,900 MLS# 1406668 Discover a hidden gem in the Rome Lakes Recreational Area! Charming 2BR getaway home just 1/2 block from Beach Club and lake access. New shingles & CA. 2 stall detached garage. $106,900 MLS# 1407537 Enjoy the beautiful Wisconsin River from your own day cottage located on 2.21 wooded acres with 130' MOL of scenic water footage. For many years, this has been a family cottage used as a get-away from the city and its luxuries just miles away. With electricity and LP, gas, the cottage has a spacious living room with sleeper, kitchen and a wood burning FP, screened in porch and KDUGZRRGÁRRUV7KHFRWWDJHLVEHLQJVROGLQDVLVFRQGLWLRQ$193,000 MLS # 1404160 Nicely updated 2 bed, 2 bath located on 40 acres, mostly wooded. 3 car garage plus pole shed perfect for workshop and all your toys! Watch wildlife from your sunroom with freestanding fireplace or from the deck and patio area. Beautifully landscaped yard with sprinklers system and fenced garden area. 1/2 mile from Le Petenwell. Save money by heating with mostly wood for the winter. $219,900 MLS# 13050577KLVZDWHUIURQWEHGURRPEDWKODNHDUrowhead home has been custom designed for family living and HQWHUWDLQLQJ7KHFUDIWVPDQLQIOXHQFHVDUHVHHQWKURXJKRXWZLWK the tasteful use of stone and wood. Enjoy spectacular lake views from all three levels. You can’t help being impressed by the two VWRU\HQWU\ZLWKVN\OLJKWVDQGORIWDUHD7ZRPDVWHUVXLWHVDUHLQ the upstairs bedroom area and the other for your guests on the lower level with a full walk out to the patio and lake. $328,000 MLS# 1403718 Fantastic Sunset views from this spacious 3 bedroom Lake Sherwood home with 140 feet of water frontage. A new [VROLGUHGZRRGWKUHHVHDVRQVURRPZDVDGGHGLQ7KH hickory kitchen was added approx. 12 years ago with kitchen island IHDWXULQJVQDFNEDUUROORXWVKHOYHVDQGWUDVKFRPSDFWRU7KHPDLQ ÁRRUODXQGU\URRP[ZDVDGGHGLQ$OOVL[SDQHORDN doors. Anderson windows. Spacious formal dining. $329,900 MLS# 1400985 Old World Elegance meets Modern Convenience in this custom lake home in Central WI. Meticulous attention to detail is evident as you step into the grand foyer with views to the water. Great room with cedar beams, library wall oversized patio doors, wet bar, and grand stone 31 foot ÀUHSODFH&XVWRPNLWFKHQIRUPDOGLQLQJURRP0DVWHUEDWK with Jacuzzi tub. Bathroom for every bedroom. $859,000 February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 7 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Loan amounts over 250K – No Closing Costs! Programs include Conventional, Jumbo, VA, FHA, USDA t1VSDIBTFt3FmOBODF t8*BOE.*1SPQFSUJFT&MJHJCMF Ask me about our $500 on-time closing guarantee* Peoples Home Equity N14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr., Waukesha, WI 53188 C A S T R L O E M E R O L C A K K P E T E N W E L L peopleshomeequity.com/index.php/michael_reuter Mike Reuter Branch Manager/Mortgage Loan Originator P 414.807.8624 F 414.292.3292 mreuter@emailphe.com *Please call for details. NMLS# 258919 NMLS# 63371 WI Loan Originator # 5162 APPLY WITH MIKE TODAY! E S A R E A 8 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Beth Goethel GRI Broker/Owner Recreation and Resort Specialist email: bethgoethel@remax.net RE/MAX Grand – 144 4th Ave. – Baraboo, WI 53913 608-548-1058 Mobile INFO 24/7 2324036 INFO 24/7 2493838 608-356-4100 Office 1551379 INFO 24/7 INFO 24/7 1598275 ED! REDUC 1728455 NEAR WI RIVER $29,900 3HUIHFWEXLOGLQJVLWHDFURVVIURP:,5LYHU +HDYLO\ZRRGHGZLWKQLFHKDUGZRRGV 1LFHEHDFKMXVWGRZQWKHURDG -XVWPLQXWHVIURPGRZQWRZQ:,'HOOV 9DFDWLRQ\HDUURXQGEULQJ\RXUEOXHSULQWV INFO 24/7 2025653 1733880 IDEAL BUILDING SITE ON BARABOO'S NORTH SIDE $49,900 &ORVHWR6FKRROVDQG&ROOHJH :RRGHG&RUQHU/RWERUGHUV*UHHQ6SDFH (DV\DFFHVVWR+Z\%\SDVV *UHDW/RFDWLRQ*UHDW3ULFH INFO 24/7 2459582 1688229 CASTLE ROCK LAKE AREA GETAWAY $94,900 DFUHV%59DFDWLRQRU<HDU5RXQG+RPH 1HDU:LV5LYHU2QO\0LQXWHVIURP :,'HOOV &DU*DUDJH)XOO%DVHPHQW Call Bill INFO 24/7 C A S T L L E A K R E O C W K I S C P O E N T S E I N N W E L L 1692118 Lot #26 MAYS POINT $19,500 &DVWOH5RFN/DNH$FFHVV 3ULYDWHSLHU 3DYHGURDGIURQWDJH :RRGHGZLWKPDWXUHWUHHV $FFHVVWRVDQGEHDFKDQGERDWODXQFK INFO 24/7 2381787 CALL BILL 608-434-1470 1715731 5 ACRE BUILDING SITE NEAR CASTLE ROCK LAKE $22,000 %XLOG\RXUGUHDPKRPHQHDUSXEOLFKXQWLQJ &ORVHWRERDWODXQFK 2QO\0LQXWHVWR:,'HOOV ,QWKHKHDUWRIVHDVRQUHFUHDWLRQDODUHD INFO 24/7 2299757 1732914 CASTLE ROCK LAKE WATERFRONT CONDO $225,000 %HGURRPV%DWKURRPV)LQLVKHG// 9DXOWHG&HLOLQJV)LUHSODFH :DWHUYLHZVIURP(YHU\5RRP 'HWDFKHG*DU6WRUDJH6KHG/DUJH'HFN INFO 24/7 2271075 1735260 ACROSS THE STREET FROM DUTCH HOLLOW LAKE!! $18,900 %HDXWLIXO9LHZV (QMR\'XWFK+ROORZ$PHQLWLHV&OXEKRXVH 3RROV%HDFK1DWXUH7UDLOVDQG)LVKLQJ %XLOG<RXU3HUIHFW*HWDZD\ INFO 24/7 2166899 1730479 COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN! $209,500 4XLHW/RFDWLRQRQ$FUHV :RRG%XUQLQJ)LUHSODFH$SSOH7UHHV )RRG3ORWVIRUWKH'HHU [*DUDJH6KRS0RUH2XWEXLOGLQJV INFO 24/7 1536508 ED! REDUC 1727460 94 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING AND BUILDING SITE - $299,900 2QO\PLQXWHV1RUWKRI:,'HOOV 9DOOH\VZDWHUZRRGVFURSVDQGZLOGOLIH 1HDU2PDKD%LNH7UDLO&DPS'RXJODVDQG 3HWHQZHOODQG&DVWOH5RFN/DNHV 1725327 CHARMING BUNGALOW IN BARABOO $114,500 %XLOWLQVDQGRULJLQDOZRRGZRUN &ORVHWRSDUNVVFKRROV%DUDERR5LYHU %5%$)3DQGIDPLO\URRP /RYHO\EDFN\DUGDQGSDWLR INFO 24/7 | Call 801-494-8381 Then enter the corresponding info number February 2015 1722636 DUTCH HOLLOW GREENWAY LOT - BUILD YOUR DREAM $68,900 &U\VWDO&OHDU:DWHU*UHDW)LVKLQJ ([WUD3ULYDF\&RQYHQLHQFH 0DQ\$PHQLWLHV%HDFK3RRO7UDLOV7HQQLV %HWZHHQ/D9DOOH:RQHZRF LAKE BUCKHORN ACCESS LOT! $49,900 $FUHORWZLWKSULYDWHODNHDFFHVV &RQYHQLHQWORFDWLRQEHWZHHQ%DUDERR 5HHGVEXUJ:LV'HOOV :RRGHGORWLQDUHDRIQLFHKRPHV $PHQLWLHVLQFOXGHG&OXEKRXVHZDONLQJ WUDLOVEHDFKSOD\JURXQG www.bethgoethel.remax.com www.wislakesguide.com 9 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” The Lake & Country Specialists Since 1960 - Castle Rock Lake/Lake Petenwell Phone: (608) 339-9001 Mobile: (608) 547-0468 Toll Free: 1-877-508-2326 LLC Email: whitemarshrealty@gmail.com We are members of the So. Central WI MLS /.BJO4Ut#PYt"EBNT8* LLC LLC REAL ESTATE with GORDIE WHITEMARSH today! List your ADAMS COUNTY C A S T L E R O C K P E T E N W E L L Mobile: (608) 547-0468 LAKE HOME FRIENDSHIP LAKE ADAMS CO. POLE BARN & 9.4 ACRES R2674 - 61' of waterfrontage on Friendship Lake features Rustic Home with walkout basement, Knotty Pine Main Floor w/open Kitchen/Living Room, 3 Bedrooms & Full Bath! LL Walkout w/Woodstove! Natural Gas Heating. 1/2 mile to Friendship! Quiet Area! 2 Garages 20'x26 & 14'x22. Ideal Year round Retreat! $139,900 R2605--60' of water frontage on beautiful Friendship Lake! Well Cared for Home with knotty pine living room with, windows overlooking the lake, kitchen, Full Bath, Bedroom, Great Location! 