The Catholic Faith Community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oakland, New Jersey Our Lady of Perpetual Help 25 Purdue Avenue Oakland, New Jersey 07436 201 – 337 - 7596 (201 – 337 - 7810 - Fax) (Web Site) Sacramental Reconciliation: Experience the Sacrament of the Lord's forgiving love on Saturdays immediately following the 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses, by appointment or at any reasonable time upon request. Religious Vocations: Any man discerning a call to the Ordained Priesthood or the Diaconate, or any man or woman contemplating the Religious Life may consult with Fathers Lipnicki or Bracken, a vowed Religious or the Archdiocesan Vocations Office (973-497-4365). Youth Ministry: Served by each other and by: Rev. Thomas Paul Lipnicki, Pastor Rev. Jerome Bracken, C.P, Weekend Associate Mrs. Michele Hans, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Jerilyn Keenan, Director, Early Childhood Center Mr. Joel S. Peters, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Kathleen Pignatelli, Director of Women's Spirituality Mr. Brian V. Salvatore, Youth Minister Mrs. Kate Unger, Parish Nurse Mr. Michael Wada, Music Minister Ms. Teresa Kilday, Parish Trustee Mr. Christopher Visconti, Parish Trustee The Eucharist The Lord's Day: 5:00 p.m. (The Vigil); 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Monday - Friday); 9:00 a.m. (Saturday) Holydays: Please consult the bulletin Christian Initiation: Adults: We welcome all who are interested in becoming members of the Catholic Church, as well as those Catholics who would like to complete the Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation). Please contact the Pastoral Associate Joel Peters (201-337-7596) regarding the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infants and Young Children (under age 7): Parents may begin arrangements for the Baptism of their children by calling Michele Hans at the Religious Education Office (201-337-5537). Catechetics: Our Parish School of Religious offers several options. We offer Family Masses, Kindergarten Education. For more information Office (201-337-5537). Education is Family Friendly and Children’s Liturgy of the Word, through Grade 8 and Special please call the Religious Education Early Childhood Center: Pre-Kindergarten: Two-and-a-half through five years, full and halfdays; Before- and After-School Care. For information call 201-4058228. High School Youth Ministry – The Youth Group of Our Lady of Perpetual Help brings the faith to teenagers through Antioch and Cypress Retreats, weekly faith sharing and teenage community building, trips and recreational activities, with the central focus on building a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Middle School Youth Ministry – The Middle School Youth Group helps ease the transition for sixth, seventh and eighth graders from being “children” in the parish, to being active members of the parish community. Christian Marriage: Our Parish Family delights in the witness of Christ's love given by our married couples. Those who are contemplating marriage should contact Father Lipnicki to begin preparation for this sacrament. Music Ministry: Our Lady of Perpetual Help’s Music Ministry enhances our Liturgies. The Adult Choir meets on Thursday evenings at 7:00, the Children’s Choir meets on Thursday afternoons at 4:00. For information regarding the Choirs, Wedding and Funeral Music, contact Michael Wada (201-337-7596). Parish Nurse Ministry: Parish Nursing is a recognized specialty practice that combines professional nursing and health ministry. Parish nursing emphasizes health and healing within a faith community. If you would like to speak to our Parish Nurse, please contact Kate Unger (201-337-7596). Women’s Spirituality: Women’s Spirituality is an opportunity for faith sharing, directed retreats, team retreats, individual spiritual direction and increased awareness of parish ministries and community involvement. Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure: We encourage the members of our Parish Family to take time for themselves, to spend time with their family and to devote time to God. We invite all members to share their talent with the Parish. We embrace tithing 10% - with 5% being reserved for the Parish and 5% being donated to other charities. Parish Registration: All of our Parish Family Members should be registered. We welcome new parishioners and request that everyone help to keep our Records updated by notifying the Parish Office of any changes, e.g. address, telephone number, e-mail. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 14 - 15, 2015 Masses for the Week Sunday, February 15, 2015 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Leviticus 13: 1 - 46; 1 Corinthians 10: 31 - 11: 1; Mark 1: 40 - 45 5:00 p.m. Domenico Picinic - Req. Mr. and Mrs. John Morin 8:00 a.m. Robert Kuhn - Req. Joan and Neil Andrito 10:00 a.m. Ersilia Mongon - Req. Ann Marie and Gary Bioletti 12:00 p.m. Margaret Meyer - Req. Muriel and Howard Koch Monday, February 16, 2015 Genesis 4: 1 - 15; Mark 8: 11 - 13 8:30 a.m. Generoso Russo - Req. Lisa and Christopher Ege Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Genesis 6: 5 – 8, 7: 1 – 10; Mark 8: 14 - 21 8:30 a.m. Leticia Anzures - Req. The Pascual Family Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Joel 2: 12 - 18; 2 Corinthians 5: 20 - 6: 2; Matthew 6: 1 - 18 8:30 a.m. Elzbieta Kwapisz - The Tsubota Family 12:00 p.m. Ashes Service 7:00 p.m. George Crisci, Sr., 10th Anniversary - Req. His Family Thursday, February 19, 2015 Deuteronomy 30: 15 - 20; Luke 9: 22 - 25 8:30 a.m. Nellie Fajardo - Req. The Pascual Family Friday, February 20, 2015 Isaiah 58: 1 - 9; Matthew 9: 14 - 15 8:30 a.m. Nancy Stabile - Req. Daniel Keough Saturday, February 21, 2015 Isaiah 58: 9 - 14; Luke 5: 27 - 32 9:00 a.m. Edward Von Lindern, Jr. - Req. Grace Hammond Sunday, February 22, 2015, First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9: 8 – 15; 1 Peter 3: 18 – 22; Mark 1: 12 - 15 5:00 p.m. Anthony Preste - Req. Grace Hammond 8:00 a.m. Isabel Lydia Diaz - Req. June and Henry Duarte and Family 10:00 a.m. The Intentions of Sam DePadova - Req. The Hammond Family 12:00 p.m. Ann Bello - Req. Maria Esteves The Bread and Wine used at the celebrations of the Eucharist this week are in memory of Manuel Oliveira at the request of His Wife Our Parish Family Shares January 31 – February 1, 2015 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Miscellaneous Total Accounts Payable: $2040.00 1429.00 1945.00 2173.00 880.00 $8467.00 $35531.36 Each of you must give as each has chosen in the heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9: 7 Of the 494 Envelopes mailed to the members of our Parish Family, 221 were used two weeks ago. A total of $7422.00 was contributed in envelopes with $1045.00 contributed without using the envelope system. Parish Pay is not included in the collection totals. Parish Pay for the month of January amounted to $3846.67. To find out more about Parish Pay, go to or call the Parish Office. This weekend’s collection is being counted by Susan and Lance Wetzel What’s New? Calling all Mothers! Are you looking for a chance to sit down for 90 minutes uninterrupted by children asking for juice, help with homework or needing a diaper changed? Are you looking for adult conversation with other intelligent, fun, nice women who share your Catholic Faith? Maybe you would like to spend time with women who have children the same age as yours with whom you can relate or women with older children from whom you can learn? Then the Our Lady of Perpetual Help MOMS Group (Ministry of Mothers Sharing) is for you! Come learn more about this group and be a part of a faith-filled supportive community. Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Living Room of Saint Joseph Hall. For more information contact Michele Hans (201-337-5537). Pope Francis wants to know what your experience of marriage and family has been. What suggestions do you have about ways to improve the Church’s pastoral care for your family, for the families of others, and particularly, for those families that seem to be “on the periphery.” Once again, as he did last year, Pope Francis has asked bishops to solicit input from the whole church before they convene in Rome. Continuing the good work 658 -2 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 14 - 15, 2015 we undertook for the first meeting of the Synod, (with homilies, a meeting and questionnaires in Advent 2013), Our Lady of Perpetual Help now will host a Listening Session on March 22nd to gather input for the final meeting of the Synod on the Family next October. We will forward our parish's responses to the bishops of the United States, to the Pope, to Cardinal Baldisseri and to bishops participating in the Synod. Please come and help OLPH present a true picture of family life and pastoral needs in Oakland. See the flyer in next week’s bulletin. Each Voice Matters! Any improvement will be greatly appreciated. This year, as has been