Weekly Newsletter

Sixth Sunday of the Year
Sundays Year B
Weekdays: Year 1
Psalms for Daily Prayer Week 2
Entrance Antiphon: Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you
are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.
Responsorial Psalm:
You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us.
Mother of Good Counsel, Clare Priory
Tel: 01787 277326 (Fr David : 01787 279443)
www.clarepriory.org.uk Email: clarepriory@clarepriory.net
Augustinian Friars
Diocese of East Anglia
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Missal Page 720 [467 old book]
15th February 2015
Communion Antiphon: They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord
gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved.
Sunday: 8.00am and 10.00am
Weekdays: 10.00am
Holy Days:
Cavendish - Sunday 11.45am (URC)
Confessions - Saturdays 10.45 - 11.45am in the Priory,
or at any time
The Rosary
Every Wednesday after Mass at the Priory
All welcome
Lectio Divina
Every Thursday, after Mass,
in the Library
Friday Quiet Prayer
10.45am (after Mass)
in the Oratory
(Not Sunday)
Morning Prayer
Mid-day Prayer
Adoration & Evening Prayer
Many of us are afraid to touch other people.
We give a few pennies to a beggar,
but make sure there is no contact between us,
not even eye-contact.
Jesus didn’t stand off or keep his distance.
He wasn’t afraid to touch others.
He touched lepers, sinners, sick people,
and even the dead.
Physical contact is precisely what gives people,
especially sick and wounded people,
a sense of warmth and joy.
By the very act of touching another person,
we accept that person exactly as he or she is.
Lord, give us a warm heart and kind hands.
Bear One Another’s Burdens
The responsibility of love is that we bear one another’s burdens. But this responsibility,
which is not an eternal one, leads doubtless to an eternal blessedness in which there will be
no burdens for us that we will be required to bear for one another. Now, however, while
we are in this life, that is, on this journey, let us bear one another’s burdens so that we can
achieve that life which is free of every burden.
Eighty-three Diverse Questions, 71
Prayer: Lord, inspire me with love, that I may teach sweetness. Give me patience, that I
may teach discipline. Enlighten my understanding, that I may teach wisdom.
Commentary on Psalm 118 (17),4
Survive-Miva appeal today at all Masses
Monday 16th Blessed Simon of Cascia, Augustinian, 1295-1348 A great preacher;
devoted to a simple community life; saw the humanity of Jesus as the key to the life of a
Christian. Died in Florence during the Great Plague; remains interred in Cascia.
Tuesday 17th Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. Florentine merchants of the
13th century. Contemporary with the founding of the Augustinians, they also follow the
Rule of St Augustine.
Wednesday 18th ASH WEDNESDAY
Lent begins. If you follow the readings each day at Mass, or in private, you will be
aware that in the first three and a half weeks, with readings from Matthew Mark and
Luke, we are called to conversion of heart, fasting and almsgiving, mutual
forgiveness, love of enemies, the call to holiness, the demands of discipleship, and thus
of our need for Christ. And then in the second half of Lent, the readings are taken
from St John’s Gospel, and the emphasis is on Jesus the healer and life-giver, the
Saviour, who answers our need.
Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated at 10.00 a.m. and, in the evening, at
7.00 p.m.
Ashes will be blessed at both Masses.
If you can’t manage either of
these times, please come at any time between 11.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. to receive the
ashes. Thus we can all start Lent together.
Keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus
In his homily at morning Mass on Tuesday 4 th February, Pope Francis spoke of hope and
contemplative prayer. He asked, 'How do I contemplate with today’s Gospel? (Mk 5:
21-43) I see that Jesus was in the middle of the people. He was surrounded by a large
crowd. Five times this passage uses the word 'crowd'. Did Jesus ever rest? This would
lead me to think: 'Always with the crowd ...'. Most of Jesus’ life was on the streets, with
the crowd. Did he ever rest? Yes, once, says the Gospel, he was sleeping on the boat
but the storm came and the disciples woke him. Jesus was constantly in the midst of the
people. And this is how we look at Jesus, contemplate Jesus, imagine Jesus. And so I
tell Jesus what comes to my mind to tell him".
Pope Francis invited people to "pray your prayers, pray the rosary, talk with the Lord, but
also carry out this contemplative prayer, keeping your gaze fixed on Jesus". Hope comes
from this prayer, he said, adding "Our Christian life unfolds in that context, between
memory and hope: Memory of our past journey, memory of so many graces received
from the Lord. And hope, looking at the Lord, who is the only one who can give me
hope. And in order to gaze at the Lord, to know the Lord, we pick up the Gospel and
carry out this contemplative prayer. Today, for example, try for 10 minutes - 15, no more
– to read the Gospel, picture it and say something to Jesus. And nothing more. And so
your knowledge of Jesus will be bigger and your hope will grow. Do not forget, keeping
our eyes fixed on Jesus. And that’s why it’s called contemplative prayer".
Please take the Lent ideas leaflet provided by Bishop Alan’s Diocesan New Evangelisation
Team. And there are copies of the Pastoral Letter as well.