12x24 covered patio, 20x34 Garage! Located on quiet private road. $109,000 NEW PRICE $97,500 L6062--Adams County is the place to be!! Beautiful 9.4 Wooded Acres very secluded in Town of Big Flats on ATV Route. Long driveway through woods to beautiful area with 30'x45' Pole Barn! Nice location to build your home or pitch a tent. Great Hunting Area, Lots of Wildlife! NEW PRICE $49,900 WISCONSIN DELLS 46 ACRES CASTLE ROCK LAKE HOME ON 25 ACRES SECLUDED MOBILE 7.9 ACRES R2659- About 46 Acres on County Rd Q just outside the Wisconsin Dells. Beautiful Country Setting with 2 Story Farmhouse, Tall Mature Trees! Partially Wooded, Creek runs along edge of property! Buy this beautiful property today! $149,000 R2661-LIKE NEW RUSTIC RANCH 1912 Birch Ave Beautiful Home with Wood floors, Living/Dining Room with Woodstove & Fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 Baths on Main Floor plus Knotty Pine 3 Season Rm, Full Basement, Decks & More. 26x32 3 Car Garage! Near Lake. Motivated Seller $124,900 R2627--Awesome 25 Wooded & Secluded Acres, heavily wooded ridge w/rock outcroppings. Features nice home tucked away in the woods off the road in a quiet area! Just about 15/20 minutes from WI Dells! Great Deer & Turkey Hunting! $139,900 REDUCED $129,500 R2595-7.9 Wooded Acres, Beautiful Country Setting Quiet/Secluded Lots of Wildlife! Nice 3 Bdrm 2 bath 16x80 Mobile Home! 22' x 27' Garage with Loft! Covered Picnic Area! 15 minutes to the Wisconsin Dells! Priced to Sell at $69,900 COUNTRY SHOWPLACE R2621-Beautiful Country Showplace with 2.5 Acres! Like New Custom Built Home vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, woodburning Fireplace, custom built cabinetry, Awesome Open Living Rm Dining Rm Kitchen,3 bdrms 2baths on 1st floor. Large Lower Level Rec Room walkout to Patio! bath,Laundry & 2 more Bedrooms! Attached 2 Car Garage,Blacktop Drive! Awesome Property New Price $235,000 HOME ON 78+ ACRES RANCH 19+ ACRES TWO HOMES & 4.5 ACRES R2521-Awesome Country Setting 78+ Acres Woods, Field, Dead Horse Creek, 36'x60' Ranch Full Basement, 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1st Floor Laundry, Cathedral Knotty Pine Ceiling, Fieldstone Fireplace, Great deer and turkey hunting! 36' x 60' Pole Barn. NEW PRICE Call for Details! R2635-19+ Acres, beautifully Wooded acreage with trails, has Klein Creek frontage, great location 1 mile to town features cozy 3 Bedroom Home with Basement, Wood furnace many updates. 24x26 Garage,Large Garden Area! Motivated Sellers Great Price at $135,000 REDUCED $115,000 R2656-4.5 Acres & Two Homes! Beautifully Updated Ranch with Full basement, 3BR/2BA, Open Living Room & kitchen, 1st floor laundry, 24x28 Garage + 14x66 Mobile Home with 2BR/1BA also updated – looks fantastic, 1 car garage & workshop! 1 mile to town! Wooded Acreage! All this for Only $149,900 WI DELLS HOME 35 ACRES HOME 5 ACRES RANCH ON 9 ACRES CASTLE ROCK LAKE R2636--35 Acres with beautiful Ranch Home, awesome country setting in a quiet area close to Fawn Lake & WI Dells! Has Woods, field, large garden area, pole barn, garage, Lots of Wildlife!! Affordable!! $180,000 R2679-About 5 Acres near Lake Petenwell on 21st Ave! Cozy Home with great Country Setting! Two Garages 30x24 & 24x24 Plus Two Storage Buildings 8x12 & 10x14'. Garden Area! Great location & Affordable! Priced to Sell at $69,500 R2632--NEW PRICE Beautiful Country Secluded Ranch Home on 9 Wooded Acres on ATV Route across the road from Public Hunting Timber Lands! 3 Bedrooms 1.5 baths,Full Basement, 16x24 Addition! Country Setting 30x36' Pole Barn Plus Garage & Storage building!Short drive to Petenwell Now Just $145,900 R2631-Beautiful frontage on Castle Rock Lake, awesome views/sunsets Ideal Cottage with 2 Bedrooms,Kitchen,Bath, Living Room with Stone Fireplace,Patio overlooking lake, great location! Great Boating & Fishing! Only $149,900 Northern Adams County 40 Acres L6103--40 Acres Wooded & Secluded in Town of Big Flats, quiet area! Lots of Wildlife, Great Hunting & Building Area! New Price $82,000 10 (PSEJF8IJUFNBSTI MANY MORE LISTINGS ON OUR WEBSITE!! XXXXIJUFNBSTISFBMUZPOMJOFDPNtXXXHPSEPOXIJUFNBSTIDPN www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” FREE 24 Hr. Info Line 800.998.2694 #4034 Call Peggy POYNETTE 1734996 Quality 3BR, 3BA open concept ranch on 2 acres w/knotty alder wood panel doors, cabinets and trim. Gourmet kitchen, appliances, custom cabinets, walk-in pantry, wet bar w/wine/beverage fridge. Master suite has walk in closet & dual vanities. LL rec room, office, storage. Wood burning FP. 3 car heated gar + 30x50 Cleary Building w/electrical. BUFFALO LAKE 1692921 Cute chalet style 4BR year 'round cabin w/200' of frontage on Buffalo Lake. Double lot, private boat launch & gorgeous sunsets over the water. Buffalo Lake is a great area for hunting, fishing, snowmobiling & boating. Why drive an extra 3 hrs. north - Marquette Co. has everything you want for 1/2 the price?? Quick closing possible. #4154 Call Steve LAKE WISCONSIN 1716896 Wooded & very private. View of Lake WI from every room! Approx 5000+ sq/ft upscale home. 4+ gar, 2 kitchens, master w/2 separate bathrooms & see through gas fireplace shared with living room, skylights in kitchen. All rooms with large walk-in closets. Expansive lake views everywhere in the lower level too. WESTFIELD 1722682 Quiet country living in 3 bedroom 2 bath home w/new metal roofs, updated electric, furnace, well, covered porch/ deck, newer appliances, black top drive & concrete floor in 36x72 pole barn. Heated shop of 28x30, 220 elect in outbldg. Close to Lake Lawrence and all yours on 2 acres with a short drive from Madison or Chicago. Enter Code# #5024 COTTAGE GROVE 1709400 Custom built 1 owner 2400 sq/ft 4BR, 2BA featuring private, wooded 3.92 acres zoned RH-1. Solid wood doors, trim & floors, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, 2 FPs – family rm & master. Only the best details and materials in this well maintained home. 30x40 pole shed w/concrete & elec. Incredible setting, all just 15 mins from Madison. #2024 NEAR WI RIVER 1722895 Large 3BR ranch on over 2 acres. Nestled on the edge of the woods minutes from the WI River. Beautifully landscaped yard w/large deck & w/o LL w/hot tub. LL features wet bar & built-in TV. Great place to entertain. New living room carpet. Large master suite with master bath and walk in closet. Kitchen that features Whirlpool appliances. S O U T H SCHUSTER REALTY GROUP www.SchusterRealtyGroup.com STEVEN SCHUSTER PEGGY ANKER homesbysteve@yahoo.com peganker@gmail.com 608-692-3331 608-712-3993 Preferred C E N T R A L W I February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 11 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” M A U S T O N N E C E D A H NEW LISBON 3 bedroom waterfront townhouse on Castle Rock Lake. Large kitchen island open to the living room and dining room. Main level bedroom, bathroom and laundry. Enjoy your evening next to the fire-pit. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $349,900 MLS 1709971. ARMENIA Well maintained, open concept, 3 Br/2 Ba, with en suite garden tub, double basin vanity, spacious walkin closet, large mud room/laundry and Kitchen Island. Secluded on beautiful 30+ acres. Guy Moore, (608) 847-2100, $187,500 MLS 1730248 MAUSTON Be your own Boss!! Well established Dry Gulch Saloon and eatery has many seats at the bar, tables & chairs, & a back seating area for Friday night fish fry or parties. The opportunities are endless. Angela Locken, (608) 8472100, $148,900 MLS 1713079. QUINCY Enjoy this barely lived in home with brand new appliances. Open concept floor plan. Includes 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2 car attached garage. All this within 2 miles of Castle Rock Lake. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $129,900 MLS 1708851. LISBON Terrific location conveniently located outside of Mauston. 4.44 acres with woods and trails adjacent to public lands. Lovely views of the bluffs. Many newer updates including carpeting & more. Calene Ehrlich Bond, (608) 8472100, $129,000 MLS 1720891. GRAND MARSH Great vacation getaway is located with in 13 miles of Wisconsin Dells and close to snowmobile and ATV trails. This 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home rests in the secluded woods on 1.85 acres. Jim Beaver, (608) 847-2100, $98,000 MLS 1721486. LEMONWEIR Over 3 acres just outside of town a few miles. 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home with open living/dining & kitchen with a vaulted ceiling. Master bedroom has a hot tub, stand up shower and walk in closet. Angela Locken, (608) 8472100, $88,500 MLS 1734646. MAUSTON 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a quiet street in Mauston. This home has been completely remodeled with newer furnace, and roof. Hardwood floors, newer carpeting, huge cupboards in the kitchen. Angela Locken, (608) 8472100, $87,900 MLS 1714181. NECEDAH 5 acre wooded get away, close to Buckhorn and Castle Rock Lakes. Shed for all your toys and a cozy park model trailer to spend your evenings. Appliances and lawn mowers included. Owner willing to sell. Terra Beaver, (608) 847-2100, $68,500 MLS 1730977. HUSTLER Everything is on one floor. 