SACRED HEART CHURCH February 8, 2015 th 5 Sunday in Ordinary Time GOD’S FAMILY IN MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor Rev. George J. Boyle, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence Deacon John J. Suplee Deacon Bill Williams Deacon Thomas J. Woods Mrs. Celie Magee, School Principal Sister Kathleen McCafferty, S.S.J., Director of Religious Education Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M., Parish Service Ministries Miss Mary Ann Allton, Music Director Mr. Zachary Moren, Youth Minister 105 Wilson Ave. Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 Fax: 610-449-2364 Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed 12-1 PM For Lunch) Evenings & Saturday: by Appointment Sunday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198 109 N. Manoa Road Religious Education Office: 610-449-3000 *for CCD nights : Resource Room 610-446-7597 C.C.D. Classes are Mondays & Wednesdays (Sept. thru May) 6:45 PM - 8:05 PM Convent: 610-446-3694 Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 108 Shelbourne Road MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAYS Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:00noon WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoration Chapel is located at the driveway exit of the Church parking lot to Wilson Ave.* 1 Mass Intentions for the Week Tuesday, February 10 (St. Scholastica) 8:30am Donald & Josephine Mays Wednesday, February 11 (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:30am Anne Reilly Thursday, February 12 8:30am Mary Houk & Rose Marie Garton Friday, February 13 8:30am Addison Marie Kelly (1st anniv) Saturday, February 14 (St. Cyril & Methodius) 8:30am Theresa Coyle (1st anniv.) Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family! Please stop at the Parish Center to register or download form at Baptism ~ Pre Jordan *The next date for PreJordan is: FEBRUARY 9 Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 1:15 PM with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when Baptisms are celebrated at the 12:00 Noon Mass. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Class before setting up a date for Baptism. Pre-Jordan Class is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center, with some exceptions. *Please consult Parish Bulletin or Website to verify* Marriage Couples intending to marry should contact one of the priests for an appointment to set a date. By Archdiocesan policy, this must be done at least six months prior to the date. Anointing of the Sick DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass. Rosary: Tuesday through Saturday mornings at 8:10 AM before Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Set aside a little time each week to spend in quiet prayer before Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament Visit our Adoration Chapel Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm ALL ARE WELCOME! The Chapel is located at the exit driveway of the church parking lot leading to Wilson Ave. The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace.. Pope Francis Sunday at Mass or Upon request - contact one of the priests at the rectory in case of serious illness. Reconciliation (Confession) Anytime by appointment. 610-449-3000 Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Visitation of the Sick If you or someone in your family is HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability, or advanced age, please call Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center (610-449-3000) so arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion. Also, please let us know when someone is in the hospital. Legion of Mary Meets each Monday from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the Rectory. Senior Citizens Sacred Heart Social Club, an Archdiocesan Organization, meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the cafeteria. Parish Mission Statement We, the Sacred Heart Parish Community, knowing we are sustained by the Eucharist, dedicate ourselves to: Forming a prayerful and worshiping community Educating all in Christ’s wisdom formed in and through the Gospel + Living our faith in today’s society We strive to: Invite, welcome and serve all through our stewardship Unite our community through acceptance of one another + Comfort through word and deed 2 Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, Welcome! It is a blessing to have you join the Sacred Heart worshiping community as we celebrate our Eucharistic Liturgy