BOB VINCENT Pastor NORMAN McCORKLE Director of Music KATIE SHEAROUSE Youth Director CHARLES KAMINER Sexton Shady Grove, Methodists since the 1700s Sharing God’s Grace with All 803-781-4832 Phone & FAX 1918 Shady Grove Road Irmo, South Carolina 29063 803-781-1354 Parsonage February 8, 2015 “RENEGADE GOSPEL- The Rebel Jesus” In the words of the United Methodist Pastor Mike Slaughter, “Jesus did not come to start a religion. Jesus came to start a revolution.” Jesus rebelled against the Roman hierarchy and refused to go along with the religious leaders’ understanding of the faith. The revolution Jesus began is the revolution that Jesus commissions us to continue. In the book, Renegade Gospel, pastor and author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and his challenging message to inspire us during Lent, Easter, and through the year. Topics include: “Discovering the Rebel Jesus”, “Revolutionary Lifestyle”, “The Most Important Question You Will Ever Have to Answer”, “Seeing Jesus Today”, “The Way of the Cross”, and “Resurrection”. Shady Grove UMC is teaming up with Grace UMC for this year’s Lenten study. The book study will be a six week study based on the book, Renegade Gospel- the rebel Jesus. Our 1st meeting on February 24th at 7:00 p.m. will cover the 1st chapter and will be at Grace UMC on Harbison Blvd. Following our study, the group will decide on the best meeting day, time, location(s), etc. Light snacks will be provided. You can sign up by calling the church office or by completing the signup form on page 5 and placing it in the offering plate. The books will be $10. Hope you will join us on this Lenten journey. With the Love of Christ, Rev. Bob Vincent, Pastor Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015 The Prelude The Chiming of the Hour Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship *The Hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” *Prayer of Confession and Pardon (All) God of grace and love, Have mercy on us for the wrong we have done. Show us where our service is needed. Help us set aside our prejudice and bias. Fill us with a longing to know you better. Set us free from sin and fear. Send us out to be your people UMH 139 (silent prayers of personal confession) (Leader) Let us proclaim the Good News! In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! (Congregation) In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! (All) Glory to God, Amen! The Anthem: “God Leads Us Along” Minister: O Lord open thou our lips People: And our mouths shall show forth thy praise. Minister: Praise ye the Lord People: The Lord’s name be praised. The Epistle Lesson *Psalter: Psalm 147 *The Affirmation of Faith (Apostles’ Creed) *The Gloria Patri Children’s Moments Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports The Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer *The Hymn: “I Want a Principle Within” The Gospel Lesson The Sermon: “Loving is Giving” Prayer of Discipleship The Offering Offertory: “Rock Of Ages” *Presentation of Tithes and Offerings *The Hymn “Make Me a Captive, Lord” *The Benediction and Blessing by the Minister with congregational response The Hymn “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” Postlude G. A. Young 1 Corinthians 3:10-14 UMH 859 UMH 881 UMH 70 UMH 410 Matthew 6:19-24 Reverend Bob Vincent Thomas Hastings Doxology, UMH 95 UMH 421 UMH 557 LAY LEADERS Lay Reader: John Bauknight Greeter: Wanda Allen Counters: Phyllis Crookham & Joe Dailey Ushers: Charles Kaminer Nursery Provided Welcome To those who worship with us we ask one question: Has God touched your life? Those of us who worship and minister at Shady Grove pray that your worshiping with us has brought you closer to the Christ whom we have learned to love and serve; and that the Holy Spirit may fill your life with the love, joy and peace of Jesus Christ. Please let us know of your presence by completing a visitor’s card and placing the card in the offering plate. Guest Pianist We extend a cordial Shady Grove welcome to Brenda Dean who is serving as pianist today. Brenda received a bachelors degree from Winthrop University and a masters from the University of SC, and served as choral director of Dent Middle School for many years. Her husband, Earl, is retired from the US Air Force and they are the parents of daughter, Jennifer. Again welcome. Our Pastoral Ministry Homebound: Nettie Derrick, Richard and Dot Lever, Eugene and Ruth Lever, and Darr Taylor Assisted Living/Nursing Home Facility: Marguerite Bouknight (Generations - Room 104), Rev. Carl Clary (Lowman Home) and Zelma Prim (Rice Estate) Other: Nell Abston’s mother and father, Bidney Watts (liver disease - John and Kay Bauknight’s daughter), Wayne Vinson, Wendall Shealy (cancer treatments), Dave Dyer (chemo treatments), Amy Dyer, Narcie McClendon Jeter (brain cancer), Sara Duncan (6 year old with abdominal