2 large bedrooms, huge kitchen with lots of nice cabinets. Over-sized 2 car attached garage. (28x25) located in the quiet country village of Hustler. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $64,900 MLS 1717929. MAUSTON Three bedroom, one bath home. Huge family room with a fireplace and bar. Open kitchen & dining room. Laundry on main floor along with bedroom. Full basement, two car garage, & large lot. Angela Locken, (608) 8472100, $59,900 MLS 1731140. WONEWOC Amazing duplex located in Wonewoc, well maintained, hard wood floors, beautiful wood work. This has so much to offer. 2 high efficiency furnaces along with central air units, and new water heaters. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $49,900 MLS 1710241. NEW LISBON This home is nestled on a beautiful lot with mature trees surrounding it as well as 2 raised garden beds. A new roof and new Lenox furnace were both installed in 2011. Calene Ehrlich Bond, (608) 847-2100, $44,900 MLS 1729996. MAUSTON Very nice remodeled roomy 1 bedroom home on quiet street in Mauston. Large 2+ car garage w/2 lots. Located close to park, shopping & hospital. Would be a great investment or inexpensive way to live. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $39,900 MLS 1734087. GERMANTOWN Just minutes from Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake, this residence would make a wonderful fishing cabin or full time home. This home has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath with a large living area. Jim Beaver, (608) 8472100, $34,900 MLS 1720966. NEW LISBON This home is situated on an extra large lot and offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, main floor laundry. Features an updated kitchen with plenty of cabinet space and a large living room. PRICED TO SELL! Angela Locken, (608) 8472100, $19,900 MLS 1734193. Our “Lakes Area” properties are on or near the beautiful Castle Rock and Petenwell Lakes! NEW LISBON Beautiful hunting/recreational land to build your cabin or dream home. Perfect amount of woods & water for all year round fun. Four wheeler trail already through the property. Call today! Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $199,900 MLS 1699377. NEW LISBON Great Bargain! PRICED BELOW ASSESSED VALUE. Perfect for hunting or building in the woods. 5.73 acres of driveway back into 40 acre parcel. Calene Ehrlich Bond, (608) 847-2100, $82,000 MLS 1712130. NECEDAH 30 acres close to Castle Rock and Petenwell. Come build your get away dream house or deer camp. Great hunting, wildlife all around, 4 wheeler trails, snowmobile trails, boating, & ice fishing. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $134,700 MLS 1729359. ROME 7+/- acres build able vacant land 1 block to Petenwell Lake. Road right of way is part of the property. Come check it out today! Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $24,900 MLS 1731146. MAUSTON This commercial property is loaded w/many possibilities for developer. Great location right off of Hwy 82 E and access to I90/94 with a high traffic pattern. Near truck stop & fast food restaurant. Calene Ehrlich Bond, (608) 847-2100, $120,000 MLS 1726911. NECEDAH 5 acres close to Castle Rock and Petenwell. Come build your get away dream house or deer camp. Great hunting, wildlife all around, 4 wheeler trails, snowmobile trails, boating, & ice fishing. Angela Locken, (608) 847-2100, $22,500 MLS 1729356. NEW LISBON HUNT, CAMP, PLAY on this 42.85 acres, partially wooded. Provides food and cover for wildlife. Black top road, easy on/off interstate great get away property. 27.85 acres are in MFP. Sherrill Murphy, (608) 847-2100, $119,900 MLS 1688006. GERMANTOWN Beautiful wooded building lot in Castle Rock Estates which offers a private sand beach and swimming pond. See MLS# 1723459 for Home & lot right across the street. Calene Ehrlich Bond, (608) 847-2100, $11,000 MLS 1726510. 514 State Road 82, Suite A, Mauston, WItGJSTUXFCFSDPN 12 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Our business is not all about us... It's all about YOU! Enjoy VIP service today! V.I.P. REALTY 800 Superior Avenue, Tomah, WI 54660 Visit our website: www.viprealty4u.com 5PMM'SFFt1I QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY! Quality built home, added touches, thoughtful designs and tasteful extras throughout. Even the huge 28x30 gaUDJHLVÀQLVKHGZLWKLQVXODWHGZDOOVFHLOing. 14x20 additional storage shed. Enjoy the wind blowing through the pines. 16208 Huckleberry Rd. $197,500 LETS HAVE SOME FUN! 3URSHUW\ KDV · RI FKDQQHO IURQWDJH ZLWK a dock where you can catch bluegill, bass, RWKHUSDQÀVKDQGDWQLJKWEXOOKHDG*RGRZQstream to Washington Lake or Shawano Lake. Go upstream to Loon Lake. Most furnishings incl! Beautifully remodeled – must see. N6674 Loon Lake Dr. – Shawano $109,500 GET-A-WAY! Affordable get-a-way/ great base camp for KXQWLQJÀVKLQJZKHHOLQJVQRZPRELOLQJ and other outdoor sports. The property is ideally located new the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge. 13” of ceiling insulation & Amana furnace. Electric toilet incl. 10774 Main St – Mather $29,900 SMALL DOUGH FOR BIG BUCKS! Incredible 34 acres for your hunting pleasure plus building sites with amazing views. Good mix of hardwood w/maple, butternut and hickory and black locust. Seller states that there is some marketable timber. Land is not in any government program. 34 Acres Co. Z $99,900 CAN BE PURCHASED AS A PACKAGE DEAL! PROCESS THIS!! The 28x36 pole shed is set up with a room devoted to deer processing with electric and water! The home has an open concept. Count the deer from the deck overlooking a pond. There is also a creek on the property. 6106 Cty Hwy N - Warrens $179,000 BIG CATCH! DUCK! 30 acre piece with stocked 7+ acre pond could be the big catch for the VHULRXVÀVKHUPDQRUKXQWHU(OHFWULF to the pond aerator. There is great duck, deer & turkey hunting here. Many 4 wheeler trails, a rustic cabin needs repair. Co. N - Warrens $170,000 LIVE LARGE IN LA FARGE! This traditional farmhouse sits well back off Hwy 82 in farm country. Open from the dining area through the kitchen to the livLQJDUHD7KHKDUGZRRGÁRRUVDUHEHDXWLIXO and you can watch deer out the numerous windows. Great decks both in the front and out the back. Bank owned, sold “as-is”. E12802 Hwy 82 $82,500 T O M A H WELL, SEPTIC & FUN! Well & septic already installed on this lot in recreation heaven! Short drive to Petenwell Lake, Lake Arrowhead, Twin Lakes, and public land. Association fee includes access to private beaches, boat launches, pools, discounts at the Golf Course and access to 4-wheeler trails. 336 Timber Tr. – Nekoosa $8,900 W A R R E N S LOOKING FOR VACATION PROPERTY, HUNTING LAND, OR A GOOD DEAL? MOST PROPERTIES ON THIS PAGE ARE ABOUT 1 ½ HOURS NORTH OF MADISON! FOR YOUR DEAR HUNTER… The hunter(s) in the family will appreciate the hunting prospects of this piece. 25 acres is big enough to give you room to roam but small enough that the taxes ZRQ·WNLOO\RX:DONWKLVSURSHUW\DQG\RX will know that this is a deer and turkey ZRRGV6XUYH\RQÀOH Section 18 Town of Cutler. $45,900 A DEER MAGNET! 'HHUGRQ·WZDONEROGO\WKURXJKWKRVHSLFWXUesque woods during hunting season, they slink through the tall grass and brush, like you ZLOOÀQGKHUH6XUYH\HGDFUHVZPLOHVRI worn-in deer trails. Close to the Interstate for easy access yet far enough away for peace and quiet. Under $1500/acre! Near New Lisbon - $59,500 TAKE FLIGHT ON FEATHER! 