Pa«e 10 Thursday, June 8,1995 CBACEOBTHODOX PRESBYTEUAN CHURCH 1100 Boulevard, Wntlkld Tfce Bcvcnnd Stanford M. Sutlon, Jr. Pulor 23J-J9J* or 23Z44O3 SuuUy, 9:30 i m , Sunday school for children and ndulb; ] ] a m , Morning Worship with nvneiy provtd ed, and the Reverend S tanlord M. Suiton, Pastor, preaching on "Your Spiritual Gift;" 3 p.m., service at the Meridian Convalescent Center, and 6 p.m., evening worship with Elder Loub Koacsol preaching. Monday, 7:30 p.m., small group meeting at the home of David Barker. Please telephone 32291J8 for Information. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., prayer meeting and Bible study at Ihe church Dr. Thomson to Be Cited By Congregational Church ST. BARTHOLOMEW THE APOSTLE ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH 2032 Westiletd Avenue Scotch Plain* Very Reverend Peter J. Zaccardo, Pastor 322-5192 Masses, Saturday, 5 p.m. and Sunday, 7:3(t a.ra, 9 am., 10:30 a.m. and noon. HKST UNITED MFTHOD1ST CHURCH 1171 TerriU Road Scotch Plains The Reverend Diane Zanctti, Pastor 322-9222 9:15a.m., Church School. 10 30 a m , Worship, and Nursery Care for infant! and toddlers. A radical Is a man with both feel firmly planted in the air. —Franklin D. Roostvet) TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1995 Don't Miss the Fabulous PETULA CLARK A FINE FAIR.-The annual Spring Fling will be held Saturday, June 10, rain or shine, from 1 to4 p.m. at the TerriU Road BapUst Church InScotch Plains. There will be pony rides, crafts, games and prizes. Admission to the fair is free. TEMPLE iMANU-EL 756 East Broad Street, Wulfield Rabbi Charles A. Krolotf Rabbi Deborah JOKIOW 2J2-6770 Friday, Minyan, 7 a.m.; Music Shabbaf honor Ing Geoffrey Petersen, 8 15 p.m., and Parallel Junior Congregation Service. Saturday, Minyan, 10 am.; Bar Mltzvah of Jonathan Borell, 10:30 a.m., and New Members llavdalah, 5 p.m. Sunday, Minyan, 8:30 a.ra, and Peace in Israel Symposium, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Minyan, 7 a.m.; Parenting Center, 9 am, and Leadership Development Meeting, 7;$0 p.m Tuesday, Minyan, 7 a m Wednesday, Hlnyin, 7 a.m, and Temple Board Meeting and Menopause Support Group, 7:30 p.m Thursday, Minyan, 7 sun., and Women and fudalsm Course and Renaissance Bridge, 7:30 p.m. THE ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH OF THE LHMACU1ATE HEART OF MARY 1571 South Martlne Avenue Scotch Plains The Reverend John Kennedy, Pastor The Reverend Kenneth Evans, Associate Pastor The Reverend Rkhard U. Odoemeli, Associate Pastor 889-2100 liturgy of Ihe Eucharisl Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:45, 9,10:15 and 1 l:J0 a.m. and 12:4; p.m. Weekdays, 7, and 8 am. llolvday Eves, 7 p.m. llolyday Masses, 6:45,8 am., noon and 7:30 p. in. Reconciliation Saturday, 10 to 11 am.; before 5:}0 p.m. Mass Saturday; Thursday before First Friday, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. ONE NIGHT ONLY! Direct from her triumph on Broadway in the musical Blood Brothers, Petula Clark is one of the most popular singers of our time. With hit songs that topped the charts in the '60s and 70s to new material with a '90s flair, Petula's energetic repertoire includes "Downtown," "A Sign of the Tunes," "My Love," and "Dorft Sleep in the Subway." CALL 201-376-4343 VISA and MasterCard Accepted BROOKSJDE DRIVE, MLLBURN, NJ 07041 Funding provided In part by Ihe HOWARD GILMAN FOUNDATION Visions Will Hold Sunday Meetings PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN WESTFIELD 140 Mountain Avenue The Reverend Dr. William Soss Forbes Senior Pastor The Reverend James M. Sreyller Associate Pastor The Reverend Helen M. Begiln Associate Pastor lames A. Simnu, Director of Music Miss Elizabeth McDiarmM Associate for Mission 23J-O3OI Thursday, 9:30 a.m., Prayer Group, and 7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., worship services with the Reverend Dr. William Ross Forbes preaching on Evangelism