Dates to Remember - Danbury Public Schools

 Our Staff
Mrs. Christina De Rosa-Coordinator
Mrs. Regina Lima-Parent Educator
Mrs. Monette Hamilton-Youth Coordinator
Dates to Remember
We have a New Staff Member: Please Give A Warm Welcome To Our Youth Development Coordinator: rd
February 3 – 2:00 Dismissal
***NO SCHOOL*** February 16th & 17th
9 SBAC Practice Test Week (3 grade only)
February 18th- Character Education (Danbury Whalers)
22 - Whalers Game -Fundraiser
February 23rd- Dental Associates - Oral Health Presentation for
2nd and 3rd grade.
Mrs. Monette Hamilton February 24th – Enrichment PTO Meeting 7pm Cafe
Ms. Regina’s Playgroups for
February at 10 am in the Gym
February 26th- HOSA and Susan Troupe from Brookfield High
School Dental
Health Presentation for FRC playgroup and
Kindergarten @12:30 and 1st grade @1:30
February 3rd 2015
What’s New at MRP? Youth Development News!!! February 10th 2015
***February 24th 2015***
**Special Presenter from the Danbury Library**
*Don’t FORGET to get your Discount Card*
Discount cards are good for 1 year!!!
***Notice about Playgroup***
If there is a delay due to inclement
weather…Playgroup will be cancelled for
that day.
Contact Information
Please call - (203) 790-2683 or Email us @:
Ms. Christina:
Ms. Regina:
Ms. Monette:
Introducing Grade 3 Lunch Bunch with Mrs. Monette Hamilton on W ednesdays 12:50-­1:20 Beginning February, 2015 Other Programs offered at MRP! Extended
Learning Program (ELP) – Is open during the
school year from 7:00 to 8:00 am (before school) and 3:00
to 6:00 pm (after school). The program consists of
enrichment activities such as homework help, fitness, arts
& crafts and science.
Other FRC Services – Positive Youth Development, Home
Visits, Family Care Trainings and Support, Birth to 5
Playgroups, Resources and Referrals, Summer
Program, and Adult Education.