Saturday 21st St Robert Southwell hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn in 1595, for
the crime of being a priest. Canonised in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.
Women’s World Day of Prayer - Friday 6th March
Clare Baptist Church - 2.00pm
Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?
Prepared by Christian women of The Bahamas
Hearing the Message of Jesus
This prayerful experience of Lectio divina was advertised for several weeks in this
newsletter. Repeated on consecutive days, it was well attended and was much
appreciated. Visitors braved the vagaries of the A14 or the trek from the coast at
Felixstowe, among other points of origin, to share in the silence and soak up the Word.
My thanks to the parishioners who attended and my gratitude to the team of parishioners
and community who made the day possible.
If you missed this opportunity, you might
like to dip into the similar days organised in April, October and December.
Fr David
8th February
Thank you for your continuing generosity
In preparation there are two Bible studies, led by John Sargeant, at the URC Hall Clare on
Tuesday 3rd and 17th February 10.30 - 11.30 (coffee at 10.15)
Come and join the ladies from the Churches of Clare and Cavendish
Iris Hopkins 01787 277739
The new rota for the 10.00 am Mass has now been sent, by email, to the READERS and
Please let me know if you have not received it.
Iris Hopkins
New Church in the news again
Last year the new Church was listed among the finalists
in the Public Buildings awards at the LABC (Local
Authority Building Control) awards ceremony held in
Norwich in June. Here in the photo with architect David
Macdougall you can see Tony Sheppard and Adrian
Whitehouse who represented us on the night.
This year Clare Priory’s new Church has been short-listed
for the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) East of England Awards 2015 in
the Building Conservation category. We shall hear more of this towards the end of February when the judges will arrange to visit. Later, in May, the final award will be announced at the ceremony at the Apex in Bury St Edmunds.
Larry Cullen, Paul Smith, Nora Fitzpatrick, Sr Eileen, Karen Lane, Gloria Tatum and her
son Alan, Anthony Stammers (relation of Sue Negus), Fred Harris, Tony Ranzetta Jr.,
David Sowerby (Jane Ranzetta’s brother-in-law), Alan Wilson, Michael Kingston,
Kathleen Taplin, Michael Cronin, William Hackett-Jones, Wendy Walton, Raewyn
Hope-Cobbold, Lucy Callery (Lucy Woodhouse’s Mum), Sarah Booth, Mary Whittaker,
Kath Bullen, Sheila Green, Janet Whitehouse, David Mann, Margaret Chapman, Tom
Turnell, Jack, Lali and Orlando Cardozo, Mark Lunn, Ann Fuller, Sarah Mountstephen,
Vivian Hay’s son Matthew, Kevin Marshall, Binny Sammon, Peggy Rodgers, Fred Taylor,
Fred & Pat Dowson, Rosalind MacGowan.
Also remember the housebound and those in care homes in the parish, and those who make
their private petitions at the Shrine.
If you know of anyone who is ill or housebound, and would like a visit, please let Fr. David know.
Rest in peace
The CAFOD Family Fast Day 2015 is on Friday 27th February
Family fun day: Fr Gianni Notarianni is planning a family fun day on
Saturday 7th of March. He is going to arrive with a coach-load of parishioners
of all ages from St Augustine’s Hammersmith. You are invited to join in. Ever the
optimist, Fr Gianni has already enquired about a barbecue. Games, fun, pray.
More information next week.
Fr David
Please pray for Gerald Burdock who died at home in Glemsford on Sunday 8 th February.
Pray for Geraldine Ellis whom we held in our prayers’ list for many months and who died
on the 5th of February.
Please pray also for Evelyn Lagrue, a parishioner of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Hythe,
Kent, and a frequent participant in Friends of Augustine events. Some of you will have
known Evelyn who made sure every year that there was a coach from Hythe heading to
Clare for the Pilgrimage. May they rest in peace.
Days at Clare Priory
17-19 Be Still residential retreat—now fully booked
10 “Be Still and see that I am God” (Psalm 46) –
a day for those who want to be still – beginning at 9.15am
12 “Be Still and see that I am God” (Psalm 46) –
a day for those who want to be still – beginning at 9.15am
17-20 Short weekday Retreat
Are you a post-graduate looking for a career in teaching?
Would you like to train with a leading Catholic Provider?
Would you like to teach in the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia?
The Western Area Pyramid of Catholic Schools is a teaching alliance of 6 schools in the
west of Suffolk. We are able to provide opportunities for teacher training initially but with
a longer term commitment to developing teachers and leaders for our schools in the
Catholic Diocese of East Anglia. For more details please see Notice on Board or visit the
Diocesan Website www.catholiceastanglia.org
£20 Magdalen
£175 Sr Frances
‘You’re closer to God in the garden’ £20 Priory Team
come and rediscover Eden!
18 Retreat in Ordinary Life begins—details on Notice Board
22 Hearing the Message of Jesus, Part II- a time to sit in £20 Priory Team
silence with the words of Jesus
24 Hearing the Message of Jesus, Part II - a time to sit in £20 Priory Team
silence with the words of Jesus
£20 Priory Team
28 ‘Come to me’ evening 7.00-9.00pm