Sunday with the Sacrament of Baptism administered at twill services. At the 10:30 am. service, music leadership will be by the Chancel Choir; 8:45 a m , Coffee Fellowship; 9:15 a.m, Christian Education for all aees; 10:30 am., Church School wilh ciibbery through grade 3; 11:30 a m , Coffee Fellowship; noon, Church Family picnic with special music by the Chancel Choir and Chancel Handbell Choir, 6 p.m., Junior High Fellowship, and 7:30 p.m., Senior High Fellowship. Monday, 9 a.m., Munday Craftsmen; 7 p.m., Memorial Service fur Marie Williams In the chapel, and 7.15 pro., Boy Scout Troop No. It. Tuesday, 8 a.m., Weedy Ladles. Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Staff Meeting, and 7;30 p.m., Sanctuary Renovation Committee Open Meeting In the Chapel. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 539 Trinity Place, Westfleld The Reverend Kevin Clark, Pastor 2J34250 Sunday, 9:30 a m , Sunday School for all ages; 11 a.m., Worslilp Services with sermons by the Reverend Kevin Clark; Communion served on the first Sundays and Baptises on the fourth Sundays of each month. Wednesday, 630 p.m, New Members Class; 7:30, Prayer Service and Bible Study. Friday, 7 p.m r Weekly Youth Fellowship led by Ihe Reverends James Turpin and Terry Richardson, Associate Ministers. Weekly, 3 to 8 p m, Student Tutorial and Mentoring Proararn - sessions held Monday thrutuh Thursdays. If interested, please call the church for an appointment. Visions, a support group for divorced, separated, and widowed individuals, including single parents REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH Clark and CowperlhwaUe Place and people of all faith, will be holdWestndd ing meetings on the second and fourth The Reverend Paul I. Kriuch, Pastor Sundays of each month at St. Helen's Roger G. Borchin, Parish Center at 1600 Rahway AvDirector of Christian Education enue in Westfteld at 7 p.m. 232-1517 Sunday Worship Services, 8 30 and 11 a m Scheduled events are Sunday, June Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, 950 11, adiscussion on relationships from a.m.. videotape by Gary Smalley, and on Wednesday Evening Worship Service, 7:30 Sunday, June 25, a discussion on ad- o'clock. Nursery will be provided during Worship dictions and how they affect the single Services and Education Hour. person. Christian Day School will be held for nursery For details, please call 518-0836. through sixth grade. For Dr. Barbara Thomson, Organist and Director of Music at the First Congregational Church of Westfield, "nothing gets better" than playing Bach's Fugue in E Flat Major, the "St. Anne." "I feel as if I become a vehicle for the music—part of something larger. It's like tapping into universal consciousness." Dr. Thomson will play the "St. Anne" when she is honored for 10 years of service at the church at their 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 18. During her time ac u,e First Congregational Church, the music program has consistently grown and now includes an adult choir, two children's choirs and a bell choir. In addition, Dr. Thomson initiated and leads trie church's Mid-Day Musicale program, which features professional musicians eight times a year during Advent and Lent. "An accomplished and critically acclaimed organist. Dr. Thomson has degrees from the Pennsylvania State University, the Eastman School of Music and the Peabody Conservatory, and did further study at the Hochschul furMusik unddarstellende Kunst in Vienna, Austria. She has concertized extensively in the United States and Europe, and has been critically acclaimed for her technique, musicianship and ability to communicate. Among other places, she has performed at the Riverside Church in New York, the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Newark and the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris," a spokesman said. Having completed 10 years at the First Congregational Church, she is now