7KLVPRVWO\ZRRGHGDFUHVZRQ·WOHW\RX down! Near the road is mostly pines and tall grass. The woods are steep in places and toward the back the views are incredible. Several great building sites. Enjoy low taxes with land being in the post 04 and the pre 05 closed MFL. Feather Ave. - Sparta $276,800 SRT LAND: SCRAPES, RUBS & TRAILS. SRT Spells deer and this 20 acres+/- is prime! Seller says ditching has been done around the perimeter that helps with water FRQWURO ,W ZDV QRW KDUG ÀQGLQJ GHHU VXSHU trails and rubs. Put up a stand or platform and \RX·UHLQEXVLQHVV7KLVODQGPD\QRWEHSUHWty but it DOES HOLD DEER! $30,500 FARM OR FARMETTE? This 5BR, 2 BA home on 5 acres can be purchased with up to 65 additional acres or purchase all 70 for $389,900. News include roof, siding, plumbing, electric, insulation, furnace, ductwork, wiring, sheetrock, beautiful stairway. Excellent PL[RIÀHOGVDQGZRRGV 28141 Co Hwy V – Kendall $189,900 OVERLOOK VIEWS SAYS IT ALL! This 3 level villa is perfect for a 2 family recreational home, year around home, mother in law suite or rental. The main story has 3 BRs, 2 BAs, great room, wood DFFHQWVDQGDÀUHSODFH7KHZDONRXWOHYel has 2 BRs and 1 BA, complete kitchen and large living/dining room. 469 Overlook Ct – Warrens $109,900 $/(&·6%$5$1'*5,// This Necedah nightspot has 134' of frontage on Hwy 80 just 1 block south of Hwy 21. Good parking, excellent exposure, and a history of a bar/restaurant in this location that is over 100 years old. Can be a turn-key operation; most inventory is included. Exhaustive remodel/ PDNHRYHULQ¶,QWKHKHDUWRIDUHFUHDWLRQDO area with little competition. 202 S Main – Necedah $275,000 WOAH! WHAT A GARAGE! <RX ZLOO ÀQG WKLV IXQ VHWXS DW WKH HQG RI D short dead end road. The garage is 24x38 with a 14x38 lean to plus a 26x30 addition that is insulated. The property is a short walk to the Necedah Wildlife Refuge and deer are frequent visitors. At this price use this as your base camp, recreation property or year around home! W6731 Rural Estates Rd. Necedah – $67,500 LOTS MORE HOMES AVAILABLE!! February 2015 E-Mail: viprealty@centurytel.net LOTS OF LAND & LOTS AVAILABLE!! www.wislakesguide.com 13 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Fullhouse & Land Realty 608-524-2815 DUTCH HOLLOW LAKE, LaValle, WI For more information please contact: Helene Full - Broker cell 608-393-0237 email: fullhouse@charter.net DUTCH HOLLOW LAKE 2,500 ACRES OF LAKE & ROLLING HILLS, 8+ MILES OF SHORELINE. 843 Remington - Lake views private-woods. $9,900 $6,500 C A S T L L E A V R A O L C L K E L A K E 839 Waterfront Greenway. Septic test provided. $19,900 Call today to view these lots or other area listings! Call Today! Your Whole Family Will Enjoy the Spring Fed Lake, TOO NEW FOR Spectacular Pool and PHOTO! Clubhouse. Buy Now – before prices go up!! Just Listed: Lot # 31 Dutch Hollow Lot #1116 Amsterdam Close to Just 20 minutes to the Drive large, private, wooded. beach, lake views-affordable. $7,900 Dells at a fraction of the $! Priced to Sell $2000! Located on the Eastern Shore of Castle Rock Lake Lot #425 Summit. Waterfront greenway. Perfect building site. $49,500 $39,900 Wooded Lots Starting at $28,000 Acre Wooded Lots w/ Boat Slips on Castle Rock Lake Access to Castle Rock Lake & Little Roche-A-Cri Creek Over 9 Miles of Private Nature Trails Property Offered By: Timber Shores, LLC www.timbershoreswi.com info@timbershoreswi.com 608.403.LAKE (5253) Private Swimming Pond & Picnic Pavilion Located Mile South of the Castle Course at Northern Bay Neighborhood Amenities: Electric, Municipal Sewer, High Speed Internet, Telephone, Private Boat Slips and/or Private Day Piers Located at the Corner of County Road Z and Dakota Junction, Strongs Prairie, WI 14 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” /$.(5('6721(/$.(5('6721(/$.(5('6721(/$.(5('6721(/$.(5('6721( WHY PAY A FORTUNE? Cute & cozy 4BR/2BA lakefront home with 90’ shoreline. Many recent updates! Living room ZÀUHSODFHQLFHODNHIURQWGHFNWRHQMR\ Walk-out lower level. An easy walk from the house to the water! Beautiful rock formations and towering trees surround you! $149,900 REDUCED! MLS#1680501 RELAX ON THE WATER! 3BR/2BA KRPHIHDWXUHVRSHQÁRRUSODQZ spacious LR w/FP, dinette area w/access to one of the two lakefront decks! Nice sized bedrooms & plenty of closet/storDJHVSDFH:DONRXW//ÀQLVKHGZUHF family rm, BR, BA & more. 2C garage. waterfront w/90’ shoreline. Gorgeous landscaping! $319,900 MLS#1725086 FANTASTIC LOCATION! Main body of the lake w/76’ of level lakefront to love. Chef’s kitchen w/granite countertops & stainless appliances opens to the two story living room w/access to the lakefront deck. Three generous BRs, main level laundry facilities, garage & more. $364,900 MLS#1630086 NORTHWOODS CHALET! Upscale 3BR/2BA waterfront chalet w/100’ shoreline. Two story LR w/FP open to the kitchen w/Hickory cabinets & granite counters. Private master suite w/sitting rm! Family rm w/access to the lakefront deck. 2 Story/2Car garage! $344,500 A BARGAIN! MLS#1690250 WATERFRONT WONDERLAND! 4BR waterfront home on 1.26 acres & 189’ shoreline. Great room w/hardwood ÁRRULQJORJEHDPHGFHLOLQJ)LUHSODFH & 3 season porch. Lake views from most rooms. Decks & patio. Lakeside storage/beach house, 2C gar, many furnishings incl. $549,500 MLS#1719055 CUSTOM CRAFTED! 3BR/3.5BA waterfront home w/105’ shoreline. Two story LR w/FP opens to chef style NLWFKHQZVODWHÁRRULQJJUDQLWH countertops. Main level master. Nice sized upper level BRs w/ample closet space. Finished walk-out LL! Partially wooded lot. Great location! $499,000 MLS#1723845 EASY CARE WATERFRONT HOME! 3BR/ 2BA Ranch style home on a beautiful partially wooded lot w/91’ shoreline. Great room w/access to the lakefront deck. Private master BR w/ walk-in closet. LL features bar, living area w/FP, bath & sleeping space. 2 Car attached garage. Well maintained home -doesn’t need a thing! $299,900 Price Adjusted! MLS#1696369 R E E D S B U R G BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! 3500SF, 5BR/2.5BA home w/waterfront lot directly across the street-170’ shoreline! Invite friends & family..there’s room for everyone. Tremendous recreation/game URRPPDVWHUEHGEDWKZMHWWHGWXEGLQHWWHIRUPDOGLQLQJURRPÀUHSODFHV 4+Car garage, covered deck, wet bar. Sandy beach! $595,000 MLS#1725148 '87&++2//2:/$.('87&++2//2:/$.('87&++2//2:/$.('87&++2//2:/$.( SPACIOUS LAKEFRONT RANCH! %5%$5DQFKZÀQLVKHG LL resting on beautiful waterfront lot w/187’ shoreline & 1.14 acres. Sandy swimming area. Open living/dining/ kitchen w/FP & access to lakefront deck. ML master bed/bath. Attached 2C JDU6RPHRIWKH%(67ÀVKLQJRQWKH lake right off your dock! Furnishings & more incl. $389,900 MLS#1730574 PARK-LIKE WATERFRONT! 4BR/3BA custom crafted home w/280’ shoreline on 1.93 acres! Well planned kitchen, combination living/dining rm w/freestanding stove & access to the GHFN)LUVWÁRRUPDVWHU%5%$ZGHFN access to hot tub. Finished LL. Large gar. Beautifully landscaped! Metal roof & long lasting Cedar Siding. Pre-Inspected! $474,900 MLS#1690246 LAKE VIEWS! Super spacious 5BR/ 3BA home on two lots w/views of the lake. 1.13 acres. Expansive great room features a very nice kitchen/dinette and large living room w/wood laminate ÁRRULQJ0DLQÁRRUPDVWHUEHGEDWK Finished walk-out LL w/family room, ÀUHSODFHZHWEDURIÀFHVSDFHPRUH 3C garage. You’ll never run out of space here. $179,000 MLS#1726021 L A V A L L E LAKE AREA COTTAGE! (QMR\ relaxing times at the lake without the high cost! Cozy 2BR home @ Dutch Hollow Lake w/3.74 acres of land! Open living/dining/kitchen w/wood ODPLQDWHÁRRULQJ:UDSDURXQGGHFN 2 story garage w/upper level studio/ hobby space. Easy care landscaping, wildlife & nothing but fun. Furnished. Only $114,900 MLS#1718258 RE/MAX Preferred LaValle & Reedsburg WI Specializing in Lake Redstone & Dutch Hollow Lake Julie Alibrando February 2015 JULIE ALIBRANDO & RAY BLACKBURN CALL: 608-985-8484 OR TOLL FREE: 888-985-8484 VISIT: JulieSells.com for photo tours & lake information www.wislakesguide.com 15 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” MAKE