Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish ONE PARISH three churches Sacred Heart 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters St Vincent’s 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise Stella Maris 268 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach (Under Construction) PASTORAL Very Reverend Fr Tim Harris Parish Priest & Dean of South Coast Deanery Fr Nicholas Okafor Associate Pastor Fr Regimon Gervasis MCBS Associate Pastor Sue Thomas Pastoral Associate Sr Mary Hansen PBVM Pastoral Assistant PARISH STAFF Sonya Slater Parish Manager Marylou Ayres Parish Secretary Angela Williams Atrium Coordinator SCHOOLS St Vincent’s School Clear Island Waters Phone: 5572 1746 P. Kerry Rowlands St Kevin’s School Benowa Phone: 5539 4522 Acting Principal Richard Grajczonek St Michael’s College Merrimac Phone: 5530 2722 P. Michael Laidler 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year B 14th / 15th February 2015 Dear Parishioners and Visitors, ASH WEDNESDAY / THE SEASON OF LENT This coming Wednesday is ASH WEDNESDAY which signals the beginning of the Season of Lent. This will be the day when we receive the ashes on our foreheads (from the burning of last years Passion Sunday palms). On this occasion the Priest or minister will “sign us” with ash as these words are said: “Repent and believe in the Gospel”. Then we will be “touched” by the ash or dust reminding us of our salvation by entering a season that leads “beyond the stars” to the great hope and vision of Easter. For me, Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent puts everything into perspective. Yes we are indeed dust or ash and it will be dust or ash to which we will return. This is sobering and powerfully reminds us of our need to get ourselves back on track once again. In so many ways we all need to get back on track! So the Season of Lent really is about starting again and going back to the basics of our life for we can get distracted and worried about so many things in this life that we forget our true Christian identity given to us at our Baptism. But we can’t fully embrace our Christian identity by ourselves. We need the opportunities that prayer, fasting and helping others bring about. These actions lead us to the Father who is in heaven. Jesus Christ of course shows us the way to the Father. Through prayer, fasting and helping others during the weeks that follow we are preparing for Christ to again cast his holy Easter fire upon our sometimes weak and forgetful discipleship, the dryness of our faith, and the brittleness of our patience and peace. In short, to ignore Lent is to ignore Christ and what he can do for us. Life is so short. We are 20 years old one day and 60 years old the next. At least this is how it can feel. It’s because of this limited time on earth that we should all not waste one minute. Yes, we live life to the full and we live life being faithful to the Gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. The days and weeks that follow therefore are a challenging time, a seasonal reminder of the intrinsically challenging nature of the Christian life. But Lent is not about the extraordinary. It’s about the ordinary—the things that form part of our everyday life. Some of these things are not life giving and we choose them because we are all sinners. Lent then invites us to make a fresh start by trying again a little bit more earnestly, with sincerity and honesty so that we can live up to the responsibilities and challenges of our Christian lives. I pray this Lenten Season that all of us will die to self so that literally a “new life” will grow in us. The ashes on our foreheads will speak to this reality for it is out of ashes that we hope Christ will raise us up with him. In this sense there can be no new life until our old life “repents and believes the Gospel”. May our annual season of repentance bear fruit, fruit that will last. We begin this season on Ash Wednesday. Masses celebrated as follows: ST VINCENT’S SURFERS PARADISE @ 7.00am SACRED HEART CLEAR ISLAND WATERS @ 9.00am and 7.00pm May we celebrate well. God’s abundant blessings , Fr Tim FROM THE PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Readings: Leviticus 13: 1-2, 44-46; 1 Corinthians 10:31 – 11.1; Mark 1:40-45. Feasts/occasions: Wednesday 18th February: Ash Wednesday. Next week’s readings: 1st Sunday in Lent Year B: Genesis 9:8-15; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15. Gospel reflection: “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians10:31. Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If God is not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. From LENTEN GROUPS commence meeting this Monday 16th February. 