cancer – Vincent’s friend), Annie McCartha, Don Kadlec, Gail Schwartz (cancer - friend of Lesley Lampert), Gail Ethridge (cancer treatments– Carol Tatgenhorst’s sister), Bob Brown (Amy Dyer’s brother), Tom Mims, Marie Bollinger (recovering from surgery), Alice White (breast cancer – Fulmer family friend), Frankie Welsh (lung cancer and blood clot), Pat Jolly (cancer – friend of Lesley Lampert), Elaine Bouknight, Bobby Lockaby, Robin Rhodes, Pastor Raymond Harley and his family (death of wife, Iris), Phyllis Crookham (broken foot), Larry Pechal, Elyse Kinard (broken hip), Pete Williams (lung cancer - Linda McCorkle’s brother-in-law), Jackie Gates (diabetic complications - Lesley Lampert’s friend), Gwen Parnell (stroke complications - Elaine Bouknight’s neighbor), Family of Marie Bollinger (death in family), Taylor Luongo (reported for Navy service), Cameron Wallace (John & Kay Bouknight’s grandson reported for USMC duty), Betty Rabon (breast cancer - Elaine Bouknight’s sister-in-law) Happy Birthday! Katelyn Selkinghaus - February 10 Temple Bemis - February 13 Beth Hoskins - February 13 LAST SUNDAY’S RECORD General Budget Given* $3,236.00 Total Budget for 2015 $167,038.00 Total Given to Date $15,435.49 % of Year 9.6% Shortage YTD $625.86 % of Budget Given 9.2% Building Maintenance Given $760.15 Apportionments Given to Date $0.00 Other Funds Given $173.11 *Weekly Giving Needed $3,212.27 Apportionments Budgeted for 2015 $20,803.00 LAST SUNDAY’S ATTENDANCE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESAY SATURDAY PARISH CALENDAR 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service 6:00 PM UMYF Meeting - Family Life Center 7:15 PM Choir Practice - Sanctuary 8:00 PM AA Meeting - Fellowship Hall 10:30 AM Intercessory Prayer Group - Church Office 6:00 PM Family Sweetheart Supper - Family Life Highway Trash Pickup All are invited to join the youth 8:30 am Saturday, February 7th for the quarterly Highway Trash pickup fun. UMYF The UMYF will meet from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. There will be a light meal provided by Bob and Susan Vincent, followed by breakout lesson/fellowship time. Thanks to everyone who helped with Revolution! It was a great weekend! Eleven attended from Shady Grove. The youth will be hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 17th from 6 to 7:30 pm. Tickets will be $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 5 and under. Please come out and join us! All proceeds benefit our youth! Family Sweetheart Supper The United Methodist Men (UMM) invite you to a family Valentine’s Day celebration spaghetti supper on February 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Please sign up in the church narthex or call/leave a message in the church office (781-4832) by February 8th with the number of people attending. Please invite others as well. The ladies of the church are asked to bring a dessert to complete the meal. Souper Bowl for Caring We thank God and you for the Souper Bowl for Caring offering last Sunday of $113.11. 100% of the offering will be going to Sharing god’s Love. Our Lenten study begins on February 24th at 7:00 p.m. We are teaming up Grace UMC on Harbison Blvd and our 1st meeting will be in their education building. After our 1st meeting, in which we will cover the first chapter of the book, we will discuss the plans for the remaining 5 sessions including place, time and dates. Books are $10 and are available in the church office. Please signup below and hope to see you there! ===================================================================================== Signup for the Lenten Book Study (Mike Slaughter’s Renegade Gospel) Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________________ The Conference selected Shady Grove and 4 other Columbia District churches to begin a new program in 2015 that will help us reach the needs of our community and encourage church growth. Our initiative is to begin another worship service but with more of a contemporary format. As previously discussed, the traditional service is a great service and will not change. Even with SPRC and Administrative Board’s approvals, it will not be a success without everyone’s help. First, we ask everyone to be in prayer for our church in putting this service together and implementing it. Second, we ask for those who are willing to help the pastor in putting together and implementing an inspiring, praise and worship, contemporary service, to please join the Missional Initiative Team. It is an exciting opportunity and if you feel led to help with the 2015 Missional Initiative, please signup below or call the church office. ===================================================================================== The Missional Initiative 2015 Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________________
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