for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Your presence and prayerful participation enrich all who gather. May the words of Sacred Scripture enlighten your mind and the Bread of Life we take and eat nourish your spirit. Thanks for joining us! In today’s Gospel, Jesus attends to the needy! Upon learning that “Simon’s mother-inlaw lay sick with a fever,” Jesus “grasped her hand.” The fever left her. Later that day, the ill were brought to Jesus. We are told that, “He cured many who were sick with various diseases.” Attending to the needy was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry. As disciples of Christ, this concern for the needy is to be taken on by us. Jesus in alive in us when we are attentive to the needy in our society. This weekend is the “kickoff” for the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal. It’s theme is “Giving Hope.” In supporting Catholic Charities we give hope to some of the needy in our area. By now, you should have received the Catholic Charities Appeal mailing and request for your support. Please read the brochure and be familiar with the services Catholic Charities supports. I would highlight Catholic Social Services as an agency that is attentive to the needy, that is a source of hope for the needy. Please consider making a donation to the Catholic Charities Appeal this year. At the doors of the Church this weekend, you will find our annual “Lenten Packet.” Each parish family is urged to take a “Lenten Packet” home. Check out it’s contents. Over the next ten days think about doing something for your spiritual self this Lent. Why not participate in one of the opportunities our parish sponsors for your spiritual enrichment? Plan to attend the Mission! Join a faith sharing group! Attend the sessions on the Seven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively Virtues!! Last call for Volunteer Luncheon next Sunday!! Please let us know if you are coming! Be well! God bless, Fr. McKee Collection Update February 1, 2015 February 2, 2014 GOAL: Year to Date: Difference: $ 15,001.00 $ 15,509.00 $542,500.00 $542,252.00 ** $ - 248.00 **Includes $15,094 from Electronic Giving for the month of January Thank you for continued generous support! BLESSING OF MARRIAGES & RENEWAL OF WEDDING VOWS Next weekend, February 14 - 15, as the world celebrates Valentine’s Day, married couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and receive a special blessing at all the Masses! Whether you’re married 60 years or 6 months, plan to come to Mass with your spouse and receive this special blessing. IMPORTANT UPCOMING MEETINGS Prayer Shawl - Monday, February 9 at 9:30am Social Club - Monday, February 9 at 1:00pm PREJORDAN - Monday, February 9 at 7:00pm- MKD CYO Board - Wednesday, fEbruary 10 at 7:30pm Sacrament Meeting - Thursday, February 12 7:00pm for parents of 1st & 5th grade children Handbells - Monday, February 16 at 7:00pm Knights of Columbus - Thurs, Feb 19 7:30pm EH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Parents, please note: There will be NO Religious Education Classes Monday, February 16 – Presidents’ Day Holiday Wednesday, February 18 - Ash Wednesday CASSEROLES for St. John’s Hospice due Friday, February 20 FEED Pans w/lids are available at the doors of the Poor church! Each casserole feeds several people! Please deliver frozen casserole before 9:30am Friday, Feb 20 to Mary Durkin, 300 N. Manoa Rd. or Palma Ricci, 11 Woodbine Rd! For more info, call Mary 610-853-9455. EASY recipe is included OR you can make variety of casseroles using RECIPES on The next food collection will be February 21-22. 3 PRE-JORDAN CLASS The Next PreJordan Session is: Monday, FEBRUARY 9 at 7:00pm in the MKD Room in the Parish Center! *Attendance at the Pre-Jordan Class is mandatory, prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Parish Center at (610) 449-3000 for further information. **Upcoming PreJordan: March 9 and April 13 REST IN PEACE Please pray for Antoinette Gisondi, Claire Beaumont Clark and for all members of our Sacred Heart Faith Community who have been welcomed to the happiness of eternal life. SICK Please pray for Baby Sean Cutilllo, Baby Olivia Kirmayer, Baby Andrew Sholl, Joe Muschamp, Michelle Meehan, Jeffrey Hunter, John D’Amico, Helen Lawville, Genevieve Hosbach, Eleanor Blanch, Thomas Mayo, Christine Ferrante, Sharon Muschamp, Nancy Cunningham, Kyle Boas, Christina Boyd, Jim Sweeney, Rick Kearney, Bud Devlin, Mike Wilson, Brigid Sullivan, Jackie Mitchell, John Conway, Jill Carey, Jack Clark, Gina