the dean of the staff in terms of years of service. "And she has never missed a Sunday morning for reasons of illness," commented the church's Pastor, the Reverend Dr. John G. Wightman. Dr. Thomson likes all parts of her work. She especially enjoys working with the church's youth — watching them grow from little children to grown adults — and hymn playing, which she considers "the most important music in the church." Healing Mass Slated For Monday, June 12 At Immaculate Heart The Reverend Gerald P. Ruane, Director of the Sacred Heart Institute in West Caldwell, will celebrate a Mass forhealing at the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Scotch Plains on Monday, June 12, at 7:30 p.m. Following the Mass there will be an opportunity for individual blessing and prayer for all who desire it. A free-will offering will be taken at the Mass. Books, audio cassettes and video tapes on various ospecls of healing will be available for purchase in the vestibule of the church after Mass. The Sacred Heart Institute is a Christiancenter for preaching, teaching and healing and is a part of the Archdiocese of Newark. Dr. Barbara Thornton Dr. Thomson is also Voorhecs Chapel Organist at Rutgers University and Organist and Director of Music of Temple B'Nai Abraham in Livingston. She finds it "very fulfilling" to be a temple musician at the same time she serves the church. "They complement each other. The theology is not as different as people think." In addition to the "St. Anne," Dr. Thomson will also play the "Allegro" from Organ Symphony VI by Widor. The public is invited to the service and the reception which follows. Holy Trinity Seniors Luncheon Meeting Set For Monday, June 12 The Holy Trinity Senior Social Club of Westfield will end their season on Monday, June 12, with a catered luncheon which wilt be held in thecafeteriaoflheelementary school. Members are scheduled to go on the "River Belle Cruise" from Point Pleasant Beach on Wednesday, June 28. Lunch will be served on board. Prior to the cruise, there will be a visit to Jcnkinson's Aquarium and afterwards will visit Delicious Orchards. Plans for aulumn are in progress and members may sign up for the "Sight and Sound" theater trip planned for Tuesday, September 19, at the June meeting. There is another day trip set for Tuesday, October 10, to the Tides for an Italian-American festival. Members are encouraged to remember a contribution for the food pantry. CALVMY LOTH MAN CHlltCH 10« E u t m i n Street, Cruforri The Reverend George Frcrfceijer, talcrlm fMtor 276-2418 The Reverend George Freyberger will preach at t s togle service of I toly Communion on Trinity Sunday it 10 i m . The Annual ContrcgatlMia! Meeting will be held Immediately roSowIng the worsNp service. Today, 1 p m , Vacation Bible School Orientation. Saturday, 10 a.m., Vacation Bible School Orientation. Monday, 7:30 p.m., Operations. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Stewardjhlp. FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 18th KENT PLACE SCHOOL CONGRATULATES THE CLASS OF 1995 Among these 38 scholars, volunteers, artists, and athletes are a Star Ledger Scholar and National Merit Finalist, four National Merit Commended students, the winner of the United Way Youth Service Award and the Junior League of Summit Scholarship, three Garden State Scholars, four Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholars, a winner of the National Achievement Scholarship for Outstanding Negro Students, five Union County field hockey all-stars, and the recipient of the V Summit Playhouse Performing Arts Award. Our 100-year tradition of excellence continues! KliNT Pt.ACLv$CH()C)l^'WlltUl- AAVOMAN-S FUXUkl- BndlNS -: 42 NORWOOD Avi-NL)i:;;SuMMri-.NJ .07902 • 908-273-0W0 YATT C L O T H I E R WESTFIELD, N .) . 138 Central Avenue 908-232-0404 Hours: 9:30-5:30, Thtirs till 9 P.M. MasterCard • Visa
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