Weekly Bulletin - Tower Community Fellowship

February 8, 2015
We are excited that you chose to worship at
Tower Community Fellowship!
If you are visiting, we invite you to fill out the last page in this Worship
Folder and share with us a small amount of information about yourself,
then tear out that page, and place it in the offering plate.
Nursery and Children’s Church are available during the
Morning Worship Service.
For more information about who we are
visit us at www.tcfchurch.org
1800 S. Tower Rd. Aurora, CO 80013
Become a fan of Tower Community Fellowship on Facebook.
Ministry Staff
Russ Martin - Senior Pastor
Troy Teeter - Youth Pastor
Kristi Stewart - Children’s Pastor
Jennifer Payne - Music Coordinator
Roxanne Wilhite - Office Administration
Cell: 720-475-0155
Board Members
Kevin Burchett - Sunday School Supt.
Brenda Kidd - NMI President
Dennis Casey
Jaime Gutierrez
Don Stewart
Dave Coffey
Rich Keller
Betsy Watson
Jeremy Faust
Tad May
Tim Wilhite
1/5/14 to 2/1/15
Building Fund
BF Pledged
Faith Promise (Pledged)
$ 71,460.00
5/1/14 to 1/31/15
Building Pledges 53
Order of Service
Children 1st - 6th grade are invited to attend Children’s Church in Room 200
(up the stairs and to the left).
Call to Worship
Victory In Jesus
Welcome and Announcements
Songs of praise
The Same Love
Sovereign Over Us
Victor’s Crown
Family prayer and open altar
Take My Life
Scripture reading
Romans 6:5-14
We worship in giving God’s tithe and our offerings
Special Music
Message from God’s Word
“Reigning with Christ”
Revelation 20
Dave Coffey
Artha Wehner
Pastor Russ Martin
We invite you to use a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and
computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings
God's Word into your daily life. We also have our weekly
service listed in the LIVE section of the app.
For the hearing impaired, we have listening devices available at the
sound booth.
Our mission of love is to know Christ and make him known by serving
our neighbors and all the world … through relevant teaching, authentic
worship and caring fellowship by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This Week at TCF
9:30 am Morning Worship Service
11:00 am Sunday School for all ages
6:00 pm Adult Bible study led by Pastor Russ; Sanctuary
Children’s Bible Study led by Cindy Stewart; Room 207
Children’s Bible Quizzing led by the Hohstadt’s; Room 206
Student Ministries “Upper Room” led by Pastor Troy;
Student Building
Women’s Bible Study led by Susan Schmidt; Room 102
Becoming Myself by Staci Eldridge
10:30 am
7:00 pm
“Young at Heart” Fellowship & Bible Study; TCF foyer
Student Ministries “Time Out”; Student Building
Men’s Bible Study, I John; Room 213
Women’s Bible Study, Me, Myself & Lies; Room 211
WM - Women’s Ministry • SM - Student Ministry • Children’s Ministry
* Contact the church office for address and/or phone information
Shared Prayer Requests
Crystal Arecco
Debbie Arecco
Eric & Natalie Bandor
Belize Mission Trip
Mary Brigance
Mel Briscoe
Karen Brown
Karen Brown (Marlyn Tingle’s sister-in-law)
Donna Cardin
Frank Davis
Elizabeth De Grange
Tony Fielder
Diane Guy
Hal/Joanne Reinwald
Greg Sanders
Caleb Stewart
Tony Spencer
Military Families
Greg Van Dell
Walt Kreie (Roxanne Wilhite’s dad)
Heather (Ikerd) Quatermass
Amaya (Dave/Bea Acheson’s great-granddaughter)
Jerry Wagner (Tammy Painter’s dad)
Military Prayer Focus
January Focus:
L Cpl Austin Euglow
2358 S. Zeno Street
Aurora, CO 80013
Austin is the grandson of Carl and Sandy Euglow. He is in the Marine Corp
Reserves. He works at a commercial drivers license college when not serving
with the Marine Corps. He is praying and looking for a full-time job.
Adult Sunday School Classes
A Charitable Discourse - led by Dennis Casey and Tim Wilhite; Room 211
Manna For Today - Word Action; led by Rich Keller; Sanctuary
IN Group - Word Action; led by Lela Krol; Room 213
Life Builders - led by Jeremy Faust; Room 200
Sermon Notes
Dr. Russ Martin
February 8, 2015
“Reigning with Christ”
Revelation 20
• John’s vision is not meant to be a timetable
- Jesus reveals great truths
- We have the promise that we will reign with Christ
(Romans 8;17, II Timothy 2:11-12, Revelation 5:10)
• Jesus gives a peace that endures
• Jesus shows us the path to spiritual victory
I. To Reign with Christ, we must see the devil bound
• We can’t do this by our own strength
• Through Jesus this victory is possible (Roman 8:12)
• All heartache and sadness comes because of Satan’s reign
- Jesus has broken that power
II. To Reign with Christ, we must have total commitment
• Revelation focuses on the Christian martyrs
- They found the love greater than life
(Hebrews 11:32-40, Revelation 12:11, Romans 6:5-14)
- The first death (physical) and the second death (eternal)
(Matthew 10:28)
• Armageddon & Millennium
- The key message: Evil cannot be reformed, it must be destroyed
- God, the author of peace, is also the protector of peace
(Hebrew 12:28-29)
III. To Reign with Christ, we must be accountable to God
• The earth, as we know it, will pass away
(II Peter 3:8-13, I Corinthians 15:50-58)
- Knowing “how” and “when” is not the issue
- Knowing the certainty is the issue
- After this comes the judgment
(Revelation 20:11-15, II Peter 3:14-15)
• “The books were opened …”
- God’s Word and our deeds
(Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14, Luke 12:2-5, 8:10, Matthew 13:40-43)
- “Another book was opened, which is the book of life.”