SURE YOUR HOME HAS THE VISUAL TOUR ADVANTAGE. WE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN. P.O. Box 515 5 West Montello St. Montello, WI 53949 www.coldwellbanker.com www.montellohomes.com (608) 297-7734 (800) 236-7736 COTTER REALTY Linda Cotter - Broker Bud Daggett - Broker Kathy Raddatz - Sales Associate Your Perfect Partners Each office independently owned & operated LAKE AND LAKE ACCESS HOMES M O N T E L L O 1697239 Lake Puckaway Access Beautiful custom built log home, 2 bedrooms 2 full baths, huge loft and finished lower level could be used as bedrooms. Quarry tile counter tops, vaulted ceilings with skylights, patio doors with wrap around deck, 2 car garage and 2 extra sheds. Seller to include all appliances, window treatments, furnishings and all the amenities. $239,000 1703482 Mecan River (Approx 1000 ft.) This 2 bedroom 2 ½ bath home sits on nearly 20 acres. Large rooms with a wood burning stove on each level, 3 car plus garage with office area. A 26x34 addition with a full basement is roughed in, was to be used as a Mother-in-law apartment with it's own private deck and entry way. There is a shared easement road along south end of property to trailer. Home is located on Dover. $169,900 1685420 Emery Lake Cute 3 Bedroom 1 bath Cottage or year round home with 70 ft of frontage on Emery Lake. Home features wood burning fireplace for those chilly nights, new windows, central air, and 2 piers to be included. There is a very nice attached 10x13 porch that is almost finished for a family room. Swim, fish, or just relax on your spacious deck overlooking the lake. Call for a showing! $155,500 1714888 Buffalo Lake Bright, sunny, adorable, 3 bedroom, 1 bath weekend retreat or year round log home on the south shore of Buffalo Lake. Home features wood burning fireplace, knotty pine thru out, great views of the lake, boat house with 12x16 screened in room, nice L-shaped pier. Just bring those fishing poles. $149, 900 1713750 Montello Lake Charming 3 BR 1 BA, 3 season cottage with screened in sun porch, living room has huge picture window with great views of the Lake, kitchen cabinets and bath have been updated, warm and cozy gas fireplace heats the whole cabin. Everything is included, even many of the toys in the boat house down by the Lake. Bring your fishing poles! $99,900 1655696 Buffalo Lake Come & enjoy this ranch home with newly updated bath, kitchen & living room right down to the studs which makes this the perfect year round or week end get a way home. Wood burning fireplace in the living room for those cool evenings. Great views from your living room or spacious deck. Park like setting, level double lot & even a fire pit make this a very desirable property. 2 car attached garage, black top drive. You will just have to come and check it out for yourself, but don't forget your fishing pole. $139,900 1722090 Mason Lake A GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! This 2 bedroom condo has everything! Unit is very clean and comfortable and has a one car garage. Laundry and storage area, on site. Heat costs were only $500 last year. Enjoy the views, enjoy the unit, and enjoy the area. Only 10 miles to the Dells. Right off of Mason Lake, the condo is Move in ready and is just waiting for you. $79,900 1723116 Buffalo Lake Bright and sunny, completely remodeled 3 Bedroom 2 bath year round home on over 2400 acre known for great fishing, Buffalo Lake! Home features new flooring, paint, lighting, bathroom fixtures, stone fireplace, 2 drive through garages, Aluminum pier and blacktop driveways. An Artesian Spring runs through the property, call for a showing. $129,900 1696362 Buffalo Lake Cozy cabin with that up north feel. Drive down through the woods to your cabin on Buffalo lake with 79 feet of frontage. Completely remodeled for you: new wiring, furnace, water heater, well pump, dry wall, kitchen and bath. Vaulted knotty pine ceiling and sliding patio doors in the living room that has great views to the lake. All the work is done except for the dining room floor. Level lot to the lake, fire pit and garage to store all of your toys. This property is priced to sell! $99,000 1710344 City of Montello Meticulously maintained 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home in a great neighborhood. This home was designed with family in mind. Featuring a large kitchen, 1st floor laundry with utility sink, skylights, formal dining room, master suite with walk in closet and balcony, living room with cathedral ceilings, fireplace, and French doors to patio, attached 3 car garage, and a 24x24 heated and air conditioned shed. Too much to mention. $149,900 1719999 Westfield Area If privacy is what you are looking for, look no more. This is a Perfect weekend hide a way in the woods down a dead end private road. 22.91 acres with the whole east boundary line of the property either on the Taggetz Creek or the Westfield Creek. Lots of mature pines & oaks along with lots of deer and turkey trails. Older mobile home has a porch for extra storage and a pump house for the sand point well. Septic was just inspected for the county. Come and enjoy nature and you will not want to leave. $114,900 GOLF COURSE HOME 1652744 White Lake Area This 2 bedroom very well maintained home is nestled in the pines then the golf course is right there. Close enough to White Lake so you can sit on your back deck and listen to the peacocks. You will enjoy the beauty of the area, great place for golfing, biking or just taking a stroll around the block. Blacktop drive leads you to your 2 car attached garage. This is a great home at the right price. $114,500 16 GOLF COURSE HOME 1701044 White Lake Area Ranch home in a great location: right on White Lake golf course with 7.64 wooded acres for privacy. This well kept home has a U shaped kitchen with built in double ovens, stove top, plenty of cabinets and lots of counter top space. Spacious living room with wood burning fireplace, Master bedroom & bath, full unfinished basement and a 2 car attached garage. Nice size screened in porch and nicely landscaped yard. Come and check it out before it is gone. $139,500 CITY HOME COUNTRY HOME 1664092 Montello Come to your new up north get a way. This is just what you have been waiting for, your cabin in the woods on 7.78 acres with a pond for all of your wild life to enjoy. Sit on your deck and watch the deer and turkeys run through your back yard, or walk the many walking paths through your woods. What ever you want just come to enjoy all the many activities in Marquette County. $88,500 www.wislakesguide.com COUNTRY HOME 1714944 Montello Area This ranch home sits on a large corner lot. Immaculate & tastefully decorated with open concept kitchen, living & dining area, 2BR/2BA, large patio off the kitchen, covered deck, raised garden bed, clothesline, dog kennel, split rail fences at the lot corners. Full basement, partially finished, with family room & bathroom with more room for you to finish the way you want. Just a couple of blocks off of Hwy 22 for easy access to Montello, Portage or Madison. 2 car attached garage, black top drive. $109,500 COUNTRY HOME 1639223 Montello Country Home Charming 3 bedroom. 1-1/2 bath. year round home on 3.3 acres. This well cared for home features a centrally located wood burning stove, open concept kitchen and family room, full basement 3 car detached garage, new concrete drive to home. You will have that up north feeling not far from Lakes for fishing or boating, many towns near by also. This home is immaculate and ready for you to move in. $99,900 February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” 18 E. Montello St., Montello, WI 53949 333 W. Wisconsin St., Portage, WI 53901 THE SILVERS TEAM Beth Hoskins John Mevis ~ 608-297-9228 E-MAIL: mevisj@firstweber.com Paul Harris ~ 608-697-0108 E-MAIL: peharris@firstweber.com Debbie Daniels ~ 608-572-1123 E-MAIL: danielsd@firstweber.com ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES Direct: 608-745-5228 T/F 800-642-4897 X228 hoskinsb@firstweber.com www.thesilversteam.firstweber.com www.bethhoskins.firstweber.com NEW! PERIOD CHARM - $269,000 1729890 Outstanding Tudor on a hillside that views the Wisconsin River and Pauquette Park. Delightful vintage character that has been updated to meet current family needs. 