our tradition for the past three, we will be welcoming teenagers from our Sister Parish, Saint Mary's (Newark), to our Antioch Retreat Weekend. We are looking for families to sponsor a child from Newark for this retreat, so that they may be able to experience the retreat with their peers from Oakland. The cost is $50. Please contact Brian Salvatore ( for more information. All Men of the Parish Welcome! Come take in share with, and celebrate your faith with other gentlemen one night a month. We all find the time in our busy lives for family, friends, jobs, social gatherings etc. so why not take the time to be aware of and celebrate the one aspect of our lives that touches all the other parts of our lives our faith. Our next meeting is Tuesday February 24th at 7:30 p.m. in Saint Joseph Hall and each 4th Tuesday of the month. Archdiocese of Newark 2015 Lenten Regulations 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence. 2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation. 3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. 4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February 22, to the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, May 31st. *Canon 920, §1. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year. Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal There are so many ways God is made visible in the world around us. Our Church of Newark, which serves Hudson, Essex, Union and Bergen counties, sees God in the hundreds of thousands of people it takes care of every year by teaching, sheltering and caring for all who come to it for help. Here is one of the areas that the Sharing God’s Blessing is able to impact because of your support! Parishes: The Archdiocese of Newark is compiled of our 219 vibrant parishes throughout our four counties. Many parishes would not be able to keep their doors open if not for the generosity of those who support the Annual Appeal. In addition, those parishes that exceed their Annual Appeal goal receive a rebate that may be used for repairs or assisting those in need at the parish. Pledge envelopes are in the pews! Please help our Parish to reach our goal of just under $44,000.00! Our Parish has just welcomed five new Altar Servers. We thank you to these young people for volunteering for an important ministry, and we give them our full support! Please look for them in the weeks ahead and affirm them in their new role: Christopher Carson (9th Grade, 12:00 p.m.), Michael Ferro (7th Grade, 10:00 a.m.), Joshua Hans (4th grade, 12:00 p.m.), Lugia Mayer-Costa (4th Grade, 12:00 p.m.), and Apollo Pascual (5th Grade, 5:00 p.m.) There will be a meeting this Monday evening, February 16th at 7 o’clock in Saint Joseph Hall for all gentlemen of the Parish who want to be part of the planning and execution of the Saint Joseph Men’s Dinner that will take place on Thursday, March 19th. This past Monday, the Psalms Pscholars did not meet to consider of the Wisdom Psalms as well as the Psalms of Prophecy. Icy roads at night caused us to cancel the session and to take up this topic next month on Monday evening, March 9th! All are welcome to learn a little bit about these beautiful prayers. The sessions begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. and finish at 9:00 p.m. Saint James wrote in his letter: Is there anyone sick among you? More and more people are discovering that they suffer from Celiac Disease (statistics say 1 in 130 people!) and as such refrain from receiving the Eucharist. If you are one of these individuals, please do not hesitate to receive the Sacrament as we have 100% gluten-free hosts consecrated in the tabernacle. If you have a visiting relative or friend who is Celiac, please be certain to alert him/her to the fact that Our Lady of Perpetual Help is pleased to accommodate him/her. Just let the Presiding Priest know when you approach him at Communiontime! Immaculate Heart Academy Class of 1965! We need your help locating our classmates for the upcoming Gala 658 - 3 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 14 - 15, 2015 Reunion this September 18th – 20th! If you are an alumna or know one, please write to Stewardship Reflections Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10: 31 Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank on that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop an attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” in stead of “I want more.” For most people, gratitude leads to generosity. The Bible Share Group meets on Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in Saint Joseph Hall. It consists of listening and reflecting on the Word of God and sharing faith. Members share on the level that 658 - 3 he/she feels comfortable. All is done in the spirit of prayer, guided by the Holy Spirit. For more information, call Marilyn Gorman (201-337-4707). Youth Group News Antioch is coming: permission slips are now available for Antioch XI, which is taking place March 6th – 8th! Sign up early to ensure that you have a chance to let God "start a fire" in you! The Youth Group will be taking a trip to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey on Saturday, March 28th. All interested parties should contact Brian by March 1st. Preparations are beginning for Living Stations of the Cross - if you are a middle or high school student who would like to participate in the prayerful reenactment of Jesus's final hours, please contact Brian. There are open positions for those that would like to act, play music, or be a part of the stage crew. Rehearsals start in March. The Cotillion Ball, the Archdiocesan semi-formal dinner dance will be held on April 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the Youth Retreat Center in Kearny. Permission slips will be available in March. The Youth Group will meet this Sunday, February 15th at 7:00 p.m. in Connors Hall. All 8th – 12th Graders are welcome! The Youth Group will meet every Sunday between now and March 1st. What’s Happening? 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15th Baptisms Youth Group 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 16th Saint Joseph’s Men Dinner Meeting 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday, February 18th Mass with Distribution of Ashes Distribution of Ashes 7:00 p.m. Mass with Distribution of Ashes 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 19th Bible Share Children’s Choir Practice Adult Choir Practice Faith Circle Boy Scouts 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, February 22nd Worship Band Rehearsal Youth Group Boy Scout Troop 49 Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 24th Men’s Prayer Group 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 25th Religious Education 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 26th Bible Share Children’s Choir Practice Adult Choir Practice Boy Scouts 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 1st Middle School YouthGroup High School Youth Group The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in memory of Pacita Coakley at the request of Her Family Let us Pray For those preparing for Marriage: Allison Rosal and Michael Ramos, Gilleanne Tulud and Michael Lenart, Laura Lynch and Colin Donovan For those preparing to Baptize their babies: Ruth and Andrew Eid (Logan Michael) Kelly and Joshua Haines (Chloe Brianna) Nicole and Michael Ives (Dekoyer Anthony, Allison and Brian Tyburski (Zachary Carroll) For our soldiers: Matthew J O'Brien (US Navy Sasebo Japan) Bryan Borrelli (US Army, Fort Stewart, Georgia), Tyler Mader (US Army, Guantanamo Bay), Patrick Gray, (US Army, Korea), John Piccione (US Army, Ft. Irwin), Brendan Walden (US Coast Guard, San Diego), Jeremy Clarkin (US Marines, Afghanistan), Brandon Gunson, (US Air Force, Afghanistan), Christopher Sakos, (US Army, Afghanistan); Greg Freisinger, (US Army, Afghanistan); Lakeisha Marshall (US Army, South Korea), Glen McCallum (US Army, Italy) For the sick: Bernice Kraus, Mildred A. Goelz, Robert Sorbanelli, Jr., Andrea Van Wert, Peter Funesti, Krzysztof Jankowski, Louise Kromkamp, Sigrid Mills, Mary Laurice Van Dyke, Lorraine Podbielska, Lauren Vallone Brecher, Linda Armonaitis, Anna Mae Recchione, Richard Palmieri, Kelly Woods-Traudt, Carriann Hunkin, Leona Bay, Louis Recchione, Barbara Bremer, Joan and James Mulcahy, Robert Hæmmerle, Caroline Brooks, Carlos Irizarry, Rita Lauzon, John Brooks, Theresa MacBride 658 - 4 Weekly Sessions 1. Called to Share 2. Befriending Others 3. Sharing Your Story 4. Presenting the Good News 5. Inviting Others to Meet Jesus The program is free of charge. Please consider volunteering as a table leader, provider of dessert, greeter, or set-up or clean-up person, and let us know when you register. Tuesdays in Lent contact: February 24 through March 24 7:30-9:30pm in Connors Hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Oakland For more info or to register, Joel S. Peters, Pastoral Associate 201-337-7596, ext. 41 You can also fill out your information here and return this form to the Parish Office (please print): Name ___________________________ Phone ___________________ home or cell (circle) E-mail Address ______________________________ Volunteer for ___________________ 5th Annual Casino Night Thursday, March 5, 2015 !