This Week at UUCD - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury
Welcoming all in a spirit of compassion,
inquiry and service.
This Week at UU Danbury
February 12, 2015
From Our Minister:
I signed on to The Amicus Brief
The link to a sample of the friend of the court brief is
"Do you have trouble hearing? Do you know someone who does?
UU Danbury now has an Assisted Listening system available in the Sanctuary
for those who have difficulty hearing. Those who want to take advantage of
the system can use headphones or earbuds in combination with a small receiver
unit that brings in the sound signal. Several sets are available. You can also
use your own headset if you prefer and if it is compatible with the system.
Please see Carl Tramontana or whoever is working in the audio room at the
back of the Sanctuary before the service for instructions on how to use the system."
Our prek-6th graders are Standing on the Side of Love by helping to educate Connecticut library patrons about
transgender youth. They hope to donate a copy of the book I Am Jazz (Herthel, Jennings, and McNicholas) to
12 libraries in the towns of the majority of our congregants. Watch this YouTube video about this important
book: . PLEASE consider “buying” a copy – or a portion
of a copy - of this book at the I Am Jazz table in the sanctuary this Sunday. The books are $14.00 each. If
you won’t be able to attend the services on Sunday but would still like to contribute to this cause, please contact
Darlene ( Thank you for helping our youth to stand up for our Unitarian
Universalist Principles and our status as a Welcoming Congregation.
Thursday, February 12th
 Conversations meets on the second Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Conference
Room. All are welcome. If you wish to receive our announcements and questions, please email at
Bruce Buzby. Reading the book is not mandatory in order to participate and enjoy the gathering.
February 12, 2015: Topic: Current Russian Society, Facilitator: Joel Samuelson. Source:
Russians by Gregory Feifer, Kindle, 2014, 360 pages, $12.29. An expertly observed, gripping profile of
a people who will continue challenging the West for the foreseeable future.
Friday, February 13th
 Movies with a Message - We believe that good experiences are even more fulfilling when shared with
others. To this end, our objective each month is to present films of substance in a living room setting
and to provide an opportunity to discuss with friends. Please join us on Friday, February 13 th at 7:00
p.m. in the UU Danbury Conference Room. As usual, all are welcome. Pizza is provided. Bring your
own beverage. Popcorn optional! Contributions will be gratefully accepted, all of which will go to UU
Danbury. (For more information on these films and on the service from which we make our
selections, please check the website at Our short film this month
is about men, but it is not a man’s story. Our feature film is about women but not a woman’s story.
7:00 p.m. – We Keep On Dancing – A broken-down VW Beetle leads to unexpected human connection.
7:15 p.m. – Jackie – Two Dutch sisters search for their long-lost mother and for a part of their identity.
9:00 p.m. – Time for wrap-up and discussion
Saturday, February 14th
 Women Out To Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Elmer’s Diner
in Danbury. Our next meeting date is Saturday, February 14th. Everyone is welcome. If you would
like to attend, please contact Karen Gillotti.
Sunday, February 15th
TWO Services – 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Rev. Barbara Fast and Darlene Anderson-Alexander will lead the services on Brave Love: What Fuels
YOU to Stand Up for Love, Justice, and Peace? Join Rev. Barbara Fast and Director of Religious
Education, Darlene Anderson-Alexander, for multigenerational services as we consider this important
question. Our younger children and youth have spent three weeks learning how to turn empathy into
action by “Standing on the Side of Love”. We will find out what they’ve discovered and what it might
mean for our congregation. Join us for sharing music, stories, and an opportunity to take action!
The Hospitality Committee needs volunteers for Coffee Hour for the 9:00 a.m. service on February
115th. If there is no volunteer, there will be no coffee hour for that service. We would especially
appreciate the help of someone who has not volunteered in the kitchen in the past three months. Please
contact Kristen Papucci at 203-313-4449 or if you can help.
UUCD Cancellation Policy
During very inclement weather, Sunday Services, Religious Education and any other meetings or events
will be cancelled.
To learn of a cancellation, please check one of the following:
Your email;
The outgoing message on the church office phone, (203) 798-1994;
The UU Danbury website,
Week at a Glance
Thursday, February 12th
7:00 p.m.
Conversations, Conference Room
Friday, February 13th
10:00 a.m.
Caring Circle, Conference Room
7:00 p.m.
Movies with a Message, Conference Room
Saturday, February 14th
9:00 a.m.
Women Out to Breakfast
Sunday, February 15th
Two Services – 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, February 17th
10:00 a.m.
Knitting Ministry, Conference Room
7:00 p.m.
Family Support Group, 2nd floor Conference Room
7:15 p.m.
Board of Trustees, Conference Room
Wednesday, February 18th
6:15 p.m.