9.30am – 11.30am Parish Hospitality Centre. Tuesday 17th February 10am – 11am, repeated 7.15pm – 8.30pm Youth Room (Sacred Heart end of Parish Office). Books available for purchase at meetings. It would be helpful to let the Parish Office know you are attending. LITURGY: In Lent, the Alleluia is omitted at Mass and at the Hours, even in celebrations of solemnities and feasts. Catholics are obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year, in Australia and New Zealand between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday. A homily is recommended on weekdays, especially during the seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter. From Ash Wednesday, ordinary Time is interrupted until after Easter Time. From ORDO 2015. Thank you to those who attended the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Prevention and Protections Policy workshops last Saturday. This policy is a response of the Brisbane Archdiocese to the Royal Commission into institutional Child Sexual Abuse. Over the next few weeks, I shall be sharing some information which came out of the workshop. I strongly urge all parishioners to take part in one of the deanery workshops on offer over the next couple of months. This is an important issue that we as members of the Body of Christ need to address to ensure we change our previous culture and practice which enabled in the past the abuse of children and vulnerable adults to take place. The policy can be found online. Go to The workshops offered by the Archdiocese are compulsory for paid employees and volunteers in parishes. We need to not only protect children and vulnerable adults, but also ourselves in how we do what we do. If you think you don’t work with children or vulnerable adults, please ask yourself these questions: are you a sacristan? As an Extraordinary Minster of Communion, or Reader, do you find yourself in the sacristy with altar servers present? Do you take communion to the sick or housebound? Do you volunteer as a helper in Children’s Liturgy of the Word? Assist with altar serving with children? Are you a member of a craft group or a Men’s Shed? Do you find yourself sitting beside vulnerable adults during Mass? Have you engaged in a conversation where someone has told you something and you have had a sleepless night over it? Do you work/volunteer in a library, a coffee shop, or a place where children and vulnerable adults are present? If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the workshops are for you: Runaway Bay Parish 10.15am1.15pm Saturday 14th February; Burleigh Heads Parish 9am- 12md Saturday 7th March in the Doyle Centre at Marymount College; St Brigid’s Nerang 10.00am to 1.15pm Saturday 14th March 2015; Surfers Parish 6.30-9.30pm Wednesday 22nd April Parish Hospitality Centre, Clear Island Waters. Surfers Parishioners, please RSVP to the Parish Office 5572 5433 email Thank you to those parishioners who have been sending contact details through regarding their availability for the liturgy rosters. Keep them coming! We have a number of new people who will be included in rosters at Stella Maris. This will allow a sharing of coordinators and sacristans roles as well as increasing our numbers of readers and extraordinary ministers of communion. We are still seeking roster coordinators for the Stella Maris 5pm Saturday, 7am Sunday and 8.30am Sunday Masses. Please contact me via the Parish Office if you are interested. PLEASE NOTE: The WCCM Meditation Reflection Day on Saturday 28th February at Clear Island Waters has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience. Peace and grace in the coming week. Sue Thomas Pastoral Associate. St ASH WEDNESDAY MASS TIMES: Wednesday 18th February Vincent’s Church, 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise: 7.00am Sacred Heart Church, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters: 9.00am and 7.00pm TUESDAY MEDITATION GROUP WILL BE HOLDING THE LENTEN PROGRAMME AT 10AM IN THE YOUTH ROOM. All Welcome! Come and join us on Thursday (19th of Feb) for an awesome movie night! It'll be a great opportunity to just sit back and socialise with your friends; where there will be laughs, popcorn and not to mention pizza! Bring along your mates and even a cushion or two. It'll be at the Hospitality Centre, starting at 6:30pm. Like us on Facebook to keep up with our events at: or for further info call the Parish Office on 5572 5433. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The Catholic Women's League of Surfers Paradise will be hosting this year’s WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, on Friday 6th March. This is a world-wide movement led by Christian women of many traditions and is held around the world on this day in over 170 countries. We are the host Church this year and we would love to see as many people as possible attend the service. The service has a special annual theme and this year it is written by the Bahamas World Day of Prayer Committee. In this way it is possible to experience the richness of the Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international expression. Through World Day of Prayer, Christians around the world affirm their faith in Jesus, share their hopes, fears, joys, sorrows, opportunities and needs. After the service you are welcomed to the Parish Hospitality Centre for morning tea and fellowship. Any inquiries please phone Irene Ross 5562 1260. Would all members of the CWL please bring a plate of food to share. PRAYING THE ROSARY: The statue of Our Lady will be at the home of Madeline Muller of Emerald Lakes, for week commencing Monday 16th February 2015. Please phone Maxine or Pat Sela on 5539 9539 and offer to have the statue in your home for a week. All you are invited to do is to say the Rosary to Our Lady. It is not necessary to invite people to your home. If you are unable to collect the statue due to transport problems we can deliver the statue to you. Thank you for your support, Pat and Maxine Sela CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE FRIENDSHIP DAY 10am to 2.00pm Thursday 19th February in the Parish Hospitality Centre, Clear Island Waters Usual Fun and Cards of your choice—$5 entrance includes Raffle and Lucky Door Prizes All Welcome Contact Irene Ross 5562 1260 for more information CWL MEMBERS ARE REMINDED THAT THEIR FEES ARE NOW DUE ATTENDANCE TO THE OPENING: What a wonderful response to the opening of the new church. On Thursday 12th of February the RSVP’s have closed. A total of 750 attendees have responded. Thank you to all those who called and let us know you can come and be part of the opening and dedication Mass. We want to make the night as comfortable as possible for everyone. The parish has hired a marquee with sound and large monitors to cater for those who cannot be seated within the church. WORK SITE: It has come to our attention that a number of parishioners are pulling into the driveway of the site and having a look at the building. This has caused issues with the builders. Any unauthorised visitation could stop the project for a week. If you would like to have a look at the building you are very welcome to park and stand in the park on the opposite side of the road. Please don’t enter the site. WEEKEND MASSES AT STELLA MARIS: We have not yet been told by the builders when we will be able to re-commence the weekend Masses at Stella Maris. As soon as we are told Fr Tim will announce this to you. CAR PARKING: The best parking on the night will be on the Broadbeach State School oval. Try to car pool where you can. The best entry is from Old Burleigh Road. Use Alexandra Ave and turn left onto Old Burleigh Road. Avoid driving past the church to park your car unless you have a mobility problem. We are discussing a drop off area with the GCCC traffic management department. Cost – a gold coin donation (given directly to the Broadbeach State School for their fundraising. With thanks for your cooperation, Sonya Slater ← Oval Entry LIBRARY NEWS: In the Library are several handsome Family Bibles; The Divine Office in three volumes and an old set of the Catholic Encyclopaedia, which are for sale. Take a look and make an offer! First come, first served! BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP GROUP will be having lunch at Broadbeach Bowling club on Thursday 26th February at 12 noon. All Welcome. Inquiries to Leona 5538 7070. WANTED: DONATIONS OF 8PLY KNITTING WOOL for Ladies at the Cypress Gardens Nursing Home. Please call Parish Office 5572 5433 . ← Alexandra Ave MONDAY TUESDAY 7am 7am ST VINCENT’S ST VINCENT’S 9.00am 9.00am SACREDHEART HEART SACRED NORMAL SUNDAY NORMAL SUNMASS DAY TIMES MASS TIMES (ANOINTING ANOINTING MASS 3RD 3RDMARCH MARCH2015 2015 NO 9AM MASS 11.00AM) THAT DAY NO 9AM MASS WEDNESDAY ASH WEDNESDAY ASHSTWEDNESDAY VINCENT’S ST VINCENT’S 7.00AM 7.00AM SACREDHEART HEART SACRED 9.00AM 9.00AM 7.00PM 7.00PM THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8.30am 8.30am SACRED SACRED HEART HEART 7am 7am ST VINCENT’S ST VINCENT’S 9am 9am SACRED HEART SACRED HEART RECONCILIATION 5pm RECONCILIATION SACRED HEART 5pm ST SACRED HEART 5.15pm VINCENT’S 5.15pm ST VINCENT’S SACRED HEART CHURCH Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm HEART CHURCHSaturday Saturday 6pm AND8am Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm STSACRED VINCENT’S CHURCH evening evening 6pm AND Sunday & 10am ST VINCENT’S CHURCH Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am FOR MORE PARISH GROUPS, PLEASE REFER TO OUR WEBSITE MIGRANT CHAPLAINS / COMMUNITIES: Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297 Italian: Sunday 4.00pm Sacred Heart Church Fr Michele