3,768 sq.ft. Cherry wood kitchen cabinets, crown molding, back VWDLUFDVHIRUPDOGLQLQJURRPZRRGÁRRULQJ throughout. Call Beth 608-745-5228 LOW TAX PACIFIC TOWNSHIP $279,000 1727859 - Do you need space to spread out? This home is for you. 3BRs in upper level but a couple of rooms in the LL could be 4th and 5th BRs. One owner home built with the best materials. Many upgrades. Plenty of room outside on 1.26 acre groomed lot close to SWAN LAKE. Call Beth 608-745-5228 Oxford/Lake access - 6.5 acres WATERFRONTAGE-PACKWAUKEE :LOOLDPV/DNH+DUGWRÀQGVDQG\EHDFKZDWHUfront cottage on a semi-private 70 acre water ski lake. Knotty pine interior accent. Large living room w/wood burning FP & w/o to 3 season porch, 1 car attached gar. Storage shed & pier. $144,900. John E. Mevis 608-297-9228. The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1734297 Oxford/Lake access - 6.5 acres P O R T A G E NEW! REDUCED SWAN LAKE CONDO - $87,000 51726700 - 28 acre condominium development. Private entrance, view of fairways, ponds, bridge & beautiful trees. One of the original units. Sun porch faces east & adds warmth in winter & a place to relax year around. Freshly painted, newer kitchen cabinets. 2BR, 1-1/2 BA. Call Beth 608-745-5228 FOX RIVER FRONTAGE - MONTELLO Enjoy 1.75 acres and 400+ feet of waterfront on Fox River leading to Puckaway Lake. Two story, year round home offering 3 BR's & large living room. Main level recently updated. $94,000. Debbie Daniels (608) 297-9252, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1722442 Marquette County Wooded - $68,500 1689285 – 666 feet of road frontage. 10 DFUHVDOOZRRGHG3OHQW\RIURRPWRÀQGD secluded building site. Great location being 5 miles off I39, 14 miles to Wisconsin Dells DQGPLOHVWR3RUWDJH&HUWLÀHG6XUYH\ and covenants. Call Beth 608-745-5228 WATERFRONT ON BUFFALO LAKE $PD]LQJYLHZVRIWKLVJUHDWÀVKLQJERDWLQJ lake from both levels of this 4BR/2BA home. Eat-in kitchen, large pantry & updated appls. 'LQLQJZQHZ%UD]LOLDQKDUGZRRGÁRRULQJ YDXOWHGEHDPFHLOLQJÀHOGVWRQH)3SDWLR GRRUVWRFRYHUHGGHFN6KHGDQG ÁRDWLQJ pier. $222,500. John E. Mevis 608-297-9228, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1734156 MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP - Puckaway Lake is host to this 11 year old, 3 bedroom home. Enjoy the open-concept living & kitchen area while entertaining family and guests. Covered front porch & large deck. $229,000. Debbie Daniels (608) 297-9252, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1725060 M O N T E L L O REDUCED CLASSIC 2-STORY COLONIAL $179,000 1673717 – Character of 1929. :RRGÁRRUVRULJLQDOZRRGZRUNVROLGZDOnut doors with glass knobs, banister staircase. Maintenance free exterior with vinyl siding & slate roof. 3BR, 2.5BA, Walk-out lower level. Call Beth 608-745-5228 WI RIVER VIEWS - $82,500 1729906 Home was built to capture the changing views of the beautiful Wisconsin River. A short sale at $82,500, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Walk-out to terraced fenced back yard. A great location across from Sunset Park. Call Beth 608-745-5228 MONTELLO - 4 BED, 4 BATH One owner 2500+ sq ft, 4 bed & 4 bath home RQSULYDWHÀVKÀOOHGODNHPLQIURP0DGLVRQ Huge country kitchen w/custom oak cabinets, granite counter tops. MVP $248,500 - $259,900. John E. Mevis 608-297-9228, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1725184 MONTELLO – BUFFALO LAKE Quality custom-built home. Open concept OLYLQJZJDVÀUHSODFHGLQLQJDQGNLWFKHQ area, all offering amazing hilltop views of the ODNHEGUPVEDWKVÀUHSODFHLQ/5DQG)5 $269,900. Debbie Daniels (608) 297-9252, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1709598 GOOSE LAKE LOT - $14,900 1540906 - Talk about nice lots! Wooded with beautiful pine and oak trees and ready for home . About a block from the public lake DFFHVV&HUWLÀHGVXUYH\RQÀOH3HUNWHVWGRQH in 1999 for conventional septic system. Call Beth 608-745-5228 COLUMBIA COUNTY LOT - $19,500 1610798 - Excellent location for your next home. Newer subdivision offering the luxury of a view of Tarrant Lake. Close to Village Park, swimming pool & high school. Quiet small town community atomosphere. Call Beth 608-745-5228 WOLF LAKE ADAMS COUNTY - Main ÁRRUOLYLQJDUHDRIVTIWZKLFKLQFOXGHVD master bedroom suite, and two additional bedrooms and a second bath. Open concept living room, dining room and kitchen. $340,000. Paul E. Harris (608) 297-9229, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1724541 PRISTINE WOLF LAKE - PRISTINE WOLF LAKE custom-built 2,764 sq ft home. Vaulted ceilings, 3+ BRs, 2 baths, activity room & loft overlooking great room. 3 car att gar on 1/2 ac lot. 100' WATER FRONTAGE. $398,400. Paul E. Harris (608) 297-9229, The Silvers Team 608-572-1123. 1721008 February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 17 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” I N D I A N A 18 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” 920-294-3661 LAKE Real Estate 535 MILL STREET GREEN LAKE, WI 54941 www.LakeReal.com Orlo Bierman Debra & Dan Bierman Donald T. Ahonen CRS, SRES orlo@lakereal.com CRS, RRS, SRES debra@lakereal.com REALTOR CRS don@lakereal.com Karen Tednes REALTOR karen@lakereal.com Kyle Wiggs REALTOR kyle@lakereal.com WATERS OF GREEN LAKE MEREDITH LN-6 Bdrm,5 Ba home.6,660 sf handsome living area. Improved shore $1,675,000 SANDSTONE AVE-100’ x 800+’ prime wooded gently sloping waterfront lot. View..$1,050,000 SHORE DR-GLCC-Choice of 3-110+’ prime wooded lots. Sewer and services in.Each.$999,000 OAK TERRACE LN-3 Bdrm lake home. FP, garage, boathouse. 150’ x 350’ level lot...$899,000 WILDWOOD LN-100’ X 574’ wooded waterfront lot. Excellent privacy. Sand beach.$750,000 RADTKE RD-103’choice wooded frontage. Morning sunrises. Great view & beach... ...$699,000 WICK RD-3 Bdrm, 2 Ba furnished yr-round lake home. Level shade lot. 163‘ shore. .$695,000 SHORE DR-GLCC-Wooded waterfront lot. Gentle slope to water. 90’ shore. Sewered.$679,000 WEST SHORE-1 Ac waterfront lot. Great beach. View. YA lake home. 3 Car garage..$575,000 CARPENTER LN-7 Bdrm, 4 Ba family retreat. 2 kitchens, 2 FP, Private lake access..$495,000 ORCHARD AVE-3 Bdrm YA lake home. Guest cottage and garage. 50 ft wooded lot…$439,000 ROBINHOOD EST-4 Bdrm 2 story. 3 car garage. Wooded lot. Private lake access….$349,000 DEL LN-3 Bdrm, 3 Ba custom built home. Loft, FP, 2 C garage. Private access w/slip..$298,900 PIER 11-Waterfront condo.2 bdrms,2.5 ba on 3 levels.Lakeview deck. Pier w/boat slip..$275,000 OLD MILL-3 Bdrm townhouse condo. WD FP. Water view deck. Bait slip. Garage...$263,500 EAST BAY CT-4 Bdrm YR home. Stone FP cov. Patio. Channel frontage with view…$259,900 HERON POINT-2 Bdrm furnished apartment condo on Mill Pond. Boat slip. Garage.$209,000 NELSON RD-2 Bdrm, 2 Ba YA home. Bsmt, 2 C garage. Private access w/boat slip…$184,400 SO.SHORE TERRACE-3 Bdrm, 2 Ba furnished vacation home. Marina w/bost slip….$149,500 S LAKESHORE DR-Wooded 90’ x 190’ building site. Lake view. Deeded lake access...$85,000 LAKEWOOD ESTATES-125’ X 247’ south sloping lot. Sewered. Private lake access...$54,900 LAKEWOOD ESTATES-125’ X 247’ south shoping lot. Sewered. Privagte lake access.$49,900 ORCHARD AVE-Exceptional 4,900 sf lake home. Beautiful wooded lot. 145’ shore…… $1,590,000 SANDSTONE AVE-Custom built 3 Bdrm lake home. Quality evident 2 wooded acres.