D’Orazio, Dana Kleinschmidt, Cheryl Duca, Will Lawler, Terri Michels, Matt Shaw, Susan Gallagher, Martha Primavera, Mickey McGoldrick, Michael Feerick, Richard Wagner, Marie Debow, Mark Welsh, Rose Mary Haley, Laura Bailey, Rita Hershey, Joanne McManus, Sam Stocker, Maryanne Keller, Louise Savarese, Joanna Small, James Bamber, Christopher Chipman, Amy McBride, Harold Deitz, Joseph News, Joanne Shain, Anna McPhee, Celeste Gisondi, Helen Rebardo, Joseph Mulholland, Nicholas Galassi, Cathy Aquaro, Rick Reid, and Gregory Benoit. Please remember to pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace. May God bring them all home safely and soon. Poor Box Donations for FEBRUARY are designated for the WELCOME CENTER in Kensington H.O.P.E. H.O.P.E. provides assistance for doctor appointments, shopping, etc. If you are in need of H.O.P.E services, please call Mary Noone at 610-446-5392 or Isabelle Duca at 610-449-3638. *Scrip & Fun Money (gift cards for supermarkets, restaurants, retail stores, etc.) is sold in the Parish Center Sunday mornings: 10:00am 11:30am Travel to Ireland! Join Fr. Steve Curry this Summer July 21-August 1, 2015 to Ireland! For more info: contact Fr. Curry at 610-519-8693 or * FEBRUARY 18 Masses: 6:30am & 8:30am and 7:00pm Prayer Service: 4:00pm *Ashes will be distributed during Mass & Service SIMPLE MEAL ALL are invited to join our parish community in sharing a SIMPLE MEAL of soup and bread on Ash Wednesday, FEBRUARY 18 at 6:00pm Please sign up at the doors of the church or call the Parish Center (610-449-3000) to let us know how many people will be coming with you! SOCIAL CLUB (due to snow cancellation on Feb 2) Next Meeting: THIS Monday, February 9 at 1:00pm in MKD ROOM $12.00 membership dues are now due! Upcoming Trips: Monday, February 23 - Mount Airy Lodge Casino Cost $28 (rebate $20/$10 food) Call Elaine at 610853-1785 to reserve. Friday, March 20 - Tropicana Casino, Atlantic City. Cost $25 (rebate $25/$5 food). Call Rita at 610-4466019 to reserve. Sunday, April 19 - Thursday, April 23 trip to Villa Roma, Catskills! $480 double/ $620 single. Call Elaine at 610-853-1785. At the 9:00am Mass this Sunday, February 8, Scouts and their Leaders will be recognized! Five Cub Scouts from Pack 11 have earned a religious emblem. Congratulations! Light of Christ: Michael Donnelly & Vincent Giletto Parvuli Dei (Children of God): Giovanni Giacomucci, Garrett Haniebnik & James Helverson SCRIPTURE READINGS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15,2015 Reading I: LV13:1-2, 44-46 Resp: Ps 32:1-2,5,11 Reading II: 1 Cor 10:31,11-1 Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 Sunday & Daily Readings at Inspiring Thoughts Of Pope Francis .Lord, help us to recognize you in the sick, poor and suffering. Practicing charity is the best way to evangelize. 4 RENEW Yourself this Lent! Small Faith-Sharing Groups will meet weekly to share and reflect on the Sunday Readings during Lent. Consider joining one that fits your schedule! Day Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Time 9:15am 9:15am 1:30pm 7:00pm 1:15pm 7:00pm 9:15am Facilitator Desiree Stipp-Bethune Sr. Bridget Sis McKay Peggy Petrillo Sr. Clare Mom’s Group Fr. McKee (MEN’S GROUP) Place Rectory Convent Home Rectory Rectory full Rectory Rectory *FAITH SHARING Groups are filling FAST! If interested, please let us know ASAP so that books can be ordered. The booklet, LENTEN LONGINGS will be provided Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD study program Thursdays in Lent at 7:00pm *begins February 19. Led by Deacon Bill Williams PRIDE - ENVY - ANGER - SLOTH - GREED - GLUTTONY - LUST are all patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness. Father Barron explains the nature of these sins and offers a corresponding virtue for each one, giving practical advice on how to instill these virtues in your own life. HUMILITY - ADMIRATION - FORGIVENESS - ZEAL GENEROSITY ASCETICISM - CHASTITY This Lent, begin the journey from sin to sanctity with this popular DVD study program! Please sign up today! No Cost...All materials will be provided. Please call the Parish Center at 610-449-3000 or return via collection basket, mail or by fax (610-4492364) or email: I would like to participate in SEVEN DEADLY SINS ~ SEVEN LIVELY VIRTUES NAME _________________________________ Address________________________________ Preferred phone number: _________________ Email address: ________________________ Sign & Return to Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center