- No more time for debate or decision
- The truth of God is revealed
(Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8 , 17:8, 21:27)
• Within these chapters is the entire history of man …
- We are under God’s grace and accountable to him alone
- To deserve punishment and yet be redeemed is the ultimate
picture of grace and mercy
All-Church Announcements
Silent Auction for NYC. Student Ministries has 4 tickets and signed 8 x 10
photo of Kenneth Faried that we will be auctioning off in the church foyer
today during Fellowship time. Credit Cards are welcomed.
Belize Mission Trip. Please pray for the following from our church who will
be ministering in Belize, February 14-22. If you would like to prayer
partner for one of these, please sign up with Carolyn Taylor at the
Welcome Center during our fellowship time.
Ed Hayes
Lyn and Joyce Langer
David Hunt
Joed and Carrie Carbonell
Jeff White
Kevin Burchett
Shannon Eagen
Jack Owens
John and Carolyn Taylor
Brenda Kidd
Rich Keller
Russ and Lou Ann Martin
We are volunteering this month at Food Bank of the Rockies on Monday,
February 23rd from 12:30 - 3:30. If you would like to carpool from the
church at noon, or have any questions, please contact Lou Ann Martin.
There will be an auction to provide money for scholarships for women's
retreat. If you would like to donate something for the auction, which will
be held Sunday, March 15th, please contact Janet May or Lou Ann
Plan to join us Wednesday, February 18 for our Ash Wednesday service
with Pastor Troy, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Our regular Bible studies
will be dismissed so all may participate in this service.
Faith Day with the Rockies, Sunday, July 26. Tickets are $26 each, we
have 50 available on a first come first serve basis. Michael W. Smith is
the featured performer after the game and is included with your ticket
* Contact the church office for this information
To view the announcements digitally - please scan
the QR code with a QR reader from your cell
phone or tablet’s app store.
All-Church Announcements con’t
Samaritan’s Purse just now released the ministry results for 2014 which are
as follows:
Total Shoebox gifts worldwide = 10,443,333.
United States total = 7,991,643.
Denver Processing Center = 766,563
TCF = 80 boxes.
Thanks to all who donated shoebox gifts and/ or volunteered at the
Processing Center. You all had a part in making possible over 10 million
gospel opportunities.
We invite you to use a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer.
YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God's Word into your
daily life. We also have our weekly service listed in the LIVE section of
the app.
Women’s Ministry
Women, if you are wanting an opportunity to serve others, come to Helping
Hands on Saturday, March 7th. We'll start with a light breakfast at
9:00 a.m. at the church and then there will be the following projects;
sewing chemo caps, tying fleece blankets for babies, making cards to
send to our military and ill, packaging homemade cookies to give to our
military at Buckley. We will need lots of homemade cookies, so bring
several dozen to the church either on Friday or Saturday morning. Also,
we will be assembling toiletry kits for the Gateway Battered Women’s
Shelter. We will need donated toiletry items for these kits. Daughters
are welcome to come with their mothers to help too.
Children’s Ministry
Bible study - for children up through 6th grade meets on Sunday nights from
6:00 - 7:00 pm and Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in Room 207.
Children’s Quizzing 6:00 pm in Room 206.
Summer Camps at Golden Bell Camp and Conference Center. Go to
www.goldenbellccc.org for more information and pricing.
Student Ministries
Need info on the go? For the latest information or visit us online @
Join together for Student Ministries Upper Room on Sundays at 6 pm.
We invite all students (grades 7-12) to take a TIMEOUT for fun and worship
each Wednesday at 7 pm.
Join our online community on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TCFStudents!
Get photos, news and encouragement online!
NNU Explore February 19-21. Cost of an round trip airline ticket ($300
ticket on Southwest Airlines). Must register by February 11 with Pastor
Troy. Contact Pastor Troy for additional information.
Students please pick up your registration forms for Main Event at the student
information center in the church foyer. Main Event is March 20-22 on the
campus of UNC in Greeley. Cost is $100 (this includes the registration fee,
lodging and two meals). Please return your completed forms to Pastor Troy
by March 4.
Upcoming Events
Church Board Meeting; 7:00 pm
Belize Mission Trip
Ash Wednesday
WM - Helping Hands
Church Board Meeting; 7:00 pm
Children’s District Quiz
SM - Main Event
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
WM - Women’s Retreat
WM Event
CO District Convention
SM - CO District NYI Camp; Golden Bell
Faith Promise
Trailblazers Camp; Golden Bell
Pathfinders/Explorers Camp; Golden Bell
Faith Day with the Rockies
SM - Student Ministries WM - Women’s Ministries
Share a Little Information about You
Welcome to Tower Community Fellowship. This page is to for you to tell
us a little about you or to share a prayer requests or RSVP to a church
sponsored event. Please take a moment to fill out the appropriate
information, detach this page and place it in the offering plate or give it to
an usher. Thank you.
Date: _____________ Name: _______________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ Zip: ________________
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: _________________
Name of family members living with you:
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
This is my/our
___ 2nd,
___ 3rd time here
___Single ___Married - I have ______ children living at home.
I am a guest of: ____________________________________________
___Family Member
I/we found out about TCF from:
___Yellow Pages
I would like information on:
___ How to commit my life to Christ
___ Bible Studies or TLC groups
___ How to grow in my relationship with Christ
___ Student Ministries
___ How to join this Church family
___ Children’s Ministry Program
Comments, Requests & Prayer Requests
____ confidential
Interests and hobbies