$1,199,000 LAKESHORE DR-4 Bdrm,3 Ba furnished lake home. Sc porch, deck, garage, boathouse$799,000 WILDWOOD LN-100’ X 574’ wooded waterfront building site. Sandy beach, great view $750,000 N. LAKESHORE DR-3 Bdrm, 2 Ba YA home. Knotty pine decore. FP. View.120’ shore$699,,000 EAST SHORE-Unique YA furnished lake cottage plus 2 guest cottages. 300’ shore…….$670,000 S LAKESHORE DR-Gorgeous 2 Bdrm YA home. Garage w/uest room. Sand beach.View.$648,500 N. LAKESHORE DR-89’ wooded shore lot. East exposure. Sewered. Beach & view…..$599,999 SILVER CREEK RD-5 Bdrm, 3 Ba home. 2 FP, w/o bsmt, big garage. Channel to Lake..$549,000 BLACKBIRD PT LN-Furnished 3 Bdrm YA land home. 70’ shore plus sheltered channel..$548,500 SWANSON RD-3 Bdrm, 3 Ba home. 2 garages, deck. View to lake. Private access w/slip.$350,000 GRAND VICTORIAN-Gr. Lake waterfront condo. 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba, FP, Garage.Pool.Pier.$370,000 ORCHARD AVE-3 Bdrm waterfront home.2 FP, Fin bsmt, 2 C garage. Channel to Lake.$359,900 PIER 11-2 Bdrm, 2.5 Ba multi-level waterfront condominium. Boat slip on Dartford Bay.…$265,000 DEL LANE-2+ Bdrm, 2Ba home. Sunroom, garage. Fin bsmt 2 FP. Priv access w/boat slip.$255,000 S LAKESHORE DR-Furnished 2 Bdrm vacation home. 2 C garage. View. Access nearby..$227,500 SO.SHORE TERRACE-3 Bdrm, 2 Ba furnished vacation home. Lake view. Boat slip….…..$137,700 SO.SHORE TERRACE-2 Bdrm, 2 Ba vacation home. FP, Deck, Sc. Porch. Boat slip…….…$124,000 SUGAR LOAF-100’ X 298’ wooded lot with private lake access on Norwegian Bay.……....$119,000 SUGAR LOAF-100’ X 233’wooded home site. Private lake access on Norwegian Bay……...$110,000 CENTER RD-90’ X 200’ Level lot. Utilities available Private lake access with beach………..$53,900 AREA LAKES AND RIVERS PUCKAWAY-3 Bdrm YA home. FP. Garage,shed. 60’ wooded lot.Sand shore Extra lot$269,900 PUCKAWAY-Vintage 3 Bdrm vacation home. Beautiful 100 ft wooded lot. So. Shore..$219,900 PUCKAWAY-4 bdrm log home. FP,fin bsmt, deck. Landscaped lot. Private lake access$199,900 PUCKAWAY-Group of 3 lightly wooded lots with private lake access on north shore..…$29,500 PUCKAWAY-14’ x70’ 3 bedroom mobile home in Fox River park. Includes boat slip….$12.200 LITTLE GREEN-2 Bdrm,2 Ba YA home. Deck. 2 C gar. Furn. Plus boat. 63’ shore…$208,000 LITTLE GREEN -2 Bbrm home. Fin walkout bsmt. FP. Deck. Boathouse. 217’ Shore $199,900 LITTLE GREEN-3 Bdrm home overlooks lake. 2 FP, Deck,garage. 50’ waterfrontage..$175,000 LAKE EMILY-125’ X 600’+ wooded waterfront lot. Rolling terrain. 22’ x 34’ garage...$99,900 Dana Radaj 920-295-9055 radajd@firstweber.com danaradaj.firstweber.com FOX RIVER-3 Bdrm 2 Ba home. Fin bsmt w/Fam Rm, kitchen. 2 C garage. Wooded lot$155,000 FOX RIVER-4 Bdrm home. Fin Bsmt, 2 C garage. Deck. 200’ wide lot. Mature pines….$145,000 FOX RIVER-2 Bdrm YA home FP, Att garage. Needs handy owner. 70’ wooded lot…….$77,777 FOX RIVER-3 wooded lots offered as a group. 312 ft frontage. Soils tested. Elec.Installed$62,500 FOX RIVER-70’ X 290’ wooded waterfront lot on Fox River Lane. 2 car garage. ………$54,500 FOX RIVER-90’ X 250’ waterfront lot. Level. Suitable for basement. Septic installed…$50,000 FOX RIVER-100’ X 273’ riverfront lot. Gentle slope to river. Gas and Electric available.$27,250 FOX RIVER-100’ X 288’ open riverfront lot. Gas and electric services available…..……$27,250 FOX RIVER-100’ X 270’wooded riverfront lot on Oxbow Trail.Gas and electric available$25,500 SILVER SPRINGS LAKE-Furnished 2 Bdrm home. Enclosed porch, FP, 2 car garage. .$128,500 608-297-9696 OXFORD AREA GETAWAY - Quiet area just minutes from Oxford, 9.6 acres of land. Two bed, 2 bath quality built home with wood details. Includes deeded access to Hill Lake. $139,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1731040 TOWN OF PRINCETON – Plenty of privacy on 5 acres, updated home with 4 bdr, 2.5 baths. Finished basement, lots of storage and Fox River frontage. $164,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1732273 MONTELLO COUNTRY LIVING 1721633 – Motivated sellers! Newer home in a great location 3 bed, 2 bath open concept home with huge front porch on 8.85 acres. 4 car garage, 24 x 24 garage w/2nd story. $189,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1721633 MONTELLO FOX RIVER - Beautifully updated home on the Fox River. 3 bed, 1 bath, lovely open concept, huge covered deck, master has patio doors overlooking the water. 1-1/2 att garage, level lot, pier. $159,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1717007 PACKWAUKEE - POND/BUFFALO LAKE - Enjoy the seclusion on this 4.8 ac property with a large pond. Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath home with large rec room and main floor laundry. Newer 2+ car det garage plus storage area. $165,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1721485 WHITE LAKE DEEDED ACCESS Beautifully wooded 1.57 acre lot w/ deeded access to one of the nicest lakes in Marquette County. Featuring mostly hardwoods, this level lot is only 1 block away from White Lake. $29,700. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1691959. OFFICE SPACE DOWNTOWN MONTELLO - Beautifully updated and furnished office space in downtown Montello. New drywall, flooring, windows and fixtures. Space has 2 offices, kitchenette and bathroom. $39,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1684279 PRINCETON EDGE OF TOWN Quiet area, lots of land. Three bed, 2 bath home on 4 wooded acres w/stream. 2 car garage w/2nd story. Enclosed porches, 1st floor laundry, 2 heat sources, well maintained. $89,900. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1707984 CONDO IN MONTELLO - Like new 2 br, 2 bath Condo in the City of Montello. Open concept, main floor laundry, 2 car attached garage, handicap accessible. Full basement, unfinished. Great location! $132,000. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055, Debbie Daniels (608) 297-9252. 1671719 www.wislakesguide.com L A K E M O N T E L L O 18 E. Montello Street, Montello, WI 53949 SOUTH OF MONTELLO - TOWN OF BUFFALO – 2-3br mobile with addition, 2+ car garage. 3.72 acres of woods, nicely landscaped yard, black top driveway. Would make a great vacation property. $120,000. Dana Radaj 920-295-9055. 1730617 February 2015 G R E E N 19 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” Move In 12 Weeks Built Where You Want W I S C O N S I N I L L I N O I S Call Laura Hammiller for an Appointment 262-208-6734 20 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” THE MASTER TEAM CRS, GRI, ABR, CHMS 920-252-0395 HyattS@FirstWeber.com | www.homesforsalewautomawi.com For more info go to: www.homesforsalewautomawi.com & enter the MLS # WAUTOMA OFFICE 114 E. Main St. Wautoma Great Area to Live & Play! Only 3 hours from Chicago... Only 2 hours from Milwaukee...Only 1 hour from Madison! BUGHS LAKE BIG SILVER LAKE PRICE REDUCED! BIG SILVER LAKE ALPINE LAKE PRICE REDUCED! t61/035)-",&-*7*/($-04&50508/ t."/:61%"5&4800%'-003*/(5)306()065 t'1$"41"$*064#&%300.4."*/'-3 -"6/%3: t-&7&--"/%4$"1&%84"/%:'30/5"(& MLS# 50108954 $159,900 t01&/$0/$&15-*7*/( t'6--:'*/*4)&%-08&3-&7&- 88"-,065501"5*0-",& t("4-0('161%"5&%,*5$" t".";*/(1"/03".*$-",&7*&84 MLS# 50101671 $424,900 t456//*/(61/035)-",&-*7*/( t01&/$0/$&1541"$*064 t80/%&3'6-%&$,4"/%:'30/5"(& t1*/&7"6-5&%$&*-*/(4800%4507& t#*(4*-7&3-*7*/(, MLS#50102306 $289,900 COUNTRY LIVING WITTERS LAKE AREA BIG SILVER LAKE t-0($"#*/0/61/035)-",& t50/40'$)"3.'5'30/5"(& t'*3&1-"$&"11-*"/$&4 t4&"40/300.07&3-00,*/( 800%&%-05 MLS# 50096271 $129,500 NORWEGIAN LAKE W A U T O M A PRICE REDUCED! PRICE REDUCED! t80/%&3'6-$06/53:)0.& t41"$*064#34.'-*7*/( t"$3&4"55("34$3&&/&%103$) t'6----$0/$3&5&1"5*0)0.& 8"33"/5: MLS# 50110965 $99,500 t:&"3306/%)0.&8-",&7*&84 t81*$563&8*/%084800% #63/*/('1 t4&"40/43.8"-,065-t&/+0:"$$&4410*/5450-",& MLS# 50100957 $99,900 t-&7&-8)*5&4"/%:#&"$) t&9$&15*0/"-$3"'54."