Yoga, 2nd floor Conference Room
Friday, February 20th
Comment Deadline
Sunday, February 22nd
Two Services – 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
(see details below)
Tuesday, February 17th
 We are offering a Family Support meetings for the loved ones of those with mental illness. Gale
Alexander, a NAMI trained support facilitator, will lead support meetings the first and third Tuesdays
of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room. These meetings will be open to all
people who have a loved one with mental illness. Members of the wider community are invited. Please
feel free to share this information with anyone you believe might benefit
Wednesday, February 18th
 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Gina and Alisa - Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. Experience
Kundalini Yoga led by Gina Cassetta or Alisa Andrew. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
provides us with tools to manage the stress in our lives. It consists of a kriya, or series of exercises,
many of which may be done sitting in a chair if necessary, breathwork and meditation, some chanting,
and a deep relaxation and integration period. Connect with your own inner teacher so you can live more
gracefully in this world. $15 per class or buy 10 for $120. (They do not need to be consecutive.)
Friday, February 20th
 The Deadline for the March Comment is Friday, February 20th. Please submit your articles to the
office by 9:00 a.m. for inclusion.
Sunday, February 22nd
TWO Services – 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
The Rev. Dr. Anthony P. Johnson will lead the services on A Working Religion for Working People.
The Universalist theologian Hosea Ballou declared, "There is one inevitable criterion touching upon
religious faith.... Can you reduce it to practice? If not, have none of it." A working religion for working
people is a religion that can be practiced. And that is what this sermon is about. Rev. Johnson is a 1967
graduate of Danbury High School, he went on to earn degrees from Boston University, Harvard Divinity
School, the New School for Social Research, and New York Theological Seminary. A Unitarian
Universalist minister since 1977, he currently serves as interim senior minister to the Unitarian
Universalists of Clearwater, Florida, and as Chair of the Funding Panel for Unitarian Universalist Social
Responsibility. He is both a parish and community minister, with diverse experience in both fields. You
may learn more at
Norris Person will be back to play and for our official farewell!
Upcoming Events
Power of Now - Join us for a 15 week study session reviewing Eckhart Tolle's enlightening and riveting book,
the "Power of Now". This experience will help you better understand the difficulties in life and how to deal
more effectively with them. The first meeting is on Monday, February 23rd, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the
Conference Room. Space is limited and participants must sign up in advance. For more information call Joe
Gillotti at 203-730-9440.
Theatre Aficionados - Mark your calendars: Thursday, February 26th, is the next “Pay What You Want Night”
at Theatreworks, New Milford. The evening’s performance is The Lyons, described as an “intense and comedic
tale.” Please join us for the first play of the year at Theatreworks. But note there is no reserve seating for this
performance: it is first come, first seated, so don’t be late! For more information, check the bulletin board in the
sanctuary, go to the website, or call Keith Dupree at 203-947-1009. Theatre
Aficionados is a very informal gathering of people who enjoy seeing local theater together. We convene at the
theater when the doors open at 7:30. All are welcome.
A forum on racial disparity in Connecticut’s juvenile justice system, sponsored by the Unitaraian Universalist
Congregation of Danbury and the Greater Danbury NAACP, in conjunction with the Connecticut Juvenile
Justice Alliance will take place in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, March 3rd. The evening will feature the
CPTV documentary “The Color of Justice” followed by a discussion, including next steps forward. Doors
open at 6:30 p.m. and light refreshments will be served before the program begins at 7:00 p.m.
The 2015 Auction will be March 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. with a Preview Party on March 27th from 7:00 –
8:00 p.m. This year's theme is "The Roaring Twenties." To make it a success, we need donations: high
quality goods and services! What can you donate to make it a success? Small and large dinners, travel,
computer services, gardening services - share your expertise or interest by offering it at Auction! Use the
attached donation form and leave behind Sherry's desk OR see Val Cochrane or Lisa Greene at a Sunday
service. Donation deadline is March 7th.
Other Important Information
Women’s Retreat ’15 News - We have reserved at the Guest House for our May 1-3, 2015 Retreat. All we
need now is YOU! Here is some pertinent information for a weekend stay (2 nights & 6 meals):
*Room costs: Single $395; Double $305; Triple (cot) $270
*Commuter rate (Saturday only) $77
Roommate is your choice, rooms assigned on first come first served basis.
*Application forms available beginning January 18th in the Fellowship Hall.
Complete and return with $50 deposit payable to UU Danbury with Women’s Retreat on the memo line
*Payment schedule: first payment of $100 due by March 1st, final payment balance due April 1st.
Send payments to Barbara Myers
Questions? Contact Melody Levy, Joni Lowe, Holly Murtha or Marcia Brooker
Food Offering Volunteers Needed – We are doing a wonderful job donating food during our Sunday Service
Food Offering. We need more people to volunteer to drop the food off at ARC during the week. Please
consider volunteering to drop our weekly food offering off at ARC. The sign-up sheet is in the food offering
basket in the front of our sanctuary. Just sign up for any Sunday that is convenient for you, then on that Sunday
weigh the food using the scale in the food basket, and drop it off at ARC during that week at your convenience.
If possible, please consider doing this periodically. Thank you for your generous spirits.
Flowers brighten up the sanctuary and are a great way to remember loved ones, special events, honor
someone’s birthday or anniversary, or for any other occasion. Please sign-up to bring flowers to a service this
year. A note will be included in the OOS each week with the name of the person donating the flowers and the
occasion for which they were donated. Look for the sign-up sheet in the back of Fellowship Hall.
Ministry of Appreciation
If you notice someone doing something nice at UU Danbury, let us know.
Email us at Leslie Miglietta, Chair, your Council on Ministries.