or call 610-449-3000 I am interested in Lenten Faith Sharing! NAME: ………………………… Telephone: ………………………….. Facilitator: …………………………… VOLUNTEERS in ALL Parish Ministries/Groups are cordially invited NEXT Sunday, FEBRUARY 15 to join us for 12:00 noon Liturgy & 1:00 p.m. Appreciation Luncheon Please RSVP … as SOON AS POSSIBLE! If you are in doubt as to whether or not you are considered a volunteer, please presume positively...and JOIN US! Please call the Parish Center 610-4493000 /email:, mail or Fax 610-449-2364 I WILL ATTEND THE VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON on Sunday, FEBURARY 15 NAME:_____________________ MINISTRY/GROUP: ______________ 5 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CONGRATULATIONS!! Here are the final Lucky Heart Lottery winners Date Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 31 # 148 250 490 751 908 880 Amount $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $3000 Winner Joan Saxon Michael Murphy Lydia DiPietro Chris Densten Matt Clark Jim & Amy Bauer Seller J. Saxon P. Towell R. Weaverling B. Reavey A. DeFruscio J. Bauer THANK YOU! Sacred Heart Home and School Association is grateful to all who have purchased tickets and greatly appreciates your support for Sacred Heart School. To us, you are all winners! Men’s Conference MARCH 7 At St. Joseph’s University Experience our areaʼs largest Menʼs Spirituality conference first-hand and join others who are ready to Man-Up, by living their true calling. THEME: FAITH, FATHERHOOD and FAMILY Register at The World Meeting of Families is Coming to Philadelphia! September 22-27, 2015 Plan now to be a part of this historical event! Registration is now open! Visit the office website: WORLDMEETING2015.ORG to learn more and to sign up for regular updates Corner Our obligation each Sunday and Holy Day of obligation is NOT bodily presence in the church during the time the Mass is being celebrated; our obligation is active participation in mind, heart and body in the Liturgy, in which the saving mysteries of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are celebrated in a way that we may enter into them. When we come to Mass our Lord unites us with Himself, with one another, and with the angels and saints by the Holy Spirit, in the one and only worship of God the Father—nothing less. God the Father listens to our prayers with loving and unfailing attention; we should be together as a community, in His Presence in exactly the same way. We need to maintain reverence and respect, and wholeheartedly participate in the Liturgy, giving our whole and undivided hearts to God. LENTEN CRAB CAKE SALE Featuring CAPT’N CHUCKY’S Fresh Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes & frozen Crab Balls (bag of 50) IN BOXES OF: 4 Crab Cakes 6 Crab Cakes 12Crab Cakes 50 Crab Balls = = = = $20.00 $30.00 $60.00 $15.00 QUANTITY COST _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Total Order $ _______ Name: ___________________________ Phone # : ________________________ Email: ___________________________ LAST CALL! Orders MUST be received by Sunday, FEBRUARY 8 by 12:30pm!! For more info: Contact Lou Valenti,(610) 446-3323 or *Pick up date is FRIDAY, February 13 6:00-8:00pm Everett Hall Be sure all envelopes are clearly marked “Crab Cake Sale” *Payment must be included with order. Make Check payable to: Sacred Heart KofC #15826 ARE YOU A MANDATED REPORTER? As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environments, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies and training curriculum for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. These new policies reflect the Church's commitment to always do more, as well as new Pennsylvania laws that went into effect on December 31, 2014. If you have direct contact with children, you may be a mandated reporter. Deacon John Suplee is our Safe Environment Coordinator and will be working with our parish in the coming weeks to educate mandated reporters about their responsibilities and how to properly report child abuse to ChildLine, PA's 24-hour child abuse reporting hotline. Please call the Parish Office at 610-4493000 if you have questions. Information is also available at As we continue to do all we can to keep our children safe, also know that the Office for Child and Youth protection provides services, resources and support toward healing for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. Victim services can be reached at 1-888-8008780 or 6
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