/4)*1 t$"'*3&1-"$&01&/$0/$&15 t41"$*064300.4&9$&15*0/"46/4&54 MLS# 50093016 $435,900 608-296-2462 www.kravickrealty.com t800%4:30--*/("$3&4 t5)064"/%40''&&50''30/5"(&0/ 13*7"5&-",& t#3#")0.&8'*/*4)&%--8"-,065 t$6450.$"#*/&53:5)306()065)0.& MLS# 50110199 $229,900 800-236-2106 W E S T F I E L D skravick@kravickrealty.com 1679762 - Nekoosa $17,500 1.38 acre lot is just 1/4 mile from Castle Rock Lake/Wisconsin River for your next vacation spot. 1724090 - Lawrence Lake $18,000 Wooded .45 ac lot in quiet cul de sac for your vacation home. Almost 300' of deeded access. Enjoy swimming, boating (motor OK, no wake), and great fishing. 1731356 - Grand Marsh $40,000 2BR mobile nestled in the woods in quiet subdivision. Great use of space w/built-in shelving units & enclosed porch/mudroom. 30x40 shed and add't shed w/lean-to. 1659602 - Buffalo Lake $45,900 Beautiful wooded lot with 150 feet of waterfrontage is a place to enjoy the serenity of this lot while having the convenience of town nearby. Add'l lots available. 1683036 - Glacier Lake $79,900 3BR, 2BA home is in the Glacier Lk Condo Association. Crystal clear Glacier Lk with privacy on .72 acres is short walk to lake for fishing & swimming. 1716426 - Westfield $104,900 3BR 2BA has 200ft+ creek frontage just west of town on 3.5acres. Full basement, outbuildings and plenty of storage. 1725424 - Harris Pond $120,000 2BR on 1.18ac with apple trees and 100ft of water frontage. 2 living rooms with lake views. Many updates, wood fireplace and 2 garages. 1717547 - McGinnis Lake $132,900 Year round cottage with level lot to 100+ ft of frontage. Big windows for views from great room. Pier for great fishing. Patio for summer parties and 2 car garage for your toys. 1722535 - Wood Lake $299,900 3BR home with 150ft of frontage on south bay of Wood Lk. Gourmet kitchen, wood burning stove, walkout basement, 3-season porch, huge deck, 4-car garage and boat house. 1722203 - Mud Lake $449,000 3BR 3BA sits on 3+ acres with 386ft of frontage. Many high end finishes incl cherry built-in cabinets. Wood burning fireplace. Huge master suite. Full walk-out basement. Visit our website: www.kravickrealty.com for all our listings. www.bethgoethel.remax.com Serving Marquette, Adams & Waushara Counties - Make it your lifestyle February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 21 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” United Country Real Estate The Nation's Largest Lifestyle Real Estate & Auction Company Since 1925 CED! REDU CED! REDU W A U P A C A E942 Tammy Trail 1RUWKZRRGVUHPRGHOHG$IUDPH RQ&KDLQ2¶/DNHV$OOWKHZRUNLV done, 4 BR. $419,900 – Waupaca N2570 Norris Lane Private estate on Chain O’ Lakes, $&IWÀUPVDQGIURQWDJH %5ERDWKRXVHZ,EHDPJDUGHQ house. $1,490,000 – Waupaca N2554 Pines Inn Lane &KDLQ2·/DNHV0F&URVVHQÀUP VDQGIURQWDJHJUHDWVZLPPLQJ YLHZV%5ERQXVRIIJDUDJH landscaped. $549,000 - Waupaca E1136 Indian Hill Trail ([HFXWLYH%5%$KRPH PDVWHUVXLWHGHQZZHWEDUIW RQ&KDLQJXHVWVWDIIDSDUWPHQW $899,000 – Waupaca E1412 Dayton Rd $&FRXQWU\HVWDWHDGMDFHQWWR'15 ODQGVHFOXGHGVTIW%5KRPH KRUVHEDUQSRQG5DGOH\&UHHN meticulous. $449,900 - Waupaca N2494 Whispering Pines Road Rare commercial enterprise on Chain O’ Lakes, mini golf, marina, snack shack, lakefront home, rentals. $849,000 – Waupaca N2671 Pleasant Park :HOOGHVLJQHGFXVWRPEXLOWPDLQ ÁRRUOLYLQJZÀQLVKHG//$&RQ Chain O' Lakes, 2 FP, open-concept, spacious! $499, 900 - Waupaca N1320 Akron Road Spencer Lake home, full rec lake, FU\VWDOFOHDUZDWHUVUHQRYDWHG XSGDWHGZ%5 $459,000 - Waupaca 3911 Town Line Road DFUHVRZQSULYDWHODNHDEXQGDQW ZLOGOLIHEXLOGLQJVLWHVIRUGUHDPKRPH KDUGZRRGSLQHVSULYDF\FRPPXWHUV $135,000 – Amherst W5750 Archer Lane )URQWDJHRQODNHVLQ:DXVKDUD&R IRUÀVKLQJVZLPPLQJGRFNVXSGDWHG \HDU·URXQGRQ:LOVRQ.XVHO/DNHV %5 $224,500 – Wild Rose W11867 Hwy GG IWRQFU\VWDOFOHDUIXOOUHF·ODNH LQFHQWUDO:,IRUSHUIHFWZHHNHQG JHWDZD\3LHUDQGSRQWRRQLQFOXGHG %5%$$289,900 - Hancock E1390 Grandview Rd &KDLQ2·/DNHVFXVWRPEXLOWIRUVXQVHW YLHZV//ZIDPUP)3JUHDWURRP huge deck, patio $699,900 – Waupaca E853 Bestul Road $FUHVZÀVKLQJSRQGSULYDWHVDQFWXDU\ZRRGVIRUKXQWLQJXSGDWHGVSDFLRXV KRPHZLWKVTIWERQXVJDUDJH $475,000 - Scandinavia N3010 Crestwood Dr &XVWRP2WWHU/DNHKRPHIWRIIURQWDJHDFFHVVWR&KDLQ2·/DNHVPDLQÁRRU PDVWHUQHZHUERDWKRXVHGRFN $549,000 – Waupaca E1204 County Park Lane Carefree condo on Chain O’Lakes. :HHNHQGUHWUHDWRU\HDUURXQG KRPHZSULYDWHERDWVOLSGHFN $199,900 – Waupaca E1242 County Park Lane )DPLO\FRPSRXQGIWRQ/LPH.LOQ ZZHWERDWKRXVHVTIWOX[XU\KRPH OLYLQJTXDUWHUVGRFNV $849,000 – Waupaca N6797 Tu Lakes Rd 100 ft of frontage on Brekke Lake for ÀVKLQJVZLPPLQJVROLGO\EXLOWZ%5 RXWEXLOGLQJVIRUVWRUDJHGHFN $224,900 – Scandinavia E1115/1125 Pleasant Park Custom log homes, all new GREEN FRQVWUXFWLRQFXWWLQJHGJHWHFKQRORJ\ on the Chain O’ Lakes. $975,000—Waupaca N2455 E Miner Dr &KDLQ2 /DNHV\HDU URXQGUHWUHDWKRPH ÀUPIURQWDJHRQ0LQHU:%)3FDU garage, sunset views, screen room. $425,000 – Waupaca N2719 Browne Lane Exceptional lake home on Round Lake, well appointed, 1-owner, full rec lake, gourmet kitchen, 2 stone FPs, 4 BR. $1,590,000 – Waupaca 120 E. Badger, Waupaca, WI 715-258-8800 5.)4%$7!50!#!#/-s7!50!#!7!4%2&2/.402/0%249#/22 www.wislakesguide.com February 2015 Say You Saw It In “Lakes Real Estate Guide.” A.J. McCaskey - Wautoma, WI ajmccaskey@hotmail.com or call: 920-572-0149 www.ColdwellHomes.com for additional waterfront listings! WAUSHARA WATERFRONT!! Lake Irogami Charmer - $299,000 Very level lot, southern exposure on 275Ac full rec' lake, 3BR, 2BA, cedar siding, 1st flr laundry, firepl, hardwood flrs, & att'garage 50099475 Silver Lake Luxury - $599,900 Desirable waterfront w/3BR, 3BA, FP, sunroom w/amazing sunsets, level sandy beach on 325Ac. full rec' lake. 50112291 Lake Napowan Nirvana - $229,900 3BR, 2BA, w/o. Affordable cottage on full rec' lake, sandy beach, lg deck, majestic tall pine, private, minitues to Nordic Ski Hill. 50099098 Pioneer Floral - $399,900 Green Thumb? Your business GROWS here on busy Hwy(s) 21/73. Established flower shop, 3 green houses, 2 Ac. lot. 50112350 Bughs Lake Beauty - $234,900 Level lot w/3BR, 3Ba home, att' gar, main flr laundry, CA, large deck w/lake views, used seasonally only. 50105419 Lunch Creek Leisure - $84,900 Hunter's & trout fisherman's paradise cabin, 5 wooded Ac., 1200' of creek frontage, Excellent hunting. 50095028 Pine River Pleasure - $179,900 Log home on 9 Ac & 449' of Pine River frontage. Located on a Wis Rustic Rd, w/3Br, 2 garages, & pole shed. Great kayaking & fly fishing. 50111222 W A U T O M A Fish Lake Fun - $110,000 Lake cabin, tall pines, sandy beach on 177Ac full rec' lake, minutes from I-39. Cabin probably a teardown - Low price makes it worth a look. 50109519 WHO DO YOU KNOW WANTS TO BUY WATERFRONT? 743 South River Road - $299,000 – Wolf River This 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home sits on a level lot with mature trees and has frontage on the Wolf River which gives you access to Partridge Lake, Lake Poygan, Lake Butte des Morts and Lake Winnebago! (50112639) N1436 West Stratton Road - $195,000 - Stratton Lake This home has over 2200 square feet of living area including 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a living room with a wood burning fireplace. Plus it's located on a full recreational lake! E2241 Faldet Lane - $195,000 - Hatch Lake Newer 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home located on a full recreational lake north of Iola. First floor master bedroom and bath (with a whirlpool tub) and first floor laundry. (50111912) E1561 Penny Lane - $95,000 - Graham Lake 2 bedroom, partially furnished cottage on 1.5 acres (per A/O) with lake frontage plus a stream running through the property. Enjoy the lake views from the enclosed porch or the shady back yard. (50107086) W A U P A C A 715-281-2100 Norm Trisler For more information and pictures, visit: WaupacaHomesForSale.com February 2015 www.wislakesguide.com 23
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