-*"*2*8.&2.:*66.:*&6+.*0)*;*67*= 83 Tickets: $125 per person Table of 10 purchased by February 26th: $1,000 Table of 10 purchased after February 26th: $1,250 2(09)*7+900(3967*'9++*8).22*634*2'&6&2) .2(3140.1*28&6=40&=132*=+36 3/*60&(/&(/390*88*6&47!*<&730)?1 )).8.32&0(-.47(&2'*496(-&7*)83(328.29*40&=.2,;-.0*.2(6*&7.2,=3963))73+;.22.2,+&'90397 6&++0*46.>*7 00463(**)7'*2*+.88-*-6.7834-*66&2)0*3=3+.+*392)&8.3296.77.32!3&.)8-*&):&2(*1*283+4*).&86.('6&.289136 6*7*&6(-46.1&6.0=+3(97.2,321*)9003'0&7831&&2)83463:.)*+.2&2(.&0&77.78&2(*83+&1.0.*7(&6.2,+36&(-.0);.8-&'6&.2 89136 Ticket Reservation $396&1*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1&.0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ))6*77%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-32*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 91'*63+2).:.)9&0!.(/*87%%%%# 4*68.(/*836 On or before 2/26/15%%%!&'0*3++36 After 2/26/15%%%!&'0*3++36 !38&0139282(037*)%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0*&7*.2(09)*&(-*(/+368-**28.6*291'*63+8.(/*876*59*78*)&2)0.78*&(-&88*2)** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *2)(3140*8*)+36183The Christopher Brandle Joy of Life Foundation, PO Box 354, Oakland, NJ 07436. 0*&7*1&/*(-*(/74&=&'0*83!-*-6.7834-*66&2)0*3=3+.+*392)&8.32 The Christopher Brandle Joy of Life Foundation, PO Box 354, Oakland, NJ 07436 TYLAN TREE SERVICE Footings • Foundations 201-926-5405 Block • Brick • Concrete Pavers • Belgium Block Curbs • Retaining Walls Masonry Co., LLC MASONRY CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN Removals • Trimming • Stump Grinding Crane Service • Free Wood Chips • Hardscape CALL MARK AMERI • FREE ESTIMATES Fully Insured • Lic#13VH07637200 AL & JOE’S LUNCHEONETTE Breakfast & Lunch 201-651-7760 Mon-Sat 6am-3pm • Sun 8am-1pm Serving All Bergen County for over 25 Years OWNER OPERATOR ON SITE • ALL CALLS ANSWERED LIVE NJ LIC #13VH01443700 794 Franklin Avenue Franklin Lakes, NJ (201) 891-9831•(201) 891-9867 OAKLAND & FRANKLIN LAKE’S SPECIALIST Eileen Weaver Bassi Sales Associate, Multi-Million Dollar Producer Traditions Real Estate 383 Ramapo Valley Road O: 201.337.6600 • C: 201.739.6774 • F: 201.337.6625 Oakland, NJ 07436 • For all closed transactions, I will make a donation to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 3D/LASER ROOTCANAL SPECIALISTS BRIAN P. 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Oakland, NJ BOB O’KEEFE Pizza & Italian Restaurant Dine-In • Take-Out 350 Ramapo Valley Rd. • Oakland 201.644.0800 201-651-0900 Fax: 201-651-0990 Su-Th: 10am-10pm • F-Sa: 10am-11pm Yee Medicine & Pediatric Associates (973) 942-2681 14 Elm St., Oakland CERTIFIED HOME HEALTH AIDES 973-427-7459 Medicaid • Private Pay Most Insurances Accepted 201-337-2227 Lic.# HP0051801 Four Dogs in a Tub Dog Grooming - Personalized, loving attention given to your little angel - Full service, grooming in a calm, stress free setting - Only high quality products used - Specializing in terrier breeds Contact: Carol-Ann Rose (201) 337-4876 SAVE $77.00 ON Tax Preparaon Services Expires 3-30-2015 Can Not be combined with any other oer TAX PLANNING GROUP 201-847-1000 DCA#13VH03267800 G&M Painting & PaperHanging Interior • Exterior Brush • Roller • Spray Over 40 Years Experience 973-492-0650 Power Washing • Deck Sealing Aluminum Siding Painted Fully Insured • Free Estimates (201) 904-2090 Under New Ownership IN ENGLEWOOD: 245 Engle Street 228 Ramapo Valley Road • Oakland, NJ • (201) 337-8300 Daycare and Preschool Ages: 6 weeks - 12 Years Old (201) 569-9005 Before and After Care with Bus Service to and from all Oakland Public Elementary Schools Welcome to the SERVING BREAKFAST LUNCH & DINNER Fresh Seafood Pavilion • Daily Deliveries Take Out Available • BYOB Since 1986 Eye Exams Contact Lenses Designer Eyewear Management of Eye Disease Residential • Commercial ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WALKS/CURBS • BRICK PAVERS WALKS/DRIVEWAYS/PATIOS GRANITE BLOCK CURBS • DRAINAGE WORK LICENSED SEPTIC INSTALLERS SAU YAN YEE, MD Tree Care • Mulch Topsoil Always There OPTOMETRIST SITE CONTRACTORS Offering a patient centered medical home for you, your kids, your parents, and their parents – with ofces in Wyckoff and in Englewood. 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