Cagna CS 0423648736—Pastoral Support Giovanna Santomauro 55 395 528—General Info. Filipino: 1st Sunday 1.00pm Sacred Heart Fr Terence Nueva 5510 2222 Hispanic: 1st & 3rd Sundays 5—7pm St Vincent’s Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521 Email: Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433 Art & Craft: Wednesday 9am PHC Book Club: 3rd Tues 12noon. Parish Hospitality Centre Bridge: Monday 12.30pm. Parish Hospitality Centre CWL: Meeting 12.30pm 1st Tue. Hospitality Centre Friendship Day 3rd Thurs 10am-2pm Parish Choir Practice: 9am 3rd / 4th Saturday, Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters. Youth Choir: Youth & Young Adult Ministry—Venire Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters (School Term) Iovanah 0420 595 404 Yoga: Tuesday 10.45am $10/Session. Hospitality Centre Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners and Intermediate Levels. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397 Marriages: Please contact Parish Office 5572 5433 (6months notice required) Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday 9am Mass Sacred Heart. (In Recess) Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Sue Thomas CFC Australia: 1st Sunday—Phone Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9 Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Friday 7pm Sacred Heart Church, (1st Friday 7pm to 12am) Rosary: Sunday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church Monday & Friday 6.30am St Vincent’s Church Tuesday & Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart Church, before Mass Wednesday 7.55am Sacred Heart Church, before Mass Sacred Heart Prayer Group: (In Recess) Lenten Discussion: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) CIW Shirley Daly Spiritual Direction: Bernadette Kavanagh-Stewart 5520 7242 St Joseph’s Prayer Group: 1st Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church Youth Led Mass: 4th Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart RECENTLY DECEASED: Mark Connell, Tom Dalton, Keith Woodhead, Sr Christine Hesel, Charles Cassar, John Pascoe, Sr Bridie Fennessy RSM, Clare Foster, Sid Ellington (UK). ANNIVERSARIES: George & Gloria McLeod, Jeff Brightwell, Ted Bartlett, Bob Grace, Maria Luna Gandiongco, Gino Cappalazzo. THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Carole Stratigos, Ray Dunn, Dimi Gimouras, Marie Boulougouras, Poppy, Victoria, Deanna, Phyllis Watkins (USA), Vivien Dreise, Eden McNamara, Shelly Conway, Denise Darwin (Syd), Tilda Liappas (Greece), Patrick Bolton, Raphael Verkest, John Ashby, Theo Farr, Frank Foslen, Betty-Anne Hillesheim, Dylan Kinnimont, Tracey Burgess, Alfia Harrop, Moira Roberts, Fiona Mecca, Elaine Pitchell, Emile Van Deurse, Ron Mooney, Alan Wilson, Peter Townsend, Zenaida Osborne, Donna Cassin, Samir Moussa, Percy Jordan (Melb.) Yvette Litchfield, John Rohr, Earl Brierty, Maureen Fitzgerald, Annette Anning, Sam Newton, Margaret Miller, Jeff Doyle, Marnie Lee Rose, Joe Sheehy, Angela Ferguson, Denise Tracey, Michelle Pritchard, Rosaria Zammitt, Giovaninna Vitale Freda, Monica Bailey, Mary Mullahy, Ron Perry, Patrick Cannard, Paul Kiely, Rose Crane, Mary Carniel, Baby Charlie Francis, Fr Ray Wells (Hobart), Leiha Carlson, Pat Lazaro, Kaylene Swan (Launceston), Lesley Cruse, Peter Verhaze, Margaret Webber, Ricardo Pereira, Warren Potter, Sheryl Abrahams, Susan Richmond, Ronnie Bourke, Norm Mullins, Eleanor B Nascimento, Shirley Heath, Mary Coy, Mary Fraser, Natty Massina, Danny Osmund, Marlise England, Stephen Zannett, Jacqui Caughey, Baby Eva Cassidy Abad, G. Nicholas, Bruno Andreetta, Julieta Alvero, Margie Savage, Joanne Burge, Shirley Day, Leo Domingo, Bernie Wall, Rosalia Roque, Michael Kearney, Josephine Maybury, Monica Clifford, Clare Martin, Reg Spillane, Gerrard Theron, Mary Kerr, William Sheehan, Kate Needham, Margaret Guillesser, Barbara & Mike Farrell, Justin King, Anna Wheeler, Emma Winks, Una Parkinson, Nathan Clarke, Pat Burton, Gus Reeves. Become a Part of the PARISH PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM to help your parish grow. We thank most sincerely all parishioners who contribute to the Planned Giving Program. Your ongoing commitment and contribution assists the responsible budgeting for the operating expenses of the Parish (wages, rates, electricity, building maintenance, etc) as well as pastoral planning for Parish growth (faith education, sacramental preparation, resources, etc). To obtain Planned Giving envelopes, please complete this form and place on the Collection Plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Planned Giving Contributions are not Tax Deductable. SURNAME:_____________________CHRISTIAN NAME:_____________________PHONE: _________
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